16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 16, 1966 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire... Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale 12--Articles Wanted DIRE e R SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK | eat etic YAMAHA Srey were. We" POor i BUSINESS SERVICE ¥ eee | evceees | sporTsCycLes | ERARaPET IR as All modets now available. |wANTED To BUY = Billard 'and ° f essories, 20%" x 7, In good condition, SEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL 4,000 miles full warranty, | accessor! Seg.) : Phone 723-7609 after $ p.m. ig? Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- os sons "ba WANTED Vé motor and tranamiasan Yor 5 : A ; H G , ; mouth, Pontiac, We correct a.m. p.m, '60 Pontiac. Must be. in good working or- Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies Painting and Decorating : : a wal ebigenriecd, 'weet be 533-8711 der,' Telephone ean eter ae HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HiLL- Bud ig - PAINTING AND { Sign toc int ond. toncur a | RO-DON SPORTS |!3--Articles For Rent ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4 Oshaway) ¢-0) East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, : Ontario, LS Sixers ac: G. . ey " QC; W. A: Hillman, "GARDEN TIME" DECORATING eee 4 correct condition . 6.88 TAUNTON RD. E. i . 1. BA, . Office g ; ; F ' Suntan Suite. 205W, Oshawa. Shop-| 7261177; Reesiaence:' 726-4604; Whitey, INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR tae isruar A | & Ports extro if required _ Gust East of 5 points) RENTALS ping Centre, 725-9953. 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and Broadloom, Custom Draperies ONE DAY. . @ Torsion bar adjustment Discover the swinging world of LANCY'S Accounting Service.|oher first mortgage funds available. NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX extra YAMAHA comelens bookkeeping service, 299 Sim- PARKLAWN GRASS MIX FREEES]IMATES bd . OF ALL KINDS . Ges. , ildi id . 2 coe South, 7250097, Ges. 737608. _| Building Trades SUPERFINE GRASS MIX DODD and SOUTER ~ Vex BRAKE SPECIAL REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- eH JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- SUBURBAN GRASS MIX 668-5862 (most populor cars). Fist | @ EQWLER T VV, © | mossaging belts, rowing ma- tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-483. IAL TIMOTHY & ALSIKE . TEV EER T Quality Royaline chines, bikes exercises -- olf o. sirei spe et engi INDEED Ginoore Plumbing and Heating A-wheelg 00sec e's 34.88 The newest color or black $6 per month. HALL, Pe ceviens ape Kine Street] @ Additions @ Waterproot PEAT MOSS BLL TYPES SF repairs and TenSaHIG calle: Be a ahie avs} ik. | PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pj , Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. Hall, : i nD j A : ' and white 'sin stock, / -- Pipe B.comm, CA; David G Perkin, CAi] @ Garages @ Eavestrough Pig ntsc af rates, Estimates tree. T201i9); a, Foley.| |. A" THE GREATEST OF ALL \ WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL | Largest trade-in allowance. | cleaning rods, pipe vise Fe inrenkilasegetihishl @ Roofing @ Chimneys GARDEN SO:GREEN ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- FRENCH EXPLORERS ---- <I. Including weights per ar USED TELEVISION tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe Pore 5 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- Hi plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H.] ACTUALLY, HIS NAME WAS cutters, pipe threadi Trade Build- t . : 1 . CTUALLY; } CAMOUFLAGE each , 1 Pipe threading . dies, oe Aapeeren Cts Gan or) are 'e" Conerets aoa ly Stark Lid. Plumbing, Heating and Engk| Rene ROBERT CAVELIER, wasemnrerne, | Amueeccs ay | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT. roms... toilet auger. teri 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E.| @ Driveways @ Brick ; neering, 255 Simcoe Street South. onde ALLE. LASALLE q ED THE DOTTING THEM , OR RENT PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- or Siar EVERGREEN 6-9-6 Tae SIEUR DE LA SALLE. King's EviT DURING END WORK AT COMPARABLE steblodders, lade 4 epladders, idder jacks, OVER FLOATIN. . Service on all makes! ' steel scaffolding, compressors, mole: G61 Bs CRON, ER Rug-Upholstery Servic WAS THE NAME OF FAMILY MEDIEVAL TIMES RICE YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND O., FREE ESTIMATES GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 ig-Yp' ry e Satie Wi wane MASSES OF PRICES GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD ? SARAGASSUM DOMINION 306 King W. . 725-1685 | < torey guna, welleeet oeeee Worth, Oshawa, 728-7371. ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, hartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- Mem ing 7 i rn Bankruptcy, 52% Simicoe Street CO-ORDINATED BONEMEAL @ NOW OPEN @ S ram! poe SHEEP MANURE : i brioire, ruenoee, wesc", tw] REMODELLERS CL. 10-10-10 wok defo) eeaaiuaeth ia | R 'ans poner rch ' og R. Waters, CA, CL, 4-12-10 | TI E STORE --_ its he Senewe, Shopping Centre, ma780- 723-0966 GARDEN TOOLS parce, | MOTORCYCLE SHOP cement mixers, finishing Sponsoring Member of H.O.P.E BULK GARDEN SEEDS UPHOLSTERY 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH @ BSA. @ TRIUMPH trowels, wheel barrows, elec- Barristers -O.P.E. BUG KILLERS 102 King W., Bowmanville TV--Radio Repairs 6--Marine Equipment TELEPHONE 725-6511 @ DUCATI tric vibrator, air compressor, GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- FUNGICIDES 623-734) ananeumanenanememny -- Repairs and service to all jock hammers, hand trowels, tors, ete, 114 King, Street East. lll QUALITY@CARPENTRY WEED. KILLERS |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experis. Establish-| makes, Licensed mechanic. water pumps, portable heat- 39-2278. Revidence Phones: J. M. Greer, 7 . h ers, steel ffoldi i Gc, 7263068; Terence." Kelive QC! & GENERAL REPAIRS OPEN ALL DAY Free estimates. Credit ferins, Manrenes| APRIL SALE ONLY Allweather, Anyweather SUZUKI ig SORT 780" esos geieratet, dameet SEeae toe ; ; BA, L ' Lote Cacrib: Rebs esbsiteg For all your home improve- S d re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up ATTENTION for Fair-weather deals All models on display. !m- a lers, electric hammers sosEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor.) ment problems, call us first Monday --- Saturday holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. mediate Delivery. Low down | DINING ROOM SUITE, oak, nine pieces, onry sow, building foe . J 4 a : : CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-| | A ' | 19 thi i kitchen suite, grey chrome, five pieces. Ad ' Money to loan. Office, 14a King Street 725-8576 Daily Delivery cyled Fide GHIMMOT ker cur" metehinl GRAND OPENING BOATS GALORE: Crestliner, payment, $19 monthly. Com-. | kitchen suite, grey mortar mixers, mortar boxes, East, Oshawa, 728-8232. sat Sk Siete : for recovering. Slipcovers made to| many of last year's models. plete line of accessories. Open " a chain hoist, miter saw, elec JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB,| Then have a talk with our jorder. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Several 1965 outboard motors, 'till 9 p.m. Hil eee SAE AME: See eels thie plone, tarpoulins., 4 deh of pat See) mahal 306 kino| customers COOPER - | {Streets 725-7212, MISTER TOWERS Come visit Canada's largest Oshawa 195 King W. 728-4242 Nell 455-3784 Lone, eee m blaster eae sielg pl r e Commerc' G ied Frac ibhenetniennton : i ee eat West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Sales and Service For Best T.V. Reception Call indoor showroom, Loads of |Whitby 1206 Dundas E. 668-6642!1;¢o0T CANOE, 41" beam, $757 als auger, ascillating sanders, so q 4717. N OM I : ; : SeaIGHTOR DYNAN URDOCH, and ELLIS H E CO MISTER TOWERS 4 bl ea ndshield Sewing Machine Special Ratrotier, Telephone Te38Ie, | aise ei acetylene weld- VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, IMPROVEMENTS . -inch windshields ing outfits, 200 amp electric | APPLIANCE SPECIALISTS IN 1008, WALNUT VENEER PANELS, 12" x 96" Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe | suitable for convertible tops FREE formica cabinet H '| welders. Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Repairs, remodelling or j $2.50 |, After 5, telephone 728- a aes F 16 Celina St. | REPAIRS vere regular to $90 each. clearing Value $79.00 tier per pane er elephone S T A N i S ighton, i ° » H -- -- ppecenenrnsvtenasmernencnenenrnrssertonsseees Srysan, Qc, 728-8584; G, L. Murdoch, and additions. 729-2812 woe 723+1 139): Expert: tepaics 80 oll mokes 5 _ $29.95 each with any regular priced Elna, | PIANO ACCORDION, man size Scan- QC, 723-4768; C, Vietor, 985-7115 All work guaranteed. | f h - | ROTORS Life-jackets, buy one, get one : A daell, 120 bass, new condition, $450. value.| SL ornenin, &R Is U T. 1909 | of washers, dryers, ranges, ' ' White El Si Centre| Reasonable. Phone 725-9378, Pi 9 entals Ltd, SaTHOay BoWal TaWARD LAGKOWIKY,_¥ 728-2061 val |. ete April Discount Special es ee eee GARDEN TRACTOR, 7 H.P. Telephone| 293 King St. W. Ber Barrister ana solar 73 Cent |\VALVE. GRINDING, relacing and|-- |@ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 50' Structor All Wave Aerial 12 foot a cartops. | 38 Bond West atter 6 o'clock. Whitby 668-8404. Phone 723-3224 ice h : 9 am. - 5. 5 : i Evening. appointment, Dial 723-1661. |More intormation call seeasas 1 "| CHAIN LINK FENCES ALCAN ONLY $59.95 ry ROOFING, chimneys, all types of c@| An A-1 company will give you Classified Rates [ment work. Sidewalks. slabs, _ stoops. highest quality of materials Ne ce high snag D ADS Frank McCann, RR 3, Oshawa 655-3061./ 'd workmanship Ghd lowest WOR! Eye ei ae mgd oar | wmnetion, of 24 ee $1.08: | Ndewalks, remadellingy recraarisc trae] prices. Old fences removed. Telephone 723-0011 Seve bisertion® of 24 words, $2.88;{estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or Free estimates onytime, Siditional words .12¢. each, 6 con-| 728-4717. penser ots 723-5377 Before You Buy A secutive insertions of 24 words, $5.04; | CARPEN new repair a lock | ae rhc i : : additional words 21¢. each, Telephone 728-7680.; MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING. Experi Piano or Organ, See " EAVESTROUGHIN installed cleaned,|enced gerdener for lands, gardens, Change=--10 er cent gaatteret VPP tT ait. S60" Gur, oietee patented] shrubs, etc, Also nursery stock for sale HE] NTZMAN ' "i Weg fi e 1 - ' Screen, | stops clogging. Guaranteed 10 & Company Ltd 725-7181 CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS, McCullough chain saws, Bridgestone motorcycles, Call Dented | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if youlpower mowers, fillers. Sales-Service- Mister Towers To-day srnilers ond scratchedicomper |Purchase from Western Oil Co. 725-1212.| Rentals, United Rent-All and Marine, 555| @S, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee For veur Homa Sunway i 5 |TYPEWRITER, portable, $30; standard,|King E, (at Wilson), 728-5565. Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal tistailata iI i rom $239. | $35; adding machine, $25; IBM electric! @UYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| Wear, Men's Formals, White stallations in all areas in- Typewriter, $60; comptometer, $25; cash-/ptiances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294! Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, cluding Newcastle, Bay A Halkied 723-4434, 4 695, Ridges, Port Perry, Brooklin, LLWEATHER FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service, WERS SPECIAL -- dotool tower g ALL TOWERS ON DISPLAY Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti | structure Je % dicey Bertie Sect of SARGEANT S RENTALS mates. 323 King West, 728-7552. $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 378 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA M VACUUM Irs, all makes, hos Road East, just east of Ritson Road. P repairs, all makes, oses, East, lust pcr Redoute CHAIRS, card and banquet : , y a tabl Call Mister Towers To-day ARINE |brughes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.| GUNS Bought, sold, traded, repaired aisle runners, Cle a Fos went on Method of Counting -- Less than 24/years. Dial 723-0766 : 723-9525 | Plekeriag ee et adel scaelle alate West Simcoe _Street_Nertt. Call_ 7a Sondre eee ee age \ 9731. ee words counts as 24 words; each word, ATLANTIC PAVING and 'concrete. Gei| Instruction | 79 Simcoe St. 'N., Oshawa Lucky number draw on the 723 Birchmount Rd. Sarboro | we puy; sell "and exchange used farnt - Serer eer WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, nitial, figure or abbreviotion counts your driveway paved by experts. 22 cents | TELEPHONE 728-2921 | first 1,000 towers sold. Win- 733 Birch ture or anything you have. The City AP LE Peer Toke 3 igheey era machines, sick room supplies, gs one word; phone number counts) square foot. All work guaranteed. 723-0281 | | ners will receive portable TV irchmount Rd. Scarboro |traging Post. Store, 446 Simcoe Street| {ro Macdonald = Cartier to Concession |Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, twe words. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim.| 4 SCHOOL AT HOME!.- eS RI Re eS die é |South, 723-1671, 2 henvers: Andrew Honslip, PhONS TiireRTAINING?. Fifty ia cane aeA ? CHI "cleaner, Chim-| HIGH S |GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer S€t Plus cerial refund. OPEN 9 TO 9 | ee nents | OAMNANY. T7FIT. people? Oshawa Tennis Club. for -- BIRTHS---DEATHS-- Hohl antl il pa aie ae IN SPARE TIME |washers and ranges, Free estimates, Calli _ nes ree |REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; | beds, | $12; BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitehen, SOCIAL NOTICES tlic (da 1728-1742 or 723-0011 Nam ie tac earcir = |new smooth-top mattresses, $19.95; | ang appliances. One location only. Pretty| parking, 723-2140 mornings, | i stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. ts oddi-| EXPERT PAVING, 22 cenfs square toot - - -- re eee $2.00 ee Oe atin ba ichidee wrading ahd HE oveer uae | | SIGNS: ALL TYPES and truck lettering) OSHAWA AND WHITBY BOATS 'space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome Bs Hol scooter, Rentals, 199 T } ing Pavi Y Low monthly payments In- |For the best and lowest prices apply 390! |sets, radios. Guns, new and used, Valley; NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re- Street West, Oshawa, ie cde Samal Se ae aE ks and instruc- {Division Street. | NIGHT SERVICE MOTORS Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401, "| pairs to all. makes. New' hoses. Phone| 728-4242, : eile FeO Nihe Tint 95 words ond Bc. |CARBENTER. Rec: rooms, siterariong,| clude text books and ins = VORUREeE mRNA ea Hl MARINA & SERVICE FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quar.| J8ck Lees, 720-6956 PA RENTALS, complete OTHIay WIGS. é n -l ete. Pree vot "Don", ' ; ; a 5 v Mes AL lyk: NEY ORLA eR 4 : tach thereafter plus 12c, per line of Port Perry se onon, oe collect "Don", tions. Prepares you to achieve | Septic Service | 725-8541 or 668-5830 FACILITIES ity furniture, only $299., inc, complete|FULLER BRUSH -- Telephone daytime| phones, power units, columns mike verse; 25¢. additional charge | ethanol Tidventionsslieoome = = Ontario Diplome by means EPTIC 7 og pre | Evinrude & Crestl Deal bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem-|~23-0444; evenings 668-6: stands, etc. Finest equipment. Lowest Pat COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Pp y SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service i] le restliner Dealer adi a «atl -- | priegs. rade vectra ahaa Gone Yo your satisfaction, Call Oshawal of Provincial examination, _| 9" calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street | RAE'S OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. |valuet' Barons! Home' 'Furnishings, aaa] TIRES <> size 420 X15. Teas than smn) O00. Telephone 7256004. 