WHITBY PUC USES MODERN EQUIPMENT The aim of the Whitby Public Utilities Commission has always been to provide the best possible service for the merchants, industries and residents of the town. In recent weeks commission employees have been carrying on a program of tree cutting and removal to ensure that electrical lines are protected against dam- age from falling limbs. --Oshawa Times Photo One of Whitby's fastest grow- ing industries, Dan's Chili Food Products, is currently going ahead under a full head of steam. Production has been stepped up ten times over the initial quota. Under the supervision of 'President Murray Silver, the new local food manufacturing firm is located in the former Pickering Farms buildings, Highway 2, west of town. The firm was acquired by Mr. Silver in April and it has never look- ed back. : . Starting with one main prod- uct, 'Chili Con Carne', the food company: began as a one-man operation. Activities were car- ried out only on weekends with the production quota limited to 100 cases per week. '"'On one long weekend we turned out 250 cases," Mr. Silver stated. Moving ahead - steadily, the firm now has four people work- ing full-time, with the produc- tion climbing to over 1,000 cases per week. The number of products has been increased Chili Food Products Expanding Very Rapidly with the firm now manufactur _ ing chili con carne, chili beans, red kidney beans and beans with pork. The latter product is the most popular at the mo- ment, currently being sold throughout southern Ontario. In the local firm, where the' lowly bean is king, it takes ap- proximately three hours to pro- gress from raw material to fin- ished product. Starting with the beans, the product moves through several cycles -- boil ing, mixing with tomate sauce and other necessary com- ponents and next going through the canning stage te the labek ing and packing departments. "With more modern equip- ment we can step wp produces tion considerably," Mr. Silver said. Special automatic equip- ment will be installed, At the present time the firm is turning out beans and pork in 14-ounce cans. Plans for the future include 20-ounce and 28- ounce additions to the eanning family with the probability of even a 48-ounce canned product. SAINT ETIENNE, France (Reuters) --Henri Rochatain, 39_- year - old high-wire stunt man, abandoned today his _ at- tempt to spend a week on a tightrope 540 feet above a lake in the Loire Valley. Police had threatened to starve him down. When he re- turned te the ground at noon, he complained bitterly at their intervention. Rochatain took up his posi- tion on the wire over the lake Monday afternoon, watched by a crowd of about 1,000 who STUNT MAN, 39, FAILS IN HIGH - WIRE STUNT thought he was going to walk the wire across the 144-mile wide lake. But 600 feet out on the six« ton cable he announced through a microphone: "Here I am and here I stay for 143 hours." Police had other ideas. Rochatain's police permit for his hight-wire performance ran out Monday. He was told te come down informed that no water, or food would be passed out to him if he stayed on the wire. BEER-DRINK TESTS BARRED BOYS CAN'T HANDLE STUFF CAMBRIDGE (CP)--Cam- bridge University has banned a traditional beer - drinking test because today's students can't hold their liquor as well as previous generations. The ban put.an end to a 40 - year - old student beer- drinking society whose quali- fying rule was that under- graduates had to down eight pints in a two-hour drinking marathon along six bars in a Cambridge street. Peter Mathias, senior proctor who is responsible for student discipline at the uni- versity, has written to the breweries which operate the King Street public houses for help in stopping the club. Mathias, a history tutor at Queen's College, said: "Young men who do the run now are not the same as the professionals who used to do it and who were able to hold their liquor. There have been examples of publicans serving undergraduates who have been in no condition to take their drink." | A Salute 7. Uh teh. Bonmenee ow vv sesewy w © wey ee et Canadiana Motel. 732 Dundes St. E., Hwy. No. 2 Ph. 668-3686 Serving The People Of Southern Ontario For Over 20 Years STAFFORD BROS. ~ 318 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Cemetery Memorials Cemetery Lettering Industrial Blasting We use Only The Finest Granite & Marble; Im- ported From Quaries Of Italy, Sweden, Finland, Vermont and Quebec: Prepared By Expert Craftsmen Of Fine Arts. This Is Why Stafford Products Are Selected By People Who Demand The Finest In Memorial Products. Authorized Dealers of "ROCK OF AGES" FAMILY MONUMENTS