Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Apr 1966, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturcey, Apri 18, Tv8e Me ~The Kingdom Is Divided ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture -- I Kings 11:1-12:24. ry x BeQ punishment for his transgressions, Lord tells Solomon the Kingdom will be divided, and incites the kings and Syria against him.-- I Kings 11:1-25. battalions. trouble he is exiled Solomon puts Jeroboam, a former rebel, in charge of the, forced labor After stirring up more Kings 11:26-43, Rehoboam succeeds Solomon and the With this, the ten northern tribes people petition for a redress of griev- separate themselves, calling the new ances. Ignoring the counsel of the nation "Israel," with Jeroboam as elders, Rehoboam makes the yoke king.--I Kings 12:15-24, heavier.--I Kings 12:1-14. GOLDEN TEXT: Mark 3:24. to Egypt. -- I 500 Delegates Expected At Youth Conference Resignation Of Odinga More than 500 delegates from cussion groups of 12 delegates the Bay of Quinte Conference |each. area will attend the fifth an- nual Hi-C Conference in Osh-|in the afternoon for bowling, awa next weekend. The dele-|swimming and a tour of the gates, all between the ages of|Canadian Automotive Museum. 14 and 17 years, will be billet- ted in Oshawa homes. Mrs. G. L. Smith is the con-jed Church and in the YWCA Banquets will be held Satur. jday night in St. Andrew's Unit Free time will be provided By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer Vice-President Oginga Odin- ga's resignation in Kenya points -|up the internal stresses and -|strains developing despite the acceptance of the one - party system in many new African Points To Internal Ills to the concept of the United States vice-president as succes- sor to the president in the event|since leading Kenya to inde- of death. jpendence in December, 1963. radicals, has surprised almost everyone by his moderation BIBLE LESSON By R.-H. RAMSEY Solomon stands out on the pages of history as one of the most learned men who ever lived. He wae a poet, writer, ruler of a vast kingdom, a man of outstanding talent with jJeverything -the human _ heart could desire. He had asked God to give nim wisdom, and though generally highly praised for his wisdom, Solomon actually lacked it. Instead he had learn- ing, information and facts on a wide variety of subjects, but not the ability to use his know- seas, which is the crux of wis- om. Solomon's reign was, in gen- eral, pesreful, and he strength- ened the peace by taking daugh- ters and sisters of neighboring rulers as wives until he had the largest harem in the Orient, the support of which eventually be- 'came an intolerable tax burden upon his people. Further, Solomon allowed his many wives to bring their for- eign gods into the city and wor- The Kenyan constitution does | Instead of taking vengeance on not provide for the vice-presi-|the white population which so dent to succeed the president|recently held power in Kenya, in the same way as Lyndon|the burly, bearded Kenyatta ference manager and Mrs. R.|gymnasium. Known as a "Fel- Hogle, of Columbus, is in|lowship Supper", the banquets charge of registration. will feature a communion serv- The conference theme is "Re-|ice. Rev. J. Morris, minister of belling Creatively'. The theme |St. Andrew's Church, will con- will be dealt with in three|duct the service at St. Andrew's areas, namely: "Creative Re-j|and Rev. Ken Norman, of bellion Against the One Author-|Bridgenorth, the service at the ity System", 'The Education| YWCA. System" and 'The Social Sys-| Later in the evening a hoote- us . ' |nany, followed by a dance, will Following registration be-|pe held in the gymnasium at tween 7 and 9 p.m., April 22/Central Collegiate Institute. states. pand stability but low the surface. have exaggerated the jtance of Odinga, Under President Jomo Ken- yatta, Kenya has enjoyed in the West an almost unique reputa- tion for economic development it appears |that serious differences are agi- tating Kenyan political life be- The title vice-president may impor- especially lamong Westerners conditioned Johnson succeeded John F. has stressed the need of under- Kennedy in November, 1963. (standing among the races. However, Odinga and his| Although Kengatta 'imposed leftist views are obviously an |one-party rule under the Kenya important factor in Kenya life African National Union, his ver- even though at the age of 54/sion of African socialism has he has never been able to chal-|been much less disturbing than lenge the formidable Kenyatta,|had been anticipated in West- 74, for power in the key Eastern circles. African country. Kenyatta, once seen as the WEST SURPRISED jkdy man in the savage Mau Kenyatta, once regarded as|Mau uprising against white among the most wild-eyed of/rule, became the most tolerant at Northminster United Church, | The conference delegates will a sing song will be conducted /attend the 11 a.m. service Sun- lof African leaders in compari- ship them, resulting in a re- ibirth of idolatry. Though Solo- jmon himself never openly or |wholly apostatized, continuing |\to worsiip Jehovah and making perfunctory triannual offerings lin the