2 4A ; : : ae f <-- . 'One In Seven Canadians~ | GERDA'S REALLY | WEATHER REPORT Liberals Strive To Refurbish 'Goofed' On Income Return " Faded Image As Reformers By BOB EXELL TORONTO (CP) --Stuck in the political doldrums for 23 years, Ontario's Liberal party -attempts a rebirth of its faded reform image today via a three- point overhaul of its own con- stitution. The party's annual meeting "Is to be asked to apprave the establishment of a province- wide $5 membership fee; a greater voice for the rank-and- file in policy matters, and a leadership convention within two years of every general elec- tion. Tentative approval to these measures was given: by the party's constitution and party: structure committee Friday, but ratification is needed by "the party in plenary session. Little opposition is expected Liberals are aiming at Wastly increasing their finayeial re- sources and_ membership through the establishment of $5 provincial memberships iive only existing Liberal card-car- rivrs are at the riding level. Charles Templeton, defeated Liberal leadership candidate, told the party Friday that, un- kind as it may sound, "we are a nickel-and-dime operation." Ontario president Gordon Blair made a plea for yeer- round financial support. He said it was no longer sufficient to put on a splurge at election time, Ale Lending Power Extension Requested By Ont. Liberals TORONTO .(CP)--A commit- tee of the Ontario Liberal party rejected a resolution to remove the limit on bank interest charges Friday but went on rec- ord as favoring an extension of the lending powers of Central Mortgage and Housing Corp. Citing a shortage of funds for low-cost housing, the municipal affairs committee said in- creased direct lending by CMHC would result in private lenders decreasing their mortgage in- terest rates to satisfy the. de- mand for housing. Resolutions were passed by the various standing commit- tees of the Liberal party of On- tario as its annual meeting and policy conference began Friday. Liberal Leader 'Andrew Thompson was asked to appoint a committee of experts to in- vestigate various areas of edu- cation; the function of Grade 13; the role of community col- Jeges; teacher training; provin- cial scholarships and bursaries; the heavy local tax load on real estate, and use of the tax dollar for maximum economy in edu cation. The legal affairs committee passed resolutions calling for di- vorce reform, elimination of bars against contraceptive in formation and sales of contra- ceptive devices and a reduction of the voting age to 18 for both provincial and federal elections The executive of the Liberal party of Ontario is to be asked to establish a special committee to study invasion of privacy through the of ele listening and other dey Liberals also called for a tem of auto accident compen- sation without fault and a re- view of expropriation proce dures and bodie The municipal affairs com- mittee voted to ask the provin- cial government to remove the tax on diesét fuel used by mu- nicipal transportation systems The resolutions were sent to today's plenary session for final approval. use ronic The SYS- Coroners Told To Résist Pressure For TORONTO (CP)--Ontario cor cent Autopsies to 57.7 per cent of cases oners were told Friday to resist' reported to coroners hospitals that press for autop- sies so they can be classified "1 A" and receiver higher gov- érnment grants The warning was made by Dr. H. B. Cotnam, Ontario's super- vising coroner at a seminar for " coroners. Dr, Cotnam said "the coroner is the guy who is asked to make up the percentage' when a hos- pital runs below the minimum number of autopsies to qualify. 'There's a lot 'of money in- volved and it certainly isn't fair to the public to order autopsies to satisfy doctors and adminis-| trators at the hospital. "Even 1 was approached after} local coroners refused. Of} course I upheld the coroners,' | Dr. Cotnam said in an interview later. < ' The number of autopsies per- formed is one criterion used in distributing hospital grants, he said He had noticed wide regional variations in the percentage of autopsies performed. He would not name the areas, but the per- centages ranged from 7.1 per Hospital day by Dr ship between ernment," believe that Dr, have HE'S PUZZLED A spokesman for the Ontari Association said Fri- night that he was puzzied Cotnam's statement "There is no direct relation- hospital autopsy rates and the financial grants received by hospitals from ei ther provincial or federal gov- he said. "[ cannot Cotnam could intended his remarks to be interpreted in this way." The spokesman said the au topsy rate is only one of many yardsticks used by the. Cana- dian Council on Hospital Ac- creditation to ensure the hospi- tal and medica! staff are constantly evaluating their own standard of medica! care He said hospitals seek accred itation as a hallmark of hospi tal care but the honor does not carry with it any financial bo nuses He said ' fair to: hospitals to suggest tl they are requesting solely in to bigger grants.' its t would be quite un at autopsies order qualify for Narcotics Courier Testifies To Avoid 10 Years In Jail HARTFORD, Copn.)(AP)--Jo seph Caron, 36, olsMontreal, confessed narcotics courier, ad- mitted in U.S. district court Fri- day he is testifying against a Connecticut hairdresser be cause he hopes to avoid a 10- year prison term Caron is the U.S ment's star witness against James J. Miller, 35, of Orange, Conn., charged with conspiracy in an international heroin-smug giing ring Caron has testified he deliv ered 152 pounds of heroin to Miller in Bridgeport, Conn., in 1963. Under cross-examination by defence Jawyer Percy Foreman, Caron admitted he applied for a pardon in January ""And isn't it true that you thought you should be given consideration because you had and were going to testify for govern the United States government in! this case?" asked Foreman "That's correct,' replied Ca- ron : "All right," shot HERE AND THERE Ingredients of a prolific rose bed are good drainage, natural fertilizers and care- ful spraying, an expert on the flower, Bert Wiebicke of West Hill, told a meeting of the Oshawa Horticultural Society at F. A. fovell School this week. He(|demonstrated cor- rect pruning methods' and general cake applied to as- sorted roses, In the first spe- cial exhibit. of the season, first » place winners were: Mrs. Charles Silver, Ethel Dodd, Mrs. Elmer 'Tap- ping, Mrs. Cyril Wick, Mrs Frank Heaslip, Robert Ward Mrs. Tapping had five firsts Mrs. Heaslip three and Miss Dodd two, back Fore- al Miss man, "and 'that you are testifying--is "Yes, I'm. testifying.' "For that reason--aren't Mr. Caron?' 'For that reason," plied Caron re Then Caron ing to arrest 1963 when he picked up at Laredo, Tex a load of 76 pounds of in his car, blasted his pariners in the narcotics traffic "Those. people did not help me he told Foreman Che didn't get me out on bond. The didn't do anything for me, 1 got a little amount of money. That dope was worth several millior dollars and for a little of money--what do me to do?' Last year in Texas, Caron served as a government witness at a trial of four ana dians, including Lucien Rivard former owner of a Montreal area The defenc were convicted and al long sentences refer! heroin amoun you expect fellow ¢ resort 0 RENTALS ete line of SYD SILVER'S essories" for TUXED oc 2314 Simcoe 'South Open Fri, Ever i ee ee eG CR Free Booklet on formal weer end wedding procedures, Pick up your eouy todey ! "A Noms Far Fine Clothes' DeFhilben ng Until 9 PLM, Allen Lindén, chairman of the constitution and party structire committee, said the member- ship fee may allow the party to raise its numbers to perhaps) 300,000 from the present 60,000 or 70,000 ; A move to make the provin- ciai Liberal leader subject to re-election every five years was adopted with a slightly changed! format: He must seek a vote of confidence. within two years of a general election in Ontario. The party has run through a succession of leaders since the Liberal government was ousted by the Conservatives 23 years ago, never to regain power up to the present. The leader, An- drew Thompson, was elected in the fall of, 1964 after the: per- sonal defeat of party leader John Wintermeyer in the 1963 election Mr. Thompson has no plans for seeking a vote: of confidence at the current meeting To lend weight to their policy decisions, the party decided- to make members of the provin- cial caucus answerable to the rank-and-file as fo what action has been, on resolutions submitted iamentar ians taken to the par MUST GIVE ASSURANCE Michael Moriarity of Toronto said if the Liberals are to com- ; pete with otk rolitical parties for members hy must be able to assure j ve adherents that their wpn't be arbi trarily scrapped Prof. Mark McGuigan Univers ty of Toront School said the so-called accountability" resolution would bring together the party and the yarliamentarians in the area of policy-making. But added there ntention to fetter elected members The provincial 22-man lative caucus will be required to report to the party within a on what .action has been taken on party resolutions. On tario Liberals probably. will pro- pose a similar resolution to the Liberal Federation of Canada, making federal Liberal MPs an- swerable to the national body, The constitution and party structure committee turned down a resolution that would give the Liberal Union--a fund- raising section of the party--29 yoting delegates to any party lea rship' convention " @Bposition arose because all 29 delegates would be appointed by one man, the chairman of the Liberal Union. Instead, the committee supported a to give the Union's ch and treasurer single leadership convention. PAY $100 A YEAR About 400 Ontario Liberals pay $100 a year to belong to the Liberal' Union, and otherwise are active in raising party funds One delegate, George Brian of Oshawa, feared newspapers would accuse Liberal Union offi- cials of buying their way into party influence if the 29--three from each of nine