Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1966, p. 14

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ANN LANDERS. -To Overcome Insecurity 'Will Develop Courage Dear Ann Landers: How does a person develop courage? I'm *-$5-years old and stilt searching for the answer. What baffles me is that I chicken out on the * eilliest things. For example, last week the * milkman. overcharged me $2 . and I spent an hour rehearsing what I was going to say to him. * Finally I decided to skip it, An- other time, during a committee meeting, a woman told a vicious lie about a good friend of mine. I knew {it was a lie and I was boiling inside but I couldn't bring myself to speak up. A few years ago I ran into a burning house and dragged out a relative without a min- ute's thought of my own safety. People said | was a hero--that I had performed an act of tre- mendous courage. But is it courage when you don't stop to think about what you are do- ing? If I'm so brave why am I such a coward about the little things? What can I do about it? --Timid Lump Dear Lump: Few heroes stop to think about the danger. The experts tell us that most acts of heroism are the result of the individual's conditioning and training. Chickening out with the milk- man was not due to a lack of courage. The reason can be found in your feelings of inse- curity. Talk over your feelings with a friend. It will give you strength to face the next test and to act on your convictions. Each time you succeed it will make the next time easier. Dear Ann Landers: This 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wed | morning I telephoned my son's steady girl friend to see if she jhad heard anything from him. |Henry is stationed at an army 'camp. The girl's mother said, "Oh,| Diane. went down there two | She has taken an apartment for) a month,"' | Ann, | was so dumbfounded, | I had to get a chair and sit) down by the phone before I! could do my housework. Diane is 17 years old, She) finished high school last semes- | 'ter, Her parents are respectable) people, but they must be crazy | camp and spend a month with! a boy. | We brought Henry up to know |right from wrong, But-how can| la young boy resist temptation! lwhen a girl throws herself at! 'him? Steel he isn't made of. |Now I know why we haven't) lheard from Henry for two| |weeks. He is so busy with the! girl he can't find a minute to pick up a pencil and write to his mother. Please tell parents to keep their daughters at home, Moth- ers with boys in the service have enough to worry about without this problem, -- Dis- | gusted | Dear Disgusted: I agree. It is |disgraceful for parents to allow| a 17-year-old girl to be a camp follower~--and when they write land ask if it's all right to let} |their daughters go visit boy \friends in army camps I tell them as strongly as I can, no! | It is not all right. More than this I can't do. inesdey, May 11, 1966 Students Entertain Parents At Ritson H & § Annual Meeting : Mr. Arthur Winter, principal/and the trumpet accompanied|Mrs. H ¢ Mounce and Mrs, weeks ago to be with Henry.) | to allow her to go to an army) FOLLOWING HIS FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS... Young Philip Haylock, 5, proudly shows his "pearly" suit, "just like Dad's" to Stephen Dolesch, 10, a pupil at the Crippled Children's School, while sister Carolyn Haylock, 2, wearing the plumed hat and dress of a Celebrates 45th Mrs. E. A. Mounce, earliest! the cut current - president the cake at the| of the Mary} For this asion Mrs, | Kadoski were oined by four other past presi-| dents Mrs. Edward. Alker,! B. Armstrong, Mrs. gala o of Ritson School, introduced the/by their mother, Mrs. Cyril Bryce Brown and Mrs. William school choir, which was under|Karn, on piano, 7 | Donald, exceutive vice president) of Home the direction of Mr. John Evahs, Grade 5 teacher, at the annual/teachers, Mr. Oscapella and stu- meeting of the Home and School| dents for their selections. Association. Mrs. John Drew- nlak, Kindergarten teacher, was | with the accompanist. Mrs. Eric Cooper thanked the f The business meeting opened |; Mrs. Walter Borysiak pre-| were Mrs Bi Ad Absent Morris and Mrs sroadbent and School Council, | Also present was Mrs Rupert! darrison, the principal's. wife. | pearly's "'dinah' takes it all in. The brother and sis- ter are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Haylock, Cambridge avenue, mem- bers of the Old Country Club which is planning a Variety Night in aid of Sim- coe Hall Crippled Children's Mary Street H And S Association| (Women jpast president and Mrs. Michael! son offered congratulations on Kadoski jointly 45th anniversary Street School Home and School Association, © Anniversary and birthday cake, Mr. Harri- behalf of the staff. Mrs, Claude Halleran gave an interesting report on the Home and School Convention which she and Mrs. Ronald Wood attended as dele- gates from Mary St, School. During the business session Mrs, Angus MacMaster, nomin- ations chairman read out the) new slate of officers, with a lot of changes because of the new boundaries for Mary Street School and Treatment Cen- tre, The concert is taking place in the- UAW Hall on Friday night and the entire proceeds (everything is be- ing donated) will be turned over to the Women's Wel- fare League which admini- sters the. school, School. There were a lot of va-|-- cant positions which pyould have to be filled before the installa- tion at the September meeting. For entertainment some of 'eh Expo 67 Reports Brisk Sale Of Passes MONTREAL (CP)--Women's | organizations across Canada have sold $75,000 worth of pass- | ports to Expo 67, says Mrs, | Geoffrey Birtz, chairman of the. fair's women's advisory com- mittee, "And by J to have sold million," July 31 is the deadiine for the Expo 67 club plan launched by the committee and administered by the National Council of Women in Ottawa. | The plan was promoted | among women's groups across Canada as a way to save money for individuals planning to at- tend the world's fair and raise money for the clubs, A season passport good for daily use throughout Expo --| April 28 to Oct. 27, 1967--costs | $20 now compared with $35 for) one bought after July 31. | A one-day passport can be| bought now for $1.80 compared $2.50 after the deadline, | and a seven-day passport can' be purchased for $6.50 com- pared with $1). PLAN. HOSPITALITY Even after the cut-rate. dead- line expires, however, the wom-| en's advisory committee will! jhave plenty to do, One project is hospitality, "We are organizing a na- tional hook = up of men and women interested in entertain- ing men and women from other | |parts of Canada and other parts jof the world," says Mrs, Birtz, a Montreal lawyer. | "For example, if a couple from Paris wants to go on to \Vancouver after visiting Expo, we could arrange for another jcouple in Vancouver to meet \them on their arrival and show |them their city and entertain a in their home,"' |" "The committee is also at work jon International Women's Day, | which will be held June 5, 1967. | 'Invitations will be issued to _|women who have contributed | 'on an international scale to |society as a whole and not just to those who have been active in women's organizations,"' Already mentioned are Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of In- dia, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, Simone de Beauvoir, French writer and philosopher, singer Marian Anderson and Soviet astronaut -Valentina Teresh- uly 91 we expect more than half a' | Village "The First In Fabrica" With the widest lection of -- Import- ed @ Loces @ Royons | | WARD'S Slimming & Saving Sale Our 47th ANNUAL SPRING FOUNDATION OFFERING -- hos Terrific Sav- ings all this month . . . Featured ore new "Hold-N-Mold' Brassieres and Girdles . . . See these and many other famous brand Foundations -- You can be:"Trim and Slim,, with "Heavenly Comfort" and big "'Down to Earth" Dollar savings too... SLENDERIZER The LONG LINER with the Perfect Fit. @ Bi-Flex long line brassiere makes you look slim and shape- ly, The elastic longline lives end breathes with you, controls midriff rolls firmly, gomfort- obly, Criss-Cross double elastic un- der arms and ALL ELASTIC BACK lets you bend, twist, turn with complete freedom, Embroidered, Nylon Morqui- Sette front, 5 cotton ined, with embroidered 'Nylc ser Up. / per cup @ Bock Hook closing in "adr is) B -- C Cup -- 32 to 40 ' ee ee Also --- D Cup --~ 36 to 42 SPANDEX "STRETCH-EZE" by Lido A LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE For easy living --~ free action ond heavenly comfort . . , Stops Tummy-Thigh-Midriff bulges becouse "Spandex" stretches ond fits without rubber . , . Miracle Lycra "Spandex" won't turn color ----- roll up or stretch out of shape and it is light os air, s0 you'll scorcely know it's there... Save up to $5.00 on the all-purpose Summer weight girdle . , .100% machine washable even in deter- gent ond dries in minutes White -- 18' length -- in sizes M.L. XL, +4 ag . 