Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1966, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 22, 1966 HAS ONLY ONE ARM, BUT... Young Indian Athlete Has Heart And Brain i RUPERT, B.C. -- The 'one-armed school if oer outfielder catches the fly from the plate with his gloved left hand, flips the ball in the air, tosses his glove, eatches the ball and makes his throw. It's something to see Frank Parnell, 16 - year - old Indian youth, born with only a three- inch stump below his right elbow, play baseball. And bas- ketball too, for that matter. He's also a top track and field contender and plays a better- than-average game of soccer. The five - foot, 130 - pound youth, the fourth youngest child of a Masset, B.C., fisherman, recently exhibited 'his skill on the basketball court where he starred for Port Edward's Christ The King Anglican Church team. His team was eliminated two straight but parnell potted nine of his team's 64 points, despite his handicap. "T have an artificial arm," he said in an interview. 'But I never wear it because my friends give me strange looks when we play together. They think I'll use it as a weapon. I took it off five years ago and haven't worn it since." In 'softball he bats one- handed, with his good left hand. He can't hit the ball far, he admits, but what he lacks, in; distance he makes up for in speed in making it around the} bases. Team sponsor, Rev. J. C.| Blyth, says of Parnell, a leader : , a of his Knights Church club:| Of Sports. | inclucing | base: Pie has a wonderful attitude,| a. basketball, track and : '| field. Says a friend, "'he mixes well, goes to church reg-| ; : larly and is a standout in| ™2ke* up for his arm by sports." using his heart and brain." During any sports game he's --CP Photograph "a thinker,' says Mr. Blyth. "TJ mean Frank makes up for) Frank does one-armed push- his handicap by using his brain|ups and is good at volleyball and anticipating opposition |training exercises. moves.' "T have the boys bat a vol- Frank is on the university|leyball against the wall to program at Booth Memorial|quicken their reflexes," says junior secondary school here} Wasylik. "'Frank is better than and has a C average. School) most." principal D. L. Hartwig says; All of Frank's four brothers "he could do better." and sisters were born without Edward Wasylik, Frank's| handicap. physical education instructor at}. Says Mr. Blyth: "I wish all the school, says the lad has ajyoungsters were as good as little trouble with flips and|Frank. I believe he would be vaults but 'otherwise he's ex-|one of the best Indian athletes | cellent in other aspects of phys-|in Canada if he had been si ical training." |without his affliction." FRANK PARNELL, 16 - year - old Indian youth,. | was born with only a three- inch stump below his right elbow but plays a full round | with horizontal bar, side horse, parallel bars, free calisthenics, Champ Gymnast Writes A Book CHILLIWACK, B.C. (CP) -- Willy Weiler, the gymnast who has collected 113 medals since he came to Canada from Ger- many in 1957, has become an author. The four-time Canadian gym- nastic champion and present holder of the Pan - American Games title has written a soon- to-be-published instruction hook on gymnastics. It covers basic exercises long - horse vaulting and still rings. "We have physical education books for the schools which serve their purpose, but have no value in competitive gym- nastics," said Weiler, a ser- geant in the Canadian army. He hopes his book, which took two years to put together, will fill the gap. It is well laced with pictures of Weiler in ac- tion! At the moment, the German- born physical education instruc- tor at Camp Chilliwack has other things on his mind--the world gymnastic championships in Dortmund, Germany, next September. It will be Weiler's first bid for world honors. He was pre- pared to go to the 1962 cham- pionships in Prague, but was stopped by the army because he jacked a Canadian passport. At the time he was only two weeks away from becoming a Cana- dian citizen. Weiler thinks his best chance for medals at Dortmund lies in| the vaulting, his best event. The 30-year-old Weiler be- lieves he now is past his peak as a gymnast. "There is no limit as to how long you can keep up gymnas- tics. 1 have seen competitors in the Olympics as old as 42, but First |the girls getting nice scores. |243, 232) OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS LAKEVIEW LADIES a hy Ides other hy fate Wes The first week of play-offs is over ¥ atl Marg Monell Pring Rose Floody with team standings as follows: 3 # 24 riteoeraid nid 224, Dot Smith 220, Adi nig oP fal lcovery op"Bit Fores or ih 2138; Rolling Pins 3065; Pinettes 2885, HUMORESQUE BLIND hsitehaved LEAGUE 5, Elenor Crowells 212, Nore. Fad monds 2634, In the consolations if is diy ona Hat 2896; Bisiwe tf 2856; Shindigs 205, ae Cowle 201 and Nelda Thomp- son 201, _ oh Wanamaker ya ee 305) and 4. parry 707 (235, 200, 2 600 B, McDiarmid Hen (222, 249); B. Saunders 635 (244); B. Smith 608 (236, 1; M. Hall 605 (261) and N, Larocque High Scott McColeman (146, 190) md Par "McConnell 129") 278; is jateman 7 Freda White (95, 81) 176 an 0.0.0.¢.c. ty nh Nn 1) and Ada Mc! 209 Results -- Geordies 7, The Skittles Hi wr (216, 233). Cellar Dwellers 7, Rolling Stones 0; i egg LADIES LEAGUE -- P, Lemaire 253, E. Clleff 250, Handi m7, corner Pins © and we Burrus @s champions this oun ra M. Ross 235, 216; T. ps Ad Nuts 7, The Duffy's veer pint infoll of 5638, Runners-up bal 231, M. Clark 217, H. Holtfoster 214,| over 499 Frank ae 648-199, LS were Collins with 5536, Vickers were next H. Colby uy, E. Tag eke» 212, 6B, Baron 196) Dave Whorral 604 (164, 180, 240);|WiIh 312 and Pearses with 5292. 209, 2. Tomine 208 and -R. Wry 205, Ken Aigerion oe (38, Fr Wy yd Consoiation winners were Taylors with Meliwral i Dave las rogge wer with MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE in 663 (281, 188, 194); Lillie Finch 673 opel sie ba rag aes week of playoffs with some of 220, 152, 251) and Eric Lioyd 647 (172, Bs ay. 203), ampbell 632 Moss 469 (276);| Over 200 -- Bob Fredricks 205, Pat Vickars 1 (241) and June Yuill Mary Bell | Mills 203,. Ann Brown 246, Sadie Stovell |, Scotts Ns ee wore Fag Bigs Gast (279, 1, |, Nancy 400 Games -- Mabel Norma Bradburn 456 (2866); sedi high singles were Batty Jollow 255, 432 (255); Helen Gourlie 431 (222, 209); 218, Betty Walimersn 205, Ena Poors aay Stella Edwards 241, Eleanor batt og Coverly | Doris Ball 220, Myrtle Waite 218, 4 Jones 218, Dariene Armstrong es Parsnese sii, ae Efien Burrus 204, 202, June | Fed -- Witterick 201 and Phyllis the ho for 1966-1967 ; seca, Mea ces a tle fie. Waite, Feige eo Lowe Collins and treasurer, See you pray nal tgt PTT Hall on " May 7, at 6.00 p.m. STUART NEW YORK (AP)--Dick Stu- art was placed on the disabled list by New York 'Mets Tnurs- day and will be out of action for at least 15 days. He suf- fered a torn rib muscle in the left side during batting prac- tice. You bought a house normally they ease up at 35. GOLF LESSONS Qualified C.P.G.A. Instructors Professional Teaching Staff. * Wilson Patterson * Al f Hyvestis * John Delmore Arrangements made for: Group Lessons, Offices, Club, etc, Private Lessons For All Golfers BEGINNERS AND DUFFERS WELCOME For The Best Selection In Golfing Equipment Visit Our Completely Stocked Pro Shop Let us take strokes off your game for more Golfing Pleasure, Thunderbird Golf Club ASHBURN, ONT. At sea and ashore! RUMS | NAVY RUM (Dark) PALM BREEZE (Very Light) PHONE 655-4952 WHITE CAP @ Holder of the World's Outboard Endurance Record, @ World's Largest Marine Engine Manu- facturer, Exclusive on 50 H.P.to 105 H.P. @ 50 to 1 Fuel Mixture. @ 930,000,000 H.P. in Engine Experience. @ Dealers and Service Depots Most Any- where -- Ask Us, 2 YEAR WARRANTY (Parts & Labour) 3.5, 6, 9.2, 20, 35, 45, 50, 75 AND 105 H.P. "Electric Starting Available on Models 9.2 H.P. to 45 H.P. inclusive -- Standard Equipment CHR World' in the Outboord. Newest, the Finest, the © Most Powerful Outboard "* SALES - RENTAL & SERVICE DEPTS. Chrysler Outboards, Fiberton Boats, Bombardier Ski-Doo, U-Haul Rental Trailers, Haun Rotor Tillers, and Power Mowers, Bridgestone Motorcycles, Sea Snark Sailing Boats, McCulloch Chainsaws, SA CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS NEW YSLER 105 s Most Powerful Here's The World. Styled and Engineered in the Chry- sler, tradition of leader- to keep your child off the street. Why keep him off the lawn? Agrico Grass Food produces thick, hardy lawns thet can resist wear and tear by kids and cookouts Agrico Grass Food is now avail- able at your dealers, One 22-ib, bag of the new Agrico light- weight fertilizer en- riches 4400 sq, ft. of grass and soil, After all, a lawn is to enjoy. This is why you should know about Agrico Grass Food. Most people think a fertilizer just greens grass, Fact is, many fertilizers do little more. But Agrico Grass Food is different. Agrico contains a special combination of ingredients that not only greens your grass, but more important, actually enriches your soil, Only nutrient rich soll can adequately feed a grass plant and its root system. - professional grass growers use Agrico SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA OSHAWA This weekend, apply Agrico Grass Food. And then you can throw away all your the-grass" signs, "Keep-off- OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE _ OSHAWA ery PRODUCTS RENT-ALL & MAR FIBERTON Quality Custom Boats @ 12' Canoes. . @ 14 Canoes . . 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"16.5 HP, 10,000 rpm 17.09 Ibs. 75 "mph 18.6 See, __BRAND B 248ce BRIDGESTONE MOTOR CYCLES THE QUALITY CYCLE @ Largest Cyle Manufacturer in Japan @ Largest Tire Monufacturer in Japan WANT PROOF OF BRIDGESTONE 175 SUPERIORITY? _BRAND C 247ce ~~ Z-stroke Twin 20 HP. 8000 rpm 15.75 tbs __83 mph 18.4 See. | 4-stroke | OHV Single | 14 HP. 6800 rpm 1 H.P. to each 1 H.P. to each 1 H.P. to each 19.15 Ibs 76 mph 18.8 See. McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS 'ae RRR ARERR COTTAGERS SPECIAL Mac 15's New $129. April 22 til April 30 Portable Welders Power Post Hole Diggers Brush Cutters Power Generators All Sizes of Chain Sows LARGEST SELLER IN THE WORLD Open 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Inv ies and Attachments RENTAL DEPT. Baby Needs and Trailers @ Generators @ .Loading Equip. Mech- 00 anical Tools @ Carpenters Tools @ Painters' Equip. @ Party and Banquet Needs @ Plumbing Tools @ Floor Equip. @ SHAMPOOERS United RENT - ALL & MARINE 555 KING ST. 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