Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1966, p. 30

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a Pd 7, Rea GN A ee Se gore epee Hi isin a an ol "30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1966 'To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire ..: Read and Use Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets ¢ and Livestock SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT WANTED, -- (Good home, tor rs SINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | wat greg © yay) as sear nets DEATH For Auto Service OWNED yy a e h r p er j GOOD USED FURNITURE, het have Kear er = # | WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Thursday Pape you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond' Street West, ' LAND An ; Y/ Soy, ee fea ri For The WANTED ' 76 BUY - = - Billiard fable and . | . . | . ° HS ESTATE ee p mouth, ntiac, 'e correc pil aon os Fo ie ood coma Accountants Borristers |Gardening and Supplies |\Janitor Service one ' ie! whsel alignment. insckcl and Phone 723-7609 after 5 p.m. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-|/ HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and bass \A-] WINDOW CLEANERS way t ' correct castor and camber, OPENING 13--Articles For Rent ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa,|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% align toe-in and toe-out to Kin, - Ontario, T 723-1 Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Hunibhrey.| iad Ml 5,500,000, . gs Ri ae WAND CE: QC; G, $. Boychyn, QCi W. A. Hillman, | GARDEN TIME | @ Homes @ Commercial @ cus & i correct condition .... 6.88 WALL, UREKIN 8 oer wsgy riyy Hfg Meae| CE D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. oe | Industria] @ Window Clean- / f i @ Parts extra if required Of The ' vllansogs 3 725-6539; William C. Hail, rss bp Pasties whit, ing and Janitor Service @ " ; } @ Torsion bar adjustment RENTALS B.comm., CAi David G- Perkin» CAI) other first funds availa | NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX Modern Equipment and Ex- : extra ian, CA svat 2 ; 4 / Moe SEABLE ARB 0, Charter: Fy pyc eye . igh bet ma PARKLAWN GRASS MIX ys eo ° / e B R | OF ALL KINDS nd ® arrister and Solicitor, ak re SUPERFINE GRASS MIX ree Estimates, reall vis a BRAKE SPECIAL | "te REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- ed Accountants, Financial | tng, io) King Street East, Osha 7 On| SHeet. Office hours: # am. - $30 Pm) SUBURBAN GRASS. MIX Call 668-3239 Whitby REDUCING, EQUIPMENT : : 1, CA os OP SHEE Pie I as , 10 - ee Lokew, CA. [Building Trodes INDIVIDUAL GRASSES {Money To Loan « Readies A cir Papel ine hata hart: Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- PEAT MOSS ly WiLL LOAN to 95000 at \ | : BY ONE HAND AND per month, : ae scopes laa QUALITY CARPENTRY SO-GREEN 7-7-7 | reasonable rate of interest to 'consolidate ¥ S | / GAINED WEIGHT WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL | a eC g PLUMBER s TOOLS -- Pipe ae Se PAIRS SO-GREEN PREMIUM your bills or for any other worthwhile | ING inciudl h heal cleaning rods, pipe. vise GORDON R. DAY, Certified General & GENERAL RE GARDEN SO-GREEN purpose providing you are steadily em- S Z nt ncluding weights per whee é tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa ShoP-) For aij your home improve- MILORGANITE |ployed and have good credit, Telephone ' SRB each ... 1.95 cutters, pipe threading dies, ping Centre, 725-9953. iit problune, collie fiat Psee gece F Pe WAS ARE SHE ONLY ' A \ SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT- at toilet auger. RGREEN 6. BEES THAT CAN REACH hy 24 END WORK AT COMPARABLE PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- Ny da PLENDER, HASKINS 7 hartered Accountants: G. re EVERGREEN 6-9-6 |Mortga es 4 'A ; 78 f Z marry RIA; B. R. | Waters, ca 725 8576 GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 ih. an? Ru lig De PRICES King Park Plaza stepladders, ladder jocks, coe Sere ee - me = Than have @ talk with eur | GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD | ' ~4iNG AND KNLLIKG DO MINION steel scaffolding, compressors, Sk PE wi 'om Ne KILL ' Lcjgpinc aly oct Be | BONEMEAL | WN ne King and Park Rd. S. Spray guns, wallpaper steam- eee nee Far. intermation call 725] An 4,8, GRINDING, | refaciog and SHEEP MANURE pinaltitae - W ican Sponr'in bunore | ' ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, t needs. chani ; | one More' Inormation 'call 6eaR | CL. 10-10-10 OP amt Hl i TIRE STORE Oshawa is 1 Bae ee BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- aoe is boxteeing rte ory €*| EAVESTROUGHING installed cleaned, CAL. 4-12-10 LO A NS t ete bookk: y i Come) repaired. See our exclusive patented GARDEN TOOLS | 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH ous Mae roa, wheat blue Cn ih, 725-0397, |. 