HOME FROM HOSPITAL Arthur Yan Zandt, a 42- year-old salesman who re ceived a kidney transplant Jan 31 from a 16-year-old traffie victim gets a warm welcome from his wife and children, Barbara, 9, and Garry, 16, on his arrival home from hospital, Doctors said Mr Van Zandt's new kidney was adequately "functioning and he should be able to return to work in the near future "| the Policeman Tells Soo Court ccused Admitted Killing Ont. | later dragged his wife into their testi-! home SAULT SYK. MARIE (CP)--A_ police inspector fed Monday thatWilliam Dal Inspector Mckwen said Bar ton Barber, 55, told him 'Il ber asked him to write every killed her, Bob' the day he was thing down, The signed state arrested for his wife's murder. ment told about an argument Inspector Robert McEwen and Barber's decision take gaid Barber's remark was made his own life, It sald Barber's to police Feb, 12 wife struck him and told him Barber, staff assistant to the|to take a bath vice-president of operations at While he was in the bath, he the Algoma Stee) Corp isi heard his wife leave the house charged with killing his wife! He took a drink of whisky and Marjorie, 53. Doctors testified swallowed "eight or 10 white earlier in the trial that Mrs, pills and handful of green Barber died of carbon monoxide pills." poisoning Dec, 3 Inspector McEwen said Bar to a Sometime later, he heard a car door slam and went outside ber had given a statement on) 'The statement said he found the night of the death, but) his wife had fallen from the sta changed it when he was taken! tion wagon parked outside, He to the police station Feb 12.| pulled her to the back of the In the new statement which! vehicle with her head under the the inspector read to the 12-man) exhaust, The motor was run jury, Barber said he found his! ning wife had fallen bes de a car » J ack int I se, after an argument and drinking He went back into the hou ut, the statement said. then went outside and brought his wife! back. inside, He said she was able "to stumble along a little.' He then went to a second sta " tion wagon parked in the ga Barber started the motor and left rage the doors to house open T pulled her to the exhaust plpe and left her there' the statement said. 'The motor was running," The statement said the Psychiatrist Says Religion Good Therapy ATLANTIC CITY, NuJ. (AP) Western psychiatrists might do well to prescribe pipe Wi night "evangelical religious groups' [or the Common to some of their patients, « committee Monday clally those in low-income cate Phe subjects gories, a McGill University dox tor said today Dr. Raymond Prince, assi tant professor of psychiatry atident W. EK. S the Montreal school, said such t groups are typical examples within Western culture of a kind of 'cone of authority" pat. BC toilet tern that also characterizes psy These all chiatric treatment systems of committee certain primitive people in other the parts of the world Such systems sharp. contrast employed by Western trists, apparently work torily, the doctor told nual meeting of the Psvehiatric Association He explained that in the We ern werld, current treatment of psychiatric problems places great emphasis on "insight and preath from time to time independence that the pa tient is encouraged to seek un Yes deep derstanding esent ar cald M xieties in terms of his childhood . Later experience, And he's encou Tontrea aged to do this without depen dence on e OTTAWA (CP) ittine In sitting in # It was lighter a vein broadcasting ne ~Singer Dinah Christie's 'de colletage Why CBC senior Vice-Presi triggs is called aptain." selects the olor of paper o= Who the look ro came up continued hattle between ducers and CBC over the program Has Seven Days While H, G, Walker manager and pre. the English network eribing lyrics M hri thai Robert as its into management althoug! n This Hou with . methods psychia satisfac the an American al of de by gener ident wa sung vice some stie management ted to MecCleave Halifax) remarked And she takes a deep objec cr a, a very breath," Walker Bryce | Verdun) Mi of his pi Mackasey (I asked another ethe Briggs bas els anvone Romania Trip For Brezhnev MOSCOW (Reuters) Brezhnev, general secretary of the Seviet Communist party left here today for a three-day visit to Romania Romanian sources said here today His departure came amid re ports:from Peking that Chinese Premier Chou En-lai was due in Romania the next few davs The a during So eader left in s morn ing speci put was not immediate He took of Min \lexe sNOn # ster Kas nf goodw MEL KRUGER st wielt Representative } e trip. we SUN LIFE Romanian anian em bASSY lo said Rrer rest on a The to make leaders relations hney wen non-of contact with in line existing and the with the het ton good xeon the Assurance Company: of Canada BUSINESS 725.4563 two pa State Cho 1 wa he NOME 723.7900 turn for two t 1964 hy Romanian. Prin he and and Jarber's tatement said went to sleep on a cot woke up about 2:30 a.m didn't remember much," The inspector said he found Barber's last will and testament dated Dec, 9, 1965. The will left Barber's entire estate to 'my beloved companion and wife in common law, Mrs. Irene Chap man The trial continues Chinese Leader Meets Albanians PEKING (Reuters)---The New China news agency reported to day that Mao Tse-tung has met members of a visiting Albanian delegation in Peking-the first mention of an appearance by the Communist party chairman since November It has been widely rumored in the West that Mao was seriously ill, The Chinese government de nied the rumors The the meeting took place Albanians arrived in Peking two weeks ago agency did not say when 'Seven Days' Ottawa Enquiry Has Laugh - Filled Moments role in addition to his work with the. CRI Is he in the' militia or the army or something? Why do we constantly refer to him as é¢ap tain? He has a hoat Gregoire (Creditiste -- pointe) Mr officer At ' said Gilles La Briggs is a retired navy Mr, Mack Walker how management another point asey asked Mt many decisions takes on to itself, Did manage ment select the color of toilet paper tobe used in the corpo ration? No, not Walker The committee adjourned mm today when tt will question J. Alphonse Ouimet, the corpo ration"s president It is investigating the removal of co-hosts Patrick Watson and Laurier LaPierre from the pro gram as a rule,' replied Mi il but the} Medical Test Case' Leaves Hospital TORONTO (CP)--Arthur Van! Zandt, a 42-year-old salesman! who received a kidney trans; plant Jan. 31 from a 16-year-vld traffic victim, was discharged from Toronto Western Hospital | Monday. Doctors said Mr. Van Zandt's new kidney was "functioning adequately" and he should be able to return to work in the near future, However, he will still have to 'visit the hospital for weekly blood tests and pill still require | drugs to prevent his body's de- fence mechanisms from reject-| ing the new kidney as alien, ! Mr, Van Zandt, then a resi- dent of Owen Sound, was first taken to hospital a year ago fol- lowing a kidney attack Mrs. Van Zandt and their two , daughters moved to Toronto to | be near him while he was in Hhospita The kidney transplant took place the. day Frances Gagli ardi was hit by a truck, As she jay dying in the hospital, doc-! tors appealed to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Gagli- ardi, to help them try to sa Van Zandt's life. They had heen 'searching for months for a suit able kidney from a person with ithe same blood type COMMONS BRIEFS MORK MEN LEAVE OTTAWA (CP) Releases from the Canadian armed sery ices outnumbered enlistments 4,071 to 2,546 during the first three months of this ac cording to a return tabled in Commons Monday by De fence Minister Hellyer. Releases were greater than enlistments in all branches--989 to 548 in ithe navy, 1,775 to 1,248 in the jarmy and 1,307 to 750 in the air force | MAKES POSITION CLEAR | OTTAWA (CP)---Canada has made it clear to African nations at the United Nations it does not favor further action against Rhodesia at this time, External Affairs Minister Martin told the Commons. Monday, He was re plying to Opposition Leader Diefenbaker who asked whether Canada is lending support at the UN to the British position that no further action should be taken against Rhodesia now fi year its DISCUSS COSTS OTTAWA (CP) Canada not paying the freight costs for its donation of wheat to India but the Indian government has expressed "deep satisfaction' with Canada's help, External Affairs Minister Martin said in the Commons Monday, Opposi- tion Leader Diefenbaker had asked whether. the Canadian government would pay the ship ping costs, Freight costs often made gifts "hard to accept," he said, CONSIDER OTTAWA (CP) landers consider annual grant from the federal treasury as part of their prov ince's terms of union with Can ada, Transport Minister Pick ersgill said Monday night, He spoke as th*\Commons opened debate on a government resolu tian preceding legislation that would continue the grant until both the federal and Newfound land governments agree to stop it India Calls is GRANT Newfound an $8,000,000 Church Retires Liberal Cleric CHICAGO (AP)--A_ Chicago| pastor would be naayd by Wed archbishop who founded the|nesday, He said the plan to Catholic Youth Organization\name an administrator is in and_for years was one of the|line with directives of the re church's "most vocal champions) cent Vatican council for the ap- of 'social reform was retired|pointment of administrators to Monday. He said it was against help elderly pastors run their his will parishes, But Archbishop Sheil, will remain an archbishop, J, for- Archbishop Bernard 80, said he will not Sheil, however He |mally oppose his removal andlig as widely known for his es will spend his retizement time) noysai of social causes as for writing on both religious andthe CYO which he founded. senular subjects, He attracted attention in 1954 His superior, Archbishop " ik eck: phils by denouncing Senator, Joseph John Patrick Cody, head of the! while tha ike We , : | McCarthy { "g Ca , *h- of . ye ---- = rage = Age publican senator, a Catholic, forced Archbishop Sheil out as| 8%, investigating communism ; : 4 1a6.¢ { the U.S. Senate { ' ew' sh 4° chairman 0 ong . > Page w's! parish internal security committee Archbishop Cody said he had Archbishop Sheil contended planned to appoint. an adminis-|MeCarthy's methods were hurt trator to help Archbishop Sheil| ing rather than helping the fight run the parish but he felt he 4gainst. communism had to replace him as pastor' Archbishop Sheil also spoke after a Chicago newspaper pub- out in favor of civil rights, la lished an account of the admin-|bor unions and ecumenism he- istrator arrangement including|fore these causes were fashion comments by Archbishop Sheil.|able, Archbishop Sheil founded "1 didn't retire or anything| the Catholic Youth Organization else like that," said Archbishop'in 1930, two years after he had Sheil, 'This is a removal and | been appointed a bishop, He want that made. clear,' was made an archbishop in Archbishop Cody said a new 1959 BBG Committee Planning Technical Radio Study A special |the is being set up to form what the technical snid standards should he for distri bution of CBC radio program- ming across the country The Board of Broadcast Gov- 4 BBG spokesman said the ernors announced this Monday committee is in the process of as it deferred any recommenda- being formed tion on a proposal by CHYM The CHYM bid at a public in Kitchener to drop out of the hearing here last month pointed CBC radio network up the main -problem being Representatives of the CBC, turned over to the committee the transport department and) CHYM maintained there was no need for it to carry cBC City Stores programming because Stay Open Late adequately received from CBI SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont the CBC-owned station onto, (CP)--Council Monday night or dered a bylaw amended, re OTTAWA committee determine (CP) affiliated stations would the committee. The BBG it will receive a report from the committee at its Sep- tember meeting, set for Winni peg in Tor The CBC opposed this, say ing the CBC signal into Kitch-| ener is so low in comparison | with that of other stations arom a listener could slide right by | : it on the dial scinding the city's early closing 1 guid its signal must' be regulations affecting food and competitive in strength with department stores local signals and it needed Under the amendment, the ciyM as an outlet