MICKEY MOUSE LOL SOP REP' NIGHTBOWN AND I DON'T KN WHETHER T LIKE IT. on HOT este Va I JUST, CANT 68BM TO GET THE PICTURE >-- a SWAT A MiPitTE, LL RUN UP AND PUT' OME HAIR CVRLERS in MY HAIR y ER SIGHT OF HIMS' THIS LEADS Dolursit FOR NE TODAY4 ede WON'T GIVE YOU ABITOF @ oe oN SPAMS MERE Ee | YOUR SHINE, AND CLO, Bu You Lay One vid ON THAT<CHILD// THAT'S "THE "TROUBLE WITH MEN | THEY'RE TOO VIOLENT // PENSE, THE FELLOW HAD ie connERED AND HAV FIRED ON Ui BEFORE T THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X39 +--Buttale Channel Barrie Channel 4---Buftale Channel é-Toronte Channel 7---Buffale Channel &---Rochester Channe! %-Toronte Channel 1)---Hamiltes pear ecenntee, Yv@eway eve. 5:00 PLM Channes HePemily Theatre P---Five O'clock Movie §--bupe 3--Stingray &."evd Thewtes 6:30 PM deave st Rocketship 7 Music Hop Rawhide 17 > m JonTwilight Theatre oeGeneration +News, Sports wih Chuck Heely 4:20 PLM, News 4:0 PM YePamily. Theatre Mevie Ne & +b--News) Weather; tearts &-Huntiey-Brinkley TooMaverick +--Aoress Conman 7:00 P.M Tie Daniel Boone The Littiont Mahe @----Blography x o-News, Weather, Seow te 4--ter EPenere Ave Your &-Giiligan's island deHuntiey: Brinkley Repor! no PM P--Musical Showcase 8 BMy Mother The Car B--Hogan's Heroes 10 Pm, Tie-Movie Gomer bP I Pyle Dal 63---Red Skelton Hour $0 PM %--F- Troop 3----Dr, Kildare TeoMchHale's Ne 4--Red Skelton rvrene &--Pasaport To Adventure @ Don't Bat The FROM THEIR TORers, TWO 2 wrt PLUNGE GROUND WARD + } 9% PLM, | To Peyton Place édeDick Van Dyke 4----Petticont Junction 10:00 PLM lle The Mery Griffin thew 1 Spy +3--News Magazine | JeThe Fugitive 4--CBC Reports 10:90 FM #3.The Pubile Eye 4enChopin Singing Society 11:00 FM NOOO) 648 d Nowe Weather and Sports Ws PM To Beever y. metro Final +- Viewpoint i Po, béeLote Show dite = Metre 1.90 PLM, Saint tiara New The o-4- Tenignt +Sports Movie 11:40 PM, %Plerre Berton é--Nighteap 1:30 PM leeNews, Weather, Sports ~Newseap WHOMESDAY 4:00 A.M Lapin Kangeres 9:00 A.M, Piaytime With Bobby Dialing Fer Dollare With Girl Talk Mike's Carnival 91:90 AM, P--Meta Extension 4--Gypay Rose Lee 2--Doble Gillis Unete 10:00 A.M, Vee Whiplash o--Piaytime WIth Unele Bobby ble-Practured Phrases BT 63--lVvanhoe ' 4-1 Love Luey 10:30 A.M, led Allen Bingo Concentration Donna Reed Friendly Giant The McCoys 10:45 A.M. Chez Helene 11:30 A.M, 9 Abracadabra é3---Across Canada 4-~Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON Toronto Todsy beden Jeopardy TeMoney Movie é-Luneheon Gate +-News and Weather b-Popeye ont Pot 12:18 Pom, 4-Bpeeker of the Hewee 12:30 PLM, Su | Love Luey bdeLet's Play &4---Seare For Tamerree » Noon dey 12:4. $4--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, i Theatre P---Morning Star Y @ thayberry Po-Ben Caney é--Luneheon Date 4oMeet The Millers +Summer Carousel b---Mike Devgiee Show 1:30 PLM, %-James Beard Show e+--An The World Turn 2:00 PM, ' Kids \s People J Nurse 6 4--Password deDays of Our Lives 215.PM P--Dear Charlotte ' A Time For Us Zane Grey Theatre Linkletter's Party vie 3:00 PLM, 1---Denna Reed o--Fractured Phrases 8-Another Werte ~Meneral Moepitai béd--To Vell The Truth 3:30 PLM, Funny Company ite Your Meve You Don't Say Superman Show Take dee of Might Kartoon Karnival 4:00 PLM, Mickey Mouse Clue The Match Gene Early Show Ronnie Prodden Show TELEVISION LOG | LUCKILY, | ALIVAVE AEP MY BUFFALO + SKINMNG KAIPE SHARP ANDO WANDY/ > | HUBERT sia | THE COHAWA TIMMS, 12 Tuesdey, Mey 10, 1966 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mester' Individuel Chempionship Play) South