C 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Apri 22, 1966 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire... Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 6--Marine Equipment B--Articles for Scle | |6--Articles for Sale ¢ rc i | BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |r", Roane |e | cea. | All modets now evalloble. fo i 4,000 miles full warranty. : Priced from $279, ort lay, 10 a.m, to 10 p.m. Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies Instruction ; pF ng 1006"'20 = inch windshields 723-8711 CANADA ORIVING "SEHOOL, Wally i f LHS CKAMPION, in dor riot ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account-|HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and Maing sured. Home pick-up service. Telephens OF ME U5, 1K =~ FE padis co tops RO-DON SPORTS ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshawa, | MAN, 5 oh Namen ti 14 | 728-48N1. Telephone 720 s be G F $29.95 each TAUNTON RD, E, wou» Gi Som eLANETS.Aeconlng SOzy TER £0875, "5. Ronphteys, BA, LLB. Office ARD N TIME Janitor Service ? Life-jackets, buy one, get one ust East of 5 points) e forte if required So koa 1 POO Ges. 728 160 ASH WHA ond ATTENTION! HOUSEWIVES, for clean t ARE ALLERGIES free. Discover the swinging world of @ Torsi r adjustment "725-5133. ; \ i fc ys coe South, 7250397, Ges. 722-7605.__ NO. RAS ndeite, screens, call A INHERITED 2 12 foot aluminum cortops. YAMAHA ssid JOT UTA et) Bond Street | eee oroeee oe "4 PARKLAWN GRASS. MIX red Window'"and" General' Cleaning, a. : $159.00 « asi, Telephone 723-465. BCL, Berriser end. Solictor, 73. Centre| SUPERFINE GRASS MIX -- | S297 ssh palo Ase BRAKE SPECIAL HALL, PERKIN, MaciKILLAN AND, CO, Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. - 5.0 p.m. SUBURBAN GRASS MIX CELLARS gy il ; 5 f Dented and scratched camper Sewing Machine Special (most popular cars), First Chartered A m. Witter'. 'Han, | Evening eppointment, Dial 722-166. TIMOTHY & ALSIKE 297. trallers, FREE formica cobinet Quality Royaline iit Cc. Hall, Besmene CY a, ae & Penh Ail Bciiding Trodes INDIVIDUAL GRASSES | waLL WASHING by from $239.00 Value $79.00 A-wheels . . RSD Se J. Graham PEAT MOSS me ret Free estimates. Toephene fs Se SDLa AND 0, Charis SO-GREEN 7-7-7 +7796 ALLWEATHER with ony regular priced Eine. | wise BALANCE SPECIAL jal Trade Bulld- % c . A fro, iar king treet Eeat, Omnawe, Or ASPHALT SO-GREEN PREMIUM CELLARS Yards cleaneds else 'sidewslk| Sp " White Elna Sewing Centre| inciuding weights per wheel tario, 725-3507; Hopkins, CA; H. E. GARDEN SO-GREEN Joe and Son, 723-2368. MARINE 38 Bond West each Beadle, CA; E. 'ikaw, CA. MILORGANITE YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. DRIVEWAYS CAL, 10-6-4 Money To Loan yt " Wik eer iG 725-7181 EAS WORK A Ch FRONT. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Street Pre Season Special EVERGREEN 6-9-6 TWILL LOAN you up to $5,000 ef » A 1$ SATEM 1X LumPs . Ret ost Bo eT. sue eosnapeedy tai GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 reasonable rate of interest to consolidate| AML MATIVES oF WESTERN A Rv Just South of Eglinton Ave, E. WATKINS PRODUCTS z one Certified General Order now save up to 25% GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD your bills or for any other worthwhiis BY THE o fi yi Kiss OPEN 9 to 9 GORDON R. DAY, ve rafal . purpose providing you are steadily em-| praica 1x 1E SAME MANNER, 1 JAN MAS GUARAHSELD This week's special DOMINION Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Sho Good Financing Available BONEMEAL ployed end have good credit, Telephone AMAT HORT AMERICANS EAT (3 sine Device, | 751-7766 MEDICATED OINTMENT + WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ping Centre, 725-9953. SHEEP MANURE DELOITE, PLENDER: WASKING and Low as $2 per week C.LL. 10-10-10 REQUIRE $3,800 loan, steady" position SUGAR AND CANDY. a "as 1 CALL TIRE STORE rter' , and good credit. dang own se Bi RIA; 8. R. Waters, CA) All work guaranteed for 2 CLL, 4-12-10 . oe BOATS ig Shopping Centre, 728-7527. _| ears Please call for free es- GARDEN TOOLS fatersat, write Box HatSe? 