Ath : Oe x OH= OH~OH, 60P-IP=iF THis Is ONLY A DREAM DONT ee / oF awit ' / fe THE LONE RANGER ba CUTTING IT PRETTY SHORT, MANDER, THE USUAL COURSE 1S FIVE MONTHS. ] FoR Teer wes, wor GROUND= NDS SCHOOL TRAINING, SECRET AGENT X39 ALL I 6EE16 A DAME AND A @UY WATER-SKIING/, SIVES? DONALD DUCK JUST STOPPED), TO RETURN«s BAY! WHAT , t'D SAY THEY MAKE YOU LOOK-ER> MABNIFICENTLY MYOPIC! ; NEW GLASSES... DO THEY MAKE ME INTELLECTUALT ht KNOW: MAYBE SHE WUST LIKE "TRUCKS. | AH, THAT WAS JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT / THE GROUND WILL BE | | PERFE. SOFT, BUT NOT TOO WET../ ( CT FOR MAKING MUD PIES / PLL MAKE Sinewicn Barons 2 GO TO BED! © Keg Fentrns Syadntn, tmes 1906. Werk nghis cecarved. 'AT ME FOR DASHING BACK TO SEE IF SOME FINK HAD BEATEN MY TIME? 450° AN LIGHT=* * DARLING 'TURN OVEN TO *-PS, AND DON'T LEAVE MY KITCHEN AUROSS 1. Rousseau, Laffite, Arthur, eté. 6. Rustle, asa skitt 11. Circuit 12. Weapon, old style 13. Girl's name 14. Contract 15. French novelist 16. When Neto ascended his throne 18. Soft drink 19. Kelly, Nel- won, Autry, etc. 21. Monk's hood 24. Hums 28. Farewell 30. Retinue 48, Movable CROSSWORD 5. Conipetent 23, Triumph aris 4. Nothing 0 25, Eyes: Old Eng. 6, Splinters 26, Greek 7. Pale letter 8. "Child of the 27, Place Sun" 29. Madre, 9. Run before the wind 10.In this lace 5. Like some bread P 17. Hoosier state: abbr. 35. Shelf 19. Dusk 36. Old- 20. Broths, time exclama- tion 37. Vi 32. Molding Ie 42, Nickname ofs queen "4. 46. Uncooked as a GY 4 2 [27 Chanhe: 2--~Butteie po %--Voyage To The Bottem @=This. Land of Ours Of The See ¢3--This Land of Ours 3--Shindig &cChetkmate 4--Wrestling 6:30 PLM, 11-7--$Shindig 3--Musical Showcase 6:45 PLM, 0-4-43--News) Weather) 7:00 P.M. e-Jackle Gleason Wi--Peter Gunn 7--Big Show of the Week 3--Beverly Hillbililes 4--Facing the Financial 3--Heve Gun WI Trevel 7:30 P.M, Wi--Candid Camere ¢2--Flipper 6--Danger Man 4--Jackle Gleason 3--McHaie's Navy 8:00 P.M, \--Jamboree %--Academy Pertermence | 62--| Dream of Jeannie S-Lete Sing Ow 6:30 P.M, } i--Ciub 11 Dance Party el 7--Lawrence Welk 63--NHL Hocke: Chicago st Torente 4--Secret Agent 9:30 P.M. Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 4--The Loner 0:00 PLM. %Run For Your Lite +--Gune 10:15 P.M. 63--Juliette 16:30 PLM, 8 beek bueter %--The King Family 11:00 P.M, 10-07-4639 Newer Weal) Rearte 118 PM. lock Sweter 11:20 P.M, ate Show 11:38 P.M, 6--Feature Showcase 3--Movie W--Cothedrel Chlrvens $--Tides and Tralis 7--Shenanigans 8--B'wene Den 9:30 A.M. i--ttallen Journal %--Cartoon Pla }--Peeter Potamus &--The Anewer 10:00 A.M. --Caraselio --Hereid of Trvm 1-8--Rocketship i é--Sunday Schoo! | 4--Lamp Unto My Peet | TELEVISION 11:38 AM. Flying Fishermen &--The Christophers 7--Discovery 12:00 NOON. S=Itallan Album TV 6--Tw Set 7--Personal Dimension 12:18 P.M. Folk The Cet 3-Silence Pleese 12:30 P.M, 1}--Spectrum My Hero Tennessee Tuxedos 4--Living Word 3--Heraid of Truth t--Family Piaynewes 1:00 PLM, i--Continentet Minterere 9--Spectrum Meet The Press 6=French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3--Sir Francis Oreke 1:30 PLM, H--$potlight 9--Dougias Fisher ey Little Margie 7--Sunday Playhouse 63--Country Calendar 2:00 P.M, 1l--This Space Age 9--Jr, "A" Hockey 6-3--Special Musle 4--NFL Game 3:00 P.M, 8--Movie 7--ABC Scope 3--AFL Football 3:30 PM, |}3--Movie | 7--Dialogue | 4---NFL Game 4:00 PLM, 2--Sports in Action 1i--Top Cat &--Movie 4:98 PLM, 2--Crosby Golf Teurne- ment Ni--Tiny Talent Tune 9--Bilko 6-3--Sight 'and Cast 4--Cadabout Gaddis 5:00 P.M, NF aenity 9--Canadian Télent Showcase 7--Wrestling 63--Nature of Thi 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 P.M. %--Peter Potamus 7--Big Show of the Week é6--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour 8--College Bowl 6:00. P.M. O--wWelt Disney Presents &é Perry Mason 