Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1966, p. 6

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SILENCE POLITICAL FOR % PIETERMARITZBURG (AP). ~ Heather Morkill, a branch sec- retary of South Africa's Liberal party, has been sent a banning Russ Leaders Blast | Self-confidence Lack |\"Agression" Of US. MOSCOW (Reuters) ~~ Topjdid before the Second Worldlforces has especially increased Russian military figures today) War. : their firepower and formed the >| marked the 2ist anniversary of| "We do not intend, like some|"chief means of restraining an Seen In LBJ --Schlesinger order. This means she must not NEW YORK (AP) -- Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. said Sunday that President Johnson lacks the judgment to overrule wrong tary, . advice about Viet Nam from the state department and the mili- Speaking on the ABC radio- television program Issues and Answers, Rusk said "Mr. Schlesinger is not an expert on Asia. He played a very small role on Asian questions when he was in the government," leave the district for five years and mmay not engage in gather- ings or be quoted in print. The Liberal party opposes the South African government's civil the West who shout about their) war." the Allied victory- in Europe highly placed military leaders of|aggressor and his utter rout in with newspaper articles accus-| r ing the United States of "mon-| power, to advertise the might of, The j strous crimes" in Viet Nam, --jour-army--and--navy,"'-Malinov--bore-the main brunt-of the Sec- Defence Minister Marshal Ro- | sky declared, ond World War, but Marshal dion Malinovsky wrote in the| WARNS OF ROCKETS Adndrei Grecho, first deputy de- iCommunist party newspaper, But he warned the Soviet Un-|fence minister, made an unu- Pravda that the U.S. had cov-jion had powerful rockets capa-|sual direct reference to the lered itself. with indelible shame|ble of retaliating against any| Western allies' role in Germa- by its "aggression" in Viet'aggressor anywhere in theny's defeat, Nam, world, Writing in Ko ms 0 molskaya marshals said Russia! Schlesinger said® that John-| son's own "instincts and goals" on Viet Nam_are-right, but that he has passively accepted ad- vice from people who have been| interpretation. That's a fact... proven wrong in the past, | we know their instructions come "President Johnison's trouble #aily from Hanoi." is a lack of seif-confidence,"| : : Schlesinger said on the CBS tel-| evision hrogram, Face the Na-| As for the official U8, view that the Viet Cong are directly LAND HAS CHANGED |rights policy. controlled from Hanoi, the Bec! Now Many Wear retary sald: 'That's not a re FALSE TEETH , With Little Werry This holds pla r Iraq, now mostly marsh and fortably, Tt poll wobbling. : pleasan: tion, He said there is fear'desert, was once a "forest of | Gamer, genes: pacer saete 6 ). Checks -- Like other marshals marking} Marshal Nikolai Krylov, com-| Pravda, he said: "Soviet people the anniversary, celebrated here|mander-in-chief of the strategic|assess the contribution of the on. May 9, he attacked West |rocket forces, warned that Rus-|peoples of the "U.S.A., Britain German "militarism." He de-|sia's supply of nuclear warheads and France and other members clared that in the jast decade| has grown, of the anti-Hitler coalition by Ai Bonn spent twice as much on) He wrote in Moskovskaya their achievement in the vic- |military préparations .as Hitler! Pravda that the strategic rocket|tory over fascism," among intellectuals --- John-|verdure from end to end," ac-| (non-acia), son "is not in personal control|cording to the ancient Greek! (denture breath). Get F. of his government," writer Herodotus., | SFRE, ePRRIES SvERTmaRY. Schlesinger, an adviser to the late president John F. Kennedy,' _.