Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Apr 1966, p. 5

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THE COVETED North- side - Chrysler trophy, do- 'nated by Jules Rusnoik, president of the local, firm, was presented to the rink skipped by Bob. Cherry. the donor of the trophy are the winning curlers. Front row, left to right: Rita Brad- ley, Jules Rusonik, who pre- sented the award and Ann Cherry. 'Back row, left to Presentation was made at the Whitby Curling Club, Saturday evening after the week-long Fishing and Golf- ing end of season bonspiel came to a close. Shown with Whitby Curling Club Closes With Bonspiel WHITBY (Staff) Curling |featured. In the second event, activity at the Whitby Curling |a rink, skipped by Perry Lau- Club wound up for another sea-|rence, downed Joe Galloway's| son in grand style Saturday eve-|rink by 10-7. Assisting Laurence | ning with completion of the|were: Jean Laurence, Bob Fishing and Golfing Bonspiel. (Burns and Joan Burns. Winners of the week-long bon-| In the third event another spiel was a rink skipped by Bob | cliff-hanging match saw the Mc-| Cherry assisted by Rita Brad-|Luhin family go down fighting ley, Art Bradley and Anniby a 8-6 score to Hugh Sims' Cherry. The winners were pre-/rink. The winners assisting the | I skip were; Joan Cranfield, Irene Sims and Monty Cranfield. Over 80 curlers participated in the bonspiel, many rinks con- sisting entirely of ladies. Other rinks were partially manned by high school students. Responsible for organizing of the bonspiel and securing the many prizes was Tom Gresham who was bonspiel chairman. sented with the Northside Chrys-| ler Trophy by the president of| the firm, Jules Rusonik. | Runners-up in the final com-| petition, which ended with a 7-6 score, was a rink skipped by Bill Rick. The second place squad consisted of Joan Nichol- son, George Harding and Doris! Harding. WHITBY (Staff) Awards SECOND EVENT jand Trophies Night was held in| During the day two prelimin-|the Knights of Columbus Hall, | ary type competitions were held| Whitby, on Saturday evening by "with second and third events|the Whitby and District Men's District Men's League Closes Bowling Season Rosebush, Joe Buckle captain. Top pin fall champions this year was the Red Wing Orchard's y and the team with Dick} WHITBY PERSONALS The Parents Auxiliary of Denis O'Connor High School sponsored a dance last Satur- day evening at St. John the Evangelist parish hall. Con- veners were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dochuk, assisted by Mr. and Mrs: Carl Parise. Winners of the spot dancing prizes were: Mrs. Jean Nadalin, Doug Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Sherburne, Mr, ard Mrs, |Bowling League. Over 135 bowl-| Adams at the helm. The team ers attended the banquet, to! was presented with the Dow close the current bowling sea-| Brewery Trophy and consisted son. of J. Slessor, J. Bruechle, Joe Top award was presented to Izatt, Bill Collins, Doc Dafoe |the Ken Smith Construction Co. and the captain, Dick Adams. team by the team sponsor, Ken | Smith. The Hillcrest Dair |Trophy, won by the team, was |received by Ron Andrews, cap tain; Bob McAllister, Larry Id Y |Batherson, Dave MclIntyre,|%% 'ung. Elmo Gibson and Gordon Deeth.| The Red Wing Orchards Tro- The award was for finishing on|Phy, for the high average, was top in the recent league play-| once again won by Dick Adams, offs. Second in the league finals was the Bathurst Container y won this year by Larry Hall with a score of 1,000. Hall received the Young and Fisher Silversmith's Trophy from Har- has won the award 13 times. High single with handicap was | During the past 16 years, Adams) Joseph Corrigan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bardoel, Jim Munro, Mrs. Molly Hughes. Door prizes el, Mrs. Pat Sullivan, Mrs, Ke Pm ww arnt. r. team with Bill Phillips as cap-| tain. The Moreley --Moore Memorial Trophy, presented by Ozzie Moore, went to the team consisting of: Norman Lee, Cec} RE, MoGsbe, Pornand Vande. (Bowler, Ed. Hutchinson, Jay! winners: Ron Keen competition throughout the season ended in a tie for the Walter Moore Memorial Trophy, for the bowler with high triple with handicap. The trophy will be jointly shared by Bill Hewis and Bill Brown. Water Request Turned Down > WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Town Council turned thumbs down Menday night on a re- quest.-for immediate action. in implementation of water sup- ply and sewage disposal for the Township of Whitby. The request, submitted by the township, called for a resolu- tion to authorize the reconsider- ing of policies dealing with this matter, Council agreed to turn the question over to the special committee dealing with town and township matters with no provision made for a change in plans at this time. Opposing the request, Coun- cillor Bobbie Attersley sald the letter should be filed. He said the whole idea was premature and could not be considered be- fore a careful study ts made of | the entire area. Councillor Hugh O'Connell said the idea was unbelieveable before a full investigation is made. He said such a study could take at least two years. Hockey Group Out Of Chest WHITBY (Staff) Whitby Council acknowledged a letter from the Whitby Minor Hockey Committees Seek Solution Bowman Ave. Problems WHITBY (Staff) -- The town's arks aud streets committees will join forces in an attempt to solve a miiltitude of prob- lems in the Bowman ave., area, it was agreed Monday evening. The decision came on the heels of a request from a dele- gation of ratepayers who listed six problems in a petition. The spokesman for the delegation, Jimmy Lee, stated the ratepay- ers in the eastern area sub- division had sought help from the town office on several occa- sions but nothing had hap- pened. | The main complaint was a| lack of park facilities. The dele- gation advised council a park site had been sold for building lots. In answer to the complaint, | volved where properties all over by the ratepayers dealt with dirty conditions prevalent. on Bowman ave, north; gutters running with water; sinking sidewalks and, in one instance, a watermain projecting danger- ously above ground. Mayor Desmond Newman said in many cases private citizens carried out maintenance work at the front of their property| da and maintained property be- tween the lot line and street line. He acknowledged the fact the town is responsible but pointed out the high cost in- town might require similar) attention. : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Apel 19, 1966 § Businessmen Claim Hardship WHITBY (Staif) -- Sanitary sewer construction work on Brock st. s. is causing undue hardship to local businessmen, town council was informed Mon- day evening. One service sta- tion operator reported a drop in gallonage of 200 gallons per y. Spokesman for a group of businessmen, Bill Martin of Martin and White Sunoco, said four businesses directly affect- ed pay an annual business tax of around $2,000 per year. He suggested work be done on Ambulance Fees | Councillor Bobbie Attersley said a new and larger park site would be established in the near future. Other complaints. submitted) | Crippled Children's Centre, Osh-/ awa, on the grounds no grant} had been budgeted for. It was| suggested the request could be} Are Increased WHITBY (Staff) -- Town) Council Monday night author- ized changes in the agreement | with W. C. Town Funeral) Chapel Lid, for ambulance | service in the community. | Under the new agreement | rates for in-town calls increase from $5 to $8 and out-of-town made to council next year. --_|calls will be $8 plus 75 cents Council approved a request|per mile. The in-town calls are from the Whitby Kinsmen Club/to be reviewed when the pro- that the week of May 1 to 7 be|posed Whitby General Hospital declared Cystic Fibrosis Week. 'is completed and in operation. | weekends or at least have di- rection signs chan; to allow car traffic. cree the con- struction area. Mayor Desmond Newman was told by the town engineer that all work crews should be out of the area within 10 days, weather permitting. One lane of traffic could possibly be allowed through by Tuesday afternoon, the engineer specu- lated. Mayor Newman advised the delegation that to allow traffie through the area too pane would only hold up the wo and delay the completion date, BEFORE YOU BUILD Just Arrived ! SPRING Made-to-Measure Clothes. Must OF HOBSER LIN TIP TOP TAILORS Freemans Forme! Rentals ~-- at = USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 "A NEW HOME. | We will be glad te help you plan your financing. VICTORIA and _ GREY TRUST | WHITBY sommes Association stating the associa- tion had withdrawn from the| right, Art Bradley and Bob Cherry, skip. Town Buys Four Trucks WHITBY (Staff) -- Four new vehicles will be purchased. They will cost the town $17,631.41. In addition, two, one-way _ snow plows and a garbage packer will be purchased. Lae The recommendation approy- ed the purchase of a truck from 4H. C. Dick Pontiac-Buick, Ltd., described as a sludge unit at a cost of $5,890.50 and a dump unit at a cost of $5,680.50. A garbage unit will be' purchased from Seaway Motors at a cost of $3,790.50 and one parks unit from Nurse Chevrolet, at a cost jof $2,269.91. The snow plows will be. pur- | chased from Frink of Canada at ja cost of $2,450, plus one con- tractor's truck body to cost | $1,264, | The second lowest of three ten- ders for a garbage packer, was also. recommended in the amount of $7,770 and will be purchased from Sicard Equip- ment Ltd. On the engineer's re- jcommendation the tender was | selected due to favorable exper- jience with this packer in the | past. | The two other tenders were from: Summer Equipment Ltd., $9,134.40 and Wheels Brakes and Equipment Ltd., $7,134. Both these tenders specified 10 days' delivery while the successful tender stated seven days. Action Asked On Littering WHITBY (Staff) -- Spring Is the time for cleaning house and jtown council is no exception. The council authorized Clerk John Frost to contact