BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS | : 55 30 10 YANKS' HOUK REPLACES KEANE By. THE CANADIAN PRESS | National League We fan Francisco 18 7 Pittsburgh "8 Houston 15 10 Philadelphia ] Atlanta 1312 50 & Los Angeles 13 12 A 5 |New. York 8-10 6% St. Louis . * & i4 Cincinnati 7% | Chicago & 17 Saturday's Results Saya "Pet, GBL 18 = Sh % 00 3 50 4% PY | Pittsburgh 3 Philadelphia 7 [Las Angeles 14 Cincinnst tq Chicago 3 New Yop 2 |Atlanta @ Houston 2 | San Francisco 15 St. Louis 2 Sunday's Results | Pittsburgh 3 " Philadelphia 2 |8an bftancisco 10 St. Louis & M | Boston 6 6-4 Minnesota 1-5 Kansas City Saturday Cleveland 6 - Fear ~ Detroit 6 Chicggo 1 Boston 4 Minresota 6 Washington 2 Kansas City New York 3 California 1 | Sunday's Results iNew York 5 California 2 Washington 3 Kansas City 2 Cleveland 2-¥ Baltimore 84 Detroit 3 Chicago 1 4Second game ppd.) Probable Pitchérs Today Washington (Cheney 9-6) at California (McGlothlin 2-1) (N) Boston (Lonborg 9-2) at Kan- sas City (Sheldon 1-3) (N) New York (Stottlemyre 1-2) at Minnesotg (Perry 0-0) (N) ational League WL Pet. GBL THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 9, 1966 9G, Virgil Stakes FORT ERIE, Ont. (CP) ~ Sunstruck, owned by John |Smallman of London, Ont., won ithe $16,096 Virgil Stakes at Fort |Erie Saturday, pulling away from Titled Jim in the stretch. Third was 'Royal Maple, Avelino Gomez, Fort Erie's leading rider, took Sunstruck into the lead at the half-mile pole and finished the race in 1:43 1-5. Thé victory brought Sun struck's season earnings to $18,- 616 and atoned for his fifth place finish in the Bold Venture |handicap, April 23, Saturday was the last of the jraceway's 26-day spring meet. It drew 10,115 fans who bet | $635,048, Wagering during the spring jmeet totalled $10,733,459 com- | pared with $10,589,447 last year. Total attendance at 171,889 was down 445 from last year. Offi- clals said cold and : damp weather brought the attendance down, | Last season's 172,334 was @ irecord, Atlanta 4 Houston 6 - ' |Los Angeles 1 Cincinnati 2 | Zackbenwitie +H 4 mH w% Chicago 3-1 New York 1-5 | Toled 5 545 bes ib AG Probable Pitchers Today i 7 500 sh : q J ; é ip { 9 A471 9 12 Los Angeles (Koufax 3-1) at ni, i Philadelphia (Short 3-1) .(N) --" 7 ns San Francisco (Bolin 3-2) at: syracuse Ws) Pittsbur¥i (Blass 2-0) @N) Buffalo 0 2 St, Louis (Jackson 1-1) at Chi- Saturday's Results cago (Hendley 0-1) Richmond 2 Toronto 3 Cincinnati (Jay 2-2) at At> Rochester 3 Columbus 2 lanta (Cloninger 2-2) (N) Syracuse 0 Toledo | American League Jacksonville at Buffalo ppd. WoL Pet. GBL Sunday's Results 18) -- Rochester at Toledo (2) ppd. | 189 -- | Jacksonville 8-2 Toronto 2-4 | 591 3%) Syracuse 3-1' Columbus 4-4 | 579 4 | Richmond 2-5 Buffalo 9-2 571 4 . Today's Games 500 5% Rochester at Toledo 168 8 Syracuse at Columbus 333 9 Richmond at Butfalo 273 10% (Only games scheduled) Jets And Suns Continue Battle For First Place By THE CANADIAN PRESS Columbus Jetseand Jackson ville Suns continued their battle for first place in baseball's In- Bisons with his own three-hitter ternational League, but a couple in the - second game as the of also-rans had a good week. Braves erupted for three runs end, too in the second inning and two Toronto Maple Leafs, in fifth More in the sixth place, split a doubleheader with The weather the Suns Sunday, losing the but it didn't slow Facts and fig 92nd opener 8-2 but winning .the down the Jels. Dave Wissman's $163,009 TUnning of the Ker Derby: nightcap 4-2, That left the Leafs triple launched a three-run rally hes the sec Winner--Kauai King, owner, with three victories in their Jast in the fourth inning of the af the Michael J, Ford: trainer He nry four games opener and the Jets made quick of Forrest; jock