fe ee ee ee ee ee ee " FRIEND OF MUNSINGER TESTIFIES Jacqueline Delorme, an written to Miss Delorme by old friend of Gerda Mun- Mrs. Munsinger, was intro- singer, testified at the Mun- duced as evidence. Miss singer judicial inquirty at Delorme is shown as she ap- Ottawa Tuesday. A letter, peared at the inquiry. Queen To Visit Scene Where Canadians Fell SPECIAL! IMPORTED MEATY -- SHORT SHANK YPRES, Belgium (CP)--The Queen will honor one of Can- ada's most heroic exploits of] the First World War on her tour) of the Flanders battlefields Fri- day, when she visits the St. Jul- fen memorial marking the first gas attack in the history of war. It was on the sunny afternoon of April 22, 1915, that the Ger- mans launched their deadly new weapon at a line of French colonial troops on the Graven: stafel Ridge, three miles north- east of Ypres, above the little village of St. Julien. Blinding and choking in the clouds of mans directed a fresh attack at the Canadian line, expecting a second breakthrough KILLED 2,000 CANADIANS But the Canadians hung on grimly in their makeshift cot- ton masks, emptying their ri- fles at the German attackers until three-quarters of the Ca- nadians were overcome by the gas. Some 2,000 men died and were buried on the ridge. The Queen, accompanied by King Baudouin of Belgium, will place a wreath here Friday as part of her tour of Common- LAMB LEGS =. 69: SPECIAL! VAC PAC Sweet see! Cottage Rolls . 59: SPECIAL! "IDEAL FOR BAKING or BOILING" Sweet Pickled BACK BACON %" . 79: chlorine the French troops|wealth and Belgian war ceme- broke and ran. teries and memorials in Flan- SPECIAL! Shopsy's--See Coupon for Extra Green Stamps SPECIAL! See Coupon for Extra Green Stamps Ypres, vital bulkhead to the/ders Fields, B > ges so, "* sapere' to} Representing Canada at the CORNED 3 'ae 75 ALORO OME CHEESE 3.02, 99. the enemy, but the Germans,/four-minute ceremony will be , & ON taken by surprise at the success|Eldon P. Black, charge d'af- BEEF SLICED ..seeeees re ¢ PIZZA PIES 11-02, BOTH FOR of the gas, hesitated to press|faires in Brussels. The new Ca- their attack, The crack 1st Ca-/nadian ambassador to Belgium, PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 11, 12, 13, 14 SPECIAL! PILLSBURY ALL 49c VARIETIES SPECIAL! 27¢ OFF REGULAR PRICE Harbour, 10 miles from its start- Snake Island in Lake Superior. | SPECIAL! DICTIONARY IT'S STRAWBERRY TIME! the chamber of commerce issue them to nommemorate special | events. One is so rare Rempel| REGULAR and KINGS . had to give the owner $10 to! part with it. ' Se FABULOUS § EUROPEAN TOURS FROM ONLY ineluding special Economy Excursion air fare from Mont- real effective April 1, subject to government approval, Here's the biggest bargain ever offered in European tours. See the places you've always dreamed of. You've never guessed how inexpensive a European tour can be. BOAC's "European Vacations '66" offers you tours taking in the whole of Euro' 5 including the Middle East and Iron Curtain countries. Get details today. Fill in the coupon now and send for our free 72-page full color guide or see your Travel Agent. 8 Oe Pe ee ee oe Be oO ee es ee oe oe oe Te BOAC, P.O. Box 425, Station B, Montreal 2, Quehec. Please send me | E free 72-page book, "European Vacations '64", telling me-how | can nadian Division, holding the/Paul Tremblay, does not take | @ dians fought with desperate gal- ing British sovereign for 44 al e 1xes jwith the names of 55,000 undis: Performed nightly by volun- é Found Hoax \teer buglers, the last post cere- e KING SIZE PKG. oe for, about 70 miles north of and is intended to continue for tle proved a hoax. mitted today he wrote the ap- " 11-02, : by Sicure Frost of Mamainsd éeaavesde messevess PKG, Lemon Meringue PIE EACH "§ O S -- am stranded on up Sunday because there is no! bie he 2 at VAN CAMPS BEANS... 11 FL, E! GOLDEN BOOK OZ. BTLS, FE R H John Rempel has a collection of | since 1958. Service clubs and CIGARETTES VOLUMES 1 to 8 -- SAVE $7.92 HEAPING C , QUART : BOX line to the right of the French,|up his duties unti] June. awiftly moved in to fill the gap.) The Queen ends her state Jantry, launching a counterat- Ml e tack and retaking some British oy ---- F Brags ply jeovered dead -- 6,984 of them Canadian -- she will hear bu- SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. |™Mony is a personal tribute to (CP) -- A planned air search| ® dead from the townspeople PKGS. » here, was called off today after|*l!_time. " Sa . SPECIAL! rep LABEL ORANGE PEKOE Search and rescue, a volun- teer Sault Ste. Marie organiza- A tion which aide in lecating lost & a @ ae ee ae. f ee f . persons in this area, said a boat : : GF crew also had been put on a : _ standby basis. 60' The search was called off 8 after a crew member aboard PKG the Canadian coast guard ice- ie ad: : peal for help as a prank and set it adrift in the bottle. | LY ' SPECIALI : SPECIAL! McCain Sanke Island -- have been here ™ Satin SHREDDED WHEAT ..........4 5% SHEEN BEANS... 2 32 much longer--send help soon,"| <@ \ nw @SGER Ee Remy FFE titnaaa st OOOO i GREEN BEANS re PKGS. C been made. "1 Police have not decided} whether to lay charges. HE'LL TAKE WOOD COIN PLAIN GOLDEN BOOK 'foun FOUR y C ENCYCLOPEDIA scx TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO HEALTH! EXCELLENT SOURCE OF VITAMIN "C"'l Cc LARGE SIZE on... 0.05 EI ITs ot S California's Finest! Large, Plump! Ideal T.V. Snack! ASSORTED SHRUB e FRESH CORN ici Melua 39. i 33¢ PLANT NOW! CONDITIONS ARE IDEAL! GRADE coss cup For two days the 18,000 Cana-| visit to Belgium--first by a rul- jneath the massive arch carved Bottle 505 \glers sound the last post. of Lizard Island in Lake Super- of Ypres. It was begun in 1928 an urgent S O S found in a at breaker Alexander Henny SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS WITH RASPBERRY JELLY 5 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE The bottle was found Sunday 55: ing point. Its message read: A proposed search was held SPECIAL! WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIAL! LOBLAWS It was planned to view Lizard| fim 'a ' " ' 28 FL. OZ. i 39 ese Qs cep BANANA CARE «= 39° PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. (CP) 30 wooden dollars issued here) Heyman | Om @ --. am Mi od WITH EACH GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA RUSHED FROM CALIFORNIA! LUSCIOUS TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! -- No.1 GRADE SEE LOBLAWS FINE SELECTION OF Garden Fresh From Florida! New Spring Crop! have a tour of Europe from as little as $314 a | NAME B t ADDRESS:... } og | nena ZONE PROVINCE a : > BOAC a BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA R | ee ee ee ee ee ee cs es ee | Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 - Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 p.m. f Sie ®