1U----Farmers Column 14---Business Opportunities 17---Female Help Wented farm up promptly. ne Fur ag . Licence 4-C-46. oe. ED STRAWBERRY PLANTS r tor varieties, r 100, ee 4 pm. ROTTED HORSE manure, $8 per load. cents bushel, Over four bushels delivered, 725-4394. 11--Pets and Livestock BAY HACKNEY pony, gelding, 10 high, short tall. years Very ready show, He late Lance Rumbie. Quiet good action. whe sold for beginner, under value, cell idren's delivered. Port Perry 985-2645, Cory a HW Kennels, registered Ger. man pups. Deposits for next litter accepted, Palomino, Pinte pony, Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's Leaf," registered Appa red loosa, high oer 1965; son of halter and perfor- mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." Stand ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, Dunbarton 839-3779. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talk strain, Apply Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin East. pthc dna salah oe ed SHETLAND Welsh ponies, three years old, T 942-1924, SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE MAJOR OIL COMPANY @ Well located on Simcoe Street in Oshawa. @ Limited capitol required. @ Good potential, APPLY 71 Emma Street Oshawa 725-6581 DISHWASHING MACHINE OPERATOR Geoed wages, meals ond uni- forms provided. Apply the Chef, FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTEL 18--Mele Help Wanted _ NEWLY OPENED FACTORY BRANCH OFFICE OF NATIONAL NECCHI SEWING MACHINGS Highly profitable dealership now eveil- able for this world famous product. Prov- en money maker, low investment. Sew- ing machine background not necessary as we train you. obligation to: MANUFACTURER HAS OPENING FOR 10 MEN rite for detalis without IN THE |18-----Male Help Wanted COUNTY OF ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned fer the position of Construction Sefe- ty Inspector, Duties will be te enforce and administer the provisions of the Construction Safety Act. Qualifications ---- Minimum of 4 years experience in building construction and net under 25 years of age. The County ef Ontario have all normal pension and fringe benefits. The successful applicant will be required to provide o per- sonal automobile for which @ mileage allowance will be paid. W. A, Twelvetrees, P, Eng., County Engineer, 1 ale and Female elp Wanted BOYS AND GIRLS Wanted to deliver the morn- ing paper in these e@reos: King-Drew, King-Park, Gibb- pork, Gibb-Simcoe, Rossland- Ritsen, Taunton-Simcos. Also in Bowmanville et Liberty- King. !f you ore interested please telephone 725-4473 "UNLIMITED EARNINGS" for people willing to work in a lucrative and enjoyoble business. Make new friends while increasing your remun- eration. Cail Harold Sega! ot 20-~-Real Estete for Sale 20-Real Estate for Sale cine ; osama: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 6, 1966 23 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St, S. 723-5281 NORTH. WEST AREA 1 @ This iwe bedroom bun- golow is very spacious with sized rooms and. large lot. lewly decorated kitchen, lots of cupboards, oi! heating, heavy duty witing and T.V, antenna. priced,right on to-day's mer- ket. Give us a caii to inspect. a THRIVING MECHANICS BUSINESS 1) @ Would you !ike to operate your own business here in Osh- awa, Lawn mower and many other repoir lines carried on at GUIDE. REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 SEE THIS GARGAIN X11 @ in an elder, but clean and solid four bedroom home on a nice little street, clase to schools end bus. Will sell quickly at only $10,500. ~ @ ONE LOT LEFT XII1 @ Would you like @ creek at your back door? lf so, let me show you this beoutiful building site, ideal for walkout basement. Look! 60 x 255 ft. situated in the North End of the city. Don't wait and be late, call to-night for inspection. 