2 THE OSHAWA TIMGS, Monday, Mey 9, 1966 INDIAN CHIEF JOHN Rig Tree poses outside his home in upstate New York. The elderly Indian was one Birth Recalled US. Nick NEW YORK (AP)--The U.S nickel coin, celebrating its 100th birthday this month, was born as a result of American Civil War's economic chaos, Silver eoins had all but vanished from sight as people hoarded them or shipped them abroad It also came about because a Pennsylvania miner named Jo- feph "Wharton needed a new market for his nickel--and he had two powerful friends in Con ess, Thaddeus Stevens and iliam D. Kelly Though the nickel has come out of the mints by the bil lions, the U.S. government has never officially recognized its name. To the treasury it is sim- ply the "five-cent piece,"' The Chase Manhattan Bank honey museum here marks the Cold Snap Hits Ontario Areas TORONTO (CP) -- A record breaking cold snap hit most areas of Ontario for the second night in a row. It would have been worse except for a cloud blanket which kept tempera- tures from dropping even fur- ther overnight, The frigid unseasonal temper- atures are expected to continue for at least another day, with) anow forecast in some areas and flurries possible in others, Record |ow temperatur Were set in at least four Onta municipalities overnight Sault Ste. Marie set a record low for the date with a tempera- OTTAWA (CP) Gov,-Gen Vanier said Friday the "future moral strength and greatness of our society depends on the training given now to those who will lead Canada tomorrow Young people are "the great est of our natural resources," he told top executives at the Roy Scouts of Canada nationa annual meeting Gen. Vanier Canada, said "scouting for is a combination of the highest hopes I hold for the future of Canada Lt.-Gen. Howard D re-elected national scout dent, told the annual meeting a Doukhobor Women On Hunger Strike KINGSTON (CP)--Two Douk hober women the Kingston prison for women ca eda hunger strike into its sixth week today Mary Malakoff and Mary taforoff, both in 50's and both from Kamloops, B are being forced-fed through tubes in their nasal passage Their condition was re as 'much the same." Both are cheerful but refuse to take solid nourishment HERE AND THERE An Oshawa firm Pickering 'Township have received letters of incorporation. They are Bisschop Haulage Litd., Pick ering Township and Pebble stone -Gatt-Course Lid awa," for me, chief scout Graham, in As their ported and a firm patent Os} ever increasing rate to meet de ture of 24 di new low for May was set at the Sault perature dropped to of the early 24 in 1950; 'Training For Tomorrow' Surest Course Says Vanier "rector of the United presi-| mous of the five cent piec- minted the nickel's 100-year Laborite Would Draw Troops Out HOBART, Australia (Reuters) of the three who posed for Indian the the famous head es in nickel, right most fa- history. Big Tree el Coin nickel's centennial with a spe cial exhibit opening today The first nickel, issued in 1866 had a shield on it, But the next Arthur Calwell, leader of Aus nickel to come along, the lib- tralia's federal opposition Labor erty head in 1883, proved a far party, said today if his more valuable coin to power it would The reserve side Australian troops from man "y'"' for 5, but Nam as s00n as po cents" was missing n consultation with our coin. So by the thousands Jib erty head nickels were gold plated and passed off as $5 gold pieces The Indian head nickel peared in 1913 with a design by James Karl Fraser, a noted American sculptor The Jefferson nickel, designed by Felix Schlag, appeared in }j 1938 and is being minted at an party came with Ro word South Viet the ble had a the fron draw aes Speaking at the University of Tasmania, Cal well predicted that 600 of the 4,500 Australians serving in South Viet Nam would be either killed 2 ap year wounded during the next ih Meanwhile this or mon said he would to see protests and dem onstrations all over Australia against conscription for service mand in South Viet Nam It was significant that while the government claimed Chinese commun a direct threat in some Asian countries, Austra were only fighting in South Viet Nam, 'We never seem to b@ fighting on a battle ground injess, and until, the U.S. de ides 4 he ke he said ism wa dozen lians 23 degrees with the 1947, A compared of May 9 enemnnne WELLINGTON, Australia and on the N.Z New Zea com necessity of pared with the 21-degree record maintaining forces in South 1920s Viet Nam to help repel armed Other records set overnight: aggression, a joint government Wiarton, 27, previous low 31 in communique said today 1954; Muskoka, 21, previous low The note was released here Killaloe, 22, previous after talks between Paul Has ecord 24 in 1940 luck, Australian minister for ex Low temperature