errr er wee WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed fagm and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit, the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Parker - Adams In Albert Street United: bouquet of red roses. Her jewel- Church, the Reverend Helmuth\lery was a solid gold pendant Dyck officiated at the marriage that had belonged to her great of Linda Jean Adams and Don- grandmother, ald Gordon Parker. The bride is Miss Beverly Scott was the the daughter of Mr. and/;Mrs.'maid of honor; Miss Donna M. Earl Adams, Oshawa, and'Drinkle, bridesmaid, and Miss the bRidegroom is the son of|Penny Locke, junior brides- Mrs. Thomas Parker, Oshawa, maid, and the jate Mr. Parker The best man was Mr; Freder- The organist, Mr. Haseid Filis, ic Baron and ushering were Mr. accompanied the soloist, Mr,'Gerald Thornton and Mr. Fd- Bruce Hurst of Hampton, ward Adams. Wearing a floor-length gown, The reception was held in the of silk organza over taffeta, the church hall bride was given in marriage by For their wedding trip to her father, Her gown was styled points west, the bride wore a on princess lines with an Em- navy blue dress and coat with pire bodice of imported Swiss matching accessories and a lace and dramatized by an at-|shocking-pink hat tached, bouffant, cathedral' Guests were train. A tiara of pearis and Hamilton rhinestones held her scalloped, Mr. and Mrs, Parker are mak illusion veil and she carried aiing their home in Oshawa. Hodgson - Ford Now living in Oshawa follow-.and a cascade of white garden ing their marriage in Centraljias, stephanitis and ivy stream United Church, Barrie are ers ra Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hodg-, The matron of son. The bride is the daughter Mrs, Gale Nelson, Barrie, and of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Ford, the other attendants were Mrs Rarrie, and her bridegroom is| Wayne Martin, ( opper Cliff and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay-'Mrs. Rae Ford, Barrie ton Hodgson, Haliburton The best man was Mr. Doug The Reverend Donald Jayijas Hodgson, Haliburton, and officiated and the soloist Mr. those ushering were Mr. Louls Donald [ainson ,was accom-| Hodgson, West Hill and Mr, Rae panied by Mrs Melenbach-| Ford, Barrie is er at the organ Following the reception at Given in marriage by her the Bayshore Motor Hotel, Rar- father, the bride wore a for- rie the couple left for a honey- mal gown of pure silk featur-) moon in Nassau, with the bride ing a fitted bodice, softiy round donning for travelling, a three ed neckline and. full-length|piece camel colored suit with sleeves edged with Guipure|hiseuit. colored accessories and lace Her cathedral train of'a hat and = searf of pure silk pure silk enhanced by a shadow woven in a striped pattern panel of French silk organza ap- Out - of - town guests were pliqued with @imilar lace was present from Haliburton, Egan- caught at the waistline by two/ville, Copper Cliff, Burlington, bows, Her wedding ring head| Etobicoke, Bradford, Oshawa, dress of Guipure lace lined with|St. Catharines, Ottawa. Toron bine forget-me-nots held her|to, Kingston, Humbolt, Saska- veil of imported sil killusion'tchewan, and Montreal tulle with hand-shelied edges Mr, and Mrs. Hodgson are She carried a lace handkerchief residing at 340 Marland avenue which was a family heirloom| Oshawa. DISTAFF DIARY Summary of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from ~-- present from honor was J of reports submitted by their -secretaries, DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND |Loma_ displays and tentative The reguiar meeting of The plans for the future were made! Daughters of England, Empress'for a trip for the intermediate of India, lodge 26 was held at and senior class the Orange Temple on Tuesday, In her report from the Domin- Worthy President Edna Huband ion Executive, Mrs. Waller Kuch presided with vice-president |stated that the president, Mrs Sarah Van de Walker assisting.| George Tokaryk, was attending! The devotional period was'the National Conference of given by Edith Taylor in the Women Convention in Iran absence of Chaplain Elizabeth Mrs, Morley Parfenuk, the Grist. Sarah Murray was re- (reasurer reported that she ported in the hospital has sent a donation to the wom- Discussion was held on the en's publication "Promin" and forthcoming visit of Rose of also fulfilled the financial ob Brampton Lodge which will be ligation to the Dominion execu on June 7, It was decided that ative for the centennial project Chair Penny Bingo will be held) At the close of the business followed the meeting members, meeting Mrs Joseph Maga serv were asked to have the gifts in ed refreshments and a social by the next meeting, May 17. hour was enjoyed Letters from Grand Lodge were read hy the secretary CENTRE