723-7605. screen, stops clogging. Guaranteed 10 B arena ' 4 ULK GARDEN SEEDS SSL er ASSEN ears, Dial 723-0966. i . : | JOREPH_GUTMANA, cr "Bond Street | rearere BUG KILLERS Moneys available for first | Septic Service Well Drilling--Digging | TELEPHONE 725-6511 | tric vibrator, air compressor, East Telephone 773-4833. pis Bg be eceate. rca FUNGICIDES and second mortgoges. fe | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt cra | WELL E "Sewing hr alg srg jock hammers, hand trowels, square foot. All work guaranteed. 723-0281. WEED KILLERS | mortgages. No bonus. First | on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street higgins Pap eel By goats ees | | REE formica cobinet water pumps, portable heat- Barristers YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim- OPEN ALL DAY mortgages, second mortgages |West, Whitby, 668-2563. Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3808. Value $79.00 ers, steel scaffolding, electric josarn P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. ney built, , repaired) gas linings installed; and agreements for sale pur- 'Surveyor ee ee >. P \ --| YAMAHA | with ony regular priced Elna. | generator, ramset power rol- . 4 roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997. Hae chased | 2-----Persona | ler lect h ; Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street | roots re Lona Monday Saturday | bs se \White Elna Sewing Centre $, electric hammers, mas | M. F. SWARTZ | DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario) po as hae | SPORTSCYCLES 38 Bond 4h onry saw, building jacks, EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot Daily Deli a. | includes grading and _ two-year dea | ai elivery ' Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints. i | | THAN, N, MURDOCH, an 5841 is 2 King St. Eost IH Ontario Street, 725-5632. | Marie Murduff will be in | All modes now available. | 725-7181 | wah mixers, mortar boxes, 25-711 chain hoist, miter saw, elec- nT9 ving. 1 OR Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, | © 4 Gicron, carta Building, (§ simess ARP R. coms an = COO ER - SMITH Oshowa, Ontario |W: SLIM AND TROLLOPE? Ontario Lendl Oshawa, May 2nd, 3rd and 4,000 miles full warranty, ny hawa, etc. Free estimates. Phone collect "Don", ors, 11 . Phy Eraghton, aC) ar resents. oN ada lie oy p 723-4697 | Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone| 4th. Phone Genosha Hotel Drynan, Webch age "gan Oo COMPLETE HOME 1 iMPROVEMENTS| = . cy ree ZF : QC, 723-4768; 3. C. Victor, 957115.) cy your satisfaction. Call Oshawa/ TV--Radio Repairs e len, la --gecctera Fae Howe improvements, 725-9428. | ay "= ELECTROLYSIS ' erristers, age 6 pra H GREER AND Rac Fae ne Seg ROOFING, 1 hot tar and gravel, ; shingles, | 16 Celi P For Conventional | 723- 464] 72-2078. Residence Phones; JM. Greers| Reohing' land Construction. 7254037. mune, ot: | MORTGAGES | APRIL SALE ONLY e TAUNTON 80. 8 eyes , 725-9368;, Terence V. Kelly, QC,| 3 bon SEWIN 'a | . E. i p.m, r] Sye'ses2; 'Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,| EAVES TROUGHING. Free estimates.|723-2312 --- 723-1139 vO PERIENCED ATTENTION [SEWING CLASSES pe 'pins 10, te Just East of 5 Points) Oshawa 195 King W. 728-4241? S TA N S 725-2662. Guaranteed work. Murray Holliday. Tele Sewing Center. Half price summer rate.| Discover the swinging world of Whitby 1206 Dundas E, 668-66 42|/Sharpening & Rentals Ltd ES MACDONALD, BA, LLB,|Phone 725-9404 EST. 1909 APPRAISALS Dial 725-5443 for enrolment schedule. | bi: mash : ELIE and Solicitor and Notary Pub- ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- GRAND OPENING! LADY would like ride to Ajax, arriving! YAMAHA BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| 233 King St. W., Oshawa lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King) roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-}/==~=~=~~~SSCS;«;7;7;7;73;7; : Contact 'all 942-0150 local 26 between : LEED TN lg ny Oh Elmer, Hampton 263-2 294! Phone 723-3224 West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking/piaces, masonry. Gord May, Whitby } ELDON KERR O S eg y oe FLOOR COVERING -- Clear out of dis- +2695. available, 7254716 or 725-4717. pscnaao STOR ATO . SPRI NG SALE at MISTER T WER 7 | Sontinues Patent. He er tam) ergs v TOWERS SPECIAL -- dofool toi ver|~ lh } | a 88, a t - Classified Rates er ia craves, extirier' pining. LLOYD METCALF For Best T.V. Reception Call (3 --Sportsman 's Column Church Street. 7 eucure. ai WV sony Tinted, toon, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Cement work. Insulation blowing service; Real Estate Ltd MISTER TOWERS |SMELT FISHING equipment, gun Ii-| GOLF EQUIPMENT -- THUNDER BIRD| Road East, Just east of Ritson Road, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee WORD ADS 4h rvice. 