Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1966, p. 21

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Disney Keeps His Eye On Future, Brother Says By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD. (AP) -- Roy Disney once said of his brother: himeall with the present; his eye is al- ways on the future." Evidence of the forward look! of Walt Disney can be viewed in ,|his third - floor office in a cor- ner of the animation building of the Burbank studio. Once noted primarily as the father of Mickey Mouse, Disney now is Pen phy pry on Mgrs Br involved in a vast variety of! that he would create a $100,000,- projects that extend into the 000 pleasure park on 27,000 1970s. Jacres southwest of Orlando. Disney will be65 next De- cember, but there is no notice- _--* has already begun. MODEL CITY sad eg em a his creative! orces. The studio continues to} ««ppat' put forth a program of theatri- Pe the hepa ead 54+ cal and television films under] pisney, pointing to a geometric- 642 -- |his direction. He is supervising looking map on his bulletin pont + . jan immense expansion of Dis-| morrow, and members of indus- a val |neyland, including $20,000,000 in try are "interested in helping us + additions for the coming S€a-| make it a model for the com- munity of the future. We'll have "4.000 or more employees, so it will have to be a. pretty big place to take care of them and their families." |30--Automobiles for 'Sole |33--Automoblles Wanted | |36--Legal -- KELLY DISNEY SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars NOTICE USED CAR LTD. [Pevgh & Bloor siveei Eon. 7252011. 1200-QUNDAS ST. EAST ve ee, AND OTHERS | OSHAWA , AUTO ) PARTS WHITBY -- 668-589 es IN THE ESTATE OF Wanted | for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale. | Telephone 7 725-2162, | Cars bought and sold Liens paid off . GEORGE WILBERT JEWELL All persons having ciaims {1175 Nelson Nelson Street. '34--Automo le le Repair Trade up or down | Always top quelity | against the estate of George Wilbert. Jewell, late of the ; FRED STONE 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4door hard-| Town ot Whitby, in the Coun- 30--Automobiles for Sale STOCK MARKET TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS OILS, GAS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--April ¥ 100 475 475 475 +5 » 4, 2 +1 Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. BIRTHS AMEY Doug and Marilyn (nee | Goreski) are proud to announce the birth | of their son, Maiceim Vincent, 8 Ibs. 2 ozs., on Thursday, March 31, 1966, at the |Oshawa General Hospital. First grand- | child for Mr. and Mrs, John Goreski, | Oshawa. Many thanks to Dr, Ross, Dr.| Kowalsky. and fourth floor staff. aS SPRING SPECIAL > Trade up or down. Financing Available. '66 RAMBLER 770 model. New, 4-door se- don, auto, radio, whitewalls. Specrur Wiseours '66 RAMBLER 3 2-door hardtop. '66 Lic. -- Aiminex A ted M00 $16% 16% 16%4%-- 3100 310 305 310 + 400 400 400 400 --10 1000 470 470 470 --5 2500 6 67 68 +72 765 $11% 11% 11% + 780 «685 700 =15] $15% 15% 15% -- 390 390 3990 + ry I plan a complete overhaul of Tomorrowland,". he reported. . "I'm going right in and gutting the whole area to build a com- piewely new TUmuitowiauu. ieee will run about $23,000,000." Aside from the normal pro- duction "of the sta and park, Disney has three major pro- jects that occupy his thinking for the future. They are: 1. Disney World. DUMAIS -- Dave and Josephine (nee) Hefferman) are happy to announce the| birth of a daughter, Mary Anne Patri | 7108. 3 025.7 Gn Marrs: Sy Oshawa General Hospital. 