'Oonawe Times. MOTORS ; 728-2383 : 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH FOR PEOPLE with income property 8 i i nytime. BULK GARDEN SEEDS . , * Deliveries made anytime 6 Bikernoig ee evice tallored| timates and advice anytime. BUG KILLERS Mortgages Sales and Service TV--Radio Repairs MARINA & SERVICE to your needs. For Information call 725- 723-0381 FUNGICIDES | ase FACILITIES BUYING OR SELLING TorntWre of Sp: TELEPHONE 725-6511 " BONDED ASPHALT WEED KILLERS OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. APPLIANCE TV. TOWERS Harbor Rd, Off Simcoe St. S. structure pete Par bacig e cf MacNEILS Barristers OPEN ALL DAY | | PAVING CO. | ' A, CE ad Monday -- Saturday | MORTGAGES REPAIRS | ARE THE BEST Follow The Signe eeoaar iy Ser Urs Few! SED FURNITURE East, Oshawa, 728-823 Daily Delivery Expert repairs to all makes | WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! |"STARCRAFT" G: ee Tene hes ta rere: rorelres) WASHERS, ORYERS, STOVES ¥ LB, , rew Traveller boats, a y E 7 TA eS Micter and idetery Poet SPRING SPECIAL of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. [stance motors. Open eve. and ear Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West : ' | | : bt be RANGES, FLOOR POLISH. | ilding, kK | ends, Marine Storage and Supply Lid.,|oe oe F "SeGewer"Omario client parking| @ Additions @ Waterproot COOPER - SMITH $2000.00 BUYS | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ LEO. ends, Marine So , sy a wT = = Sere ae 16 725-4717, 1965 14-FT, RUNABOUT, fibregiass, 28 HP i i ho 725-47 Cae TT ota] © Garages @ Eavestrough ALC AN TELEVISION olor, WHR Vanes alten Tele ahone | Furniture, 444 iid South, 723-3271 Wide selection of cottage fur. Colon wethcrees, Solicitors, Notarles,| @ Roofing @ Chimneys CO 668-5033, NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re! niture, Bank of Commerce Building, '§ SIMI] @ Bointing @ Concrete z A $2200 FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | -- Corner Bond and Division |i FOOT BOAT, heavy duty traller, 35| Reis? '0, all, mekes. New Phone! 215 Dundas E , Whitby a, Phage i , a : Me aaa micaock;| @ Driveways @ Brick 16 Celina St. ond Mort ee re 728-5143 fie toby ete. Telephone 7251505 ster s, PIANO -- New small plana, only ia 668-5481 tH , 728-8554) g _ ' 5 in , ; J. C.. Victor, 985-7115. | n ortgage IS-FOOR CEDAR STRIP boat; electric| ang key cover, $598. Easy terme avall.|/ os yA FREE ESTIMATES 1723-2312 -- 723-1139} 9g @ --- TV SERVICE start, 18 HP Johnxn outboard; Tee-Nee |apie, Wilson ana au Lise, a? Since sees fur, Propane gue ove td_ even, aaeEn AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- Sollcl- | trailer, controls, extras, $480. Alex 942-|street North, 725-4 i Box, electricity. foresee, King iret Eas, al CO-ORDINATED | EST. 1909 Payments $25.00 monthly DOC'S SPEED | DAY OR EVENING aeaoy SUOARGTRIP Goats 10 ALMOST NEW leatherette bed chester-| 263-257 Ge, mesa, Terence Vv. Kel. SC REMAODELLERS 2662. | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer pons Dg Call adding machine, $%0.; comptometer, shows 15% return on invest- les | d size 42; 12 gauge shot gun with onelisy % a Reduced Sale on --_ OSHAWA 'GROOT QUTBOARD GOIN Colter Gam | Mary Manley' omnaton she «Phone 668-2 tiene Syeerinr, 2-total conn register, ment. Good covenant ai equipment, chrome occ, fen- trailer; 1963, 60 horse-power Gale, excel- | 4260 after 6. sabatone wite, we Pri equity, 3 year old brick de- der skirts, grills, discs, sliks, ELECTRONICS lent condition. Telephone 725-6762. PRIVATE SALE two television watt epee lined Lt TI EL led hed ho N.H.A. 1st. parts. 14-FT. CEDAR STRIP Peterborough boat |table model, walnut finish, $65, Philco| ang man's clothing, excellent ition. tache me. N.H.A, Ist, with fiberglass hull, $125, Telephone 7. ge ¥ Poe sf hari new Banged me Telephone 725-5639, 3155. In exce run condi En ; "ti . Phone 773-8728 atter 6 p.m, SPACE HEATER with pipes. Suitable for mechanic. Open 7 doys 'till HYDROPLANE, new, B st 10 cottage. in good condition. Telephone LAUDER HALL 10. 1600 King St. E. | or Mercury with speed job. Cost sean will|FOR SALE -- Pine cupboards, wash- Whity (668-4363, : m9 ands, brass beds and rockers, one white| WitDy 668-4963, Black and White Sell 2 Seek, Tekephene TENG, enamel double sink, one built-in sink cab-| TORO POWER MOWER -- reasonable, $50, Telephone 725-3431. INVESTMENTS 728-778) Telephone 1S HP EVINRUDE, 14 FT. cedar siriplinetie. Mony other articles. Con be be seen|one year ld, iste boat with aang tarp end trailer, Tele. at the Hidden Corner Antique Shop, Ash- T.R.1.0. Television |phone 725-4565. burn, Onterio. One mile west of Myrtle.