An unidentified soldier ap- pears puzzled by conflict- ing times shown on two clocks in Toronto's Union TROUBLED TIMES Station. However, there's no puzzle... Canadian National Railways run on daylight saving time while Canadian Pacific runs on standard time, --CP Wirephoto Five New Rooms At Local WHITBY (Staff) -- Five new rooms will be added to the St. Theresa Separate school, Craw- ford st., Whitby, is was an- nounced this week by a Board official. The new construction will in- clude four classrooms and a general purpose room. The project is geared for completion in time for the next schoo! term with a space desperately re- quire nl addition of the extra rooms, the school will be able to accommodate a kindergarten and regular classes to Grade 5. Grades 1 to 4 inclusive are taught at the school now. The new building project is an alternative to a more ambi- tious program which included School construction of an entirely new school on Annis st. This school would have been located near the Henry high school on va- cant land now zoned industrial. The Separate school board quested the land be re-zoned from industrial to institutional. Town council suggested a sec- ond section of the land would |have to be zoned residential in |keeping with the school request. Opposed to the change in zon- ing, the Whitby Industrial Com- mission termed the land 'prime industrial' and disagreed with the Board's request. Increasing delay in receiving the necessary approval caused the Board to turn towards the current building project. Women's Group To Hear Tales Of African Trip St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 3 held its April meeting in the Church parlor. Mrs. R. A. Smith, Leader, opened the meeting with a poem entitled "We cannot al- ways Understand" by Patience Strong. Mrs. Joseph Ward conducted the worship service on the theme "Self Sacrifice'. In the absence of Mrs. William Jamie- gon, secretary, Mrs. Harold Quantrill called the roll, noted the home and hospital visits and read the minutes of the March meeting. Plans were discussed for the 1 p.m. with guest speaker Mrs. T. D. Thomas, her topic "A Trip to Africa". Next meeting of Unit No. 3 will be held May 19 at 2.30 p.m. at the home of hostesses Mrs. Harold Quantrill and Mrs. Leith Jones. Next general meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women June 7 at 2 p.m. Unit No, 3 will be in charge of the program and will be hostesses at this meeting. Mrs. R. A. Smith reviewed chapter five of the study book 'Jesus Christ and the Christian Life'. A social time followed. Tea hostesses were: Mrs. William Spring luncheon May 3 at Ellison and Mrs. George Smith. Nine Persons Given Vaccine For COBOURG -- The Northum- berland and Durham Health Unit reports seven rabid -ani-)* mals were reported in March. Vaccine was given to nine per- sons. The animals included three dogs in Clarke Township, two foxes in Hamilton Township and two cattle in Cartwright Township. One hundred and seven cases of communicable disease were reported. Of these 75 were mumps, 11 chickenpox, sever? infectious hepatitis and the bal-| ance German measles, red measles and scarlet fever. Seventy-one persons received | chest x-rays at the four samt culosis clinics. Thirty office and school ton munization clinics were held.| Fourteen children Quad vac their initial series of Quad vac- cine, 50 received reinforcing, 10 received primary smallpox vac-| cination, 199 were revaccinated| and 552 received reinforcing doses of Triad. Eight hundred and fifty-five families received 1,620 home visits/from nurses and 64 re- ceived nursing care, Rabies ran into a snag when they re-) CLUB CALENDAR Mrs, T, D. Thomas, Oshawa, will be the guest speaker at the annual Spring Luncheon of St, Mark's United Curch Women to be held in the Church Hall May 3, at 1 p.m. Mrs, Thomas' topic will be 'Visit to Africa" which will cover the highlights of the trip she and her husband made to that part of the world a year or so ago, the guest soloist, accompanied by her teacher, Mrs, Elaine Broughton, The luncheon is be- ing arranged by Mrs. Robert A. Smith, Mrs, Gammet Juby, Mrs. Roland Daniel, Mrs. Elliott Fells and their assistants, Tickets are available from. members or by phoning Mrs, Oharles E, Broughton 668-4359, Admission is by ticket only. Chuck and Eleanor. Kemp, flew to Kitchener - Waterloo Airport last Sunday on a Break- fast Flight arranged by the Osh- awa Flying Club. Several air- craft also landed at Guelph Air- port, Mr. and Mrs, Ivon Lajoie, 708 Dunlop st. w., are celebrating their second wedding anniver- sary May 2. Their friends wish| them every happiness. The Volunteer Association On- tario Hospital Whitby will hold its annual meeting May 10 at office annex building Ontario Hospital, Whitby, The business meeting to start at 8 p.m.,, dessert and coffee will be serv- ed between 7 and 8 p.m. Guest speaker will be Conrad Carrington social worker at MONDAY, May 2 Co-Op Credit Union banking) night, Ist Whitby Scouts Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 3 All Saints Anglican Churce Evening Guild St. h| TUESDAY, May 3 Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS| | Club Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club| accompanied them on this trip,|one now in use, Red Cross work room St. John the Evangelist CWL Al-Anon Family Group St. Mark's UCW general meeting WEDNESDAY, May 4 Whitby St. John Ambulance Knights of Columbus ers Group ae Rebekah Lodge No. 2 Almonds UCW Ajax Lionettes THURSDAY, May 5 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Faith Baptist Church WMS League FRIDAY, May 6 Red Cross Senir Citizen's Social Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo-|} ple's Christ Ambassador Co-Op Credit Union banking} night Salvation Brigade SATURDAY, May 7 Saviation Army Young People's Army Timbral Four Leaf Clover Parents Teach | Salvation Army Women's Home| Whitby. Ontario Hospital, His | topic will be 'The patient, from | admission to discharge', | Mr, and Mrs. A, 8. McLean, 800 Henry st. have recently re- turned after holidaying for three| weeks in the Barbados and |Grenada British West Indies. |While in Grenada they visited with their son Davie who is em- ployed with the Canadian Im- WHITBY PERSONALS Ontario Ladies Cake will be to on, |perial Bank of Commerce there. |They traveled by air from To- |rono International Airport Mrs, Yvon Monpetit, |MeLean of Beaconsfield, Que., A "Stork Shower" was held in honor of Mrs, Bert Quenville, Oshawa, at the home of Mrs, Les Salla, Oshawa. Numerous gifts were presented to Mrs. Quenville, Attending from Whitby were: Mrs. Robert McCabe and her daughter Penny, Mrs. James Johnson, Mrs. Robert Redfern, Mrs, Greta McDonough, Mrs. Wilf Chown, Mrs. Vincent Mal- ton and Mrs, Watson Wineck. Melody Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hemmsy is cele- | brating'her firts birthday May 2. Mrs, Charles McAughey, RR 2, Whitby has just returned from a week's holiday spent in Capreol visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Morley Webb, she also visited her mother who is a patient in| | Subury Memorial Hospital, Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Marshall, Ottawa, will arrive this week- end and will spend several weeks visiting their son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Band Raymond Marshall, 502 Peel st. sister of Mrs,|bridge constructed over Coch-| rane st., Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert' McCabe, 1301 Giffard st, were Mrs, Herb Popkie and her daughter Miss Diane Popkie of Renfrew. Mrs, Henry J, Block, Victoria B.C, is a visitor at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, W. 0, McBride, 707 Harriet st. Mr. and Mrs, Archibald Max- | 5: e baie of Mr, and Mrs, William Ferguson, Belated birthday wishes to Miss Darlene MacKenzie who celebrated her 14th birthday on Friday; The following members of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Women were in charge of tables at the recently held Spring Fair and Auction Sale held at Whitby Community Arena: Group No, 1, rummage and nearly new sale with Mrs, Wil- liam Scott, Group No, 2, child care centre, Mrs, Warrenr, Mowat,-Group No. 8, arrange- ments for the sale, Mrs. Gor- don Boles; Group No. 4, home- bake table, Mrs. Carman Sarl- es, Group No. 5, white elephant table; Mrs, G, Dalgleish, Friends of Mrs, Jean Rycroft Brock st. 8, are sorry to learn that she is in the Oshawa Gen- eral al Hospital, New Streets For Hospital WHITBY (Staff) -- The pro- posed new Whitby General Hos- pital could be serviced by a second major north - south ,| Smith; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 30, 1966 § A very successful annual meeting of Whitby Women's In- stitute was held April 27 at the home of Mrs, Earl Ward, | Vice- -President, Mrs. Russell Whitby Social Group Elects New Officers has exceeded their goal with the Whitby General Hospital fund, Election of officers followed for the 1966-67 term as fallaws: Saunders pr d nd the meeting in the usual form, Roll call was answered by pay- ing of dues and 17 members joined for another year, Several members were unable to attend owing to sickness. They were wished a speedy recovery, The motto "The keynote of a good citizen is service to others" was given by Mrs, Rus- sell Saunders, Secretary, Mrs, Earl Ward, read the minutes and corre- spondence and was glad to re- port that the Centennial spoons have arrived and members can obtain same from Mrs. Ward, The standing committees all gave very interesting reports and new conveners of same are: Home Economics and Health, Mrs. Ida Simpson; Citi- zenship and Education, Mrs. Leesa Ferris; Agriculture and Canadian Industry, Mrs. R. A. Historical Research, Mrs, Donna Martin; Resolu- tions, Mrs. Earl Ward; Curator .|Tweedsmuir Histories, Mrs, F. Past President, Mrs, Everett King; president, Mrs, Russell Saunders; first vice - president, Mrs. William Pellow; second vice - president, Mrs. Gordon McLean; secretary - treasurer, Mrs, Earl | perdi and also press corres} istant secre- tary, Mrs, R. A "smith; district director, Mrs, R, A, Smith; al- ternate director, Mrs. William Pellow; Pennies for Friendship, Mrs, 'A. Morin; sick committee convener, Mrs, Marjorie Dewes- bury; phone convener, Mrs, Kathleen McKelvie; auditors, Mrs, William Pellow, Mrs, R. Seaborn, Delegate to Guelph, Mrs, Earl Ward; delegates to Dis- trict Annual, Mrs, R. Saunders, Mrs, R. A, Smith, Mrs, William Pellow, Mrs. G. Drewry. Report of the year's work was read by the secretary and show- ed a busy and successful year, Mrs, Russell Saunders gave a very interesting paper on Citi- zenship and suggestions regard- ing the preparations for the Roberts; Assistant, Mrs, Donna Martin; Public Relations, Mrs. | Earl Ward. Minutes of last annual meet-| ing were read, Treasurer's re- port Showed that the Institute! lroad construction throughout the southern portion of the town is also expected to be extensive. High on the priority list is the artery if current plans are ap-|C proved by Town Council. Plans are in the discussion |stuge to establish Annes and} Cochrane as through traffic| streets leading from the base line (Victoria st.) and the hos- pital, to the Third Concession (Rossland road), Furthering this plan move to have a new is a CPR replacing the wooden | Both the town and township have agreed to combine forces in projecting an engineering proposal for re-construction of tion at the Council level. Ontario County be approved, the intersection of | Cochrane and Annes at Dundas st, e. would also require atten- tion with the north and south Streets being straightened meet head on. area under advisement are the establishment of an extensive storm sewer water correction program; development of a new overpass crossing the CNR tracks and an overpass or clover leaf at the Macdonald- Cartier Freeway. _During the _next few years This is Your Invitation to visit FOX | SUNDAY, May 8 Ist. Mark's United Church Hi- c| Group nearby Catalina said his ship was worth $400,000 Reports said an explosion oc-| curred aboard the vessel, owned| by Halco Shipping Ltd. of Hali- | fax, while the eight-man crew was asleep. Edward Knickle, 72, of Hali-| fax, the vessel's cook, was the Seventeen new hearing defects were found. Of the 25 retests, indicate doh we HGrma. car ing! and 18 still 'indicate a loss. Six- teen losses were found in two ears, and 16 in one ear. Two thousand one hundred and six- seven pleted this year. Twenty-two inspections of bar- ber shops and hair dressing age of sanitary bylaws by indi- vidual municipalities. The veterinarian inspected 895 janimals. Eight were condemn- jed. Twelve portions were also) jcondemned. Coal Ship Sinks 'Loss $250,000 establishments were made to determine the need for the pass- only crew member injured and [han taken to hospital with minor hand burns. The Vagabond Prince was de- livering coal from Sydney, N.S. | Created To | /@R) Individual ALES Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 NURSERY Garden Centre Brocks St. . WHITBY 668-6162 N. Hendling @ full line of Ist Quality Nursery tock, ' the bridge. Other plans for ac-| cepting full responsibility for| }the road are under considera-| Should the new traffic artery | to Other possible changes in the! CNR overpass on Henry st. and redevelopment of Brock st. A special committee of town) council, dealing with part of the program, has been formed and |will be investigating the situa- tion in regard to boundary| roads. |\*Mother", Women's Institute Centennial, The draw was made for the quilt by Mrs. Harriet Bayes and the winner Joe Chapelle of Sut- ton West, At the close of the meeting a lovely lunch was served by Mrs. William Bonnetta, Mrs, R, A. Smith and Mrs, Earl Ward, Members are reminded to please note the change of place for the next meeting to be held |now at the home of Mrs, Rus- |sell Saunders, Coronation rd,, Brooklin, Hostesses will be: Mrs, Frank Roberts, Mrs, K, McKelvie and Mrs, Ida Simp- son, The theme will All welcome, | Speaker -- Mr. Reg. Other Services For more Information phone: SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 A.M.--(at R, A. Hutchison Publie School 4 blocks south of Blair Park Plaza) Barnicott of Toronto Family Bible Hour -- Adult Service Sunday School --- Classes for all ages, As Announced 725-9243 or 668-4576 ------ Ee Whitby Pentecostal WHAT MEANETH WHITBY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA REGISTRATION Kindergarten and Grade 1 Pupils of Kinderg and Grade 1 pupils whe will be entering school for the first time in September, 1966, will be held in Meadowerest, Sinclair and Dr, Robert Thornton Schools during the efternoon of May 3rd from 1,00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m, For KINDERGARTEN, the Registration will be for children whose Sth Birthday Is not later than December 31st, 1966. For GRADE 1, the Registration will be accepted for children whose 6th Birthday is not loter than December 31st, 1966, Pupils a, enrolled in Kindergarten do not need to register for Grade A Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, or Hospital Regis- tration card MUST BE PRESENTED ot registration, or BEFORE THE CHILD CAN BE ADMITTED IN SEPTEMBER, Biith Cer- tificates can be obtained from the Registrar General's Depart- ment, 70 Lombard Street, Toronto, Ontario, (Fee $2.00), It Is important that all beginnners register ot this time In order to make proper adjustments for next September, All porents or guardions must be Public School supporters ond reside in the Township School Area of Whitby, -- ---------- Church 307 BROCK ST, N. -- WHITBY 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--LESSONS IN LIVING" 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Special Music and Singing ACTS 2:12 THIS ? COMMUNION SUNDAY Pastor: Rey. Max Case Asst, Jon King FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH Everything for Your Gardening Needs. Open 9 a.m. to % p.m, Seven days @ Week, teen such tests have been com- | | | BONIVISTA, Nfld. (CP)--The | 392-ton vessel Vagabond Prince, | carrying $250,000 worth of coal, sank after an explosion and fire jin this Port today. Capt. eastern Newfoundland William Norman of} BROCK Evening WHITBY Feature Color by Deluxe Programs at 7 and 9:20 Starts at 7 and 9:30 Seturdey Matinee 20 th CENTER FT mes ASSOHTES A ALR COMP PRODUCTI Ws Seca TOUGHT ACY SE That's when you count on Sunnybrook Food Market. Be- cause your penny gets a lot of mileage here with special prices and low everyday prices as an alert shopper, it is im- portant for you fo analyze whether a store's special prices are offset by higher regular prices. Our customers quickly learn they don't have to pay higher. regulor prices just to save on a few specials. By gum, when you stop to think about it, your penny does a man size job at Sunny- brook Food Market. 419 Brock Street North REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT. MINISTER SUNDAY . SERVICES 9:15 A.Mne FAITH TIDINGS" RADIO BROADCAST K.L.B, = 1350 On Your Dial 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP & PRAISE Pastor's Sermon:----- "HIMSELF FOR ME" 12:00 NOON COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M. EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE Pastor's Sermon:---- "THE DEVIL FOUGHT IT' Attend The BARRY MOORE CRUSADE Civic Auditorium, Oshawa FRIDAY, MAY 6th thru SUNDAY, MAY 15th "There's Always a Welcome at Faith' SUNNYBROOK FOOD MARKETS New Store Opening © HELP WANTED ° MALE full or part time © BUTCHERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS © GROCERY CLERKS © PARCEL BOYS = Avinun Minimum FEMALE full or part time © CASHIERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS Apply in Person to: SUNNYBROOK FOOD MKT. FORMERLY STEINBERGS 114 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY All positions offer excellent opportunities, end good starting solaries, --- WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street Weat et Centre) Minister: Rev, John McLeod EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev, Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Organist Mra, W. EB, Summers, A.7.C.M,. 11;00 A.M.--"THE OFFENCE OF THE CROSS" Communion Service | 2 P.M, 1 7;00 oe ONE DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Wed, 7:30 -- | Mighty Minutes Uh ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Whitby Rev, W. J, S, McClure, B.A, Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Centre & Colborne Sts, Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. B.D, Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mra. J, L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, 9:45 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.-- "The Power Packed Heart" EVERYONE WELCOME 11:00 A.M. "INSULATION & EXPOSURE" 9:45 A.M.--Juniors, Intermediates, niors, 1) A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior, Congregation, Telephone 668-309) for information || STYLE in STEREO fine furniture with G.E, total stereo sound. MARDI GRAS Its look of distinctive elegance is designed for those with e taste for better things, The rich finish of the cabinets Is the result of twenty ---- and ofen more -- hand operations, . with the new splendour of GE TOTAL stereo sound... dimensional depth that lets you enjoy superior reproduction in any location in the room, Contemporary simplicity and elegance, in satin-finish walnut veneer, ly matched grain pattern in front panels, speakers covered by louvres found only in the most distinctive furniture, GE Exclusive Record Sover, External Pilot Light, @ New distinctive 12-pushbutton e i] contro! pane! Completely _tronsistorized "Solid State" FM/AM XL-500 Tuner with built-in Stereo. Multiplex, Automatic Frequen- ey Control, * External Switch for remote er satellite speakers, Filter ond Presence Controls, Input and Output Sockets for Garrard "A-70" automatic Stereo Tape, tronscription - type chary with lifetime guoranteed mond stylus, la- Stereo FM Indicator Beam, Dimensions: a @ 8 speakers in all-enciosed seal epee ahi " hy a ed speaker chamber, Suggested Retail .......0x:- 699. Our Price - MUCH LOWER !! INDEPENDENT SALES & SERVICE (Whitby) Ltd, Whitby Plaza Whitby 668-2081 Brock St. South Canadian General Electric's oldest authorized dealer between Toronto and Belleville, Ontario,