regions, plus the chairman and treasurer~ were to. be given leadership votes. He said the move was bad scandals going pleton arguéd 29 could significant at a leadership vention even with as many 1,700 voting delegates ros pec ideas of the o Law policy he was no legis year of the all the on." Mr. Tem- that a block of be enormously con- as timing "with votes Bla dealir The president, Gordon outlined two methods of th riding, re-org al ir anization ! and federa Onta He in n than provine ridution n 10 a t ovunie 4 I W a saying they -were federal riding Elderly Widow Loses $48,000 P) of without bail Fri County juild-up of sire 0 weaker associations John Me Scarborough TORONTO. (¢ Villiam 50 remanded taken to Bruce defrauding vyoman of more than and jail on a charge or ane $48,000 Police 1 widow ment der a fit yea old a advertise hearts newspaper months the widow knew. the man who re plied,' she was persuaded to turn over to him her home and her life savings. They said the woman has Jost so much- she now"is destitute Mon onely a weekly the 10 column 0 During elderly money McW das Poli place of the illiams will appear ff offence Counts e say tl in Bruce widow. took home if all occa- 728-7974 By DENNIS ORCHARD OTTAWA (CP)--One in seven Canadians made a goof in his income tax return this year, Revenue Miriister 'Pearson told the Commons Friday A big computer in fourth. 1,210,000 errors among 7,100 000 returns, the rejects were sent back to district taxa- tion offices. Opposition MPs, complaining about the complicated personal! tax form, said it's a wonder the average was not higher. "I feel we cannot on ami on putting more a more detail in tax forms which intelligent and thoughtful citi- zens have great difficulty in knderstanding,"" said Richar A. Bell (HC--Carteton). "I think they have becom statistieman's nightmare." Social Credit and Credftiste; MPs also pressed Mr, Benson to simplify the form, but he made no promises Mr. Befi also wanted to know what right the revenue 'depart ment had sending back uncerti ied cheques from for payment of regular deductions he government nsi when ay direct Ot Otlawa a employers income on ertified ments a tawa cheques re made to " DEFENDS TAXPAYER "The minister's tidy account ant's mind is simply self-defeat- said Mr I'ne axpaye in the ht pay aT nd should be around by the minister." Mr. Benson replied deduct are being handled at the local le men igh~chartered banks nment ng," Bell my to howe he not shoved ve nereasingy el, with pa routed thro to the ove treasury About 90 per cent of employers liked it way The practice improvements one hour's computer month work used 668 man-days of work a The Commons approved department's $94,565,800 ing estimates 1966-67 CBC 'Lagging Says La Pierre DEEP RIVER, Ont. (NP) The CBC is behind the times in its: concept of broadcasting Laurier LaPierre, co-host . of This Hour Has Séven -Days said Friday at a confer ence, When a_ reporter that LaPierre, co-host Watson and producer Leiterman 'are ahead time, LaPiérre said "If we are, our mail indi cates a hell of a number other Canadians. are too." The viewing public is a good judge of what is proper taste in programs and had been quick to disagree. with CBC manage- ment's view of Seven Days. Traffic Experts Seek Changes HAMILTON (CP) Ontario traffic specialists will explore the possibility of changing laws which now prevent police from charging owners of cars they stop them, Johfr Robinson Hamilton. police traffic said Friday that along with other boiled down time to that take month spend for in the press suggesjed Patrik Douglas of their of unless inspec for, Robinson Traffic inter president Confer iew that in other owners responsibility Inspector the . Ontario ence, said in an a study of legislation provinces - where' ¢ a degree of n involving hicles will also be among topics the of ar face offences their ve rene e's Ma ed 'at onfe meeting disg annual in Ottawa 16 The can-be enforced: bs eed laws traps) in Which cars topped after} being timed allegedly exceeding the legal limit However he aid sj radar inspector are added, othe! offences such -as going stop lights, disobeying and making illegal difficult enforce, by patroimen moving through slop sign turns are particular s to ly on foot Personalized Service For the tu last minutes of the Friday sit- ting. AUTO PACT APPROVED Earlier in the day, the oppo- sition gave grudging approval to the auto trade agreement signed 15 months ago between Canada and the United :States. Conseryative MPs complained that it is Parliament's right to pass judgment on such agree- ments TAke e t ster Drury Mini Said the pact is within the cab- simplX\ go inet's executive atithority. » said automotive produc- - and employment have in- under .the agreement ithough car prices are not yet lower, The final price of cars not relevant fo this par- ticular agreement." Under the program, ° Cana- dian-made motor* vehicles and parts enter the U.S. duty-free Canadian manufacturers may import vehicles and parts on the same basis if they meet a num yer of conditions, Production during the first vear of the pact totalled 855,000 vehicles, a 27 5-per-cent in ase over 1964, The average number of workers in the auto motive industries increased by almost 10,500 workers or 16 per cent ig HINTS AT' MOVE Mr. Drury hinted at a. fill for Canadian manufacturers planning to buy production ma for of thei p hine expansion In many cases, these must or to manu choose either to more for Cana- fill their orders 2.5-per-cent duty if the machinery outside acturel wail diam or pa a firms a éai 9 *y buy counts present only hinery not manufactured in nada can be imported duty Mr to € Drury hinted at measures iminate or reduce the 22.5- cent duty when manufac in Canada is not practical an official of his depart said outside the House hat an announcement may come "shortly.'"' The re-organization of govern- ment departments announced last December by Prime Min- Pearson is the first order of business when the Commons Monday ype d n t ister meets Manufacturer Loses $3 Million TORONTO (CP) ~Mastino Della Scala, Romanian - born ident of a Canadian manu facturing firm, told the Hughes royal commission Friday how his firm lost $3,500,000 in three years His Gompany, D.H.I, Ltd., lost $1,100,000 through builders go- ing bankrupt, he testified D.H.T. manufactured alumi- num windowS, kitchen and bath- room furnishings and wall siding Further heavy losses resulted from a change in federal gov- ernment specifications on win wows in 1963 which forced his company to re-manufacture a large volume of windows In other cases builders "made the holes too big" for windows which had been prefabricated according to' specifications by D.H.I The commission is investigat- ing the collapse of the multi- million Athianlic Accept Mr. Della Scala tes- day that Atlantic's Powell Morgan, 57, came to the rescue of his com- pany but it only piled up huge es after he had gained con pre doll: ance Corp tified Thu president, ¢ lo trol 0 rhe hearing continues Momo wo aha JOE MAGA LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 For a our real estate needs whether you are in need of 4 new or resale home, a lot to build on, nortgage arranged or an apart-) ffice space to rant rad Se oO Oe @.0ose Se production IN DOG HOUSE! OTTAWA (CP) Gerda came to Ottawa Friday. Rumo spread all after- ; noon that, Gerda Munsinger had arrived in Canada. from Munich and -was en route here. Reporters were in a tizzy. Gerda turned out to | 8iX- week - old German hérd pup owned by Bill Short of Vercheres, Que. Mr. Short is tlere to have Gerda and ther pups registered he agriculture depart- ment, Gerda is the daughter ; of Silver and Sheba, Mr. Short's trained show dogs. Before the canine caravan arrived, Ottawa reporters had been checking the Gerda ru- mor with Mr. Justice Wishart Spence, who is conducting the inquiry into the Munsinger af- fair, and former Conservative justice "minister Davie Fulton. At Montreal, they had called « Pierre Sevigny, former Con- | servative associate defence minister, « \Cost To Climb ' Of Cigarettes WINSTON SALEM, . N.C; (AP)--The R..J. Reynolds To- bacco Co. has decided it cannot hold the line on its cigarette prices, a company statement said Friday. The. company said its new price scale will be $9 a thou- sand, less a two-per-cent dis- count, for regular-Sized cigar- ettes, and $9.20 a thousand for king-sized brands, The company said this would still be 20 per cent less than the price increase it announced in March, which was rescinded at the urging of the U.S. gov- ernment The Reynolds statement said 'It has become apparent that our. existing. prices have not avoided an increase in the prices consumers pay for cig- arettes. Lower factory. prices in our brands have not produced| the sales gains necessary to off-! set increased costs." 'Seven Days Film Banned TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says the CBC will not allow This Hour Has Seven Days to show a controversial film on youth at 10 p.m. EDT Sunday The film, Youth: In Search of Morality, was prepared hastily this week after disclasure Mon- day that a camera crew had filmed two youths and a girl in bed, the newspaper says. "It was not to have been shown until the fall, but had been prepared by the Seven Days staff as what producer Douglas Leiterman called a complete answer to all the charges about the film."' Although cleared Friday night for showing Sunday night, | "word came from the CBC that the document would not be _shown," the newspaper says. | | be a shep- 5:30 a.m.: everywhere. The extreme cold is expected to persist over the weekend as a high pressure ridge drifts eastward across the area. A disturbance is expected to move through the Ohio Valley |London tee Sunday and may cause cloudi-itchener ;......, ness in southwestern Ontario. Lake Huron, Windsor, London: |!{amilton Clear and very cold today and|St. Catharines , tonight. Mainly cloudy and con-|Toronto ....... tinuing cold Sunday. Winds light ?eterborough today becoming east 15 Jate to- Kingston ......