THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 9, 1966 19 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER ite record-holder fn Masters' FO 'THE FIRST TIME SINCE CHRISTY'S DISAPPEARANCE, BUZ REALLY KISSES A GIRL, TO HIS SURPRISE, HE ENJOYS IT. es wAsie PUT KETCHUP ON IT AND EAT IT NOW ALL I HAVE TO DO 1S PUT IT IN "THE OVEN AND FIRE IT I CAN'T GO INTO DETAILS, BUZ GOOD FOOD, But YOURE 40 eeroRT BACK TO CANDLE a" WASHINGTON WITHOUT DELAY, WINE... i < CERAMIC CLASS ' 5 Z MEDICINE YOU AT SCHOOL : ~ é NEED, BUZ, BETTER? 'M MAKING A CLAY DISH: | MY Championship Piey) North dealer Both sides vulnerable. NORTH SGPUEN COMES A PHONE. CALL SOM e108 THE DES 64 THE DESK IN WASHINGTON. So iosss $3874 q JOU WILL RELEASE THE DOLPHIN, AND 5 : ass arr 9 WE GO !! ay A 84 @Aacs 9732 @KIS NOT AWAKEN UNTIL AFTER DINNER ~- YO'-CHLCKLE!- CAINT PUT ME ) RECORD &*y UNDER HYPNOSIS //-ITONLY <2 SECONDS! WORKS ON FEEBLE MINDS? Rares Te WHAT PO -- ly OH,COME Now=z \ MY MEAGER INCOME SATISFIES HAVE TO MY NEEDS~ALTHOUGH IT IS SLOWLY INCREASING-- BUT NOT ENOUGH TO ASK ANY WOMAN TO SHARE -- AND I AM NOT" o73 Qos oneeess @KI97T2 eAl0s8 @AKOCS -- The orth South Pass j Pass $ : 46 ¢ + pe lead--three of heart, pied ty Gone' ore oe pra rer or a de- fender, plays a key part in the outcome of many hands. For example, take this hand where South got to five dia- monds after his partner had passed him out at one spade. West led a heart, East play- ing the jack and South the ace. Declarer saw that he had to lose a heart and that the fate of the hand therefore rested on whether he lost one spade trick or two. He had 'no way of know- ing at this early stage whether East had the queen of spades and West the ace, or whether East had the ace of spades and West the queen, After cashing the ace of dia- monds at trick two, declarer led the ten of hearts, hoping to gain information that would help him to judge later how to play the spades. West followed low and East took the heart with the king. East's play of the jack fol- lowed by the king had already suggested to South that East might have started with the K-Q-J of hearts. Aware that de- clarer might have a problem in spades, and anxious to muddy the waters as much as he could, East now shifted to the king of clubs. This highly unusual play paid very good dividends when it led South to conclude that East had either the queen or the ace of clubs to back up his play of the king. So after South had ruffed the club, entered dummy with a trump, and led a spade, he made the error of finessing the jack on the assumption that East would not have passed originally if he had had the spade ace plus the values he had already "revealed" in hearts and clubs. East's artful defence was rewarded, and South wound up going down one after losing a heart and two spades. SALLY ? pects THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WHEW! THIS WONDER IF IT MAKES 16 PAGES NEE?S ANYTHING Z'VE WRITTEN ELSE +" ON THIS REPORT! Sradicare toc. 1966. Well shite reserved. -- iz SECRET AGENT X9 ONE OF 'THOSE NEW PHONES! ISN'T IT THE CUTEST THING YOU YOU GHOULDVE GOT HEAVY-DUTY MODEL... YOu'LL WEAR THIS OUT. INA WEEK! DONALD DUCK _Qyr m5 Time...» WE/RE COMIN' TO "TOWN, H0SS...... YOU PRANCE RIGHT PRETTY....OR TELL YOU TRUE = I/LL BUST YO? HEAD IN/ PABLO MADE "THE SNAKE OF YUCATAN, HE KILLED THE VAQUEROS WITH IT. IN THE EN? HE FELL ON (TAN KILLED RIM GEE YOU ARE NOT "TO BLAME, CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Does @ 20. Break- 1. Strong housewife's fast 10:30 P.M. ind job 'o iy Le win 11:00 P.M. 4. Penetrate 5. Airline's astic eee ecnctcncsamene 12:18 PM. Weather, Sperte abbrevia- 11:20 PM, SATURDAY HVE, B--Fellx The Cat 6:00 P.M. +--Kongrees 11--This Space Age 3-T.B.A a-Silence Please 1-40--Lete Show V--Fiipper | 12:30 P.M. tAwere Theetre Wits teen spect 18 a &--My Hero é--international Cinema Of The See | paethie Land of Own | cree ee | 3+-Shindig 2--Checxmate 4--Wrestling 6:30 TELEVISION LOG Channe) 2--Buttale 1:30 A.M. @3--This Hour Hee Channel 3--Barrie &--Fiying Fishermen Seven Days Channel 4--Buttale S--The . Christophers &--Kaend td Carmare Channel 6--Toronte I--Discovery '66 Channel 7--Buttale Channel! &--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiiten THAT TERRIBLE THING LAST Mentiee? FEEL To BLAME woo PR IRIE TE MEL IAlt ITE] Enthust- CREME Meo ¥ OlV' a See Mee men tributes [CIRIGIEMAILIUIN] tion 22. Biblical 6. Animal's name 12. Around skin 24. Iro- 13. Straighten, 7%, Occipital quoian in a way protuber- 14. Enclosed ances 16, Famous 8, Colleague Ohioan 9. Let bait 1:00 P.M. MONDAY 17. Let fall ~ drop 30. Scold |"--=Continentel Mintetere 6:00 Am 19. Japanese 11. Goes to bed 34, Tele- Pam snowcne | SoSH, oogy | "cute Rene mile, 25.June bug graphea 6:45 PM. | &Erench Fer Leve N--Albert J. Steed measure 18.Hawaiian %6.Delineate 43. Free from %--Romper Room 20. Inner food 37. Girl's name discount og al Weather 4--Ted Mack & } 1:00 a.m meaning Playtime with Unele 23. Enthusiast; 4 Y 6 7 e Yi 3--Sir Francis Oreke Bobby 7--Dialing fer otters Pe agg YA i 12:00 NOON 9--Itallan &--Tween Set 7--Personal Dimension 11:40 N--Wrestling Douglas Fisher | SPamity Pleynewee P.M. 11-7--Shindi * Hh .41, Favorite 7:00 P.M %--Jackie Gleason li--Peter Gunn 7--Big Show of the Week @3--Beverly Hillbililes 4--Facing the Financial S--Heve Ova WH Travel 2:00 P.M. pom, |e oie 11 JP. lo ce Serre 63--Special Music | 4---NFL Game 3:00 P.M. | & Movie | T--AAC Scone 1--Jamboree 3--AFL Football 9--Academy Performance 2:30 P.M. $2--| Dream of Jeannie |p9_ swovie THING TO REWARD LITTLE 3 S-tete Sing Ov 7--Dialogue LEROY WITH FOR EATING ALU 3 4---NFL Game HIS FOOD...' j 1:30 P.M. |11--Spotlight | 9--Dougias Fisher | @--My Little Margle Giri Tak | 7--Sunday Playhouse 4--Mike'e Carwyel way ie oe AA, aun 28. Harden 5 ypsy Rose Lee grape 2--Dobie Gillis ri pone bills 63--Country Calendar 32. And: Lat. 33. Chess plece 35. Assists 5 V77oR folks have the entire thyroid removed? I am almost 73 and had most of the right side re- moved in 1960. Now a nodule has formed on the left side, and I am even more nervous than when the nodule formed on the right side. I have never heard of older people having the entire thyroid removed.--L. Mi. I think you .are more con- cerned than need be. First, por- tions of the thyroid gland can be removed without interfer- ing with the ability of the re mainder to supply you with thyroid hormones. Second, radioactive iodin taken by mouth, or the use anti-thyroid drugs may subdue the overactivity sufficiently without surgery. Your physician can decide the best procedure, considering all the factors in your case. Dear Dr. Molner: What is -|simple open angle glaucoma?-- 10:08 AM 11--News 6-2--Fraciured Phreses 4-1 Love Lucy MICKEY MOUSE Pe 6--Danger Man 4--Jackie Gleason McHale's Navy 38. Command to a horse 42, Modern acronym 44, Lift 45. Delusion's 11:08 AJ partner nN ee al os oon 46, Wading 8-2--Morning Star bird ¢3--Butternut Squere 47, Clout +--Andy of Mayberry 48. Facts DOWN 1. Mock &2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed $3--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 8:30 P.M. Wi--Club 11 Dance Party 4:00 P.M. 7--Lawrence Welk -- in Acti @3--NHL Hockey tee car sales Chicago at Toronto 6--Movie 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M, ie 4:30 P.M. 2--Crosby Golf Tourna- ment 9:20 P.M. N--Tiny Talent Tine 1:38 AM, Mn orest baage i 9--~Bliko 4Dick Van Dyke -- yWoo! alace 63--Sight and Cast 2---Abracadaban 4-The Loner 4--Cadabout Gaddis - =e 12:08 HOOK peare's 10:00 P.M, 9--Run F r Lif 5:00 P.M, %--Toronto Today iv eras Mie 1 eenity Theetre 8-2--Jeopardy river %--Canadian Talent? 