records in éernal affairs, and New Zealand Sudbury, North Bay, London government officials and Toronto were equalled It said the two governments The North Bay low of 17 also "consider that it would be an tied that area's May record,:set inadequate response to South only last May 7. V etyRam's appeal for help s m ply to contribute social and eco nomic aid without al the same time assisting to bring about conditions of security without which such aid cannot be put to good effect SPECIAL IDEA "is FOR STAMPS HAMILTON (CP)--A man Kostyk with an idea born in Mexico wants a man made named Cote to put a Scot = kilts on a Canadian postage stamp We pression that this countr sists exclusively of English says -Ald (neut the 18 ers) land agree Saturday when tem closer and English scou reiationship standing between French-speaking s is haps the most pressing task facing the Canadian movement named Arrangements he final soon change of and ideas between groups Dr. John P Montreal, re will in for liaison, and nformatior two scout plans me should correct the im con of d Nations hu jman rights division, blamed the big powers for the UN's inabil ity to cope with the major world icrises » He the Council failure bring' the Viet Nar and divided German problems to the UN have shadowed the world organization's efforts Humophre ently retired and French 10 seph Kostyk He has asked Postmaster General Jean-Pierre Cole to issue a -special centennial stamp featuring Cana- dians in-a: variety of national costumes The idea came trom Mexico where stamps are used to i the the series annual dinne veto and said at the Security to ustrate costumes. of for ; . country peace 'LBJ Plan Would Deny Any Lunar Sovereignty SAN ANTONIO ( P)--Presi- ident Johnson has proposed that|bodies should be free for ex ithe United States, Russia, and|ploation and use by al! coun-|Johnson to outline in fairly spe-| Wife's Jap, Leonard Deadwyler's tries. No country should be per-|cific terms what he feels should| 4¥ing words were "she's having | other space powers join in a | treaty outlawing military ac ity on the moon and deny tiv- ing anyone or any nation lunar soy lereignity. Johnsont said the object ive lis to make sure that astronauts of all nations can freely conduct iscientifie investigations of moon, Non-military goods lspace are attainable m Jobn the outer son said, and in his view a treaty is needed to lay down rules exploration of the moon for and other heavenly. bodies for peace- ful purposes only. Jotnson said the treaty 5 | posal will be discussed by 1 pro J,$ | Ambassador Arthur J, Goldberg in the 28-member United Na- itions committee on outer space. After that, it would a matter of formai negotiati among nations involved in ot space exploration, looking ward a treaty Johnson said 'the element such a treaty would be as lows . posed for the of the the --AP WEATHER FORECAST Light Snowflurries Seen For Today Or Tuesday TORONTO (CP) issued by the weather office 5:30 a.m Synopsis; A series of disturb ances south of the Great Lakes is being pushed. progressively farther south as the from a frigid: arctic h ure tern Hudson the part face from nose up Wirephoto day. Clear and cold night. Winds northeast 20 g ing to 30 this afternoon Haliburton Killaloe Forecasts very al Su scattered and cold and today cloudiness flurries Continuing outflow Tuesc gh pre vers area over takes weather throughout This means the current ea of both afternoon Georgian Bay but say command On Sudbury with all of tarlo continuation Bay cold will of severe weather in all regions, Thi be particularly noticeable a night as skies clear but during the day a few scattered flurries of snow will emind that summer is ill ¢ long way off Lake St. Clair, Niagara northern Lake Huron, Windsor, Hamilton: Cloudy with sunny in tervals and.a few snowflurries today and Tuesday, Continuing very cold, Northeast winds near 20 but gusting to 30 in the afte and Tuesday. A few scatte snowflurries particularly the Bruce Peninsula, Contint very Winds northeast even cold serve to Algoma, Sault. Ste. Marie, magaimi erable afternoon Continuing very cold the aflernoons., White River, Cochrane able cloudiness with an ional snowflurry and cont ing very cotd today and 'I day. Northerly winds near becoming light tonight Ottawa region: Sunny noon Lake Lake London, cloudi light Tues Erie outhern Huron, Lake Ontario Toronto: Variable ness with chance of a few snowflurries today and PRINCE LEARNS HOW TO READ Pa, (AP) five-year-old Elizabeth and is learning: to Initial Teaching letter wit winds north but ligh Tuesday, Cold 15 during the day night Forecast Temperatures Windsor St, Thomas London Kitehener Mount Forest esses Bethlehem, Prince Andrew gon of Quéen Prince Philip, read by the Wingham Alphabet method, a Hamilton from Buckingham Palace co Catharines says Toronto Recipient of the letter was peterborough . Dr. Albert J, Mazurkiewicz, Kingston director of the reading centre Prenton ,, at Lehigh Universits Killaloe .. He introduced Muskoka phabet in the North Bay and it is generally Sudbury . first grade. His sy 44-character alphabet youngsters started the new a United used.in the fem uses a States Karlton a8 Sault Ste. Marie .. Kapuskasing . White River Vioosonee to get reading over t ling then spvitches them customary spe Mazurkiewit the f 0 more Dr da te learning the said to- Timmins note London lin lim that the prince ITA wa vas { bods 1 a courte the the hu heat Pound for produces pound more sun become Ons ster to s of fol tout of it at all." to ust nny but with considerable afternoon snow las Winds northeast 15 gusting to 20 or 30 North qunny consider able aflernoon cloud ness today pred near ling 15 gusting 10 25 in the afternoons Ti: Sunny but with consid- cloudiness snowflurries today and Tuesday Northeast winds near 15 gusting to 25 in Vari occa inu ies 15 ha few cloudy periods today and) !s £50,000 ($150,000) erly t at Low tonight, high Tuesday 45 45 45 45 40 40 45 45 45 40 45 45 man than REGISTERED NURSES HILLSDALE MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED 1 salary and comprehensiv rds off City Hell, Oshowe a OVER 40 .YEARS EXPERIENCE! @) NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN ! 24 hour se ed trucks 110 KING ST. COAL & SUPPLIES 723-3481 IN OSHAWA more furs Are stored with Marten's Good Nemes Te Ramember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker ~~. President Bill McFeaters ---- Vice Pres SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Than All Other Stores ! PHONE _" 723-7921 FOR FREE PLCK.UP BY BONDED DRIVER 'MARTEN'S FURS 75 King St. East Opporid? Genashe Hote? ARE YOU AFRAID TO GO TO A PHYSICIAN? Recently « physicion told shout one of his patients who was brought to his office amost in a atate of mental collapse. For nearly a year this patient watch- ed @ growth on his body become large and was afraid to go to a physician for fear of hearing the worst. He just worried himself sick Fortunately i was a benign tumor, easily removed by minor surgery and now he is well nm. But, if it Wend been cancerous, the delay might have permitted thet growth to become incurable, instead of being easily removed before its poison infected the body. Never fear the worst, If you have recuring pains er aches, or unusuol body changes, consult @ physician quickly, The odds are they will be curable YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine, Pick yp your prescription if shopping by, or-we willodeliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions, May we compound yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY ) 573 King Street East Oshawa PHONE 723-3594 Free Motorized Delivery J, R. Steffen, B.Sc. Phm, Fast Phm, B 2 P. B. Francis, * LHR YR OG PERSONNEL OFFICER, countries should avoid harmful contamination 4 US stage He . said The moon and other colestish| reached the to mitted to advance a claim oftbe done to guarantee peaceful # baby.' sovereignty juses only of outer space "There should be freedom of| The United Nations in scientific investigation, and all|@dopted 'a resolution co-operate in|ing @ policy that members scientific activities relating to| Would not station nuclear weap-| celestial bodies | "Studies should be destruction in outer space. Such] a resolution does not hi same force as a formal treaty. Johnson made his proposal in| a statement issued by the White House press office. made to "Astronauts from one country should give any necessary help to astronauts of another coun try, > No country should be per wares mitted to station weapons of mass destruction on a celestial body, Weapons tests and mili tary manoeuvres should be for bidden { am convinced that we should do what we can--not only for our generation but for future generations--to see fo it that serious political conflicts do not arise as a result of space H : B, avor eement : activities, | believe the time is| favor an Agreement not to use aie! the moon for military purposes, | SS ports that but they may think there is no! pressing need for it yet, THINK RUSSIANS AHEAD? 