14 THE COHAWA TIMES, Tuosday, Mey 10, 1966 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire... Read and Use Times Action W Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8.to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE-DIRECTORY Accountants |Barristers BOYCHYN, end HILL Solicitors, 36% King wes R. Dd, Humphrey. BA, LLB. Office , PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO., | HUMPHREYS, Charteea. Accountants 26% King Stree! MAN, Barr! € Oshews, 6; Witter C, Hall, Street East, Some, CA; David G. Perkin, © @ J. Granem bachilien, cA YAte , PRIEDLANDER Yana Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus tees in Bankruptcy, 574 Simcoe Street! North, Oshawa, 726-737) WOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charie od penn sory Financial Trade. Build) ing, 167 King Street East, Oshews, On} 5 rT ins, CA; Ht, E ry Pre Nike sgt By 'Building 'Trades SORDON B-DAY, criiod_oger ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- | ping © Contre, 725-9953. e ee DeLoire, > PLENDER, HASKING and SELLS, Chartered Accountants: G. we} Riehl, CA, RIA; B, &. Waters, CA Oshawa Shopping Centre, 726-7527. SPECIAL SPRING RATES POR PEOPLE with income property 3 Order now ond seve, We will bookkeeping income tex ice tailored Bids, bioa ad ak ye Complete job for square foot TiNaNcing iloble, As $2 weekly. All work ¥ guaronteed for 2 yeors . For informition call 725-| Bonded Paving 9) 4 B; J. © Humphre T2177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, 666-2761; 778-4326; 725-5133. NHA end other first mortgage funds avaliable, ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, BCL, Barrister and -- % Centre Street. Office hours: 9% 5. p.m. Evening sppointment Diai "as 166i BOB ELANCY'S Accounting Service, per Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Sir toe South; 725-0397. Res. 12-16 1005. JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chertered "Kecour fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Stre st. Telephone 723-4833 d 4 low as fu avo KUBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Accou tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshews, 'Ontert 0. Teloph none Te \aa\ Barristers ce KELLY, 6 rrister Solic orien Ano 'treet weet. Dla . M, Grew cally, ac, | BA, LLB, 723-038) Planning on fin- | ishing a rec room? | Cts, } Modernizing your bathroom? CALL: | E. PHELAN 668-6032 HOME IMPROVEMENTS ® Additions Alterations @ Kitchens--Rec Rooms and all your Construction Needs. CALL James Allen & Sons 725- 6126 -- QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve ment problems, call us first 725-8576 have « with customers. Thomas H. Jermyn, 725-2662 : ee : TAnet "MACDONALD, BA, Barrister end Solicitor and Notary Pub fic, The Commercial Buliding, 76 King wi Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking 725-4716 of 725-4717, BR MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. | ey to | of 4% King Street) East, Oshawe, 73 '2 "7 EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, and VICTOR, Barristers, faeries, Bank of Commerce fi Simcoe Street North, Oshawe, 723-3446 T. K Creighton, QC; or residences: G, K Drynen, QC, 728-0554; G. L. Murdoct QC, 723-4768; J, C. Victor, 985-7115 Mortgages arranged. | MURDOCH Solicitors, No- Jilding 8 Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash -- | insertion: of 24 words, $1.08 edditione! words, 4¢. each; 3 con secutive insertions of 24 words, hy 88; additione! words 2c. each, re secutive insertions of 24 words, *ss0 additio words 2lc, each. l no Charge----!10 per cent addi tional charge; if not paid within 8 days Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 words counts os 2 words; each word,| Initial, figure or abbreviation counts os one word; phone number counts two words, BIRTHS----DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES : "$700 per insertion with 25 cents addi- tional Arges if nei pald within 8 days. iN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and each thereafter plus 12c, per line of verse; 25¢, additional charge if not paid within 8 days CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the. first 38 words and Bc.