Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1966, p. 11

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' ' A GLANCE AROUND GLOBE |Low stile - Ruto Agreement With US. Contagious Approv ed By C omm ons An industry cannot stay "healthy and productive' if there is discontent and low OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons approved Friday the auto- morale, a Toronto doctor said : ssan i wa here. Finance Minister Sharp an- upon us with frightening rapjd- AP. ULES WAVES motive agreement signed 15 months ago between Canada ~ ' Patan " Japan has been the world's ie tens j em ced Friday that orders now ity, Health Minister Mac-. °f two cents on the charge made n 0 oe ry Ay eget sone, | PE ing taken for the coin set.|Eachen said Friday. on each visit made by a branch|!eading' shipbuilder for_19 con- "4 nad e lThe books wilt stay open until) "7: j nurse. The increase in the| secutive years. should be prevented like any 17° y ope here is still a place for the J i ' 'i if Sept. 30, 1967. Deliveries will considerable body of profes- charge bringing it to between) and the United States. other contagious disease if your | , . ly D 7 peer £ 4 ey) The opposition withheld con- industry is to remain healthy) Start next January. |sional 'know-how' accumulated|*9 an cents, would go to-| sent during a full day of debate, and productive," Dr. D. .K| The gold coin will be about/by the VON over the years," ward the budget of the head| with a strong compiaint that the Grant, director of medical serv.|the size of the present 25-cent| he told 200 delegates to the VON | Office in Ottawa. ee government had no right to ig- ices, Ontario Hydro, told Osh-| Piece. It will be packaged with | national convention. | Jean Leask, the order's direc- nore Parliament by taking ex- awa Kiwanis. : \the 'six others,. all newly-| He called the 68-year-old or-|tor-in-chief, said there now are ecutive action on the pact. He sald a worker's moral designed to mark thé centennial | ganization '"'as tough, as dura-|710 nurses and other staff di- Industry Minister Drury can be undermined by Inés of | Of Confederation, in a five-inch-|ple and as 'unflappable' as its|rectly engaged in giving nursing wound up debate by rejecting identity, job dissatisfaction 'and /Sauare leather case bearing the| formidable founder, Lady Aber-|care through VON. this argument and claiming the insufficient work. , Canadian coat of arms. -- |deen," wife of one of Canada's' Home visits totalled 1,500,000 agreement was achieving its ob- Hi ln alec Valle i b Orders fo the seven-coin set first Governors-General. last year, and were made to jects -- expanded automotive is morale also ta \should be sent to Presentation) New programs, such as med-|115,191 patients. Cases were production and employment, ical care insurance, with con-|evenly divided between moth- with improved competitive effi- ciency. JOIN ONTARIO FYE OSTIAWA TIMES, Beturdey, Mey 7, 1966 ]] First Gold Coin | ' a Tite'To Be Sola |- TLesSional 'Know-How nogzama, contests' VON Needed, Nurses Told): ict years will be sold only as part) ! | ls ri D » of a set of seven coins. It will) OTTAWA (CP)--The Victor-|funds was an assessment of the | and two in.10 were undey are ag had for or a Order of Nurses for Canada| branches. includes the new 0 ii a i B og : } w n 4 is in no danger of becoming ob FEES TO INCREASE | jece. solete, even though "'change is i P . se This would mean an increase). ROAD TAKES ITS TOLL Traffic accidents on Canadian roads took 4,792;lives in 1965, IZZA Phonte 723-0241 or 728-0102 every ten were over 65 years old, and in some cases VON SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to . RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group FOR YOUR ADDED PLEASURE BUGS BUNNY CARTOON FESTIVAL . | SOUTH OF THE OSHAWA DRIVE-IN | ie Hin, THEY WENT UP LIKE MEN! THEY CAME DOWN LIKE ANIMALS! Love-Lust-Courage-Fury and Sacrifice! WOMew 'iwie BANCROFT SUE MARGARET FLORA MILDRED LYON' LEIGHTON ROBSON « DUNNOCK COLOR ry OFFICg TEPEE [Eas 282-8909 or 899.71 DRIVE-IN ow 8:20 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Starring SEAN CONNERY International Air- port from Czechoslovakia Mary was two years old when her parents emigrated to Canada 36 years ago. (CP Wirephoto) BEST GIFT FOR Mother's -- Toronto Day -- Mrs. Steven Zamec- nik of Tillsonburg, Ont., got the -best possible Mother's Day gift Friday when her {daughter Mary arriyed at an opening organ recital only way to raise the necessary Presents "The M.C.V.I. Music Night" at M.C.V.I. Auditorium Stevenson Rd. N. Wednesday, May 11 and on Saturday, May 14 performs a job he's not suited/coin