Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1966, p. 3

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DOUGLAS LEITERMAN, 39, executive producer of This Hour Has Seven Days, shaves as he enters a closed meeting of CBC producers at a Toronto hotel Tuesday. The meeting was called af- ter the removal of Patrick Watson and Laurier La- Pierre as co-hosts -of This Hour Has Seven Days. (CP Wirephoto) Edward Murrow Sparked Career Of Leiterman TORONTO (CP) -- Douglas Leiterman, 39,. lean, quiet ex- ecutive producer of This Hour Has Seven Days, got into tele- vision partly because of an in- terview between the late Sen-) ator Joseph McCarthy and the late Edward R. Murrow "In 1953, McCarthy just about) had the country by the neck," he said in an interview. "Then Murraw, in 30- minute television program, fin- ished McCarthy, showed could be laughed at and 1 futed. This convinced me of the immense value and strength of the television medium. Nobody; else has been able to do the job." Son of a South Porcupine, Ont., accountant and an eco-| nomics graduate of the Univer- sity of British Columbia, Mr. Leiterman found journalism "got in my blood' when he worked nights at the Vancouver Province while attending col- lege. BEHIND IRON CURTAIN In 1954, after his fellowship year at Harvard University, he went overseas for the Province, did a series on the Lron Cur- tain countries and another from Southeast Asia. Mr. Leiterman spent three years with Southam News Serv- ices in the Ottawa Press Gal- lery. He was working part-time for Time magazine when, in 1957, he received an offer from the CBC. "There Was a memorable two lunch day, first with the Time people and then the CBC." He chose the CBC offer to join Close-Up, a public affairs tele- vision program developed by Ross McLean During: his first year, he con centrated on producing docu- mentaries, including studies of Louis St, Laurent, MacKenzie King, Richard Nixon and An- thony Eden. Later he conceived and de veloped Document and produced documentaries on India, Europe and the southern United States He won the CBC's Wilderness award for TV journalism in 1964 with a documentaryv.en racial conflict--One More River. one he e- ( 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 0g: FRESH PORK--Not Frozen SPARE "SEVEN DAYS" WILL BE BACK TORONTO (CP) -- Debate, both within and outside the CBC, continued Tuesday over the dismissal of the two hosts of the television program This Hour Has Seven Days. The program will return next season but, unless there is a complete reversal by CBC man- agement, it will not have co- hosts Patrick Watson and Lau- rier LaPierre, and maybe even executive producer Douglas Lei- terman. "Seven Days will be back," CBC President J. Alphonse Ouimet said on the TV program News Magazine Tuesday night. Mr. Ouimet stood firm in management's decision to take Mr. Watson and Mr. LaPierre off the program, It did not con- istitute a change in policy. But jhe hoped Mr. Leiterman would continue as producer, | The dismissals have sparked a mounting controversy among the public and in Parliament. Opposition Leader Diefen- baker and NDP Leader Douglas both called Tuesday for an im- | mediate debate in the Commons and the Toronto Producers' As- sociation threatened "drastic |measures" if the subject is not | reopened. SEES 'CRISIS, CHAOS' Mr. Diefenbaker called in the Commons for an urgent debate on a "crisis of uncertainty and chaos in the affairs of the CBC." He said State Secretary LaMarsh had admitted the Seven Days dispute is like the top of an iceberg -- sympto- matic of a more fundamental problem. Mr. Douglas said the jwould be greatly harmed there were mass _ resignations jby producers and performers, or if producers went on strike. Works Minister Mcllraith op- posed the motion, while Com- mons Speaker Lamoureaux said a debate would be in order Fri day, after non-confidence mo- tions before the current budget been dealt with The motion was defeated but the subject is expected to be CBC debate have jtaken up in the standing com-jinformally - which hearings mittee on, broadcasting probably will start Thursday.. TORONTO (CP) -- Kenneth soryden (NDP)--Woodbine) de- maned in the legislature Tues- day that Premier Robarts say whether or not he plans an in- quiry into the so-called "Melch- ers'. case." Mr. Bryden said almost a month had passed since he read! two letters into the record which purported to show that a Con- servative party fund-raiser had received money from Melchers' Distilleries Ltd. in return for promised favors. "Why is the prime minister (Mr. Robarts) taking so long to consider this matter' Mr. Bry- den asked. He said Mr. Robarts had a:duty to make a statement on the matter. "What's he afraid of" Mr. Bryden, who called for a judicial inquiry into the matter in speech March 24, re-opened it in the legislature Tuesday during speech on his bill to re- form Ontario's electoral laws. He said the two letters "cer- tainly seem to indicate what amounted to a form of shake- down of people dependent upon the government for certain ben- efits, in raising campaign His bill would make it manda- RIBS Ouimet Stands Firm 2 Co-Hosts Must Go if} House in the} "Melcher" Inquiry Due? PM Skirts Bryden Quiz necessary, withdrawal of pro-| ducers' services" if negotiations | on the dismissals are not re- opened. The producers, who turn out most of the top CBC shows on English TV, gave the CBC pres- ident until 5:45 p.m. EST today in which to reopen negotiations. MORE JOIN PROTEST The Oakville, Ont., local of the United Auto Workers (CLC) and a group of six clergymen in British Columbia added their voices to a public protest move- ment started in Toronto last Saturday by Prof. William M. Kilborn of York University. However, Prof. Marshall Mc- Luhan of the University of Tor- onto withdrew his support for the Save the Seven Days Com- mittee because "as things go on, 1 know less and less about the issues . . . I just don't have the necessary data to make a deci- sion." Mr. Ouimet, in the interview taped in Ottawa Mon day for showing on News Magazine, said the program is "good, vi- rile and provocative--we are changing the hosts, not the pro- gram." While Mr. Watson is a good) host and Mr. LaPierer "very| charming," working together) they had raised considerable problems for CBC management, ne said. Mr. Watson had been offered a place on a new show} and Mr. LaPierre would be ac-} jceptable as host of a different type of show. Mr. Watson and Mr. Leite-- jman also appeared on News | Magazine. | "The removals of Watson and |LaPierre were made without jconsulting the program depart- iment and this is quote unprece-| dented," said Mr. Leiterman |He previously said he would re-| fuse to continue as producer of| | Seven Days without the hosts of |his choice, but on News Maga zine refused to give a yes-or-no| janswer when asked whether he! Be jwould resign | | within the CBC. | Mr. Ouimet is in Halifax at-| (CP Wirephoto) |tending the quarterly meeting of} the CBC's board of directors. organized Toronto, A CBC spokesman there said| Association sent anjthe show's budget will be cut to Mr. Ouimet injby $1,000 a week next season} threatening "dras-jbut he did not give the gross . including, if! budget. | TOM KOCH, president of the Toronto Producers' As- sociation talks to the press after 70 members of the pro- ducers' association sent an ultimatum Tuesday night to CBC President J. Alphonse Ouimet threatening "with- drawal of. services" if the CBC does not reopen nego- tiations in the dismissals of the co-hosts of the television series. This Hour Has Seven Days. Mr. Koch said the message is a call for a gen- | eral review of conditions | | Producers' ultimatum Halifax jall members of the house} | agreed privately that they must jremove the possibility of gov- | jernment corruption being asso-} jciated with campaign contribu-| tions. But he added: "The government has planted tory for political parties to re- its feet firmly in its normal re- port all election campaign con- nice rv that pe fe ot 2 ania going to permit any electora' tributions over $50. reform, and it is inflexible in The NDP member accused this," | the Conservatives of being ex- Both Mr. Nixon. and Allan ceedingly secretive about their Eagleson (PC--Lakeshore) sup- contributions tention of Jetting the public funds to help defray election know where their money came costs of bona fide political can- from didates. Mr. Bryden, however, | Robert Nixon (L---Brant) sup-' opposed it. | THE ULTIMA ig TE IN LUXURY LIVING! " fr : Adult Building Central Location | ported Mr.. Bryden's bill saying 2. Non - confidence Moves Survived By By STUART LAKE OTTAWA (CP)--Kresh from a 12-day Easter holiday, MPs divided their time Tuesday be- tween the Commons and their television sets. Inside the Commons the Lib- eral government easily with- stood the first of two non-confi- dence motions inspired by Fi- nance Minister Sharp's March 29 budget speech. TV sets were installed in both government and Opposition lob- bies so that members could fol- low both the debate and the Stanley .Cup semi-final game between Chicago Black Hawks| $3,000 is the floor "for a half-|ister Benson, callea for public and Detroit Red Wings. Liberals Lewis carried the ball for his) party in attacking the budget, It had done nothing for the poor | on the grounds that more s0-| cial legislation would contribute | to inflation. | The Toronto lawyer said .the budget should have started to build a guaranteed income floor for every Canadian. That was why his party wanted personal exemptions raised to $1,500 from $1,000 for single persons, and to $3,000 from $2,000 for married couples, Welfare officials have said | decent standard of living for a gory and they shouldn't pay any THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 20, 1966 3 income tax. NO BOOM TO DELAY Thomas M. Bell (PC--Saint John-Albert) took issue with the *'slow-the-boom" theme of the budget. The Atlantic provinces had no boom to delay. To further his political ambi- tions, Mr. Sharp was taking a Kansas City Area Hit By Tornado KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)--A tornado dropped out of a rain- 3 Pcl # |storm Tuesday, brushed by an Rell nied anguage course, ™'T-/elementary school, then de- "I suggest he go out and get stroyed or damaged at least 28 a good Berlitz course on the fomes in a three-block area of Maritimes." a southwest Kansas City sub- Creditiste Leader Caouette Urb: said the budget did nothing to). Four persons were reported help the working man of the injured, none seriously, An farmer. Since British Columbia|emergency alert that sounded was cutting taxes, he suggested just before the twister struck Mr. Sharp take a trip there to; may have saved several lives. see how it's done. James E. Walker, parliamen-| out for the broadest public dis- tary assistant to Revenue Min-| cussion right now, it is this one," the York Centre MP said. Labor Minister Nicholson said discussion on the extent of for- While the hockey game was a|family with children," said Mr.|eign ownership and control of he didn't see tow any pwell- close one--3-2 Detroit--the vote in the Commons wasn't, Only five Creditistes and two inde- pendent MPs joined with 13 New Democrats in voting for the NDP motion which said the budget speech should have raised personal income tax ex- emptions, Voting against the motion were 105 Liberals, 62 Conserva- tives and four Social Credit MPs. Standing in the 265-seat Com- mons: Liberals 132, Conserva- tives 97, New Democrats 21, Creditistes nine, Social Credit five and independent two. DEBATE ALL WEEK The Commons today goes into the third day of the budget the rest of the weck A second non-confidence mo- tion moved by the Conservatives comes to a vote Thursday. It scores the government for not coming to grips with major problems in the economy. NDP deputy leader David | They had no in- ported the idea of using public |! Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and Level Parking By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 | G2GORGIAN mansions | i re-wrn t . saere se RAP | 124 PARK ROAD NORTH? OSHAWA || ORANGES CALIFORNIA SWEET JUICY NAVELS BONELESS, ROLLED 4 POT ROAST ECONOMY--68&7 RIB--BEEF BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER BONELESS SHANK STEW MILK CARNATION EVAPORATED 2-29 3 doz. C hag FIRST GRADE ORONO CREAMERY BUTTER 16-OZ. TALL LEAN, FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS 29: ONE POUND WITH EACH PURCHASE OF ONE LOAF BROOKSIDE 24-02. 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