Don Brum And Jast-place Buffalo Bisons, work of the Chiefs in the semen- field losers of eight in a row, finally inning nightcap winning in just snapped out of it Sunday by go minutes. ; j winning the first game of their -- twin bill with Richmond Braves 9-2 before losing the second 5-2 The Jets remained on top Sup< day by downing Syracuse Chjyéfs twice, 4-3 and 4-1. Rochester Red Wings and Toledo Mud Hens were rained out of a pair of games in Toledo. On Saturday, Toronto edged Richmond 3-2, Toledo nipped $4.20, $3.60; | ¢ 1-0, Rochester tripped Blue Skyer| 7 acuse ad du field' AC olumbus 3-2, and Jackson- ville's game at Buffalo was RALPH HOUK JOHNNY KEANE the Yankees, made the de- cision. Houk took his team out and won his first start, against Los Angeles An- gels and then won another game on Sunday. AP Wirephoto New York Yankees fired Johnny Keane (right) man- ager of their club, on Satur- day night, minutes before the team took ta the dia- mond for a scheduled game, and General Manager Ralph Houk, former team man- ager, took over the 10th- place team in the American League standing. Dan Top- ping, ar, vice-president Of WEEKEND FIGHTS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pau, France--Marcel Cerdan, Jr., 141, Paris, outpointed Roger Malezieux, 140%, Pau, 8. San Juan, Puerto Rico--Lils Rodriguez, 15044, Miami, Fla., stopped Tommy Ca!dwell, 15914 Chicago, 2;' Frankie Narvaez 135, New York, outpointed Percy Hayles, 136, Jamaica, 10 Teo Cruz, 136, Santo Domingo, outpointed Bunny Grant, 135 Jamaica, 10 Cullacan, . Mexico Antonio Amaya, 125%, Panama, out- pointed Fino Rosales, 128, Mex ico, 10 turned out Saturday, for the large field, almost from the 97nd Kentucky Derby, at very start of the anhual Churchill Downs, Souisville "Rasy the Jockey Don Brumfield, kept 2g ' Kauai King ahead 'of the --~AP Adjucator (centre) and Blue Fiver, nearest camera, a¢ the three hit the finishing line, in a blanket fini to thrill the vast crowd that THE WINNING STRIDE! The last big effort paid off for_ 'Kauai King', shown here) with tongue out, as he labors to stay in front of KAUAI KING BY HALF - LENGTH : Trainer Credits 'Ride Kentucky Derby Win Derby winner whove name stil! causes argument two days after his trip to the circle, don't you pro sed for Roses Wirephioto Balimore '4 | Cleveland 5 4 Detroit 9 | Chicago g California 4 ] Minnesota 9 Washington 12 Boston 14 New York 16 has... s TOUCH-A-MATIC CONTROL @ New 11 tb. tub, @ 4 vane metal hydro-foil gyrator @ Lotest design power pump --~lisher itt gisbeiod's most orous race. A groom Foles proudiy predicted colt would become Horse of the Year Jim Padgett, trainer « finisher Blue Skyer glam Aibert the } field swept under the wire, only about 26 feet separated the six ight lengths back was Amber oid, who came from last place I after a slight stumble coming nounce it third out of the gate aid = he ia more TRAIL THE Fleet Shoe, and Williamston lowed in that order the field over the finish Quinta, Tragniew ib and Dominat The Derb ond ric event, rsts LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) Trainer Henry Forrest has been too busy during 'he last year to visit his new Tennessee home and there's no let up in sight as he prepared today to ship Kaua King, the Kentucky Derby win mer, east for the Preakness couldn't hawe been "T bought a little, six-acre tickled' with the race place at Brentwood, near Nash With exception of Fieet Shoe ville, more than a year ago, but all of the colts from the Derb I've spent only one night there were pronounced in-good : since then," Forrest said health. Traine at sterling Were Kauai King's half length Fleet Shoe Derby victory Saturday was his in the 230th at Churchill Downs Fleet Forrest, a winner with 'the the sec first