gael peieeche cs pm a tt ONL CLOTHE 'n +4 "WAGHING MACHINE 8 THERE ANYTHING OU WANT WAGHED BESIDES WHAT'S --- Cl es ee = - ---- 9 4-23 KEEP Ir. T/LL TAKE YOUR MAN IF Brine Ait oe TELE i WHERE He jj healthy except foc a runny TO OUR NEIGHBOR... PLL ASK HIM IF He? LiKe IN OF... THEN WATCH HIM JUMP ALL OVER ME!! «THAT PART WON'T BE SO EASY! OUR NEW EX THE LONE RANGER OFFICER, COR. BU AND HIS FLIGHT OFFICER, LT. JIMMY JENSEN. ATTENTION, PLEASE! 7'D LIKE TO © Kay Feae we Sede nin bem FRR Wraehl vgs comer AY THE TRAP DOOR, UP THAT WAY, 8, Of two or more: abbr, 6. Historic African city 7. Biddy 8. Macaws 9. Historie river 10. River into North Sea 14, Tropical fruits 16. Matures 19, Historic Massachu- setts family 20. Pound with the fist 28. Co-discov- erer of radium ie SHIOIRIE ML 11 ITT ATR IE TR) Yesterday's Answer 89. Belonging to national 82, Revolves 33, Finest 34, Porch 44, Shingle 35. Branch abbrevia- 38, Smites tion. 29. Branch 30. Nightclub 2 73 |* 1s > Tio performers 31. Stubs 33. Roulette bet 36, Shosh Y 'Qi ie Indian 87. Tonkin native 40. All 42, Weather word 43. Severe 44, Slogan 45. Domesti- cates 46, Garb DOWN 1. Sprout 2. Rant's partner 3. Always @. Poetic contraction YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: My seven- month-old grandson, perfectly nose, died in the night of in- terstitial pneumonitis. Please explain how this could happen. --M. H. I can only speculate, but it is no more than fair to point out that these occasional and tragic crib deaths without warn- ing usually prove to be from lung complications Interstitial pneumonitis is an- other pvay of saying that wide- spread pneumonia developed, obviously suddenly. This can happen to children when they encounter a particularly viru- lent virus against which they have as yet not developed any immunity Such overwhelming and fright- fully rapid lung infections have been proved to be the real cause of deaths once ascribed to smothering under the bed- clothes. A child will thrash around if bedclothes cover his face. Even if he does not strug- gle free immediately, enough air will be under the covers, or filter through them Haven't you ever buried your head under the covers and found that you could breathe? Most of the crib deaths or supposed "smotherings" have turned oyt to be unexpected on- Lung Complications Tragic Crib Deaths By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD attacking little lungs or res- piratory systems not yet ready to cope with them There is no way to tell in advance, and it is brutally shocking to families when it happens, but they should be informed that it is not because of anything they did or did not do for the child. Dear Dr. Molner: When someone drinks about five two- ounce bottles of paregoric a day can he break away from it, and what effect will it have on his health? He is in his mid- dle 50s and refuses to go to a doctor because he says he can quit any time he chooses. We rite ta acplaa about him.--Mrs, Cc. B. from opium, and when anyone takes that amount, you can reasonably assume that he is thoroughly "hooked," or ad- dicted. Someone is breaking the law by providing him with any such amount of this drug. You are right to worry. He needs help, and the source of supply should be reported Dear Dr. Moiner: In an arti- cle you said that penicillin was the only way to keep a child safe from further attacks of rheumatic fever. What if a per- son is allergic to penicillin? My alaughts of germs or viruses Channel 8--Barrie Channe! Channet Channel Channel Channel %~Toronte Channel 1i--Hamiltes TELEVISION LOG $--Tween Set 7--Personal Dimension 12:18 P.M. O--Pelix The Ce 9--~Voyage To The Better 6-This Land of Ours Of The Sea 43--This Land of Ours 3--Shindig 4--Wrestiing 6:30 PLM. 11-7--Shindig Musical Showcase 6:45 PM, 9-4+43---News) Weather) 7:00 PLM, $--Jackle «Gleason W--Peter Gunn 63--Beverly 4--Facing the Financial d-Heve Gun WIN Trevel 7:30 P.M, N--Candid Camere 6-3--Fiipper 6--Danger Men 4--Jackie Gleason 3--McHaole's Navy 8:00 P.M, 1--Jamboree Academy Performance @2--! Dream of Jeannie B-Lets Sing OW 8:30 P.M, Club 11 Dance Party TLawrence Welk 63----NHL Hockey" Chicago at Toronte 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 4--The Loner 10:00 P.M, ¥--Run For your Live 4--Gunsmoke 10:18 PLM. 63--Jullette 10:38 P.M. 6 bat eevee 3--The King Femily 11:00 P.M, 1-0-6)-4-4+3-1--Newns Weether: Sports WS P.M, eck Bester Gem O--ahetre Pinad CanKiiereoy Wists we LJ The sbevien 11:28 PLM. 0-48--Lote Show 6--@perte 11:38 PLM, 4--Feature Showcase o--Movie 11:48 Pm, 0 Movie PVRDAT 9:00 A.M. \\--Cethedrel Chloe 9--Tides and Tralie J--Shenanigens O-Biwene Den 9:30 A.M. \i--ifatian Journal %--Cartoon Playhouse 7--Peeter Potamus The Anower o trv! 4-8--Rocketship 6--Sunday Schoo! 4--Lame Unte My Pes 8--Ciwrch invitetion 10:30 A.M. Meta 6--Extonsion 2-This ts The Life 4--Uncle Jerry's Clue We Paregoric is a drug derived! 00 A.M. NI--OHA Jr. "A" Hockey @---This ln The Ue 7--Bullwinkie Show #4--Church Service 3--Fronters Of Faith 1:30 A.M, O--Flying Fisherman 7--Big Show of the Week Hillplities a---Sllence Plesse 12:30 P.M. 11--Spectrum &--My Hero 6--Tennessee = Tuxede 4--Living Word 2--Hersid of Truth SFemily Plevnesee ¢--French For. Love 4---Ted Mack } 3Sir Francis Dreke | 1:30 P.M, 1--$potiight %--Dougias Fisher My Little Margie 7--Sunday Piayhouse &3--Country Calender 2:00 P.M. | | ll--This Space Age 9--Jr, "A" Hockey 6-3--Special Music 4-NFL Game 3:00 P.M, b--ovie | 2-ABC Scope | B-AFL Football | 3:30 PM. | }8--Movie | 7--Dialogue | 4--NFL Game | 4:00 P.M. | 2--Sports in Action li--Top Cat Movie 4: P.M, 2--Crosby Golf Tourne. } ment 1--Tiny Telent Tine | 9--Bilko | &3--Sight and Cast | 4--Cadabout Gaddis | | $:00 PLM. jn Sh 7--Wrestling @3--Nature of Things 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 P.M, | | ®--Peter Potemus 7--Big Show of the Week é--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour #--College Bow! 6:00 P.M, --Welt Disney Presents 4--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 7--Golf Tournament 6:30 P.M, ji}--Lost In Space 2--F lipper 3--Bell Telephone Hour 7:00 P.M. Pi Don't et Yhe falsien | %-Voyage Te The Bottom of The Sea 63--Hank | 4-Leese 7: P.M. 1i--A.H.L. Hockey $--Amos Burke &2--Disney"s Worle of Color 6,3--F ieshback 4--My Favorite Martien 8:00 P.M, 3--The FBI | o+--Ed Swiltven Show 4:30 P.M. More | pect! 9--Peyton Place +8--Brantied 9:00 PLM. 8-6-3--Bonanze | --evie j Kiidere | @2--Wackles?! Ship The Army 8---This Hour Hae Seven Days 10:30 PLA. ota 9 ey 11:00 PLM, NOT S68 E emee L alled 1:08 PLM, lim This Space Age 1-4+--Lete shew t--Awers Thestre 11:30 P.M, ntern atlone! 11:40 PLM, 11--Wrestling %--Dougias Fisher oO DAE 6:08 Am o--Copieln Kengere 0:38 AM, l}eAlbert J. Steed t--Romper Room 1:00 AM, sage with Uncle Sat er Date ditty Careheas 1: AM ivesy Rose Lee Show 2--Dobie Gillis se AM l1---News |t-2--Fractured Phrases | 4-1 Love Lucy Wie AM li--8d Allen } 9--Bingo §-2--Concentration %--Donna Reed | &3--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 11:08 A, |11--Mike Douglas Show oir, end re. 6-2--Morning Star 63--Butternut Squere 4--Andy of Mayberry .| 11:30 AM, | 4Dick Van Dyke | 2--Abracadaban pe Love Lucy |e a-Pley Post Office 6-4--Seach i i 1: Pe Vi--Recing Fervm 4--Guiding Ligh? | 1108 Pm 1--Theatre %--Morning Ster 7--Ben Casey 4--Luneheon Date 4--Meet The Miliere 3--Movle i-Mike Cevgkee Chew im Pm. %--James Beard Show 64--As The World T | | | | | | 0100 Pa, S--Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of 'Our Liver 2:18 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte é--Zane Grey Thestre 4~--Linklefter's Party 3--Movie 1 Pm |1}--Donna Reed ¢8--Another World %--Fractured Phrases | .--@eneret respite: +3--To Tell The Trvih gg Pha Funny Company t--it'e Your Meve &-You Don't Say | The Yeung Sharrtem o3--fore © +--Hege of Mute 2--Certoon Carnival l--Funny Company tite Your Mave You Don't. Sey 7--Superman Show +-3--Teke 2 4+-Hdge @ doctor said that other drugs|mycin groups, are used and would do just as well.--Mrs.