dealer, East-West vulnerable. Opening lead--three of hearts, There is a certain amount of guesswork connected with the play of the cards, but some of the so-called guesses faced by deciarer can be resolved by eareful play. : South was in four spades and West led a heart. Bast cashed two hearts and continued with a heart, When South ruffed, West overruffed with the only missing trump, the king. West then lel a club, taken by the ace. Deciarer, having lost three tricks, now had to guess the location of the queen of diamonds to make the hand, He could finesse in eiter diree- tion, Declarer reasoned that Past, having entered the bidding at the four level, was more likely to have the queen, He therefore led the king of diamonds and then finessed the jack. West took the queen for the setting trick, | South was unlucky that West | had the king of spades instead | of East, and he was similarly junlucky to find West with the | queen of diamonds, since the in- | dications were that East was more likely to have that card, Nevertheless, bad luck and | all, South should have made thé |contract, Unwittingly he had subjected himself to a guess situation which he could easily --~we |Have avoided. He had a sure thing working for him which no lie of the cards could overcome if he had taken full advantage ous an LOCKED OKAY, I'M RIGHT, \ IN HER BUT ILL APOLOGIZE! | ROOM WHERE IS YOUR bee ~~, MOTHER ? seal 'lie of the opportunity, At trick three he should have | ruffed the heart with the ace of spades, even though this would have amounted to conceding a trump trick without making any effort at all to avold its loss, South then leads a club to the ace and ruffs the jack, He next leads a trump, not caring which defender wins the trick, The player with the king of |spades now has the choice of jreturning a diamond, which jeliminates the guess for the queen, or another sult, which |presents declarer with @ ruff 'i; i / U4 iTS ¢ Yy YOUR BOILED BEEF /} )- TASTE LIKE A, 1 CATCHERS MITT? ( I'M SORRY I SAID ) } jand discard, SALLY'S SALLIES /YOUR HEALTH Dental Surgeons Send Their Notes By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD oot ot "That's the third spectalist toe day, and the only thing they on is the cost of their visit." jdon't have it as- regards other lforms of smoking, Physicians among them-- jquile generally refer to tobacca or smoking in relation to health "CAUGE WHEN ANY NEW KING OF TOY COMES b Our. - yer TI WISH I GOT A MONTHLY PENGION CHECK LIke GRANDMA AND HAD MONEY TO SPEND / 11:00 A.M, 9:00 P.M, Paradise Ray I O-The Wackiest Ship Mike Douglas Secret Squir In The Army Mr. And Mra BonMovie bB--Movie bd-Morning Star Y~-Barly &3---Front Page Challenge 63--Butternut Square i F Troop , NOMA 16 ALWAYS THE FIRST "I>" ON THE BLOCK TO mt BUY ONE pore" indebted tojhappy to hear the medical pro. matters other than lung cancer, fession condemn the practice, |Smoking is strictly forbidden "What T cannot understend is for an emphysema patient, The why you and other physicians|Micotine has its harmful effect , Supermarket Sweep ' aim your. ciriticiam only atio" peripheral circulation, Smok- dental surgeons cigarettes and give peaple the|!8 by whatever means, cér CROSSWORD Dr. L. §., referring to a col. impression that cigars and pipes] tainls bothers peptic ulcers, not : . ; ' sanna|to mention bronchitis, asthma TF . umn about protention after ajare approved, My experience and: the like }person once has had rheumatic has been that the most unsani : ag fever, points out that transient|tary conditions are found in