4--Twentleth Centu 7--Golf Tournam 6:30 PM, ii--Lost in Space 3--F! 3--Bell Telephone Hour 7:00 P.M. %--Piease Don't Bet Yhe Osisies %--Voyage Te The Bottom of The See $-3--Hank 4--Laeeie 7:30 P.M. 1l--A.H.L, Hockey 9--Amos Burke &2--Disney's World of Color 6-3--F lashback 4--My Favorite Martian 8:00 PLM, The FBI 648--8¢ Swiltven Ghee 8:30 P.M. \--fpectet 9--Peyton Place LOG +3--This Hour Mes even Bars ham Camere: 0:30 PM, 'o iy Lm 'Weether, Sports 1:80 PM, ll--This §) Neco eee A AWE 1:30 PLM, 11:40 P. t1--Wrestling Douglas Fisher ONDA Y oe Am Kanguree a: AM, li--Alber? J. Steed %--Romoer Room 10 Am 9--Playtime with Uncle a 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show 2--Doble Gillis 11:0 A 11--News 6-2--Fractured Phrases 4! Love Lucy Wi AM, lid Allen 9--B) #3---Concentration 7--Donne Reed $3--Friendly Giant 4-The McCoys 11:08 AA Mike les Show Mr. '8-2--Morning Star 9-1 Love Lucy $-2--Play Post Office 6-4--Seach for Tomorrow Report 1 Pe Vi--Racing Forum &4--Guiding Light Zane Grey Thestre 4--Linkletter's Party 3--Movie a0 Pm pening lead -- nirie of clibs. é Viefina Coup is re: an ordinaty squeeze, ahd it is & pity that, on actount of its name, that play sounds more difficult than if is. About the only difference between a Vien- na Coup and the ordinary squeeze is that déclarér goes out of his way to establish & high card for the defense be fore he appliés the squeeze. Here is @ simple case. South is in seven notrump, which seems to be a cinch until, after taking the ace of clubs and A-K of diamonds, he discovers that West has five diamonds against him. . With only 12 tricks now at his cotimmand, he cashes the king of clubs in anticipation of later squeeze. It is this cashing of the king of clubs, establish- ing East's queen as the high club, which is called the Vienna Coup. South then proceeds to take three rounds of spadés and the Q-J of diamonds to produce the following position, East not yet having played to the last tricks Anas rs Bast 5078 9 $9 There is nothing East can but surrender, South is bound make the rest of the tric! gardless of what East el discard at this point. Tf South neglects to cash the ace and king of clubs (the he eventually Weet Immaterial stead of making ft. Establishing Bast's queen of clubs early in the play is the key to success, Talks Urged For Rhodesia and U.K. LONDON (AP) -- Sir Humph- rey Gibbs, Britain's top repre- sentative in Rhodesia, has called for talks between the British government and the col+ ony's breakaway regime, polit- ical sources said today. As vernor of Rhodesia Gibbs is the Queen's personal representat ve in the colony and is recognized by the British and other Commonwealth govern- ments as the only legitimate au- thority there. His advice imevit- ably would carry great weight with Prime Minister Wilson. Lord Bolton, a Conservative peer who recently visited Rho- desia on business, said Gibbs told him in a two-hour talk "that the only sensible thing to do to solve the situation is for the two sides to get round a table and talk." "I always drive this way... keeps other cars at al last... for the HARD-OF HEARING wit oer TO BE CURSED WITH CHARACTER? WHY COULDN'T TSAY... STAY, LOVE... STAY CLOSE TO ME AND LET THE FUTURE TAKE CARE OF ITSELF... Y MZ) Church invi 10:38 A.M. o--Meta 6--Extension 2--This ts The Life 4--Uncie Jerry's Club 11:00 A.M. N--OHA Jr. "A" Hockey &Tivs ist The Lite | 7--Bullwinkle Show €4--Church Service &--Fronters Of Faith barriers 49. Ovules 50. Lidded pitchers DOWN 1. Pokes 2. Ostrich- like bird |+3--Branded 9:00 P.M. §-6-3--Bonanze Movie Perry Mason " Ask about our 5-Yeer Guerantee 9:30 PLM, | Funny Company $-Peyton Place | o--it'e Your Meve eee For @ Free me yr Demonstration 10:00 PLM 4 --Movie PAUL BELLINGER 5401 | 9--Dr. Kiidare 72 2--Wacklest Ship th The} + @ view TH19 Nerthridge St, Osho: army Fear = rie Carnival a +