Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Apr 1966, p. 11

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Blast - and - Shocks Study Scheduled For Summer By DAVE McINTOSH ; Such tests have taken on in- ' OTTAWA (CP)--Big gas bagsicreased importance with the will be exploded over the De-|American - British - Russian fence Research Board station|treaty ban on atmospheric and at Suffield. Alta.. this summer underwater nuclear testing. in the continuing study of blast| The trials will be carried out and shock effects on military) by a Canadian-British-American equipment. * team of "scientists "and ~engin- '-Archie M. Pennie, deputy | ers. i f the board, s| Gas will be. piped into the ee, Orr ta a | balloons through the bottom. safety devices will be incor | i ated "e the tests to make ave |The detonator will be suspended the bags don't escape and, if|inside the bag from the top. they do. are destroyed within| In case a bag escapes, it can ec fines the Suffield|be blown up by radio devices, gg '$i Ae tg a tracer bullets fired from the "pie i | ground or a chase plane. Pa or aden teogt 5 Hig ode gras Mr. Pennie said that if the |gas explosions are successful, an interview Wednesday. shock-and-blast tests will be ; sor 7» mg such Asst] greatly simplified. Gas was mn bend - dae -- with @/cheaper and cleaner than TNT i a bee ne tect fe dinmeoior ne provided a more definitive shock wave. and the other with propane in a se balloon 125 feet in diameter. | ESKS SIGN GUARD There will also be four more) jpMONTON (CP) -- Edmon- j ge Rte a de gg as eas en.| tor Eskimos of the Western oot we 2AS €X-'Foothall Conference announce plosions will be the equivalent! wednesday the signing of Mike of 20 tons of TNT, far smaller) Giers, a 24-year-old guard and than the 500-ton TNT shot in)jinebacker from the University 1964. lof Southern California. Sukarno Angry, Talks Of UN JAKARTA (AP) -- President Sukarno angrily declared today that Indonesia will never return jot collapse," he said. 'They say ern Football Conference today Sukarno is toppled, they say the|announced the signing of offen- military has taken over But I|sive end Ken Waller, 22, from am still president, still supreme) Western Kentucky State. commander of the armed forces, THR OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, April 9, 1966 74 still prime minister, still greet leader of the revolution" SATURDAY to the United Nations until the world organization is "reorgan- ized." In a fiery speech at the in- stallation of the new air minis- iter, Rusmin Nurjadin, Sukarno claimed Foreign Minister Adam Malik had been misquoted Mon- ay. ! Malik had given newspaper men a.written statement saying the new government "will con- sider Indonesia's participation in international bodies, including the United Nations, as one of its endeavors to utilize fully all possibilities open to us," Malik gave only a smiling 'no comment" when questioned after Sukarno's speech. The for- eign minister had listened pith other members of the sx-mai tary strongman, Lt. - Gen, Su-| harto. Sukarno, often shouting and waving his fists during his speech, said there have been "several interruptions of late on the presidential authority." "Indonesia is not on the verge NT TESTS EXPENSIVE Mr. Pennie said the TNT tests) are expensive and time-consum- | ing. If gas could be used satis- factorily, it would probably be employed extensively in such continuing tests in future. Today & Sunday 40 FIGHT...BUT Nor wt Ay, NOW PLAYING Rock, "Gina, HUDSON - LOLLOBRIGIDA Gig YOUNG STARTS SUNDAY "GENGHIS KHAN" AND THE BEATLES "GO GO MANIA" BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30 FIRST SHOW AT 7:00 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE ® .. 723-4972 Gil 2nd BIG WEEK \ hi) THE SILENCERS | vere: ),,| memsacammacwncesmmmmmennns | AWEADWAY-CLAUDE production * COLUMBIACOLOR he Pirates of Bletd River COLOR BAY RIDGES DRIVE-IN THEATRE Hwy. No. 2 Block East of Liverpeal Road FREE IN-CAR HEATERS ADULTS 1.50 CHILDREN THE SILENCERS AT 7:50 & 11:26 PIRATES OF BLOOD RIVER et 10:00 | LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 10:00 AzW me One! Come inner cabinet, including the mili-) NIGHT Th BACT ee ee a ERI eel OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronte's rf Most Versetile Group ANNOUNCE SIGNING REGINA (CP) -- Saskatch- ewan Roughriders of the West- a From Yours Couples A- Ceurtin' ° Anniversary Celebronts Cevortin'. it's your Assurance of @ Perfect Evening. Holiday Hullaballoo WED., APRIL 13 jLITTLE CAESAR & THE CONSULS PLUS THE ROGUES WHITBY ARENA Advance Tickets $1.00 At the Door -- $2.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Dise Shop (Oshawa) Bishop's Sports Arena Box Office Whitby Music Centre Crowd of Over 2,000 Is Expected. JAMES STEWART TODAY! RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH PETER FINCH A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FEATURE TODAY AT: 1:40 - 4:10 - 6:40 - 9:10 APRIL 9 & 10 ONLY Easter EGG ) 1:00 P.M. SHARP For children 12 yeors and under -- Rain or shine . . . Parents cre welcome accompany children. BUNNY HOSTESSES te . PLAZA FREE CHOCOLATE EASTER EGGS For The KIDDIES 7 and UNCLE BUNNY Will Be Here In Person SUNDAY APRIL 9% Hunt will be supervised by Mr. Bunny in person, FUN and PRIZES for the CHILDREN PRIZES FOR The BOYS and GIRLS WHO FIND the MOST EGGS Your A & W Special Hamwich Sandwich Sliced ham piled high on a bun, melted cheese, let- tuce, thousand island dressing. Regular 65¢ Your Home at the BURGER FAMILY Come as You Are Eot In Your Car "DIRECT FROM ITS PREMIERE SHOWINGS, SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES. NO RESERVED SEATS. NOW EVERYONE CAN SEE THE MOST LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME! my, FAIR LADY. Winner of 8 'va' Academy Awards including Best Picture. 64-23) 206 TECHNICOLOR? SS hePinig 4 SHOWS DAILY -- 12:00 -- 3 -- 6 -- 9 P.M. SUNDAY -- 2-- 5 -- 8 P.M. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 50c SORRY --- NO ADVANCE TICKET SALE oy THE LADY , STARFIRES GIRLS GIRLS - GIRLS The greatest eye-full end ter-full in Town, Enterteinment Nightly ot 9 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 4 P.M. TO 6 P.M, DUNDAS ST WHITBY AUDREY HEPBURNREX HARRISON | CHEERY-0°S Zany Comedy ~~ Fabulous Music... TOPS IN BNTER- TAINMENT Entertainment Nightly et 9 P.M. Matinee Seturdey 4 P.M, te 6 P.M. By Popular Demand HELD OVER SECOND WEEK JERRY MANN THE WIT AND HUMOR MAN MAESTRO OF THE ORGAN in the Vintage Room MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave. Phone -- 723-4693 SUNDAY BRUNCH 11:30 to 2:30 DINNER BUFFET SUPER PANAVISION*70- FROM WARNER BROS Gl" BLUE HORSE LOUNGE The Entertaining Trio Pat Brady mans the steel guitar, Bill Cannaway will be on drums, and Al Pomanti on accordion. The Pat Brady Trio was here about a year ago. -- at the -- HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot' Great Evening of Scottish Varieties MONDAY April 11th - 8:00 p.m. Oshawa St. Andrews Society ~ +. PRESENTS ..., > Scotland ® wit STARR CLANCY vicToRY SIMIMY FLETCHER © IVY CAREY RENE CAMPBELL * JOHN CRAWFORD CALDONIA PIPE BAND OF OSHAWA Under the direction of Pipe Majer Nell MeGree, Sr. Monday, April 11th--8 P.M. 7 1) wi ee aah. 2 THIS WEEK HEY KIDS! A trio of unlikely companions They face an aliael owe of adventure with instinct their only giide to home WALT DISNEY pens Lhétedihle Juumey ADDED COMEDY HIT! epeeeseesee aeaeerss steve Adults -- 2.00 Students Children -- 1.00 BUS SERVICE fp" TICKETS ON SALE ==" ry oetreRlUM BOX OFFICE e ', Oshowe Shoppi 1 @ BOLAHOOD SPORTSHAVEN, bo al Oshawa @ BISHOP'S SPORTING GOOD, Downtows ewe @ THE CENTRE SMOKE SHOP, Ajex Oshawa corner Sim- e@ WHITBY ARENA coe St. North end | @ WHITBY MUSIC SHOP 00 @ RAYS' SMOKE SHOP, Bey Ridges 130 + 8: M, @ CREST HARDWARE, Port Perry pha return efter the | @ ALEX A RUGS, B ull TO SHOW Leaves downtown Last Complete Show 8:45 P.M. SUNDAY TECHNICOLOR?® onm JOAN STALEY-LIAM REDMOND: DICK SARGENT HE HELD A KILLER-MOB sey AT GUNPOINT 7 : iets AUDIE MUR JOAN = WARREN STALEY - STEVENS. | A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TODAY They're TheJdoy OF The Jet-Age! JOSEPH E CATHERINE SPAAK » NS SFePoerrsessse Se Feor evevsenser! | THE ODEON BILTMORE and continuing Monday ~~ Tuesday & Wednesday CALLING ALL KIDS! EXTRA TREAT AT MATINEES MON., TUES. & WED. 1.30 P.M. STOOGERAMA 60 MINUTES OF FUN & COMEDY WITH THE THREE STOOGES A3 STOOGE MAGIC- MOTION TELESCOPIC ~~ RING! fier Seseeesaeae oe eewaveccnvueteundisduas } Seetsecseasggesrsessasensaneae Pesaseeess 789 ' = +f hf, FREE!...with s Y oN every admission! S } ODEON BILTMORE MATINEES ONLY MONDAY & TUESDAY BILTMORE 1 22 ee ee ee ee ose ors Sat 'Sas eRe anew ®

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