DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. STREAMLINER TOPS SA HOME LEAGUE The reguiar meeting of the| Home League secretary Mrs. Motor City Streamliner Tops| William James opened the meet- Club was held Tuesday at Run-|ing by welcoming all the mem- dle Park clubhouse. | bers and the special guest, Mrs. The Streamliners played host | Brigadier William Hawkes, of to the Inch Pinchers Tops of ak i Harman Park as a result of a| Mrs. William Given led the contest in weight loss won by OPening song, "Come to the the Inch Pinchers. | Saviour,"' followed by prayer by On arrival all members of the | Mars. George' Newman," Brant- Inch Pinchers Tops were pre- : sented with corsages donated by, Mrs. Hawkes told of her fam- Mrs. Marguereite Poirier. jily and their life as Salvation fi ..|Army Officers, teaching the Club leader Mrs. Florence| indian children in a little school Russell opened the meeting with| near Hazelton, British Columbia both clubs singing the official Ghai atnwnad® gnena 'beautiful Tops song. | " ' colored slides taken in Northern The meeting was turned over | British Columbia, The little text to Mrs. Poirier, Streamliners'| 46 used to close was: "All program' convener, who wel-|+; comed the Inch Pinchers and pg dd ig ged ste introduced the evening's enter-|,.. a ; tainers beginning with Mrs, gies tool gaa according to Dawn Hill and Mrs. Judy Rein- Wotreshnsnte we waeved koester doing an African dance. | Other entertainers included) gy, GEORGE'S WOMEN'S Mrs. Bernadete Elismere and| GUILD e 'Yrs Joan Antanazio doing al (Westmount Group) oft shoe and song; Mrs. Jerry) A pot-luck supper preceded Imith a pantomine, Mrs. Eve-|the monthly meeting. fyn Harris, a song; Mrs. Mar- After supper, guerite Poirier and Mrs. Jerry| Mrs, A. W. Bunker. presided for Smith, cowboy Song; Mrs. Mary the business meeting. A rum- McConnell, Mrs. Sheila Taylor mage sale is to be held May 13 and Mrs. Anne Tripp, roaring! at 10.00 a.m. v twenties song-and dance; Mrs. The next meeting will be held Poirier, poem; Mrs. Lillian Will-|on May 13, a week early, to son, poem; and Mrs. Judy Rein-|ayoid 'the Queen's th koester, Tops Go-Go Dance. | weekend. The entertainment committee | sang to Mrs. Florence Russell) Hillsdale Manor Tuck Shop. Sev- which Mrs. sented with a gift for being a/next Christmas bazaar good sport. Mrs. E. L. Pipher and Mrs. Decorations for the evening | Peter Syperek were hostesses. were furnished by Mrs. Jerry FIRST BAPTIST WA the president, |~ 'Homemakers Meet For Service Awards I Red birthday| Cross Homemakers were enter- tained by the Red Cross Home- Four members were to help at) maker Committee at the home ; Flor: | 0 v-\of Mrs. J. J. Burns, chairman of their Porky Pig Song, afterjeral members broughi in arti-|the local Homemaker commit-| Russell was pre-|cles which' they had made for tee. GRADUATES Miss Dorothy Marie Don- ald, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. Harry Donald, Whit- by, graduates today from St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing, London, Ontario. Miss Donald plans to fur- ther her career in nursing at the University, Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Recently the Oshawa During the evening Mrs. L. J |Stire, Mrs. G. R: Miller, Mrs Showers Honor, Donna Jermey Miss Donna Marie Jermey, whose marriage takes place to- morrow to George Alexander Thompson Jr., in Simcoe Street United Church, has been honor- ed at several showers. Mrs. Andrew Mowat, Bond Street east, held a miscellan- eous shower at-her home for neighbors and friends of the) bride-elect's family Co-workers of the future bride were entertained at a dinner party and shower at the home of Mrs. Alfred Bino, Switzer) drive. Mrs. Leonard Tyrell, Glene- cho avenue, aunt of the pros- pective bridegroom, was hostess | at a miscellaneous shower for his relatives and friends. Desperation Spurs Weight Reduction | By IDA JEAN KAIN Sometimes the desperation of} our plight will force us to mus- |ter the courage to take needed! action. You can take heart from to-) day's story. 'This reducer suc-| ceeded magnificently, in the ----_--_----|face of a great handicap. Here is her report: "Your column about the dis-| couraged woman who weighs 200 pounds at age 47 has prompted me to tel! year read-) ers of my experience in losing weight. "The year I was 48 1 came down with a circulatory ailment. BRIDE - ELECT Miss Judith Ann Whit- bread will become the bride of Mr. Herbert Henry May- nard in a ceremony in Christ Memorial Church on Fri- day, June 3, according to an announcement made to- day by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Whit- bread. The bride - elect is a graduate of Oshawa Gener- al Hospital School of Nurs- ing, class of '64. The pros- pective bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Her- bert A. Maynard, all of Osh- awa. "Ito an unexpected chance that) start Planning Ahead Makes Job - Hunting Easier By ROBERTA ROESCH | Quite « few of the seniors getting their sheepskins in the next month or so already know where their first hay-cheques are coming from. If, however, you are part of the class of '66 that will soon start poundi the pav its for jobs--or are the parent of a soon-to-be graduate -- here are | Some suggestions for launching} a career: 1. Decide what kind of job you want. Generally speaking, : | you will be more successful at/are. ; : |landing the right job if you have| 6. Visit personnel departments 8 fairly specific aim. Naturally,|in places where you would like jyou shouldn't close your mind|to work. It is not too soon to filing applications and \hasn't even occurred to youjleaving your resume. Once you inow. But your campaign will|have done this, follow up your usually be stronger when you| application with letters or phone have a definite idea of What you| calls to indicate your continued |want to do. interest. But do this at proper 2. List your qualifications for intervals, so you won't make a the job you expect to seek: This Pest of yourself. \list will give vou a clear picture| 7. Locate other potential job jof your readiness to work. It| contacts by checking your class- will also give you a practicallified telephone directory, Make view of the things you must doja list of the businesses that in the next few weeks to be!would hire employees for the more prepared for your hunt. | work you want to do. Then send 3. Write a basic job applica-|each one a letter of application tion letter that you can adjust|and ask for a personal inter- and change to fit a wide variety|view and if, job openings are Your resume, like your letter, can be changed to tlegsery job | you apply for. If you need help in getting yours ready, my sam- ple resume guide is free to readers who send me their re- quests and a stamped envelope in care of this newspaper. 5. Study newspaper help wanted ads regularly. This practice will give you a working knowledge of the titles employ- ers use for jobs. It will show you the qualifications they seek and indicate where the openings THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 6, 1966 17 COOKING COMMENTS is a good tasting combination of If you are looking for ways|canned kernel corn and mush- to extend hamburg, that family|rooms seasoned with chopped favorite and standbye, the On-jonion. Write the Ontario Food tario Food Council suggest Corn) Council, Department of Agricul- Dish Mexicane. The meat'ture, Parliament Buildings, To- makes the shell, and the filling | ronto, for this tasty recipe. CAYUGA AVE, We Are Now Taking Orders for Homes To Be Built In This Area, SIMCOE ST. N. TAUNTON RD. W. $21,475.00 $4,975.00 Pree... 5s. JAMES O'MALLEY of possibilities. It takes time to expected soon. write a superior letter so get a| 8. Ask everyone you know to good one ready. Once you have pass on information about job a basic one, you can lift the leads. At the same time, visit meat and potatoes from it and your school placement office add the right trimmings for since employers and recruiters each situation. frequently work with schools in 4. Prepare a basic resume.'seeking prospective employees. | § Construction Lid. | i 723-7122 | My doctor said | must abso- lutely lose weight or spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair. |. "I weighed 240 pounds. I am |5 feet, 5 inches tall. In 144 years *|\I reduced 92 pounds. This 4ymer, Mrs. H. S. Winsley and! weight loss gave me a whole Smith, Mrs. Judy Reinkoester and Mrs. Marguerite Poirier. Mrs. William McNeill, mother of Streamliner Mrs. Evelyn Har- ris, donated a basket of flowers' for a draw which was won by) Streamliner Mrs. Janet Terry. Streamliner Mrs. Vera Lowery won 'the door prize. Mrs. Betty Harris, leader of the Inch Pinchers thanked the| Streamliners on fellow members for the even- ing. Snack convener was Mrs. Mary McConnell with help from Mrs. Dora Proulx' team. Streamliner's queen for the, week was a tie between Mrs. Betty Dodd and Mrs. Berna- dette Ellsmere, both with a 3% pound loss. The biggest pig! gained 5% pounds. The Streamliners. welcomed, as new members, Mrs. Gloria Pearce, Mrs. Hazel Ward, Mrs. Janet Terry, Mrs. Bessie Fow- ler and Miss Brend@a Saunders. | PRINCE PHILIP C. IODE Mrs. R. L. Glover presided in the absence of Mrs, F. N. Mc-| Callum at the meeting of Prince} Philip Chapter IODE. Mrs. C.| G. Luke read correspondence relating to Tag Day, May 20) and centennial celebrations. Mts. J. L. Beaton reported sports equipment and a picture of the queen sent to the newly adopted school in Newfound- land. Mrs. J. H. Halliday reported on articles on hand and others needed to complete shipment to headquarters Mrs. Wallace Butler read Mr. Mcintyre Hood's letter explain- ing Prime Minister Harold Wil- son's problems with regard to Rhodesia. Mrs. R. L. Glover, acting regent, thanked the chap ter for sending her as official delegate to the convention in Hamilton. Mrs. W. S. C. Lar- mer accompanied Mrs, Glover and both gave short reports on events. Tea was served at the close of the meeting ae §T. PAUL'S CPTA St. Paul's Catholic Parent Teacher Associatio met recent- ly in .the school auditorium. The program featured an inter- esting film entitled 'Quality of a Nation," which was produced by the Centennial Committee. Mrs. Joseph Gangemi presid- ed for the business portion of the meeting and it was an- nounced that the election of the new executive would take place at the next meeting @ie attendance prize was won by Miss Jennifer Moffat's Kin- dergarten class and the draw was won by Mrs. Alfred Minaret Light refreshments were served by Mrs. William Everitt and her committee. CASTLE INSURANCE Your home is your castle. It prob- ably represents the b nvest- Forr ow-cost package of protection provides brooder cover- age for your home and belongin and for yo case of lawsuits STATE FARM INSURANCE * ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshawe Bivd.\N. Oshawa 725-5841 STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CO. Can. Head Office, Searboro, a, behalf of her| : Mrs. Margaret Barr were pre- Shona Foie pone ogg -- sented with their Homemaker |Woman's Association' of First S@tvice pins. These pins are re- Baptist Church. cieved only after two years ser- President Mrs. Arthur How-| vice and after courses taken at ard opened the session with MacDonald Hall at Guelph or e '4 y _\|the McLaughlin Collegiate and prayer. Mrs. Gordon Besse took! after having graduated from ei- charge of the devotion period.|ther a Red Cross Home Nursing |The treasurer, Mrs. Edgar or First Aid Course. Anderson, and secretary, Mrs.| Mr. Y. A. Yanch, president of Ross Porter, both gave reports, | the local Red Cross Branch Suvecal" seniors. made achs. spoke to the Homemakers and " : presented the awards, which tions to the birthday box. It was were pinned on the Homemakers decided to add to the kitchen by the supervisor, Mrs. Norman equipment. Mrs. Ralph Hopson Hinds, who also offeerd congrat- and Mrs. Edgar Anderson will! ylations. take charge of the purchasing. Q.nawa now has a staff of 20 The hostess served refresh- Red Cross Homemakers, many ments for a social half-hour. of whom, -have been employed : --~!by the service for a lengthy period of time. These women are trained to assist in the homes of families when the mother is ill at home | TONGUES MEAN CASH MONTREAL (CP)--Ability to take shorthand in both French and English is the Montreal of-/or in hospital, or in the home fice girl's most prized asset, of any citizen who is in need of says placement agent Merida help in time of illness or emer- Perr,y "but some of our most bid ; experienced French - speaking Rapes or information secretaries have never visor at 723-7073 or the local learned French dictation." Red Cross office. may e obtained by calling the super-| life. It can be tock place 18 today [ still newlease on done, All this jyears ago and weigh 148 pounds. "T reduced on 1,000 calories| a day on a protective diet. I) | took no medicine to curb my appetite. I won't say it was easy. At times [ was plenty hungry, especially in the begin- ning. At such times I would say to myself, 'Well, mght now you are getting the pounds off.' "My doctor said I would al- ways have to be careful of my| diet and this is true. But I con-! | sider that a small price to pay | /for health. I now wear a size 18. It used to be a size 48. "So, tell your readers to per- severe and success will be| theirs. Your column helps me so much. May God bless and keep you." {HELPS KEEP ON Cheers! It is letters such as} yours, together with the re-| | quests for help, that keep this} dietitian writing the column. | Dieters, what would you say) is the chief reason for her shin- ing success? First, it was her attitude toward her circum- stances. | OSHAWA RADIO ON JUNE 3rd on the ON Heard 10 Times Daily DIAL 1350 Pick up your entry form from one of these local right away, OSHAWA ;ROSS E. MILLS B, F. GOODRICH JOHN SWAN H OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE PARISIENNE CLEANERS NU-WAY PHOTO BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS WEST END CAR WASH WHITBY DEPARTMENT STORE ONE-HOUR MARTINIZING AJAX MERCANTILE MERCURY FURNITURE BOWMANVILLE KRAMP FURNITURE WIN 7 DAYS FOR 2 via "AIR FRANCE" ; FRENCH RIVIERA 'Awiera Rendezvous" BRIDGELAND MEAT MARKET ROGERS APPLIANCES OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS (Oshawe & Courtice) BESTWAY MOTORS ONE HOUR MARTINIZING TEE-PEE DRIVE-IN THEATRE (Bay Ridges) FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR on stores and mail it in STORE ARDWARE HOTEL A Medley of Fragrance to Please A Whiff of Powder For Atter-Bathing Yardley - scented dusting powder, sith soft velour puff, in a pretty plastic container. Great!.... ZELLERS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M, THORSDAYS & FRIDAYS 9:30 A.M. -- 9 P.M. Entry Forms with all @ April Violets. EXPRESS YOUR GOOD ENTER YARDLEY'S "MOTHER OF THE YEAR" CONTEST! 1.85 Yardley Colognes @ White Lavender @ Lotus @ Red Roses DOZENS OF VALUABLE PRIZES TO WIN! FOR MOTHER ON HER DAY THOUGHTFUL GIFTS FROM ZELLER'S Mother SPRAY MIST FOR HER PURSE WISHES FOR MOTHER the finest light and dark chocolate. Fancy Assortment of "Minuet" by Smiles 'n' Chuckles. Delicious fillings smothered in Both gift-boxed for Mother's Day'!... 3.00 Spray Mist diffuses @ cloud of Yardley's fragrance whenever she wants it .. . handy to take with her in town or travel- ling. 1.97 eereees SWISS-MADE angle or oval styles. Watch is anti won't tarnish. One year guarantee. 4.00 JUST SAY CHARGE-IT AT ZELLER'S It's the new fashion rage ! 17-JEWEL PENDANT WATCHES on 28" chain! Gold or silver colour in round, bow, tri- YARDLEY -magnetic; case. way. to store and everything at your fingertips! "FANTASIA" JEWEL BOX has simulated Morocco leather cover, automatic ear- ring tray, White Black; 11%" x 712" x 4", Luxurious 4-ozs. of perfumed talcum powder in handy squeeze bottle for her after-bath "ritual" . . . in your choice cf four de- lightful fragrances. A DREAMY FRAGRANCE , MO iy gant Houbigant's "Chantilly" Strictly Misty Spray Mates ! 3.00 YOUR CHOICE A fragrant mist to 'keep her sweetly scented bath- jaa time anytime ' Houbigant's 'Chantilly in measured Spray Mist Toilet Water, Spray Body Powder and Spray Bath Oil. Fora lovely Mother! or AS, -ZELLER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 16" Van MATCHED LUGGAGE SET 21". Wardrobe. Reg. $16.99 ....... 19' Weekend Case. Reg. $13.99 ... Vacation time rolls around and you'll be thrilled to travel with these attractive, matched cases by McBrine. The embossed vinyl covering is easily washable with soap and water, lasts long with double stitched binding. Pre- cision locks add to the value. 21" Wardrobe, 19' Weekend Case, 16" Vanity Case. Ass .... 14,47 oe Oe ca Set of Three Pieces, 45.95 VALUE ity Case. Reg. $11.99 my SS pio aaah. BM.