| work excellently. The vital fact is this: Once a V.'L. If you read the article again|person h as had rheumatic strep infection can little boy is allergic. but the you will find the statement that|fever, a such treatment "involves anti- biotics to suppress the strep germ..." A long-lasting form of penicil- lin is the usual antibiotic in most cases, but if a patient is sensitive to it--as some are-- sulfa and derivatives, or drugs of the tetracycline or various cause another attack. Each suc- ceeding attack carries the Beacon, Ant 23, 1966 BRIDGE Oy 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesterr East dealer, Neither side vulnerabie. NoaTts Res 73 AKGs 1652 wage yioess | rH at ® m rincipal is espe- cially applicable in notrump contracts, West led a heart and declarer ducked the queen. He then covered the nine with the ten, West taking the jack and re- turning a heart to establish the suit. Declarer's purpose in hold- ing up the ace until the third round was to sever communica- tion in hearts between the de- fenders. Had South taken the ace earlier, he would inevitably have gone down. South could count eight tricks at this point and needed a ninth, His best chance for an addi- tional trick was to try to estab- lish a low-card prinner in clubs. This could occur only if the clubs were divided 3-2. Accordingly, South led the A-K and another club. Unfor- tunately, it turned out that West had the three clubs in- stead of East and the contract went down one. The plan to establish an extra club trick was fine, but South fell down in the execution of the plan. What he did in effect was to rely exclusively on the hope that East would have the third club. Instead, South should also have allowed for the possibility that East might have been dealt two clubs including the queen, To cover this distinct possi- bility, South should have enter- ed dummy at trick four with s spade and led a club. Let's assume that East plays the nine, which South wins with the king. (If East plays the queen, South lets him win the trick.) South then leads a diamond to the king and plays another club.When East now plays the queen, South ducks it and then has no trouble cashing nine tricks. Note that South cannot afford to lead a high club from his hand at -- _ ---- East can counter y dropping the queen on it. Extreme care is necessary to keep West, the hve aaa opponent out of the ead. CITY BUYS NURSERY COURTENAY, B.C. (CP)-- Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Craig of nearby Royston ended 30 years of growing rhododendrons and azaleas when the Vancouver parks board bought their 10,000 plants for $15,000. Failing health ended the couple's active career but they plan to continue work in a garden for their own pleasure. SALLY'S SALLIES --penicillin or some equivalent drug. Note to M. J. N.: A detached If, occasionally, the detachment retina in itself does not mean that an eye has to be removed. is caused by some underlying condition, that's another story. Dear Dr. Molner: I am a girl of 18 years. The moles I have had all my life are growing a little bigger every day. One on my side is causing me concern because it has changed from brown to black, partially. Is this a danger sign? Let me add that I am a coward when it comes to haveing a mole removed.-- it these moles really are growing, and if one is changing color, that can be serious, and you should consult your doctor Your mention of the chang- ing color may be significant. If the mole is irritated by your bra or girdle--more reason for urgent removal. Don't be a coward about having a mole removed. You've been vaccinated repeatedly, I'm sure. Well, for removal of a mole, you will need a prick of a needle no more bothersome threat of cumulative damage tojthan a vaccination, and that's the heart all you'll feel. As for afteref- Therefore precautions must|fects, there may be a slight be taken to sé¢e that another strep infection does not occur. The only sure way is the use soreness, but I've known of vac- cinations that were sorer than ithe aftermath of a mole remo- of a suitable antibacterial agent val.