12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seraeter sea kid $6--Legal - NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAZEL MARIE WARING, late of the City of Oshewe, in the County of Ontorio, Spinster, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pur- quant to the Trustees Act, then all persons having cloims against the estote of the ebove named HAZEL MARIE WARING, who died on or about the 16th day of Febru- ery, A.D., 1966, are hereby required to send by post pre poid, or to deliver to the cidiaianed Solicitors, for the Administrotors, full particu- lars of their claims, duly veri- fied, on or before the 19th day of May, A.D.,- 1966, after which soid date the said Administrators will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, hov- ing regard only to those claims. of which they then hove had notice DATED ot Stouffville, Ont ario, this 22nd day of Apr 1966 Messrs. Button & Armstrong Barristers and Solicitors, 33 Main Street Eost STOUFFVILLE, Ontario Solicitors the Administrators. for CITY. OF OSHAWA QUOTATIONS FOR REFRESHMENT SERVICES Sealed quotations marked os to contents be received at the Office of the Parks Superintendent, Parks Department, 919 Fore- well Avenue, Oshawa, On- tario, up until 5:00 P.M (E.D.S.T.) Fridoy, Moy 13, 1966, for the following ser- vices (A) plainly will Operation of the Re freshment Booth at the Kinsmen Civic Memor- jel Stadium, Oshawa Ontorio for the 1966 season. Supply and operation of e Mobile Refreshment Service ot Alexandra Perk, Oshowa, Ontaric for the 1966 season The lowest or any quota not necessarily accepted H. 8. BATHE, Porks Superintendent 37--Auctions ane SATURDAY, MAY Auction sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs, HELEN MARK, will be held in the Village of Mon le Electric stove, Thor Gladiron, bedroom suites, tables, ehine, rocking choirs trector and large quantity furniture sold. No reserve, Sale at 1 om. Reg Auc tioneer 38--Coming Events 14th: refrigerator, washing -ma- garden of Property Terms cosh Johnson, WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO MON., MAY 9th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize $250 Jackpot Nos. $50 Consolation Jackpot Pays Double in. 52 Nos, or less $50. Consolation $150 Jackpot $20 o line $50 full cord 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regulor gomes pay double in 17 Nos. or le $100.00 Door Priz Eorly Bird Game at Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 7:45 16 not odmitted De YOU wont be from ill Health, Poverty, Unhoppiness? Attend a FREE introductory lecture on Conc ept Ther: py Philosophy Hotel Ginn sha Corvair Room Friday, May 13, GARDENERS MEET to swap The Pickering Township Society meets Tuesday ly at & Om. at Rouge Members, friends, and other terested resident' are cordially we This is the meeting to which memners bring surplus garden stock -- plants raots, shrubs, bulbs, etc ant this w be the basis of a spirited auction at whieh those present may fil) the corners of their garden beds a! bargain prices to Free 1966 and Horticutura May 10th prompt H hor [Chariotte Abbot, -brother and heip fill the Society's coffers at the) same time. Plans for the springand sum-| mer flower shows and the summer act vities will be discussed at this meeting end there will be the a ' te ask questions and exchang Hor In connection with gare lems, {38--Coming Events MON DAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St East at Farewell FREE ADMISSION FREE 20 Reg. Gormes-----Total $300 SNOWBALL---$1'30, in 56 Nos. Plus $10 eoch horizontol line, Reguior Jackpot $100, in 40 Nos. $20, Con SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available at The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please HADASSAH BAZAAR Tues., May 10th "2 P.M Beth Zion Synagogue King Street East @ Tea Room @ New Cloth ng @ Home Baking @ Candy @ Aprons @ Gifts @ White Elephant Opened by Mrs Admission Y.W.C. A. Rummage and nearly new sale 199 Centre St Monday May 9th 1 P.M, H. F free Millen