Set, post office Box 100, for, if he feels insecure or if|Ottawa 2, with a certif ed|tinuing emphasis in home care/ers-and-babies and medical and by formula'. * services, offered a role for na-|surgical patients. vy . P) ae How well a man works will|ceiver-general of Canada. such as the VON. OTTAWA (CP)--Britis 0- Heat ae |? | lumbia and Alberta have joined Grant said. ' | M . MUST FACE PROBLEM | farm workers to help with the If he is angry, frustrated, dis: | Specia usic retiring VON president, said the; harvest, Labor . Minister Mar- revenge this can cause him to| problem of diminishing support) down, st ork or. go on day. The government recently slow dow vee 8 be faced. announced a program to allow But he will work hardest ; ; , || The appeal in 1964 had fallen when motivated by feelings of The first of two -- "8 Pee -enparere 4 short of the ob- in this fall to help harvest crops : cal events will be held at St. jective which we had sef." in southwestern Ontario. : , et ae : ing happiness, Dr. Grant Sunday night at 8.30 p.m. to 1 ar. dae, Gelemes OTT -- mark the opening of the new of-| ponte OF MreCtOrs. oF "0nton) hl dma ges or | sa ber of several other large cor. expected in government policy ; A concert of Choral, Organ) ie F 4 4 Ontario Students wu Orchesttal. Music will be|Porations, said: | ter Nicholson told the Commons Friday, There have been repre- under the direction of F. A. Ree.| Suggest that general sources of} steer' : sor, Mus. Bac., M. Mus., assist- giving are increasingly showing | earlier this week that govern- Ql EBEC (CP)--A group of p ment loans through Central 25 students from Oakville ar-\inder the direction of Mrs. G. charitable causes. | lk, Drynan, Mus. Bac., and an|. The 1964 appeal raised about) would remain steady with last visit to take in the French lan- ear, but there had not been as! guage and culture. roussion donation to the pension fund. i pe 0 J On Sunday: May 15. at 8.30;The directors decided that the ee teachers who accompanied the : HAS HOPES 14 girls and 11 boys, said they)... 7 NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) 8 will be given by J. S. McIntosh, a long time. They would tour} Talvarat t - Friday she hopes the June fed- historic sites and the provincial aor of Wenters: On eral- provincial conference in shaw, Expo 67 deputy commis-j;armed robbery in connection 73 It was the first time a group| duce ye Reda guidelines" search for the Cessna 182 which train of students from Oakville had} WELD OVER! needed to make the "necessary disappeared on a flight from : nee ' REACH AGREEMENT Price felt it will become an an- 3rd BIG WEEK | nual event. "This trip was| Fd | , JAMES BOND he's subjected to "management | cheque, postal money order or | bank draft payable to the re-'tional voluntary organizations) che gaid five patients out of depend on how he feels, Dr.|-----~-- Ontario in. seeking imported Joseph Jeffrey of London, the contented or has a desire for chand told the Commons Fri- ¢ At St Geor es |from the public at large must! strike. tT] 9g | West Indian workers 'to come satisfaction, enthusiasm, loyal- ' with ie! ; George's Anglican Church this| Mr. Jetivey, chairman of the} EXPECTS NO CHANGE | Life Insurance and board mem- on housing loans,. Labor Minis- is ; ce : b |presented by St. George's Choir) I believe I am qualified to Touring Quebec sentations since he announced ed by the Canterbury Singers reluctance to support worthy Mortgage and Housing Corp. rived Friday for a_ three-day orchestra of string, brass and|$845,068 plus a $125,000 special | many as expected. D. Price, one of three p.m. State Secretary LaMarsh said jhad wanted to visit Quebec Yor! professor of Organ and Theory : , ; museum. aga crt ie Victoria on education will pro-| sioner, on board. Six planes will with the 1963 attack on a mail e made a visit, to Quebec but Mr.| decisions" in higher education.| Riviere-du-Loup to Quebec City LONDON (CP)--Britain and made possible through the fi-} She told the Ontario Magis-|1t carried Robert Shaw Jr., 23, trates' Association. convention| ang Leslie Hanna, 34,. of Stitts- the Windward Islands agreed the meeting itself would be the yijje, Ont. 3 ay tr first time the two levels of gov- ' Friday on a new "'non-colonial ernment have really sat down FIVE TRAPPED relationship, designed to give nancial aid of industry and the even to discuss this question in any organized way. WILL OPEN CNE ATHENS (AP) -- Five .con- struction workers were buried beneath the debris of a building those Caribbean isles complete control of their own internal at-| fairs. The agreement took the| PARLIAMENT professions of Oakville."' f 