1 % itby, ' 4 ' lar d w a F e rer CARDS OF THANKS code waa Se al Rh -- eee et ee eate Ls 2 be tenance | RADIO: & TELEVISION Harbor Re Off Simcoe St, S, |Simeoe S. range, $15. Phone 728-9725. 14--Business Opportunities a - A 'ar an ravel, es, eal | i 5 iain tanditealantigleichigs aan. Rind Abc cBtensacnth dia soch thereafter: with 25c maeriene repairs, lerge. and. small py ane H. a . tong . " Surveyors |CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs es ie a |evellabie nr Gahmee teed Ritson Soe Aig iced pe sige jee dita i og tharge if not paid within 8 days. Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. || American School, Dept. 8, DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniarlo|A!| Work Quaranteed, S11 Dean Avenve. py fst --_______| 728-3222 or 723-7112. Oshawa Live Bait| Pe. and whe @ long. Alex 9a2-0Ae, $6,000 REQUIRED COMING EVENTS EAVES TROUGHING. Free estimates.| Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue: prints.) -- tretit tt ____.___. | ONE 4" CEDAR STRIP and one 14'|Co. oe ~~ | For 12 months only. Will ¢ Guaranteed work. Murray Holiday. Tele- 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632 a1: rae aluminum boat. Complete with motors.|e: oon COVERING < Clear oul oF die.| LAYER PIANO, upright (remade), Y pay 2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for the Guaranteed jw Bic a | Well Drillina--Digaing Excellent condition. Private, Apply 218) FLO -- Clear oul S-l\ike new, $700. or best offer. Telephone! back $6,800. Excellent secure ds 20 words and Se. each thereafter |Prone 725-7404, _ a us H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) --__--_ nnn | LOO Ave, Whitby or telephone 668-4211,| Continued patterns, 29c. per foot: large! 793.4793 or 725-9111. ity to be pledged, C [Word Ads). ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- Name .. ° » Surveyoos, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone| WELL DIGGING by machine specializing 7 - -- ----------..' |9 x 12 carpets $39.88. Wilson Furniture, 20) ---- fala Sf REE SADE ne eaten Pi ed, Contoet i i i oi i ; 725-6881, lin 30-Inch 'file. W - 35 H.P. JOHNSON Super motor, new! Church Street. SILVER BIRCH trees for sale, all sizes, roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire 5 i Ward, 204 Chestnut ¥ MR RO AUCTION SALES places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, TV--Redio Reps = | Street' West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-2809. engine in ere erighrs sath, Excellent) Go. F EQUIPMENT -- THUNDER BIRD pensonaals, "Cling pa. es Fi doubles, ; . SS $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, idee paren --Radio Repairs - ne | eter een eee eh lat Club, Ske tae te BD pit Cont Ot Sur a cil coh Fie eho eC 28-2303 DERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Re-| CANADA DRIVING SCHOOL, fully In. Lid WANT be Acryl! Meloy of abet 16-FOOT ALUMINUM BOAT, 50 H. .jspring sale. Both new and used equip-| DEMONSTRATOR television tower, one DEADLINES ¥, far Gnd oravel. exterior peinting | A bad y Prospects every day. Take advantage of/ Mercury and controls. Tee-Nee tralier,|ment available. 655-49 only. Reconditioned crown rotors, with! ithe cca EL? ees root, and gravel, painting. | sured. Home pick-up service. Telephone the vast audience by felepnoning 723-3492 ---- 35, Trio Tele-/DEALERS tn th Cement work. Insulation blowing service; | 799-481) complete with water skis, $1,3 8288. | = _ . new controls, six only, $35, Trio Tele-| ie Oshi Pickering, ORD ADS , : and place your ad before them now. |-- ' " _ ea |TWO GRAVE LOTS vision, 728-5143 Bowmanville, Port Hope and Lindsay p.m. DAY PREVIOUS 24hour service. 723-8416 TUITION in Latin, French or athe. 16-FOOT MOLDED plywood boat, one year|Haven Memorial Gardens, Si h. --_ ~ ------ ---------- | area for iocal distribi mM. entilesiaad tinea in Latin, French or Mathe- s | RN 3 lo stributor. Investment FOR ALL YOUR home improvements,| matics by J.C. Luck, BA, 'Telephone |2--~Personal old, $350, Telephone 728-6302. Phone 725-8760 after 5 p.m. WESTERN AND ENGLISH saddles 87d/37,000 secured by product' and equip- Hee a ae BLICATION | general construction and guaranteed work-| 668.2866. ae COMPACT CABIN cruiser, sleeps three|FILTER QUEEN vacuum, three - brush| "°<- APPlY Dickson's, 15 Beatrice Street. ment. Complete new service type busl- a.m, DA |manship call 668-2179 iS sae he ScuOEL GE TAUNIC Saw ah ECONOMY AND adults, flying bridge, toilet, spot light,/ floor polisher, three lamps, record stand,| PASTEL MINK STOLE -- Beautiful con-/ ness with no overhead and no cpmpeti- IRTHS AND DEATHS Carpentry "TT | polling students' fer Spanish Gunter, by DELUXE Removal of superfluous hair hora, Oe navigation lights, anchor,|All in good condition, Phone 725-5505 dition, $350. Call 725-3276 after 5 p.m. aly Sevan Can te yi Brgeaks oy, Pro } H H Stove, portable dinette, fenders, curtains, -- Ray OA ya ee pM =. Talardona UI n SS an a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION warpe ; ve _____ Jear or note. Phone 723-0511, Marie Murduff will be in | §ove, po 35 Jon Se arith |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture| CEMENT MIXER, %, for sale. Telephone! earn $12,000 and up per year. Call collect iT CMMENES We ad es = neal TELS Priced to suit your budget Oshawa, April 18th, 19th, |érator: battery, twe portable Tanke, fee.|and appliances, McNeil's Furniture (for-| 725-6431, Ae ES fk Tp bank Or koe oe trans and rentirs, Free estimates. Telephone| Janitor Service TERMS ARRANGED and 20th, Phone Genosha Nee trailer. Ready for launching. Asking | merly Wate Siete 215 Dundas) (OMBARDY TREES, six to seven feet, For RENT OR SALE -- A smail active -80 : eben tae Maes See PNR ' _ _ |$1,800, Must be sold immediately. 723-2166) fe rte S)e OUCH. Telephone 773-1913. well establi i * etree ( line inkeee tee al OSHAWA TV pret gag Save (et 80 35 HP Johnson electric. Excellent cond). SHEET METAL tools, eight-foot Brown| PLAYER PIANO -- Blundall; very pood|lin. Wrile Manchester' Chaait" Creek, }} wi " 0 lon, complete with control, $295. or best) and Boggs, five-foot brake, 36-Inch shears ith :. fi i CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ' a |e, Window, and Generel . Cleaning, SUPPLY LIMITED ELECTROLYSIS giter, 485 Cunntnohben Avenue, letc. etc, Homar Machine Box 36 Stirling, | COmaition, $200, Telephone 728-8038. Brooklin, Ontario or telephone 658-4451. | column--4 p.m, day previous; 2 col- ROMY. VCR TEN, VOT: STI ee Dre OUTBOARD MOTOR, r "Sieg|Ont. Telephone 395-2101. H ' | 8 'OR, 15 HP Gale, also "a 3 _ | wns or larger--i0 @.m. day previous. hone 778-6877, __ | CELLARS" CLEANED rash "removed, TAUNTON RD. E. 723-4641 Tee-Nee trailer. Phone 725-2014. |NEW ZIG-ZAG sewing machine, ee oe : .. onseds Shewlig' nana teen Me jhousehold- repairs done, Telephone 723- Just East of Ritson |WILL Mr. Wilbert K, Ripley, formerly | jg, "a sat " "e),\complete. Oshawa Sewing Centre. anxi t i 4 NCELLATIONS AND 299 14-FOOT 'ALUMINUM boat (deluxe) 9--Mark Bask ous to sell. To inspect this wonderful ORRECTIONS rele dettrsh S SE F oe SS wal washiweR --------_--_______-- jof ghey Street, ele voleael fohs pest windshield and extras, complete with|22?_ Simcoe Street South. 728-2391 orket Basket investment call Anthony Siblock, Sibby's ipueaian b h i Hi t hy . | ag age see a nar RRS ua RUG RE CY ¥, ) em. DAY OF PUBLICATION pt ggg I RL Bn bl Ragga Ble gn lo Box "22367, Oshawa Times | motor and trailer, After 5 p.m., telephone |TROPICAL fish and equariums, compres-|NO. 1 ONTARIO potatoes. Free delivery. (Real Estate Ltd.» 728-7576 Any advertisement cancelled before For appointment arr ho ee TT : ba : eenare sor and tanks, valves and alr lines. Phone! aiso seed potatoes and apples. Telephone |FOR RENT -- small bakeshop and dell- | | | | 40° $49.95, Marine paint ot 50% off. |#REEI Furnaces creaned, adjusted tree.|Chrysier beats, Stark sallboots, Haun Tables, Chairs, Linens Dish | | | | |BARBELL SET and bench. Phone 723-| SHOPPING PLAZA: Wilson Road South pedi : aoa neers ee er he Fhe aionbraidirail k Net een sa -- - . | ' "STARCRAFT" G Traveller boats.| 723-6545. es 728-1306 or 723-0615 ltessen, In Oshawa, with or withou et il mA be: crorged one COv*s Ei ak pk a Ps Deoial Suraecn:| Coveney vores Seaned) pise. sidewalks |3--Sportsman's Column Evinrude motors. "Open eve. and week:| RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, iver, APPLES -- controlled atmosphere (Mc.|{xtures.. For further particulars write us " W im - - | a ce i iid a NES sadiasie "e m - _ _ } 1 a, | BL Simcoe sient No th, Oshawa For ys co hep gin s for see. |WANTED -- Members for newly formed|@nds. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,| stove and grill, coffee maker, Pepsi cool-|intosh) and Spy; also Mcintosh, $1.25| 20% 22220, Oshawa _Tim }OX NUMBER RENTAL--S0e. ppointment, 7 or Res. 728-8441, | Joe : trout club, Well stocked streams, excel-| Brooklin, 655-3641 | Sr_ frig and fans, Telephone Welcome 753-|pushel. Bring own container. Algoma| COMMERCIAL -- 120° frontage, good In- - $a --eoeceeeninenre ih fit Bsesetin PERE RTE -- | 955 While every endeavor will be made . | AES lent fly fishing area, Write Box M20728,] MUST SELL -- Mercury Mark 20, 16 HP Orchards, Thickson Road North, Whitby. |vestment property, Two income homes, fb forward replies to box numbers to Dressmaking Money To Loan TELEVISION RADIO - anaece sash shah rsseot Sinton oie eda! ELLs AAR ERS outboard motor. @A-1 condition, Best offer.| BERNINA Portable Sewing Machine, llke|-------- eee can be converted into five apartments he advertisers os soon as possible, DRESSMAKING rt fe dias) WILL, LAN yeu ub anne a 24 HOUR SERVICE SMELT FISHING equipm gun 1i-|/1698 Dufferin Street, Whitby. 668-2743./new, automatic zig-zag, $175. Phone] 1QO---Farmer's Column and one store, ideal for barber shop, ete. ye accept no liability in respect of aiterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a| reasonable rate of interest to consolidate cences. New and used guns, fishing oo | TROIS after 4. BM. ' - naohsuhihabsdies« diehaet id For appointment call 728-5103. W. 0, pss or domage alleged to arise) specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |your bills or for any other worthwhile tackle, boats. Valley Creek, 16 Bond|7----Swap and Barter " 5 ihe nae OTE rough either failure or delay i a ~\ purpose providing you are steadily em Street West. | (Medicated Ointment), ne 728-5888, {change for small tractor. Also Bolens RENT -- Modern Beauty Salon in yarding such replies, however coused ALTERATIONS, Pants 'cuffing, Zipp "| Cloved Bi ee eee adi. Taleehone hei me ata LMarisviee Inman), BnONe TEP Awe scaler HP. Telephone 655-4936 after| small shopping centre. Reasonable, Apply yhether by negligence or otherwise.|™me 9. gent for North American | 59, 463), 5 Trailers tubs, $20; cabinets, sinks, showers,|BIKETIME! SPRINGTIME! New, used./6 p.m. in person to 1198 Wecker Drive. y i grad eh age ally Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond ae a Shei and Fantilican Cok MENT FOR RENT In hey OOVeine he Times will not be responsible fo amen ieee LaUnery, (bk, Piping, Sttlnete Goat Kitt are as ei one|FOR SALE -- Grain and fertilizer, Cock-| BASEMENT FOR RENT In new building 'eplies uncalled for in 20 days. EXPERIENCED dressmaker) LADI1 outboard motors, trailers. H. Chinn, Hill- " wear, girl's wear, and alterations: Tec Mortgages: a : side and Park Road South. 723-7088. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS, Honeal|H. international tractor, John Deere T2A| eet, aoserrnore eaivetee rane, sauare REGULATIONS phone 723-172 i Reser eR se a eae 2 cag MaRrngR Authorized Dealers for: Cal's. Bargains while they last. 205 John i elephone 668-2133. parking. 723-3889, sig TRACTOR John Oure model B or ex- The Oshowa Times will mot be re-|DRESSMAKING and minor alterations, e Citation e Glendette Street East, Whitby. 668-636 Sie egy ere : stand oho e-t Bee RE ponsible for errors in advertisements| very. reasonable. Telephone. 668-4876 | FOR PROMPT SERVICE ' GARDEN TILLER, full horse power; treated. First and fi 15--! nted | MORTGAGE a Corsair & Rambler | wringer washing machine. Reasonable. leis a AASB Aa Rie Bagl iy 5 Employment Wa jubmitted otherwise than in writing not ee 7 i m ne atta dreasintait Ria lor more than one insertion of any EXPERT TAILORING and che bre te CALL ! M. GREENBERG Phone 723-0853, Hr PO ascend Bros., Whitby 668-4089, EXCELLENT DAY CARE poe ar for ladies': and children's wear, 668-6248 @ Truck Campers | : Saas i idvertisement nor beyond the price al hi dill Sr 3 eat . esr ee RS ig WS ------ <= --|two girls, aged 3-5. Com) own EXPERIENCED DRESEMAKING ors LOANS Whitby--668-5679 & SONS LTD, | CRIB and 39-inch Hollywood bed. Both in| DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm siock|child, also swings, 'sandbox "and. prev. Hill, 725-8734, tharge for a single insertion in which « * ie i | ree 9 siteratons, Th Pile oe, ae Parts - Service - Hitches - Awnings New & Used very good condition, Call 728-2007. picked oe prometly inarawil eur ay room. Reasonable. App! | ae | 2,000 M -| Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 263-| --o 9 ------ te ihre Time rare the ott] ----__ | es COOK cchnglet--Beome, |e MERE Seamaoel Sate oes re, leergey DAY EARE AVAILABLE fy jo classify advertising according to ar: lenin: n » H oneys availa rf iF i E | tatbars -- annels = ad Extsthesdns RESIS Ieren, Telephon 668-6363, ts proper classification, ssicabald ing and Supplies 23 and second mortgages. Open HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TRAILER SALES Sheets -- Plates ie ae ete Ae PT Bak, cad Liveuuek WiLL DO ODD jobs, cleaning, grass cut- mortgages. No bonus. First TV TOWE RS Simcoe North Square tubing -- Pipe wheel; also small box traile 2 RES i sdb ing and painting etc. Telephone 725-0878. (post city' limits) Contact 723-3146. GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, not regis-|EXPERIENCED finishing carpenter re- The Times will not be helu respon- SMITH' mortgages, second mortgages j 7 7 jbl we "Thilcan? 3) comin | fered, $15-$20. L. Haas, telephone Orono/quires part time work, inside trim and ble for more space than that which S TREE and agreements for sale pur- ARE : THE BEST 723-9534 308 Bloor E., 728-7301-2 . | FREEZE » 'Gilson,' 2 2241, Corner Hwy, No. 115 and 'Taunton| kitchen 'cupboards. 'Call 728-7066 he actual error occupies. The pub- | feet, heavy duty motor, Arborite = -- mee ishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- FARM chased WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ] A Asking $200 ot beet offer, Telephone ee _______. | DEPENDABLE woman wishes apariment fertising matter correctly, but assume wo oe M. F. SWARTZ ----- Sole in Sunworthy Ready 623-2292. COUNTRY HOME WANTED for large| leaning for business people. Telephéne to liability of advertisement if ony upplying wholesale or retail V4 Po Pp SED TYPEWRITERS. aan, -|dog, part Border Collie, female, spayed, Subadd oon in eny form ore contained; «» Cease for hedges a - R | O NEW ; "While "They tart brand naa anete paneie: y "tectory Sood with children. Telephone 723-6083.) 7 A N needed. Full or part- @ White birch, shade trees 723 '4697 pale ade deb SATALLITE 66 All At elk ® guarantee. Save !!1 with Bill Hamiiton,| POODLE -- three months old. Miniature, : hie iitetime security. Experience , ¢ 7 ~ t a i Raglan. D istered. Chi i ired, H.| Sunday School, ministr 5 TIMES ACTION WANT AD bb Mol TELEVISION Standard 14 ft $1,145 At EDGAR'S D Le t eect "cash registers, $99.7 Bainie, Port Perry mez. x $100 babel ind up. fe et ag ao Corner Bond and Division Yel f let 2 ecorating Centre f . yh a @| Write John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison Call Clossified Direct © Posts, poles all sizes Deluxe with toilet $1,295 34 King 3St. Leap rebuilt, guaranteed. Down with high|PUREBRED Siamese kittens, tt e@!st, Chicago 2, Ill fe 5 s prices. You're right, come to Ragianjmonths old, trained, reasonable, Tele-;" " Gere et Hs 723-3492 _ en, ee ee. FIRST and SECOND 728-5143 veering for Trallera Telephone 723-7351 and see, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. phone 725-6359 after 11 a.m. 7 I Help W inted sition MORTGAGES MILLER'S BUNK BEDS -- Complete joa anag, [USED STEEL STENO chairs, swivel| CHESTNUT Stallion, Appaloosa and bian- ; p_ we -- All Classes - : two months, Price $50. Phone 728-0960. | base, casters, $16; new $27.; executive/ket. Two years old and quiet. Brooklin ae : te Fae. cca | AJAX 94 -349] Sages oR Wuttadincide "od Feb 2 dys We discount. Bill | 655-4832. 4 MES. CLASSIFICATIONS [10% DISCOUNT ON ALL| .. SUMMERLAND. ie va ne = a 2h |v war lore ae 0% Maton Ragin, | MEU WOW ROMY. ee var a wea 'aiiaiecy Coa APRIL ORDERS SECURITIES LIMITED 728-5286 (SUBWAY TRAILER |e iticy enn Got cinaitinttis (lock. $@, Also, eter sixes. Typewriter] sHeTLAND Weish ponies, three ye aTs SECRETARY 2 | | Bie b Rte __.|old. Reasonable. Telephone 942-1924, 2--Personail 112 Simcoe St. N--7 3568 | jor best offer, Phone Brooklin 655-3230 any- ~ 2 be bt ool Le Z Z i 3--Sportsmon's Column -- ide SENSEI DISS alld a Behin 25- . OSHAWA | PARK & SALES | time, bgt!» eg re pend STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's| Required immediately for law 5 Troilere | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for TELEVISION TOWERS -- 20-71. Vin. a Sawn : yee, | Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high] offices in Village of Picker- | | i nm the cases of disploy advertisements IT'S EASY TO PLACE A For free estimates call INDEX TO Newtonville collect 786-2283 ri 6--Morine Equipment SPRING CLEAN-UP lall mortgages. Mortgages and agree Z A f : Excellent condition. Telephone 725-3696. | Seint 3-year-old for Ontarlo 1965; son of 7--Swap and Borter @ Plonting @ Sodding @ |ments of sale purchased. Creighton | ELECTRONICS 1010 Dundas St. E. Whitby Laranne indtatiog, wee Whi ie en {LLOYD BABY carriage, in good condi- Ontario's champion halter and perfor- ing. Salary commensurate 8--Articies for Sale @ Top Soil @ Seedin e ore Murdoch and Victor. (See Bar-) ark tinal ibis : structure.) TRIO Television, Corner Bond tion, converts to stroller; also play pen| mance stallion "Lucky Hancock." Stand- with 'i ® Everareans Grad 9 es ell GOLDEN FALCON |and Division, 728-5143-4, jin brand new condition. Telephone 725-|ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne, experience, svergreens @ Grading @ {FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale COLOR T V ' eae Gear Wate tent Woe ner car eee : 4 tis Dunbarton 839-3779. é @ Marion ond Kentuc | agreements purchased and sold. Hennick - Ve TRAVEL TRAILERS | S-foot wall tent, 8° x 10°, used Wo | RANGETTE, electric. kettle, four-slice|POODLE PUPPIES AND PEKINESE. Telephone 942-2741 ky Blue : ; | ne ater " . es . $30, Boweanville 623-5357 : ' : ete landscap- ioe, shes ie Barristers, 31 King Stree or CAMPING TRAILER, 1966 model iv! rove be ciaeapeatbhl ded tate -- | toaster, extension gate. Telephone Whitby| Registered, English breeding, Telephone Eas 32 7 el, 12'| or A Prt Re gas Oban nae 4--Business Opportunities | Black. and White wide, sleeps six, folds to a compact 6' x |$inrvchesterneld sad hates eeey, sath; | 968-2970: ee _______________| RELIABLE WOMAN to baby sit from 5--Employment Wonted FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail-| roy Bip cra 62'. Price $299.99, including canopy. 728-\ wringer type washer, General Electric} USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires,|COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger-|7:30 to 4 p.m. Light household duties. i6--Agents Wanted ID Ga wan, wees a E ea 6272, 8.30 to 6 p.m _____| with automatic timer, $15; 36-inch steel; Motors. We buy scrap radiators $4; gens.,|man Shepherd pups. Deposits for next|Blair Park area, Whitby. 668-8339. 7--Female Help Wanted LS [Street North, Whitby 668-2335 | T.R.1.0. Television. |Forceo sace of camping trailers: Four|bed with spring and' matiress, $10; "30.