STREET UCW 2 Doris McDonald The May meeting of Unit 2; Committee reports were given Of Centre Street United Church Annie Mitchell Women was held in the Chapel Following the Mrs, Myles Smith, Mrs. Owen cial hour wa Refresh. Smith and Mrs. Arthur Smith ments were served Flor. led the worship service, each ence Rourne, Ann Coulson and taking a part on the theme committee Christian Family . Week A It was announced that the next poem "Family Feeling' and a regular meetine , reading by Mrs, Myles Smith on Tuesday, May 17 Love and Understanding in the Home' WOMEN'S GUILD Mrs, Mansell Gerrow, Unit St. George's Anglican leader, presided over the meet the absence of the presi- ing, Cards were sent, many dent, Mrs. Donald Fox conduct. calls made to sick in the hos ed the May meeting of St. pilal, birthday greetings George's Women's Guild held in sent. Plans for catering Cowan House rummage sale in June it was confirmed that in lieu made of a spring bake sale a by merling a so held by will he held In were and a were cash It was announced thal a silent contribution would he given by auction would be held following each member to her croup and the June meeting in the chapel the total proceeds turned in to Refreshments were served by the Guild early in June the committee in charge Mrs. Fox announced thaf the speaker for the fall luncheon on M ARGARET HAMILTON GRP September 28 will be Miss An. ,, The regular meeting of the gela Armitt, whose topic will be Mar raret Hamilton Group of "Keep Young in Heart Miss 5! Paul's Presbyterian Church was opened by the president Armitt is Director of Summer ; : immer'Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Roll School and Extension at the Uni i} i tit versity of Western Ontario and °@!! and mec tation were taken from the book of Esther. Next is noted as an exceptionally hu th ) | be f ; morous, interesting speaker eco oeti yg! i will be from the ook of Job Arrangements were made to PI . } ATS purchase Parish Hall kitchen 7) ."" catering items. At the clase of the busi - R: : rs anquet ness meeting refreshments were moa served by the Westmount Group UKRAINIAN WOMEN (Barvinok Branch) Mrs Dutchak preisded| at the monthlv meeting of the! Ukraiman Womer Ass tion, Rarvinok Fk om the orrespondenc read by the tary, Mrs, Ste-| phen Gonta was learned t | as the old end spon- anada vmplete Diabetic on ad fo Moth Wednesda. were tn the Tohn ocja Rranct e se e at been Oshawa has hosen ite att » he on Than ving week e sored he Eastern executive The ticket sales for the Spring Froli St. John's Ha were excellent eported William Drorwich | Catering for May 14 was dis- cussed by Mrs. John Koastuk| and Mrs. Lawrence Skuratow| the conveners and. shift plans discussed Mrs Pa P ka eported that the primary grades of the Sunday School took a bus trip | t® Torente te view the Casa/ annual eld Saturday at Bloor street east Mrs work: { MR, AND MRS, MR, Les Cowper DONALD G, PARKER Ireland &, Antagonistic Employee | Seldom Is Promoted By ROBERTA ROESCH Most people cope quite ade- 2 quately with big trials in their jobs. | But it is the little tribulations ithat turn their nervous systems |upside down. And when a par- iticular employee is responsible |for those reactions in a whole \office, that individual becomes lso disliked he seldom gets jahead, An employer can't take ithe risk of letting him super- | vise people who would fight jwith him all the time. | One personnel man brought ithis to my mind only a short |time ago, when he told me 'about the problem he had had |promoting a girl from his gen- leral office to the post of super- | visor, "One of the girls in the office crew had the perfect back- lground,"' he said. "But despite her superior ability, 1 couldn't igive her the job. Her co-workers disliked her so much, | would thave had a personnel problem I couldn't handle," SOUGHT REASONS When I probed for the reasons behind the dislike that held this woman back, I was told by the * | other employees what irritated Studio Studio May 11 at 6.30 p.m. Plans were LIBERALS WERE THIRSTY COLWYN BAY, Wales (CP) discussed for catering to a mother and daughter banquet at Guide House at 6.30 p.m May 13, and to a father and son hockey banquet at. Wood view Park at 6.00 p.m., May 28 A rummage sale was planned for Wednesday, May 25 at the Union Hall The closing meeting will be a pot-luck luncheon at the. echuret jat 1,15 m June 8 Refresh ments were served by Mr Donald MacDonald VICTORIA LTB NO, 55 Victoria' Loyal True Blue Lodge No met recently in the Orange Temple, Worshipfu M Phyllis Arbourne pre sided, assisted by Deputy .Mis } Mitchel olional Mo Keeler in absence of Colleen Phillips, A hearty vote of tended to Past Mistres Blow and Mar A report on 55 tress tres ANOT The de conducted by period wa ie tt KS WAS eX es Mabel for thei ns hott afternoon bing