Oshawa cloth- ehold articles Used and ing and BINGO KINSMBN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Eorly Bird Game FREE ADMISSION 55 and 50 under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 orners SPRING LUNCHEON iby Scout Mothers' Auxiliar 11, 1966, at 1.30 p.m. United Church lower hall. Speaker Miss curator of Henry House Baby sitting provided tickets phone 728-7083 IN MEMORIAM BELL in loving memory of @ dear dauahter and sister Violet Bell who pass May 7, 1960, not need a specia To bring you to our mind For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find If all this world wer We'd give it, yes and more To see the face Viorel ear Come smiling through the door Lovingly Temembered by mother family nearly new hous ackpot Children Sth Oshawa on Wed For day ours to give, and GALKA mother Michalane away, May 1950, Joseph. Galka who 2, 1962 presence we memory we treasure Loving you always Forgelting you never Sadly missed and always daugiiers in loving memory of @ dear Galka, who passed and a dear father passed away February In GREEN q memory this mother's day of my mo ther Margaret W ssed away March 4th, 1958 God toc sunshine the skies. And made the lovelight in her eyes, ser breath and with his love Green from he made he ed by daughter mine Ne MaciINALLY -- T @ devoted and dear and father, Douglas ¢ who passed away Hospital May 8 1956 have lost my so & ceormpanion, A life linked with my own And day by. day | As | walk through Alone he And whispers annot divide Deeply and sadiy miss Helen and sons Bobby reasuread memories of helnved husband rdon 'Macinally, Toronte Western miss him lfe alone stands by my side "Don? grieve; death more ed by his and Dougie wife MaciNAL LY memory of a who passed Doug away have happened called away to share with left to Since' you many tt Had you been So you, stay a day ¥ s reach at passes by out to you way re it too know vere do not forget, him hy mother Geraldine and Arthur, Kanneth ack sisters Marion Don ald, Ronald and MASON nie sister, Mabel 94 Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What @ beautiful memory she left behind Ever remembered by Mason. memory of @ deer who passed away May § Edith and Me TRIGG ng memory of my dear Clarence Trigg who passed away May 7 Today bring a dear one memories gone to rest the ones who think ef him today A who loved him best Ever remembered by sister farny - those A LASTING TRIBUTE manence and dignity AW? MEMORIALS advie Office 2633 FLORIST and oll 0 , Park LOCKE'S mero flora arrangements arrangements for asions HAWA Os IOPPING TRE PHONE 128-6555 | CAMPBELL -- Di May | 'in Northminster 1 a) Pascoe 605 (243; BIRTHS and Gwenna (nee | Seen? are happy te announce the arrival a son, Jon Allan David, 9 pounds 4 ounces on Tuesday, May 3, 1966. Many) thanks fo Dr. H. C, Hall and 4th floor) nursing staff. FUDGE Danny and Glories Le Blanc are proud to announce the arrival of their son Mark Daniel 6 Ibs., 9 075., on Wednesday May 4, 1966 af the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for | Vicky Lynn, Second grandchild for both Mr, and Mrs. 0. B. Fudge and Mr, and Mrs. A, J, Le Blanc. Thanks to Dr, Stan ry, Or. Doherty and staff at Oshawa General Hospital RAT'.EY -- Ted and Lyn (nee Schuer- man) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter weighing & Ibs., 5 075., on Thursday May 5, 1966 al Grace Maternity Hospital Halifax, A wee sister for Leanne Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Schuerman of Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs Ff, Ratley Scarborough HATTER -- wish to announce the arrival little brother, Bruce Ross 4. Ibs., Brenda and Brian Hatter of their 12 ofs., on Thursday May 5, 1966 at the Oshawa) General Hospital, Proud parerits are Ray and Elizabeth Hatter (nee Karn). Many thanks to Dr, Anderson and the nurses on the 4th floor WEGGLER -- Horst Knipe) wish to announce the birth of their daughter Karen Anne weight 7 Ibs., 10 ofs., on Thursday May 5, 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospital DEATHS MEDONALD, Beatrice Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, May 5, 1966, Bea trice Royce, beloved wife of the late Edward Allan McDonald, mother of Mrs Alex Cziranka (Marion), Mrs. Edward House (Shirley), Derwood and Arnold, Oshawa, Ronaid, Brampton; Bruce, Bow manville; sister of Mrs, Evelyn McGhee, Oshawa; Mrs. Mary Sadler, Carlton Place; and Wm. Royce, Port Arthur; in her 7ist year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with funeral! Service in the chapel Monday, May 9 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn, Ceme lery, Oshawa. Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Satur day afternoon. WOODS, Dale May After a short iliness at the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Friday May 6, 1964, Dale May Riddle (of 725 Green st. Whitby) beloved wife of Bernie Wood, in her 60th year. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for Prayers in the chapel on Monday May 9th at 10.30 a.m. Inter ment St. John's Roman Catholic Cemetery Whitby (visitors commencing 7 p.m urday Sat Kindness within beyond Price, reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 OBITUARY FUNERAL OF DONALD BROCK Funeral service for Donald Brock, who died suddenly at his residence, 448 Macauley ave April 30% was held Friday. The funeral was from strong Funeral Home to St Gertrude's Church where re- quiem high mass was celebrat ed by Rev. John Myers Interment was in Resurrection Cemetery yet Arm- Pallbearers were: Londe, Ken Garrett, Jack Stew art Nelson Hamlyn, Dennis Hurst and Bob Brock BOWLING SCORES WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' Congratulations champs, whe are total of S838 pins They beat the and their total was 5825 pins Our Consolation winners were Dreamers, with a total of $704 pins beat out "The Mice,' Ha! Ha! Their total was $167 pins We all have another chance next See you all May, 14 Ray La- LEAGUE 1944 with a to The our new Ringos Lucky Six by I$ 'pins The They who tried so hard year at the banquet! TOWN AND COUNTRY LADIES' High Triples Fern Buechier 669 (27) 09); Joan Anthony 648 (225, 222, 20) Retty Guscolt 647 (253, 214); Earline Kee! er 627 (238, 201); Jackle Legere 422 ta32 201); Beverly Nichols 612 (260) Dona 70 Mirtany Price say (258); Pauline Starr 216, 203); Mar lyn Bannon 58 223, 214 Eleanor Vail fancourt 578 (252 Edna 240); Barbara Minaret 57) (210 via McBride 563; Isobe! Biglin $54 (2 Darlene Williams 551 (204, 203}; Audrey Hepburn 550 (213); Elizabeth Hutcheson 5550; Mary DePratto $30 208 r Rrabin 531 4941}; Gladys Reazin 527 Diane Roach June Anderson Gail MacDonald 211) and kell 503 High eanor 205 Lemon League Karen Chaszewski 9 Congratulations the Mustangs, who won the championship over the Stingrays, while the Corvettes won the Consalatior trophy, quite handily too. We wish to express our appreciation to the Motor City Bowling Lanes and to The Oshawa Times for their co-operation over the sea son 587 S15 503 Jear Singles Worona 207 isonet and Calder Audrey On, F Eyman to | s A (nee and Patricia (nee; | 3-Kil's | FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS |Moscow Stores Close FRIDAY, MAY 6 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Malden vo end four-year-olds, 6'4 - Furtongs.| (12) 4-Sam's. Path, Werry 1h 6.50 2-Dutch Wrackateer, McComb 4,30 i-Susie Sweet, Steve Also yBan in Order: Midnight Jolie, Alberta Sunshine, zing Tommy, Bella Near 4.80 | 3.50 10.00 Echo, | Mariboro Figlia, SECOND RACE -- Purse $7,000, Claim ing, four-year-olds and up, 62 Furlongs (10) 7-Lady Domain, K'blum I-Secret Star, McComb 4Falls Way, Potts Also Ran in Orvter: Jessie B Good, Field Cervina 2nd, and Kilkarr rage paeee, 4 AND % PAID 57.0,| 49 320 2.50 11,50. 4.90 3.00 Prilynn, Ansiman,| ve Remister, THIRD RACE -~. Purse $2,000, Claim ng, maiden three and four-year-olds, foaled in Canada. 6' Furlongs (12). 10-Beston Mills, Difach 380 280 230 6Fair Dandy, Gordon 4% 3.00 }-Windy Mahan, Fitr'ns 2,90 Also Ran in Order: South Bruce, Mis fer Pet. Dohnforall; Sectoria, Smart Tiger, Rosa Signora, Dawn 8 Good Harry's Gem and Eternal Light Pool, $40,761, FOURTH RACE.