TRAINED BABY -SITTERS ARE AN ASSET TO OSHAWA AT WOODVIEW Neighbor- hood Park Community cen- AT THE YWCA Dr. M, P. Townsend congratulates some of the girls to whom he THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Some planetary restrictions prevail now. You may be faced with a few minor, but trouble- some, situations at home or in business, but take them in stride. You can avoid a great deal of trouble by shunning friction and being tactful under all condition FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that during the coming year, you will have many. opportunities to} test your ingenuity, Some un-| usual responsibilities, may he thrust upon you but, where others fail, your innate imagi- nation and sound judgment in handling them could bring great prestige as well as career and} financial advancement -- boons| which extraordinarily generous planetary influences for the next nine years should heln to advance considerably further Retween now and the end of December, a noticeable uptrend in your mone Status will be evident and if you are careful lary to re-evaluate all situations and|. consolidate gains during Janu ary and February, you should he in fine to expand these 'interests March 1 when you will enter another excellent' four month cynle along these li However avoid extravagance and specu lafion in early: August, and especially in November and De- cember. Rest periods for job advancement: September, No vember, December and next March : Persona! affairs will also be governed by pleasant influenc®s position on nes during the next 12 months, with tre, Mrs, E, A, Collins, right, chats with certified presented certificates, From the left, they are: Rayne Sherlock, 11; Catherine emphasis on romance between now and late an excellent ~period for all Taure ans--and in»late October and next April. Propitious aspects will govern travel within the next four months; also in Janu ary and April, Creative workers should have an outstandingly good year, with notable periods of accomplishment indicated in early September, throughout December and next March and April A child born on this day September will baby sitters, Judy Warren, 13; left, and standing, from e Parents Can Set Minds At Ease j With A Qualified Baby-Sitter & ll ' 4 vs Boake, 1 and Alyson Hutchinson Jarbura Biro 13 Oshawa Times Photos be endowed with unusual cour age, independence and a fertile imagination FARM GAME WINNIPEG has established a BIRDS Manitoba 4,400 - game management area 75 miles northeast of Winnipeg and a 9,600-acre game bird refuge nearby. Mines department: offi- clals will test conse (CP) acre vation pol curbing recrea nal opportunities les without CAYUGA AVE. aD SOMERVILLE ST. TAUNTON RD. W, We Are Now Taking Orders for Homes To Be Built In This Area, SIMCOE ST. N. $21,475.00 $4,975.00 JAMES O'MALLEY Construction Lid, . 723-7122 left to right; Paula Johnston, 13; Betsy MecClement, 11; and Joan Stainton, 12, Two courses for baby « sit ters have recently been suc cessfilly pleted in Oshawa, aualifying A srs and one boy to fulfil th service which always in demand, Thirty «nine girls completed the ten week course sponsored by Woodview Park Neighbor- hood association and were treat ed to an evening of bowling at Motor City Bowling Lanes and. entertainment by a top- flight magician, Jack Bateman at the community centre, Ref- reshments followed and the pre- sentation of the certificates, Cfedit for the success of the class was given to Mrs, P, R Duncanson, the class leader and to Mrs. Joseph France and Mr Allen Leavitt who assisted, The course was co-sponsored by the Ontario County Tuber. culosis Association and Wood- view Park Neighborhood Asso- ciation, Some of those who as- sisted as speakers during the course were Mrs, FE, A. Collins Dr, John Chmara, Captain Wil- liam Murray, Miss Gertrude Tucker Miss Grace Richer, Miss Esther Matheson, Miss Donna Dodge, Mrs. Mackie and Miss Johan Parkhill Last Thursday marked the end of a series of lectures held at the YWCA, Results of exams written a week ago revealed eighteen suc cessful cnadidates, 17 girls and one boy Mrs, B.-A 18 Collins secretary of the Ontario County T. B, As- sociation attended the final meeting Thursday night to pre sent silver dollars to the two highest in the exams -- Cath erine Boake and Alyson Hitch inson, and to Barbara Biro and Rayne Sherlock for the best scrapbooks Dr. M. P. Townsend present ed the girls and boy with their diplomas and Mary Townsend presented the guide certificat e Lecturers for the course Mrs A, R. Garrett Mrs. R. S. Bishop. B A. H. Murdock R.N,, P. Townsend, Mr, 7 mers .M.A,, Mrs. A, F,° Her bert, and Capt. William Mur- ray of the Oshawa Fire Depart- ment, Mrs, Walter Famme was moderator for a panel discus- sion Panelists « were, A New Service Right On Your Premises ! Or In Our Plant "Commercial and Residential WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM (Ineluding Nylon & Aerilen) Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Dyed the Color You Want RE-NU WAY @ Fost Color @ Permanent @ Odorless And Completely Gueranteed Why. Replace ? Re-Nu anc Save FREE ESTIMATES RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU Female Lawyer Serves On National Parole Board |° By MARILYN ARGUE though I always hated mathe- | OTTAWA (CP)--Mary Louise matics."' She only had one crim- | Lynch does: personnel work for inal case, a bigamy trial, which convieted thieves, dope addicts she was told about at 11 a.m. and fraud artists. and had to handle at 2:30 p.m. \° The files'stacked on her desk the same day |deal with prisoners across Can- 'I lost it--it pul me off erim- jada, As a member of the na- inal law." : tional parole hoard, she has to She was the first woman to to return to society. Supreme Court of New Bruns- The first and only woman\on wick, the five-member board was\a She had always wanted to be lawyer in Saint John, N.B., for:a lawyer, even when people told 27 years before her appoint- her nobody would go to a ment in 1960, woman, There had never been She says she had thought of leaving the ment offered her the posting, 'but it isn't 10-year single sisters took care of her often a and her two younger sisters, woman of 50 gets a chance todo She was encouraged in her a new and interesting job." ambition by a close family Miss Lynch is a direct, mat- friend, a probate judge. When ter - of - fact person with short she had almost decided to give grey hair and blue eyes. She up and become a teacher, he lives in Ottawa at a residential persuaded her to change her club for women and often mind makes return visits to New Though she led her class in Brunswick to visit her family law sehool, she had no prac and attend meetings of the sen- tical experience when she grad ate of the University of New uated, 'I'd never even signed | Brunswick, a cheque." | "I like Ottawa, but I still The firm she joined, at $5 a |miss the Maritimes and my life- week in 1933, couldn't afford a liong friends, The job is. worth\secretary for her, so she went jit, though--I find I'm a more to vocational school and learned compassionate and understand- to do her own typing ing person 5s ee : Pe | "It's a humbling job. Seeing SUPERVISION HELPS |people who are in trouble, you My first cases were collec- realize the rotten chances tions for small debts, It's a they've had. You can't always ghastly business, but you Jearn jud®e people by your 'own stan- 4 !ot about people and life," \dards,"' With the parole board, she re Her law practice had dealt thousand with title and property work, @¥ery The board pro estates and income tax "even essed 11,100 files last year About 9,000 of these were for parole. The others were appeals for clemency by men sentenced to be lashed, and appeals by automobile drivers who had had their licences revoked "We grant about 25 per cent of the paroles that come up for jew, I's better for people to don Hare and two students, be released under supervision Nelson Cross and Judy Mowat, this way, About 85 per cent of As well as receiving a diploma the people who finish out their for the baby sitting course, the terms and are simply released girls all earned a Child Care go back to prison," badge for the Girl Guides She says prisoners convicted The successful candi. of non-capital murder are 'our dates were: Catherine Boake, Safest people, Very few people Barbara Mowat, Alyson Hutch. commit two murders, Jt was views several CABUS year {Mrs, 8, A, Willson, Mr Gor decide whether they are ready plead--and win--acase--in--the! never a lawyer in her family. Her! Mari-'mother died when she was a times before the justice depart- small girl, and her father's two. inson, Lyn Scheidel, Laurie Har dy, Victoria Duffield, Sherry Woodman, Barbara Biro, Mary Root, Debbie Lamont, Rayne Shellock, Nelson Cross, Debbie Dilling, Suzanne Gordon, Mar jorie Owen, Judy Mowat, Shar on Keetch, Ronnie Johnson Mrs, Gordon Barker and Mrs Edward Alker were examiners, Thanks were expressed to Mrs Evelyn Farthing of the Child ren's Aid Society for the films workers usually something like a jealous wife or husband, or a property dispute, or a drinking brawl.' Parole board members do not interview the prisoners. This is done by psychiatrists and sonial in centres across the country, Their reports, together with opinions of prison person nel,-are-then considered by the board Miss Lynch's -- appointment may be renewed in 1970-~"but shown at the last meeting. Mrs always planned to retire at Murray Townsend was the i! ap ola The ose -- course leader. iad was the summer |g i ated from university," a FABRIC Village ins oinee Mo lection of Import ed @ Laces @ Rayons WIFE PRESERVER Tie a preity ribbon around an unwrapped cake' of toilet Woollens @ Brocedes KING ST. W, AT PARK RD, King Park Plaza PHOWE 723-0721 soap and hang in the cloth es closet to keen smelling fresh clothing FEWER AMERICANS BORN Live births in the United States decreased 7.1 per cent in 1965 a Inventive Approach! Helps To Win Job | By ROBERTA ROVSCH If you would like to land a) summer job. in the field that could provide your future, be as inventive in your search as Arthur Shimkin was in his, Today, Arthur Shimkin is a leading figure behind the pro-| duction of famous records for children, But originally, he at- tained the summer job that started him toward this career' -by putting his application on a record. This attrached enough attention to get him a spot with a major publishing firm, later he spent four years in the army where he produced visual training manuals; did a stint as a free-lance writer; re- turned to the publishing field; conceived and developed his original idea for records and became vice « president of the firm which now issues them, "When my application on ai record placed me in a job," Shimkin said, "Il was' put to work as an assistant to the pyb-, lisher's secretary for $17.17 al week, But thet job got me started in a good field, and' when I returned to the same firm,. after gaining a great deal of publishing experience in the Second World War, I was! given a post researching possi- ble new ideas." CONCEIVES IDEA It wasn't long before Shimkin came up with his tdea for low price, high-quality records to go with the tremendously success- ful children's books put out by the company 'My aim was to produce 25 cent records; he said, "so J sought and secured the manu facturing and editorial solutions that would make that possible In 1948, the firm I was working for hired Mitch Miller as mu sical director and issued the first 12 record "Later, the records became an independent division of the firm which eventually was made a separate company } THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 9, 1966 43 Party Chicken Salad Scoreg High In Flavor Finesse Score high for flavor and eye! PARTY CHICKEN SALAD appeal with this Party Chicken| 1% pound package pasteurized Saiad. It's perfect fare for a process cheese, cut in luncheon or bridge club gather- cubes ing cups cubed cooked chicken - Diced chicken 'and' mellow '% cups (15-ounce tin) pine cheese cubes punctuated with, apple tidbits drained refreshing crisp bits of pine- cup sliced celery apple, pM ane halved Tokay|! cup seeded, halved tokay grapes, make a sprightly color grapes combination. A light and lively| Salad dressing salad dressing is the binding Lettuce agent Combine cheese, chicken, To expand this salad into a Pineapple, celery and grapes; whole ae Bb menu, serve (986 lightly with enough salad cranberry juice cocktail as the dressing to moisten. Serve in opener and round out the menu Jettuce-lined"salad bowl, Serves with hot rolls. For dessert, four choose something truly elegant, such as angel cake with lemon frosting or rich pecan pie. cD e "My crusade at the moment," Shimkin told me, "is based on the fact that I think records can help children learn to read if they are properly used in con- junction with books. "Tt worked with educationists, musicologists and child psychol- ogists to produce entertaining) records that .can teach the young to develop reading, logic, speech, sense of time, music and other abilities "Tl believe the audio-visual combination is the approach that really works in bringing our children the best in enter- tainment and educational val- ues,' said Shimkin, who also make this approach work well in starting and building a ca- reer In your case, a summer job | hunt with an application on a record may not be the coup that lands 'you in the field you like But chances are that if you try your own inventive ap-| proach, you might end up with) a summer job that could set up your future a oe YOUNG for the UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL higher learning are enr JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL rolling for Typewriting keeping Business Mac ELEMENTARY SCHOOL matics Al 3375 or send coupon, Nome Address These students are thinking and planning When you turn 21 you're no longer cov- ered by your parents' Hospital Insurance, To keep insured, you must take out indl- PEOPLE future! writing and Shorthand for future use Shorthand and other useful subjects make their Summer count for something are en- are registering for Type- STUDENTS going on. to olling for Typewriting + STUDENTS who want to Shorthand Book. vidual membership within 30 days, Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or from the Commis- sion. for Typewriting --- English - SUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES Oshawa Business College Enrolment is limited, Get your copy of "Training for Responsibility' giving full details, Dial 725. Send me without obiigation, details of Summer Scnoot Crosses, hines and other subjects. STUDENTS are enrolling - Spelling --- Mathe- cS e The 'family' Hospital Insurance premium must-now be paid to cover husband and THE . Telephone .. Mrs. | wife. Notify your 'group' without de- lay OR, if you both ved premiums direct, noti- fy the Commission, Tues., May 10, 2 p.m. TEAROOM 144 KING ST. FEATURING -e st EAST WING @ WHITE ELEPHANT NEARLY NEW CANDY-CAKE MANUFACTURERS @ GIFT BOOTH To keep insured follow poses Proceeds of this bazaar and tearoom will be used for charitable pur- including Red Feather, Cancer Fund, Mental Health, Hospital Fund and many others, Your support of this bazaar and tearoom will be appreciated and every nickel, dime and penny you spend will go to the support of those in less fortunate circumstances. the instructions onthe Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment 'Form 104' that your present employer is AL'S BI-RITE STORES 5S N CREDIT JEWELLERS O Simene St BURN"S WILSON'S FURNITURE hawa HAWA HARDW bee os RDWARE CEDAR & Church t BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR A uy e . King Pe 1, COLLIS & SONS $0-54 King St. W 22> RELIABLE FURNITURE nee 4 King St. F DUNN'S TAILORS % King St. E & Oshawa Shoop No o Centre Oshawa 728-5387 | GENOSHA MOTEL Harmon SAM ROTISH MEN'S WEAR ? King MORRISON'S FURS & SPORTSWEAR 48& Simeoe St. h HORWICH JEWELLERS thon DALE SCRA 10 Annis S FABRIC VILLAGE ARJAY PRINTERS LTD, Bond W BOND CLOTHES Orhowa Shopping Centre D.X OIL COMPANY 2 Highway INDUSTRIAL DIS JO BE OFFICIALLY OPENED BY MRS, A, F. MILLEN Sponsored by The Following Businesses: PEOPLE'S CLOTHING St. E ROYAL Centre & IRON M, k Ploza Whit POSAL LTD. & fg R GOLDELL HOMES LTD, SPRING BROTHERS FURNITURE CO. TD GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BERG'S LADIES' WEAR NBSBITT'S LADIES' WEAR M, COLLIS 78.82 required to give you on leaving. Your ONTARIO, ~ HOSPITAL INSURANCE Plan Ontario Hospital Services Commission Toronto 7, Ontario 34 Simeoe St, N HOUSE FURNITURE CO, 19 Celina 404 Stevenson N &?. Dean Ave GREENBERG & SONS 208 Rloor St 22 Ontario St & King St, W 33 King St F FURNITURE CO. 2 King St,-W