Temple, he allowed his |wives to "turn away his heart after other gods." PROVIDE KINGDOM For his folly the Lord tells Solomon that the kingdom will be divided and most of it given |to another line of kings. God |punishes Solomon further by in- jciting the kings of Edom and |Syria to rebel against him, by Miss Moira Alford, the con- ship Mayor Lyman A. Gifford is expected to extend a civic welcome to the delegates. Lunch will be served. THEME SPEAKER The theme speaker at Andrew's United Church Satur- day morning will be Rev. R. C. Plant, of the Deep River Com- munity Church. Following his address, the conference will be broken down into some 50 dis- day in Simcoe Street |the form of a Folk Service with |Larry Marshall in charge. The | young people, under the direc- |tion of their leaders, will take |part in the service. A feature St. /of the service will be the back-| jground music provided by gui- tars. Lunch will be served at Sim- coe Street United Church be- fore the conference closes at 1.30 p.m. Politicians Brush Up On French These Days By RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA (CP) -- More and more leading politicians are brushing up their high school French these days or planning to start lessons soon. Defence Minister Paul Hell- yer, for instance, often uses a special tape recorder called a portable language laboratory. He listens to a recorded phrase and repeats it over and over to improve his diction. An aide says the Ontario-born minister has become fluent enough to carry on conversa- tions and make long speeches in French. He speaks in French with his French-Canadian asso- eiates and staff assistants whenever he gets the chance. Finance Minister Mitchell) South), speaks French fluently. Among Conservative fron t- benchers, George Hees (North- umberland), Davie Fulton (Kamloops) and Michael Starr (Ontario) are proficient in French in varying degrees. All three are former ministers and have been mentioned as poten- tial contenders for the party leadership once Opposition Leader Diefenbaker steps down, GIVE FRENCH SPEECHES Three Conservative premiers who also figure in speculation about Mr. Diefenbaker's even- tual successor all speak French to some extent. Premier John Robarts of On- tario has given speeches in United ference song leader. His Wor-|Church. The gathering will take Sharp switched to French three French and is thinking of taking times in his first budget speech, lessons, but the pressures of reading about 250 words.in all. office have prevented him from He has enrolled at a com-|doing so until now. He has im- mercial language school in Ot-|proved his pronunciation con- tawa and plans to start lessons|siderably by using a tape re- during the Commons Easter re-|corder to practise his speeches, tess. An aide said Mr. Sharp /listening to a reading by a bi-| FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- A program of transmission line construction that eventually will link northwestern Ontario with the power grid serving the rest of the province was announced today by George Gathercole, chairman of the Ontario Hydro- Electric Power Commission. Mr. Gathercole told a lunch- eon meeting of business and civic leaders that between next fall and the 1970s the commis- sion will build approximately 500 miles of high - voltage trans- mission line in Northern On- tario, He said construction of the first phase is scheduled to start at Sudbury later this year. "To help meet growth of power requirements in the northwest, we are proceeding with the first stage of an inter- connection which will eventually lead to the physical integration of the province's two major electrical systems," Mr. Gather- cole said. "This interconnection will link Hydro's east system, prhich serves southern and northeast- ern Ontario and the west sys- tem in the northwestern part of the province." The hydro chief said that by Canadian politics is being en- |couraged by several factors. | There is a fast-growing feel- ing among French - Canadian jvoters and politicians that party \leaders and cabinet ministers |should be bilingual. Bilingual jcandidates are expected to have a definite advantage at New Power Line Links Ready To Start Soon json with, for instance, Presi-jending the peaceful reign of jdent Julius Nyerere of neigh-|Solomon. boring Tanzania, once regarded' after reigning 40 years, Solo- in the West as the scholarly) mon died and was succeeded by |devotee of sweet reason, |Rehoboam, his son by an Amo- | As Kenyatta waxed in mod-| nite woman. The people, impov- jeration -- and strength -- 80/erished by heavy taxation and bridging the gap between On-| Odinga slid leftward and at on€| worn out with forced labor, tario's east and west electric|Point in 1965 it was reported the came te the new monarch ask- power systems a physical link|Old lion of Kenya stayed ining relief from their heavy bur- will be established on comple-|Power only by batting down an dens, Spokesman for them was iThey became mised with wan to Quebec. He said the first stage of the Power Corp. of Sault Ste. Marie, will cost an estimated $20,000,- 000. It will involve construction of 100 miles of twin - circuit, project, to be carried out in co-| operation with Great Lakes) tion in 1968-69 between electric|attempted coup. power utilities from Saskatche- | HEAVY INFIGHTING Odinga's ups and downs ap- the first time--that the idea of monolithic one-party states in Africa is misleading and that jfhuch political warfare goes on jbehind the facade of unity. pear to demonstrate--not for} | Jeroboam, who had been forced to flee to Egypt during Solo- 'mon's reign, and now had re- turned. There was nothing un- just or rebellious in their re- quest; it was one of the few in- stances in history where human liberties have been asserted in CONTINUE MATCH : | In May last year Dr. Njoroge| : cate Michipictow end Marac|Mungai, Kenya's defence minis-| MOSCOW (AP) -- Champion thon by 1968. |ter, denied reports that security | Tigran Petrosian and challenger Marathon is at the eastern end police who visited Odinga's of-|Roris Spassky, playing white, of Hydro's northwestern net-|*fices at 3 a.m. one day and/adjourned the third game of work, Initially electricity deliv-|"emoved a substantial quantity |their match for the chess cham- ered to northwestern Ontario} arms and ammunition|pionship of the world on the over this circuit by Great Lakes|Stacked in the basement. The|43rd move Friday. The game Power will be replaced by elec-|(efence minister explained, | will be continued today. The tricity from Hydro's east sys- with a straight face, that the/first two games of the 24-game tem, Mr. Gathercole said, purpose of the visit had been|match were drawn. d |to transfer office files from one} ee 230,000-volt) -vernment department to an-} line is scheduled for completion] (er between Sudbury and Sault Ste. : f WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cas- Marie, he said. Be ~ es ae Clay, the heavyweight box- PLAN LATER LINE : ling champion, is appealing his |troops was moved into Odin-| "At a later stage, it is planned 8 CLAY APPEALS ' + " \1-A U.S. draft classification on a's constituency for 'routine achin ff te r exercises." | grounds of hardship. He re- ae te aki phan = The general gossip was that ecm ublitied Pvigent ape -- Ontario Hydro's Rayner gener-|Kenyatta had not . observed rf y in the event of a na- sees ctullch' daar' Peeincias |Britist techniques for years for tional lho oe GA. avail which will complete the inter-|othing. : , connection from the Sudbury Solomon Stands Out As Man Of Learning the face of tyranny; they simply wanted redress of their griev- ances, Initially, Rehoboam consulted with the older men about him who had been serving the state and his father for years. They counselled him to 'be a sery- with the request and speak good words to them. But Rehoboam ing instead to young men in the up, mere lads who had been sponsibilities of rulership. INCREASE BURDENS To the petitions of his people the foolish, heartless, insolent youngster on the throne replied that no matter how heavy the yoke his father, Solomon, had jlaid upon them, he would make their burdens even heavier. Thus, the folly of Solomon combined with Rehoboam's tyr- anny and lack of feeling for the common people to set the stage for the enactment of a huge and tragic drama, one destined, to play a large part in the future history of the Hebrew people. In his arrogance, the foolish Reho- lboam had worked out the or- |dained judgment of God, Infuriated, the 10 northern tribes separated themselves from the southern tribes, and established their own kingdom, called Israel, with Jeroboam as their king, and Shechem as the capital city. With the division, the over- whelming majority of the de- scendents of Jacob were lost. ant unto his peopie," compix rejected such good advice, turn- court with whom he had grown raised in luxury, totally igno- rant of the true situation of the common people who supported them and the niceties and re- TORONTO (CP)--The $3,000,- 000 Canada spent on a technical school in Ghana would have been better used to build a bi- cycle factory, Stanley Randall, Ontario's minister of economics and development, said Thurs- face in Canada's foreign aid program, told the Empire Club the $400,000,000 Canada gives away each year is being used by leaders of emerging nations to build monuments -- "monu- ments to their vanities and colossal stupidity." As for the technical sihool in Ghana, Mr. Randall said it turns out students who have no opportunity to use their knowl- edge. Ghana would be better off with more bicycles. He suggested the federal gov- ernment offer incentives to Ca- nadian businessmen to build manufacturing facilities in far- eign lands. day. ' ' Mr. Randall, urging an about- P for it at a rate of interest keeping with the risk at which a Crown company called " eign Aid Inc." could underwrite the debentures. representatives in many coun- tries he has visited. CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Mary ond Hillerott Streets SERVICES 8:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M, 7:00 P.M, Nursery Core--11:00 A.M, Wednesday--10:00 A.M, HOLY COMMUNION our foreign-aid dollars in needy \developing countries the direction and management of private enterprise--not from politician to politician or gov- ernment agency to government agency. "What I propose is to invest om REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS through "Assuming 50 per cent of our, {World Hi ters, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA HARMONY ROAD -- BAPTIST 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor: Wm. J, 0. LEWIS 10:00 A.M. Church School For Children end Adulte 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship All Are Invited Phone 728-9606 9:45 A.M, -- Family Bible School 11:00 A.M, -- Family Worship Rev. E. Swanson Preaching -- DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE -- peoples who had no interest in or loyalty to Jehovah, had no part in the building - up of a nation loyal to Him, and event- ually disappeared from sacred history, becoming known as) the 'lost tribes of Israel." Only | the tribe of Judah and the little| tribe of Benjamin were left to carry on the great work of rev- elation to which God had ap- pointed the Hebrew people. BYNG AVENU PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST, N. OFFICE 728-2931 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M,--MORNING WORSHIP GUEST SPEAKER REV, IRA LEACH 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Guest Soloist; Dianne Leech Tomorrow! Reveals the startling signi- ficonee behind world news! . with PROPHECIES next 20 yeors! Monday - Saturdey 9:05 - 9:35 P.M. {or immediately following Jr. A Hockey) and Sundoy 10:30 - 11:00 P.M. 1350 RADIO able for service at any time. area," Mr. Gathercole said. SIGN COACH "At that time, when the east and west systems are fully in- tegrated, it will then be possible to transfer large amounts of power between northeastern and son, former Scottish League centre half with Glasgow Rang- HAMILTON (CP)--Bill Pater | ers, has been signed as playing: | leoach by the Hamilton club in} northwestern Ontario." The Hydro chairman noted|League. |the Eastern Canada Pro Soccer | HORTOP AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH GLENWOOD Rev. N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A, Miss Judith Davison, Bee. Mus. that the first stage of construc- SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH -- SUNDAY -- REV. W. F. ROURKE 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. @ Postored in. seven provinces @ Evangelized in Canoda, U.S.A,, W, Indies end 8. Africa @ A welcome awaits you. 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES | Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1350 NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH ----------X------X-- wants to make intensive stud- ies, taking lessons three or four times a week for two or three months. The Winnipeg - born finance minister has practised his French at home in_ recent months, using instructional rec- ords. Last year he asked Prime Minister Pearson for a French- Canadian as his parliamentary secretary and Jean Chretien, Liberal MP for St. Maurice-La- | : future leadership conventions. lingual Dee : The government is encour- Premier Duff Roblin of Man- aging civil servants to become itoba has given several French pilingual and there is a natural speeches in Quebec' in the last|pressure on politicians to prac- year and he can converse in|tise what they preach. the language. Finally, the royal commission Premier Robert Stanfield ofjon bilingualism and bicultural- |Nova Scotia is rated an able|ism conducted a controversial \French conversationalist and|study of bilingualism among has addressed groups in Paris)MPs and senators last year, jand Montreal. spurring some to greater ef- The spread of bilingualism in /forts. tion would have only a limited capability for the transfer of power between systems because of line capacity. | | "For 1969 and later years, it| is also planned to extend trans-| mission facilities in stages from Marathon to the Lakehead," he LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE ~~~ HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M, CKLB -- DIAL 1350 11 A.M. - 7 P.M. REV. WALTER SHURDEN, M.A. MeMaster Divinity College Bible Schoo! 9:30 Nurséry and Junior Church 11:00 A.M (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H, A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D, ORGANIST -- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON DEACONESS --- MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE said. | Cost estimates of the entire! construction program are not) Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada yet available. | CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, ond 3; Junior 4, 5, and 6 9:15 A.M.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 Nursery ages 3; Kindergarten ages 4 and Ss; Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3 fleche, was appointed. | Trade Minister Robert Win-| ters and State Secretary Judy | LaMarsh also plan to take| French lessons shortly. Both} have a reading knowledge al- ready and Mr. Winters took les- sons when he was a business executive in Toronto. SIMCOE STREET The Church in the heart of the MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, Director of Music: Mr. UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET city with the World on its heart. B.A. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, Several other ministers speak French well, including Agricul-| ture Minister J. J. Greene, Transport Minister J. W. Pick- ersgill, Industry Minister Char- les Drury and John Turner, minister without portfolio. Many opposition MPs and Liberal back-benchers regularly | attend French classes given by a private tutor in the West) Block of the Parliament Build-| the minister Anthem.""Hosanna"'. Soloists--Leah Garrow, Duet"! woited for SUNDAY 9:45 A.M.--Youth Department --Young Adult Class --Adult Bible Study --Children's Department ---Boby Core 11:00 A.M Marino Puffer, 11:00 A.M. "VISTA UNLIMITED" will preach Foure Horold Hay the Lord"---Medelsohn Beth Weldon SCHOOL ings. | UNITED | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road South (near Olive) 723-6325 The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship | 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer New Democratic Leader T.| C. Douglas, 61-year-old native of Scotland, has been one of the | most assiduous students of | French on Parliament Hill. He has been taking private lessons | | nearly every Wednesday night and Saturday morning for more | Y King St. Bnited Church 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT. Minister --~ Miss Noney Fraser, Deaconess Mr, Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist than two years and plans to| continue indefinitely. Mr. Douglas's deputy House leader, David Lewis (York | 1164 Ki Church School and Morning Worship at Seventh Day Adventist Church, ng St. E. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Bond Street West ot Rosehill Bivd. Uust north of the Oshowe Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev, Fronk H. Ward, BA, Orgonist--Choir Director lend L. McCord, Mus. Boe. 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 48 AM --Junior Intermediate ond Senior Depts. 11:00 A.M.--Nursery ond Primary Dept. -- 11:00 Ist Cor. Solo "Just Anthem: "Holy 11:00 AM.--AI! depertments of the Adventist Church, Please Yeu ere welcome to these Services | A.M, -- THE LIVING CHRIST 15:20-28 For Todoy'* Soloist: Fred Denshem is The Lord" ¢ Church Schoo! et the Seventh Day enter by side door. Cars will leove at 10:40 a.m. sharp, corner King and Charlies Sts ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH || Fri., 8:00 P.M.--Young People EVERYONE WELCOME EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray Postor: REV. ERNEST WINTER BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, "CHRIST THE DIVINE KEBPER"' 7:00 P.M. "FULLNESS IN CHRIST" WED, | 7:45-----BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER CALVARY a oer on aR Baptist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Pastor -- REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 11:00 A.M. SERVICE "In The Springtime" Sacrament of Baptism 12:30 OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING 7:00 P.M. STUDY MEETING, 707 HORTOP ST. 7:30. P.M. MISSIONARY AND MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE In the Sunday Schoo! Hall -- Open Meeting -- 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 AM. -- "THE NAME THAT REDEEMS" 7:00 P.M. -- "THE NAME THAT REFRESHES" 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO Wednesday 7:45 Bible Study and Prayer Burning of Church Mortgage THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev. G W. C. Brett, B.A, Musical Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 9:45 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, Missionary Thonk Offeri Service Preacher: The Rey. Donald Powell M.A,, B.D. "Interpreting the Gospel in today's world' 7:00 P. "THE LAST BEATITUDE" Come and Worship With Us. ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister REV, D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, Plonist Miss Jane Welr ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. et King St. E Rev. Wolter Jackson Minister Mr: Frank Walter Musical Director 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, PUBLIC WORSHIP CHURCH PARADE 25th Oshawa Boy Scouts and Cubs All Cordially Invited 9:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11;00 A.M. THE BIBLE TRUE' 7 PM. SENIOR HIGH UKRAINIAN Simcoe St. South Minister Rev, J. Jacenty 9:00 A.M.---Church School 11:00 A\M.---Morning Worship HUNGARIAN Minister Rev. E, Seress at Knox Church Simcoe St. North 3:30 P.M.--Worship Service 2nd and 4th SUNDAYS King Street Pentecostal Church 611 KING ST, W, One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor Phones: Church 728-5371 Parsonage 728-6662 -- SUNDAY -- 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Fourth Sermon in o series on "WHO IS JESUS CHRIST?" = One Person and Two Natures ---- Proper Deity and Perfect Humanity -- Perfect God and Perfect Man 7:00 P.M. "The Last Opportunity Lost" TUES.--7:45 Youth Meeting. WED.--8:00 Bible Study and Proyer FRI, ---6:45 Children's Church, * Nursery Facilities * Tiny Tot's Church. * Paved Parking. Worship this week at King Street where we preach THE BIBLE AS IT IS FOR MEN AS THEY ARE

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