10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, April 29, 1966 Secret Defence Seen Against Cancer Ills An immunity against can- cer? Researchers are highly intrigued by that question today, and slowly, some answers may be forthcom- ing. This is the second of two articles. By JOHN BARBOUR Associated Press Science Writer ey ere 1 5 ti sai : = | NEW YORK (AP)--In dozens normal requirement in assaying ' ments, although information is|,hibodies in test .tubes when of laboratories, scientists are fo- cussing on one question: Does man harbor a secret defence against caneer--and can it be called upon to fight human tu- mors? Most researchers believe the answer is yes, but the way of proving it is elusive. Dr. Lloyd Old of the Sloan- Kettering Institute of Cancer Research works with ways of mobilizing the weapons of im- munity against cancer. Despite some recent reports which im- ply promise, he is unsure how long the search will take. No one at present can tell|communications the details of res . : how close or how far pesekbeiline tehmiel to. other labors response, two showed complete ; the technigie to other labora-' joss of tumor at least temporar-|complete e x pe rim ental ma- is from a proven' vaccine against cancer, or a proven anti-serum against tumors. Scientific opinion is varied: Encouraging, but preliminary. Promising,' but use caution. i Wayne State : 4 : woe in St te ve. | full - time chemists, immunolo- ported he was working on a niyersity : gists, cancer experts and sur-|tentative and experimental vac- search team told of preliminary work on a small number of i g entative | ,. . cancer patients and a tenta fine whatever it is that seems to organs. It was being tried on effort to prod their body de- fences against their disease. YOUTH IN OLD FIGHT The group is young. Dr. Nor- bert P. Czajkowski, a resident at Detroit Receiving Hospital, and Dr. Fred R. Cushing, a res- ident at Harper Hospital, are 27. The group's immunologist, Melvyn Rosenblatt, a sopho- more medical student at Wayne State, is 29. But the group has some experienced overseers in Dr. Paul L. Wolf, professor of pathology, and Dr. Richard Bing, head of the university's department of medicine. They have treated 20 patients with what they hoje is an anti- body-stimulating method. Two had complete loss of tumors, eight showed some tumor abate- ment, and 10 others died. The medical school issued this statement: } "The cancer method so far has been primarily used as an experimental tool and has been found promising in animals. It) has shown some hope of being scientifically interesting in pa- tients. "We feel that because of its primary scientific interest, its clinical use should be carefully controlled; therefore, this uni- versity will continue its search and make its findings available in the scientific literature as they develop." URGES CAUTION In New York, Dr. Harold Diehl, American Cancer Society vice-president, urged caution. "This is an encouraging report | of some further work in the promising field of immu- nology," he said. "It is clearly preliminary, based on a few cases." Still, even critics concede that the work could hold an interest- ing idea on how the body's de- fences might be mobilized against cancer. The Wayneresearchers sought a way of doing this by linking sample cells from a pa- tient's tumor to material the body would recognize as for- eign -- and by reinjecting the linked material into the patient. To obtain known foreign ma- terial, they chose the rabbit-- clearly a genetic stranger to man. From the rabbit they tock globulin, a protein part of the blood. The cancer cells were taken from a patient at biopsy, linked ganiz chemical. The cancer cells then were in- jected back into the same pa- tient. Researchers believe they recognized a spectrum of anti- bodies --including aganets against the rabbit globulin, against the tumor itself, and THE 15 THE LAST WEEK ! R4GE STARTING JULY Isr JOIN BEFORE MAY Ist ENROL ToDAy/ ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN complex is some cross-reactivity between | 'tumor antigens, and they would) would like to know the biochemical) e nature of the antigens. Dr. Bing | against the larger, | molecule. Outside. researchers \like to be sure, by testing th method and the serum in their) own laboratories, that there} |was indeed a response by the| 'patient to the tumor in terms of antibodies. Such outside verification is a ja new development. 