-Purse $2,000. Claim ing, tour-year-olds and up, 6% Furiongs (a) Well Oiled, 6A,11 Eddie, Gritlo |-Liberated, Walsh Also Ran in Order: Stage, Daring Bull, Barroby, 10.99 6.10 3.30 1.80 8.00 2.70 Eddie Shack, King Maytown and Select Sin Pool, $44,471, MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS "ists Biro iis sto RELIGIOUS RITES FIRST RACE -- |} $s00 (77 6-Riddellworth, 4-Black Satin, Beitlich Kid, Feagan Also Started: Willor Fisherman's Luck -and Scratched Fare Mor Mile (Trot) Purse Hicks 18.10 4.930 2.90 3,50 2.80 2.90 Kate, Leah Gaelic Replica Herbert SECOND RACE 1 Mile (Pace $600 (9 5-Sloe Gin, Marchuk Bar Goid, Ren Filion &-Dandy's First, Telfer Also Started: Dale Gratian C Marlene R, Slic Adios Minnetonk DAILY DOUBLE, and § -- Sloe Gin, THIRD RACE $1,000 (8 3 Blackthorn Wade!) B-Arawana Lady, Furness l-Sporty Taq, Findley Also Started: Cal! Valley, Marchessa Wendy Lee | Purse $5.90 3.50 2.79 3.00 2 2.70 D, Big Chief and Roya No's 6 Riddeliworth PAID . $45.40 1 Mile (Trot) Purse 4.40 2.80 2.50 3.80 3.00 4.20 Me Spud, Favorite Todd Raymond and youee RACE of PL $90 2-Goldie's Jon, 5-Credit Card Also Started: Beaver Roy McGregor: and Scratched, Singleland Mile Pace Melean 42.90 $.20 3.90 Wellwood 2 Boy, Irish Blue Marion Dale FIFTH RACE Mile (Pace) Purse $900 { 2-Floyd's TAgate Honor, Hayes Hawke 6,50 3.20 2.0 3,30 2,70 The Sea and Magic 4976, Daily Doubly Pool, $97,409, | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $7,500, Claim ing, four-year-olds and up, | Mile and 70 | Yards (>) 4Reap The Wind, Gomer $.10 4 Ly} | }-Winisteo, Harris 5-Fast Jay,. Fitzsimmons 530 Also Ran in Order: Direct Action and Brass 1. 5 TOR, 4 AND 1, PAID $70.80, THE E Poot, $18,439, Exactor Pool, $24,473, ing, end 6 Furlengs! (a) &Try. Brandy, 2-Ocean. Pearl, 5-Caledon Colonel, Barroby Also Ran in. Order: Rest-h-Flect, Ermine Sox, Roman Tribune, Gay Pep rant and Ringer Flinger, ~ | Peete $44,581, SEVENTH RACE--Purse ances, three-year-old fillies, four-yerr-olds up 620 480 4.40 13,90 pe Gomer Fitz'ns $2.00, Allow. 4 Furtongs $ -Gay's Ri, Pg., 1A-Victorian Order 4 Celtic Lyn, Leblanc Also Ran in Order: Empress of/india Here's Lady Sue, A--Speediness, Worthy Craft, Moonlight Mambo and Miss Sheila B. A--Windfields Farm Entry. Pool, $43,876, K'bliam 2,50 2.20 EIGHTH RACE--Purse 62,200, Claim ing, fouryear-olds and up, One and one sixteenth Miles (6), 5-Sarosu, Werry 4-Hoss's Pick, iBriarclif Boy Also Ran in Order: Answer, and Jay Flight A-Mrs M $ GSadiier and W Entry Pool, $46,594, Total Pool, $355,917, Attendance, 4,737. 12.30 6.70 4.00 Harris 6.20 3.40) Ferro 3.00 &--Stoned, Fast T Mason S-Arawana Adios, .Hoimes 4.70) Also Started: Giendale Joe, Irene Mac | Duff, Nan's Man and Meadow Wave Scratched, Lochinver Tony SIXTH RACE $3500 fiaron 5-Devil, Feagan 1-Kwik Kat, Ed Arthur Also Started: Dean Herbert and Son ny Mile (Pace) Purse Adios Munroe 4.10 2.60 2,20 6.90 2,70 2:90 h Creed EXACTOR, 5 -- Devil, Nos 2 PAID Baron Adios and $66.50 SEVENTH RACE } Purse $1,200 (8 5-Fanny Symbol Clement. Hanover, \Walker 7-Diana Hunter, Feagar Also Started: DH-Virgines Gypsy, Our Patricia, taird McNab, DH - Heat for 4th position Mile (Trot Witte 55.70 13,80 4.30 4 202 ip on. Dead EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile (Pace) Purse $1,000 (8 +Count Rodney, Galbraith 4,9 4.60 5-Perennial, Campbel 13.30 7,50 8-Superior Richard, Ca Hi 5,50 Also Started: Magic Millie, Scat Time Opeongo, Beverly Dillard and Away Kid t 5.90 NINTH RACE $1,200 (8 2-Lachianna, Hayes 4-Ann Barmin, Findley 8-Rendezvous Boy, Feagan Also Started: Jaonnes Trailer, Ren Car ey, Stoney C., Attorney Brooks and Radar Attendance 5,124, Total Pool, $299,848. 