Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Apr 1966, p. 3

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NO ROOM FOR SHOW-OFFS Wilson, 19 (centre) who Carson, 19, (left). They are There are some show-offs waits to step out of the the youngest members of in sky diving but not many old show-offs says Dave Club and between them have logged more than 190 jumps. PILGRIMS RETRACE STEPS OF JESUS From AP-Reuters From humble chapels along the twisting alleyways of. old Jerusalem to stately churches adorning broad avenues, the world's Christians celebrated Easter Sunday, the climax of Holy Week. Several Protestants knelt in a field outside Jerusalem, pray- ing before a cleft in a rock which they believe is the spot where Christ was buried. Across the valley on the Mcznt of Olives, Lutherans held services in the Church of Mary Magdalen near the Garden of Gethsemane. Some of the pilgrims retraced the steps of Jesus along Via Doicrsa to Calvary. In St. Peter's Square in Rome, Pope Paul pleaded for an end to war, racism, national- ism, and social conflict. inte ism, class warfare, or else po- litical games of dangerous forces and conflicting interests. "Mankind is hesitating be- tween peace and war, between a brotherly union and a selfish- ness without care for the inter- ests or needs of others." Nearly 500,000 tourists and Italians heard the Pope's third) Easter message. Stefan Cardinal! Wyszynski, the Roman Catholic prelate of Poland, celebrated mass in Warsaw's Cathedral of St. John. He told an overflow crowd of | 5,000 that "no one has any right to our human conscience, to our convictions, to our link with) | God." recism,-ambitious national- | In Fredericksburg, Tex., President Johnson attended | services at St. Barnabas Epis- }copal (Anglican) Church with World's Christians Celebrate Easier a centre of Ruddhist rebellion against the present South Viet | Nam regime, there was unex- pected peace and quiet. | In Moscow crowds thronged| the streets to see processions | leading to Easter services. But there was little sign of anti-) religious feeling. Main churches) were crowded. In West Berlin, almost 100,- 000 citizens marked the holiday by crossing through the Com-) munist-built wall, on day passes} to see relatives in the eastern! section of the 'city. | In Ireland, a crowd of 100,000) crammed O'Connell St. in Dub-) lin for ceremonies commemora-| ting the 50th anniversary of the 1916 'Easter rising" which set) the Irish Republic on the road) to independence from Britain. Police fears of violent demon- strations by extreme national- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 11, 1966 3 Vaccination As Cancer Cure? DETROIT (AP)--Wayne State University miedicat se.eai cers say they may have discovered a way to treat cancer by vac- cination. Resiilts they Claim for a four- year program so far include: --Two cancer patients, earlier given up as hopeless cases, completely freed of their tu- mors, --Eight others once consid- ered beyond help still alive, their cancers either halted or growing more slowly. ' --Two patients with advanced tumors, their lives believed prolonged by the treatments. Failure in 20 other cases, Dr. Paul L. Wolf saia, probably came because the disease was too far advanced and the pa- tient's body no longer capable of producing. cancer - fighting antibodies. The Wayne group's vaccine, he explained, aids the victim's bodies. body in producing these anti-| ae or soe weit we Bombs Lack = Sharply Cut = SAIGON (AP) -- The a U.S. air strikes against V; Cong targets in South Viet Nam have been sharply curtailed by a temporary shortage of bom! and other explosives, reliable sources said today. 4 "how attributed the cut to a 'logistic problem -- presumably |u vatkiog in shipping--and said they expected the shortage to be overcome. shortly. 4 The slackening in the attacks was reflected in the 300 mis- sions of all sorts reported in the south Sunday by a U.S. air force spokesman, Normally, American planes have been fly+ ing 450 to 500 missions. Amer- ican sources insisted the cur- tailment had no connection with the political unrest in Saigons U.S. defence department offt- cials recently disclosed t ammunition is being fired -at the Viet Cong at a higher ralé than in any previous war. «« The Pope noted "with pro-|his family. Daughter Luci -- found sadness" that resolutions} who became Catholic, as is her ACROSS CANADA Death Toll eres eae | Reaches 67 ing Irishmen today prepared) By THE CANADIAN PRESS | The survey does not include for a week-long hunger strike At least 67 persons died in ac-| known suicides or slayings, in- in festive Dublin, charging that! cidents