'h sister for! Danny, Robert and Denise. Proud grand- parents are Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dumais) of Penetang. Many thanks to Dr. McKay and 4th floor staff. | OOKLIN lop, V8 radio and power | ant _canditian Phone 668-8949 PHONE 655-3653 |1987 FGRO. Good condition, no rust | @ Motor Rebuilding Radio, With new licence plates, $ linder Reborin: |Also 1949 Chevrolet, good transportation, be de ph eae lradio, new licence plates. $95. Brooklin| @ Pinfitting esleeving H87289, V-8 auto, power | 655-3202. ole Automatic Transmission steering, Ovérsize whitewdils,"~ PRIVATE -- 37 Pontiac, six cylinder, |} Crankshaft ond. Valve -radio, 500 miles. Best buy in automatic, $525. _Telephone _ 668-5089. | Service ' gd town! 42 MERCURY Monterey four - door|------ Seana RE Special Discount Price Set dcrioc, bin cay rao etn. se HILLCREST | 66 FORD Galaxie XL [Transmission Centre cylinder economy and automatic trans-| |migsion and radio. Licence H95420. Sea-| |way Motors (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas Hardtep, Lie. 169204. auto, [street East, wailby. 6 A%: Automatic transmission, Spe- i ' console, backseat speak: cialists. 1} mile east of Town- Miser ibe' caret line on No, 2 Highway. Gen- anteed miles. Full warranty. grat: repairs: "65 MUSTANG Ford, hardtop, . V4 "three- | Reduced $3, 500 723-8651 | speed standard, white wail tires, window | lwashers, radic, tachometer, $2,495. A-1| condition. Must sett owner leaving | Formerly Walton's Super- '65 PONTIAC Super Sport ( y he Auto., floor console, 2-way power, radio, mony extras, worranty book, low miles. A beauty! $2,895 '65 VALIANT Signet 2-door hardtop 92460K auto on floor, radio. Like new 95 Stock Advocate Akalicno Am Larder AAm Moly Ang Ruyn | Ang U Dev NC Oils | A Arcadia ar Atl C Cop Nomec wt Permo Petrol Place G Provo Gas Scurry Rn Spoon Triad Ol Union Oil U Canso Vandoo Wespac W Decalta W Decit w N_ Americn abolit the 16th day of Janu- ary, 19466, ore reqaired to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 30th day of April, 1966, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Pickering this 29th day of March, 1966 DODDS and DONALD, Pickering, Ontario, Solicitors for Administrator FERGUSON Gary and Diane (nee! Yeo) wish to announce the arrival of a son, Glen Stephen, 7 Ibs. 13 ozs., on | Thursday, March 31, at Oshawa Gener- lal Hospital. A brether for Kathi. Many thanks to Drs, Halam-Andres and Becket! and 4th floor staff. | or 2.2) 630 635 50 50 13% 124+ % 142.142 --1 Black Bay BL Hawk Bralorne 60 Brunswk $13% 13% 13%-- %) Cable 15 5 abi Camfio 350 350 350 +5 20 - + Val a5 HARRELL Irvine and Kay are | pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Jane Allison, on Monday, 5 $10% 10% 10%-- % March 28, 1966 at Oshawa General Hes- 305 305 «(305 |pital. A little sister for Elaine and 6S - a +10 | Kathryn. 1¢ Captain eg 4 2s -- 2 Chib Kay 282 -- Va Chib M --5 Chimo +3 Coin Lake -1 Con Shaw Cc Betlek Cons Brew Cc Callinan Cc Hall Cc Mogul C Morrisn Con Negus Con Nichol ¢ Rambier Conwest Cop Corp Cc FM --_ ? 21 410 210 INDUSTRIALS 1345 $12 «12 500 $54 5% $6442 642 $40" $442 $12% $2 $534 $30 $63% $71% 160 $55% $164 $82 $10% $312 $10 +2) +10 --8 1965 FARGO 'ston pick-up. Phone Hamp- poe ton 263-2258. '9 "CHEVROLET half-ton ~ pick-up, long} box, in lovely condition. Licence 160613. | Cash, trade or termg at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-3331. ha SO | 1962 FORD. A black beauty. Must be | seen. $395 down, For @ good deal on ne Fords call Lov 668-8606. |S8 CHEVROLET Station wagon, good running condition, very clean. No reason able offer refused. Telephone 23-2614, | 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, ee cylinder standard, radio and white walls, A-1 con dition. Telephone 728 8207. 62 BUICK Le Sabre, four- "door "hardtop, radio, power steering, power brakes, Let | extra fires and rim, geod condition. | } Telephone 723-7910. 57 MORRIS Oxford, dark gree in good running condition. . new bat- tery. Economica! Telephone} 725-7157. '5g OLDSMOBILE 88 Very good mechanically and body, radio, 'sashers| and discs. $325. or best offer, 723-3672. el 1963 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automatic, four-door sedan, 1 HULL -- Marie and Jim (Prudential Agent) are pleased to announce the birth of a baby girl, Teresa Marie, on Tuesday, March 29, 1966, weight 6 Ibs. 6 ozs. Many thanks to Dr. Halam-Andres and fourth |floor staff of the Oshawa General Hos- pital. Special thanks to Carmel, Gloria! and Sandra OSHAWA SPRING SERVICE | 361 Bloor E. 723-0821 installatons of of Abitibi Ackind Algoma Alumini Alum 4144p Arg C Ppr Atl Sugar Auto Ei Avco Bank Mont Bank NS Bartaco Beli Phone Bow Valey Bowater 152 12 +% "a 7 3281 125 175 350 400 200 465 925 400 876 225 780 1 goon vy 14 +" +18 --10 | NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL GREER, DECEASED Repairs ond springs to all ,makes cars ond trucks. 