| each thereafter with 25c, additional) charge if not pald within 8 doys COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (dispiay); first 20 words and 5c. (Word Ads) AUCTION SAL SST Oh INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS $ p.m, DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND $ am, DAY OF PUB BIRTHS AND DEAT 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION her talk our Eavestroughing INSTALLATION OR REPAIR CALL King's Eavestroughing 728-9942 rors hot tar and gravel, oning ieee arge and small jobs. L. and H. and Construction 725-6937. EAVES TROUGHING. Free estimates. Guaranteed work Murray Holiday, Tele ie. 725-9404 $1.50 for the) each therecfter repairs Roofing LICAT [ALL TYPES BUILDING. Rr te himneys, eavestroughing, fire masonry Whitby, pisces Gord May, IN MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS "p.m, DAY PREVIOUS MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS, tar and gravel, exterior "painting k, insulation. blowing service; Vice, 723-8416 ror ALL YOUR home Improve ts, ne construction 'and guerenteed work manship eall 668-21 ROOFING -LASSIFIED DISPLAY column--4 p.m, doy previous umna or larger---10 a.m, day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND ORRECTIONS ® a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATIC sement cancelled be charged on cr mndys t © t Frank 5 CUSTOM wouss CONTRACTING. eer | mstrong Corlon or loors renovations, Free esti suaranteed work, Whith NEW PLASTERING and repair 6 bathr BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0c home While ery endeavor Ww 9 forward replies to box the advertisers as soon as we accept no liability in ss ¢ damage alleged hrougr De number "' to possible Noods, 728-3420 or) either failure or delay | however caused nee or otherwise be responsible for n_20 days NS he Oshowo imes r be fe sponsible for errors advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not ¢of more than one insertion of any advertisement mor beyond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs. EXPERT ncludes grad antee ve Paving YOUR LOCAL PAVING, ng ar d cents square foot | id fill, twoyear guar-| business. Terrano| sanih fo! epiies uncalled for CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim aired, gas linings Installed; Free estimates, 723-2997 concrete. Get SEC REGULATI fs repaired. WATLANTIC PAVING and your driveway paved by experts, 22 cents square foot, All work guaranteed, 723-028! ALL TYPES a repairs, rec. rooms, teration Free astim ha all 724-8364. COMPLETE wil = IMPROVEMENTS | Call Oshawe HOME atistactior The Oshowe Times tt classify advertising ts proper classificatior reserves the right te ccording t td to according H iv ts, 725-9428 "SERVICES specialty proveme + blues og WELDING Pipe, st al and repairs, All 5) 723-684 ) the cases ¢ sements e 108 espor ale more space than thet which 0 error occupies, Tha pub shers endeavor eproduce ertising matter correctly, but oss. ime liability of advertisement if any curacies in eny form are contained 'hereir for ' a Carpentry vo CARPENTRY, new and repairs. Free estimates. remodellin > Telephone Cartage MAN WITH one iTS EASY MES ACTION WA! Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 PLACE NT lerge and one seme! furniture moved; Reasonable rates for hire, an' Ve-TON TRUCK and i man, y Dial INDEX TO rensanabie CLASSIFICATIONS " - ~ | pr Dentistry CAREFOOT, sureea isis 16 JOHN My For appo lz Denta North, Oshawa. 