colt he ever saddled for the Derby, gave much of the credit to jockey Don Brumfield "He rode just ,wonderful," Forrest said, '1 told him be fore the race there might be gome horses in front of him at the start, but to use his own judgment,"' vinner Banderas hit drive in four Buffalo runs Larry Maxie cooled out two homers to know how Forrest. confes the Model 22-4 with pump starting LEADERS Exhibitionist, Sky Kid fol rrailing line Beau Kentucky Derby's Facts 'n' Figures AP) PRICED FROM Guy was cold tn LOUISVILLI k Columbus i ire or tne saic touchy Both hoe and Hope ond choice in betting and fifth finish wire, may get some rest' f from the racing wars, The oth It was the first entry in the ers will continue training for classic for owner Michael Ford summer racing and trainer. Forrest and . the All of the first six finishers--- first Derby ride for Brumfield Kauai King, Advocator, Blue - Kauai King also was the first|M. J Skyer, Stupendou Abe's Hope Maryland - bred to win the|trainer and Rehabilitate, Ron Derby and the first since Jet! arlie Almost as pleased as Forrest; Turcotte of Grand Fal N.B Pilot in' 1947 to lead at every were some in the camp of Ad-jhad a top shot at the $120,500 ca Vocator, a surprise second fin first prize until the Jast.. As the! He also may. be the™tirst Path . \ GIANTS GET SADECKI Cepeda Blasts Cards, Then Dons Card Suit By MIKE RATHET Associated Press Sports Writer San Francisco Giants may have pulled off a unique double play at St, Louls, spoiling the Cardinals' farewell at Busch Stadium The Giants. displayed their muscles in a 10-5 victory over the Cardinals Sunday, then traded slugging outfielder-first | baseman Gepeda to-S . = . | eft knee victory in the BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE STARR A TRY! STARR Furniture and Appliance 723-3343 491 Ritson $. OPEN FRI, TO 9 PLM, which mat in the nistory marked a_ handful NOTICE RESIDENTS . OF SOUTH OSHAWK Holley Hardware located Abe the hes colt under the owner Clyde Sellers Second Ada? | Rice Troutt; jockes Third--Blue Skyer Padgett and H. A Jim Padgett Fires Fourth tupendous; owner Mrs, H. C, Phipps; trainer, Ed die Néloy; jockey, Braulio Ba eza Mutuels ~~ $6.80 $13 and $8.60; $5.40 was part of the mutuel Gross value---$163,000; |winner, $120,500, second trainer Johnns STARTS COMEBACK MANCHESTER, Eng. (AP)-- fi fs Billy Walker, the British heavy- BVA - weight who was'a flop last year, Serve: Your Nees started a comeback Monday 1200 Weceker Dr, ot Cedar night by knocking oft Bowie (1 Block &. of Wentworth Adams of Phoenix, Ariz., in the Next to Lew's Pharmacy) third round of a 10-rounder, ozners Grant: conveniently to jockey miles time Superb Twin Tread _ Traction Two treads for 4 GENERAL better road control JET AIR Il Save ay {9| postponed because of cold loo: third, $12,500; ° fourth, | Weather: $5,000 HITS 2-RUN HOMER Distance 14 Reg Smith's two-run home | 2:02 run in the seventh and last inn- Attendance 100,000 (esti-\ing of the second game gave mated) the Leafs their winning margin _ Betting on derby $2 198878 Sunday. Danny Napoleon '" |homered for Jacksonville, Hawk Taylor led the Suns in the "WEEKEND STARS opener by driving in four of dls 'B THE ASSOCIATED PRESS '¢am's eight runs . "patting Frank Robinson,| The Bisons, in a hitting |Baltimore, lashed a single, siump,. broke out of it with 14 | double, triple and two homers, | Safeties for their triumph behind ldriving in three runs and scor-| Dom Zanni's three-hitter, Terry ing four, as the Orioles swept a doubleheader from Cleveland five innings and wound up grith Indians 8-2 and 8-3 a 'hree-hitter as the Orioles | Pitching--Jim Palmer, Balti-' whipped Cleveland 8-2 in the PEGE more, pitched no-hit ball for first game of a doubleheader. Louis Cardinals