CRUSADE FOR CHRIST OPENS IN OSHAWA Thirty-seven Oshawa and district churches are co-op- erating in the week - long Crusade for Christ being held at the Civie Auditor- jum. Stories covering week- end activities connected with the crusade appear to- day on the City Page of The Times. Pictured here is leader of the crusade Barry Moore as he chatted Canadian Ballerina, 27 Has Her Eye On Berlin By HAROLD MORRISON {. MaéMillan, 36, whose last six|sized that 'things have yet to | Cold Weather. By. RON LEBEL OTTAWA (CP)--After sitting for 71 days, the Commons turns today to the first priority item of legislation this session. Debate will open on legisla- tion creating new titles and functions for six cabinet minis- ters. This administrative shakeup was begun in January under cabinet orders, but many of the} ¢;, changes require parliamentary |p approval. Some of the changes, particularly a three-way split of the justice department, already have drawn opposition fire, The legislation flows fxom the Dec. 17 cabinet shuffle and} partly from recommendations sion on government organiza- by the Glassco_ royal. commis-|. tion, which found much over- lapping among federal depart- ments. Prime Minister Pearson it ex- | pected to lead off the debate on a resolution he introduced May 2,-The--detailed--biit willbe made public only after the reso- luation is passed. The resolution provides for establishment of five reorgan- me departments and the crea- fof a new cabinet portfolio-- 'esident of the treasury board. PiThe new departments now exist in fact but their names can be changed by Parliament only, They are: Manpower combining immi- gration, citizenship, man- power mobility, vocational and technical training, job placement and unemployment tween British and Rhodesian of- ficials were set to begin today to see whether a basis exists for higher - level negotiations of the Rhodesian independence crisis, African nationalists feared a sellout, Political observers here said they had doubts about a solu- t on emerging from the explora- tory talks. Both governments sponsored today's meeting in a bid to with Lillian Styles of 1395 | break a deadlock that developed Evangeline drive prior to the opening of the program. (Oshawa 'Times Photo) Ian Smith of Rhodesia declared | the African colony independent} under a white-minority govern- ment, Britain had warned it would regard such a move as illegal) ; and would not recognize a gov- Hits North U.S. jernment which unilaterally de- | whey lclared itself independent. DULUTH, Minn. (AP)--Cold, Britain, which was pressing grey weather returned to the for greater Negro participation northern half of the Unitediin the Rhodesian government, | States today with below-freezingjap plied economic sanctions | British, Rhodesia Set To Open Parley Today LONDON (CP) -- Talks be-| Nov, 11 when Prime Minister| Wright, a foreign office adviser and former private secretary to Prime Minister Wilson. Both sides are still far apart in their bas ¢ attitudes. Smith has assured his white Rhodesian supporters he will not give up the independence he seized in defiance of- Britain, while the British government has made it clear it would not accept a final settlement which condoned an illegal act. Wilson was expected to insist that any negotiations must be within the framework of six pre- | viously defined principles which include guaranteed and unim- peded progress toward Negro majority rule, ISN'T SATISFIED President Kenneth Kaunda of |Zambia, Rhodesia's Negro-ruled northern neighbor, said in Lu- saka Sunday night he had writ- ten to Wilson protesting the new talks and said he was 'not Commons Turns To First Priority Item insurance. Immigration atin} ister Marchand is minister-| s designate. Solicitor General, com- bining the RCMP, peniten- tiaries, parole board and other former branches of the justice rtment. Solicitor- General Pennell has en for these agencies since Jan 1. Energy, mines and re- sources, a merger of the de- nica] surveys with the natural resources and water resources branches, the coal board, en- ergy board and Atomic|._-- partment of mines and tech-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 9, 1966 3. 