THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday,, April 90, 1966 ------) CITY CLERK AND STAFF AT WORK HISTORY IN LOOSE-LEAF BINDER 'Information Please' Files Compiled There's some digging --with- out shovels -- going on in the clerk's department at city hall, A wealth of significant, and sometimes: amusing, informa. Mon exou. Oninwa ia peng uncovered by city clerk Roy Barrand and his staff. Did you know, for example, that in 1930 ratepayers, by a vote of 2,064 to 804, rejected a proposal to pay aldermen $5 per meeting? (Aldermen now re ceive $1,500 per year.) Did you know that 31.44 per- cent of the eligible voters cast ballots in' the 1934 municipal election? (In the 1944 election, $4.38 percent of the eligible voters visited the polls.) As the more significant infor- mation is gathered, it is typed and added to a growing book file titled: 'Statistics -- Infor- mation -- History." nee a eee "Once the work of assem- bling the material is completed, it is completed for all time," says Mr. Barrand, 'We can add new information each year by usiInk @ 1008c"CaL DInGer Thing system." The project, being directed by Cecil Lundy, deputy city clerk, is not high on the department's priority list as day-to-day busi- ness and problems. must come first, But, says Mr, Barrand, the work is 'crowded in" when- ever possible, DEMAND FOR IT Why is the effort being made to compile the Information? Because it has never been done before, because there is a demand for it, and because it can be used by council, civie officials and various local or- ganizations, answers Mr. Bar- rand, "We receive a great many calls from school children who want to know about the city, its history and growth," says Mr, Barrand, giving one example of tne cemana, In 1956 and 1957 Mr, Barrand compiled municipal manuals containing historical and up-to- date information about Oshawa, The clerk says 1,500 of the 1957 manuals were printed and "gold very quickly" for $1 each, "We astill-receive requests for that ninevear-old manual," he added, City councils since 1957 have not authorized the printing of a new manual. However, much of the information now being gathered could be utilized if a third edition was authorized, Mr. Barrand said he would like to see a pocket-size statisti- cal manual plblished each year and a more comprehensive manual published at least every five years, "TI think this is public rela- tions," said Mr, Barrand, 'The city should make people aware of Osnawa's history and pro- gress." CENTENNIAL EDITION? He said it might take an- other 18 months before all relevant information is gather- ed in the statistics, information and history book but with mate- rial on hand a city pamphlet could be prepared, if council so wished, for Centennial year. 'As we go on I'm sure we will uncover many more inter- esting aspects of the city's his- tory," said Mr. Barrand. "I'd like to share this infor- mation with others (by publish- ing it) and not just keep it inside city hall," .|ity on the beach, Road Appeal Dismissed a 1965 decision by the Thorah township committee of ment, The appeal was heard in the the township, and facing partly on LAke Simcoe. A road diversion is to be made in the area and the ow- ner of the land, who as the ap- pellant, wished to reserve a seven - foot walkway on the south side of the parcel to be conveyed in order to provide access to the beach for poten- to the rear. The application was vigorous- ly opposed by many ratepayers in the summer cottage commun- There is a farm residence us- led as a summer hotel on the has dismissed an appeal against ee neril oS a was ta recently here. Co-op History Pilkey presid | A gift was also presented to A review of the history of the|Mrs, Marjorie Brooks, who ser- "ogee rr Ald, Cilfford detation of mittee, the Co-op Union of On" A cheque i '$40 was for the |tario and the Oshawa Board of Glenholme adult trainees was Education. Reviewed Here presented to Mrs, 8, Burgess. |" IDENTIFY BOAT TOBERMORY, Ont. (CP)--A tive movement and an|ved as secretary for two years.|hoat sighted Friday afternoon Among the head table guests)by an RCAF Dakota aircraft ry|were Casper Oetelaar, of Brad-|about 15 miles north of here has adjust-/9! the Co-op Union of Ontart Ontario, | ford, president of the Tri-county|been identified as the 14foot Farmers' Co-op Market and re-|punt that Raymond Hebert, 46, Mr. Bridgen was the speak-| presentatives of Local 222, UAW/set out in Wednesday, Mr. Hee suet |the Ontario County Federation bert, a resident of this commu- iownship council chambers at|@r at the second annual peng of Agriculture, Durham County nity 65 miles northwest of Owen Beaverton last March, It was/of the Tri-County Farmers' Co- Federation of Agriculture. Dar-|Sound, has been the object of & -- by Georgina Cro and in-\operative Market held at the/tington Local of the Ontario Far-\search carried out by aircraft. volved conveyance of @ parcel) Gienholme Training Centre, Wel-/mers' Union, of land up the 5th concession of lington st. More than 60 mem-|Farmers' Union bers, who use the Simcoe st. n.) UAW Credit Union, Ontario Fe- teers, Ontario County|from RCAF Station Trenton, the Oshawa| provincial police and volun _enienlneitinintcnomettsly TANKS 'SEP ; iC "Available for immediate delivery in the following capacities" 460 GALLONS 525 GALLONS 600 GALLONS 700 GALLONS 1000 GALLONS ~ |Cro property, but the ratepay- ess claimed that apart from Telephone Rate Increase ~ |Pull- Time Mayor Surve Saar ot Se Could Be In Offing For City | To Be Completed In June "5b sn na new A special council committee's|tersley, Ald. John B Id, have the best of two worlds" pa ae J an gente and the establishment of the walkway "would not appear de- Murdoch -- are members of the sirable in the interests of sound planning." IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER PHONE bo5-3dT1 Telephone rates for local ser-jfor typical classes of service in the present and next higher rate investigations into suggestions | Ceci! Bint and Ald, es Oshawa have a full - time In conformity with the regula! tions fo the Board of Transport| vice in any exchange are gov- Commissioners for Canada, the|erned by the number of tele-|groups for the area, with higher! ell Telephone Company of Ca- phones in the local - service | rate in* brackets; oak tae ramaiod "4 the Board| areas, recognizing the principle| will be completed early in June, |committee, that the number of telephones that the value of service to each| Residential service -- Individ-| Ald, Gordon Attersley, chair- In the Oshawa local - service| customer increases as the num-|ual Line $4.65 ($4.95); Two -|man of the four - man commit- area now exceeds the present! ber of telephones increases,. |Party Line 3.65 (3.85); Multi -|tee, says it will take at least rate group by more than five! "Telephone customers served|Party Line 3.25 (3.45); Exten-|one month to gather Informa- ercent, Area manager 4 W./by the Oshawa exchange now|8ion Telephone 1.25 (1.25). Loo prepare a report for wry said in a news release. | have 54,751 telephones in the lo-| Business Service -- Individu-| It the Board directs the com-|cal- service area, sald Mr Low-| a} Line $10,50 (12,05); Two-party| The committee was appointed pany to re-classify the Oshawa) TY. Line Not available Multi - Party|Mar. 21 after the Oshawa and exchange into the next higher, The following table provides Line 5,10 (5.60); Extension Tele- District Labor Council suggest: yate group, telephone rates woul| examples of the monthly rates!phone 1,85 (1,85), ed that 'the position of full - be increased slightly to make |time mayor and a four - mem- them the same as those in other Proposed Salary Schedule |ber hoard of control be estab- jlished. One meeting has been exchanges with a similar num- |held and a second is scheduled ber of telephones in their _ i a akt eaak, service areas, Mr, Lowry sa R f d B 0 T pas "For example the monthly rate] e use y n ario rustees | Council authorized the com- for two-party residence service! correlate information mittee to: would be increased by 20 cents A letter from the Ontario Sep-|gotiation before 1967,"' the let- [regarding a full-time mayor po- and that for individual residence arate School Trustees' Associa-|ter said sition with salary proposals; in- tion advising it does not agree| We also note there is no ex- vestigate all aspects of a board service by 30 cents," ..|to a new proposed salary sched- |cuse for setting a lower milllo control type of administra- jule of the Ontario E nglish Cath- rate by a separate school board|tion; investigate the number of jolic Teachers' Association "ne-| unless it is giving full and equal| aldermen and the method by | gotiable immediately" was|services to that given by their| which they would be elected with brooklin concrete products .1o. ayor.and a board of control /f you're Vénanios 4 trip to Europe... HIS SMALL ADVERTISEMENT CAN MEAN BIG SAVINGS BOAC can save you time, And also money, So find out about BOAC first. This summer there are a record 29 transatlantic jet flights a week from Toronto. How's that for choice? Jet direct to London by magnificent BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 or Air Canada giant DC-8 jet, From April 1, air fares to Furope are the lowest ever, (Example: a 21-Day Economy Excursion Toronto- Rome will cost you only $465° return.) Plan now and save $40, See your Travel Agent. "Subject to government approval, = BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Inesday night by the Oshawa|board," wrote Mr. Klein. comments and recommendations S ] -- School Board. This paragraph raised the! on their findings. A. Klein, president of the\eyebrows of Trustee Michael ett ement oserA, The four standing committee "does not agree with a change | who said "it is an odd remark lot any rules part way throughifor an association to make, If the game" it is possible for an_ elected, has accepted a $378,000 settle-| juse the original OECTA salary| Trustee Frank Baron said he ment for the loss of the church|schedule of $3,700 to $6, 200) did not interpret the paragraph building in a fire Jan, 24. (level one) for their negotia-|as the association attempting to church's official board and! "Our association advised the|with Mr. Radka that 'there board of trustees have agreed|new proposed salary schedule! could be @ hidden meaning be-| upon the final settlement of the| should not be considered for ne-|hind it." He said that no definite plans, for the future of the church | have been established, A build-| said in the letter the;/Rudka, chairman of the Osh-) jchalrman of council -- Ald, Ate $378,000 All boards that have not com-|body to lower the mill rate, Gordon Hawker, recording] tions this spring, the communi-|dictate to boards not to lower insurance claims on the build- ing fund has been started while rt 0 C t ASS [| ik p |marked received and filed Wed-| jcorresponding _ public school!a board of control: and make preg of the association) awa board's finance committee, King Street United Church | pleted thelr negotiations should|then it should be." secretary, said today that the|cation stated, their mill rate, but he agreed ing. @ planning committee forecasts the needs of the church, | In January a member of the) ehurch board estimated that it) would take some $900,000 to re- place the church. The fire, of unknown origin completely gutted the church) and severely damaged Centen- nial Hall ONMISTAKABLY - WAY OUT FRORT - 1M DISTINCTIVE ELEGANCE - SUPERB QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE Choose trom the most exciting selection of Canadian-made boats ever offered -- everyone a spirited thoroughbred. The superb '66 fiberglass line, the famous wood lapstrakes or the magnificent pew 26° cabin cruiser -- scintillating new color combinations, full vinyl interiors, bucket seats, optional |/O power units up to 240 4p. -- all enhance Grew's reputation tor faultiess design and those extra deluxe features. = CARNATION Fvaporatedl MILK 230° POWER Can. FiestPracte- DREAMERY esave 6ie ABOVE -- og pooh Ome 18, "Vacationer" -- PRINT eosonel VO My to 180° ap. vinyl decks and deluxe interior, completely equipped. Does Your Lawn Look Like ae GARDEN SUPPLIERS The omoteur gardener's ronks hove swollen, ond if you don't get to them soon in the classified columns, someone else will! We have © gardening and supplies column; its yours, why not use it? Ww ¥ . FACIAL TIGSUES are 'coemtit etave 440 interior, bive vinyl yee a with many deluxe features, Ovibeard or 1/0 options to BOX of ---- STOKELYS Zan 1" TOMATO Pave 4%, TW STOKELYS KERNEL osave Mie Rs $ Pork Bul? Ws ( a x 4 If So, Pui This Lion To Work LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN BLADE MOWER, Cat alog No, RE 1848 Conada's favorite New cog tread tires with white wolls 18" cut, high to 2% Chrome leon handle, Light weight or easy mowing HOUSEWIVES Doing your spring cleaning? Found a4 lot of items you no longer have use for? turn them into cash through the articles for sale column! It works! Classification 8 is yours why not use it? NEW & USED CAR DEALERS Your market is ot its height, but are you getting your share of it? If you wont to sell more automobiles, odver- tise where the buyers ore looking. Clossification 30 is yours, why not use it? 5 up for strrage Powerful | HP, motor NEW EASY TO USE WRAP-AROUND HANDLE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC Hedge Trimmers REALTORS No ome needs to tell you how the Oshawa and district housing is booming, but ore you getting the shore of the market you wont, You can, you knew, classification 20 is yours, why not use it? BUSINESSMEN No matter what your product or service, you moy expend your operation through the classified ads. Dropeta call for information on how we may help you improve through the classified columns of the Oshawa Times, SS AN a a ARES ¥. Catalog " HTIO00 ~~ . volue Hi mer with chrome-piet Call Now... 123-3492 action. Reod by Everyone IN "66 -- SEE YOUR GREW DEALER TODAY} Your Exclusive GREW Dealer... MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT. Lightweight, tectly balanced 2. Catalog No, HT300 --- Double cut ting edge. Pruning sow ipa through toughest growth. Hecige leveler mokes trimming e@ecurate, Powerful Sunbeam motor, Come In and See Our Displey Tedey JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD, Oshews Shopping Centre TEL. 725-3527 665-3641 Used by Everyone