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale $s. Di REAL ESTATE LTD. 323 King Street West 728-6286 PORT PERRY 2 bedroom home located in @ good area on.o large lot. Taxes only $129. Phone now for an appointment to in- spect. CLOSE TO HOSPITAL 8 reom home, 5 bedrooms, Price just reduced ta $14,- 900, Good income property or for a large family. Phone Now for further information, JOHN F. DEWITH REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 ORONO . AREA, GENTLEMEN RETREAT, calonial style, tho- dern brick home on 35 acres with stream, Excellent pond site. Barn. Asking $25,000, Terms. BURKETON AREA, 10 ocre wooded parcel of land. Ask- ing $2,900. NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE, 10 acre treed parcels of lend, located on New Scugog Highway. Priced to sell. 6586 «St. Hubert Street, 7 ¥ ORONO. Main street, modern home, Al! modern conven- iences. Garage. Including Colour T.V. Tower, electrie® stove, friage, draperies, car: pet, all curtains. Aluminum. storms and screens. Asking $14,000. Terms. ORONO, Main street, & roomed brick home, oll mod- ern conveniences. Hardwood floors throughout, | Asking $14,000. Terms. NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, partly unfinished home on 2% acres. Small barn. Mod- ern conveniences. Asking $10,800. Only $2,000 down. PONTYPOOL AREA, 10 acre porcel with trout streom, pond and 'beaver dam. Paved read, Asking $5,000. PORT PERRY. Five room bun- galow, oi! furnace, four piece bathroom, aluminum storms ond screens, paved road, Asking $12,000. Terms. BEAUTIFUL TROUT STREAM on one ocre lot with bese- ment, converted into fivi quorters. Asking $6,90 with $1,500 down. EXCAVATING BUSINESS, lecated in Millbrook, included is 10-ton Hegelene float, two dump trucks, camper, loader, crawier, grader with snow plough at REQUIREMENTS ashes ited tachments. Class F and PCV licences, aise 1 good contracts included. Lovely ranch bungalow may be included, For al! par- ticulars call George Martin, Millbrook 932-2943 or 728-5103. W. O, Martin Realtor. OWN A CHICKEN DELIGHT Franchise-- (home delivery -- take out hot food). Over 700 privately owned franchises now qperaring in Canada and ts Several eye ae ge warn | Canadian cities stil! available. Pretected dag sag orb agreed tiered areas, exclusive equipment -- training magn Sv arab' stallion. (provided. Cash investment, --$10.000.00.) 1, stored Arab staliiog.|High profit return. Eastern office, 1644 weergnds @ | Bayview Street, Toronto, phane 481-6436. OSHAWA AREA. 605 Rossland Rd. E,, Whitby, Ontario. this location, also a large Soles and Service Dept, The present owner has exclusive rights of several different componies which is a very important fac- tor in this line of business. This property has over 12 acre of land, large workshop, also very large garaye with high overhead doors, plus five room, two storey home. We invite your inspection of this valuable} property 728-6286. S$. D. Hyman Real Estate Limited. TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum Age 25. MERCURY TAX! 725-477) 11 to 16 Years Old PART-TIME WORK LUKE TO COOK -- Robbies needs you age or race no barrier. Telephone Boys interested in distribut- ti ting Esso Service Cards, are |Mr, Ed. Campbell, 728-6756. Robbies asked to report to the Osh- | Drive-in, across from K-Mart, Highway 2 awa Esso Service Centre, cor- | YOUNG MAN and woman with drapery | ner Park Rd, & King St. West at 10 o'clock sharp. Setur- day morning May 14th. on 4 WELSH SHOW PONY veers old, Vary eset Tekeete TAR PA INO mare in foal, Palamino, filly, gelding, Bowmanville 623-7696. GIVE AWAY -- to good homes, seven kittens, six weeks old, mixed olors, able pets. Telephone 723-1314. LABRADOR pup, bieck, 13 weeks old. Telephone 7: 49994. a ery.. COCKER SPANIEL, pure bred, tan, male, six months old, with papers. Ask- ing $70. Telephone 728-4375. ® SPECIAL ! XIV @ If your wish is te have a relaxing weekend by @ trout stream, amongst @ cedar bush, call about one of