to ensure stores will be allowed to open spj¢ P lane ( every day except Sundays and The BBG said the committee aiataiory Holidays, would = study criteria to be} used in establishing the need"| Under present regulations oy affiliation to distribute the passed 14 months ago, the opc's national service stores are required to close at 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, at was the second _ Wednesdays and Saturdays and | HYM to. drop its CBC at 9:30 p.m. Thursdays and Fri-| on days bid by affilia- The city obtained an injunc MANY LIVE IN WILD tion last week from the Ontario) There are 16.000 camp sites Supreme Court after severaljin Ontario provincial parks, stores ignored the bylaw and ment grants in the near future' THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Tuesdey, Mey 10, 1966 13 Calgary TV Control_ Denied McLean-Hunter OTTAWA (CP) 4 bid by|vision network, In effect, this Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. constitutes permission for Mr LAd. to buy control of television| Soble to approach private sia station CFCN-TV in Calgary|tions seeking affiliation for his was turned down by the Board! proposed network and to come of Breadcast Governors Mon-| back before the board later with day, specific affiliation proposals The BBG maintained in its Other BBG recommendations ruling that it does not want to inctuded approval of a hid for see any individual or group hold\a new radio station in Northern interests in more than one_sta-| Ontario, tion in the private CTV tele-. The vision network, ' Maclean-Hunter hag-an inter- est in CJCH-TV Halifax which, like CFCN-TV, is a CTV affili- ate station, The BBG also granted per- radio station at land Lake Broadcasting Lid., joperating CJKL in Kirkland Ake, The new station would start as merely a rebroadcast- ing station for CJKL, If satis- mission for Kenneth D, Soble of} factory progress could be made CHCH-TV Hamilton to form, but|*°™€, Programming in future ' |would originate in New Lisk not to oherate, a private tele-|,. 14 As a condition of its recom mendation of approval, the BBG said it would call the licensee before it to outline local pro- gramming plans after the sta tion has been on the air a year The BBG also recommended approval of new television sate! lite stations al nine points, in cluding one sponsored by pri- vate interests at Chapleau, Ont to pick up CKCL-TV in Tim mins, The CBC got favorable rec ommendation for six new low power radio relay transmitters including one in English at! * Britt, Ont The recommendations go to the government for final action. | Mr. Soble has outlined gen eral plans for a network he Ambulance Rental Plans Withdrawn WIARTON, Ont (CP) Plans) for renting an ambulance to re-| place private ambulance serv- ice scheduled to be withdrawn at midnight next Sunday were made Monday by communities in the Bruce Peninsula The town of Wiarton, village of Lion's Head and six town- ships agreed to share the cost of ambulance service along a 16-mile stretch of the peninsula northwest of Owen Sound Percy George of the George Funeral Home and Lloyd Rankin. of Rankin's Funeral- Home announced in March plans to end- ambulance service April 30. However, they post- poned the move to May 15. The operators cited rising} costs and heavy losses as. rea- sons for the withdrawal of am- bulance service, Hospital administrator Bert Carson of Bruce Peninsula and District Memorial Hospital in this town 16 miles northwest of Owen Sound said the communi- ties plan to rent an ambulance and expect provincial govern WELD OVER/ 3rd BIG WEEK re) f JAMES BOND DOES IT EVERYWHERE! "THUNDERBALE" PAMAVISION [QONLIGUIORMIUNITED ARTISTS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS John Sexon in "WAR HUNT' closed later, The injunction or dered a K-Mart store to observe the closing bylaw While the amendment is be-| ing prepared, council instructed officials not to prosecute stores violating the bylaw C, Bruce Noble, counsel for K-Mart, said at least four de- partment and food stores were prepared to lay off up to 300 persons today had the bylaw not been ordered amended ai China 'Hostile' GENEVA (AP) India told