gee CO OLS eye EET PFE: 18--Male Help Wanted |20---Real Estote for 'Sole |20---Real Estate for Sole |20----Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 11, 1966 fae--tew Estate for Sale | 20--Real Estote tor Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sole | Seren an a -- ~ " INDUSTRIAL EINGINEERING Newly formed Industrial En- gineering department invites inquiries from senior end in- termediate work mecyurement "analysts, Experience im plant layout, methods improvement and work measurement techni- ques required to implement improved manufacturing me- thods and new incentive standards programme. Education should be at the thigh school level, experience ef 3 yeors in work measure- ment, M.T.M. preferred but not essential. Competitive salary range and full programme of employee benefits. Written replies, which will be treated in confidence, should be directed to: Steff per- sonnel office. DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY, ONT. MANAGER TRAINEES Independent Drive-In Restour- ent Chain, hos immediate openings for young men to train on the job for Drive-in Managers. Hos excellent op- portunity for still further ad- vancements to orea super- visors, We offer o one yeor training program, Good start- ing salory. Reviewed every four months. Two week's holidays after one year. Three weeks after three years. Company paid benefits. Quali- fications: leadership ability, ewn your own cdr, Must be prepored to relocate. Apply to BOX M20890 OSHAWA TIMES SALESMAN Permonent future for a re- sponsible executive or sales type individual accustomed to active contect with the pub- lic, Three year initia! salary plus handsome incentive com- pensation and all group bene- fits. Oshawa resident prefer- red 21 to 40 no travel. Po- sition offers stable coreer with substontial income and to the right person managerial op- portunity. Reply in confidence to box 19899 Oshawa Times. CLEAN CUT NEAT APPEARING MEN WITH FINE PERSONALITY. GUARANTEED SALARY TO START -- $105 WEEKLY. Between 21-40 years of age to work in expanding factory outlet, Job is permanent. Pre- fer moarried men with one year long residence in Oshawa orea. Car essentia!, Call per- manager at 723-8174 BODY MAN Bled service station atten dani. Must sly experienced with tools Telephone 728-778) SUPERVISOR -- DIRECT SALES -- You may be one of the 3 key men or women we seek to deveicp and train distributors in this area. High income potential for manacement minded people. Write Box 20855 Oshawa Times WELDER and electr ng conditions Phone 775-656 MECHANIC'S HELPER or required, Canadian Tire, 3 North, Whitby riya elgg antl for fuel oi! repair work 238 Kaiser Cr 19--Male and Female | 'elp Wanted FARM WORKERS needed for 6 months from 17 to 60. sonnel required immediately, Gas ic experience. Excellent work and company benefits apprentice Brock Street INCLINED, over 25 and to' learn furnace aay employment, Apply t m 4 to Apply in person fro 6 p.m. to 859 NELSON STREET, OSHAWA ASK FOR JERRY. HOUSEWIVES Office workers and students to do. pleasont telephone ap- pointment work. No exper- lence $1.00 to $1.50 per hour. Choose your own hours. Also required lady or man to service small monthly accounts, Car neces- sary, Good 725-5051, necessary solory Mrs. Dover ~ TAXI DRIVERS ~ Part or full time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 NEW. TUPPERWARE disiributorship open for this area. Opportunity uniimited | for new dealers. Telephone 668-8606 or 723-0377 for information. Success Un limited, Whitby MALE SHORT ORDER cook -- and wait ress wanted. Apply Dan's Restaurant, Picker! acl vi LU age Telephone 942- 5030. TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year really a successful year? Does your pres- ent job offer you all the opportunity you want? Adequate income? Advancement potenti 1? if your answer is no, write Box 13 Oshawa Times ABOVE AVERAGE >» survey group, Living accommoda quired and when tra 723-0966 any time, nings, market of essentia supplied if iling, experience | Faashons ' UIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 SUITES ANYONE 1 @ Pocket-book priced at only $13,700. Bedrooms upstairs, living room, dining room and kitchen down, High ond dry semi-finished basement, A good buy for a good brick home on o large lot in the South East oreo. Call today, WANT A HOME IMMEDIATELY ? 