1 Mile Pace) Purse #0 2,80 2:30 4,00 3.40 3.10 GREENWOOD ENTRIES MONDAY, Clear and Fast RACE Purse $2,000 Maiden two-year-olds FIRST ing (5000 ongs Claim 4" Fur Gaucho Dar Amber River Raspberry Mu Whirling 'on ches Nimble m Fur Trader, Gomez Castil No Boy 112 Swift Fella, Kornblum 119 Menssik, Steve' X107 Saucona Boy, No Boy 115 Thunder Jay, No Boy 115 Also Eligible: Famous Tour; Harrison 5; Double Bounce, No Boy, 115 e Kornb! SECOND RACE en three and four-year-olds Mile Mr. Goo, No Boy 110 Danwing Cloud, Fitzsimmons 116 Royal Gigi, No Boy 105 Canadian Star, No Roy No Boy 110 j No Boy Windy Flash, Walsh Big Jive; Gomez Dunman, Turcotte Dans Flight, No Boy. 110 Seventh Line, No Boy 110 ~ Purse $2,300. Maid ne 19 THIRD RACE ng (5000), Maiden of Ist), 4' Furlor Run Around Sue, Jiveastar, Walsh Take The Pot, No Col, Saxon, Leblane 115 Edgor's Whistle, McComb 118 Chinese Ex, No Boy 112 ount 'em Tumble, Walsh Blue Dru, Grech KXX107 Rose of Dittfach 112 Sunday Cruz, Turcotte 112 Spanish Ruff, Fitzsimmons Full Force, No Boy 115 Aliso Eligible 112) -Plekle King Purse $2,000 two-year-olds Claim Diva s Robillard 112 mS Roy 118 nT | York a Maiden Myrtle, No Boy, 115 Gomer FOURTH RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim ng (3000). Four-year-olds and up, 7 Fu longs Comby, Harr Ann's Reply, Turcotte A niere Turcotte A Men No Boy. 113 Artista, Armstrong Ronspiel, No Boy \ sle, Roberts Keepe on 108 heva Doctor "i Eligible; 7 f rot Leo's ¥ 123 Penaso 2nd B Good, Hale, 1 113 Susie AE Hemmer Entry Royal Also Bi Thomas Leblanc Romar and Yellow Briar Stable FIFTH RACE Purse $2 $5000), four-year-olds @ Mighty Patrol, Harris 11 Rococo Roque, Robinson 116 400. Claiming up. Mile (7 MAY 9 Freedoms Hope Guest Speaker, Fitzsimmons 113 Buona Fortuna, Dittfach 111 Fabison, No Boy 113 Tricky Scamp, Barroby 1 (EXACTOR WAGERING) Gomez 116 SIXTH RACE ances, Purse $3,000. Allow four-year-olds and up. 7 Furlongs Brockton Boy, Ferro X112 Lebon M-L, Fitzsimmons 114 Pieriou, Barroby Cambuslang, Leblanc 120 Victorian Era, Gomez A-\1? Cairnarctic, Robillard 109 Butterscotch, No Boy 117 Hempeler, No Boy il4 Orbiter® Maxwell A-120 AA Case and Hillcrest Stable entry SEVENTH RACE ed 'Star Shoot Stakes," lies, foaled in Canada, 7 Furiongs(12 Snow Time, No Boy 114 Rullahs Image, No Boy A-ll4 Prize Jive, Walsh 120 Gay North, Dittfach B-1l4 ley Reply, Leblanc B-114 Solar Park, Barroby 118 Fifth Street, Turcotte 114 Northern. Minx, Fitzsimmons 11@ Shipmate, Gomez 120 leed, No Boy !14 Line Charger, No Boy A-ll4 Hinemoa, Harris 120 A--Statford Farms B---Windfields Farm Purse $10,000 add three-year-old Fil y entry entry EIGHTH RACE Purse $2,100, na ($4000), four-yeer-olds and up. Parnell jongs (10) Young Fashion, ie Harris Alls Dittfach 123 Cretaceous, Peter Picker Ships That Pass, Parnell No Boy A:113 Harrison 108 Sky Spark Brief Wind, Rell XXX98 Ferro XV8 Mald of Honor, Turcotte 113 King Legend, House Boy. Rarroby 114 M Paulson and © Morrisroe Claim ? Fur 9 y Jet invader, AS X-5 Ibs AAC) XX-7 Ibs AAC) XXX-10 ths POST TIME 2 PM CONSIDER SBOUTS NEW YORK (AP) Griffith's co-manager said Tues- day the newly crowned middle weight champion will make his first defense against either Joey Archer. of New York, Italy's Nino Benvenuti or ex-champion Dick Tiger. The 28-year-old Vir- gin Island native dethroned Ti ger in a close 15-rounder at Madison Square Garden Mon Emile i centuries since | MOSCOW (CP)---The sign on the door said: 'Closed for stock-taking."' Customers with their weekly) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, Claim- bundle of soiled linen could only; Would be done return home, picture how a takes inventory Stores and service establish- iments in Moscow find all sorts of reasons for closing down for a few days, One is stock-taking, vaguely trying to laundry office which in Cmbs 21.60 450 3.10 most shops seems to occur at of the way of life. least twice a year. Another is repairs. The Rus- sfan word for repay work is "remont,"' It's frequently used that it has become* part of the working vocabulary of every foreigner living here. If someone's apartment is be- ing repaired, the sophisticated way of rendering this in Eng-) Hish is 0 "He is under remon? r 'He is having a remont,' An excuse food stores find for Shutting down is 'sanitation "Yday." It comes about once a month and is = to allow Continued From Page 13 Rehearsals, choir and costume making cupied many nights and week ends but has never dampened their inherent enthusiasm and spirit Today at 4:00 p.m, the Osh awa Polish community will hold a. pontifical high mass at St, Hedwig's church in recog nition of 1,000 yeafs of Chris- fianity, The mass is celebrated by the Very Reverend Father, Felix Kwiatkowski Affer mass, a banquet will follow in the church's auditor jum at 6:00 p.m, Millennium president, Leslie Prazmowski said the guest speaker at the banquet will be Kasimier . Biel ski, a Toronto lawyer, who will address the audience on the subject of Poland's Millennium Tomorrow at St. Hedwig's auditorium § starting at 2:30 p.m, the Polish community will present its Millagnium, pageant Mr Prazmowski said the pageant wil! include exerpts of Polish history enacted on stage as they occurred through Poland became a Christian nation 1,000 years ago. The pageant will begin with the baptism of the First Polish Prince Mieszko 1 and will ing the performance, SPECIAL DANCE Next Saturday a special mil lennium dance wil) be held< St Gregory's heed wiv By starting at 8:00 p.m. A large turn-out is expected at both practices have oc- he said, CASTLE ~#NSURANCE s your castle the biggest Your home It prob- ahiy represents invest. ment you'll ever make. And you'll be smart to protect that investment with a State Farm Homeowner's Policy. This towscost package of protection provides broader cover- age for your home and belongings OTATS FARM Insumanes ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshowe Blvd, N. Oshawa 725-5841 STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO, Can, Head Office, Searboro, Ont, day night TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1, The Council of The ¢ curb and gutter, as.a local the work Conant St Erie St 10' W + perty 165 perty of Fronk eevidan St St of ' Simcoe St. $ Wentworth St Simcoe Street Whiting Ave Ww estimated he work and any owner to the said work being The said Board may o ery pprove DATED at Oshawa this 7+ day orporation of the City of Oshawa mprovement, and intends to. specia est of W Simcoe 5 West of W Simcoe 5 of §. Limit 198 Station § 38'0" { Limit Plon E undertaken of the said work being. undert Objection to the said worke-Will be considered, 6 of Ma 1964 aken LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE " intends to construct asphalt pavement en granular lly assess a part of the cost upon ESTIMATED COST 2,819.23 270.50 524 137 24,118.4) 6,423 26? 92 4°10 as 1,422 oval of the ur file with but moy LR City ef Oshawa 2,255.23 311.53 Sappoint bose with the land abutting directly on concrete Owner's Cost Per al Fige Per Ft Fige. $0.90 49° 87 18 soid 1 the City Clerk his objection a. time ond ploce when BARRAND, Clerk, For Various Reasons. tat the} feature three choruses dur-| 'pencils, count," shelves and generally make the gstablishment hygienic, In the West such activities as stock-taking and shelf-cleaning during the store's normal closed hours or) during ordinary operations. T' he management wouldn't dream of closing for fedr of losing busi ness, BACKWARD ON EARTH In the Soviet Union such in- ferruptions haye become part Many is the foreigner who has mused that although the Russians may make it to the moon first they're way behind in the busi- ness of providing reliable or dinary services for their péople on earth trudged and saw out cepts a buxom The same kind of perplexity enveloped to the familiar "Closed for stock-taking As usual, advance warning of the down, and the sign gave no in- dication how long it would last Overcome with curiosity as to the mechanics of inventory-tak ing in an office that simply ac laundry where for cleaning--and has no visible equipment other. than a few penrils and a of shelves--one of the custom- ers peered through a window in the door frame There, behind a counter, was lady the square. metres could posstbly |aming bundles of finished - take eight days -- imeasure or weigh there, - pens, laundry. She' may also have been checking to see whether any had remained on the shelves for a long time, thereby perhaps qualifying as "stock," In a country where clotheg office\aré extremely expensive, how- shingle ever, it's hard to imagine how, " anybody would fafl to claim his from the laundry, especially since the hill has to be paid in advance The lady behind the counter flashed a silver.smile at the peering customer--and ignored. his beckons to come to the door' and answer questions, The shop reopened next. day. Rut the laundry itself --~ the place that does. the actual cleaning -must have taken time out for stocktaking too, for laundry that sould have been ready the first day didn't come back until three days ex-' later "nothing to 'just copy - books to customers who the Jaundry there had been no shut-. to 'send else- vast -array studiously The problem. was touched upon in a reader's letter to the newspaper Vechernya Moskva (Evening Moscow), It told'of a small stationery store that was closed eight days for stock-tak- Me The author of the letter was | gbviously ---- as to how thes Ski e occasions, Mi, Prazmow said 4 tag day in support of Canadian Millennium Fund be held Saturday, May 28, The fund was established by the Polish people across Canada to assist students of Palish descent with scholarships and bursaries On Sunday, May 29. millennium concert will be held the Civic auditorium, -- he said, and wil) feature the Ajax Community -- choir two Me Laughlin school bands and a Caledonia Pipe band Polish youths will perfotm native dances from Poland, he said, and the children will per form to indicate the occasion On Sunday, June 12, a Corpus Christi service and procession will be held at St gd church .as the Polifh com munity continues to celebrate its. millennium Honorary directors Oshawa Polish committee are Paul Dwyer, Col. Laughlin, Lt, Col ter, Mr, and Thomas, Clifford Pilkey, Her- bert Flintoff, T. C. Wilson, R.} the wil! a specia of the Millennium Monsignor R. §. Me W. C, Payn-| an. Go. How much money do you want? You decide, Just a few doHars.a month in an Inves- tors plan are all that's needed to start you on the way to financial successo The Man from Investors can show you how to have the money you want in ten, fifteen or twenty years, He'll get you off to the right start using mo ing toward your*tinancial objective, Investors has an extensive range of flexible plans specially designed to solve your problem of accu- mulating money money the easy Investors way Investors MURRAY SMITH District 941 Oshawe Blvd, N, Res, WSO. SYNDICATE LIMITED ey to make money while build- Start making money with your See the Man from A. E, "AL" SWAYNE Mistriet Manager 858 Oshewa Blvd, N, Res, 728-1814 Manager 728-3186 Business Phone 725-1513 C, Rooke and Gordon Garrison. | Come and enjoy LES BEAUTES (/ DU QUE Enter a land where franche ga/eté is a way of life... Canada's friendly French province, Every moment is a new expérience as you visit the showcases of Canadian history and the arts and savour superb cuisine in picturesque villages and bustling cosmopolitan centres. highways... Excellent new ones in the past five years... make them all easilyaccessible, and les Québécois invite you to share in ~ their joie de vivre. Just mail our coupon for complete, illustrated in- formation about touring in Québec, QUEBE HOSPITALITE SPOKEN HERE over 6,000 miles of' PLEASURE ROUTE! Sample traditional cuisine at an 'Old World' garden restaurant set ih a city square, Roam ancient streets where modern artists work, Broad, modern highways lead you through the grandeur of constantly changing scenery to new adventures in /a belle Province de Québec. Tourist Branch (Dept. "CC6-292" ; Parliament Buildings Québec City, Québec Please send me FREE illustrated information about touring /e he/le province, My main interest is seeageenateseenenees NAME. coscsuenss ADDRESS eEPIerOrirrirr Tt ititi ir ciry, PROV,