fifteen choice lots that you ean put yeur new cottage on. WE ARE INTERESTED IN LISTING YOUR HOME. Call 728-6286 , Between 19-45 yeors of age. Neat eppearonce 3. Hove own transportation, 4. Self Starter, BENEFITS .. . Salary $127.50 weekly (if you meet our mini- mum requirements). . Medical plan and benefits . Factory training. . Excellent bonus Compony car supplied (after trial period). %, LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE Commencing Wed 2 to 6 p.m. Weekends | to 6 p.m. NEW HOMES 3 bedroom bungalows and 2 storeys. A few left with 614% mortgage. Call now for details. | e | | $2500. DOWN PAYMENT | NORTH EAST AREA Ill @ The owner is moving out | of town and must sell his split ~ eee To Pa level home. This beauty is on LADIES OR GENTLEMEN like to be| | he own boss? Unlimited earning poten-| lot of 60 x 200 feet, on a j tial. Rarttiene or fall time. For interview! quiet street where its safe for! | appointment phone 723-3194 o f I A tion | siden Lindl ERR | young family. An inspec | SUMMER HELP WANTED, July - Aug-| con be arranged by calling our lust, Children's Dude Ranch, instructors lin riding, swimming, crafts. Kitchen help, ' office tat |nurse, for August only. For application ps LE ak aS _____|CHARM WITH ECONOMY | |20---Real Estate for Sale 1V @ This six room, three bed-| a ee ----------«--=|_ ra0m home mey be yours for | the full asking price of only! SALES | --_ GRIFFIN Nee Rhape Aan! iCQ - ORDINATOR | Reo! Estate Ltd. ing. The present owners are A young and growing com- REGISTERED beagles for sale. Pus and|] 5__ Wanted trained dogs. Telephone 728-2975. sha ets fo docu poh tte -- eee many | RICHA ENRY ¢ » Room bong want Peas South, Pony | 205, Caditiac Hotel, Oshawa, wants work » $50, p : Sen ee ee ee Re ee A , 38, married, seeks pasi- THORO! angy A ee. AS tion August 1. Retired navy 21 years' male, one year oid. Tele p Oe ea (service. Reply to J. Ferrell, 9285 L Salle enpry VWs Wacker Drives shawa. __ | Boulevard; La Salle, Quebec. LARGE SELECTION of well Drover jose | RELIABLE lady will do babysitting in her die horses. 4 : home. Burk Street area, by the day or} from. These horses are all young, SOUNG | eek Telephone 725-8304. and quiet to ride. Anyone interested in . sielcpneibenniees @ saddle horse should see these. aioe | AE LABLS LADY will take care of child jin her home, five-day week, Stevenson - Hugh Stewart and Sons, phone 745-7216, Peterborough, Ont. __|at Rossland area. Telephone 723-6581. POODLE, male, 7 weeks old, Miss|DAY CARE AVAILABLE for pre-school Marked mother and father pedigreed,' children. Telephone Whitby 668-6363. $35. Telephone 942-2225. ss __s«| EXPERIENCED CARPENTER, rough or PURE WHITE PONY mare, thar hed trim, Telephone Harry Handson, 728-5075. |~ ately 43 inches high. Complete with cutter | - ~ - os a oleh, peta Se' Soprano 2 SH ean a" dren. $135 complete. Phone 725 5028 3692 ™ , 13... Articles Wante |MAN with bulldozer available for digging 12---Articles Wanted |cellars ete. Telephone Blackstock 986-/ GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have| 4254. sick land sales experience. Apply in person to| Oshawa's Fashion House, 7 Simcoe Street | North. plon Individually Designed Financed Under N.H.A. 6%%. Year Round Comfort With Triple Seal Heating Oversize Rooms Femily Planned Kitchens Unusual Value . . . Priced Competively Low 3 and 4 bedrooms | OPEN 9 A.M --9 P.M. Wednesday night ad read to | come in this Saturday. We will now hire next Saturday, May 14th at 1 o'clock sharp! after hours call: 725-6243 728-6750 728-5513 723-3533 728-1903 723-2894 Dick Barrioge Glen MacKinnon Les Hall Frank Smith Bob Stevenson Margoret Lee FOR INTERVIEW CALL PERSONNEL DEPT. 723-8174 All Boys Applying Will Be Hired e SALES moving to Windsor and must sell. Hurry_ond call now for full) porticulors. 1B King Street Hill, post flasher East over Hart's you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. accessories, 312' x 7', In good condition. | Phone 723-7609 after 5 p.m. 13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS | REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing mo- chines, bikes exercises -- all $6 per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jocks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- éerient" mixers, ~ "Finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, roamset power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, mifer saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power post hole cuger, ascillating sanders, dise sanders, acetylene weld- ing outfits, 200 amp electric welders. SYAN S| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 233 King St. W., Oshowa Phone 723-3224 | | | Tables, Choirs, Linens. Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls; Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 WONDA -- Suzuki, scooter. Rentals. King Street West, Oshawa. Telephone 728-4242 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, | reducing machines, sick room supplies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. ENTERTAINING? Fifly fo one hundred People? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| vets, parties, weddings. Gar, kitchen,) Parking. 723-2140 mornings. | CHAIRS, card and banquet fables, church | ie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simece Street. North. Call 723-2614, | 14--tusiness Opportunities| SHELL 199) : eh A. | WANTED TO BUY -- Billiard table and |-- --Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SECRETARY required at once for law of- fice. Capacity to assume re- sponsibility and typing skills essential. Applications will also be received for... RECEPTIONIST TYPIST Reply Box 23557 Oshawa Times BOOKKEEPER For expanding steel fabricat- ing shop. Must be capable of taking free responsibility for all bookkeeping fo trie! bel- ance. Must be proficient typ- ist. Apply in own hand- writing and be able to sup- ply references. BOX 23621 OSHAWA TIMES RECEPTIONIST Real Estate Office. North Osh- owa. 5 day week. Require good telephone voice, typing, ond pleasing personality. 725 - 1109 required for port time on salad bar. Apply Mr. Compbell GENOSHA HOTEL | EXPERIENCED CASHIER WANTED MODERN 1.G.A, Oshawa Write Box 23324 OSHAWA TIMES Part-time work. Shifts. Tele- lissaier og alg = MAINTENANCE perience. | phone . 725-3772. TRAINEE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LTD, Has opening for soles trainee, oge 20-24. Excellent work- ing conditions with full com- pony benefits, Apply MANAGER Goodyear Service Store 162 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA Phone 725-9351 REAL ESTATE CAREER If you ore industrious, honest, and reliable with late model eutomobile, you may find on pany in the electronics indus- try requires an ambitious young man for inside soles dept. Very little travelling. Apply in writing te the Sales manager. Please: State Salary Expected CROVEN LTD. BOX 420 WHITBY, ONT. LICENSED MECHANIC excellent starting salery ond bonus. All 'company benefits including group -- insurance, hospitalization, poid vace- tion and pension plan. Front end experience on asset. Ap- ply to the manager of interesting and satisfying career in the Real Estate Pro- fession, We haye an opening for on aggressive Salesman between 25 ond 40 who can meet these requirements. |n- terviews in. strict confidence. For interviews Please contact: Mr, Bullied. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 723-1168 NEW AND USED CAR SALESMAN REQUIRED Apply TOM SETON Sales Manager MacDonald Ford Sales 520 King W. 723-5243 FIRESTONE STORE | 190 King St. E., Oshawa FITTERS Two fitters required. Must be able to do layout work, No others need apply. Steady job for right men. Andrew Antenna Co. Ltd: WHITBY, ONT. Phone Mr, Mayall, 668-3348 ELECTRICIAN JOURNEYMAN experienced, domestic wiring Apply in person to Armstrong Electric 52 Fernhill Blvd. Oshawa BACK HOE OPERATOR For rubber tire machine. Some experience preferred WHITBY 668-5841 After 6, 725-0312 _ Licenced Real Estate Salesmen CLEANING | 'ACTIVE REALTY SERVICE STATION | Located on Highway 2 Fully equipped. Separate house. Owner ret ring, Priced to sell. A. L. HOOEY REAL ESTATE BROKER Bowmanville, Phone 623-7264 PART-TIME executive activity for mature woman. Personality more important than experience. 725-5235 or 725-6816. RELIABLE PART-TIME babysitter re- quired, days only. Telephone 723-6110. Verdun Road ares. Live In. Private room. Must Iike chit dren. High wages. Phone 725-7704. EXPERIENCED PRESSER required Apply Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromwell Avenue or telephone 723-1159. WOMAN for babysitting and light house- keeping, 7.30 to 4, five-day week. Aftar 5, telephone 725-8864, a: e RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to care for two preschoolers in home of children, while mother works. 723-7442 after om. WAITRESS part-time, experienced, iso idish washer. Apply Southend Tavern. | Bloor and Simcoe Street. = Sink |FEMALE HELP WANTED. Night shift only. Apply MoMurray Drive-in, 1349 Simcoe North, Oshawa. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for three children in my home. One schoo! age. 2.25 to 5.15. Blair Park Area. Telephone | 668-8900 NEW! NEW! A ¢cin-op cor wash vend Q route. Made possible by The Kleen King portable coin-op cor wash (do-it- yourself) machine, Machines moy be pieced on a concession basis on service station lots, porkir lots, shopping plazas, ¢oin-c laundry lots. Profit up to 30° net, Many advantages over tt boy type operation; no land + acquire, sil to erect, smo capital outlay ¢ financeable +] F per machine, ' ronchises avoilabl Write or ¢ voilable. lepho 0 end onalys ne for brochure is of profit potent intial. Herbert Constr Private room, weekends free. Please call : uction, 79° Scollard Toronto 5, 924.718) \Saturday or Sunday. 668-3072. Commi ay fi Ney fae MERCIAL BUILDING, WHITBY --|GIRL for general housework, no cooking, downtown location esata: excelient| live in, Apply in person. Little bBuckaroo $23,500 with terms. cali eonly, incomé.|Ranch, end of Rossiand Road East, Frank Real Estate, Sowmenvinn" W, | Oshawa, ee sO 3273 _or_423-0055 » $2 EXPERIENCED wallress required. im- BE YOUR OWN BOSS, Fist ana care |TOMiately. Apply 10 Bond Street West, pickup or delivery. Over $15.00 ciiins. | Oahawa, ci een Ree ee turnover. Rent only $40 per month ac,|SEWING LADY for general repairs and ing $5000. P. E. Gravella Brkr, 423.134) jaiterations, In dry cleaning plant. Phone WAIRORESSING sainn and barber she 728-5611. Cardinal Cleaners Lid. in small shopping plazs, In gond Oshawe| RELIABLE person to teke cherge of residential ares. Asking $4,300 inciuding|Motheriess home, live-in, three children Squipment, good clientele. Good lease at Schoo! age. Telephone 723-5476. $100 monthly For particulars call Mari-\®icc oP bedens again reset a cea , 668-5313 of 728-5103, Wo lo' SPARE ROOMS witn paying lyn Fitz ™ Martin Ree for. +O | BABYSITTER required for shift work, Ino housework. Telephone 728-3603 after 4. HOUSEKEEPER ro live in, light house |hold duties, must be fond S Di help you phrase an ad, LADY REQUIRED for domestic position. | MEN for full time steody employ ment with an established company. Good pay. Must be neot, over 25 yeors of age with drivers licence. Exper ience on asset but not es- sential. Write BOX 23981 OSHAWA TIMES | SALESMEN to sell aspinit paving in | Whitby, Ajax and Oshawa, area. Contact | Nick, EM 6-2077, Toronto, or cali 668-6612, | Whitby. AMBITIO YOUTH or man fer vari- ety of outside work, full or part-time. |Reply, stating wages expected to: Box M23859, Oshawa Times. DRIVERS WANTED -- must be 25 years of age and over. Apply im person to United Taxi, 143 King Street Bast. BAR MAN, must be experienced, South- end Tavern, Bloor and Simcoe Street. TWO MEN -- Full or spare time for of children,|farm work, near Oshawa. Call 725-9674.