the! We can't always pin down bacteria resulting from other:| mouths of cigar and pipe smok-| Which form of smoking is worst, Mise ordinary procedures: can ers in that orderD, Bul it is not only the cigarette lodge in damaged heart valves, j Which causes mischief, am frequently other doctors fo concerning this column moment | have notes from two Suggestions At the Show Dare Thirty Show ACROSS Navigates Spanish 6, Mountains in Missouri fled 7, Baby tender 29, Harden 8, Culs_as 30, London Raye district 9, Irritate 82, Monater cual 27, Satia- card game . Clear 2, Sperm cell Dp. 8," A similar question was asked Sie a eee oe ee ya MY GUESS TS YOU WERE ROUTED OUT OF BED AT THE CRACK OF DAWN, MISS JONES, ...30, NO BREAKFAST, HOW DO YOU LIXE YouR GLANDULAR? SALIVARY > GLANDULAR |* 4 i HOW COME THIS OASIS IN THE MIDST OF MY BUSINESS BEDLAM? THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW? ALL SHAMPOO AND NO PLAY MAKES TEAGUE A DULL BOY, SO, WHEN T FEEL LIKE TEARING THINGS APART WITH MY BARE HANDS... 1 COME UP HERE INSTEAD, ANO GET LOST IN A Olympian 10. warmonger Wander 4 5. French + 16 chemist Capitol 19 fellow: abbr, 20. Lustrous 21 Beret 22. Music note Mr, One 25 Maxim . Kind of tire 26. . Femur or tibia Primeval 35 us abode Govern Where the Dail site Bark Hansom Noise for ailen Maneuver 87. Scrutinize acamera 88. Skin Kind of opening nursery $9, Nautical Familiar term verb 41, Afrikaan a f | Yesterday's Anewer direction ce 42, Peruvian Tndian 43, Sweet. sop 45, Youth 48, Family 1s member . Scoreless > Tta capital is Zagreb Lasaie, for one Jargon DOWN cuff Emanatio t. Freezes Rosters Coyote increasing the damage, or result in bacterial endocarditis removed or having teeth cleaned to name just twa every And now we have a. voice when the U.S, surgeon general) rom the field of dentistry point. released his report on smoking/ing out still other reasons why {fe observes; 'Having a ooth and health a couple of years or|we'd all be better off if we'd so ago, The answer is that never begun to smoke in the We hivst place, | am sure that other tday treatments in dental prac-/avé massive statistical support! dentists concur tice, can cause serious compli. cations in a child or an adult if the dentist isn't told that the patient has had. rheumatic fever," Of course, | have in. the past jwarned about extractions, bul Dr I, §. raises a most valuable point: Such a warning should jbe given prior to any procedure, | iThe dentist can, and does, give penicillin' or other protective drugs when he has been! warned Similar precautions can be taken, for other oral procedures jas well as non-dental ones: Mi inor surgery of any kind, re imoval of tonsils or adenoids ibranchoscopy genito urinary examination, and so on } Another dentist writes "Dear Doctor; Asa dentist jfer 15 years my main interest ifor the relationship |cigarettes and lung trouble betw een We Dear Dr. Molner: What is the difference between TB and em- physema® Is emphysema con: Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S dime pack SPEARMINT .popular, modern | | has been to help people main tain clean, healthy mouths tangious? Do' people with em- physema cough, like with TR? Mrs, D, L, Tuberculosis is an infection from a germ, Emphysema is a loss of elasticity in the lung tis- sues and is not contagious, Peo- ple with severe emphysema are likely to do a good deal of oughing Having come to the realiza jtion that smoking had a verg Ibad effect on the teeth, gums You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste? and mucous membranes, | was