Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1966, p. 15

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony, You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Irwin - Baxter Elizabeth Joan, daughter of|skirt front and the sleeves, A Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Baxter, headdress of matching lace Oshawa, became the bride of|held her fingertip veil of French Mr. John Andrew Maurice Irwin|butterfly orchid, in a bouquet in St. George's Memorialjof stephanotis and ivy. Church. The bridegroom is. the| Her attendants' were Mrs, son of the Jate Mr. and Mrs.iG. K. Gelette, Oshawa, as Schofield V. Irwin |matron of honor and Mrs. D. K. Canon F. G. Ongley officiated Rees of Etobicoke at the afternoon service while) Mr. Bruce English, New York the organist, Mr, F, Alan|City, was the best man with Reesor, played the wedding|Chester Bryant, Oshawa; Wil- music liam Baxter, Etobicoke, and Given in marriage by her|Robert Baxter, Oshawa, usher- father, the 'hride wore a floor jing length Empire gown. of silk| The reception was held at the organza, designed with a jewel|Flying Dutchman motor: hotel,; neckline and bell sleeves.| Bowmanville Medallions of Guipure lace) Mr. and Mrs bordered -- the long train, the'side in Oshawa DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, Irwin will re-| HOLY CROSS CWL The reguiar meeting of Holy TOPS CLUB * Margaret Stuart, Leader of the Westmount Challengers wel. Cross Council of the Catholic comed the members of the Women's League, was held in Losin' Lassies to their six the Parish Hall. -The president, months' anniversary party held'Mrs. J. T. Millen presided and at Westmount United Church|the meeting was opened by the Hall, Since the club formed in| spiritual director, the Reverend November 1965, the memiber- M. J, Darby ship has increased from six to 'The president and Mrs, Henry . 30 with a total loss of 389 Ibs. wil} represent the council at recorded the convention in Toronto in Ivy Owens blessing Ma and a diet buffet luncheon was Mrs. Dennis McAuley . and enjoyed Mrs, Cornelius Keppel, volun- The mistress of ceremonies |teered to help in the Tuckshop was Carolynn Maclean. of the at Hillsdale Manor, June 1. A Lassies, who opened the pro- card party will be held on May gramming with the "More We/10 in the parish hall, starting Get Together' accompanied by/|at 8.00 p.m, The social conven- Dorothy and Brenda Brady; er, Mrs. James Hanson and the Betty Daigle at the piano. members of her committee will Ritual followed and members serve a banquet for the boys' stated their losses, the gainers hockey teams were excused -hecause of this The president introduced the special occasion guest speaker, the Reverend Margaret Stuart, assisted by|F. J. Smythe, who spoke to the co-leader Mary McAlpine, Chal-|members about the role of the lengers, honored Sandra Mor- Jalety in the church ton for the loss of 27 Ibs me _ bap is Monthly queens: December o ST. GREGORY'S CWL Muriel Colley; January--Peggy The May meeting of the St Stuart;. February Milly Cor- Gregory The Great Council of neal; March Isabel Ander- the Catholic Women's League son; April -- Mary McAlpine; in the parish auditorium recent- were honored and received tro-|!Y, took the form of a potluck supper phiss, . The president, Pauline Shaw Clarke 'presided Lassies, announced Joan Leip. Gand thin warn sig had lost 10% Ibs.-for Aprilii,, Right and also that she had won ®t nwyer, the Rasaend 1 Ml "hair-do" for eight CONSPCU| Weankle, Mrs! Willia : m Boissoin, tive losses. The April Queen of ait waiitaut as ne this club was Edna McPhee hat iti M M with a Joss of 14% Ibs. and she yy, y» treasurer, Dilss ary| : cDonald, was crowned by Judy McGall March Queen, loss 1714 lhs., and convene was presented with a gift At the Both chapter queens for April treasurer, were serenaded by Brady A reading from News titled Did gave the Mrs, W. A Seated at the the director, | Reverend Paul leader of the business session Mrs. Murty present- Dorothy ed a very satisfactory financial! report. The correspondence, the TOPS read by Miss Kate Connolly, in-| You Ever cluded a number of. "thank- Dream' was given by Carolynn you" letters MacLean, and a comedy The president placed before performed by Joan Pearce and the meeting the matter of the May Wilson. A sing-song led by annual Communion Breakfast, | the MC closed the program and it was unanimouslydecided | Pauline thanked the to hold the breakfast on Sun Challengers for a delightful eve. day, June §, at the Genosha ning and extended an invitation Hotel to them to attend the Losin Mrs. Frank Finn has consent- Lassies' meeting of May 12, at ed to he the press convener for Sunnyside Clibhouse when 19Ai6 Gillen will he the gue Mrs. T. R. Pryde introduced Draw prizes. were Father Markle, who with the Edna McPhee, Dorothy Brady,| assistance of many scenic slides Carolynn Maclean, Peggy Stu-|took his audience on a most in- art and Isabel Scott. Mrs. Scott/teresting tour of Greece, and is the Challengers' queen of the the Holy Land, made doubly week with a loss of five pounds. enjoyable by his crisp and a ee ats oe witty commentary CENTRE STREET U.C.W. He was thanked on behalf of The regular meeting of Cen- the council by Mrs. Clifford tre Street United Church Unit Harper ed Church Women was held re cently, with Mrs, Arthur Magee KING STREET UCW 10 presiding Preceding the May meeting Mrs. Mansell Gerrow niro- of King Street- United) Church duced Mrs. Margaret Chase who Women Unit 10, members en- led the devotional period. The joved an informative tour of theme was 'Where Your Trea- Simeone Hall Boys' Club sure is, there will your heart Retiring to the home of Mrs be. also' Glen Stevens, members heard Mrs. Fred Graham read the the president, Mrs. Douglas scripture and Mrs, Archie Brit. Redpath, open the meeting by ton sang a solo reading a letter from Mrs Catering plans were discussed, Thomas Goch of the Steward- Members were asked to bring in ship 'Committee. Mrs, Goch goods for the overseas bale had presented several quota- Refreshments were served by tions from "The Sea Is Boiling the West Unit Hot', a book assessing the skit Shaw Dy st speaker won hy tl { ii MT @ Complete Locker Service wi Hh @ Low Rental Rates by | I Wt | the Month or Year | nnn i] Expert' Meat processing and Custom Cutting Save on Wholesale Meat Buy e ave OSHAWA FUR AND EOCKER SERVICE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 in Quantity and recording secretary | Tickets can he purchased from and Mrs, T. R. Pryde, program any UCW member, the | bring in material for Mrs MR, AND MRS, JOHN A, M. IRWIN Photo by Blackmore relevancy of the ehfirch in the world today. I Twelve home calls and eight hospital visits were reported, and Mrs. Redpath expressed thanks. for the co-operation) ishown toward the recent Hi-C Conference A bale of clean, used cloth ing will be packed at the syna gogue on May 18. Articles may he taken to the synagogue on the morning of May 18, oF to the home of Mrs. Donald Cut ler, 140 Tyler Crescent, between now and then The general UCW will be held at St. Andrew's Unitéd Church, May 12 at 2.00 - smooth p.m. June 15 is the date of a UCW - sponsored bus trip to circle without stretching, the inside meeting correct size plastic the damp beret and WIFE PRESERVER To dry a knit berest in a perfect insert rec { ord pat either Niagara Falls or Pioneer Village in Toronto, The destina tion will be announced The June meeting of will be preceded by a supper. Members will fied of details Following the business meet ing, members of Mrs, Stevens' group took part in a worship service centered on the role of women in the community, after which refresh ments served ALBERT Thirteen were in attendance at the regular meet ing of Unit 4 of Albert Street United Church Women which was held in the friendship room of the church. Mrs, Joseph Wilt shire read a poem called "For giveness,"' to open the meeting Mrs. H. J. Greer conducted the worship service taking as her theme 'Success.' Continuing with the study of the Book of Acts, Mrs, Helmuth Dyck asked members to be prepared for a question and answer period next meeting, starting with chapter thirteen. Mrs, Wiltshire 'hanked mem bers for the many items turned jin for the Blue Bird Tea and Bazaar to be held May 26 A Unit 10 pot-luck be noti Right On Your Premises ! Or In Our Plant Commercial and Residential WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM Including Nylon & Acrilan) were STREET UCW 4 members Carpets and Dyed the Color You Want @ Fast Color @ Permanent @ Odorless And Completely Guerenteed Why Replace ? Re-Nu and Save FREE ESTIMATES RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU reminded to Regi nald Pike's travelling suitcase and the UCW was packing a bale for: overseas relief at the church May 11. Mrs, Sydney Pike served refreshments assist ed by Mrs. Ernest Jones Members were Oshawa New Service Upholstered Furniture RE-NU WAY 728-5387 "NORM" FISHER'S at Meat Market "Sy For on Week-End Specials ! FREE! see ncn 1 lb, MARGARINE Thursday Oniy HAMBURG PATTIES 5-LB. POLY 1.99 BAG ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED STEAK SALE RIB STEAK _ . 65° WING STEAK .. 69° PORTERHOUSE STEAK uw 85° A lbs. $ PORK HOCKS CHUCK STEAK 2 Ibs, 3 ibs. Ry the Piece 3 Ibs, BOLOGNA HAMBURG STEAK ANY ONE ITEM @ FREEZER SPECIALS @ HINDQUARTERS BEEF ou oe hc AN wien SIDES | e@cuTra WRAPPED PRE 2 Norm Fisher's Meat Market un, 55° 22 Simeone St. North Phone 723-3732 SEURESERANH SSK Oe Ree Ee | Drapery & Car a All ee te roe Se AE ES ALL WORK AND MATERIALS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED Oshawas New pet Store ERIE Making On All Custom Draperies --__--. ANY WIDTH --__--. ANY LENGTH DRAPERY SPECIALS FIBREGLAS;} MOHAIRS Reg. 3.98 yd. Reg. 3.98 yd. Opening Special Opening Special 3.39 3.98 YD. ARNELS ; RAYONS Reg. 2.98 yd. Reg. 2.49 yd Opening Special Opening Special 539 [88 Fast Service on Custom Made Draperies aie aE ew i FSP green: x pT wiser TL se. Draperies manufactured in our own workshops by fully experienced staff, 66m enE5 DUPONT 50] NYLON ll Colors 10 YEAR CARPET INSTALLATIONS ONLY BY EXPERTS FREE ESTIMATES All Installations Guaranteed CARPETS 99 Sq. Yd. GUARANTEE 38-01. HEAVY NYLON 9 Colors 2 Be Sq. Yd. HEAVY COMMERCIAL Sites ; CARPET DUTY coLons 0 _ a HOUSE 7 Simcoe St. N. 723-3321

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