8GM Plants To Halt i] To 3 Days During May DETROIT (AP)--General Mo-|° The first announcement of tors Corporation reported Sun- | cut by the world's largest aute |day that eight of its 23 car-as-|maker preceded a downturn in sembly plants will give up pro-|the stock market last week. An duction for periods of one to\upturn y+ mayrrvas followed @ three days inthe remainder-of;secondGM---announcement of the month of May. | production plans, GM, cutting production to bal-| Ford, Chrysler and American ance inventories with anticl-| Motors announced no production pated demand for cars, an-| changes, nounced its assembly plant) Four GM plants are sched- schedules for the 16 work days|uled. for 18 days work the rest that remain in May. lof the month and four Its other 15 assembly units|for 15 days, the said, are expected to work the full,|GM said the ts otherwise normal five-day weekly sched-| would work full, normal sched- ules, _GM sn6, eee Energy of Canada Ltd. Mines Minister Pepin will assume this portfolio. Registrar - general, a new department that will deal with the regulation of busi- ness. Now under Privy Coun- cil President Favreau, it will group the companies branch,' combines investiga- tion branch, copyrights and trade marks and bankrupt- cles. Indian affairs and northern development, merging the In- dian affairs branch with the northern affairs department under Northern Minister Lairtg. Revenue Minister Benson has been designated as the first treasury board president, He will deal with government ac- counts and organization. The legislation also provides for deputy ministers and other senior officials for each new department, Most of the time since the new Parliament opened Jan, 18 has been devoted to spending estimates, supply debates, the throne speech and budget de- bates, a discussion of redistribu- tion of seats and the establish- a of committees, only substantial bills 4 by the Commons so far created the Science Council of Canada, expanded credit for fishermen and farmers and up- |satisfied" with Wilson's reply. dated airport regulations. | 54 SIMCOE NORTH | SIMCOE NORTH TUES. and WED. SPECIALS BACON 59 3 Ibs. 7 BEEF 69 33 FRESH CUT, SHANK Boneless BEEF LEAN, TENDER Braising Ribs temperatures in many areas\against its breakaway colony | and snow flurries in a few\and relations between the two offer thoroughly before making] §P°t®: |capitals approached a complete Canadian ballerina. Lynn Sey-| Berlin Ballet director next fall ts decision. The temperature dipped to 91| rupture. mour, who has he~ éyes on the| Officially, he will be absent) ghe has been with the 'Royal/#! Duluth early this morning. |secRECY PREVAILS LONDON (CP) -- The Royal/pallets Ballet may lose one of its most) precious membera, the brilliant) Miss Seymour, is to become for|be tied up at the other end," were | She would have to look over any| written g i é on heavily - subsidized Berlin Bal-|from the Royal Ballet for one| | Ballet for 10 years, reaching the| Green Bay, Wis., reported 24) The white Rhodesian team le which flew to London Sunday "T haven't been asked yet," this late in the season--and the| for the private talks was sur- the petite Vancouver dancer re-|°ials believe this outstanding year, but Covent Garden offi- |position where she now is de-\¢arly today -- the lowest ever) {scribed by many critics as a |natural successor to the West-/temperature was still dropping.|rounded by secrecy. The men plied today when questioned|choreographer may remain in| ern world's most famous bal- about speculation that she may follow choreographer Kenneth MacMillan to Berlin. "But it is something something in the air. the air" id Junta At Ky Again By ANDREW BOROWIEC SAIGON (AP)--Premier Ngu- yen Cao Ky came under attack from within and outside the rul- ing junta today following his declaration that he expects to hang onto power at least an- other year. Informants said some of Ky's fellow generals considered the statement likely to endanger the delicate political balance that has kant them in power despite Buddhist agitation. Ky