16 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Apri 19, 1966 'To Buy, ell, Rent or Hire ... Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountents HOSMAR, Chartered Account. are street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Bntario. Telephone 723-1221. , Certified General repel Suite "205W, Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. * BOB CLANCY'S ping. ervct 8 Barristers HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, MAN, Barristers, Street East, Oshawa; QC; G. S$. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office 668-2761; other first mortgage funds available. Gardening and Supplies and = HILL- Solicitors, 36¥2 King R. D, Humphrey, 725-4604; Whitby, 725-5133. NHA and 725-1177; Residence: 728-4326; NO. 1 ead ae jete bookk bag nr , Compl mr Building Trades eat BURMAN Chartered "REDON {on Licensed' 7 f tant, Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4833. plein onda IN, MacMILLAN AND CO., HALL. id: Accountants: 36% King. Street Bast, Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. Hall, Comm., CA: David G. Perkin, CA; J. Graham MacMillan, CA on besine ni Msn thinned SO EADLE AND €0., Charter- ROPKING: a, Financial Trade. BUNd- ing, 167 Ki ore East, sag eg bs tario, 725- Hopkins, CA; H. Beadle, CA; E. em CA, RIEDLANDER AND €O., am, 'ecountents, Licensed Trus: Page in he enkruptcy, sa Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-737). E, PLENDER, HASKINS and Sits, th artered Accountants: G. x Riehl, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, CA, Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. Barristers AND KELLY, peer Solici- 'street East Order now save up to 25% SUBURBAN GRAS ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Pre Season Special CAT. Good Financing Available EVERGREEN 6 Low as $2 per week All work quaronteed for 2 years. Please call for free es- timates and advice anytime. 723-0381 BONDED ASPHALT PAVING CO. BONEMEAL SHEEP MANU CL CALL. 4-12-1 GARDEN TOO BUG KILLER Dial J. Fie 3 Nitee: Iss008; Terence V- Kelly, QC, 778-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 725-2662. _ P. MANGAN, QC, citor. rennet loan. Office, a) King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. --as MES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, parrister and Solicitor and Notary tat lic, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. pag parking any 725-4716 of 725-4717 I1GHTON, DRYNAN, MUR RDOC! vicToR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 ihe eg "e Street North, . Creighton, jan, QC, ae" 723-4768; J. Mortgages arranged. ANTHONY EDWARD > LASKOW 8 , ister and Solicitor, 73 Centre bre oitice hours: 9 a.m. ~ 5,30 p.m. Sponsoring Member of H.0.P.E. SPRING @ Additions @ Goroges @ Roofing SPECIAL @ Waterproof @ Eavestrough @ Chimneys @ Painting @ Concrete @ Drivewoys @ Brick FREE ESTIMATES CO-ORDINATED REMODELLERS 723-0966 Monday -- Sa Daily Deliv CO. 16 Celina EST, 1909 "GARDEN TIME" FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUPERFINE GRASS MIX TIMOTHY & ALSIKE INDIVIDUAL GRASSES PEAT MOSS SO-GREEN 7-7-7 SO-GREEN PREMIUM GARDEN SO-GREEN MILORGANITE 10-6-4 -9-6 GOLFGREEN 12- GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD 10-10-10 BULK GARDEN SEEDS FUNGICIDES WEED KILLERS OPEN ALL DAY S MIX 6-6 * F RE : F 0 LS S s T turday ery F, | . COOPER - SMITH lpcinting cand _Decoratin St. 723-2312 -- 723-1139) | | Dial 723-166). ing Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash -- | ie A i; ras, rg Mate ions of 24 words $2.88; additional words 12c. each, 58°80) secutive insertions of 24 words, $ additional words 21c. each. rge--!0 per cent additional chorge | is paid fithin 8 days. Asphalt Driveways MIKE MASTER PAVING FARM Supplying wholesale Call anytime for free esti- motes. All work quoranteed. | Quolity is not extra - it's in- i cluded Telephone 723-8631 @ White birch, evergreens @ Posts, pcles -- @ Manure, top soil, SMITH'S TREE @ Cedars for hedges shade or retail & trees, iP oll sizes ja mulch, \Mortgages agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, Street North, Whitby 668-3338. Mus ical Services perienced, Optometri st t |rator. P E Schmidt, estimate S. 728-0257. jnew and | MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages, Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 IRST AND SECOND mortgage Sale Barristers, 31 King Street] ast; 723-7232. | How many avers | Veto' ARE THERE IM A MODERN UE FIGHIER ? 179,000, IRST AND SECOND mortgages avail-| 14 bass! | Ys R..J, SCOTT o, suok® CAN', BE SQUEEZED FROM RED GARDEN BEETS. fo PHEIDIPPIDES » AM ATHENDAN SOLDIER WHO * RAM FROM THE MARATHON BAM EF ELD fo KKEXS WH NEWS OF THE. ATHENIAN WAS DRIVEN ENTIRELY AMROUGK A POPLAR TREE IN TLAKOS, DURING A Mn TORMADOs (© ay Pome Bydiin n, 100K, Worl sgh emer MALL | DANCE | BAND | available, Ex- reliable, reasonable. Phone ed Taylor, Alex 942 1663, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe i vere Suite 46, Oshawa, Telephone PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadioom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD and SOUTER 668-5862 - XPERIENCED | PAINTER and deco-' Free estimates. Telephone 72 56. AINTING, paper hanging, decoratin now! Free estimates. Call 725-9572. XPERT painting and decorating. Do it iow while we have time available, Free it lumbing « and Hea ing LL TYPES #7 repairs and remodelling, used materials. Reasonable! stimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. | PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| TY cluding Ridges, ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY 378 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA TV--Radio Repairs APRIL SALE ONLY ATTENTION For Best T.V. Reception Cal MISTER TOWERS SPECIALISTS IN TOWER April Discount Special 50' Struetor All Wave Aeria ONLY $59.95 40' $49.95, Call Mister Towers To-day For your Home Survey Installations in all areas Newcastle Port Perry, Brooklin Call Mister Towers To-day 723-9525 GRAND.OPENING MISTER' TOWERS S AERIALS ROTORS in- Boy Sap | SUBWAY TRAILER! 5--Trailers Authorized Dealers for: @ Citation @ Glendette @ Corsair @ Rambler @ Truck Campers Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings B--Articles for Sale 13--Articles For Rent NOW! Six SERVICE BAYS For Auto Service id e WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac, We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and camber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .. 6.88 @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra e BRAKE SPECIAL (most popular cars), First Quality Royaline 4-wheels 14.88 j WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel each 1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT- END WORK AT COMPARABLE RICES DOMINION TIRE STORE 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE 725-6511 SUZUKI All models on display. Im- mediate Delivery. Low down payment, $19 monthly, Com- plete line of accessories. Open "till 9 p.m. Oshawa 195 King W. 728-4242 COOK TRAILER SALES Simcoe North (post city limits) ESocsasshasal NEW SATALLITE 66 | | Standard 14 ft $1,145 | Deluxe---with-- toilet $1,295 "Everything for Trailers" MILLER'S AJAX 942-3491 PARK & SALES 1010 Dundas St. E. Whitby | VACUUM repairs, |bedroom, living Whitby 1206 Dundas E, 668-6642 | aan all makes, hoses, | brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. | Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, | Pickering. ---|WE BUY, sell and exchange used farni- ture or anything you have, Trading Post Store, South, 723-1671, REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; | new smooth-top mattresses, The City 44 Simcoe Street beds, $12; $19.95; | Stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and Mi sid Creek, 16 Bond Street FURNITURE -- - three r ity furniture, only $299., inc. complete room, kitchen ensem- bles, Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe 5S. DEW WORMS, minnows. Best ~ quality available in Oshawa, 843 Ritson South, 728-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait 0. , new car FLOOR COVERING -- Clear oul of dis- continued patterns, 29c. per foot; large Sewing Mochine Special FREE formica cabinet Value $79.00 with ony regular priced Elna. White Elna Sewing Centre 38 Bond West 725-7181 FREE! Furnaces creaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you purchase from Western B11) Co. Meath TYPEWRITER, portable, $30; $35; adding machine, $25; ism shectric | typewriter, $60; comptometer, $25; cash- register. 723-4434, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery; isses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S$. 725-3338 ENTERTAINING? Fi to one hundred People? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, parki 2140 mornings, PA complete oulfiis, micro- phones, power units, columns, mike Stands, etc, Finest equipment. Lowest prices, Telephone 725-8824, FILTER QUEEN Sales and. Service Repairs to ail makes vacuums, Free esti. mates 323 King West, 728-7552. SiX STORM windows, by | 30", new? one radiator for oil water Py oe tie 48" by 23", In good condition. Apply 66 Mac- Gregor Street after 5 5 p.m. FOUR-YEAR book, Encyclopedia ~Bri- tannica, $220. Telephone 725-6706. WASHING MACHINE; Grae single bed, four kitchen chairs; living room drapes; two french doors; venetian blind. Telephone 725-1205. ' COKE MACHINE -- coin operated, holds seven cases, runs perfect. Only $100. See Mr. House at Cherney's Furniture, HART METAL SKIS -- with marker, rac- ing bindings, used one year, good condi- tion, Worth $150 new, asking $70, Phone 728-5994, 40" HOTPOINT RANGE, electric, $45; two single metal bedsteads, springs, $5 each; girl's spring coat, $5, size 10. Tele- phone 723-4864. AS NEW -- Gendron baby carriage, metal body, converts to stroller, com- plete; playpen and car bed. Telephone 728-6472. REPAIRS fo fishing rods and reels and all Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west of four corners). HAIRDRYER tubinator, upright $50 or offer; also chrome and viny! chair; Elec- trolux floor polisher and rug shampooer. Telephone 723-6926. SPACE HEATER with pipes. Suitable for cottage. In good condition. Telephone Whitby 668-4363. COMPLETE SET of Dundas Street East, 668-3096. STOVE, 725-3946. FURS, ara to jacket, with grey mink collar. Muskrat coat, full length, rea- sonable. Telephone 723-5980 after 4 6. 9--Market Basket NO, 1 ONTARIO potatoes. Free delivery. Also seed potatoes and apples. Telephone 728-1306- or 723-0615. 10--Farmer' s Column | drums, $150. 901 Whitby, or call "Viking deluxe, $130. Telephone RODNEY seed oats for sale. . Cleaned and treated. First and second cutting of hay. Mackey Bros., Whitby 668-4089,/ 668-2992. DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721, Licence 4-C-66. FORD TRACTOR piow, disc cultivator, 14--Business Opportunities $6,000 REQUIRED For 12 months only. Will pay back $6,800. Excellent secure ity to be pledged, Contoct MR. ROSS 728-2303 DEALERS In "the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope area for local distributer, $2,000 secured by product ment, Pickering, and Lindeae Investment id no epmpetl- tion. We train you in simple easy pro- cess so you can be your own boss and pip $12,000 and up per year. Call collect FOR RENT OR SALE -- A small active well established beauty parlor in Brook- lin. Write Manchester Credit ad Brooklin, Ontario or ir telephone 655-445 FOR RENT -- Moder ern auly Salo = in small shopping centre. Reasonal . Apply in Person to 1198 Weck SHOE REPAIR 'busine equipment, tools, cash reg eceton Call Don Stradeski INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY -- - eight suite apartment nig only three years old. Excellent location For further detalis call Martiyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 728-5103. W. O, Martin Realtor, 1 5--Employment W Wanted _ DAY CARE AVAILABLE for pre-school children, Telephone _Whitby (668-6363. EXPERIENCED finishing ca carpenter re- re- quires part time work, Inside trim and kitchen cupboards, Call 725-7066. EXCELLENT | day c care int my own wn home for children or baby. Bloor Street near General Motors, _Telephone 728-3341, WILL GIVE day care to one child in my home. 5-day 'ag oe yard on quiet street, near S. GM. Phone 728-4572. INDUSTRIAL & 4 -- Experienced In in writing, editing, layout, also Personnel, payroll, salary surveys, interviewing, etc.» wishes to locate In Toronto to Oshawe | area. Write Box M 21942, Oshawa Times. SUBCONTRACTORS and smail | business- es! Your accounting done, thoroughly, accurately, reasonably by well 2 ied ey oe income i entrat Real pail tax. 17--Female Help Wanted For free estimates call Newtonville collect 786-2283 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL) APRIL ORDERS Methed ef Counting -- Less thon 24 each word, ie eV," eatreviaieon counts} OF Toronto HO 3-2166 word; phone number counts; rds. Lucky number draw on the first 1,000 towers sold, Win- ners will receive portable TV set plus oerial refund. TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA _TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E. Just East of Ritson 723-8131 COLOR T.¥. Black: and White Telephone T.R.1.0. Television 728-5143 9 x 12 Carpets $39.88, Wilson Furniture, 20 plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold. H./ | Church Street. Stark Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Engi- | trailer and harrowes, Phone 728-8975. neering, 255 Simcoe Street South, | BALED HAY, second cut clover, for 5 our or trade for straw. Tel phon 725-1097. 1000 BLAES "good "quality he Port Perry 985-7495. 11--Pets and Livestock WELSH SHOW PONY, three years old, 728-6811 GOLDEN FALCON TRAVEL TRAILERS _|Goir equipment -- THUNDER if Club, Save up to 50 per cent a | - ----| Gol SLEEPS FOUR ADULTS, complete with| spring sale. Both new and used ae lrubber mattress, stainless steel sink and| ment available. 655-4952. cupboards, $225. Telephone 723-3089. i -- Ratna BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture FORCED SALE of camping trailers. Four) and appliances, McNeil's Furniture (for- Hi-Lo the only fold - down ail- aluminum | merly Goold's Furniture), 215 Dundas trailers. Four. Silver Liner common can-| East, Whitby, 668-5481, vas type. Reasonable, ail in good condi- tion. Apply corner of Solina Road at No,|SHEET METAL tools, eight-foot Brown 2 Highway, six miles east of Osh: and Boggs, five-foot brake, 36-inch shears ed aeea etc, etc., Homar Machine Box 36 Stirling, Ont. Telephone 395-2101. BERNINA Portable Sewing Machine, like new, automatic zig-zag, $175, Phone 728-0132 after 4 p.m. BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used. Repairs all makes, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street East, 725-6344, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Honest Cal's, Bargains while pre oC 205 John Street East, Whitby. as one twe wo! BIRTHS--DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents al tional therges if no: paid within 8 doys NN MEMORIAMS Yi 00 for bi ied aS ere -. fe, eoch 3 prety hag 'additional charge if not paid. 'within 8 days. OF THANKS $2.00 tor the ¢irst 35 words and each therec with 25¢. "additional charge if not paid within 8 days. COMING EVENTS sy as i oe Inch (display); $1.50 for fiat 2b, wor and Se. each thereafter ford 5 QUALITY CARPENTRY & GENERAL REPAIRS For all your home improve- ment problems, call us first 725-8576 Then have @ talk. with our customers. NELLIS HOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs, remodelling ond additions. All work guaranteed, 728-206 | VALVE _ GRINDING, refacing and mechanical work done at your Je: More information call 668-858: NEW PLASTERING and pair stucco, sidewalks, re-modelling, rec-rooms, Free estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or 728-4717. CARPENTRY new and repair and block work. Free estimates. ts. Telephone 7 728-7680. EAVESTROUGHING installed cleaned, repaired. See our exclusive patented screen, stops clogging. Guaranteed 10 years, Dial 723-0966. ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete. Get your driveway paved by experts. 22 cents square foot. All work guaranteed. 723-0281. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim neys built, repaired; gas lin! installed; roofs repaired. Free estimates. 723-2997. EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot includes grading and fill, ee guar- antee, Terrano 0 Paving. 7723-5841 |CARPENTER. Rec, rooms, alterations, etc. Free estimates. Phone collect 'Don', | Port Perry 985-2802 | COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS| done tu your satisfaction. Call. Oshawa Home Improvements, 725-9428. . Telephone SENIOR TYPIST Required for local efftice, Must be able te hondle @ busy PBX switchboerd end keep records, Own transpore tation necessary, For more ine formation end interview salt Mrs, McDonald Drake Personnel 51 King St. East 728-6051 ALTERATION WOMAN APPLY FOX'S LADIES'. WEAR 7 SIMCOE ST. S, EXPERIENCED MEAT WRAPPERS REQUIRED For part time work. No late nights or Saturdays, Apply in person CHAMBERS FOODS LTD. 933 RITSON: RD--S; a sanaelenssioiiosiesenchssiseeiaieealh NURSE'S Al steady employment, --__------|Write Box 21980, Oshawa Times. HOUSEKEEPER, fo tive In and care = elderly gentleman. Some knowledge home nursing necessary. Would craniaer couple, Telephone 728-2919. E ENCED SHORT ORDER cook Bed clerk, age 30 to 50, three days week- ly, mostly weekends, For inlerrostion telephone 725-3772. BABYSITTER Y required immediately 0 4 -- five day week for 2 children. 300 Grenveit Street. 723-5772. FULL TIME + housekeeper required, East Oshawa, desirable position, middle-aged lady Preferred, 668-6806 or 72. PLEASANT RESPO in need- ed for work in whole: Warehouse in Whitby, 668-6806 or 723-0377. RELIABLE babysitter immediately. Must ae in. One two-year-old. Telephone 723- 18--Male 'Help Wanted _ Rug- Upholstery Service _ @ NOW OPEN @ Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville and area DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERY 102 King W., Bowmanville 623- 7341 CHESTERFIELDS Te-upholstered and re- styled. Free estimate, See our material for recovering. Slip covers made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charlies Street, 723-7212. oe RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish- ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa up- holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. Salesond Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all mokes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S - Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 SPRING CLEAN-UP @ Planting @ Sodding @ @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ @ Evergreens @ Grading @ @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- grass ® Complete landscap- ing @ Fertilizers. 723-9020 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St. Bast CHAIN LINK FENCES An A-1 company will give you highest quality of materials and workmanship and lowest prices. Old fences removed. Free estimates anytime, 723-5377 MAINTENANCE For complete maintenance work at it's best. You call us. We do the rest. Expert work, low rates. 723-9903 MAPLE LEAF | LANDSCAPING. Experi-| enced gardener for lands, gardens! shrubs, etc. Also nursery stock for sale. | 942-2088, FOR LAWN ROLLING | call | John's Land- scaping, RR No. 1, Brooklin, 655- 3866. Po! Reasonable. Telephone 942-1924. STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; son of Ontario's champion halter and perfor- mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." Stand- ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, Dunbarton 839-3779. COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger- man Shepherd pups. Deposits for next litter accepted. Palomino, Pinte pony. Ashburn 655-4662 evenings. USED TYPaWRITeRS a new, $48;| SIAMESE KITTENS, three only) mother brand new electric adders, $89.3 factory| of good show stock, sired by Double and Cearie: Save $ $ $ with Bill Hamilton. Grand Champion, | eo Kone old. Papers, agian. $45. T 14-FOOT "ALUMINUM boat (deluxe), | SMITH-CORONAc windshield and extras, complete with! rebullt, motor and trailer. After 5 p.m., telephone (prices. 728-8454. and see. 19FOOT OUTBOARD cabin cruiser with| USED STEEL STENO chairs, awivel trailer; 1963, 60 horse-power Gale, excel-| base, casters, $16.; new $27.3 executive lent condition, Telephone 725-6762. arm tilters, $47 new. We discount. Bill "STARCRAFT" | Hamilton, Raglan, oe Evinrude motors. Open eve: and week- USED FILING inets, ends. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,/ lock, $40. Also other sizes, Brooklin, 655-3641, tables, $14.90. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. MUST SELL -- Mercury Mark 20, 16 HP |BELL-SHAPED floorlength, -de-| 5 outboard motor. aA-1 condition. Best offer.| sole wedding gown, size 12. 'Asking | $40. fayen ae Service Call only $2.50 1698 Dufferin Street, Whitby. 668-2743. | Excellent condition. Telephone 725-3696. POODLES -- five weeks old, miniatures, 17-FOOT. CANOE, 44" beam, 975; ; also| USED AUTO PARTS, | batteries, | tires, white, registered, champion sired. Tele- 16-foot cruiser, electric start, controls. | motors. We buy scrap radiators $4; gens., Phone 7 723-0185 after 4 p.m. FAST T.V. SERVICE | Best offer. Telephone 728-9514 | Starters, 6V 50c.; 12V 90c.; batteries DOMINION 1965 14-FT. RUNABOUT, fibreglass, 2% HP) $1-50. 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street, TELEVISION foater with teenee trailer. Telephone ) used \ GUARANTEED used wringer | television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 728-5154 9 a.m. to.9 p.m. All work guaranteed. 6--Marine Equipment _ BOATS MOTORS MARINA & SERVICE FACILITIES Evinrude: & Crestliner Dealer OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. Harbor Rd. Off Simcoe St. S$. Follow The Signs. 723-8186 Sito Pek NCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD A 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS i> FOUND $°am, DAY OF PUBLICATION THS AND DEATHS 5 tm DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MEMORIAMS and CARDS OF THANKS «p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 eolumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- umns or lorger--10 @.m. dey previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS ""9 a.m, DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's! insertion, | BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0c, While every endeavor will be made te forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible, we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise: The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshowo Times will not be re- sponsible for errors in advertisements submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one insertion of any advertisement mor beyond the price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs, registers, $99. guaranteed. Down with high You're right, come to Raglan| pg, BEAUTIFUL bat Sat maea ready eg Bi strain, Apply Mra. 4 Elgin East. inown An WHITE male, 1¥-year-old mongrel, very gentle, had all needies. Prefer a home with children. Make offer. Telephone 723-6090. FIVE YEAR old, one qua mare, quiet, Western iad ni tack. Complete $400. Telephone 623-3434. y for Mi Grew Traveller r type black four-drawer Typewriter poodie, Telephone 725- 12--Articles Wanted UP.|OLD GUNS, swords, weapons, medais, 204, Alcan Furniture a Appliances, 452 Aa badges wanted. Write PO Box coe South, 723-0011 "0 Babin 4 a 2 ae Ne see FRIGIDAIRE rainwater exceilient con-|GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have dition, $65. or best offer, Telephone 728- you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 4375, 728-4401. GENERAL ELECTRIC wringer washer,| WANTED TO BUY -- Billiard table and good working condition, $20. Telephone accessories, 3%' x 7', In good condition. 723-9840 Phone 723-7609 after 5 p.m. GARDEN © TRACTOR, "Bolens, WANTED V8 motor and transmission for ahead i] Pontiac. Must be in Sood working or- $300. qalneon 448-2800, £49. after. Telephone 725-25 Before You Buy A Piano or Organ, See HEINTZMAN ROOFING, hol tar and gravel, : shingles & mii tad ool repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H 79 Simcoe St. x [HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME] TELEPHONE 8. 3921 ric Roofing j_and < Construction. 725-6937. EBAves Frees } RAE'S IN SPARE TIME GUARANTEED REPAIRS fo a) wringer, RADIO & TELEVISION Guaranteed work. Murray Holiday. Tele- washers and ranges. Free estimates. Catt) \CITY Iv 'TOWER, « antennas, 'also r repairs. phone 725-9404, ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS - 728-1742 or 723-0011. |All work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. 7--Swap 'and Barter COLORED TOILETS, $35; basins, $10; tubs, $20; cabinets, sinks, showers Laundry tubs, piping, fittings, boat kits, outboard motors, trailers. H, Chinn, HIll- side and Park Road South. 723-70 7088, |GARDEN ROTO- D-TILLING done. No sod, please. 668-3239; 668-6189. | MANURE FOR SALE. Telephone 725-6028. OSHAWA AND WHITBY NIGHT SERVICE 725-8541 or 668-5830 Instruction 8--Articles for Sale YAMAHA SPORTSCYCLES All models now available. 4,000 miles full warranty. Priced from $279, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. 723-8711 RO-DON SPORTS TAUNTON RD. E, (Just East of.5 points) Discover the swinging world of YAMAHA three at- and re verse, TWIN BEDS with headboards, chester- field suite, red, chrome kitchen set black and white. Telephone 723-3169. BOY'S AND GIRL'S bike and trike. Ap: Ap- ply 184 Beatty Avenue, SPACE HEATER, large size. Suitable for cottage. Slightly used. $50. 250 galion oil tank $10, Telephone 723-5001 LAWN MOWER, _ electric, twi years old. Like new. $25. Apply 672 Anna- polis Avenue after 5 p.m. BABY CARRIAGE "Pedigree? blue with cream Interior, $15. Telephone Ajax 942- 3352, TYPEWRITER, Underwood, portal new, used 6 months. Asking $60 or nearest offer. Telephone 728-7434, VIKING heavy duty stove, approximately 3 years old, automatic $100. Wringer washing machine $30, Both in good con- dition, 728-2886, LARGE round table, treddie machine, electric heater for fireplace with glass coals. Several pieces of Chinese brass, old picture frames, odd articles. Tele- phone 725- 9528. FOR SALE -- reasonable, ont gas furnace, two aluminum awning: green and white, 5' 6" long. Ajax 942-0286 JOHNSON boat motor, 7/2 HP; small four-burner electric range; electric heat- er, suitable for cottage. Telephone after six, 723- 4292, GARDEN TILLER 24 horse g tractor, bench saw. Apply after 5 0' Tock at 318 Oshawa Blvd. South, DE-HUMIDIFIER, automatic, used only one spring, and used rangette, 345 Verdun 13--Articles For R For Rent , RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bikes exercises -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, deck hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset power rol- . lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, ascillating sanders, disc sanders, acetylene weld- ing outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 233 King St:,W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 2 Low monthly payments in- clude text books and instruc- tions. Prepares you to achieve Ontario Diploma by means of Provincial examination. rcofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire- places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, (668-2774, MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Re- roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting. Cement work. Insulation blowing service; 24-hour service. 723-8416 FOR ALL YOUR home improvements, general construction and guaranteed work manship call 668-2179. ROOFING chimneys, all types of cement work Sidewalks, slabs, stoops. Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061. Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS « cleaned. Prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Well Drilling--Digaing WELL DIGGING by machine specializing jin 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut | Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809. Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. . H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING. Cer- a Surveyoos, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone! amic bathrooms, Armstrong Corlon or}. Name .. 725-6881, | tile floors. Home renovations. Free esti- eer ere ererencets >uaasa sinaeal | mates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036. Address TV--Radio Repairs | For FREE information--write, American School, Dept. 8, Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario pe The Oshowa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification, 2--Personal In the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be helu respon- sible for more space than that which the actual error occupies. The pub- lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- vertising matter correctly, but assume rio liability of advertisement if any inaccuracies In any form are contained therein. 17'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column li--Pets and Livestock 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business Opportunities 1S--Employment Wanted |6--_-Agents Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Mole Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wonted 20-----Reol Estate for Sale 20e--Summer Properties 2)1--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rem .27---Rooms for Rent Removal of superfluous hair "Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, April 18th, 19th, and 20th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for ap- pointment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 WILL Mr. Wilbert K. Ripley, | formerly of Birch Street, Oshawa, or anyone know. ing his present whereabouts, please write to Box 22367, Oshawa Times. Carpentry AV CARPENTRY, and repairs. Free 668-8014, fully In- Telephone CANADA 1 DRIVING SCHOOL, sured. Home pick-up service. 728-4811, 4 AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en rolling students for Spanish Gultar, by ear or note. Phone 723-0511. M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD. New & Used Angles -- Beams Flatbars -- Chonnels Sheets -- Plates Square otk -- Pipe G 308 Bloor 528- 7301- 2 LEVISION TOWERS 30-11. "Tn. tower with 10-ff. mast and single B-213 antenna installed, $50. (This is a 40-ft. "| structure.) TRIO Television, Corner Bond and Division, 728-5143-4, STOVE, Beech, 24 inch, Shot saline ORO, ? Ain PS $15; chesterfield and chair, grey, $10;|WRINGER WASHER, 5 years old, timer wringer type washer, General Electricjand electric pump. Buffet, collapsible with automatic timer, $15; 36-inch steel] cloths rack, and power mower, Telephone bed with spring and mattress, $10; 30-| 728-3337. inch roll-away bed without mattress, $5; ; hot plate with two burners, $5; Admiral | TIRES -- size 820 x 15, less than 500 V-inch table model television, $20; tele-| Miles, $30. General Electric heavy duty phone table $3; Tire, Firestone 800 x 14,|"@nger $15. Phone 728-9725, used, $5, Apply Hancock Road, four|BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| houses north of wreckers or 726-6879. pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 ONE RECONDITIONED 40foo!, inch and)O" 265-7695, a quarter tower structure with double!'TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4o-foot tower B-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95, _Telephone 723-8131./ structure all - channel antenna installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton WEDDING DRESS as new, size 12, floor length chrystalette and lace, Cost $149,| Road East, lust east of Ritson Road. Will sell reasonably. 725. 7810, GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired RESTAURANT equipment, deep tryer,| St Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, grill, milk shake mixer, restaurant serv- 728-9731, ing dishes. Telephone 9 942-4703, MAPLE SYRUP -- Take 35 Highway rv 3g ke Ladies |{rom Macdonald - Cartier to Concession RUMMAGE SALE -- St. Luke Ladies 1 Guild, Wednesday, April 20, 1.30 p.m, at|!% Manvers. Andrew Heaslip, phone Simcoe Hall Settlement House. Bethany 17rll. GARDEN TRACTOR, 7 H.P. Telephone BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture after 6 0 'clock, Whitby 668- 8404. and appliiances. One location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Sil Simcoe South, 723. 