ANN LANDERS Is Grinding Teeth Worse Dear Ann Landers: I chuck- led when I read the letter from the woman who said she loved to listen to her husband snore. I'm with her--but for another reason. When my husband is snoring he is not grinding his teeth. Teeth-grinding cannot be de- scribed to a person who has not heard it. The closest I can come is to compare it to the sound of a piece of chalk going the wrong way on a blackboa' My husband went to see a doc- tor about it last year--at my insistence. The doctor gave him some tranquilizers. They didn't help. The doctor then sug- gested that I take the tran- quilizers. I have always hated to take medicine and I resent having to be on tranquilizers when it is my husband who has the prob- lem. Please comment on this ridiculous situation and offer some advice.--Mrs. Countdown Dear Mrs. Count: My dentist tells me your husband has a common affliction which is known by a fancy name--brux- ism. He also says you won't be bothered much longer because your husband will have no teeth. Until then, move into the extra bedroom if you have one. If not, flip a coin to see who gets the cot in the kitchen. It's stupid to take tranquilizers when you can get a natural night's sleep by putting some distance between you and the old grinder. rd.itoo. Am I wrong to feel that she Than Snoring? Dear Ann Landers: I'm 19 and feel like 101. Here's my problem: I°hold down a full- time job and pay room and board, 1 also do ali the washing and ironing and housecleaning for this family of four. I pre- pare my dad's lunches and get his work clothes ready. He works nights. Mom and I prork days. I know Mom is tired when she comes home, but I'm tired, should pitch in and help me? After all, this is her house, not mine. The real problem is my leisure time. I am not a run- around type but I would like to accept a date on Saturday night. My mother. feels I must stay home and babysit with my little brother because she and Dad like to go out Saturdays. I resent being denied a week- end date. After all, my brother is not my child. I could move out, but the folks need the financial help. Please advise--A, M. U. Dear A. M. U.: Even without modern math I can count three pay cheques in your family of four. It doesn't seem reasonable that your mother and Dad are so hard up that they can't af- ford to pay a sitter one night a week. Tell your mother she can no longer count on you as a Satur- day night sitter. You have earned your free weekend eve- ning and you should insist on it. SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckle, PERSONAL Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Mrs. W. F. Taylor, manor drive, welcomed mem-| bers of the Travel Group of the! University Women's Club to) her home on Monday evening) when Miss Hazel Worfolk pre-| sented "Portugal and Morocco."'| Tomorrow, Mrs. Walter Best- wick, president of the Sorop- timist Club of Oshawa, along with Mrs. William Taylor, Miss Sally Parker, and Miss Made- line Kelly will attend the 34th annual conference of the East- ern Canada Region of Scron- timist Clubs in Toronto. High- light of the conference, which lasts for three days will be the keynote address by Mrs. Blanche T. Rogers, 2nd vice- president of the Soroptimist Federation of America, Incor- porated. There will also be the presentation of a $500 award to the winning high school senior, in a competition sponsored by Soroptimist Clubs in Ontario and Quebec, The winner will then be sponsored by the Region for the International award of $2,500 given to one graduating senior each year by the Soroptimist Foundation. Students sponsored by any club in. the Federation of the Americas, including Can- ada, U.S.A., Mexico and South America are eligibie. Mr. and Mrs, John MacDon- ald, Cubert street, have return- ed from an extended vacation in Mississippi City, Mississippi, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wells and family. Mrs. Wells is the for- mer Helen MacDonald, of Osh- awa. After Christmas Mr. and! Mrs. MacDonald spent some time in Dallas, Texas, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells and Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews. Mrs. Andrews is the former Tleen Toaze of Oshawa. They visited the Dallas Astrodome, the eighth wonder of the world, and the shrine at the spot where the late President, John F. Ken- nedy was assassinated. In Hou- ston, they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duncan for sev- eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Donald and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wells attended the Mardi Gras in New Orleans and visited in Northern Florida. On their return journey they stopped in Detroit where they visited Mr. and Mrs. George Erskine and} other relatives, Mrs. Harry Hawkins of Cal- gary, Alberta, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith, MacMillan Drive for a short holiday. Mrs. Hawk- ins came for the golden wed- ding anniversary of her uncle and aunt whom she had never before met. | Nine members of the Oshawa} section of the Federation of French Canadian Women and their husbands attended the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Toronto section held at Ports of Call, Toronto, on Saturday. The couples were Mr. and Mrs. Jean Cardinal, Mr. and Mrs. Yvan Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.| Howard Gimblett, Mr. and Mrs: Lucien Chamberland, Mr. and Mrs. Wellie Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bois, Mr. and Mrs, Alcide Lecler, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lacroix, and Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bon. Guests attended from Montreal, Ottawa, Kingst- on, Windsor and Georgetown. The official hosts were Mrs. Benjamin Michaud, Toronto pre- sident, and Mr. Michaud and the TEAGUE COPS PRIZE Anthony Teague has been signed to play the leading role of Frump in the movie of How to Succeed In Business Without} Really Trying. . Glen-| guest of honor was the national] president, Mrs. R. A. Sauve - Boult. Mr. Arthur Heybyrne of Wes- ton - super - Mare, Somerset, / England, arrived in Oshawa! yesterday to spend a few days| with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milis, | Greta street. Mr. Heybyrne is a| brother of Mrs. Mills and this is his second visit to Oshawa. President of the Oshawa bra- nch of the Canadian Red Cross Society, Mr. J. A. Yanch, and Mrs. Yanch with Mrs. W. L. Baldwin, chairman of the senior citizens' committee, and Mrs. George Mudd, chairman of the water safety service, will be at- tending the annual meeting of the Ontario Division of the Ca- nadian Red Cross Society, to- morrow and Friday at the Wind- sor Hotel in Sault Ste. Marie. ¥ H. E. tri co ec CONVENER jr Mrs. J. T. Irvine is the convener of the Simcoe Hall Charity Ball being spon- sored by the Women's Aux- iliary of Simcoe Hall Crip- pied Children's 'School, in aid of its building fund. The ball is being held on Friday evening, May 6, at the Hotel Genosha. The reception will be at 6.30 p.m. with dinner being served at 7.30 p.m. Tables may be reserved and will be set for eight people. The Lee Rose Trio will pro- vide music for dancing, which will continue until 1.00 a.m. TT @ banquet | Church recently the 35th. anni-/ versary of the 4th Guide Com-|association pany was celebrated with 35|Mrs. Earl Linton, Mrs. Harold roses decorating the head table.|Braund, Mrs. Russell Boswell, The head table guests includ- ed the Reverend and Mrs. F. Linton, past president of the 4th. Par- '}ent Committee; Mrs. James Mu- zik, Lieutenant; Hart; Miss Bonnie Hart, Lieu- tenant ist. Air Ranger Flight; | ner, Mrs. J. W. Hart, Captain of the Guides; Mrs. John Gaskell, Dis-|and Brownies the 35 roses were trict Commissioner; Mrs. L. H. | distributed among mothers and Magee president, 4th Parent/ guests. Committee; Miss Patricia Ma- gee, Lieutenant 4th Guide Co. | fire Guide Barbara Magee; Mrs. W. Checking the travel tick- ets, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sklar were caught by the photographer just before they left home yesterday on a six-week trip to Israel and Belgium. The tour is a gold- en wedding present from their family and in Belgium held at Ward; Mrs. Earl Gardner, Deputy Division} }|Commissioner of Oshawa Dis-| gg Junginger, Brown Owl; Mrs. R. R. DeMille, Tawny Owl and daughter Char- lene; Marilyn Williamson and mother and sister, Williamson and Patricia; an ex- George 1; vice president, Mrs. Victor Huffman ct; Mrs. Kert Company Leader, he Mrs. D. utive member, Mrs. oody and daughter, Gai PINA'S INTERNATIONAL HAIRSTYLIST Pine would be pleased have you visit her soon . 128 Wilson Rd. S. for appointment call 723-0391 te CLEARANCE TUES., APRIL 26 to SAT., APRIL 30 La SHIFT in a gay assortment of prints and colors. Fashion's newe Sizes 8 - 18, Reg. to 9.00 DRESSES Styled by a famous maker SALE PRICE 5.99 st. __ FASHIONS SINCE 1867 Ath Guide Company Marks 3oth Anniversary With Banquet At the mother and daughter|/and daughter Bonnie; and Tre- Westmount | asurer, Mrs. Charles Heath. Miss Dianne! Miss r FVLUUVVUUUUUANUEEUUONUUOUAAAEUT | (m@ PORK CHOPS "ON A GOLDEN HONEYMOON they will visit a long-lost niece. Before they left, Mr. and Mrs. Sklar 'received messages of congratulations from Her Majesty the Queen and Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson. Accompanied by their son, Harry, the couple flew to' New York and to- Mrs. Magee introduced local representatives, jand Phone conveners, Mrs. L. |O. Barony, Mrs. C. B. Bowman, |Mrs. Donald Baunhour, Mrs. |Neil MacDonald; and a past - president, Mrs. Harold Mosier | Whitby. | Mrs. James Muzik thanked the members of Westmount Un- jited Church Women for the din-| After a program by Guides The evening closed with camp- and taps. | "NORM" FISHER'S Meat Market Week-End Specials Wemen 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 27, 1966 morrow Mr. and Mrs. Sklar will embark on the S/S Shalom with the rest of their family present for a happy send-off. --Oshawa Times Photo 'Simcoe Street UCW. 'Shows Hair Styles | The memorial hall of Simcoe | Street United Church was deck- }ed out in spring fashion recent- ily for the "Fantasy of Spring" |hair style show, which was sponsored by the Astra Unit of the United Church Women. } Forsythia and pussy willows adorned the tables while artifi- cial flowers and _ butterflies formed attractive wall decora- tions. Greeting guests at the door pvere the president, Mrs.| Kenneth Cowan, and the con- vener, Mrs. Douglas Courtney. Mr. John Weiss was the com- Oshawa and area girls placed high in the Ontario Champion Baton Twirling Competition held recently at Peterborough. An all - American slate of judges selected Oshawa's Miss Dianne Shaw as Senior Miss Ontario. Miss Shaw participated in the advanced solo group for girls between the ages of 15 and a. There were approximately 600 twirlers from across Ontario participating in the competi- tion, with some girls coming from as far away as Sault Ste. Marie and Ottawa. In corps competition, the Osh- awa Tartan Juniors under Cap- tain Janice Manning placed third in the novice junior class. The Tartan Lassies under Cap- tain Debbie Zakarow also fin- ished third in the advanced junior class. : Kathy Blake, Bowmanville, placed second in the basic strutt novice class for girls 7 to 10 years; Joan Major, Osh- SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME 561 Bond street east, will be most happy to receive their friends and relatives on Satur- day, April 30, between 3.00 and 5.00 p.m, and 7.00 and 9.00 p.m. on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Call Your Friends To Sunday Brunch The spring season is a good time to entertain your friends before they leave for country coiiages and summer holidays. When making your party plans don't overlook Sunday brunch and Sunday night supper two delightful ways of entertaining. Brunch is an excellent way to entertain because you won't be cleaning up in the wee hours of the morning. This quick and easy brunch jrecipe will be a taste treat for your guests: EGGS IN BOLOGNA CUPS 1 24 ounce bologna 6 eggs Line bottom and sides of cus- tard cups with thin slices of bologna, overlapping edges. Dr one egg into each cup. Bake in a 350 degree oven 15 to 20 minutes or until eggs are set. Loosen bologna from sides and lift out. This recipe serves 6. Area Baton Twirlers Do Well |At Peterborough Competition [White Nurses' Battle Futile Against African Disease, Poverty TANAFE, Senegal (AP) -- In this African village 75 miles from the nearest telephone, two white women, one of them Ca- nadian, are fighting a losing battle against poverty, disease and starvation. : They are nurses sent by the League of Red Cross Societies, originally to care for refugees from the _ guerrilla war in awa, placed second in the 15-20 grouping; and in the 11-14 years Cheryl McCune was first and Brenda Henning third. In the advanced basic strutt Dianne Shaw took first place honors in the 15-20 years group while Dianne Yurkowski, Osh- awa, placed 5th in the 11 to 14- year-old category. Novice Military Strutt compe- tition for girls from 7 - 10 years was won by Laurie Yuill of Oshawa and a third place fin- ish went to Wendy Allin, also of Oshawa. Joan Major placed second in the 15-29 grouping. A 5th place decision was won by Patsy Blake of Bowmanville in the advanced section of the same contest. Third place went to Debbie Zakarow who participated in the novice class of the colo competition for girly 13-14, and Kim Masters placed second, with Penny Almond, fifth in the 10-year-old group. A fourth and third place went to Marilyn Elsey and Bella Marie Parish respectively in the intermediate class while in the advanced section Cheryl Mr. and Mrs. John Laverty,|McCune placed 5th for 14-year- jolds and Dianne Shaw ist for 16-year-olds, with