the 17-nation disarmament con ference today that China's ex plosion of another nuclear bomb gives "new radioactive evidence of its hostility to peace and dis armament and its expansionist and militarist ambitions."' Speaking at the final confer ence session before a five-week recess, Indian Ambassador Vis hnuprasad Trivedi said PeRing | had once again "placed the en-| tire human society as well as) generstions yet unborn under | far-reaching hazards of health and thermonuclear holocaust But Trivedi reaffirmed In dia's pledge not to manufacture nuclear weapons on its own WHAT'S A QUALITY MASS PRODUCED POOL LIKE? ONLY $29.95 ree wont Rudget priced Beautiful! Full size with deep ter Ion Gheorehe Maur diving area, Permanent, durable matenals 10-year guarantee Rugged gatvanized stee! sides -- won't. rust, corrode, crack, warp Reautiful vinyt interior never needs refinish ing. Low as $29.95 a month for 16° x 32° 5 years to pay, Phone for more tacts. ®e MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. CANADA LIMITED artan GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS K. 690 DRAKE ST, 728.915) Evenings 725.3661 Does Your Lawn Look Like A Jungle? ehh <a> aes ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ACTRESS JULIE CHRIST Ec 4 SOUTH OF THe OBHAWA Civic AUDITORIUM omg AN Plus 2nd Hit -- NR RNa Xs If So, SS Lion To Work LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN "BLADE MOWER, Cot ning No, RE |R4R anada's favorite PHONE 72 MARRIAGE ITALIAN STYLE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:10 SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1:45 ODEON BILTMORE Sophia Loren in (on TW bs screen w Conon ) | STARTS TOMORROW 5-3833 New cog tread tires with 'white Walls 18" cut high to 2% At 7, Chrome handle weight eas NEW EASY TO USE WRAP-AROUND HANDLE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC Hedge Trimmers AGNES Come In and See Our D&pley Todoy JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. Oshaws Shopping Centre TEL, 725-3527 LAST DAY= Also "LAUREL and HAR xp aoenur RICARDO MO MO N [ALBAN "KATHARINE ROSS: ED S GREER GARSON Regent lem "THE SECRET OF MY SUCCESS" In Technicolor COLUMB) Inspired by the song 'Dominique' A JOHN RECX PRODUCTION a (ODL: we AIR A: Af AU MOOREHEAD CHAD EVERETT SuLL L IVAN su VUL In PANAVISION® and METROCOLOR if REHE ou NLM we LAZAiS. DY'S LAUGHING 20's" LAST DAY -- dl New. Liskeard was proposed by Kirk-| When in Southern California visit Universal City Studios ie WO - NOE, eT @ ON THE SAME PROGRAM @ ROBERT AND why OPA "wi Ht Naat INA * nel NN A Hl Saseenplay by VAN RILIMAN = Pradeted by: SAM SPELL Dvecied by ARTHUR ANN avelox novel and play by HORTON FOIE = A HORUDN ATURE OMORROW "OUR MAN FLINT" -- Adult , would form in association with | Maurice F, Strong, president of | Power Corp, of Canada in Mont- real, He declined to give other than general details of his plans until he was granted permission to form a network. He has said such a network could earn in- come by selling pregrams made in Canada abroad Economic Policy "Won't Start Row" TORONTO (CP)---Walter Gor- don, former Liberal finance min- ister, told reporters Monday=="--\, night he didn't think "anybady could start a row between Mit- chell and me.' Mr, Gordon was: commenting after his successor at Ottawa, Mitchell Sharp, said Sunday night on the CRC program This Hour Has Seven Days that Mr, Gordon's views about Canada's economy in the book, A Choice for Canada, are "rather pessi- mistic,"' Mr. Gordon said a row. be- tween himself and Mr. Sharp would be like a row between husband and wife If one of them won't fight, then there's no row. "All we could do is argue about who is the most optimis- tic about the country * Mr. Sharp said on the TV pro- gram that he couid not follow some of the economic prescrip- tions mentioned in Mr Gordon's book, # STARTS TOMORROW First Oshawa Showings BRENDA SCOT a wea __ TECHNICOLOR® DAVID VAUGHN MeCALLUM os tonight Last time, we HILL % DRIVE-IN " THE. WASE 1S ON... 'AN EXPLOSIVE STORY OF TODAY! A PICTURES presene MARLON BRANDO «SAM SUGELS, THE &7#FFS: Ny i ANS UL a Hod in PANAVISION TECHITERLOR™ STARTS PF Yojti as ENTERTAINMEN