3271, CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS, ~MeCuliough| chain saws, Bridgestone motorcycles, NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-jaisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 417) 8. treet f 7 4 Chrysler bosts, Shark 'sailboats, Haun | Pairs (ese New hose: pide pal lenc Street North. Call 723-241 power mowers, fillers. Sales-Service- itu SPARE ROOMS with paying guests Rentals. United Rent-All and Marine, matin rie BRUSH -- Telephone daytime Hohl 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to King &.* (at Wilson), 728-5565, TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL Whitby-668-5679 new and remodelling estimates. Telephone Cartage MAN with 'a-ton pick-up truck, available anytime. Telephone 728-6879 Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN. N My, Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5171. BIALEK, DR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 7: CITY OF OSHAWA PARKING METER/LOT ATTENDANT SALARY RANGE -- $75.00 to $82.00 per. week (40 hour week over a 5 and 6 day week) Must be physically fit, able to work. in adverse weather "conditions, handle cash, be bondable and -have partial technical school or some me- 'chanical background. Applications close 5:00 p.m, Friday, April 22nd, 1966. Apply between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., to: Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawa, BACKHOE OPERATOR to run case backhoe Telephone 668-3566 MECHANICALLY minded man with driv- er's licence wanted for a few days work. Apply Oshawa Times. switchboard, ae Janitor Service ATTENTION! ~ HOUSEWIVES, for clean- Lo windows, storms and screens, call Fred's Window and Genéral Cleaning, 668-6973. ' CELLARS CLEANED 'trash removed, pat repairs done. Telephone 723- WALL WASHING by modern machine. No messing. Free estimates. phone 728-7736. 3--Sportsman' s ; Column WANTED -- Members for newly formed trout club. Well stocked streams, excel lent fly fishing area. Write Box. M20728, Oshawa Times. SMELT FISHING equipment, cences. New and used guns, tackle boats, Valley Creek, 16 Street West. onta: E., Dressmaking DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, ,_ Whitby, 668-2372. ALTERATIONS, | pants cuffing, 3 zippers, mending. Agent for North American Fashion Frocks, 728-1823. EXPERIENCED dressmaker: LADIES wear, girl's wear, and alterations. Tele- phone 723-1729. DRESSMAKING and minor allerations, very reasonable. Telephone' 6 668-4876. EXPERT TAILORING : and dressm: aking for ladies' and children's wear. 68-6248. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING and alterations. 375 Poplar Street, Apt. 2, 728- CELLARS, yards cleaned; also sidewalk slabs and cement blocks for sale. Call Joe and Son, 723-2368, HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED. |>--_/ailers TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.I.O. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 Money To. Loan Authorized Dealers for: @ Citation @ Glendette @ Corsair @ Rambler @ Truck Campers Parts - Service - Hitches - Awnings COOK TRAILER SALES Simcoe North (past city limits) 723-9534 CAMPING "TRAILER, 1966 model, wide, sleeps six, folds to a compact 6' 2', Price $299.99, including canopy $272, 8.30 to 6 p.m TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, also all types of welding done, reason- able. Portable equipment for rent. 723- an. 1 WILL LOAR 3 you up art $5,000 at a reasonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Teleph 723-4 463). Mortgages _ FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES ---- All Classes + -- City, Rural, Vacation -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. N:---725 3568 monies for °F) PRIVATE AND CORPORA jall mortoages Mortgages and agree ments of purchased. Creighton, Seay , Murdoch and Victor, (See '/Bar- HONDA -- Suzuki, King Street West, 728-4242, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. Rentals. 199 Telephone scooter. Ashawa, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 [6 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Gardening on and | 1 Suppli s BIRCH TREES, any size, cedar ¢ for hedges and lombardy poplars. Telephone 728-9530. 372 King Street West. TREE TO TRIM? call Slim. Or I'l cul fhem down. Free estimates. 725-5118 728-0610 ALTERATIONS on dre and coats. od Mrs. F. Ricard. Bowmanville 623- 30---Automobiles for Sole 3]--Compact Cors for Sole 32----Trucks for Sale 33--Automobiles_ Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 36--Legol 37---Auctions W x 728 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church] | | | 723-0444) evenings 668-6583, Pp you phrase en ad, '