18 LONG LEO Sc m| 2] sa] on) sm "wets || 27-28) 29-90] 31-92] 33-34 B5-36)37-98] 39-40 NO [wis ffs7-38] 9-40-42] 3-44 5-46 07-0] 9-50 Girdle < "HIP-EZE" HOLD 'N' MOLD GIRDLE HIP-EZE SIZE CHART Following the pot-luck SUPPEX) the mothers showed what hap- | pened at a rummage sale as the articles were being taken out of boxes and put on display. | siding, Mrs, Ernest Cheredayk|---- Mr. Evans spoke briefly say-|gave the treasurer's annual re- SOCIAL NOTICES ing that he enjoyed working with|port and the committee chair- the cho: men, Mrs. Steven Kostuk, Mrs @ Silks ons @ Woollens @ Brocades KING 57, W, AT PARK RD, GRADUATES Miss Maryellen Petre, ME A TWIN ZIPPER GIRDLE thet As trims end slims your walst 2 sizes woe, The choir sang two songs, 'Mh Gather The Boats" and "Musi¢ ea Sm) joyed, Two Grade 5 students, Glenda Foster and Susan Kemp, play- ed selections on the piano, A Grade 4 student, Toni Baxtrum, | did a baton number. Mr. Edward Oscapella con-| ducted a group of Grade 5 pupils) in a violin class, playing "Oranges and Lemons," and! "Sweet. Betsy from. .Pyke".| Melanie and Sharon Karn play-| ed-a'selection on the clarinet African Violets Invade Farm Home h SOUTH BERWICK, N.S. (CP)| would be his last opportunity Saturday, J ine 9 Michae} Ho of Home and School Council, in stalled the officers for 1966-67. | Mrs, and Mrs their re J Morrison rd Show gave rts. Mrs. Carl Creamer, president yi jt Creamer expressed her pleasure in being asked to come for the installations, Mrs, Alex McAllister thanked the past executive members for their term's work, , Mrs. Rex Kennedy presented Mrs. Walter Borysiak with her past president's pin. Miss Margaret Patterson's Grade 6 class -won the prize for parents' attendance, Mrs. Gunther Stahl volunteer d to convene Field Day to be held May 25. Mr. Winter c said that this announced of Bonnie Gai Mrs. a marriage is Saturday "FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is Mc- Jiarmid, daughter of Mr. Leon- jard McDiarmid, Oshawa, and he late Mrs, McDiarmid, to Edgar nd the Martel, Oshawa, Mr. Martel to take: place on June 4, 1966, at 12 clock noon in St. Mary of the late The People Roman Catholic Church, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage is announced of Miss Ann Curran, Oshawa, M of Curran Mr. and of Edin- sland, to Steve James Ferenc, son of Mr. and Mrs Steve Ferencz of Oshawa. The ceremony is to take place on 1966 at 12 daughter John burgh For Mrs. George Chute the love!tg speak at Ritson Home and|° "lock affair with the African violet be-| gan eight years ago. Now her collection of plants is displacing furniture in the Chute home. Mrs. Chute bought, swapped and propagated after starting her collection with a single leaf cutting. She now tends 400 plants and says the hobby is "pure enjoyment."* The collection includes 96 varieties brought from the New York World's Fair by a relative) last year. Some of the imports) are rare in Canada and include progeny from several award- winning plants To bring the plants from the fair required permission from agriculture department authori- ties at Ottawa. Mrs. Chute says her hysband doesn't mind the increasing in-| into_the 13-/ vasion of plants room farm home. 