'MAY AWAKEN DEFENCES There would be two items of; import in the Detroit work, be-| sides a usable therapeutic 'tech-| nique, First, the doctors may have demonstrated that human tumors do have the ability to awaken the antibody defences. Second, the presence of the more-recognizable rabbit jtein may. have enhanced the |body's antibody response. The Wayne scientists say they, are intent on having others dup-' licate their work, and are try- ing to disseminate in private pro-| tories. They intend, too, to pursue their own experiments further. They estimate they will need some $200,000 a year to support) a new research team, including geons. Next they want to try to re- produce the antibody response. They would like to see if there! said the group may be a year There are also pians else- where to use animals to develop antibodies to human tumors, but he questions persist in these in- stances on whether the human body would develop antibodies to animal-produced antibodies, negating the effect. SEARCH FOR PROD Besides these rather spectac- ular approaches, there are a hundred more quiet projects in- volving long and difficult serum work, trying to determine whether cancer cells do have a prod that the body's defences will recognize, | Some researchers have found |immune proteins produced by and a half away from a con- trolled study in humans. STUDY HUMANS ' x leukemic cells, and suggest that we renee, a is al-|cuch cells might be mobilized ready. a -part of other experl-'ty produce large amounts of scarce, At Roswell Park Memo-| Tel Wellies la Bela, NY. (Co ee several studies involving hu- mahs have been performed re- cently. Some researchers are probing normal cells to find the nature of antigens on these cell sur- Dr. Sigmond H. Nadler and faces in hopes they will tell Dr. George E. Moore reported | Something about abnormal anti- they had exchanged small parts | 8°"S- of tumors between individuals to) Whatever the approach, the try to get one cancer patient to|impact of the slightest hint of develop antibodies to the tumor! good news often brings a great of another. Then, they reaped| but premature reaction from pa- the white blood cells from each|tients prepared to grasp at a cancer patient and reinjected|straw. | them into the original tumor) After one recent report, one | donor. They have been 'quiet' hospital recorded 1,200 tele- about results. Of 26 full-term | phone calls and. hundreds of patients, seven showed some telegrams and letters, most of them pleading for the yet-in- ily, and five showed some de- terial. In this and similar cases, crease in tumor size, AU but|researchers must reply that ac- one case was black cancer of| cess to the experimental work is the skin. simply impossible. At the same institute, a year) And none of the immunity ago, Dr. James T. Grace re-|techniques to date are desir- able for use on human patients at the expense of conventional treatment, they emphasize For the present, immunity, vaccines and serums against have|cancer remain merely a hope. |But the work goes on. cine against leukemia--cancer of the blood and blood-forming humans, but no results been reported. | | cool half llion (pints a day, that is) $13,213 armed robbery of the Royal bank of Canada at Plan- tagenet, Ont., last November. A Get 15-Year Each \third man in the holdup died of L'ORIGNAL, Ont. (CP) --|bullet wounds following a gun George Watson, 36, formerly of|battle with police at the scene. Toronto, and Richard Frank} The money was recovered a Latta, 31, of Belleville, were|/few miles from the bank. sentenced Wednesday to 15) Tuesday, Watson and Latta years each in Kingston peniten-|dismissed their legal aid coun- tiary following convictions onjsel, Hawkesbury lawyer Rene charges of armed robbery. Martin, and Watson took over The pair were tried for theithe defence. 2, Armed Robbers WHAT'S A QUALITY MASS PRODUCED POOL LIKE? ONLY $29.95. rer mont Budget-priced. Beautiful! Full size with deep diving area. Permanent, durable materials. 10-year guarantee, Rugged galvanized steel sides -- won't rust, corrode, crack, warp. Beautiful viny! interior never needs refinish- ing. Low as $29.95 a month for 16' x 32', 5 years to pay. Phone for more facts. partan GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. CANADA LIMITED 725-9151 Evenings 725-3661 690 DRAKE ST, é sions Visit... 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