|\9-Market Basket including 12% interest, & CUSTOM 728-5286 Johnson; Elgin, trailer, $350. Whitby 668-| Carrying' casey' Iocinor ote Ms tent TYPEWRITER, standerd, $90.7 portable, Jermyn, BA, LLB, SPRING CLEAN-UP ue | 723-0966 e Cents * erg e | 4 e il @ eding @ Classified Rates Sponsoring Member of H.O.P.E. e Evergreens @ Grading @ | yor sa! insertion of 24 words, $1 08; @ Marion and nga oll | ; : pt at aa grass @ Complete landscap- 24 hour towing, licensed COLOR EV. | | sceite inartore of 24 wards, $286; Asphalt Driveways | 'ing @ Feria additional words ic. each Y seit rainy of 24 yon $84 MIKE MASTER PAVING | HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING additional words 2ic, each. i ple ee additional eharge) Coli anytime for free esti- for etthin 8. days. . wi mates, All work guoranteed. SMITH'S Phone Ajax Mathod of Counting -- Less thon 24) Quality is not extra - it's in- | aoe Lah Buy ra ts as 24 words; each w luded, | a iano or rgan ee COLORED TOILETS, $25; basins, $10; camera with ones crepe ined oh ire, "figure or 'ebbreviation counts ¢ TREE FARM i 942 261 1 ° gan, fen 5B) Teak op agg nied length, white background, bive. alee we erie word: phone number counts) = Foie. 793.8631 @ Cedor posts -- poles. HEINTZMAN | Service Call only $2.50 Laundry tubs, piping, mtings, boat. Kits, GAS REFRIGERATOR, ¢-cobic Too, 90°| APPLES -- fiat rade controlled mor 728-5143 7--Swap and Barter Gor woah wna! ae eee T ONTARIO potatoss. Free-dalivery. Also seed potatoes and applies, Telephone 723-0615, twe wo! F | tboard motors, tralie: Chinn, Hill. : : acetal Mcintosh, second grade Mcintosty sinris-- EATS on Satis seb aes . ee ees roel -- & Company Ltd, FAST T.V. SERVICE Sse ant Fark heed become es. Bread a sf. poe Zal college Avenue. [81 $1.25 @ bushel, 'Spies, $2.25 a bushel SOCIAL NOTICES e ve birch, sreoreers, 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa DOMINION ior andi en excel | 725 ; Insertion with 25 cents addi- tent condition good used modern ovine 20" electric duty, renge, oe theroes if nor paid within 8 days. trees. Call collect MORTGAGE TELEPHONE 728-2921 | TELEVISION style bern liv! or diningroom| $40; girl's 28" bicycle, $15) box trailer! 1Q__ Farmer's Column QUALITY CARPENTRY Newtonville 786-2283 GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer) 728-5154 9 ath. to 9 pm. |waNTEb er sen pent-ang mac wa| teal ast ta etent reclaim (ut SASTRY HARRIS Gaed and ToruIGrr TU 32 ge ge oy 35 words ond Be.| & GENERAL REPAIRS weohers and ranges, Free estimates. Cali| All work: Guntantced, paleo Depth nad ower cate ee $25, After 6 call 942-1955. disc drill with grass seed box. atfech- each thereafter plus 12c. per line off fo oy your hdme improve- CHAIN LINK FENCES LOANS Fea or 723-00 hd ellie, range | up to five miles. New,| FREE! Furneces creaned, adlusied free. ted 942-2555, rouble-tree verse; 25c. additional charge if not rk guaranteed. paid weig'within 8 days. ment problems, call us first An A-1 gompany will give you Septic Service | city TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs, 2m Cueranived"eerres wwe tt RDS OF THANK 725-8576 highest quality of materials Moneys available for first | --|4, work, Susranieeds 511 Geen Aveme.| gi ticles for Sale es 0 or the first, 38 words and Se. Then hove @ tolk with eur end workmanship end lowest and second mortgages, Oper [ch cutis. Walter werd, 24 re paves cn BEAD AND CRIPERI Por ioak thereafter with 25c. * daitionall e Old fences removed, mortgages. No bonus. First | West, Whitby, 66s Well Drillina--Digging tes, 323 King ted Marae or pea charge If not pald within ® days vont ree esti anytime, mortgages, second ogg Surveyors moro ns DRUMS FOUR-YEAR _ book, lope Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263 COMING EVENTS 723-5377 and agreements for sale pur- in 30-inch file. W, Ward, 204 Chestnut SNARE DRUMS, baila oe steed $2.10 per wen yy ed ag il NELLIS HOME ~ F. SWARTZ BONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809! Smart looking finish, ntl sng, metal yee Tg $45; one BLAES got oily hay. Telephone or - 7 e (Word Ads) IMPROVEMENTS | )AAINTENANCE ati ine be ton TT Ontario street, 7azsoi2. "19 Personal size. Only $24.95 gach: girl's spring coat, $5 size 10. Tele owses sOARDED Townline > Blo AUCTION SALES Repoirs, remodelling For complete maintenance Oshawa, Ontario H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterlo Land DRUM STICKS REPAIRS fo fishing rede and reels end male a, Fueaee Mon vig gag $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, 'ond additions. Suu Gr Ife beat. Woucall ux 723 '4697 Surveyooe, Ma Elgin Street East. Phone} Removal of superfluous holr vo quantity all Coleman products. man's Cor: |e eacKen uke Fal DEADLINES All work guaranteed. We do the rest. Expert work, es aber. Marie Murduff will be in ¢ pair mer, Syren Seu, 'whhtby {bloc west | 725-4550. EN MANURE " lephone WORD ADS 728-2061 low rates. TV--Radio Repairs Oshawa, May 2nd, 3rd and WILSON & LEE MAIRDR GER Golator a |ROLSTRIN,STRERS anglers Oi : 4th. Phone Genosha Hotel 87 Simcoe St. N, 725-4706 |anmonvar ni a $2 .°lone year old, Telephone ree ONY Parvin VALVE QRINDING, | retacing | and 723 9903 oe eee nee vd 2630, own container. Algome Orcha atid Road Nority Whitby. ree LOST AND FOUND mechanical work done at your » For Conventiona APRIL SALE ONLY on _ dates for eppoint- ison ie trolux floor polisher and i : wa tick PUBLICATION. More information call i corer MORTGAGES mt. La eine --Pets « rs conlgenctaed < ae guaues ter ee pee ATTENTION ELECTROLYSIS All models on display. Im- ran nied maeenieias "agen NEW PLASTERING end repairs, stucco, (enced 98 PTS AY OF PUBLICATION sidewelks, remodelling, rec-ooms, Free a "EXPERIENCED 723-4641 mediate Delivery. Low down [RESTAURANT equipment, deep fryer, bargain for aunk wale Telehees Te estimates. o i payment, $19 monthly. Com- grill, milk shake mixer, resteurent serv- IN MEMORIAMS and 728-4717. FOR LAWN ROLLING call John's Land- APPRAISALS WILL Mr, Wilbert K. Ripley, formerly 1 ing dishes. Telephone 942-4703. CARDS OF THANKS scaping, RR No. 1, Brooklin, 655-3866. Copteck GRAND OPENING of Birch Street, Oshawa, or anyone know- ar gg pic pomp iy GIRL'S USED SUMMER DRESSES and imen' Shepherd' pope ome Crees or wae CARPENTRY new and repair and block | ___ . YP $s ROTO-TILLIN No sod, Na UE ing his present whereabouts, please write > rt " Pp} «p.m, DAY PREVIOU work, Free estimates. Telephone 728-7680. by Y . ae IG done. No s ELDON KERR MIS ER OWERS ie ben a, Ohaen Ties, Ost 195 King W. 728-4242 ski te isd and 12 asin $2.50 each. After | litter hag rrr) Piomine into pony. 5. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY EAVESTROUGHING Installed cleaned,|sincH TREES, any alley cedar for ot Whitby 1206 Dundas E. 668-6642) private SALE -- three rooms of turn aRBT D, 1 eolumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-|repaired. See our exclusive patented os and lomberdy poplars. Telephone LLOYD METCALF For Best T.V. Reception Call 3--Sportsman's Column por rm aggro | ty 'three ree Vag Boil ee ine ot a0, 5 cr = q Y T 2034, Fold a d 8. | Screen, st cloggl Guaranteed 10 ¥ 1 umns or larger--10 a.m. day previou amare biel yaaa ging. 530. 372 King Street West. Real Estate Ltd. MISTER TOWERS WANTED -- Members for newly ny fornttrec:enty tele Ihe. and 728- point ay syea ANCELLATIONS AND TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or 11) cut 40 King St. E 728-4678 SPECIALISTS IN trout club. Well stocked streams, excel-|bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem-| PRIVATE SALE of household furniture, C. a panlen Pu jancock." Stend- ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get/them down. Free estimates. 725-5118 or . E., T lent fly fishing ree, Write Box M20728,|bies, Pa' ly $3. weekly. Unbeatable|diningroom suite, five bedroom sultes and | mance "Ha gtestecg ba your driveway paved by experts. 22 cents| 726-0610. mo , V OWERS Oshawa Times. 'valve Barons" ° Fur @2i| articles foo nun 764/100 at veges arch, Pet Minty ene epee eters 8 Cc 5 i valuel Barons' Home Furnishings, articles too numerous fo mention. 9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION | square foot, All work guaranteed. 723-0281.| SRivEWAY GRAVEL, a yards and vp, A A SMELT FISHING equipment, gun 1I-|S!mcoe S. Simooe Street _South,725-3627. SEAUTIFUL baby Gadd nee Any advertisement cancelled before} YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-|$2.00 ERI LS BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for per yard; top soll, 3 yards and up, | T OND cences. New and used guns, fishing] FLOOR COVE -- Ch is-| CHEST OF DRAWERS, $10; two ni publication will be charged one day's) io. uit, repeired; gas linings Installed; |$2.25 yard; well rotted manure, $5. yard. F Raia ROT ORS ga! Bond "hig a ee ep Hagel erg Apply Mrs. T. tackle. boats, Valley Creek, 16 Continued patterns, 2%. per footy large|tables (painted), $8) giri's bicycle, 'GI Hreinieg, tax insertion, roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997. | Delivered. April Discount Special Street West. 9 x 12 carpets $39.88. Wilson Furniture, 20| er', $8; bedstead, full size, wainut veneer,|8F08d, 114 Elgin BOX NUMBER RENTAL--SOc EXPERT PAVING, 2 cents square foot| WANTED = tas to cut. Reasonable -- All Classes -- 50' Structor All Wave Aerial WANTED -- Membe treut Church Street. $5. Call 725-2422. FIVE YEAR old, one carer type biack While every endeavor will be made|includes grading and fil, two-year guar-| rates. Call_ 723-4916 -- City, Rural, Vacation -- ONLY $59.95 $125 for season, Write D. Muller RR Ne | GOLF EQUIPMENT -- THUNDER BIRD|GARDEN TRACTOR -- 7 HP "Simpll-| mare quiet, Western saddle and complete to forward replies to box numbers to/|antee. rrano Paving, 723-5841 TOP SOIL with < r 7 al . 2 Millbrook, Ont. Golf Club. Save up to 50 per cent at our|city," nearly new. Also farm gate, 14' the advertisers as soon as possible,|ca TER. Rec. rooms, aeration, rnin ie eat Willtoe Kuri 468-3900 SUMMERLAND 40' $49.95, ----------------------------------|spring sale. Both new and used equip-|best offer. Telephone 623-5718 or 'apply 71 POODLES -- five weeks old, minietures, we accept no liability in, respect of | etc. Free estimates. Phone collect "Don',| or, 666-6980. | SECURITIES LIMITED Call |5--Trailers ment available, 655-4952. Ontario Street, Bowmanville, white, registered, champion sired. Tele- Ce ee ere eee te ie Leort Perry Seam. - |__112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 Mister Towers To-day BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|CHOREMASTER garden filler, pene 7HPS188. pier 4 Bm. heavy througir ier ailure--ar--dstay Se : a warding pis replies, however caused| COMPLETE PRIVATE AND CORPORATE Hosiery "For your Home Survey GOLDEN FALCON oe Sree. Renere fF Mee Hat lfore|duty medal pxcellent ition. Gir's Broun three ponles, reasonable, 72-0s8y, whether by negligence or otherwise.|done tu your satisfaction. Cail all mortgages. Mortgages and agr Installations in all areas in- | Whitby, 668-5481. | | The Times will not be responsible for|Home Improvements, 725-9428. it yf i h 5 replies uncalled for in 20 days ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Bryne, Murdoch tna Victor, enter cluding Newcastle, Bay BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, vused.| TELEVISION TOWERS -- 307f. 1-In. pee to see. "prooklin ees repairs, large and small jobs. L. and risters" Ridges, Port Perry, Brooklin. CORSAIR Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond| tower with 10-ft. mast and single B-213 REGISTERED HACKNEY mare, twe REGULATIONS Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. IN SPARE TIME Fintt AND SECOND morigage. ale ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY | pAlnelBhndons Mn neoe peiabobn i gorge Sa Mee alge 2 years old. Bay with white markings. Also The Oshcwa Times will not be re-|EAVES TROUGHING., Free estimates. agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| 378 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA | TRAVEL TRAILERS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Honest! ind Division, 728-5144. eran cre. pee ee Ba sponsible for errors in advertisements| Guaranteed work. Murray Hollday. Tele- and Hennick, Barristers, 31 eine Street | Cal's, Bargains while they last, 205 John) °° © . 3 86. submitted otherwise than in writing not | phone 725-9404. Low monthly payments in- | East, 723-7232. Call a9 ono To-day SUBWAY TRAILER PARK |Street_East_Wwhitby. 668-6361, ONE rier tower 'stracure "arin double FRENCH poaD Le, fandard, white, for more than one insertion of onyl ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| clude text boo! instruc- | FIRST AND SECOND mort il USED TYPEWRITERS, $39.) new, o40)|% Guarter tower stru male, nine months old, Best offer. Tele- advertisement nor "beyond the price| Meting, chimneys. eevestroveningy fre: ks and ins o j AND SALES ee ay eeneeeas ; B-21-3 aerial, $39.95, T 723-8131,| Male, 94 ' able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock adders, $89.) tectory | ----_-- Phone 8 charge for a single insertion in which! piaces, masonry. Gord May, Whitby,| tions. Prepares you to achieve Street North, Whitby 40-3000. Lucky number draw on the ates, Save $$ $ with Bill Hamitton SUIT, yellow and grey mixed, $10) ©90/ SietiAND Welsh ponies, three years error occurs. | 668-2774. Ontolo. Diplonsa by" ineans first 1,000 towers sold. Win- 1010 DUNDAS ST. E,, n. shell white sult $10; blue skirt, $57 ve old, Reasonable. Telephone 942-1924. The Oshawa Times reserves the right| MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Re-| 04 provincic) examinatio Musical Services ners will receive portable TV | WHITBY SMITH-COROWA --cochregletere, G97.i/pece, Finx, Greet 65) all Ore tne ee ae cheap We to classify advertising according to|roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting. v' examination. set plus cerial refund. rebulit, guaranteed. Down with high . No papers. Phone its proper classification, Cement work. Insulation blowing service; , . E SMALL DANCe BAND hogan As Parts and Accessories prices, You're right, come to Raglan roca aan -- Telephone daytime © vacuole 24-hour service. 723-8416. For FREE information--write, |perienced, reliable, r hone sis and "23-0444; evenings 668-6583. in the cases of display advertisements| FOR ALL YOUR home Improvements, American School, Dept. 8, holBA A Belle Rictbeces : v BL" STHNO chairs, awivel| GARDEN TRACTOR, 7 _H.P, Telephone he Times will n : ; general constructicn and guaranteed work- Authorized Dealers for: base, casters, $146.) new $27.) executive! after 6 o'clock. Whitby 668-8404, sible for more | manship. call 668-2179. Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario | Optometrist : TV TOWE RS ai arm filters, $47 new, We discount, 81! GuRvsLER ¢ Mecullough eo pesca Pied a Toeuae never used, space the actual error e@ pub-| adele @ Citation @ Glendette Hamliton, Raglan, CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS, WESTERN and ai saoale nd | tack. no liability of advertisement if any|McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061. Nome .......... se 159391. ECONOMY AND @ Truck Campers lock, $40. Also other sixes. Typewriter|/power mowers, fillers, Sales-Service-/REGISTERED German Shepherd, therein. jamic bathrooms, Armstrong Corlon or Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings: | USED AUTO PARTS. 'batteries, tires, eae ESE Wen ere Arabian colt, grey, coming one year, WV We TIMES ACTION WANT AD male, ene and one Alc T 1} le, rator, F. estimates. Tel & $1. 50, 725-2162, nis Nelson Street. | MOSAIC TILE, oor 'ile, concrete. work PAUL POGUE r. Free estimates. Telephone 723-5956.) TERMS ARRANGED 4 SAEEER ie nom Gilson; Hien A |halt year. old mongrel, hes all needles, base.|A BEAUTIFUL love bird, lishers endeavor t ce all ad-|ROOFING chimneys, all types of cement F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simeo chain saws, Bridgestone motorcy: Apply Dickson's 15. Beatrl | HOUSE DELUXE tables, $14.90, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, | Rentals, United Rent-All_and Marine, 555/ weeks old, from champion stock, Whites | tile floors Home renovations. Free esti- Painting and Decorating motors, We buy oes radiators $4) ,|CHROME kitchen set, table and four Call Classified Direct ae Vey 78 BEAUTY SCHOOLS PAINTING, paper hanging, decorafl TRAILER SALES be! RANTRED used wringer woes! heavy. evty. moter, arberite op. Reason.| gentle, prefer home with children. Tele- j ity limi coe South, 723-0011, free cage, |A-l CARPENTRY, new and remodelling) 8 9 Hair Stylists, Cosmetic- | EXPERT painting and decorating. De Tt SUPPLY LIMITED (past ty limits) _South 7234 STORM, jos Git Admiral table|Deen taught to say "Hello" sa" Telee vertising matter cc but assume|work Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank Street North, Suite 6 Oshawa. Telephone @ Corsair @ Rambler USED FILING "Cabinets, four-drawer|Chrysler boats, Shark. sallboats, inaccuracies in any form are contained | CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING. Cer- Adéres or bcc ina aitvor" Week halt. : " et Priced to suit r bu IT'S EASY TO PLACE A | mates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036, EXPERIENCED PAINTER and deco. Spells. COOK martes, CV. ae Te ' Do it iF timate HF. T\ / Vision, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up. 6090. 723-3492 |Carpentry Train for a highly-paid future Scueniah aeons: ree ORS ve OSHAWA | Simcoe North Alcan Furniture and Appliances, Py Sim-jable price. T phone 723 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, exceilient con- INDEX TO land repairs. Free estimates. Telephone fon, Salon Manager = Seles now while we have time available, Free TAUNTON RD. E, i. 723-9534 _ --| itlon. $68, or best otter, Telephone 728-|mode! TV and stand, Apply 187 Windsor reet, CLASSIFICATIONS Cartons create under personal guid- Plumbing and Heating Just East of Ritson | NEW WEGENUGN cinta ranma, bonte 'duis FIANG -- eCURE Wh pend GeIIONT ar 12--Articles Wanted 1--Women's Column } ag ance. Call or write to. PAUL 723 SATALLITE 66 21", good condition, $40, Telephone 723-| cert pitch, $225. Telephone 729773. GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have" 2--Personal | MAN with Ya-ton pick-up truck, available) POGUE -- leading Cosmetic |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeiting, ig 4905 after 4 pm. GESTETNER duplicating machine, old| you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 3--Sportsman's Column anytime. Telephone 728-6879. ond Hair-Styling School -- new and used materials. Reasonable | DRAPES, lined, fit loot picture win-| model. MacNeil's Used Farm, 215 Dun-| 728-4401. i a ba - |rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. F . Standard: 14 ft $1,145 |dows also shortie drapes t0 match, Tele-|des Street East, Whitby 606-sd8l. aie aS $--Marine Equipment |Dentistry | 237 Yonge Street ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- Deluxe with toilet $1,295 [phone 7231482, MOTOR SCOOTER, excellent condition, veleg tne Wish ee pans ot itlone Soar tar to |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., P| Toronto 7, Ontario, plies. Telephone 725-3821, Harold H. TELEVISION RAD | "Everything for Trailers' WEDDING GOWN, size 16, full length,| 125 c.c.'s. Best offer! Telephone 725-6757| Phone 723-7609 after 5 p.m. GouMarket Gasket | Surgeon, 72 py Dkk East, Oshawa.| HU 7-2107 at Ss Flee aire dace Sng! und 10 ; pear be Bn ~-- pol % Fe efter. 6 B.m. "- GUTBOARD MOTOR: 9 to 17 HP wanted iVoeee on Sieerines satan te. 5 Sara Sur | pay Avanie 24 HOUR SERVICE MILLER'S Jacket, sixe 20," Telephone 728-919 after ee 35 Division ie ee eee 12--Articles Wanted 12 Simcoe Street North, Oshawe, * For L , Ontario |Rug-Upholstery Service | AJAX 942- 3491 = a ATOR, -- Gibson, large 3" 13--Articles For Rent $35 13----Articies for Rent | appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441, GE _9-0101 pare paaoay 8 warvinenouRe retrigerator, Viking range, four-burner, Beach, 14---Business Opportunities r7 1965. COLLAPSIBLE Cara Trail camper, washing machine, wardrobe with full: 15--Employment Wanted | Dressmakin EAR T @ NOW OPEN @ HOLMES sleeps four, with dining table, two new|size mirror, Telephone Whitby 668-2575| Telephone 263-2569. Tables. Chain, Linens: Glie 16--Agents Wanted g N UP TO $100. Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville fires, canvas awning and screen, sparelafter 6 GOLF CLUBS -- (man's), $50. Telephone} OPE ee ccser 'Coffeo 17--Female Help Wanted |"MODERN DRESSMAKING"--l2 Prince A WEEK' OR MORE | thteahy a Rhy tire, curtains, private. 723-8667. WONDA, used. Excellent condition, $250.| Port Perry 985-2630, Uke Punch Bowls Bridal , 1s --Mole Help Wanted Street' NOW OPEN! Ladies' made-to- FORCED SA a 'elephone Whitby 668-8589. '|TENT TRAILER, suitable for femily, q 19--Male or Female Help Wanted | measure sults, aresses, axifts, ete, eur] BIG PAY JOBS WAITING DARLINGTON | eg Rael pe I ll | tile floor, red Teatherette| Wear, Men's Formals, White 20---Real Estate for Sale fomers' materials, expert servies, ree.| for MARVEL GRADUATES UPHOLSTERY irallers, Four Sliver Ciner, corimen ores | BrINe 1 almost new, elec: Fim Should see to appreloate, Can. be Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. 