42 Res, 778-444) For |di |R iP Dressmaking MODERN Street N DRESSMAKINO® "12 Prince! adios i8 made-to- expert service § ? TAILORING and dressmaking dren's wear, 668-6248 ORESSMAKING "sng th Poplar Street, Apt. EXPERT adies Nonted ted etielp Wanted to ar it EXPERIENCED aiterati' 48 6. dresses, | ® Fitting @| 7 668-2372. D DRESSMAKER adies'| yiterat also} 0 ORE SSMAKING EXPERIE ieee, ENCED ts, coats, drapes Nit x e DRESSMAKING in) wear, Alterations. exPer adios' 8 {D Want-Ads Don't Co 4 1~ 33--Automebiles Wo 34---Automobile Reoai ond Found r or ng. Dutch Sand and 'They Pay |gages S 2 GARDEN SERVICE #2 N GARDEN CENTRE LTD |NURSERY STOCK GARDEN CENTRE SILVER BIRCH and | week South Dental | tiling. King Street @aest, Oshawa,! and cultivating Call 655-4936 atter 4 Surgeon, |for your garden deng or larger ~| mates scaping em 7| 728-0610. ure $2 " $00 - 'GARDEN TIME") NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUPERFINE GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX TIMOTHY & ALSIKE INDIVIDUAL 'GRASSES PEAT MOSS SO-GREEN. 7-7-7 $O-GREEN PREMIUM GARDEN SO-GREEN MILORGANITE CAL, 10-6-4 IHIGH SCHOOL AT HOME WE DELIVER FREE Call 728-6903 | 6000 FIELD 40d, {aid or delivered. Spe- jelal rates for bulide . Call 623 co | MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING, Expert. jenced gerdener for lawns, jardens, shrubs, efc. Also nursery stock for sale, | 942-2088 lInstruction EVERGREEN . 6-9-6 | IN SPARE TIME GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 GREENFIELD LAWNFOO BONEMEA SHEEP MANURE C.LL, 10-10-10 C.LL, 4-12-10 GARDEN TOOLS BULK GARDEN SEEDS BUG KILLERS FUNGICIDES WEED KILLERS OPEN ALL DAY Monday -- Saturday Daily Delivery COOPER-SMITH | ict 'serooL | CO. 16 Celina St EST 1909 MAPLE LEAF ANDSCAPING & > ow monthly poyments in- clude text books end Instruc- tions, Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by meons of Provincial examinatior r FREE fo nation---write, Dept, 8, Ontario Americar 784 hool, Box Oshawa, None Age Home study ¢ to | repares you provincial for write Ontaric ex recog bnized rodes 6-13 supplies aminations ificate books All | Low me tox nforma 6 4 yme For ar month Gedy ine t f ill CANAD IAN ACADEMY Main Street West | "Hamien Ontario n all subjects for| 9 clusive, Tele! PRIVATE TUTORING n grades 668-4065 oupils . 4 AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en rolling students for Spanish Gulter, by eer or note. Phone 723-05) For Sodding, Seeding, Tor soil, Cedar Hedges, Patios Plantings and Complete Land scoping Service 725-0611 Janitor Service ED JEFFREYS clean Contrac | Free estimates One of Oshawa's Largest Selection of NURSERY STOCK Fertilizers plies. & POWER EQUIPMENT Sales ond Service Toro and Lawn Boy ASK THE EXPERTS RUNDLE NDOW At We~-x $, home or actories 668-8658, WHITBY, ONT A-1 WINDOW CLEANERS| ] mme 1 @ Clean ® and Ex ° Window Service Equipment Professionals tes Call 668-323 anitor Moderr perienc f d East stimoa 1015 King St 725-6551 Free 9 Whitby cleaning win-| Fred's Window General 668-6973 CLEANED igasn removed,| repairs done teeter ee ATTENTION Housewlves ms, screens ws SPRING SALE ON Clear CELLARS nousehold tor RS,+4 7] iewsik sale, Cal LLA 5 ar GARDEN. SUPPLIE ne and up to 40% off OSHAWA Joe Money to Loan 1 WILL LOAN yc up to $5,000 at @ ree ntere onsolidate any worthwhile ye teadily err Telephone your bills North 1259 4b Simcoe SPRING CLEAN-U! @ Plonting @ Sodding @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grad a @ Marion and Kentuc Blue gross @ Complete iscap ing @ Fertilizers 23-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor | St East SMITH' - TREE FARM @ Cedor posts --- poles @ Morure, topsoil @ Cedars for ecaes @ White birch, ey videbl s shade tree t Newtonville 786- 228 3 Mortgages MORTGAGE LOANS availabie for mortgages be second mortgages f ar } Moneys first ind secon nortgages nus | mortgages, and er agreer sole pur ased F. SWARTZ King St. Eost shawa, Ontario 723-4697 mule CHAIN LINK FENCES or Conventiona An A-1 company 'will give MORTGAGES you highest quality of ma terials and workmanship 'ond lowest prices. Old fences re moved, Free estimates ony time 723-5377 it bonus or i: XPERIENCEC APPRAISALS Contact ELDON KERR METCALF tate Ltd 728-4676 OYD Real Es ) King . maple trees ast Reasonat Tele 32) Oshawa B for the season e hone 723-5364 or apply © maintenance. Roto patios, ploughing ARDEN and lawn landscaping, FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES XPERIENCED GARDENER will care and lawn, planting, sod spraying, hedge trimming. etc 725-0614. ; f AND CULTIVATING Gar areas. Call us. Free est ing, easonabie. LOWING ' € Va SUMMERLAND SER URITIES LIMITED 112 3568 ira 773-9020. iRCW TREES any size, cedar and Lombardy Poptars 8 0, 372 King treet TAWN ROLLING call No, 1, Brooklin REE TO TRIMP Cail Siim down. Free estimates fo: Tele West ana PRIVATE AND CORPORATE oR John's ae 655-9866 agree ' 98.5 cut + "1 see Ba FIRST AND SECOND mortgages aval able, W. Schatzmann Realtor. 