11 @ We have a lovely three bedroom brick bungalow situ- ated on a lot of 74 x 129 feet. Conveniently located close to churches and schoos, Asking price only $14,900 with low) interest rate on existing mort-| gage. Call on this good buy to- night. @ NORTH OSHAWA lil @ Four bedroom, | 2 storey home. Lot size 75 x 150 with! plenty of trees in the back yard,! Asking price only $15,900 with $2,500 down payment. Lorge living room witn natural fire- piace also a tamily room with electric fireplace, . SUMMER COTTAGE 1V. @ Seventeen miles from Nortn Oshawa city limits. two bedrooms, iarge kitchen with loads of cupooards, sink and piped -in water, living r picture window over jooking the loke. 'wo boots, 10 H.P, Johson motors, dock,| stove artd fridge, beds, etc. Ask- ing $3,900 Cash. * NEAR HOSPITAL V @ Four bedroom, two storey brick with three seporate meters. | Finished room in the bosement with extra stool ond shower.| Large double gorage with work shop complete with wood stove ond large overhead storage oreo. Just listed, for full par- ticulars, coll now. vel N.H.A, RE-SALE BROOKLIN | VI @ Three bedroom brick split level with attached garage ond paved drive. Large lot. Carries for only $83 with principal, in- terest ond taxes. Asking cash to existing mortgage at 6% Try your offer. & JUST A STONE'S THROW VII @ from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Large med-| ern brick bungalow with at- tached garoge on Rockcliffe| Street. Completely finished base- ment with Early American rec-| reation room, extra bedroom, laundry room and workshop. This home is a must to see, for full particulars, call now. a | LUXURY LIVING | VIIl @ Here is the kind of home} you dream about but never seem} to find. This home contains a} modern ond extremely attrac-} tive kitchen, large L-shaped living room and dining room, two tiled bothrooms, panelled family room with fireplace and walkout sliding glass doors to a| private potio, Four -very large bedrooms. Double gorage, Qual- ity construction throughout, | ® BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1X @ For anyone so inclined The present owner is nearing retirement and feels he must dispose of this property. This business has been in existence, for a greot number of years founded. by the present owner who has exclusive rights several different companies Soles and Service. The r workshop is well equipped with Service tools and machines so in any line of busi Also. five room house garage with high 'over- head doors. All situated on f land necessory ness Large e@ TREES! TREES ! X @ If you wish to hove an acre of land in the country that you con call your own near 4 lake, with cedor, birch and hardwood bush, call now for full particulars ® SPLIT LEVEL FOR $15,300 X1 @ Six room brick with walk out basement Large family room, pierson windows, alum- inum doors and screens. Large lot with private drive. Call now for further information $17,900. FULL PRICE XIl @ for this beautiful five room bungalow with Hollywood kitchen, spacious living room and three master sized bed-! rooms. This one vear eld nome hos just been decorated and ready for immediate oecupancy To inspect, call now. | ® | FRENCH SPEAKING | BUYERS! XI!t @ Here is a lovely two bedroom home within eosy walk- ing distance of the Bilingual School, ot a reasonable price.