' } oe Ex Oe a Jaca Pili BESS 2 yom : je tees ethenmlta? i pnaneden tte ae : nresivernmenry THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 30, 1966 Oe IMU LLL eeu FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSES Smaomnagg esse 81 20822 AR en Ag e INDENTATIONS IN CEILING QUESTION: We converted a large closet into a sewing room several years ago. This was a plasterboard ceiling which we painted at the time, after apply- ing a sealer first. Now the nail- head indentations are showing. How can we correct this? ANSWER: Fili the indenta- tions with spackle, allowing to dry thoroughly. Then touch up the spackle spots with shellac, thinned half-and-half with de- natured alcohol. Then repaint. PAINTED BRICK CHIMNEY QUESTION: We would like to paint the outside red _ brick chimney on our house to match the rest of the house. What kind of paint should be used? ANSWER: Use a dampproof cement base paint, applying two coats. This comes in powder form to be mixed with water. Available at large paint stores or masonry pplies dealers. Or apply a vinyl plastic latex paint, the type for use on wood, masonry, metal surfaces. GLUE ON LINOLEUM QUESTION: We recently pur- chased a house which is three years old. When the rubber base was glued on in the kitchen, a lot of glue was spoiled on the linoleum. How can this be taken off? ANSWER: Read the label of the glue container carefully; it should contain mention of the solvent recommended by the manufacturer for this particu- lar adhesive. Or consult the dealer from whom it was pur- chased, Different glues require different solvents for removal. And be careful not to allow it to remain too long on the lino- leum surface; the solvent for the glue may adversely affect the linoleum. NEW SLAB OVER OLD QUESTION: Can a concrete patio. slab be poured on top of an existing one? I've been told yes and no. The "no's" say I first have to drill drain holes in the old slab or else break it up with 'a sledge hammer. What is your opinion? ANSWER: No reason I know, why you can't pour the new slab right on top of the old. What you must do, though, is thor- oughly soak the old slab first. This is to prevent the dry con- crete from blotting the water out of the new concrete, which Ft. on both the Upper and Lower area. Design features a full carport. Living room includes fireplace, built - in book shelves and china cabinet. There are two large bedrooms with ample clo- set space, and corner windows for cross ventilation. Upstairs is practically a duplicate of the THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK o e eo £3 nwt © eek gece BED RM. ct eL CHINA 11-3 x 8-0 PLANTING 80x we an ee 3 24-8 alte epee ted Oe 11-3 x 12-4 - HALL DINING RM, T LIVING RM, 15-8 x 14 7 Fu PR : cnn Say aa) sf * s BED RM. 11-4 x 9-1 cL . BATH LIN KITCHEN lIi--4 x 8-0 DUPLEX DESIGN N0.286 EACH FLOOR 986 Sq. Ft. CARPORT . dies, ec Oo ag tg % Meret bes Se An income home with 985 Sq. basement and a_ convenient Py PORCH ) lower floor. Design is brick ve- neer and could be built on a 40 foot lot. Standard blueprints for Duplex Design No. 286 cost $25.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for additional sets. Blueprints comply with the National Buil- ding Code of Canada, and are obtainable by return mail (On- tario residents must remit 5 per cent sales tax). The new 1966 would prevent its proper cur- ing. Keep the new concrete quite damp for at least a week, to promote slow curing: This floor will be damp for quite a while, so don't be in a hurry to put down a floor covering. IN THE HOME A WORKSHOP The Building Editor, Oshewe Times, Oshawa, Ontario. [) Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE", Mail requests 10c extra. poyable te The Oshawa Times), eceeeerereereseeesersesaseresiaues Design Book entitled '101 sel- ected suburban and country Ho- mes designed for Canadians", price $1.00 tax free, is now av- ailable at the Newspaper office (or from Homograf Company of Canada, 40 Jarvis at King E., Toronto Ont.). This edition in- cludes information on the cost of building in Canada, Finan- cing, heating, insulation, con- structional details, etc., plus many outstanding new ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and Duplex Designs. Full details on how to order Blueprints are also inclu- ded in this book. Casting Champ Puts On Show The Junior Newcastle Sports. man's Club, who meet at the Simeoe Hall Boys' Club, East- view, had Miss Donna Monty give a casting demonstration this week in the Boys' Club Gymnasium, : Miss Monty won the Cana- dian and American Indoor Ladies' Casting Championship in 1964. She also holds the Cana- dian Outdoor Casting Cham- pionship. The Simcoe Hall Boys' Club is a Member Agency of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest. | Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. -- @ LLOYD CORSON, President e@ DK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec.Trees 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 Mister TOWERS TOWERS ANY HEIGHT TO 100. FT. ATTRACTIVE ADDITION ONLY TWO CLAMPS ON THE HOME EASILY MOVED "GFD" SPECIALLY DE- SIGNED FOR BEST COLOR trom COMPLETELY INSTALLED Phone 723-9525 and let MISTER TOWERS Your Towers Specielist Give You Tops ia Tower Reception Everythina on Display et 378 KING ST. WEST (Please moke remitt GATES , A BEAUTIFUL GATE can be a distinctive feature of your yard or garden. Pattern 453 gives directions and _ actual- size cutting guides for the four unusual designs shown here. So, somewhere on your grounds, make a path with an entrance gate. This pattern is 50c. It also is in the Yard and Garden Packet No. 59 which is full of ideas for garden lovers -- all for $1.75. The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, DO IT NOW! FERTILIZE DON'T LET YOUR LAWN STARVE @ So-Green 7-7-7 @ Greenfield 20-5-5 Rundle Garden Centre Lid. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN 1015 KING E. e Cc. i. L. 10-6-4 725-6551 728-6218 CORLON 80 Simcoe N. ROSS E. 25 YEARS SELLING AND INSTALLING BROADLOOM, LINO, 728-6218 MILLS and TILE NEW ... NEW SEAMLESS EVER-GLOW NEVER WAX FLOORS Plastic Underlays To Level Concrete OSHAWA 728-6218