| caster, 29 King W BARBER WANTED for Karis Barber Shop, 153 Queen Street, Port Perry LIFEGUARD, student preferred, May 15 to end of August, outside work, good pay Write stating qualifications, jand telephone number to Mr. Jim Minas, RR 1, Brooklin, Ont. TWO MEN -- Full or spare time for jfarm work, near Oshawa, Call 725-9674 |SINGLE MAN or youth for stable hand - and ground maintenance, live in. Apply in person Little Buckaroo Ranch, end jo Rossiand Road East, Oshawa LIFEGUARD student preferred, May | | to end of August, outside work, good pi Write stating qualifications, experience ®| 723-3492 new for an ad-writer fe) and felephene number to Mr. Jim Minas, RR 1, Brooklin, Ont, experience 48 Simcoe ee, Kitchen Porter Good wages, meals, uniforms provided. Apply to the chef. FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTEL ------ -----| | JANITOR -- for modern 20 suite apert ment building, preferably a recently re- jtired, single gentleman. Free bachelor apartment. Apply in writing stating name, age, telephone number and all other per- tinent information to ABW Holdings Ltd., | 10005 Oshawa Bivd., North, Oshawa. |WAITER Experienced for cocktall lounge and beverage room. Steady posi- ition. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street | West, Oshawa. ONE SALESMAN -- If Interested In mak- ing $25 per day, and being pald daily, jreply immediately. Telephone sales ex- |perience helpful, or will train, Box 21858, | Oshawa Times. |MAN for combination janitor and main. ltenance work, steady employment for de- |pendable man. No objection to active retired person. Apply manager Hotel Lan- 'est EXPERIENCED WAITER full time work Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North |WANTED immediately experienced weld er, Also Class "A" licensed mechanic Excellent working conditions and com pany benefits. Telephone 725-656). |PAINTER - fully experienced only, re quired. After 4.30 telephone 723-275). Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay TO BUY OR SELL WE SERVE YOU WELL $3,000 DOWN East end lovely solid brick 6 room home. Newly decor- ated. Large rooms. Private drive, Coll 723-8144. HARMONY SOUTH 3 bedroom solid brick bun- galow with finished rec room, also dining area. Lot 45' x 181' entirely fenced. Carries for $101. P.ILT. 6%, Don't weit 'til it's too late. Phone now 723-8144. CONVENIENT Beautifully finished 3 bedroom bungalow is well located close to shopping ond trensporta- tion, Stone front. Lorge din- ing area. Sunken living room. Colored fixtures rrake this a very ottrective buy $4,600. down to one 644% mort- gage. For further information call 723-8144, SOUTH PLANT SPECIAL $2,000 down. Owner will hold entire balance on one open mortgage, Immaculote condition. 4 nice bedrooms, large back yord all for only $14,900. Call today for in- spection 723-8144. "'M-THE SADDEST HOUSE in. town, nobody wonts me not yet anyway. | am a 12 year old brick, 1% storey, 3 good bedrooms, nice living room with fireploce, Beautiful ultra modern kitchen, 3 piece bathroom. My owners ore disgusted, they wont me sold, told broker bring all offers. Please call 723-8144, VILLAGE HOME $1,150 DOWN 3 bedroom 1 storey coun- try living only 20 minutes Oshowa. All Storms end from conveni- ences screens. Mony more extras. Call fast as this won't lost long at this low, low down payment! 725-3557 J. B. McMullan & PARKLIKE ACRE V @ Large ranch style brick bungalow with attached double goroge and breezewoy. One acre of lend superbly cared eg Well to wall broadioom in the) living room, hall and three mos-| ter sized bedrooms. Located just) east of the city limits. Call on} this to-night. i] TIRED OF PAYING RENT ? Vi @ This room, 114 storey home, located on a spacious lot mid-way between Oshawa and Bowmanville with modern kitchen ond _ both is priced to sell at only $11,900. T.V. aeriol and mony more fea- tures, Call to-day to inspect this valuable property. e COUNTRY LIVING Vil @ Modern two bedroom bungalow of frame construction) on a large. lot suitable for) V.L.A., 'in the Maple Grove vicinity. This home has spaci-| ous living room, dining' room) and bright kitchen. Built in barbeque in the back yard Priced to sell, so act quickly, by calling now. a INVESTOR'S SPECIALTY Vill @ Two acres of vacant) land on Manver's Road ap- five Bowmanville. School mile awoy. Town water. Call about this now. J NORTH WEST AREA 1X @ Tonight is the night to coll me to inspect this five room ranch bungalow in the area where all the schools ore.! One block to shopping. The} kitchen is finished with French} Provincial cupboards and the} living room: has plenty of wall space for placing furniture.| Dinette and three nice sized bedrooms, Basement finished | with recreation room, office, workshop and two piece tiled) bathroom. Yours for only $18,- 900. e COMMERCIAL PROPERTY| X @ Large Ict of 74 x 145,/ which could be used for num | erous purposes. Situated on the} lot now is a five room home. Located on Brock Street South in Whitby. Call now for full' particulars. V, Xl @ on this seven year old home louuted just west of the shopping centre Handsome semi-detached brick having five REALTOR BUILDER'S shopping and the General Motors is within easy driving distance CLEARANCE ! WHITBY Sparkling new detached ranch style bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece tile bathroom, large living room, dream kitchen with plenty of cup- board space. Full. basement with recreation facilities. Sit- uated on lot 50' x 140'. Many, many extras. Low down payment of $1,495 moves you right in! "ASK FOR MR. HUBBS 723-0321 BIRD REAL ESTATE LTD. NEW RANCH BUNGALOW Suburban three ~--s bedroom, double attached garage, broadioom, electric heat, many extras. $23,900. 6% % N.H.A, Mortgage. 725-4452 OPEN HOUSE APPLE GROVE AND ORIOLE STREETS OPEN DAILY fed, 2 to6 p.m 3 AND 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT LEVELS 614% NLH.A. Financing Low Down Payments Capitalize on $590 Winter Works Bonus. DIRECTIONS: King St: E., to-Keewatin, South on Keewotin to Apple Grove, Follaw open house signs GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Commencing 'YY right at 2nd Street (Athabaske) to Labrador Drive Mode! Home GUIDE REALTY LIMITED |} light turn | i proximately 11 miles north of| vs | CALL TONIGHT rooms and four piece bath. This; ------ Call 723-5281 for full particu- | hors. Open daily from 9 am. te 9} p.m. After hours call Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Evelyn Cassel Leonard' Bissell Art Johnson Judi O'Donnell Eleanor deJong Steven Englert Jean Peacock Jack Graham El. Ann Thompson Doug Trivett Wolter Mittler Edith Gifford 725-3454 728-2754 725-3710 725-2070 723-8738 725-6713 728-2949 728-5581 723-1121 725-9947 728-4731 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 ACTIVE 728-5157 DUPLEX $12,900 $1,900 down, 2 complete separate units, private 3 pc. bathrooms, brick building, hardwood flooring, oi! heat- ing, live free, coll 728-5157. OPEN DAILY "HARMONY VILLA" Model Homes, open daily until 8 p.m. and weekends. All brick single --_ family homes, priced from $16,800 to $17,400, best buys in town, low. 644% Mortgages only a few left. Direction Wilson Road South to Olive Avenue, east on Olive to ELMRIDGE STREET, or call 728-5157. 728-4241 723-2537 723-1121 George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young We list M.L.S. Member of 0.