| Large kitchen, good sized living room ond a completely finished} recreation room with a built-in bor, mokes this home a very} good buy at $13,900. Let us| show you ve home today. GOOD RESIDENTIAL AREA IN WHITBY _ | XIV. @ Large three year old| brick ranch style bungalow with attached goroge for sale. Fin- ished recreation room and. large bedrooms. Priced at $16,700.) Call now for full particulors. e LOW LOW PAYMENT CONSIDERED | XV @ Two bedroom bungalow, with nice sized living room and} kitchen. Full basement, forced air oil furnace, heavy duty ing. Corner lot and priced' to sell at only $9,000, } wir GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 WELL LOCATED FARM XVI @ north of Pickering, on- proximately fifty acres, Three bedroom stone house on the property with two natural stone fireplaces. Der, and sunporch on the first floor, Two barns and good water supply, Call now for tull particulars.. @ TWENTY-FIVE MILES FROM OSHAWA XVII @ $100 per acre for 150) acres with a long frontage on| Highway No. 115. $5,000 down) poyment with reasonable terms to a responsible purchaser. e@ NORTH WEST AREA XVIIl @ See this charming! three bedroom bungalow with! mony feotures. The modern kit- chen is a woman's dream, spark-| ling bathroom, large full base- ment, semi-finished for rumpus, | recreation or hobby room, with ample space left over for an gutematic washer eliminating washday headaches. And what's more it is priced to sell at only $17,900. Don't delay, call now e WHAT A BARGAIN XIX .@ $10,500 with convenient terms will buy this frame home situated on Sinclair Avenue. This home contains a large liv- ing room, modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards, three bed rooms, and recreation Situated on a dead-end street Ideal for retired couple room | | ® LARGE COMMERCIAL LOT XX @ with seven room frame home, situated on busy Simcoe Street. Anyone looking for com-| mercial property should investi- gote this one e RANCH BUNGALOW -- ATTACHED GARAGE XX! @ $18,500 is all we are asking for this six room ranch bungalow with attached goroge Large living room, separate din ing room, three good sized bed- rooms, Electrically heated. Come ond compare, there is no better buy anywhere. To inspect, call tonight, e 88 SUITE SITE XXI1 @ This commercially zoned) site in the rapidly growing mo- tor city is ideally located on} main. North South artery bus route. Schools and shopping ot hand. Ready for immediate! development. Oshawa's low va-| cancy factor makes this aport-| ment site a sound investment.| Call now for full particulars, | o CLOSE TO SCHOOLS | XXII @ Only $16,800 for this three bedroom brick bungalow situated on an attractively land-| scoped lot. Extra large kitchen with plenty of cupboards. If you} want comfortable living with reasonable down payment, call us now, ° | HOME SITE | XXIV @ We have « good sized building lot on Storr Avenue in Whitby. Priced within your) meons at $3,500. Call now for full particulars | e | BEAUTIFUL SPLIT LEVEL XXIV @ home with four large bedrooms and two complete baths. Finished recreation room with built-in cupboards. An out- standing feature of this home is the natural stone wall fea turing a fireplace in the living Built-in the kitchen and separate dining room. Priced to sell at $24,000 room ove and oven in e EXCELLENT XXVI @ development. property Rood East. inside size 84 x 282 a two bedroom the property.| building up fost on Taunton the city limits. Lot feet.and there is stucco home on This area is so-acr now @ $4000. DOWN PAYMENT XXVIII @ will buy this excellent maker, close This two storey bedrooms, a double garage and pos for two mere bedroom on the third floor. An outstand ing value for only $14,500 for okoing for town four batt sibilities two the man property an income CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT, PHONE 723-5221 BEST OF BUNGALOWS Convenient to everything in North-West Oshawa this homes is 6 months new. Love- ly family room 3 bedrooms, attached garage. Johansen built -- only $8,300 down. Words can't describe it. If you want a beoutiful bunga- low phone to see this at once. NORTH OF ROSSLAND Immaculate bungalow with lovely vista from the broad- loomed living room. The cheerful kitchen of knotty pine includes built-in stove and a view from which the proud lady controls the where- abouts of her children. Three fine bedrooms, richly finished throughout, Mony extras in- cluding drapes. $4,400. down -- call now. INCOME HOME Rent three romos in this 9 room modern bungalow and live rent free in the six lovely rooms on main floor, This is a fine east-end bungalow, only 4 years old. A terrific bargain at only $18,400.