++. night and Sunday. cloudy periods today and 'Sun- Cold To Presist Over Weekend TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast/both today and Sunday Contin- Synopsis: Skies are clear afternoons. Forecast temperatures Lew tonight high Sunday Windsor . \st. Thomas . Mount Forest .. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Wiftgham .......+ Trenton ... Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- Killaloe gian Bay, Haliburton,. Killaloe, Muskoka . Timagami; "Algoma,~ Sault Ste, North Bay . Marie, White River, Toronto, Sudbury ./+.+.+++. Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: |Sault Ste. Marie .. Sunny but very cold today and|Kapuskasing ..;.. s Consumer Ctedit Confab Talked | OTTAWA (CP)/-- There's \likely to be a federal-provincial conference on consumer credit legislation, Finance Minister |Sharp told the Commons Fri- day, but no date has been set. He was replying to a question . by, Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win- issued by the weather office at/uing cold. Winds light except|nipeg Nogth Centre), who asked - occasionally westerly 20 in the|whether the minister had re- ceived a letter from a "provin- cial secretary in the West" seeking such a conference. . Mr. Sharp said the provincial treasurer for Alberta had sent him such a letter and "minis- ters from the other provinces have indicated interest." REMEMBER WHEN you could get excellent meals ot -reasonabie prices? Well, you still can et the HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Sunday. Winds light. Cochrane: Sunny with a -few day. Continuing cold. Winds west 15 to 25. Ottawa region: Sunny but with some afternoon cloudiness Quebec Tories Leaving Party? OTTAWA (NP) -- A Liberal back-bencher asked Opposition Leader Diefenbaker Fri- Full and part-time required fringe benefits Apply in writing or in person y i] REGISTERED FOR HILLSDALE MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED Good salary and comprehensive Alternate weekends off. NURSES to: PERSONNEL OFFICER, City Hell, Oshewe casein day whether the Conservative leader knowsCof any other of) his Quebec members. who are planning to resign their seats. Auguste Choquette, a diminu- tive lawyer from Lotbiniere rid- ing in Quebec, drew a burst of laughter from the Commons and a sharp reply from Mr. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY == Diefenbaker, The question related to the resignation this week of Cleni- 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. ent Vincent (PC -- Nicolet-Ya- maska), who resigned his seat to seek election in the coming Quebec provincial election. © 'Is the right honofable leader of the Opposition informed of the intention of any other of his Quebec members resigning his seat?'"' asked Mr. Choquette, « Mr. Diefenbaker was certain the Commons would "look with anticipation" upon Mr, Cho- quette leaving his seat, The Quebec MP had the final word EASTVIEW North Simcoe 573 KING STREET EAST MEDICAL PHARMACY 300 KING STREET WEST 909 SIMCOE ST, NORTH PHARMACY PHONE 725-3594 PHONE 728-6277 Pharmacy Ltd. PHONE 723-3418 "I'm sure,the right honorable gentleman will leave this House before me." NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN Good Nemes Te Remember WOMEN and When Buying er Selling DEPENDENTS pREAL ESTATE Reg, Aker --~ President Bill McFeeters --- Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER All ex-service personnel invited to take and their dependents are advantage of @ LTD. 723-2265 W. R. ATTENTION SAVE eee on DX OIL GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS Farm Tanks Available. Out of Oshewe, Whitby and District FARMERS! Why Pay More Premium Quality LEGION HALL, Tuesday, CALL COLLECT 668-3341 aura mae fresh and delicions om on Mother's & box of her favourites at EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King East... 725-3594 ; candies Sifts for Dat --- WEEK-END HOURS turday ...9 a.m, to 9 p.m, 'Sunday ... 12 p.m, to 6 p.m. Street, Oshawa, who will FREE LEGION SERVICE @ Assistant Secretary, Service Bureau, Toronto From 2 p.m, to Completion of Business To give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits, Any- one with questions on War Disability Pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt Out Treatment or Hospital Care is urged to call or write to MR. C. A. BRISEBOIS, Business Manager of Royal Canadian Legion, BUCK BRANCH NO. 43 May 10th Pension) Branch 43, 90 Centre arrange an appointment, SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 410 RITSON ROBINSON'S 574 RITSON BILENDUKE'S 352 WILSON a ot te BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING STREET WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION SPUR OIL STATION 78 BOND STREET WEST DURNO'S SUPERTEST 574 KING STREET EAST 1004 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH BiLL's WHITE ROSE RUSSELL'S TEXACO 461 PARK ROAD SOUTH BILL'S B.A, SERVICE 284 SIMCOE ST.-4. ROAD NORTH B.P, STATION ROAD SOUTH ESSO STATION ROAD SOUTH