114 Brock treet North, Whitby 668-3338 e FIRST SECOND mortgage. William! agreeme hased and » or 648-298 ter Bar ARDENS PLOWED and on Tilling, 728-4378. 'OP SOIL with or without man and also shredded top uiik, 668 3906 RIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 00 per yard; top soil, 4 yar 28 yard) well-rotted . ellvered, 725-0697, itivated. Cal y Aan AND r sters ards and up.) £3 232 4 up yore. Musical Services DANCE BAND reilable easonabie Alax 942-1663 mani SMALL perienced Ted Taylor Top Quality. Fleid end nursery Phone [ ry hone ree estimates prompt de 3325 or 723-9910. OP SOIL, SANDY LOAM 'avel, sand fill, excavating ave rote orivewsy| Nursing Homes grad 778-2871 tilled BALLY CLIFF LODGE, overiooking Lake Phone/Onterio, Qualified nursing care 24 hours | Reavenadie rates, Telephone 942-0357 is or lawns | PAINTING, paperhanging | Free estimates | 723-0127 |ALL PLUMBING AND HBATING }ALL FURNITURE |Septic Service lon calls | West, Whitby | Surveyors monies tor! f Proportion @ TAL PEOPLE 1K THE U.S ARE GOOD AEALTN WOM ' ? MUR THAW 7.55 Mayor MALION YEARS « ALK PERCENT, ee i adiehi for Sele ant Ads' |11---Pets and Livestock By R. J. SCOTT i | 5 ep ukh AHOKG THe. 20) WATUS! PEOPLE OF CEWIRAL AFRICA, Wh DISTINGUISHING HA DF A MARS THE ED ¥, Optometrist RICHARD BLACK, 00 é | Street North site 4 Oshawa | 723-419) 136 Simcoe Telephone Painting ond Decorating } EXPERT peiniing and decorating. Do It! now while we have time avaliable, Free} estimates, 728-0257, now! Call William Weatherall,| EXPERIENCED PAINTER and decors tor. Call now for fast servicel Free estimates, Telephone 723-5956 | HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now, inte-| rlor, exterior, all work guaranteed. Free estimates. Call Lioyd Simpson, 728-9876. Plumbing and Heating sup} 45 H piles, Telephone 725-3521, Haroid Stark (id, Plumbing, Heating and Engi-| |neering, 255 Simcoe Street South | TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | and used materials, Reasonable Estimates free. 723-1191, J, Foley new rates |Rug-Upholstery Service NOW OPEN @ e Serving Osh awa, de Bowmar « are: DA RI INGTON UPHOLSTERY 02 King W., Bowman 623-734) RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed Credit 1s, Mattresses srniture refinished, Oshawa up 87 Dean Avenue, 725-03 ille re-bullt, fi holstering CHESTERFIELDS styled. Free estimate. See our for recovering. Slip covers order, Dalton Uphoistering Street, 723-7212 re-uphoistered and re made to 5 Charles |Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS to all Expert of repairs makes , dryers jes, etc ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN | and APPLIANCES $ Oshawa 723-0011 washers rar 452 Simcoe Telephone DOC'S SPEED & CUSTOM Reduced Sale on equipment, der skirts, parts 24 mechanic 140( speed fen SIIKS. t chr grills on oce licensec days 'till he towing Open 7 King 10 Sr 28-778 Before You Buy A Piano or Organ, See HEINTZMAN & td 19 Siméoe Oshawa TELEPHONE 728-292] GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer washers and ranges, Free estimates, Cal 928-1742 or 723-0011 Company St ot, N SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompl service| Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street 668-2563 a DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniario| Land Sucveyor »mmercial blue prints nN Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPS: Ontario Land Street East, .Phone Survey 725-688) TV-----Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE _ iced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITEL TAUNTON RD. E Just East of Ritson 123-8131 TELEVISION RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE ~ HOLMES ELECTRONICS SERVICE iz eighton FOR PROMPT AL Whitby---668-5679 Semice Call only $2.5 FAST FV SERVICE DOMINION TELEVISION 28-5154 9 o.r 9 All t work guoranteed material! - TV--Radio Repairs Dp HOT DIPPE ALVANIZE TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST Wh E F E T.R.1.O. TELEVISION Y SETTLE FOR LESS Ser $2.° FAST T.V. SERVICE DOMINION TEL EVISION 49 ar guaronteed COLOR T.V Bi YO 4 O. Pet eviston | 728-5143 OSHAWA and WHITBY NIGHT SERVICE 725-854] 668-5830 RAE'S RADIO & TELEV TV SERVICE DA EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS RECONDITIONED quarter, tower stru B123 aerial, $39.95 723-9525. CITY TV TOWER, antennas All work guaranteed 1 Telephone 725-0500 Ch $ or ISION OR and ® double wers inch w ster 40-foot, sctures a T also repairs Avenue. Well Drilling--Diggirg Watt j Street DIGGING by machine specializing inch tile Ward, 2 West 668-2563 668-3809 Whitby or Z--Persondi Phone Rerr of arf Marie Murduff Oshowa, Ma 18th. F these 5 wi 1 and one Hotel ELE 723-464]| SEWING CLASSES now being conducted at y Sewing Center. Half price summer Dial 725-5443 e Imer | TayNe LADY wishes siie and Eglinto ee 7.30 am Call girls 16, fo schec ride' to ty 5] 25-2268 3--Sportsman's Column SMELT FISHING cences, New and tackle boat: Valle Street West WANTED $125 for seaso }2, Millbrook, © equipment used guns gun th fishing Bond Muiler ut lub, |! RR No Members Write D |4---Motorcycles YAMAHA SPORTSCYCLES 4.000" miles "fal Priced from 723-8711 RO-DON SPORTS TAUNTON RD Just Eost P. discover the swingi YAMAHA SUZUKI | down c rr available | Raglan. nts) world of lisplay es, Open 28-4242 668-6442 $y PRIVATE W nileage BRIDGESTONE edway Daytona thamps nt 5565. SERVICES? DEALING Business jcustomers IN Serv extra ne e Direct 1713.42 te piece your ea. 5--Troilers | | SUBWAY TRAILER PARK HieLo | trailers |vas a9 offer $1, 50¢ HOUSE 1|14FOOT BOAT with tralier cont Evinrude hor controls | fitting Hiliside and _|B---Articles for Sale | FREE purchase | BARBER EQUIPMENT | washers, ed USED | PIANO. | stoo! _| BALDWIN' SPINET GOLDEN FALCON ORBIT CORSAIR TRAVEL . TRAILERS AND SALES 1010 DUNDAS ST. E, WHITBY Parts and Accessories Authorized Cealers for: @ Citation .@ Glendette @ Corsair @ Rambler @ Truck Campers Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings COOK TRAILER SALES Simcoe North past city limits) 9534 NEW LTKE 66 ft ' $1,145 $1,295 Tra ER'S 942-349) for Mit PJAX r Tro AJAX 942- 349) f R TAG-A LONG TRA RS Al. BOOKINGS 1OW BEING TAKEN JACKSON'S TRAILERS and 'Rentals 487 Simcoe St, N 728-0261 or 728- 3748 FORCED SALE of camping Yraliers, Pour Lo the or fold - down all-aluminum Four Sliver Liner common can type, Reasonable, al! In good condi Apply corner of Solina Road af No Highway es east of Oshawa Lod RAMBLER tralie 6 ff AMSDEN ENT CAMP a jon sleeps four with oven, tollet, elec bar hitch, two tralier 725-0088 atter tortion ne month nth SEWERAL home trailer Propane gas stove end oven. Telephone Hampton 14-FOOT sleeps ce box 263-2574 BARGAIN t at 354 P 14-FOOT four electricty open trailer, See Avenue, Oshawe GOLDEN FALCON house eeps four, like new, reasonabie Telephone 725-5588 TRAILER WITCHES made and installed all types of welding done, reason Portat equipment rent, 723 Yo- whee e 1964 raile 1-FOOT "PERAMID" iraller, col box, three-way light-| % equalizer hitch, sleeps six condition, used only ten days ckering 949-4163 TRAILER, 1965. system Excellent sleeps two, Phone 6--Marine Equipment BOATS MOTORS AARINA & SERVICE FACILITIES Evinrude & Crestiiner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. HH Off Simcoe w The Signs, 723-8186 Fe SG. ¢ ar St: S$ 18 HP Jobe 8 x 8 wooden bulid ne 728-1895. son outhoard motor t off Teleph SROARST EI light. is-F ooT fibreglass Ww eld runnini steering 668-315 25 HP Evinrude motor, electric start and ols, 581 Bloor Street East STARCRAFT Traveller boats.