for left-hander aks Ray Sadecki | Cepeda has a average of 308 ifetime batting He put on quite a show before changing unl- forms, hitting a grand slam homer Saturday and driving in two runs with a pair of hits Sun- day Sadecki for the Cardinals ners in 1964 The Giants haven't much help this season. After a | lb-run explosion Saturday, Wil- lle McCovey, Jim Hart and Wil lie Mays hammered homers Sunday, Mays' was °No, 513 of his career The first, a single by Glenn|with his Canadian-born wife, The Cardinals move into their Beckert in the sixth innings off| stopped the Cubs on five hits/ new $24,000,000 park Thursday,|Jack Hamilton, drove in twolin the nightcap while the Mets Elsewhere, Cincinnati Reds) runs, Chris Krug's steal of home! put it out of reach with a Tive- edged Ios Angeles Dodgers 2-1,| produced the other run run third inning, Jim Hickman Pittsburgh Pirates nipped Phil Dennis Ribant, who spends) triggered the rally with a lead- adelphia Phillies %-2, Houston| his winters in Burlington, Ont.,'off homer Astros defeated Atlanta Braves 5-4 and New York Mets downed Chicago. Cubs 5-1 after losing the opener of a doubleheader $-1 Saturday, Chicago nipped New York 3-2, Philadelphia de feated Pittsburgh 7-3. Los An geles walloped Cincinnati 14-2 San Francisco crushed St. Louis 15-2, and Houston shutout At lanta 3-0 Jim O'Togle checked the Dod gers on three hits in the seven innings he worked, singled home what turned out to be the winning run for the Reds in the fourth inning and posted his first victory since Sept, 14, Tony Perez' sacrifice fly drove in the other Cincinnati run off Dodger starter Claude Osteen The Pirates snapped a 2-2 tie in the sixth inning on a walk to Willie Stargell and singles by Donn Clendenon and Bill Mazer- oski, Rob Veale went all the Way, atlering e:ght Phillies' hits. Veale also dtove In a run with a single Run producing singles by Torre. and lee Thomas the Braves a 43 lead if eighth, but the Astros came back in the ninth with the aid of errors by Frank Rolling and Wooly Woodward. Rusty Staub scored the tying run on Wood- ward's. wild throw hefore Joe Morgan' drove vinner with a bases-loaded single The Cubs won the first game despite collecting only two hits, Super Low Profile- puts more tread on the road for longer service Held Over Second Week Direct From Fronz Joseph Room Donna London Popular Vocalist a | 7 | | Zw#y-L1z2f OP was a 20-game winner pennant-win- needed Nygen Cord - steel - strong - cooler ronning - shrugs off bruise impacts ORLANDO CEPEDA RAY SADECKI OK CREDIT PLAN NO MONEY DOWN TAKE UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY | WN FERTILIZER GREEN CROSS 20-10-5 LAWN GREEN COMPLETE LAWN AND GARDEN PLANT FOOD COVERS 5000 SQ. FT. SHOCK ABSORBERS Has your car travelled $8. 98 Donne has entertained in Eng. land, Jepan, end Rusia -- Now making her Canadian-Tour Debut. NIGHTLY IN THE see Room MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave. Phone -- 723-4693 9 PIECE SET KITCHEN - COTTAGE CAMPING - GIFTS FRONTEND ALIGNMENT See 9908 Most Cars 4 WHEEL BRAKE RELINE Piiganyen +1788 | GENERAL TIRE SERVICE pei toe-out, to factory Soares. Adjust steering box and drag link. ene oe jsine wheel. Chee! join parts. ins, Whitby, Oshawa COMMERCIAL @ INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months to Pay ® 3 Year Guarantee CALL 728-1] 54] OSHAWA PAVING MARCI === 20,000 miles? Well now's the time to replace those worn out shocks and re- store your auto to that new car ride, linings. Add heavy duty brake fluid. Ad- \ Just brakes to factory specifications. and otherfront tend From Joe gave the SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30 to 2:30 DINNER BUFFET 5:00 to 9:00 GENERAL TIRE | OF OSHAWA 434 RITSON RD. SOUTH PHONE 728-6221