1 *| son. u|- 'Then in the following year, OBITUARY 2. Mineral King. ROBERT WRIGHT Last December, Disney*s bid A former well known resident) |to develop a winter wonderland {4 of Oshawa, Mrs. Robert Wright,|at Mineral King in California's died Mar. 30; at the Meaford) Tulare County was approved General Hospital, The deceased, | by the government. 42 |Who was in her 64th year, had| "This is strictly a recreational been in hospital for two weeks. | |project; we won't be creating A native of the Meaford area,|entertainment," Disney ex- + % Mrs. Wright was a resident of | plained. "If the road to Mineral + "Oshawa for about 25 years be-| King were open today, we could fore returning to Meaford. four|be operating in two years. But 106 t 4 Ds oon ome t wlycors ago. Her husband was an {the state has to build the road, employee of the customs depart- LAROCQUE -- Joe and Heather (nee) Smart) wish to announce the birth of a lson, Shawn David, 7 !bs., 14 ozs. A wee! brother for Jay James on March 3ist, 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospital.| Thanks to Dr, Spragge and the 4th floor) nurses, oa By +15 , DOC'S AUTO SPEED & CUSTOM 24 hour towing -- auto parts. Serviced by licensed mech- anic. Open 7 days till. 10 p.m. 1600 King St. E., 728-7781 (formerly Oshowa Towing) '64 CHRYSLER Satotoga. Lic. J5104, 2-door hardtop, power equipped, 26,000 miles or 3 year wor- ranty in effect. Reduced $2,500 '62 RAMBLER Classic Lic. H77228. Headrest, re- clining seats. Radio, Low miles. $1,095 '62 CHRYSLER Windsor 2-door hardtop. Lic. H82429, Cop Man Coulee Craigmt Crowp $26% Daerg 4 $42'4 D'Eida 3 2 r y 3 Ve + Denison 2 Donaida Duvan East Sull F Mar F Orenada Frobex Genex Glacier Goldray Goldrm Gortdrm Granisie Grandroy All persons claims + % against the GREE awa, having state of SAMUEL the City Osh- in the County and Pro- vince of Ontario, died tonemnte:| on or about the 5th day of 10| December, 1965, are' here- by notified to send to Dodds & Donald citors for the Administra full particulars of their not later thon April 1966, af- McVETY -- Jack and Valetta (nee Thackeray) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Mark Alan, weighing 4 lbs., 13 ozs., on Sunday, March 20 1966, at the Oshawa General Hespital. A broth- ler for Paul and Leisa, Thanks to Dr. |Hall, Dr. Gilchrist and Dr. Morris, also lfourth floor staff. A special than ksto |Murray and Margaret Anne. saa of of who : tow VOLK motors and price. Bowmanville 623-7315. ____|sions for sale. Zolton and Nick's, | CADILLAC, 1958, four - "= door hardtop. | Simooe South. 7-005). Sct. exceptional conten Towsheut| sep AUTO _PARTS._syiing. Apt te kavich Auto reckers, six miles fires, muffler, etc. ae p.m., 540 Dun- east of Oshawa on Hwy. corner das East, Whitby. 668 Bi sis Solina Road. '65 GALAXIE, X-L convertible, Caspi RANSA ion blue with white interior, V-8 automatic. TRANSMIS +5 2, of ~'Transmis-| 1038 Simcoe specialists. the 1000 C Vickers 2-way power. $1,395 '62 PONTIAC Laurentian V-8, Lie. H93644. auto., radio. Sharp! $1,395 '61 PONTIAC Laurentian Hardtop. Lic. H87265. auto., radio. $995 '60 M.G. 1600 Series Lic. 82506. For the sports- ede $695 '60 CHEVROLET Sedan Lic. 46524H. Radio. '59 FORD Galoxie Convertible. Lic. J9125, radno, | outo, 2-woy power. Sharp! | | | '59 MERCEDES Lic. J5102, overhead cam, twin corbs. Clean sharp car. $695 '59 PONTIAC | Laurention, 4-door. Lic. J5107, 8 cylinders, auto., | power steering, power brakes. $695 | 2 MOTOR BIKES | 1. BRIDGESTONE | 1 HONDA Both new condition with low [Be mileage. "TRY OUR FINA PRODUCTS AND SERVICE" Hackney Motors 1180 Simcoe N. 728-0031 1953 NASH new motor. Best offer. excellent condition. 