|23--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments For Rent |26--Apartments for Rent |27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 36--Legal 6--Legal 22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 9, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sale 420--Real Estate for Sale > ©. ECHO HOMES LIVIA A \ II ony LL /V\FNAIN 98 To One Mortgage Buying & Selling CALL TONY ager SIBRV'S SIDD I REAL ESTATE Pg 728-7576 WE NEED LISTINGS Free Evaluation ond Consultation. No Obligation. Perry Real Estate 10 Bond St. E. _ Telephone | 723- 8123 BILL HORNER Can sell your home for cash. ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 Listings Wanted McDaniel A.A.C.1. ca wi uti REAL ESTATE LIMITED $23 -King. St. West 728-6286 LOW DOWN PAYMENT Asking only $10,500 with o low down payment for this 2 bedroom bungalow on oa 335 ft. deep lot. Immediote occupancy. Phone now for on appointment to mspect. NORTH WEST 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached garage, paved drive, recreation room, large lot and asking only $19,700. Close to schools, shopping ond transportation. INCOME PROPERTY Asking only $15,500 for this 3 apartment building located close to downtown. Call now for further information $2164 DOWN if you qualify N. BIRD Reol & 6% % N.H.A. Mortgages 793.0321 OPEN DAILY " oo Sun. thru' Thurs 20a--Summer Properties 2:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m For Sale or Rent HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in- PARK ROAD SOUTH AT side facilities, fishing, skiing and swim | PHILLIP MURRAY |ming. Telephone 725-2909 or write Maijac a Cottages, RR 3, Burks Falls. | WAREHOUSE TO RENT, 24' x 45', two floors, 2,000 square feet; loading dock, k [FIVE-ROOM coftage on Lake McKecknie light: manufacturing or storage. Available! for 'sale, Telephone or write 54 Windsor | APri! 15. Apply Mackie's Van and Stor Avenue, Alax, 942-6356 ba sci bd ci | = * WAREHOUSE FOR RENT: 9,000 sq. f., -- Ror gies seploygratle ca loading dock. Modern building, office and cer Wie Bax tT washroom. Reasonable. 728-9191 Times TWO-ROOM office available on King Street West. Loads of parking. $80. per month. Telephone Harold Segal at S. D Hyman Ltd., 728-6286. STORE FOR RENT -- Downtown Whitby Excellent location. Fur further informa-| tion. Apply at The Corner Store or tele- |phone 668-2022 25--Houses | for Rent $1X-ROOM brick, twostorey home, cen-| trally located. Telephone 723-7596 after 5 p.m FOUR-BEDROOM house, living room, small dining room, kitchen, full basement, large fruit cellar. Telephone 668-3278 ev. enings $ to 6 BAY RIDGES, detached, one ment, carport, 25 monthly on Monday, Large three bedroom detoch- ed homes. Bungalows, split levels and rancher's. Al homes include the following feotures: CLAY BRICK STONE FRONTS STORMS and SCREENS STOVE and OVEN FINISHED REC ROOM FLOOR TO CEILING FIREPLACE EXTRA 2-PC, WASHROOM MAHOGANY TRIM FURNITURE POLISHED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS MANY OTHER EXCITING FEATURES. For further information come to Model Homes just 2 blocks North of 401 on Wilson Rd. th e Patrick G. Realtor and Consultant 169 Simcoe N. 723-2861 Open Daily ' cas "weainde 24--Stores, Offices, Storage, STORE FOR RENT ON MAIN STREET 18', L state Approximately 68' x Heating Supplied WRITE BOX 20637 OSHAWA TIMES OPEN 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M. After Hours Call: 725-6243 723-3775 728-6750 723-2894 728-5513 723-3533 728-1903 723- 3533 3 3 ACRES of land, toned "residential with| @ 5 room: bungalow and large garage 31 X 70 suitable for large trucks and storage. Vendor will take back first mortgage at 7' per cent. Close to schoo! --north east of City. Call Frank Smith 726-6286 or 723-3533. $. D. Hyman Real) Estate Limited OWNER MOVING, able offer on six-r ho heating. Call Don Stradeski 723-4651 $12,500 NEW MODERN retirement home, brick and frame, two large bedroom four-piece bath, vanity. Attached ine ace, electric heat. Large treed lot, trout! Bream. Bus 'service, low taxes, open mortgage. Call Kinsmen Builder, 932-2102 Millbrook. Write RR 1 Fraserville WINNING combination, business and liv Ing facilities, prominent variety store, corner busy main street. Same owner for 20 years. Mr. Carmichael, H. Keith Ltd. 723-7463. INCOME HOME, | furnished Rent bi Oshawa Dick Barriage Jock Sheriff Glen MacKinnon Margoret Lee Les Holl Frank Smith Bob Stevenson Munro Smith mle-Farme for Sate FARMS and Small Acreages Buying Selling? Then place your confidence in a former farmer who knows the District and your problems Call ALLEN THOMPS Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 or accept reason me, hot water Real Estate, will 'semi base ences, 942-5787 three "bedroom, and half bath, fenced yard, re' Phone Pickering April 1) 26--Apartments for Rent PRINCESS ANNE | 3 Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators TOBACCO FARM, 255 acres good land frame house, al! conveniences, large barn. shed, 7 kilns, Could be converted. | cated 2 miles east of Burkéton reasonable, low down payment, Hampton 263-2666. 22--Lots for Sale TWO LOTS for sale, 40° x 100' commer cial, Main St., Ajax. Asking $14,000. No agents please. Ajax 942-0603 RAVINE LOT, 82'% x 265, Year round brook. Private 723-7815 BUILDING LOT in north of wit build to your plan and with N.H.A. fin ancing. Call Frank Smith at 728-6286 or 723-3533. S$. D. Hyman Real Estate Limi J Very terms spotless brick bunga- lov close to shopping, with two bed roor large fenced iot, half basement apartment. To inspect, Jean Parr at Don Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651 3 BEDROOM 112 story home, Rec-room, broadioom, hardwood and corlon floors, Excellent condition Large lot. Full price $15,900. Call Phyllis Judd 723-3240. H Millen Real Estate Lid PRIVATE -- beautifui, unusual brick 12- froom, two-storey, large livingroom, rec room, 4 bedrooms, 2 basements, attached Garage, $8,000 to $10,000 down payment 72B-$2 No agents please. ESTATE SALE -- Lovely five-room brick bungalow. Northwest section. Best cash offer. Accepted mortgage arranged. Many more homes to choose from W. McAuley Realtor, 74 Bond East. 723- 2512 or 668-6765 $15,400 FOR A 1,200 'sq. . ft. semi-attached two-storey buliding at Ly north end. Also one split level, 1,685 sq. ff., near Central Park Bivd. and 'Adelaide Call 728-8378 SPLIT L, seven years old, Henry Street, Whitby. Full price $15,000. Down payment $5,000. Private sale. Apply 204 Drew Street. FOUR-SUITE apartment building, Close to Oshawa business section. Hot water heated, fully rented. Possible income $4200. monthly. For appointment to see call 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. PARADISE LIVING in Port Perry. Real value in this 12 storey home that has been modernized inside and out. Family size modern kitchen with ample cup boards and double stainiess steel sink Large diningroom for that suite yeu have always wanted and never had space for. Forced air oil heat (practical new), detached garage. For further contact Jack Graham at Guide Ltd., 723-5281 ENJOY THE VIEW from balcony of this walkout Ask Rea Brooklin Telephone n City. Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities BUILDING LOT, close to Oshawa Carpeted sun deck 218' with 20 ff. well on property Les. Hall for full information. § Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6284 or 728-5513, NORTH WEST AREA. Be satisfied, bi to your own plans in this choice area Only one jot left. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 THREE ACRES, minutes from Oshawa Suit VLA builder? Close to school, paved road. Don Stradeski Realtor 3-465) 23--Real Estate Wanted 70' by Cott Bus ston at door Contro Plenty Laundry Plastic lined kitchen cupboards ed entronce parking room each of Free Model Suite Open 2-9 P.M SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 nydaro 1221 BUNGALOW WANTED We have just sold our clients' home for cash. They now bedroom bur pay a top re- nga rea> quire three 1-2 and 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS best Elevator serv Please phone Ralp CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 or 728-3376 h Schofield wa's apt ice, in fireplace, double garage Call Don Stradeski 4651 Available children under apt rains 9 Ist. No PRIVATE Es New heated 12. Shown by only Perry finished rec Reasonably Telephone 985-7088. CLOSE TO HOSPITAL -- five-bedroom S 723-528] home listed at $15,700, livingroom, din Ingroom and large kitchen. Try your offer on this one! Priced for quick sale. Telephone Hall at SD. Hyman. Ltd WE-BOTHE- EN S ONE AND TWO-bedroom apartments, P8186 OF 728-5513. < S frigerator, stove, drapes, FM mu con COUNTRY HOME and one acre of land, LISt WITH ¢ trolled entrances, intercom, balcony, laun about four miles east of Oshawa, con 4 ' dry on each floor. Apply 349 Marland °@ of three bedrooms and detached DON 725-2027. garage. Asking $8,500. Must sell! Low'S RADESKI down payment. For particulars call 728 Reoltor 5103. W. O. Martin Realtor : INVESTMENT PROPERTY, consisting of cot frontage on Simcoe South. Good six-room frame building suitable for two apartments, also large brick dwelling, suitable for three apartments and store. Zoned commercial. Asking $4,800. Owner apelin te open, to offers, anxicus to sell. Suitable: S sadist for almost any business. For particulars SIMCOE NORTH close fo four corners call 725-2753, Elmer @redin or 728-5103 ee m apartment also bachelor W. 0. Martin Reaito a frig and tov hree piece BUILDER'S BUY. Whitby, 6-room frame. oe Sige See 5 with four extra lots, R-3 zoned. Perry std Rea! Estate, 723-8123. two and three-bedroom apartments ities ROOMING HOUSE in good condition. in- SOKA CIDA cenit ee come $4,472 per year for the right couple ap AA Le el old nt wy ng pool. Call 725-8645 after 4 No agents! Telepho: 261 of 723-6255, ASKING $10,500, for this aitractive 2 bed Preah ERE On oa room bungalow, close to transportation tnadlete: paeanasion ' and school and with immediate occupan . ae cy. Try your down payment on this one GIBB STREET, $104 Hurry! this will not last long. Call Frank ment, in modern Smith at 728-6286 or 723-3533. $. D. Hyman and range kitchen. Living room, din Real Estate Limited ette, drapes, balcony, near Oshawa Shop PRIVATE -- Threé-bedroom, two-storey [er ng Centre: Aduits, Available April family home, iarge lot, double garage ay 1. 723-2570 and close fo French school. Telephone Real Estate Ltd. 723-4866. | Pt : - - --_| pacts, 405 mncniniy, As $15,300 TRIPLEX -- Fully rented with| 723-8144 welcome, $95 monthly, Available immed good monthly income. Centrally located y a < electrically three \arge bed room, close to " ~ Priced $16,900. | > . 2.3 roy GUIDE REALTY LIMITED at 2335 1F YOU SELL BEFORE CALLING US oaitir able Two- room perso E re. fler hours r S S > TWO and three-bedroom apartments, in- controlled entrance, FM music, fenced Telepl ' ie ' 822 Glen Street! conta 723-4651 ett No TWO private Avail e > hil Ad -- one-bedroom apartment S four corners, $85. monthly 63 King W Two- absta North 728 FAIR Cte ee ee Sell-ective and Sell Your Home thru level apartment house | Adult Parking. !m- Telephone 28-8733. one-bedroom apart building large free rear, th General Motors Two sion with three separate bathrooms, meters, : SM SAGUENAY Apartment, two bedrooms, and private entrances. A very good buy. Ks fsigtge and stove included, paved parking,| apply Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. $. D. | close to downtown si Hyman Realtor Telephone 725-1713 NEED FIVE-YEAR-OLD three - bedroom brick |TWO - BEDROOM apartments. _ | monthly | Adults YOUR HOME ! ! ment ~$120| only. bungalow, prime location, loaded with Fridge and stove extras. Stan McCormack 655-3066. Keith only, Call 728-9217 for Peters Realty Lid PORT PERRY -- Centrally located three- bedroom house with extra building tot Oak floor, tiled kitchen floor, 3.- piece bath, excellent oi! furnace. 985-2537 OWNER TRANSFERRED to Alberta,| leaving seven - rogm. two storey | brick -horne with double detached garage! and workshop, Close to hospital; and a cottage at Port View beach, Lake -Scu-| gog. For fuil particulars: call Lioyd Cor son; Guide yaad Ltd., 16 Simeoe Street! South. 723-5281 appoint THREE-ROOM apartment, abstainers. Ap-| refrig ply 305 Trent Street, Whitby. CALL d cupboards in 725-6964 apartment Telbcnene for re 1N SMALL apartment 728-1066 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. |arapes, brosdicom ar Wilson-Crerar $95 building, hed ki ate area monthly. After one-bed son, | furn tchen veway 4 telephone for c Motor B18) LAKE VISTA COLLEGE HILI Geruine cash 3° bedroom bungalow with extra room & both hose ment within: walking distance shopping also transportation of South: Plant. Kindly call | THREE-ROOM apariment Vat sa room, private" entrance Valentine 23-8144 available naw é o§ FIVE-ROOM apartment three-bedroom self-contained Taunton Road East. Tele 539 between 9.and 12 a.m. vate friger For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 buyer requires core TWO six-room duplex, newly decorated, King and Street East, Oshawa, Near schools! ONE in private bath inturnished, | Real Good GIBB Tele. | stove Geor seorge Suit Working couple GRIFFIN REAL fan ESTATE LTD. to bus line apartment weicome mmediate Telephone pos [session, child 725- 16778. room suites FM music' @ trolled @ Mail your door @ 2 elevators @ Large balconies. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Luxury lorge room aportments, LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS THREE-ROOM apartment -- THREE-ROOM playground, FOUR-ROOM apartment with stove, Phone trance. Annes nished apartment, MODERN Refrigerator | garage, 15| Phone preferred washer and dryer. hopping. Adults only. pACHELOR APARTMENT, nished, lentrances cated, entrance, | THREE Available! apartment, THREE ROOM basement apartment RR 3 Bowmanville. Apply Liovd's Store,|COUP!® only. Telephone. hot and cold water, hydro, Balcony Available May | ONE- BEDROOM apartment, ' Avaliable May 1. SHELDIAN MANSIONS mmediate Occupancy Special terms for first appli- ints --- Rent now and you ll save. Located ----- 5 min- e walk from South Gen- eral. Motors. One, two and three bed- includes every- Swimming Pool @ Intercom con- delivered to ing @ Rental Representative on duty Daily 1-9 p.m. at opartment 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-826] Mornings and after hours 723-6255 ARLINGTON TERRACE MODEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 or 3 bed- $115 up. Extra 4 pce. baths in all 3 bedroom apts Intercom controlled Two Elevators Draperies included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laundry rooms on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walking Distance of schools and shopping Rentol Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 Now Renting bedroom suites from $120 bedroom suits from $135 ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT GIVES YOU ALL OF THE FOLLOWING .. FREE Domestic hydro Hot and cold water Swimming pool Electric Heat Sauna bath Parking Appliances Closed circuit T.V. ALSO ant foyer 2 elevators Individual patio end balconies NOWHERE ELSE IN OSHAWA DO YOU GET SO MUCH FOR Shown by appointment only SO LITTLE METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-4678 FOR RENT APTS ROOMS ROOM and BOARD Phone 728-1070 LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 BRUCE ST. with private retrigerator, Avail 723-2842 'oom, sieve and May 1. Telephone 7 ROOM furnished apartment, bed. and kitchen, suitable for one or two ns. Apply 320 Frontenac Avenue "apartment, unfurnished hone 725-6706. self $100 monthly. Available May 725-1354 BEDROOM apartment Available April 8 Street, Whitby ROOM hed iner or ng General ined, Private en Apply 119 apartment, For couple, Close Telephone work Motors 728 BANKS STREET Two-room fur washing facilities, util Supplied. Suitable for couple, no en, $18 weekly. Call 725-3932 apartment, tower 75 monthly Telephone four-room Reasonable _ rent, 's, please, Available now 723-7827, LOWER DUPLEX APARTMENT, five rooms, rec. room, large adjoining fridge, stove, draperies, heated hydro, private entrances, front and TV antenna. Available May 1 723-7202 for appointment. Adults Blake bedroom furnished apartment, close| THREE - ROOM apartment for rent One small child) Apply 592 Drew Street for information -° BEDROOM apartment, posses May 1. Refrigerator, stove, drapes, For more information 410 King Street East fully fur gentleman 723 separate entrance, North Oshaws, close to bus. Included. | 8635 between 3 and 6.30 p.m. |CAVALIER APARTMENTS |1-2 bedrooms, electric heat, HI-Fi, stove, erator, drapes, intercom, controlied Immediate occupancy. App two + room upstairs completely private, centrally in private home. Suit single per ady preferred. 725-7972 after 6 p.m ROOM furnished private bathroom. couple. Close to South $. Available now. Telephone flat, nt basement Suitable General Pri and re Working three ator peice bath. Stove Available April 725-7940, BEDROOM with stove, refrigerator, electric heat and} for only $110 per month. Sibby's Estate Ltd), 728-7576 STREET one-bedroom apartment refrigerator and dryer vdry each $103 monthly with baloony Telephone 728-2870. 5 LARGE spacious Bill Johnston ONE-BEDROOM apariment with stove, fri| 4? Marland, Apt. 111. Telephone 728-4283. 7) os building. FURNISHED | | WILSON |}North General M king space. Shift workers welcome, Tele-| der standard, radio, whit wails, A-1 con- 28.820) | Cars Bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 723-6322 -- 723-8311 On the spot financing ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Avaliable in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Grenfell Square | o> page Ro. N. IM Apapr | 728-867 | IN CEN- |eURWISHED BEDROOM, NOW AVAILABLE MENT LIVING TRAL OSHAWA. cantral,| ('a MERCURY |) big A four = ns Seer sedan. Ermine white with contrastin, gentiemen shift workers welcome. APPIY | biue interior, big car .comfort with sie] 73 Gladstone 'or telephone 723-9615. cylinder economy and automatic trans-| | CLEAN "furnished room with use of kit- jmission and radio. Licence H95420, Sea-| ,chen. Suitable for lady. Call 728-5606 or|way Motors (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas | tapply.425 Park. Road. South. |StreetEast..Whithy 468-8803 [FURNISHED housekeeping room, retrig-| |1958 CHEV, station wagon, good run- jerator and stove, central. Apply 204 DreW/ning condition, Si caphoeally clean, cash One Reserved [sires Sov le eee 28---Room and Board For Adults Only 63 GALAXIE 500 convertibie, » power ROOM or room and board for gentiemen| extras. Starting at $125 and up Two. Buildings | Steering, power brakes, power. windows, A-1 condition. Newtonville 786- jin Christian home. Abstainers. Telephone! 2402. 1725-7755 ray i CRACPANEN TENET | | = ly SED cAR PARTS, spindies fo make! |SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 trallers, also used tires, 509 Bloor Street jDivision ree eat, alter 4) 1292, | ACCOMMODATION for young lady with ¢s CHEVELLE two-door hardtop, wh 2 ond 3 bed |two others. Near bus stop and hospital |red interior, six cylinder, automatic, tint- . "| Telephone 728-1475. SS _.|ed windshield, washers, padded dash, |ROOM AND BOARD for 'gentlemen. | |radio and back-up lights, best ofer. 728- |Good home cooked meals, close to North 8669. |General Motors and. Fittings. Apply 148 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door se-| Ritson Road South. |dan, 6 cylinder automatic, radio, A-] con- |NEWLY DECORATED double room, two|dition. Phone 655-4947. jgentiemen to snare, breakfast and lunch-| 41 OLDSMOBILE Super 68, four - door French Provincial kitchens |es packed, parking. Close to South GM| hardtop, automatic, power brakes, power Double sinks and Shopping Centre. 8! Park Road) steering, good condition. Can be seen at 30 inch range, fully eed |309 LaSalle Avenue, 725-7145. honiatic | ROOM AND BOARD, one gentieman to\'62 MERCURY d-door sedan. ermi pig = share room. Lunches packed, 5-day week.| white with contrasting red trim. td Extra large Fridge with Telephone 728-9310, }family car with 6 cylinder and. radio, | Freezer |ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen| Brand new tires. Licence H95420. Seaway) ' \willing to share. Single beds. Telephone gptors (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas Street] Linen Drapes | Wall iesets Gk baodk 123-8792 East, Whitby. 668-5893 | aik-in closets in earooms - Extra Two Piece bath ||| ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, cen ef RAMBLER, 4-door sedan, gas saving) xtra tw ece ina ltrally located in Whitby. 668-5242 » convenient automatic, radio. Finished| 3 bedroom suites in sea mist green with contrasting In Au antec dail GENTLEMEN preferred board and room|terior. Licence J8795. Seaway Motors | 1 SN ies AGuIPp eG: Wi |to share, home privileges, parking space,| (1945) Ltd., 1120 Dundas Street East,| Large Balconies King and Wilson district. Phone 723-0648.| Whitby, 668-589 | Sauna Steam Room and GENTLEMAN willing to share, double/1963 FAIRLANE §00 Ford fabulous com. Health Club rooms. single beds, laundry, lunches pact two-door sedan in. original raven Swimming Pool packed, five or seven-day week. Close ibiack with blue interior. Extra chrome Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking to South General Motors. Call 723-6690.|wheel discs whitewall. tires. Equipped }ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman near|With V8 dual range, automatic transmis North GM and downtown. Apply 147 Brock) Sion, radio and seat belts. Lady driven Street East, or telephone 725-2938 since new. Full price $1395. Private Exclusive Agent _-|No dealers please. 942-0912 hedge alongs feist Nveday week,|64 BUICK Skylark, two-door hardtop, Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited Blair Park Plaza area. Phone 668-6616.|Deige with tan interior, automatic trans- APARTMENTS m ROOM AND BOARD for lady willing to. cellent condition Telephone 728-3602. share, single beds, Phone 723-3660 | Carefully. plonned two bedroom |29--Wanted To Rent __ suites TWO OR THREE-BEDROOM apartment| AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY cr home. Clean. Must have possession| Featuring the utmost in mod June 1. Two small children. Reasonable | Telephone 723-3474, ask for Mr ern living at moderate rental rotes. @ Bus Service at Door e FEATURES 1, room suites. Free Hydro Oshawo's largest suites eee2 e@ © @8280 @ @80°9808 nceaga me for Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. | Volkswagen Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. 723-3461 Opening Evenings FOUR-BEDROOM, quired in Oshawa 725-3482 30--Automobiles for Sale KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwoys top quolity MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars Trode up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1957 PLYMOUTH, 6 sedan, good running 668-4869 |1964 OLOSMOBILE power steer power Excellent condition 1962 RAMBLER Classic, dard, body and tires perfect shape Telphone 723-0554 USED CAR PARTS, trailers, also used tires, East, after 4, 723-2281 1965 CORVAIR CORSA upercharger, wire-wheels warranty, as new, two-storey house re or area. Telephone ZOLTAN AND NICK' .: Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 MORRIS Minor series 1000, conver- tible, low mileage, ideal second car, best offer, Telephone 728-9922. | '@ VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, new muffier.| ignition and tires, good condition. Apply | 1239 Meadowvale Street 196) FALCON four-door standard, radio, good condition. Best offer. Phone 725-6706. | 1965. CHEVELLE sedan, six cylinder, au-| tomatic, 2700 miles, under warranty,| $2,100. Telephone 723-7436 1963 MORRIS Oxford, radio. condition. Telephone 728-4488 1960 CORVAIR, 700 tires, fully equipped, Best offer over $500 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, dition. 120 Bell Drive, Whitby 1959 VAUXHALL, very good "condition $125. Telephone 723-0362. | '63 CHEVY II, convertible, Super Sport, automatic, radio, 10,000 miles on motor $1,545, Whitby, 668-6496 one ond apartment 1961 Within walking distance of Shopping y k ws ~j Electrically Heated PRE FOS, Excellent Whitby cylinder, Completely Soundproof Condition, 7 coupe, radio, new excellent condition. Telephone 728-0558 white, in good con: Cc olled Controlled Entronces Super 88, brakes, Telephone hardtop radio etc 725-8465 Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Broadloomed Corridors FM Music throughout 6 cylinder stan Delivery to each suite $1000 spindles to make 509 Bloor Street Plus many more modern features LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON. ROAD To inspect 5282 or 728-1582 180 engine with wood steering reason SERVICE as you Mke It, wnen you need 1 Check the up-to-the-minute Business Ser-| vice Directory daily in the Classified! Section 1961 MORRIS OXFORD sedan, manual and tools. Black with red leather interior. Excelient condition, one owner. $499 Greenwood 942-6728 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, new valve lob, new muffler, $950. Phone 728-4051 or 728-2316 after 6 p.m 1960 FORD FALCON, standard 6, four door, black with green trim, radio, white-| walls. Top shape, Private sale, Telephone 23-5000. 32--Trucks for Sale | 1952 DODGE ton pick - cellent) P, motor body and fires. Radio and sunviser etc. Call mornings o} 87. 1955 CHEVROLET '2 E mechanical condition. No down payment Terms to sult. Licence '9037B. Gus Brown Motors Ltd 725-6568 1964 CHEVROLET halt-ton pick-up, A-1} condition. Telephone 263-2203 i5--Avtomahiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Tolk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'Save' | RS 1965 PONTIAC Mileage 3,000. equipped, V-8 1964 PONTIAC Stratochief sedan, auto- matic 6, power steering, undercoated 9,000 miles, excellent condition. Telephone 723-9150. ATHOL STREET EAST single room for gentieman LIENS PAID OFF Choose from over ments! Gus Brown $250 FULL PRICE, lent running conditlor phone 723-2779 1953 FORD Parisienne convertible. New condition, power Telephone 723-6484 call 35 72 TWO-BEDROOM wxury wall-to-wall carpet, ceramic kitchen, sun deck and carport. East end. No children $135 per month. Call 725-4423 after 6 p.m ONE two and three-bedroom apartments available, refrigerator, stove, FM music, controlled entrances, swimming pool Telephone 723-8261 or 723-625 ONE and two-bedroom apartments, avail able. Refrigerator, stove, FM music. Con. trolled éntrance, swimming pool. Tele phone 723-2347 LARGE MODERN apartment near school APPIY, 139 and shopping. Reasonable rental. Tele. °°\0% phone 942-0130 1965 FORD XL convertible, 8 automatic GROUND FLOOR -- three-room untur- [20l0 Power equipped. Forced sale ed apartment, heat, light and water, ade. Telephone 725-4920. for middle-aged or business couple. Pos. 1958 CHEVROLET session immediately. Close to North plant. excellent conditior Telephone 728-8823 Telephone 728-956 TWO-BEDROOM -- apartment for quiet| 1957 PONTIAC COACH radio, back-up family with no. small children. Call after lights, oi! filter, one owner. $395. Apply Six or before three, 728-8519 13 Elgin Street East or telephone 725-1497 ONE-BEDROOM '61 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, refrigerator, and drapes. sedan, power steering, power brakes entrance. Adults preferred radio, new paint, fawn. One owner, Ex May 15. $115 monthly. Apply cellent condition, No reasonable offer re Road South fused. 623-2401 THREE-BEDROOM, town house, Osh-|'62 CHEVROLET Bel-Air four-door sedan, awa. Available immediately. $130 month-/eight cylinder, automatic transmission, y, stove, dryer - included, | push button radio, white wall tires, wind Telephone shield 3 excellent condition, Tele phone 1959 CHEVROLET hardtop, very condition, Must be sold this week phone 728-206) i¥6S LAURENTIAN automatic, extras galore, offer. flat, fireplace 323, furnished We trade up, down. 60 cars. No downpay Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1946 Mercury, excel After 5 p.m. tele V8 floor shift, dual exhaust Wilson Road North after 5 standard 6 cylinder throughout. Best offer apartment in triplex Private Available 196 Steven: automatic son TED CAMPIN MOTO 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want! cars for wrecking. Highest prices pald | | refrigerator, 725-0637. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM: apartments, all modern conveniences, swimming pool and elevator. Available now, in Whitby. Telephone 668-6936 VICTORIA MANOP.-- bedroom apartment, hi hydro and water included. $125 monthly, Available May Whitby. 668-8746, TWO AND three-bedroom apartments, electric heat, built-ins, carpeting, immed- late possession. Close to Genral Motors. south plant. After 5 telephor® 723-5645 good Tele 200 Wentworth East, 725- WANTED Cars for wreck charge for towing. Telephone Robert Nichols | SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| bought, parts for sale. tron and metals| bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale.| 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. a 4door sedan, V-8, _ No} $1,625 or best frodern, -iwo- Phone 725-1998. 1964 RAMBLER automatic, Classic, four door sedan, radic Excellent condition. Sacrifice. Phone 985-7973, Port Perry AMPHICAR, 1965, The Car That Swims, 1,200 miles, like new, still under warran. ty. $1,800. Carl Neupert, Warkworth, Ont Phone 133. 1961 CHEVROLET Impaia four door hard top 348 cu. in., 3 x 2 bbl carbs, power glide, power steering and brakes, radio new snow tires, 50,000 miles, very clea 207 Marquette Ave. Phorie 728-1133 1963 CHEVROLET, Bei Air, four 283, V8 engine, automatic, steering, radio, excellent condition phone 728-859 1965 ahaha ton 263-2 '56 FORD 272 or complete car plates). Telephone '62 OLDSMOBILE, two power brakes. Telephone 1956 PONTIAC Four-door good motor and tires, $100. 6340. 62 CHEV. convertible, fully power equip ped, 8 cylinder automatic, radio, finished n Caspian blue with matching blue viny) trim, real sharpy, with ermine white top Licence H95876. Seaway Motors (1965) td., 1120 Dundas Street East, Whitby, 668-5893 '64 PONTIAC Parisienne, top, tully and steering, smartly finished 27--Rooms for Rent ADELAIDE STREET EAST clean, furnished room, light central, all conveniences suitable for quiet older Telephone 798-6844. furnished bedroom, single of refrigerator, central, Street or phone /28-3908 34--Automobile e Repa r FRED STONE OOKLIN PHONE 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Cronkshaft and Valve Service HILLCREST Transmission Centre Automatic transmission. Spe- cialists. 1 mile east of Town- line on No. 2 Highway. Gen- eral large, housekeep Available gentleman clean or double, use opply 25 Quebec ONE ROOM, fur d, men. Cooking facilities. Visit 8.30 a.m.- 3.30 p.m. for further information, 859 Jundas Street West, Whitby, 668-6365. PRIVATE sale, six-room brick bungalow, attached garage, two bathrooms, large recreation room, paved drive, close to shopping. Reasonable. Apply 423 Glen dale Avenue FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman, trally located. Apply 323 Athol St 725-0526. ROOMS for rent, Hotel, 67 Simcoe door power Tele suitable for two a-ton pick-up, Phone Hamp "V-A engine $100. cash rebuilt running 728-9267 $60 no door hardtop 723-492 six, standard cen Telephone 723 East, weekly Street rates. North FURNISHED housekeeping room tlemen willing to share. Phone p.m, 668-6247. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms for gen tleman. Apply 200 King Street West Phone 723-5804 FURNISHED frem South preferred Queeg's for gen after 5 i repairs 723-8651 (Formerly Walton's Super- Test) OSHAWA _ SPRING SERVICE 361 Bloor E. 723-082 and installatons makes two-door hard-| equipped with power brakes 8-cylinder, automatic, in nocturne mist with matching interior. Licence H95876. Sea way Motors (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas! Street East, Whitby. 668-5893 | 1958 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, standard| transmission, very good mechanicaily.| Needs minor body work. $275. Telephone 725-5555. '59 CHEVROLET, transmission, 4-door room, ™ General 723-2408 LARGE clean bed sitting room and kit chen, completely furnished, Telephone 668-8582 | NEAR HOSPITAL ed room for quiet vate home. TV 024, TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms bedroom and kitchen. Suitable for couple or two girls. Apply 253 Athol Street East CLOSE TO North Gene r lady or gentleman. nue. 725-34 ONE SINGLE ROOM, 3, gentioman 290 Albert Street FURNISHED BEDROOM, parking space Apply 574 Crerar Avenue. SOUTH -- Furnished single room in private home. Lady preferred. Close to bus, Telephone 725-8845 LARGE furnished bedroom, suitable for petd Lt two ladies or couple, kitchen privileges, | 2267 parking,. Telephone 725-9824 or apply 2981963 CHEVRY TWO excellent condition inasdate Avene MANat Ral MGT ete oar tale SINGLE FURNISHED room, close Lalbales oters and 'hospital 1960 CHEVROLET Bel-Air coach six cylin walking Motors distance Gentleman Somfortably furnish business gentieman breakfast optiona ae . of cylinder, standard sedan, new paint $450 or best cash Telephone offer 'S99 CHEVROLET box lovely conditior Cash, trade o terms at Whitby, 1965 PLYMOUTH {four-door tomat All accessories, Whitby 668-2796 1962 FORD. A. biack beauty. seen, $395 down, For a good deal on |Fords cali Lou 668-8606 62 LAURENTIAN, standard 6, four-door two-tone, In excellent shape, very "clean with new tires, radio etc. Whitby 668 haif-ton pick-up, long Licence 1606 Nicols Motor DOC'S. AUTO SPEED & CUSTOM ng auto ports, «| iced by licensed mech- | | al Motors. Single 46 Kenneth Ave 24h Serv ur tow va mi block 9,000 lights housekeep only. $10 week Apply ion } nic. Open 7 days till 10 p.m 1600 King St. E,, 728-7781 formerly Oshawa Towing) Must be 6 USED AUTO PARTS, anything. Chaskavich Auto Wreckers, six east of. Oshawa on Hwy, 2, corner Solina Road TRANSMISS 1ON Apply miles | of specialists, business to 27 bs Par transmis 160) i VOLKSWAGEN motors and sions for sale. Zolton and Nick's, Dhane 723-0098 ditian Talanhane 7 'Slenaee Seuth 728.0081 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa.at.ite meating to. be held on Monday the 2nd doy of Moy, 1966 at : ot the Council City Hall, Osh- awa intends to pass a by-law to close up: All and Singular those certain parcels. and tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Oshawa in the County and Province of On- tario and being composed of oll of that part of the lone lying between Lots 65 and 80,. lots 66 and 79, and lots 67 and 78 as shown on Plan 40.B. lying between the south limit of Midtown Drive as opened by by-law number 4446 ond registered as in- strument number 141179 and the north limit of Bagot Street ond a further part of the said lane lying between the south limit of Bagot Street ond the North Limit of that port of the said lane closed by by-law number 3167 ond registered as in- strument number 83667, the said last mentioned limit be- ing a line drawn through a point in the east limit of said lot 67, fifty feet north of the south-east angle of said lot 67 ond parallel to. the pro- duction of the southerly limit of said lot and that port of Bagot Street bounded on the eost and west by the produc- tion of. the eost and west limits of the said lane which porcel_may be more particu- larly described as follows: 1, PART OF SAID LANE: COMMENCING at a point in the east limit of Lot 65 where it is intersected by the south limit of Midtown Drive THENCE eost 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the south liimt of Midtown Drive to its intersection with the east limit of soid lane; THENCE South along the east limit of said lone to the south-west angle of Lot 79 (being also a point in the north limit of Bagot Street); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the westerly. production of the south limit of Lot 79 (being along the north limit of Bagot Street) to a point therein be- ing the south east angle of Lot 66; THENCE north along the east limits of Lots 66 and 65 (being along the west limit of said lane) to the point of commencement 2. BEING ALL OF THAT PART OF BAGOT STREET DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING at the south- east angle of Lot 66 being © point in the north limit of Bagot Street; THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly production of the south limit of Lot 66 (being along the north limit of Bagot Street) to the southwest angle of Lot 79; THENCE south 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the southerly production of the west limit of Lot 79 to 4 point in the south limit of Bagot Street (being the northwest angle of Lot 78); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the westerly production of the north limit of Lot 78 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northeast angle of Lot 67; THENCE morth 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the northerly production of the east limit of Lot 67 to the point of commencement 3. PART OF THE SAID LANE COMMENCING at the south- east angle of said Lot 67; THENCE north 50 feet along th east limit of Lot 67 toa point in the east limit (being also in the west limit of soid lane, said point being the northwest angle of thot por- tion of said lane described os Pacrel 2 in instrument 83899 Oshawa) said point being the point of beginning; THENCE north along the west limit of Lot 67 (being along the west limit of said lane) to a point in the south limit of Bagot Street (said point being also the northeast angle of Lot 67); THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly production of the north limit of Lot 67 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the northwest angle of Lot 78; THENCE south along the west limit of Lot 78 (being the east limit of said lane) to a point distant northerly there- in 50 feet from the south- west angle of said Lot 78 (said point being the north- east angle of that portion of said lane described as Parcel 2 in instrument 83899 Osh- owa); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less and par- allel to the south limit of Lot 78 (being along the north limit of that part of said lane described as Parcel 2 in in- strument 83899 Oshawa) to the point of beginning A plan-showing the parts of the lane and that part of Bagot Street to be closed is on file and may be examined ot the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario AND .TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE that at the said meeting | the Council shall hear in per- | son or by his counsel, solicitor or agent ony person who | claims that his land will be | | prejudicially affected by the by-low and who applies to be heard DATED. AT OSHAWA' this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1966 L. R. Barrand, Esq., City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA. Ontorie. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS McGRATH, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ON- TARIO CLERK, DE- arene CEASED. NOTICE TO CRED! Mpc my VYRY NINLUL/I ALL persons having' claims against the Estate ot THOMAS DESMOND McGRATH, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 19th day of February, A.D. 1966, are hereby notified to send full particulars to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, A.D, 1966, after which date the Estate will bt distri- © buted with regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have had notice. DATED ot Oshawa this 29th doy of March, A.D, 1966 JESSIE McGRATH, Executrix, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, o0., 14% King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PETER FULLER All persons having claims against the Estate of PETER FULLER, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of On- tario, Press Operator, De- ceased, who died on the 10th day of March, 1966, must file their claims with the un- dersigned before the 25th day of April, 1966, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having re- gord only to the claims so filed DATED this March, 1966. HYMAN & HYMAN, 86 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. 31st. doy of ~ LEGAL NOTICE Would anyone knowing the whereabouts of VIOLET BAINBRIDGE HARRIS, kind- ly contact PATRICK G. Mc- DONALD, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, at 411 Anglo American Building, 330 Ninth Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta. |1, Arthur Moore Sr.» of 23 William Street East, Oshawa, will not be responsible gor any debts contracted in my name by anys one, on or after this date, without my written consent. A. April 6, 1966, ©. Moore 38--Coming Events MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Forewell FREE -- ADMISSION FREE -- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL--$220 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontol line, jlar Jackpot $100 6 Nos. $20 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Tickets Available at The Door Extra Bus Service No Children Please. WOODVIEW a BINGO MON., APRIL 11 Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize. $250 Jackpot Nos. 52 and 54 $50 Consolatio Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or less $50. Consolation $150. Jackpot $20 a line $50 full card 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less $100.00 Door Prize Early Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children under 16 not admitted 'COLUMBUS CLUB BINGO At Columbus Hall 133 Brock St: \N., Whitby TUES., MARCH 29th 8.p.m. Sharp Admission 50¢ per person No Children Please