' evi 29% et - UL ABNER' 47°03 Ti AA RR ATOR! POSES E ECR a SE Bp ee ee Sas tA AO AEG STD I I i AND YOU WILL A FLAMING BE SERVED ON SWORD I= BUDDIES, EH? THEN W Hmm. ' A NATURAL! THIS (© King Ferpres Spudice a fas, 166. Work! LECTION, IN THI YEAR, HARD = PR iN THE COUNT! my UNEMPLOYE: BORERS IN THE CITIRG GATHER UNDER THE CCP BANNEI Two NOT THE: LONE RANGER r we Wr 47). Mit 44 WERE'S TWE PUZZLE: SOME THINK AM IS SECRETLY 'THAT'S NOT ANTI-VIET CONG... OTHERS THINK HE REPLACE ONE COMMUNIST GOVERN ANOTHER ONE. SO FAR HE'S REFUSED TO BALL WITH THE SOLITH VIETNAMESE, M.J, COLOWBLL AND A, NI iN TY IWANIAN ' 16 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, « Tuwesdey, April 12, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters | Championship Play) East dealer. Both sides vulnerable, Kast Routh West North Pass = GNT Poss = ONT Opening lesd--ten of spades, Seit-preservation is @ golden rile in dummy play. To make the contract is always the first consideration, end any plays de- einrer makes 1 further this sith =~ regardiess of how un tists) these vieys may be -- are j SECRET AGENT X39 LIOHT. LOOKS LIKE A SHORT VISIT -- BLT. WHOS HE VISITING? ON THIS PAD-~ HE MUST HAVE MAD. J 5 Lo: DONALD DUCK Wed Aghia emer, Hi/. JUST WONDERED ir YOU WERE HOME..WANT TO BRING OVER A LITTLE hated by King Features Syndicate, \_Dat HUBERT TELEVISION LOG & Sep if (he Meh direction, Kor example, take this ha where Soh was ih three ne trHthp 9f4 West led the ten of epeies. Decderer took the spade ii Wis band 204 Played the AK en4 Bhvher @amend, won by tae with the aueen. Mast SHitted 16 the queen of chibs, (yeopng he Wag, and the out- bike wee The Sovth went down we Grenting thet South was Ue lucky (6 lose the Gamond trick io Vast end siso to find West with the ace of clubs, the fact remains thet once the spade lead was made, South had a j way of guaranteeing the con- tract regardless of how the op- posing cards were divided. Ali he had to do to insure three notrump was to win the spade lead in dummy and play the seven of diamonds, planning to duck if East followed low. If the seven lost to either the ten or the queen, he would then have nine unassailable tricks against any return by West. If the seven held the trick, {t would mean that East had both the ten and queen and that five diamond tricks were conse- quently certain. If East covered the seven with. the ten, South could win with the king, return to dummy with a spade, and then lead an- other diamond with the inten- tion of finessing if East follow- ed low. This sequence of plays would be consistent with the aim of keeping East out of the lead at all costs in order to protect the king of clubs from attack, In addition, if East showed out on the first or second dia- mond lead, South could likewise assure the contract by going up with the ace and playing a low diamond towards the jack. SALLY'S SALLIES Channei 2--Buttale 9:30 P.M, 11:30 A.M, CAREFUL WITH MY 9--Abracadabra Channel. 3--Barrie 3--Peyton Place MUGGS AND SKEETER MICKEY MOUSE HE'S TRYING "TO seak A CORD WORLD'S "THE ALTITUDE RECORD! NEW HAT, HUBERT GOOONE: WAGN'T JOEY/ SS, THAT IN MY RUSH TO ENTER A PIE IN TODAYS BAKING CONTEST, I GAVE IT TO MR. OTIS INSTEAD OF MY ERRAND BOY/ HONEST, GRANDMA, I THOUGHT ME TO BAT IT INA HURRY YOU MEANT FOR IT WAS GRANDMA \| SLAMMING THE DOOR WHEN SHE WENT OUT. me Toctares Srodicats, tng, 1968 World Ahan teneenl, FOR WHAT? STOMPING ON MY CONCEIT? MAKING A PASS AT. MY ROOMMATE? TRYING TO SWIPE GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS, T GUESS. a LOOK, SKEETS,.. CAN'T WE LET YOU MEAN FALL BACK IN LOVE LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED? GROW UP, Channe) 4---Buttate Channel 6---Toronte Channel 7--Butfalc Channel &--Rochester Channe) %--Torontoe Channel 11--Hamiltes mens aroma apace T¥GswuayY eve. 5:00 P.M, N--Family Theatre %--Five O'clock Movie 8--Superman 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Stingray S--Lleyd Thaxten 5:30 P.M, S-Leave it Te Beever 7--Rocketship 7 Music Hop 8--Rawhide 6:00 Pm 7--Twilight Theatre @--Generation 4--News, Chuck Healy 6:20 P.M, N-News 6:30 P.M. Y--Family Theatre Movis No. 8 0-4-3--News) Weather; Sparte @--Huntiey-Brinkley 7--Maverick é--Acress Canade TOP iv, N--Daniel Boone 9--The Littiest Hobe 63--Dick Van Dyke 4--Petticoat Junction 10:00 P.M, l--The Merv Griffin thew %--1 Spy &3--News Magazine 7--The Fugitive 4---CBC Reports 10:30 P.M, 43--The Public Eye 4--Chopin Singing Soclety 11:00 P.M, 119-6-)-64-3-3--Nows Weather and Sperte 1:15 P.M, §--Metro Fine 6--Viewpoint its Pm, t-4--Late Show é--HNight Metre 9 PM, Hi--The Saint t2--Tenight Show 4--Sports Movie 11:40 PM, Pierre Berton é--Nightcap 12:30 P.M. 11--News, Weather, Sports 6--Newscap j WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. eCapiain' Karasree™ 9:00 A.M. Playtime With Uncle &3--Across Canada 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today +2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Sate 4--News end Weather ®-- I Love Lucy 2--Let's Play 64--Searc For Tomorrow B--Neon-day RF 12:45 P.M. @4--Guilding Light 1:00 P.M Theatre 9--Morning Star of the 4--Ansy @--Matinee J--Ben Casey 6é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Summer Carousel Silke Dougies Show 1:30 P.M. 9--James Beard Show 64--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, S-- Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives bibs 2:30 P.M, 6--People in Confiie? CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1, Competent 1. Medieval 5. Sentry's kingdom in command Spain 9. Fence 2. Creek 10,On naval 3. Recline duty 4, Overhead 11, Affirmative trains t 8. Member of @ proverbial 24. Islet trio 25. GA well- ot known' Minor 1. Meadow 8. Candle in- gredient 13. First-rate 14, Deep, dry gullies 16. Forbid biseutt 26. Swab 9 34, Italian river 35, Man's nick- name 36. The red or the black 87. Portion out 39. Foam 41,Man's name 42, Mariner's term 43. Tans 44, Mutts @--Bilography é--News, Weather, Sports With Girl 4--Mike's C 3--Gilligan's Isiand 9:30 2--Huntley- Brink! 9--Meta Revor" if 6--Extension 4--Cer i, Where Are Your 7:30 P.M. 9--Musical Showcase 10:00 2--My Mother Car bd eo er 11--Whiplash 9--Playtime 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Herose 6:00 Pm Ni--Movie ' %--Gomer Pyle : 10:30 #2--Piease Don't Rat The |'!---Ed Allen Daisies 9--Bingo @3--Red Skelton Hour 8:30 P.M, $--F-Troop 02~Dr, Kildare +The 7--McHale's Navy 10:45 4--Red Skelton 63--Ivanhoe 7--Donna Ri 6-3--Friendly 14:00 +2--Poredise li--Mike Dou: %--Mr. And t3--Movie $-2--Morning 63--Front Page Challenge! 7--Supermear! 7--F. Troop 63--Butternut 9:00 P.M, @--The Wacklest Ship in The Army 4-Gypsy Rose 2--Dobie Gil Bobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases 4-1 Love Lucy 8-2--Concentration eed &3~Chez Helene $-8--The Doctors Bobty 7--Disling For Dollars | 7-A Time For Us Talk é--Zane Grey Theatre arnival 4--Linkietter's Party 3--Movie om 3:00 PLM, Donna Reed Lee 9--Fractured Phrases Is 68--Anocther World AM. ¥--@enera! Hospital sie +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. li--Funny Company 9--Ite Your Move @--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show AM +3--Take 30 4--Hhdge of Might 3--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 P.M, %--Mickey Mouse Club land @--The Match Game Gia y--Early Show with Uncle wae &3--Bonnle Prudden Show Secret Storm A.M. pat A. Ir ny 4:30 P.M. gles W--Sectet Squirrel Mrs, 9--Movie Star 7--Early Show ket Sweep 6-3--Razzie Dazzle Square 4--The 4Thirty Show YOUR HEALTH When "Flu" Re | Dear Dr. Molner: You men- jtioned a lung condition called histoplasmosis that is often mis- taken for flu. Is it only a chil- dren's disease? Please give the full symptoms. My sister-in-law has had the flu, one case after another. After a time in bed, she gets up and then: comes down with the flu again in spite of vaccina- tions and pills. She has had a blood test but it shows nothing wrong.--Mrs,. L. G. When attack after attack of turns Double Check Needed. By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD "flu" occurs, it's time to sus- pect that it isn't influenza. Histoplasmosis? Let's not try to guess at something that it might be. That's too much like fishing in the dark. The way to find out what is troubling us is to note all the symptoms, then see what possible causes exist. Picking a disease and then hunt- ing for symptoms is too likely to lead us astray. Blood tests may give indica- tions at times; other times not In such repeated "flu" attacks, I recommend a thorough exam- ination, and certainly chest x-rays would be part of it. So far as histoplasmosis is concerned, "full symptoms" is a-bigger -order-than-yeu- prob- ably think. It is a fungus infec- tion, the fungus being histo- plasma capsulatum, which flourishes in such places as dusty playgrounds at times. Children are particularly sus- ceptible but others can pick up the fungus. Infaction can re- semble many things, with signs of anemia, lymph gland involve- ment or others, Acute infection often simulates a virus attack. Chronic infection, when it af- fects the lungs, can look so much like tuberculosis as to defy positive identification by x-ray. Skin tests--tuberculin for TB, and a histoplasmin for the fun- gus--pin down the correct diag- nosis. Please don't let my references to histoplasmosis, then or now, put too much ekphasis on that disease. To be sure, it doubtless is more common than once was thought, but there are a great many other conditions which can resemble "'flu'"' or a virus infection and when respiratory ailments keep happening contin- ually, it is time to take a closer . jlook at the patient. Dear Dr. Molner: What are the symptoms of potassium de- ficiency? I am told that if I take diuretic pills, I will lose potassium from.my system.-- Mrs. L. M. Yes, loss of potassium (and sodium) can result from such medication, but physicians are so well aware of this that if symptoms develop (weakness, muscle cramps, constipation, loss of appetite) it is simple to give a potassium supplement to take care of the matter. This can be in tablet form or, quite recently, in the form of a quite tasty drink made hy dissolving a potassium-containing wafer in water.