1.00 ADULTS e EVERYWHERE! "THUNDERBALL' M.C.V.I. Music Dept. : 8:15 P.M. STUDENTS 50 TORONTO (CP}--Lord Thom- | that collapsed in the Greek cap- son of Fleet, Canadian - born|ital Friday, Twenty others were form of a recommendation to the British Parliament and to AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS astsniat too, | PANAVISION JZRCIMUMOGMUNITED ARTISTS) newspaper magnate, will offi-' seriously injured. cially open the 1966 Canadian| National Exhibition Aug. 19,| CNE officials 'announced Fri- day: the legislatures of the four terri- FIND MONEY tories concerned, Dominica, St. AYLESBURY, England (Reu-| Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenada. rs)--Si tl tes} ters)--Some of the banknotes} WARNS INDIA stolen in Britain's great train TOKYO (AP)--China has told OTTAWA (CP)--CBC Presi-| 'When it was rumored that dent J. Alphonse Ouimet said| Mr. Sevigny was involved in the |Friday a CBC reporter was hit|Munsinger affair," the CBC on the head with a cane by for-|president said in a prepared mer Conservative cabinet min-| statement, "Seven Days sent a ister Pierre Sevigny when he|camera crew to his home in attempted to interview Mr. Se-| Montreal, who set up their cam- vigny without permission lasteras and lighting equipment on March Mr. Sevigny's property and then Mr. Ouimet ciied the incident) rT t sorbell. | before the Commons broadcast- intention was for the |ing committee as an example of}camera to act as a reporter the questionable journalistic|when Mr. Sevigny 'appeared. (CP) --| ethics of the program This Hour|The objectionable aspect here was the intention to confront and question with the camera rolling without permission, on private property. "In this instance, the reporter was hit over the head by Mr. Sevigny with his cane and. the item was' turned down for | ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY, May 6, 1966 ' PLUS John Sexen in } CBC President J. Alphonse | # | Oulmet said personnel who | WAR HUNT | | have defied management in | as | the Seven Days furore are in an "impossible position." He also told the Commons broadcasting committee that | former Conservative minister | Pierre Sevigny hit a Seven Days reporter over the head with his cane. Mr. Justice Wishart Spence | said counsel at the Munsinger | inquiry will have to make up ' their own minds whether to { request further testimony from RCMP Commissioner George B. McClellan. | The Commons approved the automotive free-trade agree- ment signed 15 months ago between Canada and the United States. Richard A, Bell (PC--Carle- ton) said it is 'morally wrong' for the revenue de- partment not to refund over- payments by employefs under the Canada Pension Plan. | Revenue Minister Ben- son, reporting overpayments amount to $5,000,000, said no simple way has been found to |§ | calculate such refunds cor- | rectly, } TONY CURTIS PIPER LAURIE DON TAYLOR --IECHNICOLOR _ MONDAY, May 9 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EDT to debate govern- WHISKY con ee cy robbery nearly three years ago TORONTO (CP) -- Scotch) vere found jn a trailer rented | India it will 'strike back in self- Toronto for the second ftinte ini, court here was told Friday.|make intrusions and provoca- a month, The first increase,| joie. Edward White was|tions' along their disputed bor- $5.65 bottle to $6, resulted from! -- es a combined increase in sales| oe 'x rat" wennees se, CBG Reporter Hit By Sevigny caused by a distillers' price in- WANTS MORE NEWS TORONTO (CP¥--More Cana- the United States, says an American expert of Canadian- Dickey, presidént of Dartmouth College, said at a press confer- makes news in the U.S. 'when something." NAMES FINN UNITED NATIONS nounced Friday the appoint- ment of Maj.-Gen. Eino Mar- tola, 69, a retired Finnish offi- Gravel Work peacekeeping force in Cyprus. C L WILL RESUME SEARCH ontract Lei OTTAWA (CP) --Defence yaypton -- A contract for search will resume Salurdy fr avarded to Fred 'elon ad re ag Sons Ltd. by Darlingt fown- March 25 with the son of Robert. shin et arlington Town : . here recently, council accepted ine rom ity the tender by this firm subjet to approval by the Ontario de- . At Bahai Confab Approval was given by the three members of council who Nine Oshawa residents last attended the meeting to a mo convention of the Canadian Ba- Myir that Totten, Sims and ha'i Community convention in A8Sociates Ltd., be authorized Ottawa. Mr. Lloyd G. Gardner|'i inform Seegmiller Construe- elected delegates tion of haul roads to the De- The Oshawa residents attend. "C!opment Road project, the ing the convention were Mr. and|(OW"Ship prefers that the com- James Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.|°!, 'he, work until roads have B. Curry, Mrs. Peter Dyett and *"ttled": : Mr. pol Mrs. Helen pa Se Mr. Muir added that if an ex- The Baha'i Faith was founded ji, necessar . : ; ssary because of this de- Pers Ee enlace, voles vi fie lay, council will consider such lan ni , Delleved Dy i, request favorably divine revelation. clerk - administrator, was au- The Faith's teachings include thorized to purchase a desk and the oneness of religion, the es- chair for the assessor's office. whisky has jumped in price in by a man arrested last month,|defence"' if India "continues to April 1, raising the cost of a charged with conspiracy and'der. tax and the LCBO price. This) crease. A premium Scotth goes Wi h C Oui S from $8.45 to $8.75. Wit ane, imet ays dian news should be reaching U.S. relations. John Sloan ence Friday that Canada only there's a flap over security or Secretary-General U Thant an- Has Seven Days. cer, as commander of the UN headquarters said Friday the rave] crushin haa boat CR Meeting in special session partment of highways. weekend attended the annual tion by Deputy-Reeve Harold of Oshawa was one of the 95 {on Co. that 'due to the condi- Mrs. C. Richmond, Mr, and Mrs. |P2"Y delay the commencement tension of the completion date followers to be the bearer of a Walter Rundle, township tablishment of a world govern- The clerk and building inspec- ment, the independent investi-'tor were also given permission |=. gation of truth and racial inte-'to have lights installed in the gration. The religion first came council chamber and have the to Canada in 1902 wall trim varnished i IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che KRih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL ; interviewing ment reorganization, The Sen- ate sits at 3 p.m broadcast because it constituted | an invasion of privacy In earlier testimony _ before ac "pET" THIS WEEK BEST ACTRESS NUE CHRISTE p) < foots) omens Porte) Plus 2nd Hit -- Sophia Loren in MARRIAGE ITALIAN STYLE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:10 SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 1:45 ODEON BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 "tek JAMES COBUIRN LEE J.COBB-GILA GOLAN EDWARD MULHARE at ys. ym orwonsy yA FIMPLRG ged BER STARR ~ inched by AME, BLA COLOR by DE LUXE» CINEMASCOPE FEATURE AT 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 7:30-9:35 P.M. - the committee, Vice-President H. G. Walker identified the re- porter as Larry Zolf He said Mr. Zolf had acted under instructions of Douglas ; Leiterman, Seven Days execu- tive producer. Mr. Leiterman confirmed this in his testimony, saying he had, been experimenting with new i techniques. Filmed interviews could aiways be cut or dropped entirely from the show if the subject complained. HIDANCING | From Young Couples A-Courtin' O'KEEFE CENTRE TWO WEEKS! MAY 9 TO MAY 21 ETHEL MERMAN \N THE WORLD FAMOUS MUSICAL ANNIE GET YOUR GUN MUSIC & LYRICS BY IRVING BERLIN BOOK BY HERBERT & DOROTHY FIELDS 1 ¥ | Fvos. 8:30: Mats. 2 p.m. Mon-Thurs, Fri, & Sat. Wed. Mats, Sat. Mate, Orch. and Mezz $50 $6.50 $4.00 $4.50 R. Orch, and F. Bole, 4.25 5.00 3.00 3.50 Middle Boleony 3.25 4.00 2.25 2.78 Rear Balcony 2.50 3.00 1,75 2.00 BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. - 9 P.M. DAILY SATURDAY NIGHTS To Anniversary Celebrents Cavortin'. It's your Assurance i of a Perfect Evening. | JERRY REIDT AND HIS ORCHESTRA Reservations 723-2143 -- 725-1348 | - South-End Tavern Corner of Simcoe St. $. and Bloor Fully licensed under the L.C.B.O. NOW OPEN !... Luncheon -- 11:30 to 2:30 Dinners -- 4:30 to 1 a.m. Sat. from- 11:30 a.m: to 11:30 p.m. For Reservations Dial 725-0748 An Emotional Experience You Will Never Forget THE FIRST TIME (¢ ON ANY SCREENCZ Zz ADULT ENTERTAINMENT tien ON THE SAME PROGRAM A DRAMATIC sR -- a A, -- SIN 7 \ ¢ 92jZ0 COMPLETE SHOWS AT... 1:30 - 3:50.- 6:10 ~ 8:40 GARY BUCK and the Nighthawks Voted Canada's Top Western Vocolist it Nightly et 9 P.M. Entertainmen: MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M. FULLY LICENSED Whitby Hotels: ROBERTS \ Beauteous "Better" | Direct from New York City Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Saturday 4 P.M. te 6 P.M, @ FULLY LICENSED © Conbrat Hotel KING ST OSHAWA pee! THE | | | QECRET | 'OF MY | 2 SUCCESS how THRee BeauliFuL GIRIS love OR, Fun-aNd MuRper for PROFIT SHIRLEY JONES STELLA STEVENS: HONOR BLACKMAN JAMES BOOTH: LONEL JEFFRIES ANDREW L STONE » ANDREW L. STONE » ANDREW and VIRGINIA STONE IN PANAVISION* AND METRACOLOR [SER HEE Epa a A

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