- |\won @ Pulitzer Prize last week| jfor a book about Kennedy's ad-| Probe Set 3 Newspapers In Peking ee On LSD Use In Schools WASHINGTON (AP) Re ports of widespread use of LSD a hallucinatory drug, on college campuses and in bi geity ghet tos will be studied at a U.S /Senate inquiry this month, Sen ator Robert Kennedy (Dem Bat, talk, laugh or 'ear of insecure false 'eet | ing or - or ab He said Kennedyslearned not | to accept advice without ques-| tioning it. : | |Bow To Press Criticism esse wis ns main aw | agreement with State Secretary By VERGIL BERGER intellectuals; Dean Rusk is the notion that PEKING (Reuters) -- Three ja newspaper for lehten has been one of the main| Ue. Usited States faces ays-| Peking newspapers today bowed to an unprecedented bar : : 3 jtematic Chinese aggression in vehicles in the party's recent) southeast Asia, with the Viet drive to remould the thinking of Cong as the spearhead, rage of criticism from other| Writers and artists | "The notion that the Viet Chinese journals and agreed) py pnge CORRECTION |Cong equals Hanoi equals Pe-| that they erred in publishing de The Peking Daily today front king seems to me crazy," viationist articles, '4 In a joint statement, the three declared Three weekends and your pool 1s completed. We give you easy to fol- low, step-by-step instructions end everything you need to install your Spartan Pool, The complete Sparten Kit includes geivanized steel panels do it yourself P ; 5 Schlesinger said | paged a joint statement by its | own editor and those of the Pe-|. Asked what he thinks about Mrs, Fetter was in the news day, The, hospital, normally does not allow children to visit patients in the maternity ection, miade an exception for the Fet- ters wha~celebrated Mo- ther's Day one-day early. last May 22 when she res- cued a man from the fri- gid waters of Gerritsen Bay after she had seen his skiff burning from hep kit- chen window (AP Wirephoto) N.Y.) announced Sunday night.) | The senator said the Senate lgovernment operatfons subcom "We beg to accept these criticisms and would earn estly welcome it if broad masses of newspapers and periodicals king Evening News and Front |Schlesinger's views, Rusk sald, | line, a twice-monthly review,| Very little pledging that they and their |mittee on executive reorganiza-| ition will conduct the public hearings May 17 and 18 as part of its check on federal pro- grams for the mentally and|. The three newspapers, all pub physically handicapped, lished by the committee of Pe LSD {s the code name for|King's municipal Communist throughout the country make all-out criticism of our wrong doings." were chastized Sunday whole staff would resolutely cor-jclamor"' and "Khrushchev's in rect their errors, "return to the! sults and attacks against us," proletarian stand, and particl-| The Liberation Army Dally pate in the great socialist cul-jalso attacked articles written tural revolution," | jointly by Teng To and Wu Han, The People's Daily itself to-|historian, playwright and a vice- day added its weight to the cam-|mayor of Peking who has been paign against the local . pool PULL SIZE SOFT. 5 a9 FT only 39.40 PER MONTH ~ that never rust or corrode -- simply bolt together, Heavy-duty vinyl interior never needs painting or reconditioning. Hundreds of "do-it. yourselfers" buy Spartan Kite every year, No money down, five years te Pay. Phone us today for afl the fects. @Ppartan ree. poous press, accused of indirectly supporting How come somebody buys a Metropolitan Life policy in Canada every five minutes ? People do! One policy every five minutes, averaged out around the clock--day in, day out. How eome? A lot of reasons--2,160 of them, That's how many well-trained, full-time representatives we keep in the field, to give you the help you need when you need it. For instance, one way Metropolitan helps you get the most out.of a straight life policy is a special little clause that lets your insurance dividends pay for additional insurance. This way, you can buy a modest policy at minimum cost --yet still end up with a tidy amount of added insurance, And all our representatives are trained to give you the famous Metropolitan Family Security Check-Up, a clear, written analysis of your family's financial security pictore. Ask for one. There's no obligation... ercept to those you love. Millions choose Metropolitan Life more in Canada than any other companiy e PLANNING A.» © BANQUET ® CONVENTION ® MEETING First Closs Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-464) a PRESENT FOR MOTHER'S DAY Mrs, Edward Fetter/ which holds her week - old daugh- ter, Kristina, and chats with her husband, left, and their 13 other children at St, Joseph's Hospital, Far Rockaway, Queens Satur- iwis 'Lousiest | "| Archbish ilysergic , j i | party, Kiwis ousiest overs | rc 1S op | ph lle rage oe vos | publishing articles by Tengidevoting more than two of its|unnamed "rightists" dismissed) | | "We are told of the spreading| 1°, former