~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, April 30, 1966 5A Boating Pleasures Recorded On Fiim One of the pieasures of boating is recording the fun 'on film. Most people tend to over- expose pictures made on water, because water surface reflects so much more light than ground surface. An open- ing as much as_ two. stops smaller can be used when shooting over water, both im color and 'black-and-white. Generally speaking, keeping the sun "over your shoulder' is the best way to control ex- posure in boating pictures. Most '"'bad" boating pictures are the results of severe cross lighting which illuminates one side of the boat only. Back-lighting will often pro- duce dramatic pictures in sil- houete, Don't place the boat directly in the "sun streak" coming across the water, but fet the boat slip to the left or | wight of the highlight to al- flow a clearly defined outline of the boat while not losing the beauty of the highlight. Exposure is regulated in this case by the highligit. The } boat outline will be vivid but ] will not contain any detail. A "light" yellow filter (K1) is best for. all-around good re- sults. It is helpful over water to redute contrast and to | darken the sky to bring out the clouds. Too 'heavy' a ' yellow filter will tend to dark- en blue water too much. The polaroid filter is often used by photographers to elimin- ate the glare reflections from the water surface and at the same time being out cloud effects. The polaroid filter is @ great asset in water photo- graphy, but must be used carefully. Holding the camera ste..iy is one of the most important techniques to master in boat- ing photography. While hold- ing the camera steady is im- portant no matter what the conditions, it ts absolutely im- perative in a moving boat. Wait until the boat is on top of a bounce to shoot. When shooting stills of mov- ing boats, be sure to pan slightly with the moving boat, and use a faster shutter speed. The background will be bhur- red, but the boat will be sharp. The trick of panning is to pick up the moving object in the camera finder and fol- low it in a sweeping motion. When the boat seems "frozen" in the finder, squeeze the trip- : per. But be sure and continue the sweeping motion even after the shutter has been tripped. Very often, the stop is made too quickly and the benefit af panning is lost. Try to get high up and shoot a "down" angle on the sub- ject. This will show more of the boat and the people in it. Shooting from water level will only reveal heads above the gunwale. High angles abso keep the spray from your boat from blocking the sub- ject. MOTION PICTURES A solid footing is the most important part of techniques in getting good motion pic- tures on water. A slight crouch is best so that as the boat goes down the photo- grapher can straighten en- ough to offset the drop, keep- ing his subject im the centre of his viewfinder. Increase the frames-per-sec- ond counter to 32 instead of 16 or 24 gives a slight slow- motion effect. This tends to help reduce the roughness and also helps eliminate the "zip"' of boats across the living room screen. Try to pick an angle so that the boat being photographed approaches from the rear of the camera boat, comes along side, then passes. In this way the photographer keeps the boat in his frame as it gets to him without panning with it. Co. rury to still photo pro- cedure, panning of moving objects is not good technique in movie work. Hold the camera steady, let your action run through the frame. Be a safety - minded shutter- bug. Don't '"over-approach" the subject boat. Twenty-five feet is close enough for nom mal shooting. And never drive a boat and take pictures at the same time. Each is a job itself. Fiberglass Boats Need Maintenance The fiberglass boat is main- fenance free! Well, almost. Although fiberglass hulls don't require the many hours of care that wooden craft do, it's still important to pertorm some routine maintenance. The same courtesy extend- ed to a new car should be extended to a new boat. Before putting a new boat into the water, it should re- ceive a good coat of wax. This acts as a protection and also heightens the brilliance of eolored hulls. Periodic wash jobs will preserve this good appearance. In years to come, the boat should receive an annual ap- plication of a iine rubbing eompound of automobile cleaner, followed by an appli- cation of automotive wax. New products make this job even easier. Dual compounds for both cleaning and waxing are adequate for all but the most difficult jobs. If a boat has missed this annual clean- up, a heavy duty cleaner is in order, followed by a single application of a good paste wax. Surface scratches and nicks discovered during this main- tenance work can also be re- paired with a minimu of effort. According to the ex- perts, any scratch less than 0.020 inches deep can be sand- ed out using medium to fine, wet or dry sandpaper (320 to 600 grit). This will return the scratched area to its original color and produce the same shining surface. It's not necessary to paint a fiberglass boat. However, anti-fouling paint applied to the hull can cut down on marine growths. When pur- chasing this paint, be sure to specify anti-fouling paint for a fiberglass boat. ow ast Is and while you're at it, give the 60 & 80 a go, (they're new too). By the time you've got the throttle only part way open, you'll have a pretty good idea of just how fast the Evinrude 100 realty is. And you'll wonder why a motor like this one was never introduced before. You see, this is a new kind of high perform- ance outboard. It antiquates the theory that you've got to make a motor monstrously high, and let's face it. homely: ta get the kind of action you find in every Evinrude 1.00. : The Evinrude 100 is the product of the industry's most sophisticated engineering. Instead of making it bigger, Evinrude used the complex method of exhaust tuning to bring out the high power today's boating requires. It took the most advanced com- puters to work out the formula and the effect of this tuning is the same as super-charging--with- out the mechanical complications. The results feduced back pressure, a remarkable step-up in Planning a Boating Vacation? See your Evinrude dealer for free combustion efficiency, more torque, faster accebe| eration, higher speeds, more miles per gallon thag ever before with any high horsepower motor. And a few other benefits accrue, also. Being @ V4, the Evinrude 100 is gentle to your boat. Thie hundred-horse motor won't shake the transom off. | And it's quiet because it's sound-sealed to the water line. See the new Evinrude 7100 and ihe two other V4 outboards--the 60 and 80 at your Evinrude Dealer's now. There are 15 motors in the Evinrude line for 1966, and he's got them for you to see Also, OMC stern drive units: 90, 120, 150 and 200 hp. models. All Evinrudes use a 50-1 gas/oil mixture, | which increases engine life, saves wear and expense. And every Evinrude carries a full 2-year warranty. Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada Ltd., Peterborough, Canada, Manufacturers ef Lawn-Boy Power Mowers, Snow Cruiser T-Y and Pioneer Chain Saws, cic nrmaie SE VIN THE POWER OF EXPERIENCE IDE 'Burgee Flying When Visiting Mf you are going by boat make sure your club burgee is flying. Someone will be sure to spot it. Present your- self to the Club Steward or attendant with your club membership im your hand and introduce yourself. Find out where you may moor your craft without interfering with the normal activities of the club. Sign the guest book --all clubs have them. Check the signs for any rules which should be obeyed. Not ail clubs have the same ones. Much misunderstanding may be avoided by people intro- ducing themselves as to who they are and where they are from. A COMPLETE LINE OF EVINRUDES AT... Oshawa Y HARBOUR ROAD achthaven 723-8186 EVINRUDE OUTBOARDS AVAILABLE AT... Marine Storage & Supply Ltd. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS