Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Apr 1966, p. 19

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LEP EL DE POLS [36--Legal 138--Coming Events THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE thot the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa ot its meeting to be held on Monday the 2nd day of May, 1966 ot 7:30 p.m. ot the Council Chambers, City Hall, Osh- owa intends to pass o by-low to close up: All and Singulor those certain parcels ond tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa in the County and Province of On- torio and being composed of all of thot part of the lane lying between Lots 65 and 80, lots 66 and 79, ond lots 67 ond 78 as shown on Plan 40,B, lying between the south limit of Midtown Drive 0s opened by by-law number 4446 ond registered os in- strument number 141179 and the north limit of Bagot Street and a further part of the said. lane lying between the south limit of Bogot Street ond the North Limit of thot part of the soid lone closed by by-low riumber 3167 ond registered os in- strument number 83667, the soid last mentioned limit be- ing a line drawn through a point in the east limit of said lot 67, fifty feet north of the south-east angle of said lot 67 and parallel to the pro- duction of the southerly limit of said lot and that part of Bagot Street bounded on the eost and west by the produc- tion of the east ond west limits of the said lane which porcel may be more porticu- larly described os follows 1, PART OF SAID LANE: COMMENCING et a point in the eost limit of Lot 65 where it is intersected by the south limit of Midtown Drive. THENCE eost 16 feet 6 Inches more or less along the south liimt of Midtown Drive to its Intersection with the east limit of said lone; THENCE South along the eost limit of said tone to the south-west angle of Lot 79 (being also o point in the north limit of Bagot Street); THENCE west 16 feet south limit of Lot 79 (being olong the north limit of Bagot Street) to @ point therein be- Ing the south east angle of Lot 66 THENCE north along the east limits of Lets 66 ond 65 (being -- the west limit of said lone) to the point of commencement. 2. BEING ALL OF THAT PART OF BAGOT STREET DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING at the south- east angle of Lot 66 being © point in the north limit of Street; NCE east 16 feet 6 Inches more or less clong the @csterly production of the south limit of Lot 66 (being along the north limit of Baget Street) to the southwest engle of Lot 79; THENCE south 49 feet 6 Inches more or less along the southerly production of the west limit of Lot 79 to a point in the south limit of Bogot Street (being the northwest ongle of Lot 78); THENCE west 16 feet 6 Inches more or less elong the westerly production of the north limit of Lot 78 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northeast angle of Lot 67; THENCE north 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the northerly production of the east limit of Lot 67 te the point of commencement. 3. PART OF THE SAID LANE COMMENCING ot the south- east angle of said Lot 67; THENCE north 50 feet along th east limit of Lot 67 to a point in the east limit (being also in the west limit of seid lane, said point being the northwest angle of that por- tion ef said lane described as Poere! 2 in instrument 83899 Oshawa) said point being the point cf beginning THENCE north along the west limit ef Lot 67 (being along the west limit of said lane) to @ point in the south limit of Bagot Street (said point being also the northeast angle of Lot 67) THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly production of the north limit of Lot 67 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northwest ongle of Lor 78: THENCE south along the west limit of Lot 78 (being the east limit of said lane) to a point distant northerly there In SO feet from the south west angle of soid Lot 78 (seid point being the anorth @ost angle of that pohinn of said lone described os Parcel 2 in instrument 83899 Osh- owo); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less and por- gllel to the south limit of Lot 78 (being along the north limit of that part of said lane described as Parcel 2 in in- strument 838 Oshawa) to the point of bebinning A plan showing the parts of the lane and that port. of Bagot Street to be closed is on file and may be examined rs the office of the City lerk, City Hall, Osh, Ontario Spee: AND TAKE FURTHER NO. TICE thot-at the said meeting the Council shall hear in per- son or by his counsel, solicitor Or egent any person who claims thot his land will be Prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to be Reard DATED AT OSHAWA this 2nd day of April, A.D 1966. L. R. Borrand, Esq, City Clerk 50 Centre Street, Onterte " MARY WHITE, THE CITY OF OSHAWA | The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSING DISTRICT No, 7. TAKE NOTICE thot SERVINIS BROTHERS LIMITED of the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario will moke op- plication at a Specidl Meeting of the Liquor Licence Boord of Ontario to be held at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET in the CITY of PETERBOROUGH in the County of PETERBOR- OUGH on Friday the SIXTH day of MAY, 1966, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock D.S,T. in the forenoon for the issu- once of a dining lounge licence for the sale and con- sumption of liquor with meals, for the following pre- mises, namely: A restaurant establishment known os the Colonial Restaurant and mun- icipally known as 10 Bond Street West, in the City of Oshawa, in the County and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot No. 2 on the north side of Bond Street according to J. B. War- ren's Registered Plan Any person who is resident in the licensing district may ob- ject to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with MR, H. J, BROWNE, the re- gistrar of the licensing dis- trict, whose address is 55 LAKESHORE BLVD., EAST, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO, at least ten days before the meeting at which the appli- cation is to be heard, DATED at Oshawa this 12th doy of April, 1966. SERVINIS BROTHERS LIMITED, 10 Bond Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, WIDOW, DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims ogainst the Estate of Fronces Mary White, lote of the City of Oshawe in the County of Onterio, Widow, deceased, who died on or obout the 21st day of February, A.D, 1966 are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of May, A.D. 1966 after which date the Estote will be distributed with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice DATED ot Oshewe this 14th doy of April, A.D. 1966, by DAISY BELL, Administratrix, by her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 0.C., 1414 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, KEDRON, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR SCHOOL ADDITION Secled tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, WEDNES- DAY, APRIL 27, 1966, fora proposed Addition to Kedron School, T.S.A. of East Whit- by. Plans and Specifications may be obtained by General Con- tractors only, ofter 4:00 P.M. Wednesday, April 13th, 1966, from the office of the Architects and Engineers, on deposit of o $50.00 Certified Cheque, payable to the Archi- tects and Engineers, which will be returned when plons and specifications are re- turned in good condition Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. JACKSON, YPES & ASSOCIATES, Architects and' Engineers, 5382 Yonge Street, WILLOWDALE, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of JOHN KALYNKO, who died at Oshowa, August 3rd, 1965, ore requested to send particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Executor, on or before the 28th day of April, 1966, after which dote the Estate will be distributed having re- gard only to claims that have been received MARKS AND McNEELY, Solicitors, 17 King St. East, OSHAWA, Ontario. LEGAL NOTICE Would. anyone knowing the whereobouts of VIOLET BAINBRIDGE HARRIS, kind. ly contact PATRICK G. Me DONALD, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 41) 'Anglo American . Building, 330 Ninth Avenue $.W., Calgary, Alberte. at LATE OF| | SNOWBALL--$230 in 56 Nos. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO MON., APRIL 18 Admission Ticket Gives You Free. Chance On Door Prize, $250 Jackpot Nos. 53 and 55 $50. Consolatio Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or less $50. Consolation $150. Jackpot $20 a line $50 full card 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S rr. eet AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Forewell -- FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE - 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 Plus $10 each horizontol line. Regular Jackpot $100 in 57 Nos. $20, Con SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available ot The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please. 39--Notices BINGO UAWA. HALL 7:30 P.M. 4 GAMES OF $20., $30., $40., $50, JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH ESCORTED TOUR TO WESTERN CANADA JUNE 25 -- JULY 18, 1966 No Night Travel. See Edmonton, Jasper, Von- couver, Victoria, Calgary and the Stompede Tours, Accommodations included | WRITE OR PHONE Colmer Travel Service Bowmanville 623-3265 KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Eorly Bird Game FREE ADMISSION Jackpot 58 end 52 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners BINGO | SALE OF BICYCLES And Unclaimed Goods ot. 1 PM. APRIL 23 ot TIRTEVANT'S TION ROOM 3u Hall. Street BIRTHS son Brian Robert, On8., CROUSE -- Ron and Barb (nee Smith) |are happy to announce the arrival of @ on Friday April 15, 1966, at weighing 7 Ibs., 14 the | Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for | Sandra, GILLESPI® . Ernest and Lillianne COLES, Margaret Jean | at her Winsioe, | Prince Edward Istand, on Sunday, April 3, 1966, Margaret Jean MacMillan, be | loved wife of the late Capt. James Coles, MMED, dear mother of Margaret, (Mr: C, Hall), Roma (Mrs, H. Cruw' 8 |Coles, Hamilton, Chester of Calgary, Al- |berta, Wallace Coles, Helen (Mrs, [non Gillespie) Aidry, (Mrs, R. MacCal |Iym) and William Coles, all of Prince |€dward isiand, Funeral service was |held April 5, at St. John's Anglican interment $1, John's Anglicen| Prince Edward island, | Church, | Cemetery, | FILDES, Ruth Mildred in Oshawa General Hospital Friday, | April 15th, 1966. Ruth Mildred cMillan Beloved wife of | Herbert Filde Masson Street) Dear daughter of Mrs, James McMillan and | | sister of Mrs. Allen Rose (Audrey) both | of Oshawa and Mrs, Philip LaPo lb | jel) of Timmins, Mrs, Fred Barnes | of Cochrane. Resting at Mcintosh nd- | erson Funeral Home 152 King Street, East) with service in the chapel on Monday, \April 18th at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Cemetery. (Friends are asked call at the Funeral Home before Satur- day evening). | | KROL, Edward Entered into rest at the family residence, | 76 Robert Street, Oshawa, on Friday, | April 15, 1966, Edward Krol, beloved hus- band of Celina Szymanski, father of | Andrew Krol, Oshawa, brother of Mrs. Anthony Remouch (Stella), Toronto; in his 56th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with Requiem High Mass in St, Hedwig's Church, Osh- awa Monday, April 18 at 10 a.m. Inter. ment Resurrection Cemetery, Prayers will be heid at the funeral home Sunday, 8 p.m, RAMSDALE, Thomas Henry | In Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, on Fri-| day, April 15, 1966, Thomas Henry Rams: | dale, in his 79th year, beloved brother | of Mrs, Ada Gillard of Albert Ramsdale, Jersey Wu of Oshawa Mr, Ramsdale is resting af Mcintosh. Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, Service In the chapel on Monday, April 18, af 10.30 a.m, Interment Union | Cemetery. RHUDE, James Percy | Suddenly at the family residence, 19 Waverly Road, Bowmanville, on Friday, April 15, 1966, James Perey Rhude, aged three months, beloved 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rhude, Resting at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Serv- ice in the chapel on Monday at 2 o'clock, | Interment Bowmanville Cemetery, | SMITH, Martha Ann | Entered into rest in the Oshawa General | Hospital on Friday, April 15, 1966, Martha) Ann Wright, beloved wife of the late! William George Smith, mother of Mrs. | |Ken Zufelt (Ethel), Oshawa; Mrs, Wm. | Fish (Anne), Oshawa; Mrs, Elsie Price, | Whitby, and Charles Henry Smith, Osh- | | awa; sister of Mrs. Ethel Baldwin, Osb-| |awa; In her 86th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home with funeral service in the chapel Monday, April 18 Interment St. John's Ceme- tery, Whitby. Lodge servi auspices of Queen Mary Branch No. 97, will be he' neral home Sunday, 7 p.m. Royal Cana- dian Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary service will be held at the funeral home Sunday, |7.30 p.m. TESSIER, Romeo | Entered into rest in Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, on Friday, April 15, 1966, Romeo Tessier, beloved son of the late |Mr. and Mrs, Ambrose Tessier, brother of Oscar, Hull, Quebec; In his 75th year, ting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, regory's Church, April 19 at 9 a.m. Oshawa, Tuesday, Interment Resurrec- SATURDAY, APRIL 16th [Oshawa with Requiem High Mass in St, lon Cemetery. Prayers will be held at l20 GAMES $10 A GAME the funeral home Monday, Apri! 18 7.30 p.m. (Friends are asked not to call at |the funeral home before Sunday.) LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral orrangements ond florol arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING r ZEN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 | Kindness beyond Price, yet within reech of all. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM | BURNETT -- Thomas William, beloved father, who dled March 16, 1939. Also our beloved mother Henrietta, April 16, | 1964. So many things each day we find Bring mom and dad to our mind "Take care of mother," to us he sald "Never fortet your old mother' to me she said Today in memory we bow our head In loving gratitude to our, dead, Daughter Pearl and family. Hamilton, HORTON -- In loving memory of William John Herton (Jack) who passed | away April 17th 1963. Always remembered by the family. | DEAN ~-- In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away April 17, 1952. O happy hours we once enjoyed How sweet their memory sill, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill Ever remembered by daughter Beth. WALTERS -- In loving memory of my| dear brother (Wm) Bill Walters who! passed away suddenly April 16, 1963) | oe Oct. 23, 1932 and Dad Aug. 30,/ 1934. | Their memory to me is as dear today/ As in the hour they passed away, in God's care they rest above, While In my heartthey dwell with love, | miss them more than anyone knows As each year passes, the loneliness) grows. | The tears In my eyes will wipe away | But the ache in my heart Is there to! stay. | Lovingly remembered Lilllan and fam-) (nee Saivas) wish to announce the birth of @ son, Ernest Paul, April 15, 1964, at the Hospital, A brother for 7 tb. 3 ozs, | Another grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Nor.) Roma Salvas man Gillespie and Mrs on Oshawa General Lisa and Anne,| |} MAWZENUK -- Paul and Muriel (nee) | Davolin) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, o7s., General Hospital and Todd. Many thanks te Or jand 4th floor staff. Kelly Lynn, 6 Ibs Friday, April 15, 1966 at the Oshawa A 'sister for Jetfrey| trwin | 7 | SALTER -- John and Lois (nee David. | $0n) are delighted to announce the arrival! of their daughter, Janice Leigh, on April | 15, 1966 at Toronto Western Hospital ily. A LASTING TRIBUTE For permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Pork Office. 7 33 | LIFETIME Requirements vestment Required answered, iL Management Financial Stability, Complete Training in U.S.A. Your Office Earning can exceed $40,000.00 $12,000.00 ~ OPPORTUNITY Affiliate of one of Big 3 in a prestige Industry, over 100 offices 'in U.S.A., 20 years' experience, now expanding in Canada, We are seeking for all major cities, ambitious men wanting to be in business for themselves, who need to earn at least $25,000.00 per year with unlimited future. Sales Ability, or In- All replies WRITE BOX 9117M, OSHAWA TIMES To All Those Who CARED ENOUGH AND GAVE es ap 2 P ~--stesat . wlF YOU | FORGOT TO MAIL YOUR CONTRIBUTION Every Dollar Helps to Provide Hope and Future! IVE GENEROUSLY! Help With Your Purchase And USE EASTER SEAL Easter Seal Campaign Sponsored by Oshawa Rotary Club and Ontario County Society For Crippled Children Steven Dolesch, Oshawa's 'Timmy' says "Thank You" For ell Ontorio Country Crippled Children. ON BEHALF OF ALL OSHAWA'S CRIPPLED CHILDREN Your contributions through purchase of Easter: Seals brings hope 'and help to the crippled children of Ontario County, Backed by great group of helpers, many will soon walk, talk, learn and live like other children. YOUR dollars help: -- @ Camping Holidays @ Specially Trained Nurses @ Medical Treatments @ Therapists Correction @ Surgical Attention @ Equipment and Supplies + @& PORTACE WEL GE POD OF MR. JAMBS MeCANSH, Treasurer Easter Seal Campsiga Bank of Montreal, 38 Simcoe Street South OSHAWA, ONTARIO yyy

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