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS exclusive ond Photo FULL PRICE $750 LOTS IN CAESAREA 75' x 200' Paved roads all the way. 100 LOTS to choose from Terms can. be arranged. Phone BILL MILLA 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. | 67 King East OSHAWA oil heated home is near schools, | ED. DISNEY | 82 Simcoe St. S. 723-2333 5 Room brick bungalow with large finished rec room, fire- place, and attached garage, has « well landscaped lot located on a quiet street. Asking price $19,300, 7 Room brick bungalow --- has everything you would wont in a home, 4 bedrooms, rec, room with walk - out doors on to a patio, sun porch off living-room, dou- ble gorage, large "private lot. Asking price $32,000 6 Room bungelew with a good view Asking price $25,000 VILLAGE HOME 9 rooms, four bedroams, Clean ond modernized, hot water by oil heating, good well, small barn, one acre lend, $12,900 full price L. S$. SNELGROVE CO. LTD, 723-9810 723-7183) $2,700 down buys 6 room 5 year old brick bungalow at $103.00 monthly, West of Shopping Centre. Diol 728-5157 for more details. ACTIVE Realty Limited 48 Simeoe Street S. Armstrong Homes SOUTHWOOD PARK, - AJAX 614% N.H.A. Still Available 65' x 130' sodded lots 3-4 bedroom detached homes "The Ideal Gift For Mother's Day" MODELS OPEN 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, DAILY GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 942-3310 Exceptionally Nice 10 AGRE LOTS with Wonderful Trout Stream. Some parklike bush and clear land. Close to Oshawa. 10 Acres of garden land on pav- ih Van Herwerden REALTOR 741 King St. E. Oshawa 723-4471 LARGE SELECTION New Homes Trades Accepted Low,,low down payments N.H.A, fina.icing Variety Oshawa locations PHONE 725-3557 | J. B. McMullan | Real Estate Broker OSHAWA, Adelaide Ave., 2 bedroom bungalow with bathroom and gas furnace. Garage. Asking . $11,500. Terms. We List Phote M.L.S. and : Exclusive After Hours Call: Donald Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy Leblane 623-3715. Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lorne C. Duff 988-2728 Ross Davidson, Bethany 30r2 BOLAHOOD ~ BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE VARIETY STORE WITH 3 APARTMENTS Centrally located, hot. water heat. Income presently over $350.00 @ month. Good in- vestment at only $30,000.00 with excellent terms. Call per 7* at 728-5123 or 725- JUST LISTED FERNHILL BLVD. Very attractive 5 room: brick * bungalow. Features good size kitchen, large living room, 3 . bedrooms, recreation room . with extra bedroom in base- ment. Large fenced lot. Aske ~ ing $17,900 with good terms, Inspect this home now, Call" Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or - 728-0483. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL- INCOME HOME . 7 room, 1% storey home, 2 kitchens; 2-3 piece baths, * separate meters, 4 rooms on _ main floor, 3 rooms on sec- ond floor, rented for $75 a month. Fenced lot 50' x 107'. Asking only $12,500 with monthly payments of only $75.00. To inspect and make on offer ask for Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. DUPLEX oma $12,500 ' 7 room, 2 kitchens, 2 bath- .. rooms, garage. Large lot. Well located Consists of 4 room * apartment. Mortgage caryfes for only $75.00 a th, Call Now. Jack Appleby at 723-3398. 101 Simcoe Street North Member of O.D.R.E.B. ROSSLAND MANOR 4 bedroom two storey home with carport and almost com- pleted rec. room ---- broad- loom in halls--woter soften- er and Diumatic humidifier --sliding glass doors to 29' x 12' patio. Fully landscap- ed and decorated. Owner" transferred, Must be seen to be appreciated. For appoint-: ment call Harold Segal ot - 728-6286 or after hours at 725-1722. S. D. HYMAN : REAL ESTATE LIMITED- 323 King Street West 2 N.H.A. RESALE This 8 year old, 5 room bunge- low is in spotless condition, has three good sized bedrooms, work-. oble kitchen, finished recreation room. Close to schools and shop-. ping. One mortgage at 6% inter- est and monthly payments of $98 .- Principal, Interest and Taxes Don't hestitate -- call right now GEORGE KOORNNEEF of SCHO- FIELD-AKER LTD. at 723-2859 20--Real Estate for Sale | (Continued on Page 24)"