managing director|six pages to reppting all that|from office. JOR POOL S A li Mi Ld t | Defends Role luna ok a0 through the ghettos|of The Feaple's Daily, the main/had appeared epg eel ivenwnile Kuo Mojo, one of| | > Chinese Cémmunist party news-\other newspa nd adding'the country's top intellectuals ays ng can InIS er Of The Bisho Sita ie Sntimate 'relation to] 8Per. new material and a parliamentary vice-chair EQUIPMENT CORP, CANADA LIMITED ; sat f tal illness, I be-|_ The attack, which accused It reprinted a long article) man who made a dramatic self By J, C, GRAHAM age New Zealand male did not p pew "that it Wil be helotel to|Teng To of 'singing the same|from the Liberation Army Nallyjcriticism last month, has re 690 DRAKE ST. Canadian Press Correspondent! appreciate ballet LONDON (CP)--A Canadian|hegin the executive reorganiza-|tune as Khrushchev," was pub-|saying there was no difference sumed his officiat functions {n CALL 725-9151 -- EVENINGS 725-3661 CHRISTCHURCH (CP) -- An| Mr. Lowe said, he recalled archbishop defended the role of|tion subcommittee hearings on lished in the Kwangming Daily,!between Teng To's "'anti-par | Peking. | Anglican clergyman says New seeing a television program in| the bishop in the church in. @lproblems of the handicapped Zealand men are the 'world's Australia, when some of the! ser Sunday at historic West-| with a hearing on LSD Jousiest lovers," New p meen nary now living) minster Abbey, this year cele-) "On the basis of my inquiry Rev, R. A. Lowe, director of nog ry - od homeland brating its 900th anniversary |thus far, I believe the unsuper education for the Anglican di-|""y."n0 ciarmed at the Pm Go guest ---- Recht 4 the| vised use of LSD creates grave| ocese of Christ church, said in @liry'g immaturity Anglican and other c lurches. |risks for some people," he, said. | luncheon address that his coun-| 'yr owe conceded one vistue Most Rev. W. L, Wright of|At the same time, there are trymen have no sense of feml-|,. « national asset--a glorious Sault. Ste: Marie, 62-year-old|legitymate research uses and nine appreciation, sense of happiness Archbishop of Algoma and Met-|probably legitimate therapeutic Looking at New Zealand His attack brought a predicta- ropolitan of Ontario, preached) uses for the drug, which should men from the perspective! pig response, Men greeted the the sermon at the even-song not be eradicated in a hublic of five years spent abroad, he/ criticism with indignant or rib-|*ervice in the redecorated ca-) panic. said the masculine image dic- ald comment, but it was re.| thedral. The one drug firm that has tates many behavior patterns in| ceiveq with heartfelt approval| Archbishop Wright recalled been supplying LSD for re the nation and this is one of the| py many girls, that he has served as one of |search and treatment recently most glaring features of New! "1 am @ young woman who|!0 delegates from the Anglican discontinued commercial sales. Zealand as an emergent coun-|has been escorted by men of|Church of Canada to joint talks|Kennedy said this apparently : |many different nationalities| With the United Church of Can-| Was because of fear of eontro- New Zealand was conscious of | ang, recalling my Kiwi (New|ada, and said their joint "prin-| Versy, , nationhood only in the sporting| Zealand) escorts, I am sorry to|¢iples of union'? now await ap- ee ae area, The masculine pretence) say by comparison they show aj Proval from the United Chureh affected New Zealand litera-lsaq jack of consideration and| after being adopted by the An- ture, language end cultural) imagination," said one letter to| slican general synod, pursuits. The "half-gee" (half-!9 newspaper. He pressed for personal con-| Ballon flagon of beer) had re-| "when I go out pith a Con-| Version to Christ, saying Angli- placed the kiwi! (a native bird)| tinental boy, I feel like a queen,| "8 had "evaded for too long" as the national symbol. |They make small, spontaneous,|'"®, word conversion. Rugby is over - emphasized,|romantic gestures that Kiwi|, 'There ts a tendency at times Mr. Lowe continued, It was the| boys would never dream of. The|t® become engaged in a cold, thing for a man to say he was| majority of New Zealand men,| academic, intellectual religion going to rugby on Saturday! married or single, have «(4% though Christ were only an 'with the boys." Many youths|thoughtless, often