-- Call us now. LARGE ROOMS South Oshawa, older home, could be/modernized to show good profit on asking price of $11,900. THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST IS AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL -- BUY -- BUILD LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST | AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 | OR Ron Armstrong Tom Houston Bill Taylor Ralph Schofield 725-9592 668-4416 723-9349 728-3376 NEARING COMPLETION in. Excellent North End Location north of Rossland Rd. to schools and buses. 6-room 3 bedroom homes separate dining room brick veneer aluminum soffits electric heating factory built cupboards 1525 sq. ft. floor crea sodded lawns with tree $2,300 down $123 monthly includes Principal, interest and taxes -- 6%4% mortgages just close Just 16 available so act fast Call exclusive agents LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 OWNER WILL ACCEPT OLDER HOME AS TRADE On this modern brick bun- golow on Central Park North. Featuring 2 naturol fire places, wall-to-wall broad- oom. Large modern kitchen with balcony overlooking picturesque view. Built in kit- chen unit. Electrically heated. Many, many more features. e GOOD PLACF TO TALK Sacrifice price of $19,900 MONEY XXVIII @ well maintained 2 bedrocm apartments 1 bedroom rented. Your ways your return on this tors bargain, th tri-plex. Tw and one apartment, -- full dollar value ases a long when you fiqure small inves ment Situated in & as0d part of the city. Call now te inspect e Call 723-5281 For full -particuler: Open daily 9 am. to 9 p.m After hours call Ernest. Mueller Steven. Englert 'Jean Peacock Jack Graham El. -Ann Thompson Doug: Trivett Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Evelyn Cassel Leonard Bissell Art Johnson Judi O'Donnell Eleanor deJong George Nymeyer Lioyd Corson Lucas Peocock Dick Young We list M.L.S 728-0208 728-5581 725-4330) 725-9947 728-4731) 723-7390 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 725-3710 725-2070 723-8738 725-6713 728-2949 728-424) 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 exclusive ond. Photc Member of O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS Will consider $4,000 down CONTACT BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 KING EAST OPEN HOUSE DAILY ON WALNUT COURT IN HARMONY VILLAGE | Harmony Road South to Done- van Collegiate, east on Florell Drive to Walnut Court. "'Lux- ury Living Homes" -- by K. R. BELL & SONS LTD. 4 exciting models featuring 3 and 4 bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms, stone fronts, garage, arid complete sodding front and rear, Low Down Pay- ments or Trades Accepted. Possession One Week. PRIVATE SALE Executive home, North-West location. 3 bedrooms, at- tached garage,, ultra-modern kitchen, broadloom, 2 bath- rooms. Five years old. Nice Accept trede Immediate~Possession, 728-1203 landscaping SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 A uarter Rantury Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M, Over RETIRING ? BUNGALOW--- $14,900. 2 bedroom home, just com- pleted. Extra well built th t with hiving room 14' x 19' which is broadioom- ed. Oil heat, A kitchen thot is 6 womon's delight to work in with mahogany cupboards. te any reasonable cash offer -- or we can arrange terms. WHITMAN CRES, ONLY $16,300. Three bedroom brick home in spotless condition. Natural wall to wall fireplace in a wolkout basement. Close to seporate, public and high school. Better hurry and have a look, before it's sold BEAU VALLEY RESALE Very ideal for the larger fom- ily, with 4 bedrooms. Extra large living room and a pro- fessionélly built rec. room 16' eats Owner transferred and is anxious to see an offer. Only $23,500 EAST END RANCHER 1% ACRE LOT Only 3 yeors old, with many big extras such as a double attached garage, electric heat, 2 fireplaces, All this for just $24,900. JULIANA DRIVE | Three bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Mony extras such os 2 bathrooms, Rec, Room, broadioom ete. BEVERLY STREET $15,300.00. 