723-8416. a | cences. New and used guns, fishing| Golf Club. Save up to 50 per cent at our|GUNS -- B. ; Urns, Punch 0% i Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, ys 08; | | NURSERY STOCK 40 King St. E., 728-4678 | SPECIALISTS IN tackle boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond|spring sale. Both new and used equip-| at art's tn Soi baa tee ct Wear, Men's ae whine h: : 7 provements, dditional words, 4Y2c. each; 3 | chtclaecanip basic saeiisleeliiy anes | Street West. ment available. 655-4952, a 4 words, $2. 88; general construct Eg guaranteed work and all TOWERS reet Wes ___ | 728-9731, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. LIFTED HER (most popular cars), First tario, 725-3509: $. T Hopkins, CATH. ©. s3 i i ario, 725: rs ee 4. = WHOLE Bopy |. Quality Royaline TIMOTHY & ALSIKE Priced from $279. ; , tric plane, tarpaulins, sand -871] All models on display, im- auger, ascillating sanders, 723-87 mediate Delivery, Low down disc sanders, acetylene weld- | payment, $19 monthly, Com-~ Ing outfits, 200 amp electrie RO-DON SPORTS plete line of sccemoried. Open welders, | | 725-6881. on these dates for cppoint- | 10 a.m, to 10'p.m, | SUZUKI blaster, power post hole | | secutive insertions of 2 manship call 668-21 |WANTED -- Members for trout lub,| BUY "AND SELL -- - Good used furniture BUY AND ow foci ig del Ie, (each, 6, can | ROOFING chimneys, all types of cement | GARDEN SUPPLIES | "FIRST and SECOND AERIAL |$125 for season. Write D. eg and appliances. McNei's Furniture (for-| and FB ag God used org re SARGEANT'S RENTAL additional words 2l¢. each, |work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank up to 40% off | MORTGAGES ROTORS [2 Millprook: Ont ay Whitby. 66eSale 215 Dundas! Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. S McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061. ? i ---- NEW, USED vacuums, is 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 aig ne hieiee | § ' - a 5, polishers. Re Cherge--10 per cent additional charge | OSHAWA All Classes April Discount Special \5--Trailers BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used. i CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING." Cer- -- City, Rural, Vacation -- 50' Structor All Wove Aerial Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| Sar teeatll,makes. New hoses. Plione/ HONDA -- suzuki, scooter. Rentals. 199 if not paid within 8 days. | amie. bathrooms Armstrong Corlon or , i Kin . | a, Piha West, ha Method ef Counting -- Less thon 24]Til@ floors. Home renovations. Free esti GAR DEN CENTRE SUMMERLAND ONLY $59.95 GOLDEN FALCON | ster Se eer FILTER QUEEN Sales and Seri 'Ice,| 728 Fala ° ° Me words; each word, | mates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036. 1259 5 North SECURITIES. LIMITED 40' $49.95 t |GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, Honest Repairs to all. makes Vacuums, Free dati, words counts os See iar counts | MEW PLASTERING ond : ; imcoe ort a S E alia Cal's. Bargains while They last. 205 John| mates. 323 King West, 728-7552. anTaRTARTOT Fifty to one hundred initial, figure or abbreviation and repairs, stucco, | 112 ; Call ORBIT Street East, Whitby, 668-6361, as Bh ia people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban as one word; phone number counts | sidewalks, remodelling, fae rooms. Free Heed Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 Miter foware Te-dev CORSAIR vino -- SYP EWRITERE ay 7 a REPAIRS fo fishing rods and rela, ond|quels, parties, weddings, Ber, 'Kitchen, two words. . 'o0ds, '3 or -- -- TY BR AOR SERRA 4 i new, j\all | parking, 723-21 | 728-4717. | SPRING CLEAN-UP FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avall-| For your Home Survey 'ss brand new electric adders, $89.3 factory her 0d OHTie one Wee hed deals i ca La Birk RR . BIRTHS --DEATHS-- race | @ Planting @ Sodding @ (20% W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock} Installations in all areas in- TRAVEL TRAILERS ponerse: Savy FS 5 With Bill HamnttiOr. Tot. Yuu cones), Sale reanere Same Sen Rene ait SOCIAL NO oarpen ry Street North, Whitby 668-3338. Fj an, sce iclinissssecliphtaisiess ox - Rentals, | @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ | cluding Newcastle, Bay rr inno | ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, Incty and|Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, scone "calliog pcligss Rand ig) bri |A-l CARPENTRY, new and remodelling) @ Everaieahs e Gnding e begiod Basen iD CORPORATE. monies Ridges, Port Perry, Brooklin, | SUBWAY TRAILER PARK | [rebut guaranteed ae ak. Ton g.fwarter tower structure with da uble| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds ' 22-1 ¥ 4 jand repairs. Free estimates. Telephone @ Marion ond Kentucky Blue- ments. of sale purchased: Creighton | ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY AND SALES price You're tight, come: to Rites serial, $39.95, Telephone 72341131. reducing machines, sick room supplies IN MEMORIAMS 68-8014. D met i liner, d VACUUM CLEANER SALE -- now, at| Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 - ----| grass @ Complete landscop- | Arynan Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar-) 378 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA Padi your Singer Sewing Center. Terrific sav- - $2.00 for the first 35 words ond 5c risters'".) 