Irene Ruit- miller, second for the 9 - 10- year-olds. ELECTED BY IODE | Mrs. J. A, Vivash of Osh- awa, a past-regent of the Golden Jubilee Chapter, TODE, was elected conven- er of the film committee and a councillor of the Pro- vincial Chapter at its an- Complete the meal with juice, toast, coffee cake and coffee. nual three-day meeting in Hamilton last week. mentator for the evening and introduced the operators who were Miss Maralyn Adamson, Miss Wendy Olliffe, Miss Caro- line Carter and Mrs. June Holck. Refreshments were served under Mrs. John Peeling, the convener. a el a ae mY) ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED 2 Ibs. 2 Ibs. 2 Ibs. 4 Ibs. LAMB CHOPS SHOULDER | PORK SAUSAGE PORK HOCKS STEW BEEF COUNTRY SAUSAGE BEEF LIVER | LEAN MINCED CHUCK STEAKS MARGARINE PURE LARD SHORTENING ANY ONE ITEM 4 Ibs. 2 Ibs. 2 Ibs. 4 lbs. 4 lbs. 2 Ibs. 4 Ibs, ¢ THURSDAY ONLY ° Cut Up CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS 39: © FREEZER BLUE BRAND BABY TYPE BEEF SIDES Approximate weight 200 - 225 ibs. Ne charge for cutting and wrapping. SPECIAL °¢ 30: Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 Simcoe St. North | are in | with the | Boldswingers Solid Gold (that's right), Bone White, New Blue course), White and Wheat,, Priced You Mey Open till 9 Phone 723-3732 | | The fabulous new Tee May Swinger - WOW! with Swinger contrast corded pockets and sneaky single belt loop in Denim Gab. Colors at 5,95 Charge it No Interest --- No Carrying Chorges 2 LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN 36 KING ST. E. p.m. Fridays AND OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open till 9 p.m. Thursday and Fridays nearby Portuguese Guinea. Cecilie Barapy of Montreal and Frieda Tischhauser of Geneva jong ago gave up trying to dis- tinguish between refugees and Senegalese. All are in the same need, and many Senegalese pre- tend to be refugees just to get a bandage or a handful of dried milk. ; Cecile and Frieda go out by jeep every day, in opposite di- rections, visiting villages in an area of 2,000 square miles--the size of Prince Edward Island -- between the Casamance River and the Portuguese Guinea bor- der. Some 200,000 Africans in swampy land along the river are out of reach of any doctor and hardly ever see a white man, WILD BEAUTY IS DEADLY | The country hes a_ wild beauty. White. bighorn cattle | graze amid huge mango and| baobab trees scattered across the watery, green landscape. But death lurks in the water and in the tall elephant grass. The area has one of the high- est rates of malaria and trach- oma in the world. Sieeping sick- ness, yellow fever, leprosy, yaws, malnutrition and bilhar- zia, a blood parasite, are con- stant menaces. } It is rare to find dn Atrican| Jacking a disease. Many have! several, | "We can't do much against| all this," Cecile said. 'We give| aid where we can, but often we| are helpless." They give first aid, vaccina- tions, simple hygiene lessons and issue a smaij ration of| dried milk for children, preg- nant omen and nursing moth- ers. They often drive serious cases to the nearest doctor, 75 miles west to Ziguinchor or 50 | } | miles east to Kolda, over rough dirt tracks. For recreation, the girls read by oil lamps or discuss their day's work. Most evenings they are too tired to do anything but eat and fall asleep. The only other whites in the village are a Lebanese merchant and his family. The village has no electricity, RG iGduiag water, no Gramage system, no mail service and no locally grown food except rice, bananas and peanuts, At that, it still is the best-equipped lo- cality in the girls' area of oper- ation. A New Service Right On Your Premises ! Or In Our Plont Commercial and Residential WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM (including Nylon & Acrilen) Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Dyed the Color You Want RE-NU WAY @ Fast Color @ Permanent @ Odoriess And Completely Guaranteed Why Replace ? Re-Nu and Save FREE ESTIMATES RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU Oshawa 728-5387 NOT EXACTLY A$ ILLUSTRATED 50 Piece Service for 8 ... No Down Payment REG. 29.95 our exclus for spectacular savings. lovely dinnerware. Available in 8 EACH dinner plotes bread & butters eereals tups & soucers ) . -- here's what you get DINNERWARE SPECIAL! Just in Time for... MOTHER'S DAY 1! -- Just $4 Month ive dinnerware priced Set a pretty table for your family, or give your favorite mother this Open Stock . 8-fruit dishes l-vegetable bow! 1-meot platter Ug. 20 SIMCOE NORTH OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY