2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 23, 1966 © WEATHER REPORT " Unsettled Trend, ~ Showers Sunday gx TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast) Northern White River, Coch- issued by the weather office atjrane: Sunny with a few cloudy 6.30 a.m.: \periods today. Variable cloudi- Synopsis: Unsettled weather|ness tonight and Sunday. Not is expected to edge into the| much change in temperature. province during the day. Sun-|Light winds. day will be mainly cloudy with) Ottawa region: Sunny today. a few showers likely in all but Sunday increasing cloudiness in the extreme northern areas. (the morning. Chance of a few Lake St. Clair, Windsor: |showers later in the day. Sea- Mainly cloudy with a few show-|sonable temperatures. Light ers this afternoon --. face winds. ae eee oe | Forecast Temperatures Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Ni-| Low tonight, high Sunday .. agara, Lake Ontario, southern) windsor ...ssssess Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kil-/ct thomas . Jaloe, Hamilton, London, Tor-|7 ondon onto: Sunny clouding over this)Kitchener .. afternoon. Mainly cloudy with alyjount Forest . few showers tonight and Sun- Wishaw 3 par litle warmer. Light| familton ae Northern Georgian Bay, 8 ts gata . magami, North Bay, Sudbury: | 5 ?terborou '4 Sunny clouding over this after-|"" BN sooee noon with occasional rain this| Kingston evening and tonight. Mainly | Trenton sosceecens cloudy Sunday with a few show- | Killaloe eee ers. Not much change in tem-|Muskoka . perature. Light winds. | North Bay Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie,)Sudbury southern White River: Occa-/Earlton staee sional rain this afternoon and/Sault Ste. Marie .. tonight. Variable cloudiness| Kapuskasing Sunday with a few showers.|White River «...++ i Little change in temperature.|Moosonee .....++- ) Light winds. | Timmins SRE PSU Se CESS SOE E HET Se EEE E REE EEE SS 8 ee oR we sneeeeees 'Third Newspaper Strike | Since 1962 Looms For N.Y. By RONALD I. DEUTSCH replaced by the new afternoon NEW. YORK (AP) The| World Journal, | "United States' largest city ap-| The Herald-Tribune, a morn- parently headed toward its third|ing newspaper, puts out its last newspaper strike since 1962 1o-|separate Sunday edition Sun- | day as the deadline approached |day -- combing future Sunday for the merger of three of its/papers beginning May 1 with) dailies. the Jerensloeerices ., the) Sunday World Journal Tribune. | PP Ma oa gg or ages Mae It will continue as the morning they have no contracts with the| Paper ofthe corporation: =| New World Journal Tribune,| The merger, which received| Inc., set last-minute bargaining qualified approval from the U.S. sessions. justice department, will thus j However, no new talks were end publication of one evening P . and one Sunday paper, leaving)! scheduled for the International /syaohattan with five dailies of| . CIO), which is demanding sup- *plemental severance pay for some 400 printers who face loss {of jobs in the merger, key is- sue in the dispute. ' Another union, the Newspaper Guild of New York (AFL-CIO), Sunday publications. Mayor John V. Lindsay failed} |to win a stay of the merger Fri-| day at a meeting with publish- rs and union leaders. "We've made up our minds to | publish a new paper or no paper) It's in plain view for everyone to see except Sis- ter St. Andrew and 12-year- old Gilles Maheu who both WHERE'S THE BALL? ronto, turned out with the boys for spring's first soft- ball game. close their eyes as they try for the ball. Sister St. An- drew, a teacher at St. Mar- tin's Separate School in To- 'This Hour To Come To Halt Says Producer, Unless.. TORONTO (CP) -- Douglas |Leiterman said today viewers may have seen their last edition of This Hour Has Seven Days unless CBC President J. Al- phonse Ouimet reverses the net- work's decision to dismiss the show's co-hosts. Mr. Leiterman, the program's executive producer, said in a statement issued after his re- turn from Halifax Friday he was astonished to hear the CBC's board of governors had backed the management's de- cision to take Laurier LaPierre and Patrick Watson off the show. The board of governors con- graphical Union (AFI-|-.o-ai circulation and three|firmed the decision to drop the|test was colored by widely-pub- co-hosts at its meeting in Hali- fax Friday. Mr, Leiterman said unless the decision is reversed 'I have no alternative but to stop produc- ing the program. '*'Moreover, I expect the whole staff of Seven Days will walk |program are hard-working and| In Toronto, a statement |dedicated. A serious short-com-/drawn up by Senator Grattan jing of the program, however,|O'Leary of Ottawa and signed |has been its frequent departures | by 30 prominent Canadians ex- \from established corporation| pressed concern that the furore policy, ... jraised by the dismissals may 'Although no question can be'shear the CBC of its function jraised concerning the right ofjas a national forum of discus- jmanagement to manage, maz. sion. jagement should continue to do| 'The statement, sent to the so in such a way that the crea-|proadcasting committee, said tive drive and artistic abilities|the signers do not challenge the of producers and performers|right of the corporation man- are given the widest scope Con-/agement to govern the organi- sistent with corporate program zation. However, it said, the |policy. network's policy-makers should The board statement ex-/not allow a failure in personnel |jpressed regret "that the un- jprecedented campaign of pro- role in Canadian life. licized statements attributed to} -- ------ (CP Wirephoto) | control of Canadian bunters that relationship with their pro-| wooden sticks with a book att ducers to destroy the network's| end. |clals and veterinarians. CLEAN UP FOR CENTENNIAL OTTAWA (CP)--"We are go- ing to clean up Canada--and it's a big job." Sounding more like a crime- buster than a centennial com- missioner, John Fisher declared "a war on ugliness' at a sem- inar on community improve- ment Friday. The one-day meeting brought together about 200 delegates from across Canada who have been trying to get the centen- nial program rolling. "The increase in ugliness is accelerating at such a rate that immediate counter-action is re- quired if we are to achieve suc- cess," Mr. Fisher said. "It could be we've become so used to the dull and the drab in our daily surroundings that we've lost sight of the potential for being bright and gay," Mr. Fisher said Prince Edward Island's com- munity clean-up blitz got every- one involved "by the sheer power of example and the em- barrassment it was causing." Cities like Victoria, B.C., and Niagara Falls, Ont., had made notable progress. Others could do the same. The war was aimed at park- ing lots that look like bomb | sites, Highways approaches that! were a 'treeless wasteland of | TORONTO (CP) --T. I. Hughes, general manager of the Ontario Humane Society, Fri- day night blamed airborne hunt- ers from the Magdalen Islands and inexperienced young seal- ers for most of the cruelty re- ported during the annual spring seal hunt in the Gulf of St. | Lawrence. | He said in an interview fol- \lowing a meeting of the society iwhich recommended stricter old-time Newfoundland sealers lwere observed to work "hu- manely, quickly and effi- ciently." Mr. Hughes visited ice floes in the gulf south of the Mag- dalen Islands last March 7-9 with other humane society offi- He said most ships' crews) were made up of 17- and 18- year-old youths making their first trip to the ice. They fre- quently were crue! unintention- ally through inexperience in killing the "whitecoats'--baby harp seals valued for their pelts. But the older Newfoundland- ers knew how to do their jobs properly. After killing the white- coats by a blow on the head with their gaffs, many took the precaution of jabbing their knives into the seal's heart dur-| ing the skinning process. | Gaffs are four- and five- foot | he| Mr. Hughes said airborne certain employees involved." In addition, intervention of pariia-| mentary committee had made both the board's and manage- ment's tasks more difficult. Mr. Watson had told the Com- Why Pay More... SAVE! Rirborne Hunters Blamed For Cruelty In Seal Hunt © hunters carried only knives. | 'War On Ugliness' Declared garish signs," auto graveyards, ugly wiring and sloppy property in general, The centennial manuals to every quested. But everybody had to get in- volved, "We have fences that need commission would supply 'how to do it" community and would follow up with profes: sional guidance if it was re- paint, houses that need paint, barns that need paini," he said, "We have litter in areas which should be clear, and barren ground which should be blos- soming. "We have air pollution and water pollution, "We have industrial dirt, con- jstruction dirt, just plain dirt and garbage dumps." Every Canadian should take a hard look out his window-- "you may have te lead him te the window"'--and break down | what he saw into the ugly, the attractive and the neutral. "Let us convince him that he ~ and only he has the power to eliminate the ugly." Slides, Movies They usually tried to kill white-/ EVERYONE WELCOME VOCATION EXHIBIT ST. GERTRUDE'S PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. From 2 to 5 P.M. Sunday and Literature coats by kicking in the head or snoot but this method frequently failed to even stu: the animal. This meant it was still alive and sometimes conscious when) skinned. He said clubbing is the most humane method of killing be-|f cause a proper blow shatters the animal's skull, Among the recommendations} made by the meeting was one! setting the size of the club at! between 24 and 36 inches long) and not less than 2% inches in also recom- circumference. Suntere be in- The meetin mended that all dividually licensed, with the ship's captain or aircraft pilot responsible for seeing his hunt- ers are licensed. The society said no hunter should be allowed to take a knife to a seal until "the ani- mal is, without doubt, dead." It also recommended that nobody be permitted to kick seals, or hit them anywhere except on the top of the head. REMEMBER WHEN you could get excellent meols at reasonable ces? Well, you still can at the HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA 90% MORE | 100% MORE Central Ontario Trust OFFERS the Oshawa working men @ 4% Personal Chequing Accounts--no service charges e@ 6% Guaranteed investment Certificates--1 to & years @ Investment Funds Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, NTEREST HOURS 50% More Interest on sevings (We ALWAYS here) 4%,% pald and eompounded quorterly from the day the sccount is opened. No waiting $ period. Minimum ececount, 100% More Saving Hours 9 am. te 6 p.m, Mondey te Thursdey 9 om. te 9 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Seturdey @ Estate Planning @ Mortgage Loens @ Real Estate Sales end Purchases @ Pre-paid Save-by-Mall kits @ Free Hockey Ticket Drew Oshawa 723-5221 Come and enjoy said it will begin picketing at 4 on Monday," said Matt Meyer, p.m. EST Sunday. president of the new corpora- The Scripps - Howard World-|tion. Telegram and Sun, an afternoon paper, publishes its final eve-/CHANCES HOPELESS ning edition today. The Jour-| Negotiations collapsed Thurs-| * nal-American, a Hearst publica-|day night and both sides have/ was not satisfactory he, as ex- 'tion, publishes its last evening|since said that chances for a/ecutive producer, should have ; edition today and its final Sun-| settlement before Monday ap-/ been fired and not the hosts. the decision to drop himself day paper Sunday. They will be|pears hopeless. Even if the = REASON UNACCEPTABLE land Mr. LaPierre from the pro- passe were resolved before then ram and inhibiting directives [mechanical preparations for the | 'The real core of the dispute/STBit St lt nk res HERE and THERE Inew papers would probably de-|is that Pat and Laurier have/m& t , oe sills ill lay their scheduled publication, |been fired without any remotely|™ent claim, ; | y 4 +) He said the show's weekly The merger is expected to acceptable reason at a time ie os h ' | Approximately 200 Brow- sok aoine BOO fobs from|when they have been immensely ho get id -- oe " ie; Te uae én ie wae among 5,700 persons employed|popular as the hosts of Seven ronar tor athe to give the nll field rs at the Gregnoeed on the three dailies. pare curate figure since CBC policy| Conservation Park. A shield The city's longest and costli-| There are two more Seven| iste. figures may not be re- will be presented to the pack (est newspaper strike occurred | Hays se akagphe gud paeayese for vealed. with the best showing in |in 1962-63, lasting 125 days. Last|the Sunday night time slot. They) cuiport for the ousted' co- the various events year another strike shut down will follow this Sunday's show- The Oshawa = Christmas Cheer Fund Committee, a participating agency in the mons broadcasting committee) Friday in Ottawa he doubted! CBC management claims that! Seven Days will be bigger and jbetter next season. | In his third appearance be- fore the committee, he said that ja budget cut of $1,000 a week,| LES BEA DU QUEBEC out and that This Hour Has ON PREMIUM QUALITY \Seven Days will go off the air \before completion of its season May 8." He said that if the program 16' FUEL OIL gal, Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby and Ajax Districts DRUG STORE OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Mr. Leiterman said he For Daily Internationel News hosts continued to flow in from/| operations for 25 days. ing of the program Document, Greater Oshawa Commun- thought it doubtful Mr. Watson stitinnnnemmennn (produced by Mr. Watson, on across Canada Friday night. ity Chest, this week decid- Ne \the drug LSD. ne | Judge Refuses ed to ask for an allocation of Sol Estate Bid ie e board 0 irectors sai it recog- EL PASO, Tex. (AP)--A fed-|nized "there had been a serious eral judge scathingly accused|preakdown in formal communi- Billie Sol Estes of perjury Fri-\c ation between management day while denying the formerjand the producers of Seven Texas promoter's plea for a!Days new trial The-+ d-dire Estes sat with his head partly|be taken, at wha jbowed as U.S. District Judge/necessary, to ensure effective |Leo Brewster read a 25-minute/communication between man- statement reviewing efforts tolagement and producers jwin release from prison of the! Its statement added; 'The once-wealthy fertilizer tycoon. board asked that every effort be | The court held that Estes|made to continue the improve- jfailed to prove that a govern-/ment of the program Seven ment pritness gave false testi-/Days. It recognizes that this $4,500. This is $500 higher than a year ago. The in- crease would be needed, the members felt, due to the increase in the cost of liv- ing. Some $100 damage was caused to a Lasalle ave., home Friday afternoon in a mystery blaze. A bedroom window frame and draperies were destroyed in the fire at the home of Mrs, Alice Down, 329 Lasalle. She said today that the fire may have been caused a lighted match thrown into the house by chil- would appear as host of Docu- ment Sunday night. In its Halifax statement, the 1 a READ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR SPECIAL HALF PRICE ~ OFFER 5 Months for $5.40 SUBSCRIBE AT Christian Science Reading Room 31 Bond St. £. Oshewa Ff KARNS DRUGS LIMITED 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 RITSON DRUGS 264 KING ST. EAST PHONE 725-5370 JURY & LOVEL 530 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH L LIMiicyv PHONE 725-3546 OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS mony at Estes' 1963 trial and| production is lively and provoc- also to show there was new evi-|ative and has attracted a large dence to warrant a jury hearing) following the case again The people involved in this dren. he cause of the blaze , 4s under investigation by the » Oshawa Tire Department. REGISTRATION Kindergarten and Grade 1 Pupils Let's Save The Registration of Kindergarten and Grade | pupils who will be entering school for the first time in September, 1966, will be held in all schools except King Street, Ridgeway, and T. R. McEwen Senior Schools during the afternoons of MAY 4th and MAY 5th, from 1:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Oshawa Creek Valley For KINDERGARTEN, the Registration will be for children whose 5th Birthday is not later than December 31st, 1966. For GRADE I, the Registration will be accepted for children whose 6th Birthday is not later than December 31st, 1966. Pupils now enroiled in Kindergarten do not need to register for rrr ratte ress werrreccs Enter a land where franche gaieté is a way of life... Canada's friendly French province, Every moment is a new expérience as you visit the showcases of Canadian history and the arts and savour superb cuisine in picturesque villages and bustling cosmopolitan centres. Excellent highways .. . over 6,000 miles of new ones in the past five years... make them all easily accessible, and les Québécois invite you to share in their joie de vivre. Just mail our coupon for complete, illustrated in- formation about touting in Québec. , ve -- ¥ * OUEBEC 7! PLEASURE ROUTE! Sample traditional cuisine at an "Old World' garden restaurant set in @ city square. Roam ancient streets where modern artists work, Broad, modern highways leed you through the grandeur of constantly changing scenery to new adventures in /a belle Province de Québec, The Directors of the Oshawa Citizen's Committee Creek Valley Conservation, would like te thank the Citizens ef Oshawa for the tremendous response to the petitions thet have been returned te date, we heve ever 7,500 signed petitions, erveeeecere st Grade |. We would like te remind ell these people, whe have not returned their petition, that your Tourist Branch 'CC6-- 291 support will be greatly eppreciated by returning your signed petitions, Parliament Buildings Birth Certificates must be presented before children will be finally Québec City, a lu ity, Québec admitted. If these are not presently available they should be obtained im- mediately from the Registrar General's Department, 70 Lombard Street, Toronto, Ontario, (Fee $2.00) and submitted to the principal on or before June 29th, 1966. © The Board would appreciate as complete a registration as possible so that the adjustment of school districts may be, completed as early as possible, The Citizens Committee will heve @ Display et the Oshawa Civic Auditorium during the Union Rod and Gun Club Sportsmen's Show, April 28, 29, 30. This display will depict the Oshewe Cregk Valley and will be designed and donated by Van Belle Garden Centre. Please send me FREE illustrated information about touring /a belle province, My main interest I6:,..+00sccrcesccsneccsecetscsseees NAME, ADDRESS... There will end sign petitions and membrship cards evoilable se drop by, pick up @ membership cord petition. PLEASE REMEMBER The Centennial Expressway Does Not Have to be built. Can The Tax Payers of Oshawa Afford It? P.O. BOX 781 BOARD OF EDUCATION Oshawa, Ontario, CITY ccccereverecvcccsveeseees PROV: seceescenscses J. Ress Beckus, Miiete, Business Administrater. c. M. Superintendent of Publie Schools, $. E. Lovell, Chairman. The Citizens Committee