Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 May 1966, p. 33

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32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 4, 1966 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chempionship Play) AND TLL BE FLYING AS THE FLIGHT OFFICER WITH THE AIR [GooD. BUT YoU WONT BE FLYING a a WING COMMANDER, CAN'T TELL YOU MORE, BUT WISH MELUCK, WITH ME, YOU'LL BE FLYING WITH THE SQUADRON LEADER. JENSEN, D0 YOU THINK YOU CAN FIND THAT SAME NORTH VIETNAM CAMP AT NIGHT? OH, YES, SiR, POSITIVE , SIR! (You'RE WRONG, DONALD~ I REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS NINE YEARS OLD HE GAVE HIS BROTHER SOMETHING... / THE OLD SKINFLINT'S NEVER GIVEN ANYBODY ANYTHING IN HIS WHOLE LIFE! y= North dealer. Neither side vulnerable, NORTH BUZ SAWYER 7\ Ds -- Dr. Norman Bethune SINCE I CAN'T DISSUADE you FROM JOINING THE EIGHTH ROUTE ARMY, DR, BETHUNE , LET ME ge WARN 4 YOU MEAN SHE' EXPECTING? Tt ! | [WHAT DOES IT MATTER > » NORMAN BETHUNE ARRIVES AT 3 THE KUOMINTANG AND COMMUNIST: Re : ICOW, CHIANG KAI SHEK'S CAPITAL» ON FEB. 22, 1938 . UNHAPPY "TO LEARN Hs UNIS WE'RE 1¢@ 19¢ Pass Pass 3© Pass [| © King Festeres Spadicatn, inn, /960, ie Opening lead -- ace of dia- monds, Here is another interesting hand from Dorothy Hayden's excellent book, Bid Better, Play Better. It appears in the chap- ter calted the Art of Signalling, which does much to straighten out the confusion existing today jover what constitutes a signal jand what the signal means. | Actually, the hand is an ex- jample of upside-down signaling jin defense, and, in reality--al- |though she does not mention it |-- the deal occurred in a na- |tional championship with Mrs. |Hayden West and myself East. Mrs. Hayden led the ace of diamonds and I signaled with the ten for a continuation. My play of the ten was based on jthe possibility that partner might have the A-x or A-J-x of .| diamonds, in which case I want- ed another diamond lead. But, peculiarly enough, my signal for a diamond continua- tion was read by Mrs. Hayden |(properly) as a signal to stop |playing the suit. She realized that I could not have the K-J- 10 of diamonds, because I would have signaled with the jack if I had it. It is customary to signal a come-on with the highest of equal cards, and my failure to signal with the jack was proof sufficient that South had that card. Since another diamond lead |w ould automatically establish the queen as a trick, Mrs. Hay- jden discontinue- the suit by jshifting to the jack of spades. This vital play led to declarer's defeat, since he had to lose two spades and two diamonds to go down one. The hand also developed an- other twist when I played the discouraging deuce on the jack, even though I was naturally de- lighted with the spade shift. De- iclarer permitted the jack to win, but Mrs. Hayden, realiz- ing that I had no higher spade to signal with, played another spade. , Upside-down signals are di- ametrically opposed to what |they appear to say, but when they do come up, they create an interesting challenge to the defense, 1 COULDN'T BEAR THE SIGHT." 'LL KIDNAP PER /° KEEP YOUR RIFLES DOWN! YOURE NOT HUNTING ¥ THE ALBINO / Z ; PEIN IN| WERE CLOSE ENOUGH ; FOR A SHOT AT THAT WHITE LI'L ABNER THE LONE BANGER / HERE'S YOUR CHANCE \ TO MEET ANED AND YOU MUST BE MY GUEST IF OUR PATHS SHOULD CROSS NEAR THE PALACE OF MY DESERT PATHS DO HAVE A WAY HARDY BREED / OF CROSSING OUR Deserr DEMANDS NO LESS, EH, CORRIGAN HE'S ONE OF MY DB, GEOLOGISTS . MIRA, PHIL / > Rx SECRET AGENT X9 TELEVISION LOG ! 1:20 A.M, &3--Across Canada 11:30 A.M. %--Abrscadabra 8-2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today | @8--Call My Blo | 7--Money Movie | 6--Luncheon Date 4--Neen News --Pepeye ond Pots Channe) 9:30 P.M. Channel Channel Channel Channel Channe} Channel Channel nec ornanarnecmmnen ce WEDNESDAY 5:60 P.M. %--Sports Hot Seat N--Family Theatre = ABC S$ Five O'clock Show | ABC Scope $--Superman | 6-3--Festival a 4--Passport To Adventure 11:00 P.M, 12:18 PLM, 3--Secret Squirrel | '14-4-7-4-4-3-2---News 4--Sperker of The House &Lieyd Thexton | Weather Sports 12:30 PLM. 1:15 PLM, | $--Metre Fined | 6--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M, 2--Buttalo 3--Barrle 6-3--Festival 4--Buffalo 4--Dick- Van Dyke 6--Toronto 10:00 P.M, 7--Butfalo 1 v Griffin Show I'M RATHER SHORT THIS WEEK, TRUPY-CAN YOU LOAN ME FIVE DOLLARS FOR gage '9 8--Rochester 9--Toronto "Hamilton | Secret Agent | 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:30 P.M. Show HES GONE/ WELL....NO MATTER. HES HERE IN "TOWN.....HES GOT A BEART.....AN' T'LL FIND HIM, HE & CAN'T HIDE NOW. 5:30 P.M. Ju---Racketship 7 b--Across Cenade t--Leeve It Te Bewver 6--Music Hop | -+--Lete Show Hudson Bay | @-Might Metre 6:00 P.M. | 11:30 P.M, | din 7--Twilight Theatre |\1--The Saint of-Cyning, | ae é--City Al 6 | eabeats | 1:00 P.M, +News, Sports With | 9-mevie |! l--Theatre H | 9--Morning Star Chuck Healy } 11:40 P.M, Golf | %Plerre Berton ------ -3--Midweek Theatre nomen. eee cue oe 1:30 AM. é--Luncheon Date vere 11--News; Weather) Sports| 4--Meet the Ailiers 6:30 P.M. 6--Newscap 3--Summer Carousel 1i-Family Theatre | Ake Deuglas -42--News; Weather | Thursoay ig | 8:00 A.M. goes es 4-Captain Kengeres --James Bear ow | ° &4--As The World Turns 1-they | 9:00 A.M. 2:00 PLM. Re | @ Playtime With Uncle! @--Kids Is People 7:00 P.M, | Bobby | 7--Nurses N--Gilligans island %--Camp Runamuck ar pa ad Deters | ¢4--Password &--Rip Cord cides Carita barsih? on ag 9 A dN 9:30 A.M. %#--Dear Charlotte | Gypsy Rose Lee 4--The Heneymesners | ® Doble Gills 312 O'clock High | 10:00 A.M. 8--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:0 PLM, Green Acres 9--Gidoet 62--Virginian y--Omle end Merrie 6--The Courriers Sing 4--New York | 7--Donna Reed | 0-8--Another Philharmonic +3--Friendly Giant | 4:00 Pom. | 8:00 P.M, jr ee Peoueye $--Mickey Mouse Club 1--Special Movie | 10:45 A.M, cn Geme 9--My Favorite Marten « hez Helen: 7--Patty Duke Show is spt te Ha &3--Okay Crackerberry : "M. 11--Mike Douglas U598 PM. | 9-- Mr. And Mrs. #-2--Morning Star 7-~Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 11--Noon Time | 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play ¢4--Search For Tomorrow 3--Meendey Repert 12:45 PLM, THATS HES THE HUNTIN' DONE pul 24 HIM end vane HE COULD CHANGE HIS LOOKS, A PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH AND A BANANA FISH KEEPS IT WOUND VICTORIA (CP)--Bill Botykos .| has a fish story which will stand the test of time. Fishing in the Alouette River near Haney, 30 miles east of Vancouver, he caught two steelhead trout. The seven - pounder, when opened, had a watch inside. It was still \ticking, Botykos insists. SALLY'S SALLIES ; the ) end Sports @--Huntley-Brinkiey News © King Fonteres Syndicate, tna, 1966, World right recerved, ea om Lat os bl prom } 2:30 P.M, | %--People in Conflict |8-2--The Doctors | 7--A Time For Ue --Love That Bob 4--Linkletter's Party Movie 3:00 P.M, 1--Donna Reed | Fractured Phrases | &3--Bonnie Prudden Show }}--Whiplash $-2--Fractured Phrases 63--Ivanhoe +I Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, 11--Ed Alien | %Bingo #-2--Concentration YOUR HEALTH "Dropped" Kidney Is Also "Floating" By JOSEPH G. MOLNER,.MD MICKEY MOUSE |--Recky and Hie Priende | hin na ie | Dear Dr. Molner: Please dis-|encourage release of fluid from | Chipmunks |cuss a dropped kidney. Is sur-| the body) might also be indi- | 9--Movie |gery to suspend the kidney) cated. i | %oThe Serty show | serious? Is wearing a girdle-- my doctor--any |great help? I am a woman of 4--The 4+Thirty Show advised by 2--Yoo! Bear | 50 and thin--90 pounds.--Mrs. J.J. TODAY IT'S SPAGHETTI AND [ MAGHED POTATOES, J =----| MEATBALLS BAKED BEANS, AGPARAGUS, ope CAULIFLOWER 4--Beverly Hillblilies 00 P.M, 7--The Big Valley 8-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres Dear Dr. Molner: | am 23 and will soon have my third Caes- arean birth. I am_ seriously considering having my _ tubes %--Summer Fun 6--Fieilds Of Sacrifice CHAS, 514 ' KUHN-~ WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON TOP OF THE REFRIGERATOR ? ag ee % I CANT COOK WITH A DOG UNDER MY FEET! P LPN £oK) . Dismay . Blackboard . Chasm ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. North or South . Guards . Eon '---- Girls" 25, 26. 27. item 23. Cuckoo Omi- nous Blacken French THE "OLDER ONE'S" NAME IS JONES, THINK YOU CAN REMEMBER THAT PEASANT NAME, PRINCESS? LOWER LIP.,.IT'S TOO THIN, REALLY, MR. TEAGUE... I MUST REGISTER A PROTEST. THIS ONE... THE OLDER ONE,,.1S QUITE ImpossiBte 1 Cabinet department . Bitter herbs . Alpha's partner 5. Tennis term . Nazi police: abbr. . Dad's retreat . Not as difficult . Twin crystals . Mother of Horus . Caper Sheeplike . Sagacious . Legs . City of Neapolitan life, tothe Italians . Deface 37. Near to . Depressed 41. Century plant . Dull color . Silent Nautical term . Lock of hair . Winged monster, in Gr. myth DOWN , Arab VIPs . Shut . Amateur radio operator . Resting . Box seat 10. Persian coin Any girl Strange Part of a min, 21. Competitor 22, Craw 16. 19. 20. 2 33. 34. 3: - 3 9. 5. 6. 9. . Ex- : Today's pronoun # clama.- i oi ie [IClo} tion fiction hero Incites Gospel writer: abbr. Seaweed Relay, for one Nipa palm 40. 42, 43. 4 Oi Ga mies iI] Yesterday's Answer Paper size Force: Latin Persian angel . Arabian garment 2 7 7 10 The dropped or "floating" | |kidney, as it is sometimes! called, doesn't always require surgery, In fact, the kidneys are intended to do a little float- ing around by nature. They change position siightly when prone position. part by a surrounding pad of| fat. Lean folks like you, without so much "padding," are more likely to have excessive mobil- ity of the kidneys. tied to prevent further preg- nancies, but have heard that this often makes a woman ner- vous. Is this true? What if any, are the side effects of this oper- am, you're wearing it in reverse." be in thorough agreement, and both should make the decision tant to do it ation? My doctor seems reluc-| with the understanding that it without saying why | we shift from an upright to a|--Mrs. P. M. will be permanent and cannot {be undone later. There are no side effects, and| True, on occasion surgeons emot abou ionally, t having d it done. | Both husband \and wife should so | y iti y, ; 7 Fy ae The kidneys are supported in no nervousness from it uniies | have succeeded in "undoing ypu are worried|the operation later, but you cannot depend on this. My own strongest reservation |stems from letters I have re- |ceived from people some years Whether anything needs to be done depends on the amount of movement, on whether there is any discomfort, and most of all on whether there is any kinking of the ureter, the outlet from the kidneys. Frequently a snug support--a girdle, in this instance--will help. In some cases, hopvever, surgery may be necessary. This) is a major operation but it is) not an uncommon one and not to be feared. The approach is through the back, and the sup- porting tissues of the kidney are| drawn snug enough to prevent more than the ordinary amount of movement, Dear Dr. Molner: I am 34 and recently have been having diz- ziness a week before my period Then I feel good again.--Mrs. vite Curtailing salt intake before the menstrual period may be all that is necessary. Or a short Now the way to-bu ly WRIGLEY SPEARMINT .. popular, modern. dime pack PD 2 ace after the operation. The husband has died, the woman has re- |married, and now wants an- 'other child. Or, in one tragic |case, the children were killed jin a fire, The parents then |desperately wanted more chil- )dren, but it was too late. As to |Caesarean birth, there are women who have had many |more than three by this method. } - ' Mt tl st You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of thet fresh flavour and lively taste? enaurse of diuretics (druga to:

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