various newspapers in answer to a complaint of littering private property with newspaper wrap- pers. The question was raised by Councillor Vernon McCarl who Belt, Mrs. John Sillius. Pro- | Community Chest. The council previously included a grant of $500. to the association in the| jcurrent 1966 budget. | Council received and filed a letter from the Whitby Sepa-| rate School Board'stating a pro- posed union between the town's separate school board and a jsimilar board in the township | |} will take effect Jan, 1, 1967. | WANT WINDOWS CLEANED Council turned over to the |property committee a request jfrom the volunteer fire depart- | }ment that an-outside _mainte- nance company he hired to clean the windows of the fire! hall. The request, in letter form, said the firemen do not have time to do the work now there is a larger hall and_ stricter truck maintenance program in force | The council turned over to the streets committee a request| for Inspection of sidewalk in front of Rae R. Jones' resi-| dence, 127 Palace st. | A request for approximately | 20,000 cubic yards of earth fill was turned over to the sanita- tion committee. The request by King Paving Co., suggested the fill might come from the town! dump. | GRANT REFUSED Council turned down a re-/ quest for financial aid, sub-| mitted by the Simcoe Hall) | said carriers were throwing | their wrappers all over certain areas of the town. He called on council to take immediate ac-| tion before the matter got out \of hand. | Councillor Harold Slichter ob- | jserved that Ontario has a $50 |fine for littering; while in some |parts of the United States the jfine is $500. "I think council |should take a long look at the problem and take drastic ac- TALKS GARS SUNNY FOOD M New Store Opening | = ARKETS © HELP WANTED ° Coronet ly Dodge We're celebrating eur preatest sales year. Now you een seve -- pet @ special price "Volume Value Deys Now--yet even more car for your money! We're barrefing through prices! And if you're quick off the mark you can get yourself a great "Volume Value" sales success deal on @ \ 4 EASY TERMS AVAILABLE exclusive 5-year--50,000 « NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER D brand-new Dodge. You can't get such great value anywhere! Come to us and buy your big new Dodge now! Backed by the mile power-train warranty! 1p nT ODGE MALE full or part time © BUTCHERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS © GROCERY CLERKS © PARCEL BOYS FEMALE full or part time © CASHIERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS Apply in Person to: Minimum Age 16 SUNNYBROOK FOOD MKT. 114 DUNDAS S$ All positions offer excellent opportunities, end good starting salaries. FORMERLY STEINBERGS T. E., WHITBY ition," he said. | ceeds of this successful evening | going towards the Parents' Auxiliary projects such as scholarships, students' activi- ties, etc. Mr. and Mrs. R. KF. Munns, Mrs. Cyril Wick, and Mrs, George Munns, Sr., motored to} Washington, D.C. They visited | in Virginia and various places of interest. All Saints Afternoon Guild is sponsoring a luncheon bridge April 20 in the parish hall, The ->general convener, Mrs. A. B. Conrad, will be assisted by | Mrs. E, Hulbert. Tea table, | Mrs. E. W. Dilling; kitchen convener, Mrs. Charles Daly, Mrs. L. C, Dewsbury and Mrs. M. Carroll; ticket convener and table reservations, Mrs. Edith Watts; dessert conveners, Mrs. H. T. Henstock and Mrs: Ronald Carter; group in charge of deco- rations, Mrs . B, Conrad, Mrs. W. K. Roberts and Mrs, 1% R. E. Smith. Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. ij guy. volue And we'll bet @ real hard-to-please sort of expects + » one whe really knows end and sensible prices. Good! Reginald Hirst, is celebrating his fifth birthday today. Recent guests at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmo, 408 Perry st., were: Mr. and Mrs Tom Daigle, Mrs. Edwin Daigle of Pierrefond, Que., and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dupuis, of Joliette, | Que. | St. Andrew's Presb yterian| Church Women's Group is spon- soring a business luncheon April 20 at the Sunday School hall. Mrs. Peter McCorvie, Oak- wood, is spending the week visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mary Luchuk and son, Stephen, 902 Lilac Terrace. Mrs. Gordon Wilma and daughters, Phyllis and Eleanor, | Belleville, visited her mother, Mrs, E. P. Collins, Victoria st. dast Friday. Homer Collins of| Hamilton visited his mother on Sunday. 22 25 Let your fingers do the w Spring clean-up? Cheer up! Right in our own neighborhood we have cleaners and dyers painters and decorators 7 window cleaners ...and just about any shop Our locality has a 1 Good shops. Good sania oad * So look first to home alkin through to find the above we eile 16 landscape contractors and gardeners or service you can think of! offer. Good people. for your needs, e Yellow Pages people... and many others. Everything's here . . . in town! ORI eg a ey 2 eee * hed re AP an' wee ee ns arr"

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