| Starters, 6¥" S0c.; 12V. 90c.; batteries|litter accepted. Palomino, Pinto pony. HOUSEKEEPER and baby sitter required 8--Male Help Wanted " ; H the fol Ped | $1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street Ashburn 655-4662 evenings , ; Suam-Male or Fer |M : | 5 . t d-down all-aluminum|inch roll-away bed without mattress, $5;) " eat five days a week, working mother, Mon- --Male or in usical Services 728-5 ] 43 Hers, Four Silver Liner common can-|hot..plate with two burners, $5; Admiral) GUARANTEED used wringer washers,| SIAMESE KITTENS, three only; mother|day to Friday from 7,30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. ee SMALL DANCE BAND ~avallabie~ Ex type. Reasonable, all in good condi-| 17-inch table model television, $20; tele-| television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up.|of good show stock, sired by Double and| Telephone 668-5493 MAI N TENANCE PSMALL DANCE BAND available. Ex. Tampa", Sorner of Solina Road at No.|phone table $3; Tire, Firestone 800 x 14,| Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-|Grand Champion, six weeks old. Papers,| soucexEEPER, reliable Sleep in, cook- t 2 High x- miles east of Ost i Appl c d 723-001 1 reliable, 8 \ * r s shawa used, $5. pply Hancock Road: four | coe South, 723-0011 $45.° Telephone 942-6067 housekeeper, companion for widower. Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-146 Service Call only $2.50 td a - | DEEP FREEZE, 'Woods," 23 cubic foot,| CUTE, LOVABLE kittens, six weeks old.| Minimum entertaining. Char kept. Good For complete> maintenance one 2 ieee | TRAILER H|TCHES made and installed, | Nouses_north of wreckers or 728-6879. _ work at it's best. You call us, |Optometrist FAST T.V. SERVICE [ais all Wpes of welding done, reason-| LAWN MOWER 4cycle, Lawson engine excellent condition -- alarm, Telephone| Free to good home, Telephone 668-3809. |salary. Duties to commence: about May We do the rest. Expert work i - able ortable equipment for rent. 723-|with rope start. 18 blade, $25.00. Apply | 723-4979. GREAT DANES, two beautiful H inc,| 'St. References. 725-1756. - Expert + |F. RICHAR ACK, 113 6840 | i i" . Raita ibis ai 7 two beautiful Halequins, Bie! <b! are: Ba RR Nee} 'cay habe echt ela apg dell Bd DOMINION ___|519 Palace Street, Whitby. 668-8280. | FRIGIDAIRE relrigerator, excellient con-| five months old, registered, Show mate, [EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, no Sun- 18--Room and Boord | 96 r 1723-419 " TELEVISION 19-FOOT OUTBOARD cabin cruiser with} ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, inch and| dition, $65. or best offer, Telephone 728-|rial. Brooklin 655-4821 or 655-3962. days or holidays, steady days. Apply ie ctvanted to mane 723-9903 Fite LISI SRSS TE ES esi | ralier 1963, 60 horse-power Gale, excel-|a quarter tower structure with double| 4375 BROWN AND WHITE male, lisvearcola| Rose.Bow! Grill, Bond Street West. O=-Automobiies fer Sale | Painting and Decorating | 728-5154 9 am. to 9 p.m. | are Seaien fabled 125-6762 __|8:2:1-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone 1%3-8131.| GENERAL ELECTRIC wringer wesher,| mongrel, very gentle, had all needies.| BOOKKEEPER - TYPIST wanied for \l--Compact Cors for Sale FOR LAWN ROLLING caii oe { on ee -- | ASS ' 3', Sleeps 4-6. Only used| CHESTERFIELD and matching chair;;good working condition, $20. Tefephone| Prefer a home with children. Make offer. | small office. Apply in writing to Box i Thcks tor Sole scans, BANAT Bro, ime and pra biped eh Orage Lola All work giiaranteed two weeks, Jacks, ralrrors Included. Pri-| bedroom suite (three pleces), box spring| 723-9840 Telephone 723-6090. 2163 Oshawa Times. 3--Automobiles Wanted } ss -- rab " ot i aes aoa vate sale. Whitby 668-515: and mattress. Telephone 668-3053 | ns RT Na ERR oe " rp Pema ea! = ar Fane ene prpeeypenr euutorebile Ria BIRCH TREES, te, cedar for|PAINTING, paper hanging, decorating Te Beat -- a - ei GARDEN TRACTOR, Bolens, SHETLAND WELSH ponies, three years|NURSE'S AIDE, steady 'employment, rs. T "gate L RAILER - 15-ft Sleeps| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|tachments, three-speed ahead old, Reasonable. Telephone 942-1924 Write Box 21980, Oshawa Times. --Lost and Found nedges and 'iembardy poplars shone} Do , Free estimates. Call F \W Ad D ' i pte onan peo ROS Page. fete biting A's Hf ag hag Pred "5 Alster Pd bio an SON a Lega 8-950. 372 King Street West Schmidt, 725-9572 x ant- S ont MEN' Talore Pa ee eae etl hP gy garhde il PAR calsenoete AOLol tndn on : '| MIDDLE-AGED woman to live in and TREE TO TRIM? Cail Slim, Or 1li cut} EXPERT painting and decoratin Do itl | - ------_-- -- = Pee a ea | JOHNSON boat motor, 7/2 HP; smali|RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want|care for three pre-school children while 8--Coming Events them down, Free estimates. 725-5118 | sae wille wa have tea lathe, Fres| beg: FOUR ADULTS, complete with| FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, medium size,|four-burner electric range; electric hest-|Ads give you speedy Yelp, in any kind of |mother in. hospital Starting 24th April, \S=--_Notl 778-0610, pay Het pt Bly . ost--- ey Pay rubber mattress, stainiess steel sink and| very good condition. Telephone 655-4936 jer, aulteble for cottage. Telephone after weather. Te buy, sell, hire or rent tele- Harmony - Grandview area, $25, weekly, 4 cuphoards, $995 Telerhane 797.700 ater Ao