Sheaffer and Mistre reported Orphat WAS re instated Past Was The memot back Hurst sick list was draped in ate Amon 'Toms who passed away last week in Oshawa Genera! Hospital, Deep est sympathy extended the aved Provincial Ontario will be of St. Catharines June 7-9 Members were reminded the tag day Saturday, June 4, in aid of The True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill. Happy birthday was sun Sophie Kellar, The Rlue deg will be exemplified next meeting June 7 and the degree team was ask ed come white dresses Lodge « with Mary lee comed itrice the we BR on charter of the wa io famils G here and Lodge of held in the City of fo to in long osed in usual wa by commit refreshments Thompson served and FILM TRIP WAS QUICK Canadian actor John Coli made hich he Indian fos has aniy one movie plaved medicine in old an. RO.vear man Botty INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East, CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 Britain's their Welsh towns to avoid the prins| cipality's Young Sunday Liberals annual convention liquor Save-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? in held two laws | them the most. | "She thinks she is perfect," one girl said, "so she hosses people around and expects them to fallow her rules so she will always get her own way,' "Along. with trying to shove us around," another woman added, 'she's much too forward and pushy in the way she inter rupts people and forces herself upon them, She gives opinion before she is asked and hits people where it hurts by com menting in a vehement way on too many touchy subjects," GRAVES RISE UP MARKET, DRAYTON, Eng land (CP)--The Graves family is buried under a grave prob lem. They want to sell .their house but prospective buyers just laugh and never make a firm offer. The Graves' house called Tombstone View Cemetery Road and oy eglaoks the graveyard, is on} "She is always meddling," @ third person said. 'When we do joint projects, she interferes with my part of the work and tells me I am doing it wrong, just because she would ap- proach it in another way. Then she tried to check for mistakes to prove that she is'right."' "Since we are talking about joint projects," a fourth co |worker said, "she constantly shows how conceited she is by belittling other peoples' work and saying their jobs. are easy while her own is very hard "She gets harder and harder to cope with because of these irritations. And we all dislike her so much by now that we find ourselves fighting with her all the time."' In every office, employees are uneasy and unable to work efficiently because the irritating behavior of others turns their nervous systems upside down And employers who are aware of this reason also seé very clearly that they cannot promote anyone who is the cause of such unrest in the firm : If you realize that you fall into this category of the justifi- ably disliked employee, change your ways immediately, Other wise you may find yourself aay i ys f : Village 'The fF t ot With the widest se- lection of import od @ Laces @ Royons @ Silks @ Cottons @ Woollens @ Broce KING ST. W AT PARK RD King Park Plaza PHONE 723-0721 | FOR TH | | | | 74 Celine Street E FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shodes see ,..; Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS WXKPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 ond May we suggest a CANADIAN IMPE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuletey, Mey 10, 1966 41) being held back from a promo tion you might deserve on the basis of your ability, FLIES AFTER ALL BELPER, England (CP) Martin Hallsworth, 4, watched Peter -Pan on television and wanted to fly too, so he jumped out-of his second floor dow, 20 feet up: His bruised head was soothed by the offer of a free flight from a DXERRY SHIRE AIRLINE nee win ti fi gos? i | STRETCH SUMMER FUN In the greatest new sun imported stretch terry clo fun, Washable, Pink or tt Short shorts ..... Shae Bt. TPODEE 10D. vc cncdds Long sleeve pullover --' has YOUR WAY TO togs going. Tiny shorts and St. Tropez top with match ing cover-up pullover in soft, and stretches with you for Summer active ~ COSTS RUN WILD The cost of living in Brazil more than trebled in two years, DIARRHEA. ..Fast Relief You can rely on DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY M gently restores intestinal balance nuickly '@ieves nausea, cramps, diarrhen, Dependable for afl the family, 14 | | th. Moves irquoise, Sizes 7-15, ' nsonr B00 RIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Fashions since 1807 ZELLER'S WILD AND WONDERFUL! BELL BOTTOMS! HIPSTERS! -- STOVE PIPES! AND THOSE MADLY FEMININE PRINTS TO TOP IT OFF YOUR FAVORITE SHELLS "POOR BOY" AND "MOD" STYLES "GO-GO" BOOTS SHOES NOW ZELLER'S GO GO! SHOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE