\ & | She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1966 held at St. Hed- hall Saturday the dinner wig's parish night. (Oshawa Times Photo) Lyman Gifford, right, wel- comes Kazmier Bielski, of Toronto, guest speaker at Karl Sekalski, second from left, chairman for the eve- ning, look on as. Mayor LESLIE PRAZMOWSEI, general chairman, Millen- nium Committee, left, and MILLENNIUM EVENTS SUCCESS millen- "! Youngsters 'Take To Air' With Circus Crippled children in the Osh- awa area were treated to an airplane ride over the district, Sunday, when they took part in the fifth annual flying circus | The children started arriving | at the Oshawa airport Sunday morning, accompanied by their | 'Rotarian Fathers'" and by 2.20 | jp.m, 40 children from Oshawa, | |Bowmanville and Whitby had) | flown over the city. | | George Slocombe, secretary- |manager of the Oshawa Flying Club, who sponsor the flying cir-| cus, said the children stayed up as long as they wanted to, "While in the air," he said, i"they were flown over their | |home and school and shown! % other landmarks they were in-| ;terested in," | | He said 35 members .of the; |flying club volunteered aircraft land flew the children at their jexpense during the circus. | After their flight-over the city | the children were treated to cookies and hot chocolate by | the ladies of the Oshawa Flying | Club ba | They were then returned by |their Rotarian Fathers to their | homes | Kinsmen : Open 'Research Fund Oshawa Kinsmen next week are staging a dial-for-chocolates fund-raising campaign. The campaign is to raise funds |to continue research into man- ine aa= Passive To Dynamic ']-Man Sub cil, Mr. Little, and Robert Rintoul, CUPE national | treasurer. Ernie Kent, Oshawa Dis- trict Council of CUPE, Douglas Lindsay, secretary of the Oshawa District Coun- chats with CUPE officials prior to a banquet in Osh- awa Saturday. Shown in the photograph (from _ left) STANLEY LITTLE, na tional president of the Cana dian Union of Public Em- ployees (second from right), ease Their target is $20,000, which lis the cost of one year's re Citizens of Polish origin in Oshawa this weekend celebrated the one-thousandth anniversary of the baptism of Mieszko I, first recorded ruler of Poland and the millennium of Christianity that followed To start the official commem- oration a pontifical high mass was held at St. Hedwig's church celebrated by the Very Rever- end Father, Felix Kwiatkowski, This was followed by a ban- quet in the church's auditorium | at which Kasimie: Bielski, a } Toronto. lawyer, addressed the audience on Millennium. He was welcomed at the dinner by Mayor Lyman Gifford who is an honorary director of the Osh- awa Polish Millennium com- mittee On Sunday, a huge crowd fill- ed the St, Hedwig church audi- torium to see members -of the. Oshawa Polish community dis- play a pageant of costumes and native dances depicting Polish history as it evolved through the years since the baptism of the Polish Prince, Mieszko I Among some of the 'star per- formers in the pageant were Zosia Mirkovic as Queen Jad- wiga who married the Lithuan- fan Duke and influenced 'him and his nation to accept the faith Joseph Czajkowski-and Chris- tine Gardzinski played the role of Prince Mieszko I and his wife Dobrowka. Prince Mieszko accepted the Catholic faith April 14, 966 King -Boleslaw Chrowby was played by A. Szezepanski and the Lithuanian Duke, Wlady- slaw Jagiello, was played by Walter Naklicki The Polish youths performed the "Krakowiak,"' a _ native dance of Poland to celebrate the occasion, Events to follow as the Polish community continues to cele- brate 10 centuries of Christian- Blood Clinic Never Ahead Of Demands "We are barely keeping up with our needs," said Mr, Rob- ert. Stroud. Chairman of the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, today. In comment 'on Thursday's clinic at St. Gregory's auditor ium, Mr. Stroud said the clinic's quota had not been met. Of the anticipated 500 donations, the) clinic received only 414 Despite a one-day clinic held! at the beginning of each month, | 'we are never ahead" said Mr.) Stroud. Eight hundred previous} donors were contacted and) about 700 appointments were! made, but about 170 persons did| not keep their appointments Mr.| Stroud said, i The need for unusual biood| occurs, Mr. Stroud said, but it's availability is about one in two hundred. "We need blood on hand and | would say that the clinic held| last Thursday was a bit of a failure,"' he concluded Oshawa General Hospital patologist Mr. R. Clark said "our needs are being met, but if there was a shortage of rare blood such as O positive or AB negative, we would be con cerned" Mr. Stroud said he hopes that the June 2 clinic will be a suc- CeSS Four Pickets Patrol At Mart The picket lines at the K-Mart Shopping Centre, just west of the gity omewhat dimin ished today as four members of Local 414. paced across the two entrances leading into the plaza were played pla-] words "On letters on also stopping i into the centre and telling the people in the cars that the K-Mart was on strike The strike began last Wednes day, pvhen 16 out of 35 mem-/ bers of Local 414 at the K-Mart went on strike to back up de-} mands for a first contract. The| issués of dispute. are injon sé e bene 5 \ labor \vou meeting will 're. hele night when. the strike discussed, The strikers d cards with the trike in b } them, The traffic on th vay were major / if Noonan, 15 and M 25 Sunset ave ner-up for the honor, was Dennis Noonan of Pak a Grade at the: new St, 12 student School, has officially Daffodil Queen by daughter of M tathe 15 marked the "Daffodil Oshawa. Run Bonnie Chisolm 16, a Grade Miss Noonan was was crowned "Queet' high last year's y occasion annual Tea' held, the first time held at. this ity will be.the special nium dance held next Saturday, May 14 at St torium at 8.00 p.m Gregory's audi- Millennium Prazmowski large turn-out at the president, Le said he exy > occasion On Saturday, May 28, a tag day in support of the Canadian Millennium Fund will be held The fund was estabiished across Canada to assist students of Polish origin. with their educa- tion by providing scholarships and bursaries Mr. Prazmowski said a- spe cial millennium:concert will be held Sunday, May 29, at the Oshawa civic auditorium and will feature. the Ajax Com- munity choir, two McLaughlin school bands and a Caledonia Pipe band On Sunday, June 12, a Cor- pus Christi service and posses- sion will. be held at St. Hedwig's auditorium, he said MISS DAFFODIL QUEEN CROWNED school. The othe held at the chool, located on Anne oe north, which ha turned tary school, since the ohne on Rossland road was completed. and > time ag "= i who broke ne. it former Sim been nto &@ senior elemen new west meta' ere Image Change Noted Launched; ease which starves the child of }ocygen and nutrition One in every thousand babies| The image of Canadian pub-, suffering from an "unholy fear. Local 43 had remained: out of is born with the disease lic employees is changing from of criticism and a traditional; CUPE when the union was form-| Oxygen starvation is caused/one of passivity to one of dyna-|resentment of change'. ed in 1963 by a merger of the) by a thick mucus which clogs mism, Stanley A. Little of) RECOGNITION National Union of Public Em-| the walls of the lungs. And nu-|Ottawa, national president of ployees and the National Union| trition starvation occurs be-'the Canadian Union of Public} Mr. Little said governments 'o¢ public service Employees, cause faulty digestive juices are| Employees, (CLC) said in Osh-)4%@ Tecognizing the strength of qe Key to a strong, demo- unable to break down newly-|awa Saturday night. unionized public employees. cratic labor movement is a good| leaten food. . Ina banquet address to, "While public employees once| program of education for the| Kinsmen plan 'to raise funds|cUPE's Oshawa District Coun-| Were content to accept low wa-/rank and file, he said, | by selling boxes of chocolates | etl Mr. Little said the most| ges they have been negotiation; 'We must have rank - and -| Donors calling 728-9494 ovill| outstanding development of the first - class collective agree-file interest and participation have the chocolates delivered! oyrrent decade is the: emerg- ents in recent years," in every aspect of our develop- to their door ence of public employees "as| He said reaffiliation earlier;ment if we are going to pro- Cystic Fibrosis kills-more chil-| militant, responsible unionists this week of Local 43, Toronto|vide service to our. members, j dren than polio did in the days|in Canada's labor scene' Civic Workers, with CUP E\and organize the unorganized." before polio vaccine. It is called) ye also said he believes the brought the union's membership| An example of government | the "Great Masquerader" be-|Ccanadian Jabor movement is'to close to 100,000, jrecognition of CUPE strength) cause it's symptoms are so like - -- aneeneemeamead |was the Ontario Government's bronchitis or asthma, io. jannounced decision to repeal | Section 89 of the Ontario Labor s More Positive Comments Relations Act, The section ne- School Choirs | Relations Act, The section en- fs ' lables a municipality to exempt High In Judging Destined On Report Cards *: ig epiactccana The decision for repeal fol- | It Floated! It floated; but no. amount of trying would make the thing submerge Nevertheless, it was a big day for members of the Oshawa Underwater Association. Watched by. a big crowd of interested observers they offi clally launched their one-man submarine at the Oshawa Yacht Haven yesterday afternoon. The sleek, white and green sub did not quite come up te expectations. After a lengthy test run mem bers found the sub floated okays but it wouldn't submerge. "Ballast problems",. announes ed Ed Sweeney, an association member, after the trial run, Choirs from Oshawa Public | Radical new report cards are schools that participated in the planned for Toronto public Ajax Music Festival rated high! schools, but Oshawa will con-|te; in the standings last week. + |set Heights school under George } |Hiemstra's direction placed first : | was a two-part choir from rection of Philip Long. They ob- tained 86. marks Miss Marie Watson's primary choir from. Conant school com- © |prised of junior pupils from the t first three grades placed second 3 jin their class with a total of 86 marks The marks were awarded by Dr. G. Roy Fenwick festival ad judicator, 4 B inection ot school under the di- Workshop Held || For Teachers jtinue to use the same type of | | A three-part choir from Sun-|report it has for the last 20/Grades 3 jyears The only change will be a about cases, acompanying letters be sent to the parents T. J. Heath, an the Oshawa public said inspector in school. sys |tem INTERIM REPORTS There are three reporting times during a school term in the local system, the end of prior "We have got to get more bal- or after the first report.,lowed a CUPE demonstration! Jast in the tail-end, Then it will Fre Oshawa public school sys-|at Queen's Park and a school-| gq down," dergarten, Grades 1 and 2 and Grades 7 and 8 in th ; A check-list dominates the kin- jin their category with 87 marks.| stronger emphasis on the writ-|dergarten report which rates), . . | To place second in their group] ing of more positive comments|the child as either above aver- FIRST CLASS CONTRACT | on the reports by the teachers|age, average or below average | the pupils and in somejin the skills they should be be- may} ginning to develop such ay social progress, their interest music, numbers readiness CHECK - LIST Grades 1 and 2 alse have a check-list for posture, neatness, ability to complete assignments, language, arithmetic. All has separate reports for kin- Grades 4, § and 6,|CUPE "showed the government art, and reavling the! cture jthat the patience of public em- ployees was at an end", employee strike at Chelmsford} |near Sudbury, Ont., in which| Other than the failure to sub- |merge, the sub performed ade | mirably. ' With an escort of scuba-divers | (just in case) the sub made a |big loop of the Oshawa Har He said a first - class con-|bor towed by the Association's |tract was signed last month by| new power-boat. CUPE Local 186, Torynto Har- bour Commission Workers. It provides the first 3744 hour week for outside manual civic work- ers and # iaborer's rate of $2.73 an hour by July 1, 1967 He also said CUPE has long advocated an examination of the Canadian Labor Congress stru- to see how it might be The boat too, -was launched yesterday, The one-man submarine was huilt in. the hasement of Ba Sweeney's Tecumseh st, home. Many of the parts used came off a scrapped jet plane. It is of the 'wet submarine" type. The operator sits in the November, middle of March and|teachers do in the cultural part|brought up to date with the | cockpit wearing breathing ap- last of June, Interim reports| of this course is to indicate the|collective bargaining needs of|Paratus. He is not enclosed Ih may also be sent on an individ-|pupil's interest in the arts andthe 1960's, The CLC convention| the submarine. ual basis between these times|sciences and social sttdies, As Grade 3 students are be-|a proposal to set up.a commis-|the sub is to go back to its if. the student is experiencing particular difficullies Mr. Heath is convinced that ;the best method is the parent- | A three-day workshop for 55| teacher interview which is usu- )|Oshawa elementary school|lly held here in the fall just + teachers is being held at Ridge ,|way Senior Public School this | | week ;| Instruction will be given by Miss Dorothy Wiese, B.S., M.A a specialist in education. Purpose of the workshop is to familiarize art teachers in the techniques of teaching different forms of art. The workshop, sponsored by the Canada Crayon Co., runs from 4.15 p.m. till 9.30 p.m : | Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day Car Identified But Not Driver Remains of a-body found in a burning car in Bowmanville, Saturday, are undergoing post mortem identification in Toronto today. The car was found about 5.45 a.m., on Lambert st. in Bow manville, engulfed in flames Police. say identification of the car has been made but did not release the name of the owner Examination of the remains is taking place at the Attorney General's laboratory in Toronto but. no results have been re- leased. Pair Recaptured | After Jail Escape | WELLAND (CP) -- Two men out of the Welland {County jail Saturday night were recaptured Sunday. | 'Gordon Upper, 22, of Niagara Falls, Ont,, was picked up at Port Robinson, six miles north of here Michael Walter Naskar, 38 of nearby Thorold was jtured in Welland, where he had jhidden in a Welland Water | Works tool shed. recap | the population of |not attend any }church Sunday A Holiday -Not Holy Day note-book system is ginning to develop subjetts, a grading brought into the report card as weekend well as continued use of a check-|stitute, was at the Credit Union. this coming Sunday again at the list for some skills in Winnipeg last month adopted sion to make such a study, The banquet, a highlight of a labor educational in- Hall. After its test run yesterday basement home for more ad- justments, Its next run will probably 'be Yacht Haven. ood Declares Crusading Evangelist Canada's fastest growing re- ligion is materialism and nihil- ism, an evangelist currently in Oshawa to conduct a religious crusade'told lacal church min isters here Saturday Barry Moore, 40, president of Crusade Evangelism of Canada, said by the end of the century only two per cent of the world's people will be Christian, com- pared with eight per cent to | aay He said We live in a pleasure-mad age.' Mr. Moore said when -he was young his father taught him to respect the sanctity of the abbath."' oday the Sabbath is not a holy day but a holida Mr. Moore said 80 per cent of Canada does church regular '75 per cent of Canada's darkened the religion ly and teenagers doors of any "The young blood fabri the tion who are ciety are not in the church never the 'virile enthusiastic genera revolutionizing so Christian NEED LIFE FORCE Mr. Moore said the role of the evangelist is to reap what ministers have sown We have been appointed to do the reaning He said: "A no arm of life for Mr. Moore also spoke at luncheon Saturday tt) members church that has ingelism has no munity ing were Wes Fice, reeve of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Charlton, and Mr Jack McKiver. Referring to evangelism, Mr. Moore said the answer to to day's problems was a "personal response from you and me" or what he called 'activated faith." Mr, Moore said Wesley's evan zelism in 18th century England was vesponsible for the abolition of the slave trade, government reforms and the foundation of the Sunday school movement "This revival saved England in a critical age." He said there's a difference" between and -Christlanity "Religion is man's quest for God. Christianity is God's quest for man HYPOCRISY Dr. Nelles Silverthorne physician at the Hospital for Sick Children, said before he saw the light he had just been goimg through the motions of formal Christianity' as a church elder I was convicted of my sin of hypocrisy.' Dr. Silverthorne said many of his patients were suffering from 'spiritual hunger."' There was nothing wrong with them physi- cally or psychologically, he said "What they needed was the Great Phychigtrist," Twelve hundred deputy "world of religion chief people at Among others attend-) 10-day crusade for Christ at the, copy |Civic Auditorium Friday, The crusade meeting included singing by a local choir of 403; solos by Ed Lyman, "The sing- ing marine" of recording fame, who has sung with the San Francisco Opera Company and travelled with Billy Graham Barry Moore delivered an in spiring, sermon, after which members of the audience were challenged to walk forward to make their '"'act_ of commit- ment" in public, Friday night seven came forward. By last night 32 people had responded to the Crusade for Christ's chal lenge Last 3,550 night's attendance was an increase of over 2,000 over Friday night's attendance. Crusade organizers hope they will get a capacity crowd of 5,000 before week's end Crusade of Evangelism of Canada is "dedicated to .the cause of presenting Jesus Christ as the answer to today's prob lems,"" Their aim is to crusade in every community in Canada 17,000 RESPOND : Since it was founded in .1960, 17,000 people have "responded to the challenge' in the 115 ;Canadian communities Crusade Evangelism has visited Those who come forward at the end of a crusade meeting are "counselled" to by one of 195 trained counsellors on hand \ "decision card -- which notes the degree to which a convert is prepared to commit of the Oshawa business com-,tended the opening night of the| himself -- is made out and one " jhave is sent to the convert's pastor who carries on counsel- ling at home The convert is also given the first of a six-part Bible study course, Rev. Herb. Bock, min- ister in charge of counselling for the Crusade, says 35 per cent complete the course. Crusade Evangelism of Cane ada comes to a community only if it is invited. The present crusade is here on the invita- tion of 387 Oshawa and district ministers. Rey. Bock says they '15 written concrete ithe vitations" and are booked for most of 1967 The crusades are financed by péblic donation. A local finance committee finds out from Cru. sade Evangelism how much is needed to stage the crusade, raise money by subscription and at collections taken at crusade meetings No more collections are taken after the budget is. met. The present crusade's budget of $7,600 was reached last night, Collections will be taken at next Friday's and Sunday's crusades for voluntary contributions to Crusade Evangelism of > Can- ada All seats are free at crusade meetings, which start at 8 p.m., 7 p.m. Sunday A nursery is provided at the Auditorium for infants up to age two anda half, Children from three to seven can attend a separate meeting, Barry Moore's topic for. te night, Youth Night, is "What's in a Kiss?"