6 5 In Phone 728-1804 after good body unning Telephone 725-8517. 1958 DODGE, V-8. Can Bell's garage 209 Dundas 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. $290 FULL PRICE. 1946 Mercury, excel jent running condition. Affer 5 p.m. tele phone 723-2779. 1955 BUICK Best offer. after 6 p.m. 195 K. EVROLET "V-8, automatic, mechanically 00d 'completely 'done over, $375 or offer. phone 723-3622 USED TIRES $2.00 up. Repairable wrecks All car parts. Courtice Auto Wreckers 723-52:8. 1953 CHEVROLET, 723-8849, 1960 RAMBLER, new white wali radio, new exhaust system, must leaving Ontario. Telephone 942-5195 4 p.m. 1958 METEOR four-door V8 standard shift mechanically A+}. Very cléan_ interior Asking $350. Cali 725-8132 1957 BUICK Special, body mechanically good, trade. 261 Elmgrove Street. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, dan, V8 engine, automatic, with extras. $1400. Apply Street. 723-9203. 1960 CORVAIR 700 coupe fully equipped Excelient running conditicn. No rust. Oid er car or anything useful as part pay. ment, $675. 137 Harmony Rd. N. 728-0558. 1988 CHEVROLET standard 6 cylinder, excellent condition throughout. Best offer Telephone 728-9567 '65 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible V8, 283 engine, light blue with white top, power brakes, power steering, radio. After 6 evenings 728-3295. 764 PONTIAC, four door, six-cylinder, standard shift, 19,000 miles, $1900. Tele- phone 723-2101. 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian four door se dan, six cylinder, automatic transmission, power steering, radio, limited siip dif ferential, low milage. Telephone 723-9175. 1959 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, four-door, low mileage, and tires in excellent shape, Teleph 725-1623. 1965 FAIRLANE 500, two door hardtop, 289 moter, automatic many extras, two tone yellow-black, twelve thousand miles. Asking. $2,475 or nearest offer 7278-0156 or apply 501 St. Lawrence St. (Basement apt condition. be 'seen er East, Whitby Phone 728-1855 two- Tele- $75. cash. Telephone tires, sell, after four door sedar $200. Cash or 728-6113 "four-door se power steering 367 Baldwin 63 Sa hardtop, power equip- ped. '59 Pontiac. sedan, radio, 6 cylinder, standard. '60 Volkswagen. All A-) condi tion. Call 728-2272 TAKE OVER payments on '63 Cutlass. One third paid. V8 double power. Many options, 725-0433. 1963 PARISIENNE Convertible 327 en- gine, automatic, one owner, bucket yeats Power steering, power brakes. Very good condition, Telephone 723-1024. %$ MUSTANG, 289 engine, automatic, floor console, radio, whitewall tires, $2600 'or best offer. Telephone 668-6432. 413 Byron Street South, Whitby 1958 METEOR for sale, in above average condition, Best offer. Telephone 725-7582 or pply 369 Bruce Street 8 PONTIAC sed € 45 . Winds Street 3-1675. 0 PONTIAC wagon automatic 6, one wner, ne rust, Apply 105 Beatrice Street. \ good condit 162 \i963 CHEVY" ns "CORVAIR Monza, Seer radio, body.|.« LAKESHORE ail power. Bottom price $3,300. Interested Nor, gf oe aires inquiries only. Telephone 725-4920. '99 PONTIAC 4door, 6 cylinder, stand-| 5. Lost and Found ard. Good shape. $490-or best offer. New- 3 ic caieeakeakcenastlotes castle 967-4446 ____|Lost Toy Pomeranian, 299 MUSTANG, '6b, convertible, "dark green, 7.30 a.m. Thursday. black top, V-8 standard, radio, console, South, Children's pet. Please rally pack 775 tires, many other options. er 725- 4985. Telephone 623-5976 or 725-4920. 36--Le al 31--Compact Ce Cars for S¢ Sale " SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. return IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS McGRATH, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA IN THE COUNTY OF ON- TARIO CLERK, DE- CEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of THOMAS DESMOND McGRATH, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 19th day of February, A.D. 1966, are hereby notified to send full porticulors to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, A.D, 1966, after which date the Estate will bt distri- buted with regord only to claims of which the under- signed shall then hove hod notice. DATED ot Oshawa this 29th doy of March, A.D. 1966. JESSIE McGRATH, Executrix, By her Solicitor, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., 14% King Street East, Oshowa, Ontario. TENDERS For Additions To ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL Tenders ore presently being called for the construction. of the nine classroom school ad- dition with general purpose room to the existing St. Fran- cis School located on Har- mony Road South, Oshowa Tenders will be accepted not later than Tuesday, April 1966 ot 4:30 P.M. at the office of the architect, Wil- liom Saccoccio, 215° Morris Rd., West Hill, Ontario. The owner is Boord of R. C. Separate School Trustees, Oshawa. | Volkswagen Sales and Service | New and Used Cars 334 RITSON RD. S. | 723-3461 Opening Evenings | ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service. 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 * VOLVO & PEUGOT * MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 "MORRIS - OXFORD, Immaculate, 4528. radio,, many features. be seen to be appreciated. -" "VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, ignition and tires, good nl yton' 1239 Meadowvaie S Street. Tl, two door, standard 6, positraction, very Per P caudage One ner. Telephone | automatic, lady's car. Price $1,350. Tele) phone 263-2275 after 1 p.m. {ea "VOLKSWAGEN | deluxe, new tir good condition, one owner. Priced lols for quick sale. Telephone 725-| | 0659, 1963 VOLKSWAG | original miles. Gas heater, chrome p' ed. Very good condition $950. Phone 623 2388. | 1200 Deluxe 31, MOTORCYCLE, 1964 BSA with '66 moto 1650 twin, excellent condition. Telephone 668-4534 after 5 p.m. 63 MGB red with black Interior, air-horns, new white wells, snow fir included at $1400. Telephone 725-1664. 14 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, second car, eighteen months old. Radio, seat belts. Also '59 DKW, excellent condition. One ninety-five. 723-3933 1964 CHEVY II, 35,000 miles. Brooklin 655-4886 after 6 p.m 1962 VOLKSWAGEN. Best phone 728-8572 1962 ACADIAN sfationwagon, § shift. Low mileage. Very economical to) operate. $1095. Call 725-6132. MUST SELL immediately! 1966 Mustang, 6, automatic, with radio. Like new con- 725-0752 otter } $1,500 offer. Tele- sition. offers Call 725-0732 7 p.m 1964 CORVAIR |matching. Interior, automatic sion, radio, white wall tires, thousand miles. Excellent condition. 8922 after 5.30 p.m 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, $425. New job. A-1 condition. Phone 725-9931 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, new valve job, new muffler, $950. Phone 728-0051 or 728-2316 after 6 p.m. HARDTOP for Austin Telephone 723-9382 ya biter me aes deluxe, tires.) Radio, sunroc xcellent condition, Ful price $795. Tel. 7 9 | metallic bive,| transmis-) nineteen | 725- Monza, paint} Healy, 3000. $150. new 32--Trucks for Sale 7$3 MERCURY, haif-ton, excellent 'condi tion, new plates, Will take trailer or boat trailer on trade. Best offer. Telephone} 728-8017 1955 INTERNATIONAL $425. Phone 725-9931 1952 DODGE ton pick up, excellent) motor body and tires. Radio and sunviser etc. Call mornings or evenings 723-5367. | 1955 CHEVROLET Ve-fon truck. Excellent mechanica! condition, No down payment Terms to guit. Licence '9037B. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1958 CHEVROLET '2 ton "pick- up truck with long box for sale. $475. Telephone | | 728-6879. 54 CHEV. 14 ton pick up truck. Good running condition. Reasonable. Telephone 623-5068 52 JEEP, four wheel drive with snow plough, A-1. condition. Telephone 725-9672. 1959 CHEVROLET half-ton pick-up, | good | condition. No reasonable cffer refused.) 