was re- ported to have made the decla- ration without consulting them. Government censors cut the statement itatement from th the le V letnamese- West Berlin permanently. Miss Seymour, 27, said that if she goes, Hits language press in an effort to minimize the political repercus- sions, Nevertheless, it spread by} word of mouth through Saigon. Political groups threatened counteraction against the mill-| tary government. The strongest reaction was expected from Saigon's influen- tial Buddhist leadership, which) has demanded an early return| to civilian government. As the new storm erupted around him, Ky lapsed into si- lence. He ordered his chauffeur to drive on when correspond- ents converged on his car for an explanation of his f his intentions Girl, 19, Dis In Mishap Lost Parents In 1964 TORONTO (CP)--Bonnie Dor- e6n Wheturg, 19, 4 former resi- dent of Peterborough whose, parents and one of three sisters|She was a graduate of Peter-| were killed in Christmas Day, a car crash| 1964, died in a freak outomobile accident here ~ Saturday night. "She was the completely inno-| cent victim of circumstgaces,"' éald an officer who investigated| the accident. Her car was struck by a car coming from the opposite direction which mounted a four-foot concrete median. The accident two years ago was similar in that Miss Whe- tung, who was also driving at that time, had no contro! over circumstances A car raced up from behind, plowing into their ear Killing Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Whetung, and Nancy, 11. Two other sisters, Judy, 21, and San dra, 14, escaped injury. The family was travelling from Hastings to Peterborough for a visit with Bonnie's grand- Mother. - THE SeRATE IN G@ORGIAN After her parents' death, Miss |Whetung moved to Toronto where she worked as a clerk,| borough high schoo! and voca- Honal school. 'Jury Sworn In For Paris Trial PARIS (AP)--A nine-man jury was sworn in today for thé trial of three men accused of kid- napping the wife of millionaire airplane-maker Marcel Dassault two years ago Madeleine Dassault, 63, in a bouffant hair-do and light suit with matching coat, sat with her husband near a glass case piled with items of prosecution evid- ence. She and her husband, Marcel, 74, builder of the super- sonic Mirage IV jet bomber. kept their backs turned to the accused Jean + Jacques Casa- nova, 39; Mathieu Costa, 27, and Gaston Darmon, 36 LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address . Distinction Beyond Compore Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728.2911 mansions ' 124 PARK ROAD NORTH? OSHAWA _ lerina, Margot Fonteyn. Daughter of a Vancouver den-| it also may be for|tist, pr. E. V. Springbett, Lynn|quette had an afternoon high| la lengthy Stay. But she empha-| came to Pera gl ee say alot 30. 14 after winning a Sadler's: Wells scholarship, She was ad- mitted to the Royal Ballet at the age of 17, determined to be- come a star and to achieve fame and wealth. Three years ago she married) a former British ballet dancer,| n Poland, yr who likes to lounge around in informal clothes when she isn't working, is a hard-! working, self-disciplined peyfec- tionist with ability to act ay well | jas dance, One Covent Garden official described her as "unique"--someone who may be }impossible to replace West German ballet is heav ily subsidized by the govern: ment.gand MacMillan has de- | cided 'there are far more op- | Portunities for me In 1 Berlin. oe Colin Jones, who now is a ma-| gazine and news photographer. | = currently is on assignment} The temperature failed to rise above freezing Sunday in por- itions of upper Michigan. Mar- | were escorted from the airport by police cars and booked into a hotel_under assumed names. They are Cabinet Secretary |Gerald Clarke, Stanley Morris, The cold air mass which: was|an expert of African tribal af- keeping temperatures belo w/fairs, and Sir Cornetius Green- freezing from the Dakotas/field, Smith's chief economic across the northern Great Lakes | adviser, has pushed south to the Texas| Britain's team consisted of Panhandle and extends across;Duncan Watson, assistant un- ithe Ohio Valley into New Kng-|dersecretary at the Common- land, 'wealth office, and Oliver Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Why Pay a ee nf 5 FUEL OIL L Serving Oshawa -- Whitby and Ajax Districts This summer take a closer look at Canada... L/CPL, N. A. ADAIR--B-135190 LA.-C, B. W. AMEY--R-188220 LAH. £. ANDOR--R-173225 CPL. GEO, ANGELOS---B-2707 bA.-C. BD, E, BARRETT--R-127592 CRN, H. M, BEAMISH--B-56729 PTE, SAM BOWERS---B-118710 CPL. BD, J, BREAR--B.79772 CPL. C. Pate 65832 1 _R, CACLE--B584 aa RIEU, BRUCE CAMERO Ww. Ay PTE. F. £, CAREY--B-124 PTE. S. kL, CARROLL--0-1574 SGT. MAJ. G. ser, T. 1 CASSIDY --R-93802, Pt w. "CONIBEAR---C-167 LG CORBETT -18-73394 FORRESTER--B.73698 b. FOWLER--©.6324 FRASER--€.6219 4/B JOHN GAMMON--43946 t. ol esON 811694) LAG, W. G. GODFREY--R- apnea To pazereenan i SM, a A/B OR. H.W. HILL V6 PTE. N. HRAYNYK--B aa187 ¢ PTE. J. HREHORUK--B.165920 SGN. C. HUNTER8.58799 HUZAR-- . WTCHUK--A.116182 K. R. INCHE--C.65589 -B. BD, JACKSON--V.27042 SPR. F. JAMES---C-6285 PTE. W. L. JAMES---B- Tes0e7 STWD. J. &. KARPOVICH.v.79893 PTE, R. J. KELLAR-- 8.122923 W. HENDERSON---V.894 J. T. KRAWCZYK--~--R.214356 Pre. FE Weta, CAPT. W. R. LEWis o PTE. BD. R, LINDSAYo-8 16 9 PTE. FE. MACKIN--B.119334 ~ City of Oshawa UNDISTRIBUTED WORLD WAR 2 SERVICE PLAQUES 7 The nomes listed below are of those World War 2 Service Men who did not recelve City of Oshawa Plaques. These Plaques were never delivered and are presently in the Deputy City Clark's office. You are requested to call for your Plaque or advise Mr, C. Lundy, Deputy City Clerk, of any revelont information regarding addresses ete cAMPatiL 143658 08 H. CARTWRIGHT---€-40532 CHALMERS--R- weatet 6. HENDERSON v. 768498 LJ wom hei oi ate ee 115380 598 MARGARET KILLEN---W.21294 TPR, A, G. MANSON---B.159781 CPL. E. C, MARSH--R-114838 PTE, A. M, MITCHELL----B-114541 PTE. J, W, MOORE--B-116317 G, MORGANTHAW----88420 L/CPL, I, E. B. MORRISON----B-125099 PTE. J, G. MUR viakPa ys tad GNR. F. 18678 ser. porate MACMILLAN--B- 123954 . MCDONALD--6-163722 re MCDIARMID---B-142880 L. R. MCKNIGHTB-60679 . &, PAGE---B-611583 » R. PARADISE--B-61015 . &, Moc 160513 nd PETRIE--L-53370 . PRESTONS-b-S8630 LAC. C. E. PRINGLE--R-190540 PRITCHARD F/O, J, W, POPOVITCH---J-45301 PTE. W, J, POULTER----B-356301 DRIVER J. M, PUK---B-110926 CPL. D. DB, RADCLIFFE---R-116910 A/LS. W. © REED---V-61355 SIG, J. A, REYNOLDS --B-113563 M.D, RICHARDSON--B.15758 106 » SHERIDAN 260362 - gibLock--w-20279 MP: j-- M1 tk Mok. Ts37t8 0. @. BOMBARDIER BD. Nn. "srians--. ela 0. J, STAPLE.B.13864: "¢, STAPLEA--€-500) \K---B. 131095 ree tH 4 4 gary HANK VALENTINE == \ vente e tarts mowers ePL. VANN---B-1317: CPL i ii Waliso Relates LieUy. J. f. WALSH ~~ PTE, R. WARD----H.8954 8/567. 3 WATSON--A.20942 LAC. &. WH. WESCOTT._R.119788 PTE. J. A, WHITE8. zara? f. WHITELEY--B.1179) Lac. H.W. WiLLiAMs--n. 4alaiy W.O. J, T, WILSON.-R.217218 REM Fey aged any 65835 pre WOODWARD----8.163997 ie ¢ -- YOUNG.P16450 PTE, W. HW. YOUNG--B.S6478 Signed ALD. A. H. MURDOCH, Chairmon, Porks Property & Recreation Committee. you'll really know you've: left home J When you come to , Grouse Mountain, -- just look, don't shoot! Unless, of course, you have a camera. From the top of Grouse Mountain you get a magnificent view of Vancouver, Its harbour and the mountains beyond. Ask your Travel Agent about Tour IT-LT-604, It lasts six days, costs only $185* per person double occupancy and takes In some of the most Interesting sights In and around Vancouver, The tour starts out from Vancouver every Tuesday between July 5th and September 13th, *Alr fare extra Economy Return Fare TORONTO/HAMILTON $91 8 TO VANCOUVER For a complete list and more detalls of the Western Canada tours, mall the coupon or write AIR CANADA In Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West. WESTERN TOURS P.O. Box 598 Montreal 3, Canada My phone No, Is Name. Address. City, AIR CANADA @®) aie Prov. \ 104 BROCK ST. S. For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN WHITBY 25 KING ST. E. PHONE 668-8867 Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA - PHONE 723-7001