7--Money 10:18 PLM, Showcase 3--Jullette 7--Wrestling 10:30 P.M, &3--Nature of Things 4 Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 11:00 PLM, 5:30 P.M, 104-1-4-43-2--- Newey %--Peter Potamus Weether: Sports 7--Big Show of the 1:18 P.M. Hymn Sing WBieck Bester Gem 3--Lost In Space Vewed 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour Metre Pinel 8--College Bow! +--Night rea | 6:000P.M. 00--Servreey @ =| o--wait Disney Presents The Mevies 6--~Perry Mason 11:20 P.M. 4--Twentieth Century 0-481 ete Show 7--Golf Tournament 6--Bperts 6:30 P.M, 118 Poa, or of the 7--The King Family 1:0 Om %--I Love Lucy YOUR HEALTH 8-2--Play Post Office H. W. 6-4--Seach Simple in this case doubt- lessly means not complicated by some other eye condition, The more technical terms used are primary for a glaucoma for which no underlying cause can be found, and secondary in for Tomorrow Repert Hydrocele Affects The Scrotal Sac By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD other fault. ' Dear Dr. Molner: Our 5-year-,existed to some degree, or| The "angle" aspect is highly | old son has hydrocele. The doc-| maybe it had nothing to do with| technical, and refers to the ane aor tells us he should have an|the matter. I suppose you'd like|gle at which the iris (colored 64--As Tho World Turns | operation. a more firm answer, but I can't| part of the eye) and the attach: 2:08 Pe The boy seemed to spend] give you one. ment to the lens oi.the eye ap ee about three-quarters of his wak-| As to surgery, I can answer|proach each other. 64 Sion ing hours on a rocking horse.|that. The hydrocele (the fluid] While the angle helps an eye 2--Days of Our Lives Could this have had anything to| accumulation) does not damage| specialist decide exactly what éabaar Che do with it? the testicle, so sterility is not|type of condition is present, I site ihgct Please explain it in lay terms. | likely. think for your purposes what %$People in Conta | --C. E. B. At the.same time, the condi-| you want to know is this: The 04--The Oveters Hydrocele is an accumulation|tion is a nuisance and it isn't}/narrow angle type is sometimes of fluid in the scrotal sac, and|going to cure itself. The fluid|more difficult than the wide there may be a lot or only a lit-|can be aspirated (withdraywn| angle (or open angle) variety to tle. % |through a needle) but this is|treat. That is because, with the 4--Lemp Unto My Peet | 5--premel Movi jiaDenaa Ried The cause is the failure of anjonly temporary and it willjnarrow angle, drops which di- * &-Ghurch invitation |+-3--Branded &S--Another World jopening into the abdominal] gather again. Likewise aspira-|late the pupil of the eye (to ad- 10:30: AM 9:00. P.M. once ae fa to close. A baby must/tion may bother the boy more|mit more light and help vision) %--Morning Ster 8--Matines 7--Ben Casey li--Lost in Space 'aleet The Billere 3--Filoper --Movie 3--Bell Telephone How | § mike Oevgiee Show 1:0 Pe. 9--James Beard Show 11:30 P.M, é--Feature Showcase 3--Movie nie PLM 7:00 P.M, %--Movie | ®--Piease Don't Mat Yhe | Daisies SunpAY | 7--Voyage To The 9:00 A.M. | _ Bottom of The See N--Cethedral Chines |6-3--Hank 9--Tides and Tralis | 4--Laeeio 7--Shenanigans | 7:90 P.M WHY, ..DO YOU eaiconl ager [NAL Hockey 9:30 A.M --Amos Burke THINK WHAT HE'S 11--Itallan' Journal | #2--Disney's World of GOT IS CATCHING? Cartoon Fleynouse | Color 7--Peeter Potamus | &3--Flashback S--The Anewer | 4-My Favorite Martian 10:00 A.M, 8:00 P.M, %--A Time For Us N--Carasello | ~The FBI #--Zane Grey Theatra @--Heraid of Trum +4489 Wiltven Show | 4--Linkietter's Party 1-8--Rocketship 2:30 PM, 3--Movie 6--Sunday : Schoo! Mavis. MUGGS AND SKEETER REMEMBER... ONLY TWO MINUTES WITH a THE PATIENT, 3:00 Pm, © Ding Feaveree Syaditamn, ton, M6, World 'rights reserved SExtension 'mere &3--To Tell The Truth |e born with that flaw, or it/than having the operation. It}can cause an increase in pres- nse |can be caused later in life from|isn't a serious procedure, so Ij sure in the eye. ina 9--Peyton Piece ols Your | injury. would go along with your doc-| The wide angle type, which is 11--OHA Jr, "A" Hockey | 10:00 PM &--You Don't Say Whether the rocking horse|tor's advice and have the con-|the more common variety in rat iy AB ie Le {1 Movie yo The | Yeme Merrem | had rentaets . do with it is|dition taken care of, once and -- hg dbs phere = a Week } conjecturable.. Perhaps it irri-|for all, now. rops with fewer. unwant \ Frontera OF Faith | ---- soley bid Scenes Gaaen \tated a situation which already| Dear Dr. Molner: Can elderly' fects. 4--Perry Mason ~ 9:30 PLM, li--Funny Company Meve O00 Pm. = ~o