1010 DUNDAS ST. £ = iii aad iad = I of li ; -- snes FT i id + oe | USED STEEL STENO chairs, swivel j 4 t Sah ee eras "charge if not \Cartage -- -- a ms 959-9020 FIRST AND SECON rh ual Call Mister Towers To day WHITBY | base, casters, $16.; new $27. executive 7h sds tor yn trial, mee eee 1 Business Opportuni n ies paid 'within 8 days. lane WITH | large and one small i if agreements purchased and sold. Hennick 723-9525 arm filters, $47 new. We discount. Bill CARDS OF THANKS Bloor St. East | 'i : 'Ageargenens er Ree FILING cabinets, four-drawer $2.00 for the first 35 words and 5c. ;|Dentistry_ reer ne first 1,000 towers sold. Win- Auth Deal f lock, $40. Also other sizes, Typewriter gition, _Selephone 729-7282, TEXACO eoch thereafter with 250, eaditions lean ok jou A, oa Musical Services ners will receive portable TV uthorized Cealers for: tables, $14.90. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. FRESH HOMEMADE Sauerkraut, @ fders SERVICE STATIO ies cag | Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa SMITH'S SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable. Ex| pos eared Tetune, @ Citation @ Glendette rene, a 2 poco Figo Hes, |niversary parties." Telephone 7255052 N COMING EVENTS whe or appointment, 728-5171. TREE FARM eg er reliable, reasonable. Phone|-----------------------------|_ @ Corsair @ Rambler |eoatece, We cere eeeraars Rae Jone TELEVISION, stove, "automatic wi-sher, restaurant 20 seats, grocery f 50 $2.10 per inch (display); Ae 50 forthe | BIALEK, DR. | ental Surgeon, | | $1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nel dryer, refrigerator, 8 pc. dining too | | @ Truck Campers pt INL Mancino suite, 3 brush floor polisher. Tetaphone| Fi Fully stocked, new DOUBLE | |truck for rent. Reasonable rates. 728-1892 I SC and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street| Hamilton, Raglan, BEAVER garden tractor, plough. and : y HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING East, 723-7232 ee 9 street) Lucky number draw on the Parts and Ac Hess Mion | cultivator, 7 horse poser. In aa €on n ; i - : ae? see and Sc. each thereéfter a oe Street, North, Oshawa. | For e Cadol poste =~ poles 'Nursing Homes P, : : ' |GUARANTEED used wringer was 728-6956. GARAGE can be used fo: @ Manure, topsoil, mulch Beith calc ee TV TOWERS arts-Service-Hitches-Awnings | television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and r cor * e . IaMMY €6~6ar infoornatinn rey iri AUCTION SALES |Dressmaking Cedars for hedges |BALLY CLIFF LODGE, overlooking Lake [Alcan Furniture'and Appliances, 482 Sih | axrise rn nee, | ot Ceneaamnaae ga Prag u $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, Ont Qualified 24h jcoe South, 723-0011 A White birch, evergreens, |Ontario. Qualified nursing care 24 agiad | ECONOMY AND COOK FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, excelllent con:| FISHING BAIT -- Live worms, selling on account of health, "MODERN DRESSMAKING'--i2 Prince | Reasonable rates, Telephone 942-0357. DEADLINES | Street NOW OPEN! Ladies' made-to-| shade trees. Call collect its, skirts, wot lomers' ioaterisi suber series car| Newtonville 786-2283 |Optometrist | dition, $65. or best offer. 'eleph 728- crawlers, minnows, Oshawa Live A I DELUXE RAILER SALES pie r ler. Telephone isp Neloon street t { Wolfed East), pply owner, RD ADS Priced to suit your budget Simcoe North pe cramer meee in| PNG TRE OF 723-7148. 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Ae ~ EEN TON F : ¥ uage | ee 24¢INCH GAS STOVE, al ; tel BiB ct ks, ESE OER Pp sonable prices, F. RICHARD BLACK, 136 Simcoe! TERMS ARRANGED (past city limits) tric stove, iwsploce' elke boo beeen EIGHT STORM WINDOWS, one }icture S. HUSSEL, | | LOST AND FOUND EXPERIENCED dressmaker: LADIES LANDSCAPING Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa. rn 723-9534 chesterfield suite, 48-inch headboard,|Window, two aluminum -- combi nation '0 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION wear, girl's wear, and alterations, Tele- 723-4191. imitation firepl Tel doors. Good condition, reasonable, Tele- ; ae ani eat |phone 723-1729. with stone. Patios, walkways, P 7 D OSHAWA TV 6 ne he scones A phone 7987502 RR2 Cameron, Highway. 38 ! DRESSMAKING and minor allerations,, steps, retaining walls. Free aintin an ecoratins SUPPLY LIMITED NE 125 : WEDDING DRESS, © or caaeanand 2 f c.c.'s. Best offer! Telephone 72! 6757 satin, chapel length Pret OF MECATION eck Mr iseawieseite ._Telephone Leceined bl Ree ing 1 ge Jecorating 03 U | SATALLITE 66 after % os ont Aerervens ans train, matching headpiece, bouffiant veil; DEALERS tn the Osi Pickering, estimates. 2 hia hte ha Pate | PAINTING, a h ing, di ting. | ae 1: 12. Perfect cong . Vv -|Bowmanville, Port Hi 1M MEMORIAMS and EXPERT TAILORING and dressmakira| Norland natural stone {belt nowi™Pree 'eimeincan'e,| = | AUNTON ROD. E. REFRIGERATOR, -- Gibson, are al mee a ES CARDS OF THANKS for ladies' and children's wear. 668-6248. | Just E f R 1,145 | Schmidt, 725-9572. | ast East of Ritson | Standard 14 ft. $1,14° range, four-burner, Beach, $35 ch. TT Ra --~-- |$2,000 secured by product and i * pm. DAY PREVIOUS EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING and Ask for John | Deluxe with toilet $1,295 | Telephone 263-2569. FULLER BRUSH = Teoh Gl sytime| ment. Complete 'new service Type. bus alterations. 375 Poplar Street, Apt. 2, 728 EXPERT painting and ¢ . Bo It) i oe 773-0444; eve ness with no overhead and no cpmpetl- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 725- 7800 now while we have time av: . Free} ] 3-8] 3] "Everything for Trailers" VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, ROTO-TILLER, one-year-old, 3 hp leriggs.|tion. We train you in simple "an me 1 column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col-| BRIANNE -- Suits, coats, dresses,| TOP SOIL with or withouf manure, also | brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. estimates. 728-0257. | if Fleming Vacuum 'Service, Mein Street,| Stratton motor. Telephone 723-8425". cess so you can be your own boss umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous. | alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting almanure for sale. William Kuzik 668-3906| EXPERIENCED PAINTER "and decora- MILLER'S | Pickering. FRIGIDAIRE range, walnut dinigigroon 'ae and up per year. Call collect Sich CAviCks Ano specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-7372. | or 668-6980. seal poll "Felepnone 720-958. Free AJAX 94 3 9] REFRIGERATORS, $24.95) beds, $12;| Suite, five-piece kitchen set, com#&ination| CORRECTIONS Gard ning ond Supplies | 00D FIELD sod, iaid or delivered. Spe-| ans 2-34 __|new 'smooth-top mattresses, $19.95;|Bookcase_and desk. Telephone _7:13-7203./] 5 Fan lovment Wanted 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION ardening an upplies clal rates for builders, Call 623-5246, |Plumbin, and | Heati TELEVISION -- RADIO ixoncen cate ot come) stoves, $24.95) cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95|NORGE refrigerator, self defi costing, ¥ ener emarest ssoameas ping trailers, Four $54.95; dressers, chrome i |TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim. Or Ill cut| i se Hi-Lo th fold - aluminum | sere" siice, Guns, new and used. Valley |sutaple for cottage, $35. Whitby 58-3008. /DAY CARE AVAILABLE for pre-scheel Any advertisement cancelled / before E Eall Slim, OF Vil cu 24 HOUR SERVICE ors Foon silver Liner carntran wane| sets radios. Guns, new and used. Valley aT Ol children, Telephone Whitby 668-63 publication will be charged one day's |them down Free estimates. 725-5118 or AL PLUMBING AND HEATING op srallers. ian canbe ee ee bo Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. PORTRAITS done in. oils, | apaitels pot elephone Whitby 668-6363, nsertion. -0610. |plies. Telephone , Haro vas type. Reasonable, all In good condi- --_---- charcoal of you or your children. For| TYPING and " ervi ssa ASPHALT GARDENING AND LAWN. Custom work| Stark (td. Plumbing, Heating and Engl- tion, Apply corner of Solina Road at No. CUSTOM PICTURE framing, any size.|more information telephone 728-4 872. reports, Boia Mecrotarial Me vice, letters, BOX NUMBER RENTAL--50c RI with Rototiller evenings and weekends, neering, 255 Simcoe Street South. | 2 Highway, six miles east_of Oshawa. _| Cal) Bill DeGraalt of Clark Studio, 668-/iOUSEHOLD goods to be sold as \quickly| Phone 723-8445. While every endeavor will be made D VEWAYS Telephone 725-8931 |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeiling, | TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, oli --------~--=-emmmmon=| 4S possible, Large refrigerator, ¢ hester-| DAY CARE available for one or twi © forward replies to box numbers to BIRCH TREES any size, cedar for\new and used materials. Reasonable; also all types of welding done, reason- GARDEN TRACTOR, 7 Telephone) field suite, like new. RCA sterea; crib:| school children, Granaven, Olive, "9 pre the advertisers as soon as possible, Pre Season Special hedges: and Lombardy Poplars. Tele-|ates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley able. Portable equipment for rent. 723-| after 6 o'clock, Whitby 668- 8404. dresser and chest; bathinette. Api >ly 394) mount area. Telephone 725-6718. we accept no liability in respect of| oO; h 728-9530. 372 King treet West. ----- - --_-- | FI FOTRONICS 840. REFRIGERATOR 375 ore near offer, Good|Glenmar Street, top of Gibbons, sefter 5 mS oss or damage alleged to arise| Order now save up to 25% |Phone 2 i SW 8 Se HORDE (sas 15 Caen py Als only. 17__Female Hale Wa hYOUGA éitner Taillure or delay in tor-| C : ; ° a § as NOW Wakes Be eat aaa outers sane Sree Sree re Save ae j Good Financing Available Instructi | Sports, 353 King Street West| Two PIECE chesterfield suite and din: warding such replies, however caused] 9 Lili daldeded from 9 until 6 p.m ette suite. Both In excellent condition. 9--Market Basket whether by negligence or otherwise. | 1 te ati | tai SERS i DRE SY MOO AREAS SRE TE TR EO Tha Times' wilt ner te remonitie t:| Low as $2 per week @ NOW OPEN e@ FOR PROMPT SERVICE BRAND NEW 'seven-foot, two-wheel Sox| Apply 296 Grenfell St. Apartment 23 after| No.1 ONTARIO potatoes. Free a slivery. replies uncalled for in 20 days. All work guaranteed for 2 F| NISH Serving Leahy Bowmanville | CALL trailer Apply 76 Brock Street West, Osh-|5 ore wees sees ai tani Also seed potatoes. and apples. Teh ephone SENIOR years. Please call for free es- and area j RE Se oe | PIANO -- upright and small wood bass REGULATION aed | me ; tte with mattress, Best offer, T GU ONS timbates and advice anytime DARLINGTON Whitby- 668- 267? HL Dae PEER cae ee tna DB al hae sgl alo 10--Farmer's Column s four, Propane gas stove and oven, The Oshawa Times will not be re- oe | SERENE OS HERE SEE LIOIN sponsible for errors in advertisements | 723-0381 | HIGH S( HOOL UPHOLSTERY ~ ------_____--______ lice" "box, electricity. Telephone Hampton) FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|pEAD AND CRIPPLED farm submitted otherwise than in writing not} 102 King W., Bowmanville 263-2574, _ ae ity furniture, only $299., Inc. complete! picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, for more than one insertion of any BONDED ASPHALT H tud a hd te | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED |HousE TRAILER, homemade, sleeps|bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem-| Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampi on 263- advertisement nor beyond the price| ane: Sey i aneree yeu 623-7341 five, Must be seen to be appreciated. |bles. Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable |o701, Licence 4-C-66. chorge for a single insertion in which! : write Ontario provincial ex- Bac? | ames ee WER value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 ~_ ew - A PAVING CO Telephone 725-8582. SEED POTATOES, cobbi a seb Required for Ajax firm. Must error occurs. . oeminations for recoginized CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re RE THE BES inmvenctiias | SUNGDS -.S. Taeohone 2 a ~ Cobbler an sebago. be abl ie taks ledger a trial ; ee | styled. Free estimate. See our materia! E BUY, sell and excnange used furni- ee The Oshawa Times reserves the right certificate. Grades 6-13. All |ior "recovering. Slip. covers made' to ine ee you ha vd The City) TRACTOR Massey - Harris 8i,. Plow,| balance, Reconcile accounts to classify advertising according te books and supplies Low order: Oulton' Uphotsteriog, 78. Charles nae eSeeEE t , t J Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|Cultivator, portable swimming 20! and bank. ts proper classification. MAI NTENANCE monthly payments, income tax Street, 723-7212. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! | South y23-1471, : accessories, Call Brooklin 655-4784). including Kk In the cases of display advertisements} For complete maintenance deductable. For full informa- | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish-| MOTORS TYPEWRITER, standard, $30.) portable,| 7 ~~~] Must have ewn_ transporta- fie Times will not. be hels reapon- Work ot li's Heat Vou call ce Han aria ed 17 years Workmanship guaranteed. | MARINA & SERVICE $20.; adding machine, $20; comptometer, 11--Pets 'and asin k HON: sible for more space than that which! We do the rest Essen work Free est mates "Credit terms. Mattresses | FACILITIES jelectric typewriter, 2-total cash register, co7y jy RANCH Kennels, registet ed Ger- i > | *] est. ork, A niture refinishe shawa up 5 nid: i the actual error occupies. The pub- | CANADIAN ACADEMY pl 725-0311 | TELEVISION ' )985. 