WHITBY NOW AN IMPORTANT STEEL CENTRE New Lasco plant is Canada's largest continuous casting steel mill... Located on Lake Ontario in the Whitby-Oshawa area Planned for an eventual capacity of 360,000 tons an- Lake Ontario Steel Company Limited, known as LASCO, _nually with three electric furnaces, LASCO. produces reinforcing bars for the construction industry and mer- is Canada's newest steel mill and Canado's largest 'con- chont bars for industrial manufacturing and steel ser- tinuous casting' installation. : : vice centres. Opened in May of 1964 on a 385 acre site, with ample space for future expansion, LASCO's LASCO employs some 500 people from the Whitby-Osh- initial capacity was 120,000 tons a @wo area and with greater planned year. Less than @ year later, with the & expansion and diversification will con- addition of a second electric furnace, & a tinue to be an impertant-force inthe & capacity was doubied. economy of the Whitby-Oshawa area. g5CO LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY LIMITED