'He's been a great help,"' she School meeting, and that his six years at Ritson Schoo! had been pleasant and rewarding years, His regrets were leay ing the pupils, teachers and parents he had come to know. | He said he was looking for ward to new experiences as) new experience meant growing. | And as teachers and parents all! must be ready to try new ap proaches and teachings, and} must realize education changed continually but gradually. He extended his best wishes to the Home and S¢hool executive, | members, and/all persons con- nected with Ritson School RefreshmentS-Were served by the Kindergarten mothers. use any special soil mixtures for her thriving plants, Earth} from the Chute farm is steril) ized to destroy harmful bacteria} and mixed with peat moss to| toman Catholi ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mr A. G. Pri the engag t of t daughter, Sydr James R par! son of Mr nd Mr i. eee Sparling me¢ of Mont of Oshawa, The mar riage will take place in July Parent count was taken and won by Mrs, Andrew Keys and Mrs. George Hester. | LIKES TV WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Edu- Raymond Felix Martel, son of cation Minister William Davis said Monday that television is|-- a good classroom instrument to} stimulate children with time on their hands in what he called the age of boredom, Mr. Davis told a service club meeting that television will never replace the teacher in the claseraom, hut 'teacher and television can aug- ment one another and 'impress and challenge the student to a) greater degree, EARN UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in pr cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY. or EVENINGS. For. free brochure, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established over 40 Dept, OT, 219 Bloor St TORONTO neipal years Ww, MEN'S WEAR daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Petre, Buckingham avenue graduated Monday from the St. Michael's Hos- pital School of Nursing, To- ronto, The ceremonies were held in Convocation Hall, University of Toronto V iscsi { npg THE PAIR 9205" Pay as little as 10% Another a King Park Plaza PHONE 723-0721 Se ea, Down style leader by BLUEBIRD « «+ Seeing is believing, Measure your waist-tummy-hips . . , Step Into your "Hip-Eze" and In 2 see- onds you appeor 2 sizes slimmer Zip Open The Top . . Let us show you this miraculous change In ap- pearance... Top and bottom side zipper openings for easy "no strain' dressing . . . Power elastic for sit ond bend stretch , . . Four-inch waist band with stays for no-roll fit .-.. Sizes Med. to 5XL (See above chart) adds, provide the growing medium. | Mr. Chute has built tables and) No artificial lighting is used. shelving units to accommodate|Plants on shelves utilize or- 'the muitiplying. plant stockand /dinary window-filteredtight but there are plant shelves in every they have to be turned fre- room of the house. quently so that growth is not Mrs. Chute says she doesn't! lop-sided. Oa aiden testes: eek ~ MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO in the Church Grounds et CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURH MARY ST. AT HILLCROFT ST, OSHAWA SATURDAY, -MAY 14 COMMENCING AT 10.00 A.M, (Auctioneer --- Myles King) : me" eq FORMAL aye RENTALS for diamonds for happiness PANTY BRIEF Panty brief in strong controlling power Remov- ZIPPER GIRDLE Woist-Hi-Zipper girdle front panel for firm Downstretch lastex panel at rear, enca lined waistband belt for extra control, Sizes --- Small to X Large Your BLUEBIRD diamond is guaranteed perfect--the very latest in styling and beauty insured free against loss for one year. See them today. in satin lastex tummy control, Hel- Criss-Cross_inner- net. Front panel of satin lastex able nylon tricot crotch and garters, Sizes Small to 2.99 X Lerge ... serv y occasion , . . boys' size 2 men's size 56 In the latest . at reasonoble prices , ailored to fit like your own, mplete formal ce ween REMINDER Ward's have 3 GRADUATE CORSETIERES ond very ATTRACTIVE FITTING ROOMS te help assure you of proper and comfortable fittings with your foundation garment pur- chases . . , Another one of the reasons our Foundation Garmet Department is so In- creasingly populer . . . Won't you eall In too? WARD'S OSHAWA'S CORSETRY HOUSE SINCE 1919 Simcoe South At Athol Se ee A Re R a | '\ Complententory F Near Pamphiet containing $ styles and procedure available by request, : 20 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY MEN'S WEAR LTD. Established 1924 725-1151

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