selfish, atti-|@bstract idea or a problem for Teaving school today had be-|tude toward women." jus to discuss come so sickened of rugby that . " | "The intellect must, of course, } ad by idl disappointment to have | full place, But I think ors. | it would bea good idea to give Poetic expression wan atified| Case Stresses the 'God is dead' debate a, de- because of suspicion, The aver: | R ] Of C ' cent interment and to remem- | ber that the deep things of the Onn CARCO } 0 e rime, | spirit may be hid from the wise vew wv av Wa ner Clai jane prudent and revealed unto ms | babes,"' FOR TEACHER phe i Q .Archbishop and Mrs, Wright, +RANBY, Que. (CP) -- Jus-|who had been attending the el tenet oe Te- |tice Minister Claude Wagner of}Lambeth consultative commit is planning .to a: te -- Quebec told an election rally|tee meeting in Jerusalem before Tandon its south with #00 Sunday night that the Mun-|coming here, return to Canada bee larvae strapped to his singer inquiry in Ottawa "shows | Wednesday, how deeply the underworld can ~ infiltrate among our leaders," He made the statement in re- newing his call for a royal com- mission investigation of organ- ized crime in Canada. The justtxe minister also res ferred to Yv6n Dupuis, former federal cabinet minister who has said he will act as 'the conscience of Premier Jean Le- y. It's all in the cause of scl. ence. Prof. G, F. Townsend, of the agriculture department at the University of Guelph, said Sunday J. P. Stein will bring the bees to the university for studies on improving Cana- dian bee breeding. He said the larvae will be REMEMBER WHEN you: could get excellent « meals at reasonable prices Well, you atill ean at: the HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA in containers strapped to Mr, Stein "because they must be kept at body temperature," Mr. Stein, now studying the larvae at Buckfast Abbey in 'Devon, agreed to babysit the cargo earlier this month, Prof. Townsend said the bees from Greece, Yugo- slavia, Austria and Turkey will be cross-bred with the Italian strain commonly used in Canada, He said he hopes the breeding will produce "'a more gentle bee, less prone to wander from its homehive."' Mr, Stein and his cargo will arrive first in New York be- cause Canada does not allow the larvae to come in from abroad, but does permit such | imports - States. from the United sage" in the current campaign for the June 5 provincial gen- eral election, When the premier iia a opened his campaign in Sher- a " brooke a week ago, Mr. Dupuis addressed a rival rally in the STANDARDS same city, Mr, Wagner said that "in- ? OF PRACTICE | Stead of acting as the con- science of others, some people would do better to look after their own consciences," IN ADVERTISING | He said the case of Mr Dupuis, fined $5,000 recently following a conviction-of influ. ence-peddling charges arising from unsuccessful efforts to ob- tain 'a racetrack permit, was one of the most delicate he has ever had to handle as justice minister. 'T have no comment to make on the Dupuis affair," he added, misleading, tion. on the premise service, or the offer i described, and is not x The Oshawa Times never knowingly publishes fraudulent All advertisements are accepted for publica: mislead the readers in any respect, or bait advertising, that the product, the s properly and honestly worded or designed to "since the case is before the iQuebec Court of Appeal," Advertising accepted for publication must not contain false or exaggerated claims, or ex- aggerated comparative prices and If: any reader encounters anything less than faithful compliance with conditions; as described in any advertisement, we would appreciate kno- ing of it. Just write or call L. B, Leith, Ad- vertising Director The Oshawa Times, or the Chamber of Commerce, af which this news- poper is an active member. ___NOW THAT YOU'VE DECIDED TO DANCE... LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... Brush Vo & The Old Favorites Your... ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO "The World's Finest by Reputation" Morks, Licensee, 1114 Simcoe 8. Open 1 to 10 p.m, Daily For Information Coll 728-1681 Advertisers who deliberately violate these standards will not be permitted to use our advertising pages. She Oshawa Fines "ONTARIO COUNTY'S NO. 1 ADVERTISING MEDIUM™ | w.

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