5 room brick bungalow In very nice area, Large kitchen. Deep Lot. Just $2100.00 down to one mortgoge. ROWE ST. INCOME $17,900.00. Consisting of eight rooms renting ot $160.00 monthly, plus smoll oportment for owner. Brick Construction. Rea! handy to downtown. Cash tolks here. MARY ST. $19,500. Three apartments renting ot a total $230.00 monthly. Extra large lot with double car garage and parking for 5 cors. This property has just been reduced for a quick sale. Try your down payment here ---- the building will more than poy for itself, INCOME HAVING A NEW HOME BUILT THIS YEAR ? || Desire the North End? Want @ prestige Location? Then | |Beou Volley is for you! May | || we suggest you contact | | salesmen now. Homesites Are getting scarce in this| one of Oshawa's finest deve- | |lopment. See us, pick out your | | |location, and let us help you with your plons NOW. our For further porticulars call 723-2265 725-9345 728-2233 728-1066 723-9692 623-5638 725-3867 728-2870 723-1358 723-2859 728-5205 725-8300 728-2349 725-0201 725-1726 Members of the Oshawa & District Ed Drumm Maible Boudreou Bill Johnston Don Howe Mel Dole Irene Brown Allan Thompson Marg Holi George Koornneef Irwin Cruikshanks Mike Selmonte Wm, Yasmanicki Reg Aker Bill McFeeters Reo -Estate ~ Boar WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King St. West. Free, easy, safe parking N. W. ON INVERNESS Back Split Home $19,500 2 year .old attractive brick home with woll-to-wall broad- loom in living and dining- room. Modern kitchen with ample cupboord space (weav- ed louvered doors on cup- boords). Woalk-out basement, Extra 2-piece bathroom. Good sized spoce for future rec, room A GOOD BUY FOR THIS AREA! CONTACT BILL MILLAR 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD 67 KING EAST NEW HOMES _ $2,000 DOWN PRESTIGE AREA Just two left. 3 or 4 bed- rooms. Close to schools, shop- ping and bus line. Both have gorages and two washrooms, Many extras. Immediate pos- session ' Phone. 723-6541 | GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call "The Hot Line' DIAL 668-8826 218 DUNDAS ST. E. (Highway No, 2) MARLOW HANCOCK GEORGE SULLIVAN JUDITH MORGAN NICK VAN DEN BROEK ROGER MORRISON WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME, $13,250. near shopping plaza with family size kitchen, decorative wood ponelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high bosement and finished londscoping. See and make your offer for this fully dressed model 12,900. FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM semi-detached brick on poved Whitby street. You need only $2500 down payment to move into this economy property and the balance you can poy like rent. Don't wait to call us on this one, see it now while it lasts BROOKLIN, BUILDING LOT 87' frontage lot with depth on prestige Village street. Build your home away from the City confusion and yet so close to Oshowa and Whitby. Asking price $4600 OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH, $9,000 2 bedroom bungalow with asbestos siding, low taxes, garage, small lot, Retire here with low upkeep or a good stort for young couple wonting to save WHITBY MONEY MAKER Rooming house, close in Whitby location with 21 rooms shows excellent income for owner. Asking $39,000. Will consider offer, PLAZA LOCATION -- EAST END Commercial King St, E., Oshawa over 300 ft. frontage includes 2 houses and . aor included, Investigate small Plaza here. Asking $88,0 WHITBY, 7 ROOM BRICK & STONE BUNGALOW with large 4 car garage, open fireplace, deluxe recreation ag with built in features, play room, study ond large 13%' 214' kitchen. A beautiful home on landscaped lot near all io veniences, If you are looking for real value in a better home call us for appointment to see. BUY NOW ON No. 2 HIGHWAY -- COMMERCIAL 7 room, 2 storey home and 112' x 176' lot neor busy Thickson Rd. Live here and have your own service business in one of the finest locations between Oshawa and Whitby. Reasonable toxes, close = to other thriving businesses. Asking $35,000 with term SEABREEZE ROAD -- PICKERING Beach con be your next address if you ore looking for a reason- oble 3 bedroom home with lorge lot. Family size kitchen, «low taxes and heating costs. No need to pay more than $7900 for this winner, so act quickly NEED MORE ROOM FOR RELATIVES ? If so, we have 3 bedroom brick bungalow with extra basement apartment that can be utilized for many purposes, Many extras in this immaculate home with extra cupboard space, large 12 x 15 moster bedroom, L-shaped living and dining room, ottached gorage plus workshop building ot rear of 74 x 46' lot, Fruit trees here too with asking price of $21,500. COLLEGE AVE., OSHAWA -- $12,900. 14° storey frame. and stone construction on 40-x 175' lot. Clean decoration, many cupboards, valance boxes, aluminum ownings, and neat landscaping. Not crowded here either on trim corner lot with low toxes CLARE SHANK WHITBY 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Sale H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot Street 728-167 MILLER AVE. Close to Stevenson's Rd. N., 3 bedroom brick, storey and o half. Broadioom in living room ond dining. room, fin- ished rec, room. $15,900, WAVERLY ST. New tri-level with attached gorage, 3 bedrooms and den, 4 piece bathroom with vonity and 2 piece washroom, Lorge living room and dining room, family sized kitchen. 614% N.H.A. mortgage, priced ot $20,850. BRAEMOR. GARDENS RESALE Tri-level home, immaculate condition, atteched garage, 3 large bedrooms with den and finished rec. room. Many ex- tros include built-in stove and oven, intercom, radio speak- ers, humidifier, broadioom, built-in book shelves, patio, fenced yard. A home built for iad living, Price $25,- NORTH WEST Because of the mony etros, this 3 bedroom split 'evel should be inspected today. Lovely fireplace in the L- shaped living room and din- ing room, eating orea in the kitchen which has built-in stove and oven, dish washer, ond exhoust fan, 4 piece bathroom with vanity plus 6 smol| dressing room off mas- ter bedroom. 2 piece wash- room on lower level, Beauti- fully finished rec. room, walk out basement ond stone pa- tio. Well landscaped lot. Full price $24,900. Larry Cond Phyllis Jubb Loreen Kellett Syd Goodfellow Tunney Morison John Kitchen KEITA PETERS REALTY LTD., |103 KING STREET EAST 728-7328 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY 668-8558 723-3240 723-3770 723-7335 668-2624 723-3788 Beautiful 4 bedroom -- split IS IT YOUR TURN TO PROFIT ? years ago and living in it for a year or two and then finding they have to move. They were pleasantly surprised to find they had rea- lized a substantial profit in selling their home. Hun- dreds of people have listed their home with us and have been satisfied. If you decide to sell, may we help you to prosperity? and independence ? DIAL 668-8826 You have heard of your friends buying a home a few || level home with extra bath- room, built-in stove and oven, nicely decorated, _ indirect lighting, fireplace, attached gorage, large lot. ROCKLIFFE STREET $17,900, -- Spotless custom built 3 bedroom brick bungo- low with built-in' stove and oven, natural trim, bathroom with vanity and coloured fix- tures, nicely landscaped lot with shrubs and patio. GLENFOREST ST. $17,900. -- Another spotless 3 bedroom brick bungalow with many extras including built-in breakfast nook, CROCUS CRESCENT IN WHITBY is a delightful locotion for this 2 year old brick bungalow with carport. 3 bedrooms in all with spacious lot and divided bose- ment. Lovely exterior appearance and fine mahogany finish on woodwork, Need around $4,000 down with one mortgage to a full price of $16,900 OSHAWA -- 3 BEDROOM STUCCO, $12,500. 7 room with fireplace, extra 3 room apartment rents for $50 monthly and helps pay expenses. Low taxes and spacious 80 foot frontage x 192 foot lot make this a must to see, Calli now for appointment PICKERING -- 3 BEDROOM, $12,600. Economize here with low taxes and large lot on quiet street. Wife will be delighted with the large kitchen and fenced in yard for the children. Clean decoration and garage for the car too. Cash moy talk here THICKSON RD. S., FRAME, $13,500. With large lot and low taxes for a small family, Extras here in this economical home is stove, refrigerator and broadioom, Full dining room and 2 larae bedrooms in this 5 room bungolow. Need a good down payment here 28% ACRES BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so relaxing watching the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar filled bush. You will have several interesting locations to place your dream home on this choice property. Asking price $700 per acre. NO. 2 HIGHWAY WEST. WHITBY, $25,000. This friendly, older home, built of the fine clay brick has a cozy open fireplace, stained oak trim, modern spacious kitchen ond 3 large bedrooms. Living room and full dining room make this a desirable haven for a large family. You can't go far. wrong on investing on No. 2 Highway with 130 x 260 feet either, For further particulars and appointment to see call us today. KING ST. DESIRABLE WHITBY HOMES are being built for early occupancy. Extra fine workmanship in these 'brick and Stone bungalows near Schools, Churches and Shopping. Buy now and choose your own style and colors. Trees, fireplace, electric heat and other interesting features, From $19,000 to 21,600 EQUIPPED 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY, $18,900. A fine Whitby home thot shows loving core with neat stone fireplace, paved drive and not too much garden to look, after. Close in location in older part of town with many built-in features including stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Broadioom in living room and hal! plus drapes will save you some of the extra money after buying. Completely finished recreation room, finished laundry room, 1 Vabaths. A prestige home for those who don't like sub- divisions. Inspect ond make offer. McCULLOUGH DRIVE, WHIHBY 2 year old and 3 bedroom brick with attached garage in populer south west area with sharp decoration, mahogany trim, extra spacious kitchen, and larger than average bedrooms. Extra bed- room in high dry basement, other extras too. Make appoint- ment to see and make your offer about $5,000 down. BOARDING HOUSE WITH 12 ROOMS PLUS extra bachelor apt. rented for $50.00 monthly. Large 99' by 192' lot on busy Brock St., Whitby, has commercial possibilities. The -- to make money here and live well should sell this roperty. INVESTMENT No. 2 HIGHWAY, WHITBY 62 unit apartment house in Whitby. Just finished, full occupancy. Coan be sold in one or two sections. Need about $85,000 down. LUPIN DRIVE BEAUTY, $18,500. 3 bedroom brick with attached garage, 20' living room and extra 13' x. 16' bedroom in basement. Neat paved drive and many deluxe features with rustic lot, workshop and tastefully decorated throughout for. the particular buyer. One 642% mortgage here too with one payment to include taxes. AJAX EXECUTIVE 3 BEDROOM Split-level home in 65 feet fireplace lot with comparable homes surrounding. This better built brick has dining room and family room with natural stone fireplace. Features galore here with built-in oven and range, glass patio doors, 2 boths, built-in cup- boards, etc. Reasonable taxes here too and all this for $23,300 MORE HOMES LISTED ON PAGE 5 storms and screens, nicely landscaped. See this one to- night. ELMRIDGE ST. $17,900, --- Large modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath, aluminum storms and screens, fenced back yard with apple tree. Call 728-7328. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE OWNEK SAYS "TAKE OFFERS" Large 7 room brick 2 storey home. Now vacant. Located ot the corner of Drew and Eulalie Avenue. Asking $2,- 500. at $12,900, Try your offer. Call Jack Appleby now at 723-3398, INCOME $12,500. 7 room, 2 kitchens, 2-3 piece baths, separate meters, fenc- ed: yard and garage. Owner lives on main floor, upstairs rents for $75. Hurry, Priced for fast sale. Just ask for Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 723-3398. CHOICE LOCATION Very attractive 5 room brick bungalow. Features good size lot. Located on Elgin Street Eost neor Cadillac Avenue North. Asking only $16,700. with good terms. Ask for Jim Brady at 728-5123 or 728- 0483. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Member of O.D.R.E.B. AJAX SPARKLING NEW LARGE-LOVELY-LUXURIOUS $1,400 DOWN (lf you qualify) Armstrong Homes Phose No. 2 Now Started GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 942-3310 To Buy or Sell We Serve You Well GRIFFIN "Rest ~ SPLIT LEVEL Only 2 left. $18,400 full" price, Built-in oven & stove. - Full basement with walk-out. Fully decorated plus many other extras, For further in- formation & appointment te inspect coll Vinee Jarvis 723-8144. DON'T WORRY About the high prices of trading houses. Like tradi cors, it's the difference that. counts. What have you te. ---- on these eg 3 bed-- bungelows? Contact' Dick Pocock 2. 8144, $1,900 DOWN 8 yeors old. Detached brick: bungalow. On a large lot. Modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms: Gas heat, Patio. Close to all schools & shopping. Right in the heart of Pickering Vile David yp Pn lage. Call 723-8144, BOWMANVILLE 5 room brick low. 6% oeres of land. read, Suiteble for V.L.A. This won't lost, Taxes $206. Call Vere Krishko 723-8144, $1,600 DON'T RUN -- BUT You hed better hurry if you want to live in this beautiful 3 bedroom bungalow. Brand new | ! Completely decorated: Stormed & screened. Built. in range & fan, This is value we can never offer again. Call Ruby Mother 723-8144, LIVE 12 MILES From Oshawa General Motors' South plont. This 6 yeor old. home is waiting for @ new family, 3 bedrooms. L shaped living room etc. Call Shirley Moskal 723-8144. NEAR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Large 7 room family or in home. 4 bedrooms. come i Could be easily duplexed to- help carry your mortgage pay- ments. Call Thelma MeMullen 723-8144. CRAMPED ? For space? Brand new home with corport. This 2 stoery home with 4 extra lorge bed- rooms is tastefully decorated & feotures built-in stove &. oven. Only $3,555 down. Call now to inspect. -- Ge Valentine 723-8144, $12,900 --- CENTRAL: 2 blocks from Memorial Park, 7 room home, Twin sinks in kitchen. Gos heat, Private drive. Call Chorlie Rickson: 723-8144. | bathroom, Storms and screens, Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E FRESH AIR How would you like to move out o couple of miles where you can arene Levey oe room ranch style bunga with attached garage, ond. paved drive. Only $18,-° 900.00. OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH Attractive 1% storey home close to shopping, ete. Six rooms and garage, Listed at $13,400.00. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Two to choose from. Thriving... restouront business with house on busy Highway 115, or on parcel consisting of 6~ room house with barber and beau'y shop, Includes duplex. Hurry! $1500.00 DOWN ~ Compact 5 room ne alow in- quiet narth east. Only $12, 400.00. ' Several small pracels in good location, all ready to go. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Bob Johnston 725-9365 Kenn Hann 723-7963 Jack Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive & MLS LARGE SELECTION New Homes @ Trades Accepted @ Low, low down : payments @ N.H.A. financing @ Variety Oshawa locations PHONE 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker ty THREE - BEDROOM bungalow on 130 ft. x 63 ft. landscaped lot, carport, paved drive, TV tower, full tiled 4-pc. colored rnin recreation room, CMNC mortga per cent. Carries principal, Interest ana taxes $87 monthly. Full price $1 Phone Pickering 942-2423. DO HIGH HOME PAYMENTS upset the the family budget? Three - a low with basement spartan me tod the answer. Perry Real Estate, Tain. soore-neesiceeteei GO WEST YOUNG MAN, go w now that we have gone we have a ff room bungalow for sale. Immediate o Session. Perry Real |_ Estate, 72: 723-8123. COUNTRY LIVING. | Large 3 3-bedroom rancher lying sleepily among the ever- greens only 2 miles from Whitby. Ele@c- tric heat, double garage. Perry . Regi Estate, 723-8123, 2 20--Real Estate for. Sale (Continued on Page 20)"