'A Jeading Russian scientist, Asked whether Johnson's Mstislav Keldysh, stated sh treaty proposal represents any cently that the Soviet Union new concern that the Russians /@¥8 Ho claim to the area of might beat the United States to the Ocean of Storms where the the moon, Deputy Press Secre Soviet rocket Luna IX landed tary Robert H. Fleming told re in February. porters at press headquarters here "{ don't Jotinson's call for a treaty papers here cent on questions of space jaw: and Johnson's ca!!: may not arouse any particuiar reaction, Kremlin leaders are likely to Israeli Police Curb Agitators TEL AVIV (Reuters)-- Mounted and steel-helmeted Is- raeli police, armed with clubs, kept between 200 and 300 dem- onstrators from gate-crashing a reception given here Sunday fight in honor of Konrad Aden auer former West German chancellor fe One youth slipped through the cordon and entered the lounge of the hotel where the recep- tion, given by West German Ambassador Rolf Pauls, was being held see that conclusion OPERATION BUTTERFLIES LONDON (AP)--Thousands of brightly colored butterflies may decorate London's parks if Mr P y Jay, chairman of the Greater London coun- il's park committee, has her way Mrs, Jay of a. mem- ber of the British cabinet, is backing the idea for a butter- fly breeding farm in Lee Val- ley Park, which is planned as a huge recreation area stretching from the London docks to the eastern suburbs. Birds and small mammals also are planned as: part of the nature preserve there David Halkley, a council member who advanced the butterfl# idea, said Sun- day the of' the project "would be justified by the pleasure the brilliantly col- ored - butterflies would give park visitors Estimated cost of the farm wife HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS cost LOS ANGELES (AP)--A. po- studies have lice bullet in his chest and his h enable head cradled in 1963mf Deadwyler's death establish- Might alter a high-speed chase: fire The bullet struck Deadwy- his jons or other weapons of mass|Pital. With them was their son, | Leonard e the Ferguson, 31, owner of the car. Deadwyler at speeds of up to 80. miles an hour before he eased | °*"® off to a slow roll, Official spokesmen are reti-,ward, - {Driver's Dying Words: "She's Having A Baby" Bova, pistol in hand, thrust head, shoulders and arms Pregnant! through Deadwyler's open wine v dow to remove the ignition key. ' The car suddenly lurched for- Authorities gave this account ward, knocking Bova off bal- Saturday ance and causing his pistol to his Deagwyler, 21 was driving jer in the chest. wile, Barbara, 25, to hos) ie was pronounced dead on arrival at a nearby hospital. At- jtendants said his wife was. not lin labor. Their son was turned over to juvenile authorities for -- Jr., 2, and Gamaliel Several police cars pursued "The guy said he had to take Deadwyler's car continued to| his wife to the hospital. She said MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Russia\inch forward as officers J, M.\She was going to have a baby," was silent Sunday on President\Bova and K, F : : : y proached and ordered a com- His statement arrived too late Plete stop, ~ to be printed in Sunday's news- CAR CONTINUES Ross .ap- TRIALS WILL END War 'crimes prosecutions for I . murder in West Germany will The car continued to inch for-\end Dec. 31, 1960, under the state of limitations NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN WOMEN and DEPENDENTS All ex-service personnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of « FREE LEGION SERVICE W. R. BUCK Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronte LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 Tuesday, May 10th From 2 p.m. to Completion of Business To give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits, Any- one with questions on War Disability Pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt Out Pension) ; Treatment or Hospital Care is urged tc call or write to MR. C, A, BRISEBOIS, Business Manager of Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange an appointment, The Ideal Gift for Graduation or any other occasion... BANK OF MONTREAL HIGH-YIELD SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Your investment grows by in six years Cashable at any time Available in amounts from $10 to $50,000 at any branch of Canada's First Bank WY 10 3 MM L/OW CANADIANS JUST A FEW OF THE FINE LISTINGS OFFERED BY CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Real Estate Dept, eo 7 m Centre Halil Plan Ina pertact location, neor schools and bus, @ lovee ly four bedroom executive's home, You'll like the large living roofm® with fireplace ond the large ra pik teak Ani, £8 BAe rec-roor Grid sarge master bedroom, Oniy $5,566 down .and low taxes too. Centrally Located --- Two Driveways cash get bargain! Older home Suitable for large family. 4 bedrooms Asking $18,900.00. Make Substantial wil solidly built with two bathrooms offer Excellent North end location neor public, high schools and bus, six "brick, asking only $13,400 room FOR INFORMATION ON C..0, T. Real Estate Listings call: 668-4416 723-7996 Tom Houston Charles Chaytor Ralph Schofield Supervisor Real Estate Dept. 723-5221 -- Res. 728-3376 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST REAL ESTATE DEPT. 19 Simeoe St. N. Oshawa 723-5221 '