Indonesian Army techni- cians prepare the launc' ing of one of ten rocke Better Deal Asked For Nursing Groups TORONTO (CP) -- Resolu- tions asking that nurses receive better treatment under the On- tario Labor Relations Act and that the Registered-Nurses As- asked for establishment of ex--encourage other employees of of the new boundary "has sociation of Ontario seek certifi-\tension courses for developing health units to seek collective sulted in added protection for cation as representative for all nurses in personnel miatters were endorsed at the associa-| ices Commission, the Ontario contract, which runs from April today. tion's annual meeting Saturday were witnessed by strong- man Suharto and Gen, Nas- ution. | | Thursday from a beach in Southwest Java, The Indo- nesian - made rocket tests jically in any manner that will described the new agreement as further best the interests of the"'a breakthrough. as far as our profession." » profession is concerned, Success Another pted | of our negotiations will, we feel, resolution acce consultation | bargaining,' She said ifurther skills in with the Ontario Hospital Serv- that with the new Medical Association. Delegates|1, 1966, to March 31, 1967, the | Protection QUEBEC (CP) -- The cam- paign for Quebec's June 5 pro- vincial general election got into full swing Sunday with the of- ficial entry of the Union Na- tionale party, which formed the opposition in the last legisla- ture, Party Leader Daniel Johnson opened his campaign in Acton Vale with a sweeping attack on the Liberal administration of Premier Jean Lesage and re- peated assurances that the Union Nationale is prepared to take over the reins of govern- ment, | He drew a two-minute ovation from an overflow crowd of 2,000 which packed the auditorium and entrance halls of a school jin his home riding of Bagot. Meanwhile, Premier Jean Le- sage covered more than 100 jmiles in a weekend swing | through central Quebec. He jspoke in four centres and had |a choice election titbit--a new industy, an urban renewal pro- |posal or an irrigation project--j|nothing of the report but will! for almost everyone, | The weekend also saw Lucien |Cardin, the federal justice min- ister, throw his support be -|the provincial Liberal leader. WANTS ONE LANGUAGE In Lac Megantic, 90 south of Quebec City, |Pierre Bourgault of (AP Wirephoto by radio from Tokyo) miles Leader the sep- Fisheries election in a moment of panic. One reason was the province's financial situation, Another was the fear of the disclosures that might be made before the iegis- lature's public accounts com- mittee, which was to have sat April 22-23, and still another was the fear that high school examination results would be "a mess again this year." This was a reference to mix- ups in results last year through which some students received grades for subjects they had not even written, The govern- ment blamed it on problems with its new computer system. He challenged Mr, Lesage to clear up the mystery surround- ing the final report of the Parent royal commission on ed- ucation, which has not yet been made public but has been the |subject of published reports in |Montreal and Quebec City 1/ws- papers, |WILL GET COPY, | Mr. Lesage has said he knows receive a copy in Quebec City Wednesday. Quebec Campaign Hits Full Swing the mid-1930s, when the provin- cial party was founded. WILL BE ESTABLISHED "One way or-another, a-sicel- making industry will be estab- lished at Becancour," the pre- mier said, "The attitude of th government toward this proje has not changed." Becancour is on the south side of the St. Lawrence River opposite Trois-Rivieres and a new muiti-million-dollar bridge linking the two centres is under construction, the Central Mortgage and 4ous- ing Corp. the possibility of ur- ban renewal for downtown Trois-Rivieres In. hig? own. hometown of Louisville Saturday, speaking at a luncheon for Maskinonge can- didate Avellin Daleourt, Mr, Le- |sage announced that 'the most |modern foundry in Canada" will jbe built there at a cost of be- tween $8,000,000 and $10,000,000, OPPOSE MINOR PARTIES Sunday afternoon in Sorel, he oh & THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 9, 1966 48 _ Rare - Type Blood Used SYDNEY (Reuters)--A sup- ply of rare-type blood flown \from New Zealand to try to \save a Sydney man from death reached here Sunday and was taken to the Red Cross trans- fusion servicefor -eress-match ing. Dunedin hospital officials sent it after reading reports of a world search for cdE-cdE blood, needed for Kevin Abberton, 39, sick in Sydney's Royal Prince Albert Hospital with .a danger- ously low hemoglobin content if his blood. Blood also is being flown here from Britain and Canada. Education Minister Paul was joined on the platform by! hind Gerin-Lajoie told a nominating) Justice convention in his riding of Vaud- will meet members of the royal commission Wednesday in Que- bec, Mr, wound Lesage up Minister Cardin, who appealed to Quebec voters to} reuil-Soulanges that the cabinet|/keep "minor parties' out of the} legislature. He and the premier appeared in behalf of Gerard Cournoyer, | tionale told a rally that French|his assurance that Quebec's; Today, the premier flies to | junless it becomes the ficial language in Quebec HALIFAX (CP) -- Canada is) Mr. Somasee seit the Salon enforcing a 12-mile fishing limit|Nationale is 'rejuvenated, en- --although not against all for-|thusiastic and serious eign fleets--and implementation | "¢#4Y re-| government, In the coming elec- Canadian fisheries." Fish-| 0! 108 candidates would be new- Minister Robichaud said comers : y The Union Nationale leade: said Premier Lesage called the our eries He made the point in an ad- The meeting voted that "all/yoted to increase RNAO mem-|unit has risen from one of the dress to the 2Ist annual meet. legal steps be taken to convince the minister of labor that nurses are not being treated -as they would wish under the Labor Re- lations Act." The resolutions expressed fear four hospitals are already certi-| and Poel County unit is certified| Plans to. in an effort to increase that with individual units re- ceiving certification there be given into the control of a labor union. The delegates also passed a resolution expressing dissatis- nurses and nurses at Port Ar- nurses will be' excluded from |imit faction with the progress: of col- lective bargaining legislation re- quested in February, 1965. The resolution suggested that the RNAO become "involved polit- Continuing Revolution /50 Killed In Education Proposed MONTREAL (CP) -- A con tinuing of Quebec's educational revolution is proposed in part of the education of the province's royal commission on education Provision for non-denomina- tional education in Quebec's present "pluralist society' is one of its recommendations Others are for an overhual of local school organization and creation of a special service for the education of the province's Indians. Hi The 74 recommendations, not officially made public but pub dent of the Ontario County unit,!terborough are organizing. bership fee to $35 from $20. lowest paid units to one of the highest in the province ARE CERTIFIED The health unit in Waterloo The meeting was told that six County is organized but waiting county public health units and t) eommence operations Oct, 1, |fied or in the process of organ-| and contract, negotiating a is|izing as a result of a resolution Brant and Halton County units) stocks and re-gear the $300,000,-| danger that nursing groups may last year to "proceed with col are applying to the Labor Rela- 000-a-year industry for revolu- lective bargaining in whatever tions Board for certification way was deemed possible." Brockville Hospital is await- Ontario County Health Unit ing a decision as to which thut and Fort William have bargaining while Riverview formed associations and negoti-| Hospital is negotiating an agree- ated agreements ment. Peel Memorial Hospital) Mrs, Margaret Cooper, presi-.and St, Joseph's Hospital in Pe- Weekend jities Seharate boards and com In Canada | missions exist for French- and |English-languake schools Weekend traf{ic accidents The report recommends aboli-/across Canada claimed at least jtion of this system in favor of | 50 lives, half of them in Que- la three-level structure. At the| bec. ' bottom would be a five-member x eae Farge gsr § : "gs ee from 6 p.m, Friday to midnight schoo! committee for eachigunday, local times. also school. whose members would showed 12 drownings, three be elected by parents of chil-|qeaths by fire and one man dren in. the school killed whan ha fell fram 9 hotel At the next level would be a| window in Vancouver regional commission, a bod Quebec reported 26 traffic five to 11 members who would| deaths and three drownings |be elegted for three-year terms|New Brunswick had eight road | of ing of the Fisheries Council of Canada The 12-mile limit was but one of a host of measures his de- partment has implemented or "Death Of A Gets Superb By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP)--The end Canada's fishing catch, protect planned, A capacity crowd of 2,500 jammed the Trois-Rivieres ar |minister in the federal cabinet tion, 88 of the party's full siate|of Conservative Leader Diefen-| mondville Thursday, baker, Mr. Balcer, running as a Liberal, is seeking to break the hold the Union Nationale thas had on Trois-Rivieres since Salesman' Treatment {father's death, finally faces re ality and himself. cannot survive as a language|proposed $200,000,000 steel-mak-|the Lake St. John area north of only of-/ing industry will go ahead as| Quebec City, where he has stops at Alma and Roberval and a night rally in Dolbeau, Mr. Johnson's complete