} i a i } ' i } ae The hub of municipal gov- ernment in Ontario County is the new building housing the county offices, and offi- cials of the County and Su- BOA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuosdey, April 19, 1966 | ONTARIO COUNTY COURTHOUSE preme Courts on Rossland rd. e. In addition to offices the building also has sev- eral courtrooms and a spa- cious elevated chamber in which members of the coun- ty council hold their ses- sions. The building is one of the most modern of its type in the province, --Oshawa Times Photo / ' \ Just Like Coming Heme Festival Players Say STRATFORD, Ont. (CP) -- For many members of the Stratford Shakespearean Festi- val company who began re- hearsals Monday for the season, coming back to ford is like coming home. "It's the only place one can walk into a superm ket and be greeted like an friend," said one, "I like just to walk down street and have people smile at me even if I don't know them by name," said another, Thirty-eight of the 60-member company Monday began an eight-week period of rehearsal for the festival's 14th season. Henry V, the first of three Shakespearean plays this year, opens June 6 for 18 weeks. Other Shakespearean works to be presented are Henry VI and Twelfth Night. William Kinsolving's Nicholas Romanov and Strindberg's The Dance of Death complete the dramatic repertoire, HOUSING DIFFICULT Some of the company regu- lars maintain year-round resi- dence here, but for those who work on a year-to-year basis, HH & & or are new to the Sousa "te ep Of vue tamed problems," Bruce Swerdfager says. The festival owns two houses --one for its artistic director and the second, containing of the company donk This season's artistic direc- Langham, John Hirsch, founding artistic director of the Manitoba Thea- tre Centre, will direct Henry VI and Jean Gascon, associate di- rector of the festival, will « cect the Strindberg play. Directing Twelfth Night will be David William, director of productions for Glasgow's Citi- zen's Theatre. The Stratford music season opens July 8 with Mozart's Don Giovanni, and the Royal Winni- peg Ballet will open Aug. 16 with an original work, Rose La- tulippe. BARRELS ROLL QUIETLY | An anti-noise device intro duced in England is plastic hoops around metal barrels which have to be rolled. Ontario Hospital Important To Area The place held by the Ont- rio Hospital, Whitby, in the ec- onomy of the town and dis- trict is not always appreciated. 'Almost 800 men and women from the area are employed on a@ year-round basis and the an- mual payroll is more than $3,- 250,000. The hospital should not be re- garded primarily as an industry, but it plays a vital role in the community life of the town of Whitby. For instance, local purchases amount to between $333,000 and $500,000 annually. Staff turnover, once a great problem, is at its lowest level ever, due in large measure to improved salaries, wages and working conditions. Not only have salaries and wages been greatly increased -- other em- ployee benefits include: 40-hour work week, three weeks vaca- tion with pay, cumulative sick leave and one of the best-retire- ment plans in Canada. The new School of Nursing and Residence at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, was officially opened Sept. 12, 1963. It was but another phase in the his- tory of the hospital, which first opened its doors some §0 years ago. Construction of the original hospital was started during the First World War. The buildings were at first loaned to the fed- eral government for military purposes -- the construction work was done by prisoners at the Guelph Reformatory. The hospital was opened for patients at the close of the war. It served well for the East Central part of the province. Additions were built as the need for expansion arose -- the most recent was the new Administra- tion and Out-patient Wing open- ed in 1958. The Scnool of Nursing was started shortly after the opening of the hospital. It was popular because of the quality of the teaching and training used. However, advances' in nurse education and the preference of students to train in general hos- pitals took their toll. The school was scheduled to close when the present Minister of Health, Hon. Matthew B. Dymond took over the Department of Health. He believed the Ontario Hos- RUSS DAD DOESN'T REPORT WHETHER HIS SON SMOKES MOSCOW (AP)--An _ indig- nant father complained to the Soviet government newspaper Ivestia Monday about a sup- posed method for smoking and fighting cancer at the game time--by smoking back- wards. The method suggested smoking by putting the lighted end of the cigarette in the mouth. That was supposed te burn away any cancer wirus and, at the same time, clean the teeth. The father said his teen- aged son was hooked on the idea. But the father described the theory as a lot of hot air. Ivestia printed the letter without comment. In it, A. Froloy described himself as "a father and'a convinced enemy of smoking." He said he had warned his 16-year-old son against smok- ing, which he called the cause of everything from cancer te bad teeth and_ sleepless nights. Frolov said he con- vinced his son not to smoke by showing him Soviet maga- ine articles linking smoking with Ith problems. But, he went on, he came home one day and found his son and three friends smoking --backwards. This time the son showed the father a magazine article in Tekhnika Molodehi (Engi- neering for Youth) reporting on a test of the backward--- smoking method. It said no one in the test group devel- oped lung cancer or trouble. The father said the author, a candidate in medical sci- ences working for his doctor- ate, 'did not write the truth." He did not say whether his son still is smoking--or how. pitals could, and should train and educate nurses, He pur- suaded the government to estab- lish a new school at Whitby ra- ther than discontinue this func- tion, Cost of construction of the new school was almost $1,000,000 -- furnished and equipped, the total exceeded that figure. The School accommodates -156 stu- dents, or a class of 50 in each of three years. Not only is the school used for the training of nurses in preparation for the "Registered. Nurse' examina- tions, nurses from many general hospitals spend some time in most Ontario hospitals in psy- chiatric training, since the On- tario government operates more than 95 per cent of all psy- chiatric, beds in the province. With Lofthouse Brass Forges Ahead! Now Supplying 10% of Canada's Hot Brass Pressing Market | LOFTHOUSE BRASS MANUFACTURING LTD. Steadily Progressing Canada 310 Hopkins St. BOX 35, WHITBY @ STOVE OIL STAG mw Fi c JOE BAXTER --- OWNER Distributors of Petroleum Products Serving Whitby for 26 Years Agricultural Chemicals -- Gasolines -- Lubricants @ DIESEL OIL. Y FUELS @ FUEL OIL Domestic -- Commercial -- Farm SHELL HOME HEATING COMFORT Local Distributor For eee Furnaces -- Dehumidifiers -- Air Conditioning i\ Distributing to . . . RAGLAN -- WHITBY AJAX -- BROQKLIN -- COLUMBUS -- OSHAWA -- PICKERING -- | Phone 668-3291 ee G ' ROSE