723-4434, sat man Shepherd pups. Deposits fir next! Only experienced need apply. : 4 9 tas holstering, Dean Aver ver ; - i i lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad-| low rates Sede hy Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer | Ree: Furnace cleaned, adjusied itter accepted. Palomino, Pint® Pony.) Fo. more information and in« pee kaake ang Serectiy. but assume 723 9903 | 40 Main Street West Sales and Service| i Corner Bond and Division | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you|Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. inaccuracies In any form are contained 4 rat Baga vk Ont 728-5143 | Harbor Rd, Off Simcoe St. $, | Purchase from Western Oll Co. 725-1212.) StaNDING AT STUD, "Lucky Mancock's| 'erview therein. amiiton, ntario | Follow The Signs. |BABY BARGAINS. Carriages $29.95,|Maple Leaf," registered Appalootia, high eee ice sag | strollers $7.88, mattresses $9.88, play|point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; son of Ee ee ion ee | 723- 8186 $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88./Ontario's champion halter and __ perfor- CALL TIMES ACTION WANT AD APPLIANCE | COLOR AY. |"STARCRAFT" Grew Traveller boats =| ion Furniture, 20 Church Street. mance he fer rae| berleagh se ie MRS. MACDONALD . ' * line, HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME REPAIRS | or Evinrude motors, Open. evenings and| GESTETNER duplicating machine, old A eae ang p R A K. F | ". mK = pa = Call Classified Direct Marine Storage and Supply, model; bunk beds, 'friges, washers, dry- -- | ' weekends, 4 723-3492 FOR SALE IN SPARE TIME Pyouie, apelin AN nies Black and White j Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641, is ers, stoves, Large selection of cottage BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ret re idy for furniture. MacNeil's Used Furniture, 215|training, talking strain. Apply iMrs, T. us WE DELIVER FREE of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. Telepnone 1965 14FT. FIBERGLASS runabout with! pundas Street East, Whitby 668-5481. | Broad, 114 Elgin Eas Low monthly 'payments in- T RAO. Television oti uum ore ce Therme:|SHETLAND Welsh ponies, three, years INDEX TO CG lI 728 69 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ o END TN, |tric start, tee-nee trailer and extras, ex-|ONE COLEMAN floor furnace. ermo- elsh poniés, y a o 03 | clude text books and instruc- To | cellent condition. Best offer, Whitby 668-| stat control, Space heater, Regent, med-jcld. Reasonable. Telephone 942-7 924, CLASSIFICATIONS ' panera eae tions. Prepares you to achieve ALCAN 8-5143 | 3033. ium size with pipes and base and 40-iWesTERN and English saddle aiid tack 5] King East andinticadiaddiiaaity ~aay - gallon drum with tap. Both nearly new) q.7) 7 as % saa 4 pply Dickson's 15 Beatrice Stn eet. 1 'Women's Column CHAIN LINK FENCES | ontario Diploma by means [16 FT. cabin cruiser, 1963 38 hp mer nd in good condition. Telephone Whitby 2---Persona 3--Sportsman's Column | An A-1 company will give you of Provincial examination, c e é | Vv. 5--Trailers highest quality of materials: | 452 Simcoe. S. --- Oshawa | FAST TV, SERVICE GRENELL BOAT 15'2 foot fohn- ectric polisher $50; crib, chrome high baxthe 6--Marine Equipment | d A F For FREE information--write, Telephone 723-0011 | son outboard) trailer. Come: a $1,850.| chair, stroller, Good condition, Reason-|3¥2-YEAR-OLD male boxer. Finan. Ghd Barter ond workmanship and lowest : write, DOMINION Telephone 723-8463 able. Telephone 723-4779. 623-5134, sae E Sc Market Bosiat" Fass gy nin oo ie bau TE |BOAT --" 14 ft. Cedarstrip Simpson-| REFRIGERATOR General Electric 118|BOXER PUPS -- 5, male $10\ each 3 ATTRACTIV Eee tote ree estimates anytime, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario | DOC"S SPEED LEVISION Sears make, Telephone 623-7085 $50, Westinghouse 24" heavy duly range|Whitby 668-3523, uy Ladies 17.23 with i}--Pets and Livestock 723-5377 ' 728-5154 9 a.m. to'9 p.m, |1%6 MERCURY outboard motor with|$50. Year old wringer waser $70. MOV-|GERMAN SHEPHERD -- 'fegaaie, i] YOUNG Ladies 1/-<. wi 12--Articles Wanted MAPLE LEAF = N & CUSTOM All. Wark 'quarantesd tank, 6 HF Run only: 15 hours, Tele-jing, 725-5730. oe __|year all needles, good -dispositiof t, Hand- outgoing personalities to idaeArticles fur Rent LE LEAF LANDSCAPING. Experi Jome ... Rediced Sala 6 d i ateaes oan is Sec. | Prone 725-0190 CHESTERFIELD two-piece Krohier wine.|some dog, $20, Phone 723-3963. | |4----Business Opportunities pee de sola horde ek .faens gs } Braces airs B --"lIdeal for cottage or recreation room.|<s+--geRNARD § month old pup. reason-| train for plesant tele- iecanem Waker" | 942-208 Y. stock for sale Address ee south gn rags se ile OSHAWA and WHITBY 7--Swap and Barter Telephone 728-8046. = Jable,; has had all needles, papvers in- phone survey work in n | sae ee | By QIN, NEES, SUKS, $35; basins, $10;| FRIGIDAIRE range, excellent condi-|cluded, Telephone 942-3322. ' 17--Female Help Wanted |PLOWING AND CULTIVATING. Gar- weap pasa parts NIGHT SER COLORED TOILETS, $35; basins, $10; hunt red arbucie a eichen tenle. Telel our downtown offices. 