| evenings and Grew ¢ "' and Supply fors en Storage 455-36 weekend: rine Brook moyided boat, tramat mahogany 2,000 Ib 438 Fairlawn, FOOT CEDAR STRIP Ross boat fiber navilcle decking, Lark Electric trailer with battery, upholstered speedome anchor, ki bar rs, & moorings 28-8612 |\§ FT glas bottom seposer Ever Teenee tanks vinyl rude Tilt ga mpass ele 1 bump: bhane cover, $1 965 nest offer, Telephone 725-2001 7--Swap and Barter SEPTIC TANKS. vanities boat 7 Wubs, sinks, cat systems, tollets pressure motors, trailers Pard Rosd South nets 723-7088. cleaned suble-free Western Oil Furnace tr i you 725 1212, and stand. | winter Co. chair suaranteed all 728-1092 AUTOMATIC WASHERS, $35 up; electric stoves 55 up; TV's, $25 up. A shed, Guaranteed and $85; wringer] $35 up rebu delive j dryers TYPEWRITERS, $39.) adders, new, $89.7 factor y brand new electric guarantee, Save $$ $ with Bill Hamilton Swedish walnut, with| condition, (recently must sell, Tele upright excellent sned Moving one 723-5628 RIDING like 1 Call 26" mower : model TV aogs KENMORE e years f 723-1417 tric rangette ec only all between ? é cha table, buffet. 28-4954 i, traded Bond Street 728-973 TV TOWERS SPECIAL structure, all-channel antenna installed, East, just east of Ritson Road USED AUTO PARTS kav uto Wrecker cd miles east corner of 'Soll Oshawa) s a SNOW TIRES wheels. paint a hose $8 two Goodyear, aimost 9 Naurhall, $2 outfit with motor ctric motors, 4 Va, $10. 725-1832. 1963 VESPA 150 SCOOTER, 942.4974 LADIES good shape, WHITE ynable and purse Telepr torms. SEVERAL t e ea lady's to one all-weather coat nbreiia ORGAN, six ed very years little perte t Te FREEZER aj good condition. cottage CHESTERFIELD ? wine, one Good conditio ee pieces ideal or 25-1729. na Phone | | | | | FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple, |REPAIRS fo fishing rods and reels and Sarnne r jpliances |new boll | Stoves, wheel | Space 40 bies capacity | vaive 728-2333, | Simcoe |WE BUY, 40 ture and/ Trading spare! South | 3) TYPEWRITER, 2 paddies spare | $30. EVINRUDE 94 HP motor $395 or | BABY | a cab | tower pipe) antenna H, Chinn,| structure.) TRLO Television, Corner NOW! SIX SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service 7. ' WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition 6.88 @ Parts extro if required @ Torsion ber adjustment extra * BRAKE SPECIAL {most popular cors). First Quality Royaline 4-wheels 14.88 * WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per mer each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT- END WORK AT COMPARABLE PRICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 DRAPES READY MADE All sizes, all M&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES 74 CELINA ST 723-7827 ! 98¢ and up patterns Dropery materia per yard Sewing. Mochine Special FREE formica cabinet Value -$79,00 with: any regular priced Elna |White Elna Sewing Cent 38 Bond West 725-7181 Filing" 'cabine $4, Also other sizes, Typewr! $14.90 it} Hamilton, Raglan. USED lock, tables, ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foo!, Inch and A querter tower structure with dou! B-21-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone 723-61 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnitc and appiliances. One location only. Pre! Furniture, Land Simcoe South, 724-3271 NEW, U -- vacuums, polishers pairs to all makes, New hoses. Jack Lees, 728-6956 VACUUM repairs, all brushes, etc, Pick-up, Fleming Vacuum Service. Pickering USED STEEL STENO chair iwi | base, casters, $16.) new $27.) -@xecut 'arm filters, $47 new. We discount Hamilton, Raglan USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, motors. We buy scrap radiators $4) gen: starters, 6V 0c 12V 9c $1.50, 725-2162, Stree GUARANTEED "makes, ho delivery, Main 1175 Nelson used wringer "Four drewer "he Phone 942-02) Street Bill tires, a) *, Five weeks od, Col Saba. LACK GELOING, 16) hands, suitel itebie for gamesor-plensure,- Bowmanville te 622-2348, |BUDGIES -- selling out entire stock. Prices from Hh "Bretaers 6 ber pair, -- to kind adult home or ecm 1%. FREE \coilaren only, three part-Persi jens. | Whi toy, bah aie th Ley |TOY TERRIER, black ond white, ole |months le, a needles, house trained. | Telephone 7; | | 3 ara Wented 6000 Usd FURWITURE, What hove 'ou? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Str Yas 'ont West, WANTED 76 Gi¥ -- piers tabie end accessories, Js' x 7, condition, Phone 723-7609 efter § Ak 13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massoging belts, rowing me- chines, bikes exercises --~ oll $6 per month, PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe cledning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading die: toilet auger, PAINTER'S stepladders EQUIPMENT ladder jacks, 1g, Compressors, wallpoper steam- blow torches, scaffold pray gUNS, tarpaulins, propane torches BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ~ cement mixers, finishing wheel barrows, elec- brot air compressor, ommers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electrie generator, ramset power role electric hammers, mas- onry building jacks, mo mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, ele tric plane, torpaulins, sand piesrer power post hole oscillating senders, dise sonders, acetylene weld. ing outfits, 200 emp electric welders STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, 233 King St. W., Oshewe Phone 723 3224 e trowels ¢ r, k lers sow rtor iger re ter ible J T e: Urns Wear Fox ables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Punch Bowls, Bridal Men's Formals, White Furs, Mink Stoles, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd, § 725- en Rent -- He NDA Suzuki, scooter. ng réet West, Oshawa, |e! 728-4242 ame 7 WHEEL. CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-Vb44, ure ity { \ Datheries, CHAIRS, card and banquet" fables, church alsie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, Simcoe Street North. Call 723 261 a Washers, | television, refrigerator, etc, $34,50 and up.| ENTERTAINING? Fifiy te one hundred | Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 S$! 723-0011 coe South, BIKETIME! Repairs all makes. Cycle Street East, 725-6344 SMITH-CORONA cash registers, rebullt, guaranteed. Down with prices. You're right, core to and see SPRINGTIME! New, ui h Rag oak etc Inch Delivered inches 728-6852 and sixteen Sportsman's C Whitby (block yall ner Coleman products 103 Byron South, ot four corners) BUYING OR SELLING furniture or Cell Elmer, Hempton 263-2 or 263-2695 4 REFRIGERATORS, smooth: top $24.95; Cribs, 910.937 TV's; $27 savers, $54.95 dressers, chr radios. Guns, new and used. Vai 16 Bond Street West 70- 4401 |CUSTOM PICTURE framing, |Call Bill DeGraatf of Clark 5467 evenings onl FURNITURE ty furniture $24.95; beds, mattresses, $19. sets, Creek ry 6 any Studio. three rooms, new qu only $299 ¢ \bedroom, living room, kitchen ensei Pay only $3. weekly, Unbeatat Barons' Home Furnishings, $ In sell and exchange used fur have. The 446. Simcoe or anything you [i Post Store, 723-1671 standard adding machine, $20 2total $3 omptomet electric typewriter, cash. regist 723-4434 "BARGAINS, strollers $7.88, $85 Carriages $29. mattresses $9.68, pl pens $7.88, chrome high. chair $10, 20 Church Street | Wilson's F vrni ture, ee SO, TELEVISION TOWERS with l0-ff. mast installed, $50. (This is @ 4 jand Division, 728-5143-4 ly adjusted tree | Bast, |Gas pjoven |BUY AND SELL -- Good v }and appliances mer ,00I0's Furniture) Whitby 668-548) FULLER BRUSH -- 23-0444; evenings 668-6583. BABY CLOTHES and "piri's "clothes Tup to 6 Phone 728-3269, RANGE, four-burner, automa' timer, new condition, $100; 15 |drapery track, $5. Apply 732 Albe 2)5 ster Appliances, Caesarea, 986-492 24| Street 9--Market Basket | nen |APPLES | ist we] Algoma a | $60,/ | picked up promptly, Margwill Fur repaired! Tyrone. West }2721 40-foot_ tower | for $16 per hawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | 4606 after 6 p.m H used.) Centre, 