itiner- and|mory to hear him at a rally for ary has not yet been made pub- to form Quebec's next|Leon Balcer, former transport|lic, The next rally he is known ito be attending is in Deum- Mr, Bourgault campaigns to jday in the Montreal suburb of | Laval his|minister without portfolio who} laratist party Le Rassemble-|busy weekend in Trois-Rivieres|is seeking re-election in Riche-| e e iment pour I'Independance Na-|Sunday night, where he gave lieu constituency. Blood of the rare type, taken from Mrs, Norman Pede who lives 25 miles west Craik, Sask., was flown Satur- day from Regina to Vancouyer, jfrom where it was to be flown | to Australia, In Ottawa, doctors quickly le cated two donors, John Branne# and James Book, and had their blood donations on the way te Australia by late Sunday, Three other Ottawa-area donors have the rare blood but had made donations recently, The names of five Canadian' with the blood type required ip Australia were found by D¥. Brian Moore, scientific direntot for the Red Cross, on the mas ter blood. donor list in Toronta, Three of them had made recent donations and Were unavailable \for further contributions, empnertenarnmmarcsnmmaansenesimttaly | KAISER Aluminum Siding @ Ends maintenance | You get the quality you expect from KAISER Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't peel, rust or crack -- ends painting worries and saves @ Economical to install Kaiser Aluminum Siding covers any surface -- mak style of home sparkle with | i | Greater comfort Kaiser Aluminum Siding m This guarantee is exclusiv: ® 10 colours Modern, bright and pastel you money. lasting beauty. Me akes your home cooler in Sam- mer, warmer in Winter -- cuts fnel costs, 20-year transferable guarantee e with Kaiser and adds sub- tantially to the resale value of your home. colours to choose from, with @ full selection of accessories. tionary changes being brought of a man when his dream world fine about by research Parliament passed the 12-mile|is shattered was depicted pow legislation almost two|erfully Sunday night in the fine |GBE:TY adaptation of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman It was two hours of tense, | to draw straight baselines and sometimes painful drama as we this.yAs been the snag. watched an aging, defeated Straight baselines, from head-| travelling salesman. move inex- land to headland, enclose large|orably 'toward self-destruction, years ago, increasing the three- mile limit by nine miles. The act coo gs the government | bodies of water and certain for-| clinging desperately two fantas-| ------~~ eign fleets accustomed to fish-|ies--of quick fortune, of fame,| ing in such spots would set up! of popularity--on which he built) a howl his shabby life, "Therefore the government Lee J, Cobb, playing the dis- has been negotiating with &/traught Willy Loman, turned in number of countries which have] an overwielming performance been fishing for many years off] tt was as his Broad- the Canadian coast regarding) way portrayal of the role 17 the establishment of proposed) .oars ago, Mildred Dunnock| baselines." portrayed Loman's loving, pa Meanwhile, the department's | tient and blindly toyal wife with enforcement vessels are meas-| equal power, uring the 12 miles from "the sinuosities of the coast," The 12-mile limit "an es tablished fact,"' said Mr, Robi- chaud, "and is being enforced| against all countries excepting those which have traditional} fishing rights off our coasts and with whom we are carrying on negotiations," The drama was told largely in flashbacks to happier days and was, of course, the story of the| salesman drummer" as his son screamed in the moment of truth, VALUES SHAKEN | Loman's distorted values, mostly involving his importance and popularity, were shaken is | Ending Of Tolls It was a truly tion of a fine play. produc Recommended tonight: The Hill Country: Lyndon Johnson's Texas, NBC, 10-11 EDT special program in which the president conducts a televi- sion tour around tne area where he was born and still lives, insdkanot Your home is your castle, It prob- ably gepresents the biggest: invest- ment you'll ever make. And you'll be smort to protect that investment with @ Stote Farm Homeow Police, This low-cost packag protection provides broader cover- age for your home and belongings and for you, in cose of lowsuits ' . ot less cost than many -simi- lar policies, Coll me for the de tolis! ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshewe Blvd. N. Oshawa 725-5841 STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO, Can. Heed Office, Scarbero, Ont. Lansing Seeks OTATS faem LANSING, Mich. (AP)--At- torney-General Frank Kelley of Michigansaid Friday the state's delegation to the Great Lakes, commission will seek eventual) elimination of all tolls on the: Wesunawey Kaiser Aluminum Siding is C.H.M.C. approved. Available in horizontal and vertical, acrylic finish. | Consult the Yellow Pages for your Kaiser dealer or contact: ~ KAISER ALUMINUM COMPANY 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ontario | Telephone: 755-2261 | CONTACT YOUR LOCAL KAISER DEALER SUPREME WINDOW AND DOOR PRODUCTS 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-9848 - £ LES EVENISS SALES LTD, | 15 PRINCE ST. : or after hours 723-2707 - 725-4632 St, Lawrence Seaway. -"just a hardworking |" with age and faltering sales suc- cess, But the fantasies also had destroyed his two sons, Biff, who was 34, making $28 a week lished by La Presse Saturday, |by de(ggates from school com-| deaths--six of them in two acci SATURDAY tion co ge og Baia fasl eg ao region On top} dents and one drowning | Bonnie Doreen Whetung, 19, report bib cient, oe ee 0 A pep pole -- 7 hg: to a ns hha willl ' g c ntari a yur rowne in oronto Msgr. Alphonse-Marie Parent |members of each-regional com Nova Scotia reported two Roland Mathews, 54, and Rob-|and was a petty thief, and head of the commission, is to|mission in an afea and two|highway deaths and one drown: ert Horsley, 33, both of Oakville,| Happy, a bum, braggart and present the two-molume final|members named by the educa-) ing in a. boating accident in Lake} liar | sention to the government Wed-|tion department Newfoundland had two drown-| Ontario near Oakville George Segal and James Fa- nesday. Premier Lesage has in-| The would| ings and Prince Edward Island! Keith Riley, Brantford,| rentino, playing the sons, gave dicated he will not 'release it watch over education and punil|one traffic fatality drowned in the Grand River in| sensitive performances. before the June 5 provincial!and teacher welfare in ifs own Saskatchewan had Brantford Miller adapted the drama skil- election. school; the regional commission Way deaths John Alexander McEwan, 21,) fully for television, constructing SEEK REPORT'S RELEASE would organize and administer British Columbia recorded of Hamilton,. when his car| the seenes--so-that-commercial Various educational author-| {aching on both the elementary two deaths n traffic, one by stuck a bridge near Hamilton. | breaks came almost as welcome ities have called for its im and secondary levels; the coun-| drowning and one in a fall, Robert lan Podd, 17, Port Ar-|interruptions to the tension, No- siediite vublicsiles. 1k hak Yeon cil of school development would! Manitoba reported three fire thur, drowned when his canoe} table, too, was the handling of aeolian inf icine tina cad some deal with such matters as fi-| deaths and Alberta one in traf-| overturned in Lake Muskoka, 25| the climax where Biff, his last Ge Hregchlancuaes nances. taxation fic miles north of Orillia illusions stripped away pith his cones " tion of developmen The survey does not include . are reported to be stored a € deaths Pp ] indsstrial or netural le ; Montfeal warehouse. sion would deal with all educa- KNOW Slayings or suicides. Now Open at La Presse says e al re- The é ead: a Press ays the final re tion--French, English, denom The Ontario dead; port recommends that the pub- " Inational and non-denomina SUNDAY 33 King Street East, Oshawa. lic education system in Quebec i : offer Roman Catholic, Protes- 'onal Howard Slade, 6, when struck by a car Dedicated to High Style Sportsweor end Imported Knits e OPN DAILY @ \ school committee 7, six high , What's your stand on accumulating money? | Toronto tant and non - denominational) Besides the creation of a near his schooling, in so far as stand- Special service by the education home ards can be maintained department for the education of |" It also is proposed that school|Indians, "both young and} commissions have no denomina-| adult," the report suggests that} tional character. Recommenda- Indian parents be able to par tions are made which recognize | ticipate in school committees of the right of parents--and pupils | Public schools attended by their --to be consulted as regards|children, with the 'same rights their religious education or lack | and privileges as other parents of it. in. the regional school commis- Schools are called upon to Sion which covers the area in| adapt themselves to a system Which they live." in which the "diversity of re- Steps should be taken to make| ligious options of parents andiIndians better understood--Ca-| Ppupils" would be respected, nadian history books should be Under the present system revised and rectified so as to there exist municipal school/present a "truer image of boards and regiqnal school com-/ American Indians" and the de missions, the latter administer-'partment of education should ing. a secondary school orj|get under way a "vast program schools in an area which can|to educate adults with respect take in one or more municipal-|to the Indian population." 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