18--Male Help Wanted ldens or larger areas. Call us, Free esti.|4 AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en-| PO" , ; ee aii. eruem pomee crane tana yakagey WELSH SHOW PONY -- 4 yeisrs old. J 19--Male CA remote date Wanted mates, 723-9020. ' | rolling students for Spanish Guitar, by; 24 hour towing, licensed 725-8541 or 668-5830 eae, ace Beg Pad ag el one vce aa oy seg an Very gentle! Telephone 728-6811. full or part-time open- 20--Real Estate he | rns _ - lear or. note. Ph 723-051 ' " - oard oto if i | TELEVIS is in. _ -- - aig motememneenein | ; Sui. CGMinan Propartiee [TOP SOIL, 'sandy loam, Grading, load-| cuapa a ving SzNOOL | hgh a me eds till side and Park Road South. 723-7088." lrower with 10-f, mast and single B.213|St; BERNARD) short haired, alee, year ings. No experience ne- 2i--F if jing 8 rucking. Telephone Dutch} + fully in ' ing 5S : 1 t installed, $50, (This Is a: 40-ft.| Po d i Eni bee Ba eg Sand and Gravel. 728-2871 any time sured. Home pick-up service. Telephone | RAE S sade nyo gr aeocluiers, twos oe structure.) TRIO Television, Corner Bond|Proken. Telephone 723-2625. _ 3 i Good starting i SELLING OUT! Canaries equip-| salary, 728-4811 é ivisi 5143 23--Real Estate Wanted HAVE YOUR GARDEN Roto-tilled. cai ee 728-778) | RADIO & TELEVISION |!alkles, 'range up, to five miles. New.) and Division 724 SNCs. _______|ment Best offer. 27, Durham street, MR. SOL STAHRR a -- -- and IRK ' ' . cury motor, fully equipped with or with- KITTEN: fect rwlorin 2 - ] FURNITURE. and APPLIANCES | Service Call only $2.50 out motor. Telephone 723-8910. Lanai _ -- -- tate phic syin, wood breeding: tn om reg: 7 8 605 'ACUUM CLEANER lewyt, General El-|itoreq parents. Telephone 725-6sh%9. 7 24--Stores Offices and Storege Brooklin 655-4936 Monday to Friday after . complete Call 942-2555. | E 3' A'a'z st friger- x 25--Houses for Rent os 6 p.m. Anytime Saturday and Sunday | Janitor Service Bef y B | SIAN lo ded th 4 saehinee arvers Wale Alax 942-4070. _ HGS east Fa CEREEZNN 6---Apartments for Rei -- SEES ENP EME | a ' afer ete esis "Sa cae" aoalAts RAND Van moe] prerore, You Buy A | TV SERVICE |&--Aticles for Sole int it Betta" wat "taats |eeanaat Toca 2f---Room and Board C® Soca bushel. delivered. Telephone|household. repairs. done, Telephone 7231 Piano or Organ, See ee | nets : . : : : ' Sac ktormceitan' for livas > HEINTZMAN 30--<-Automobiles for Sole | DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 yards and up,|WALL WASHING by moder machine | | | DAY 'OR EVENING / | GUITAR -- D-28 Martin. Cost over $500|6641_oF_723-7195. 723-861 1 | 728 5286 ee AB 5 bucuugt new. Will sell for $250. Also dual stereo| BLACK MINIATURE male pocd ie, nine| 31--Compact Cors for Sale $2.00 per yard; top soil, 4 yards and up, |N. i 1 wy |turntable 1010. Phone 723-5818 after 4|months. Registered with needs, $60. fe rates ioe 32--Trucks for Sale $2.25 yard; weil-rotted manure, $5, yard 178 Tne eee ee Oe & veegivagtlg Ltd | Pa bog lag e a Bn. ewe ears ___.| Phone during schoo! hours only. ; 668-4410. | LADIES NEEDED for part. Hime work, gotta ay li lng abo gu chase Rada hea | CELLARS, yards cleaned) also "sidewan| 77 Simcoe St. N., - Oshawa OSHAWA DUCATI | CHESTERFIELD SUITE, two-piece, rose| ONE SHETLAND pony, mare, wi th four-| Evenings and spare time. Car an asset. Cam peg ae SOD -- Top Quality. Field and, nurgery.|siabs and cement blocks for yf roy TELEPHONE 728- 292) e color; rug and pad, approximately 10° x|wheel buggie, and like new | harness. | New product on market. Please telephone 3 Legal Free estimates; prompt delivery. 725-|Joe and Son, 723-2368 i ELECTRON ICS Repairs and service to. all jv color deep rose. Both in excellent] Pony broken for driving and ridit 1g, $200.) 723-3568 Saas yg a 1325 or 723-9910 ATTENTION!" Housewives : makes Cicehead wechant |shape. Telephone 725-3984. Brooklin 655-4617. GIRL REQUIRED for baby ailtingy and 8--Coming Events | FOR LAWN ROLLING cal! John's Land-i dows, _ Rousowive Cleaning win |GUARANTEED REPAIRS 10 all wr nger| CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| 114 STEVENSON RD, SOUTH | 1965 HONDA 50°CC. Just like new, driven | DACHSHUND--from thoroughbrex | stock,| light household duties, Terms to be dis- 39--Notices lecaping, RR No. |, Brooklin, 655-3 and © | Cleaning encocat Window washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call/All_ work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue only three months. Good buy! Telephone/had needles, color red. Good w ith chil-icussed. Preferrably from Whitby, Tele Cleaning, 468-4973 798-1742 or 723-0011, ! Telephone 725-0500. \ 728-7780 |723-7705 before 5 p.m. ldren. Whitby 668-3008, phone 648-4895,

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