200----Summer Properties sonable prices, i ; tric stove, two-piece beige and brown " 21--Farms for Sale Marvel Hairdressing Schools 102 King W.. Bo itl yas type. Reasonable, all in good condl-| chesterfield suite, 48-inch headboard, |S¢e"_249 Windsor Avenue, : 2--Lots for le cantina te cone tent are in principal. cities offer ex- "623-734 Neale ° FOR PROMPT SERVICE 2 Niohney, Or wile Ghee Geka Imitation fireplace. Telephone 728-6171. |VACUUM repairs, all emekee, hoses, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 3--Real Estate Wanted " a ny i " " = a hibited L Slesaodl ee M brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. ; 4--Storés Offices and Storage specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. clusive "MARVEL TOUCH |e CALL TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, WRINGER WASHER, Westinghouse, one Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,| 463 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 5--Houses for Rent EXPERIENCED dressmaker: LADIEs| ining. Complete course | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re- : also ail types of welding done, reason-| Loi" naif' price. Telephone. 725-2428 "| Elexering. 6--Apartments for Rent wear, girl's wear, and alterations, Tele| DAY or EVENINGS. For free | styled. Free estimate. See our Peg Whitby--668-5679 able, Portable equipment for rent. 723- : : F 7--Rooms for Rent phone 723-1729. brochure, write or visit jfor recovering. Slip covers to 6840, new smooth-top mattresses, $19.95; 8--Room and Board 7a weer eee , | order. Dalton Upholstering, s" Sharte satrcertate 7) aware Srallar wlan | leather seats; Singer portable sewing ma- aid rg s4 a reeea Ron | DRESSMAKING and minor aieratons Wat see DELUXE FOLDING trailer with| thine, attechmnente Ona neveree ite | stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; (O--Automobiles for Sal very reasonable. Telephone 648-48 MARVEL BEAUTY | - BYTE awning. One year old, 7' x 12' unfolded. |Toetnone 9299734, space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome| ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred A cumente Core tor tale lanpne FRICOR |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. E (| OSHAWA AND WHITBY |exceitent condition. mn. Telephone 725-8330, | Telephon sets, radios. Guns, new and used. Valley|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for bane oe ae atl | ING and areamakine SCHOOLS led 17 years. Workmanship gu k HONDA -- Bue, 19 1 | THISTLE BABY CARRIAGE, beige, ex-| Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, rad : jadies' and children's wear, 668-6248. Estoblish Free estimates. Credit terms. NIGHT SERVICE -- Bive, 1965, 150 c.c.'s. Apply cellent condition, only used one. year.|<7< = parking. 723-2140 mornings. 3. utomobiles Wonted | EXPERIE Stablished over 40 ey re-built, furnit finished, Osh at Smith's Sports, 353 King Street West Tel 942-1994 CUSTOM PICTURE framing, any size. 34---Automobile Repair caren NCE ~DRESSMAKING and Dept. OT, 219 Bloor St. |holstering ML DeOh Aventa, Ta 725-8541 668-5830 | {fom_9 until 6 p.m. revar tediidesd hA ta Call Bill DeGraatf of Clark Studio, 668-|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waikers, 5--Lost ond Found wa oplar Street, Apt. 2, 728- TORONTO W. d is or zs, 14FT. ALUMINUM" BOAT Harber: | 2-INCH GENERAL ELECTRIC range, In| 5467 evenings only. reducing machines, sick room supplies, 6--Lega! Pe |DEALING IN SERVICES? An ad in the ' craft, convertible top, , electric start. Bice a WE BUY, 'sell and exchange used furnt lf tl Bonilla ditbndhas Auctions ALTRRATIONS, on on dresses and coats. ee AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en-|Business Service Directory brings extra RAE'S Used' one summer on Weekends, John. | "652 ture or you have, The City|CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church 4 ng ° l@ 623-| roiling for tenn Guitar, by/customers a) moderate cost. Telephone e ston 18 HP 'motor, complete $975. Orono|FENDER Bandmaster amplifier, like| Trading Post Store, 44 Simcoe Street/sisie runners, Cleve Fox slabs ing 412 9--Notiess ; 13931 er 423-3154, ear or pete. Phene 723-5 72-44 te piace your ed, RADIO & TELEVISION 'aus' new. Telewhone 725-6182 South. 723-1671, am Simcoe Street North, Cali 727-2414 HONDA -- Suzuki, scooter. Rentals, 199 DININGROOM suite, eight-plece, chairs GERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12 King _ Street West, Oshawa. Telephone 728-4242.