across Canada during) dustrial or natural deaths. | the government. has betrayed|the 78-hour Easter weekend, in-| The Ontario dead: | the ideals of those who died in| cluding a record 53 in traffic. a : | the 1916 Easter uprising. A Canadian Press survey 5 SU NDAY | As Easter Monday holiday from 6 p.m. Thursday to mid- Edward Ray, 7, London, Ont., crowds thronged beflagged|night Sunday locai times in-| When struck by a car near his O'Connell Street. outside the| cluded 11 dead in two highway ome. main city post office where it| accidents and threc killed in a SATURDAY all began, Joe Clarke, at 84 one) plane crash. Mrs Ferne Mann, 51, London of the uprising's oldest surviv-) There were also six drown- ont. in a two-car crash in Lon- ors, placed a wreath at the foot | ings, two fire deaths, one death! qo,' of the Cuchulainn Statue inside by exposure, one by asphyxia-| [aura DiGiancrole, 65, struck] the building. tion and a man killed by a)», a car in Toronto. -- : Cuchulainn, a legendary fig-| train. "William Ernest Dell, 48, of ure, stands as a symbol for Ire-|_ The traffic toll was 13 more| peterborough and Gary Wayne land. The wreath carries the than the 40 predicted by the Ca-| peyarse. 19, of London, in a words "to the forgotten ideals/nadian Highway Safety Coun-| two-car collision six miles east| of 1916." : cil. of Havelock, Ont. Clarke will not himself take| yast year, 54 persons died in| Emiko Amy Jinde, 24, of Tor-| part in the fasting. That is be-| master weekend accidents, 39 in| onto, when the car in which she ing left be oie of a | traffic. was riding rolled over 15 miles men, including severa' ub"! Record for the weekend was/ south of Kitchener. University students and six sup- t in 1957 when 70 died. includ | porters from Belfast in the Se! na en a bed, Anche: FRIDAY | Wg. 47 08 Ue TPAGs, Frank Connor, 65, of Barrie, | north, ' 5 : ( The group, which plans to In Ontario 13 died in traffic) when struck by a car near his| plane | home. fast for as long as the 1916 up-| mishaps, three in the | rising lasted, from noon today|crash northeast of Chatham) pjanne Simon, 17, of Toronto, | until 3:45 p.m. Saturday, thinks|Thursday night and one man in| when a car in which she was| that Ireland has no reason to|a Toronto restaurant fire. jriding went out of control in| celebrate now. They accuse the) ,, ' . eo Toronto. | republic's present leaders of ig pent a ties : itoe Alver 37) or Simone: | letting the Irish language die,| , "\°T'4 reported 11 highway Pree Simons aia 0b SCout hile tolerating partition of Ire- deaths, eight of them in a two-|a two-car crash near his home. while " WG 7 dence | C2? collision 50 miles east of; Janet Moore, 16, of George- land an tia eer |Edmonton. One person also, town, in a three-car accident 10} upen Britain. |died of exposure and another| miles west of Kitchener. | SEEK MISNEACH |was asphyxiated Peter Govryluk, 48, of Tor-) They are supporters Eleven persons were killed on onto, suffocated in a walk-in plane after his friend Don the St. Thomas Parachute Irish Plan To Fast of a MOTHER LOST An Easter egg hunt is a happy occasion. But deff Corg¥, 4, found plenty | to cpy about when he became ne Separated from his mother. A state trooper came to the rescue. More than 800 chil- dren attended the tenth an- nual Easter egg hunt spon- sored by Crossroads Reha- bilitation Center and Gover- nor and Mrs, Roger D. fringe organization of the Quebec roads, one was drowned' freezer where he sought refuge) Branigin. It was held Sat- Gaelic revival movement called! and one died in a fire. during a restaurant fire. "Misneach"--the Irish word for) There were ax HEGh WAY! Meee Jean toucal. 58: of Cant: courage. deaths in Saskatchewan, includ- ley, Que., in a two-car collision The hunger strikers intended ing three in one accident 140) iy' mien gust Gt Haukesnure starting the fast while on picket miles northwest of Saskatoon. Ont . 7 with protest banners, later re- British Columbia and Mani- : tiring to rented rooms when toba each had two traffic fatali- THURSDAY weakened by their ordeal. jties and one drawning Mrs. Margaret Moe, 66, of The opening of nearly two _ Six persons died in Nova Sco-| Hamilton, when struck by a weeks of commemoration of the|tia, four traffic fatalities and)car near her home. events of 1916 started Sunday | two drownings. Mrs. Ellen Simon, 60, of Rus- with a 5,000-strong military pa-| New Brunswick reported four com, in a two-car collision near rade past President Eamon de|road deaths and a drowning. | Windsor, Ont Valera and other 1916 veterans} One man was killed in New-| Waldo Diggins, 53, of George- at the famous post office where|foundland when he was struck town, his wife Pearl, 45, and the uprising started. Then came by a train. Colin Tate, 21. of Toronto, in a a moving ceremony at Kilmain- Prince Edward Island was fa- plane crash near Bothwell, 20 ham Jail, where it ended. tality-free. miles northeast of Chatham. There the 83-year-old - | dent, now nearly blind, paid) 77 i Bee: y Re Ml tribute to his 14 co-leaders exe- Ee gj | cuted by a British firing squad in 1916, De Valera was himself sentenced to death but the sent- ence was commuted because of | 7 his American birth. | Luxury Vessel Viking Princess ™ the Governor's (AP Wirephoto) "urday at mansion fiers busy building dikes. RAT - KILLING IRKS GROUP OTTAWA (CP) -- Youths killing rats for sport in the back yard of an Ottawa householder prompted a Hu- mane Society protest. Laurent Lauzon; who in- vited the rat hunters, said he believes the rats are coming into his Wellington Street yard from a_next- door neighbor's garbage dump. "Rats are still animals," Society Manager Kenneth Switzer said, "'They have feelings the same as other animals and they must be killed with as little pain as possible." The youths used sticks and slingshots to kill 10 rats Good Friday. Municipal health authori- ties sent professional ex- terminators to the scene. South Of Cuba of peace made after the Sec-|fiance, Pat Nugent--later at- ond World War "'are weakening] tended a Roman Catholic serv- jin places and threatening to) ice. |turn into totalitarian ideologies,| - Across the world in Da Nang, | Floods, Fatalities 'Canada Easter Holiday By THE CANADIAN PRESS | In Ottawa, some 300 persons jturned out under generally Snowstorms, floods and a rec-| overcast skies for the tradi- ord traffic fatality toll marred) tional sunrise Easter service on traditional Easter celebrations parjiament Hill. in Canada Sunday. | i | Prime Minister Pearson spent | Most of the Atlantic provinces! 4 quiet weekend at his Harring- had two to three inches of snowW|ton Lake summer residence, 15 while northern and central Brit-| miles northwest of Ottawa, with ish Columbia staggered under| members of his family. He is eight- to 12-inch snowfalls. Tem-|t return to Ottawa today. peratures in most parts of Can- " ada were below normal. DIEF WATCHED HOCKEY Floods in the Red River Val-| Opposition Leader Diefen- ley area of Manitoba kept work-|baker attended morning church |service in Ottawa, then watched Spokesmen for transportation|a semi-final Stanley Cup hockey companies reported a_ slight}game between Chicago Black jdrop in the usually heavy | Hawks and Detroit Red Wings |Easter Sunday traffic, attribut-/on television during the after- ling it to the weather. |noon. | But at least 53 persons were} In Montreal an official start |killed in traffic accidents be-|was. made on construction of tween 6 p.m. Thursday and|the Christian Pavilion planned midnight Sunday, local times.|for Expo 67 with the creation 'The figure was 13 more than/of a 20-foot wooden cross de- predicted by the Canadian|signed to symbolize the Chris- Highway Safety Council and| tian principles which can bring !surpassed the previous recordjall denominations together. of 47 in 1957. The cross was erected by Support Grows For Bosch As Presidential Candidate By ROBERT BERRELLEZ SANTO DOMINGO (AP) -- jtouched off bitter fighting in an | attempt to bring him back from lj wih ealéatwled eokeed. : pec Paget) Fates ae * aaah exile in Puerto Rico. President lic's underprivileged, soon may Johnson ordered U.S. marines have a second chance as presi-|!anded in the Caribbean repub- dent of his troubled nation. lic, -- at first that they | Cheering delegates nominated were needed to protect U.S. citi- ithe vevearait" writer-philoso- zens and later to prevent the pher Sunday as the presidential a -- taking over candidate of the Dominican rev-| noch q nican _ government. olutionary party in the June ~os< enounced the U.S, inter- | 4 vention. elections. ists who demand unity with the six counties of Northern Ire- land, Which is part of Britain, went unfilfilled. There were peace marches in! London and New York vets, Mar | Dr. Wolf said that "if this pro- gram could be applied on a large scale, I would anticipate a fair degree of success." \¥ Dr. Wolf, director of the De- |} troit Institute of Cancer Re-|~ | search, said his group hoped to |" run a larger series of tests on)? cancer patients at Detroit Re- | ceiving. Hospital, but added its | 7 : timetable is "quite indefinite.' ' 4 If you think there is not e good ploce te ect in Osh- awa ..,. then you haven't tried the dining room et the h | | HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA {Roman