204 Bond | | ome "$99. $12 ym omplete Street portable } Bond ed furniture! MeNell's Furniture (for-| Dundas | people? | quets, | parking Oshawa Tennis Club for ben. parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen, 722-2140 mornin : 4 Business Opportunities COMMERCIAL BUILDING, WHITBY --- igh|'Wo offices and one apartment, excellent lan| downtown location, $2865 monthly income, $23,500 with terms, Call Ken Hockin, W, Frank 623- 3393 0 m Real. a SE YOUR OWN BOSS, Fish and i Chips, delivery, Over $15,000 yearly Rent only $40 per month. Aske P, &, Graveile Brkr. 623-3341, APARTMENT BUILDING | including four fully 'rented 2 bedroom sults, well kept ap nt uptown location. For full 294 s Call 728-5103. AE Estate, Bowmanville, es OF-l ing $5000 par W. ©. Martin Reals 2i/,GOOD BRICK commercial buliding WW 68° uptown location, air conditioned sult. able for most any bitsiness, presentiy oe Jpied as beauty salon which may be *Y!purchased also, This Is en excellent building, tastefully decorated. For fu particulars call Ossip Martin 728-5103, W. 0, Martin Realtor 95 $3 ze 68 a;| 15--Employment Wanted DAY CARE AVAILABLE for pre-schoal children, Telephone Whitby 668-6363, 424) MAN with bulidozer avaliable for digging cellars etc. 'Telephone Blackstock Hd 4254 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER woulé ike part-time work by the hour er c t. Finished or rough work, Tele 728-3067 LAWNS cur Mm ty phone after §. er power mower. Tel phone er, WILL MIND ON pre-achoor child In my own home as companion for iworvesnald, ourt Street, near Albert, Phone 725- ashes |17--Female Help War Wanted 95, ay 68 and single B-213 tt. ; Large Home Furnishings Store nm Oshowo Requires Experie enced SEAMSTRESS For Drapery Making "Telephone daytime! size | Must be capable of handling tic} every style of drapery monu *, Ability to work at preferred toting Qualifications octure home NO 1 ONTARIO potatoes, Fr Also seed potatoes and apples. 728-1306 or 723-0615, NO. 1 SEED POTATOES. Also eat! | potatoes. Good price. Telephone asffter |p.m, Whitby 6468-5645. 2nd grade, Mcintosh, $1.50 per Bus. A Bring own contain Ltd., Thickson trolled atmosphere, grade Mac's. Orchards North, Whitby, ' IDININGROOM SUITE, sicplece ae 'Column finish, | Telephone DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm Farr Hampton > Telephone Collect Licence 4-C-66. CERTIFIED sale, popular $00; $25 per varieties, $6 per anything! , Chas i 1--Pets and Livestock COZY J RANCH Kenneis, , registered G man Shepherd pups, Deposits for litter accepted, Palomino, Pinto Ashburn 685-4662 evenings STANDING AY $TuD, ky He registered Appaloosa +year-old for Ontario 1965 champion halter and Lucky Hancock M Rar ° t Aaple teat. eS a mance staition 09 Dy SHETLAND Wels! 4. Reasonable. COCKER SPANIEL male, six_menths ng $70. Telephone THORGUGHBRED ne year old 95 Wecke: BBAUTIFUL baby budgies training, talking - strain, Broad, 114 Elgin Bast Diamonc nbarton 839-3 ponies Telephone Pure with 728-4375 942-19 bred. > pape ry 95 English Telephone as Drive, Oshawa, 7 ready Apply Mrs. ae. con s. Road | STRAWBERRY PLANTS 100. 1,000. Phone 668 three. year Ask Box 24112 awa Times WOMAN for part time bar. Apply impbel! ing 7 Iso required salad Mr. ¢ ioe GENOSHA HOTEL 43 WOMEN AND STUDENTS for part time appointment work, No exper- essary. $1 to $1.50 per hour, 321, Mrs. Beil HAIRORESSS R, experienced, we Ajax Plaza. "Yo take 23-5117 or RELIABLE kee nd PERSON wanted for house pabysitting three childrens aughiin Boulevard. Te e ay A PLANTERS wanted, experle Telephone Orono R17 on Taunton Road TOBAC co. fare tor shift Bar, evening smith's Coffee " South or 725-3932, HOUSEKEEPER to live In, three s y angest nine years. 40. af i pm y EXPERIENCED Simcoe Street chool- 3! age i Tele xecutive activity for mature nality more important than S-S235 or 725-6816. an PART TIME w p expe: WAITRESS gerd washe experienced, alse y Southend Tavern Street part-fime SHORT ORDER 'perience. Part-time phone 725-3772 ashier ex Shitte, Tele don work with T