Catholic, Anglican, | United Church, Presbyterian, }Lutheran,. Baptist and Greek | Orthodox clergymen. | Temperatures in the northern |Prairies hovered 30 to 45 de- grees below normal, and snow} leovered part of eastern Sa-| skatchewan and most of north- ern Alberta. | | One man-was missing on an |Alberta mountain near the east gate of Jasper National Park, /200 miles west of Edmonton. Harvey Sloan. of Hinton jstarted to climb the mountain | | with his wife Saturday, but the} | couple was separated. Mrs. | Sloan was found in poor condi- | | tion Saturday and taken to hos-) |pital at Hinton. | | The weather office said seven * \to eight inches of snow has | fallen on the mountain area} FIVE since Mrs. Sloan was found. | qua | bb MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S FOREMOST FINE CLOTHIER THE MOST EFFECTIVE RAINCOAT PROCESS EVER A Change in Interview times: Supplement your income in the Oshowa district. Need some- one to assist me in my fost | growing business. Two hours « day, $50.-$75. per week. Will interview personally et the Genosha Hotel, April 12, at 10 a.m. Ask for Mrs. Fair- brother. Bosch, whose followers trig- }gered the 1965 revolution in |which the United States inter- |vened, is considered the leading |candidate in a contest expected to include at least three other major presidential aspirants. Bosch is a political paradox. |A ieft-of-centre liberal, he is }damned by. other liberals while {conservatives are among his staunchest supporters. He has CITY OF Applicants 'should have previous ferable. up to the Communists, but Com- {munist leaders are known to REQUIRES INSPECTORS FOR CONSTRUCTION (Summer Employment) Wark will. consist of Contract inspection of sewers, wotermains, eurb and qutters, granulor base roads and similar municipal construction Engineers or Civil Technology students with previous experience pre- Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications, Applications stating age, experience, qualifications and other pertinent information will be received not later than April 15th, OSHAWA municipal experience or be Civil 1966 at 5:00 p.m. PERSONNEL OFFICER City Hall Oshawa, Ontario fear his hold over their favorite bie *A PROCESS EXCLUSIVE TO prey, the common man. Bosch took office in February, | 1963, as the first freely elected| |Dominican president in 30 ELECTROHOME |years. He had a mandate from) more than 60 per cent of the| | electorate. } | poRCED OUT | But just seven months after jhe took over, a military coup |forced him back into exile, Last spring followers of Bosch | MIAMI (AP)--The blackened hulk of the cruise ship Viking Princess, apparently involved in a salvage fight, was some- where south of Cuba today, be-| ing towed toward Jamaica. The $16,000,000 pleasure craft which carried tourists on win- ter Caribbean cruises, burned Friday in the Windward Pas- sage, between Cuba and Haiti,| while sailing to Miami with 496 passengers and crew members. Two passengers died of heart attacks when the ship was or- dered abandoned shortly after a fire and explosion occurred in the engine room. After the flames died, a Li- berian freighter, the Navigator, put a line on the abandoned ves- sel and started towing it toward Jamaica, the U.S: Navy an- nounced The Navigator was joined | Sunday by the salvage tug Ca-/ ble out of Key. West, hired by the owners of the Viking Prin- cess. U.S. Navy and coast guard vessels which aided in the evac-| uation of the passengers and| crew, left the scene Sunday, | saying there was nothing more} they could do. oy Captain Otto Thoresen said in Miami Sunday that. saivage rights on the ship would be left up to the insurance companies Thoresen, a veteran of many vears at sea, was the last man to leave the stricken vessel, | CLUB 'PLANNED -H. Steer, president of Retiree: Club of Local UAW-CLC, studies. the agenda for a meeting which is to be. held next. Tuesday night in the UAW Hall. Pur pose of the meeting is to or- ganize a drop-in centre"' which would be known as a Senior Citizens Centre, The W the 999 UAW has already. submitted a brief to Council support- ing the proposal. Mr. Steer. said the Provincial govern- ment would make grants for such a_ project which would serve senior citizens of the city and district --Oshawa Times Photo 54 SIMCOE NORTH | i c TUES. and WED. SPECIALS Aquascutum 1 Highest standard of wat 2 Oil and grease marks do not damage proofing. ever 3 Does not require after dry 4 Guaranteed water-repelient for the life of the coat. HERE 5 Has been proven and tested In every climatic condition, What this means to you. A drier raincoat. A smarter raincoat. 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