725-3955 '63 CHEVROLET '2 ton pick-up, one owner, in excellent shape. No reasonable offer refused. Telephone 725-0539. '61 CORVAIR Van, good condition, reason able for a quick sale. Telephone 725-5132. | '64 CHEVROLET half-ton pick-up. A-! condition. Telephone 263-2203. 33--Automobiles Wanted -- CARS WANTED ne A New Car ? ur used car to "Ted" } k "Cash" to. the New Car and 'Save' TED CAMPIN 72 Pe 4494 f Res. Resor WRECKERS for w ng Highest orices Will be accepted until April 15, 1966, on a Case tractor, double discs, 2 furrow plow and spring harrows. All good condition Veton pick-up To inspect call ANTHONY SIBLOCK 728-7576 Will be occepted until April 15, 1966, for demolishing a 14 room, 2 storey home at 374 Forewell Avenue, Osh- owo To inspect the building call A. SIBLOCK- 728-7576 LEGAL NOTICE Would anyone knowing the whereabouts of VIOLET BAINBRIDGE. HARRIS, kind- ly contact PATRICK G. Mc- DONALD, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, at 411 Anglo American Building, 330 Ninth Avenue $.W., Calgary, Alberta Dealer MOTORS 725- 5574. want James Lyle WANTED Cars charge for towing 'Robert Nichols, for wrecking. Telephone 778 58 | ' No anyone on or after this date, March 1966, without my written consent disappeared Simcoe Street of | ter which dat Adminis- trator will distribute the as- sets of the Estate of the de- ceased having regard only to claims of wh all then have notice DATED the March, A.D DODDS & DONALD, 69 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontaric SOLICITORS FOR THE MINISTRATOR, GREER ch he st AD- JAMES |37--Auctions_ AUCTION SALE of furniture ot Pethick's Auction Shed ENNISKILLEN 1.30 P.M. Sat, April 2 Beds, dressers, hi-fi, upright writing desk, chesterfield, dining table, small drop leaf table, corner cupboard, vacu- um cleaner, two chest of drower$, odd chairs, garden tools, dishes. Many other ar- ticles. Another fine group of furniture from _ Toronto. TERMS CASH SEALED TENDERS a --James Lyle Smith Smith, 725-9287. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer |38--Coming Events SPECIAL BINGO TO-NIGHT Ov er-- 5,000 in prizes ot the Civic Auditorium BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd 7:30 P.M 20 ppt S $I0 A GAME | 4 GAMES OF $20., SHARE BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE | SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES Share The Weal ¢Q ite} th SEALED TENDERS! 4 -- s40 sockpots to 90 | 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go} 16 Not Admitted Children Under Canadian Diabetic Association Meeting Thursday, March McLaughlin Hal! 8 p.m of Bern 31st Ke Jonn er ida and West Speaker Movies Indie BINGO HOLY CDOSS TONIGHT 5 P.M away "BINGO, Bathe Park, Evialie NEW DEMOCRATIC Speaker Or information contact DEATHS GRAHAM, Alice After a short illness at Oshawa General Hospital Tuesday, March 29, 1966, Alice White, in her 10ist year (resident of Fair view Lodge), beloved widow of William Graham, dear aunt of Mrs. Mabel Rich-| ardson, Toronto, Mrs. Jack Gillespie | (Dorothy) of Cannington, Russell White of | Ottawa, Ralph White of Stratford, Gordon} |White of Oshawa and Wardell of Ux-| bridge. Mrs. Graham is resting at the| Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street} West for service in the Chapel on Fri day, April 1, at 3 p.m. Interment Pine) Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. | | GREEN, Leo j At Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowman-/ ville, on Wednesday, March 30, 1966, Leo |Green of Bowmanville, In his 77th year. Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu- neral Home. Requiem Mass 10 o'Clock Saturday morning St. Joseph's Church. jinterment Bowmanville Cemetery. (Re citation of the Holy Rosary at the fu- neral home 8 o'clock Friday evening.) | Kindness beyond Price, yet \ within reach of all. | FUNERAL CHAPEL GERROW 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 726-6226" _ LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and flo arrangements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ral IN MEMORIAM MAUNDER -- In loving memory of my |mother, May Victoria. Maunder, who| |passed away April 1, 1960 In Oshawa Ontario and my father, William Harold} Maunder, who passed away March 8, 1964 in Ajax, Ontario. Dear mother and father, we miss you, And think of you every day; Gone up there with the blest, In God's haven or rest, | Arid you're only @ prayer away. | --Lovingly remembered Lenora, son-in-law Cyril 2 Kent Street, by daughter and grandchil-| Alax; Ontario | NORMAN -- dear father, ed away April In_ lov John D. Norman, 1, 1963, God saw that he was weary And did what He thought best-- | He put His arms around him, And whispered "Come and rest'. ing memory of a} who pass-| Always remembered by son Ronald and| daughter-in-law Shirley. | PORAYKO -- jdear husband, Peter Porayko, 1, 1962. He is gone but not forgotten, And as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking, Thoughts of him are always here Days of sadness will come o'er us, Many think the wound is healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealed. in loving memory of a father and grandfather, who passed away April Sadly missed ie lovingly remembered | by his wife Mary and fam ROBINSON in att memory of a dear friend, Alfr ert Robinson, who passed away Sort 1, 962 Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall, You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. As long as life and memory lasts We will remember thee. Ever remembered by your friends Cyri! and Martha and family. A LASTING TRIBUTE | For permanence and dignity suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For visit courteous advice the Park Office. 723-2633 please 38--Coming Events _ : | | | | ST, JOHN'S PARISH | BINGO EVERY FRIDAY AT 7:45 | Corner Bloor and Simcoe | 20 Games $10 and $15 Jackpot 53 numbers $130 Extra Games at $25 Share the Wealth P.M Tw | For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 723-3492 Green Pnt Guich Gunnar Hdway High-BI Hollinger Hu-Pam Iso Jelex Joliet Jonsmith Joutei Jowsey Kam Kotla Kerr Add K Anacon Kirk Min Lab Min « Dufauit La Luz Lorado Louvi Macdon Man Bar Manok M$ Marcon Mattgm! Mc Adam McKen McWat Merril Midrim Min-Ore Mt Wright Multi-M Nealon New Cal Newconx Neoonex N Hosco N Kelore N Mylama N Que Ragl N_ Senator Nisto Norgold Norlex Norpax N Rock Northcal North Exp Northgat Obaska Opemska Osisko Patino Pax int Peerless Pick Crow Pine Point Placer Preston Prdex Pyramid Que Lith Quemont Radiore Rayrock Rio Algom Rix Athab Ryanor Salem Sherritt Silvmaq Sil Stend Stanrck Starratt Steep R Sunburst Teck Corp Texmont Tex-Sol Tombill Tribag U Mining U Asbestos U_ Buffadn UCL Mine Un Keno Upp Can Urban Q West Mine 9320 500 1500 345400 225 75 $24% 3000 7 200 182 1200 39% 16500 37 3500 3000 1333 150 650 300 2300 250 610 1260 2400 16200 7200 25a 395 w -§ 1 1% Sa 2% 325 10% 100 155 19% 15% 12% 330 10% 100 156 ev 1 +10 --_4 30 30 wn 21% 21% 21% 1% 114 11" 580 580 «(580 us 32 15 Rn us 32 Yukon Zenmac Zulapa --* 19% -- Va IN MEMORIAM EASTER _ TRIBUTES TO YOUR LOVED ONES Nothing is more bej:tting or o greater tribute to the mem- ory of loved ones who have passed on than a memorial verse at Easter time. It is a beautiful gesture of love ond devotion to. the memory of a mother, father, wife, hus- bond, daughter son or those beyond the immediate family circle, a faithful friend or kin. In the sincere hope of ren- dering a helpful ser.ice to those. who wish to select an appropriate memoriun notice for Easter time, the Classi- fied Department of The Osh- awa Times will once again be publishing special Easter Memorial Tribute on Satur- day, April 9th, 1966. TO ENSURE YOUR MES- SAGE APPEARS AT THIS TIME, PHONE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AT 723-3492 BEFORE 5:00 P.M, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th. THE OSHAWA TIMES Classified Department PHONE 723-3492 | Ltd., C Westng Cap Bldg Chemcell Chrysler Clairtone Codville D Con Baks Con Bidg Con Con Con. Coby Coronatn Coron 120p Crestbrk Crow Nest Crush Int Cygnus A Cygnus B Dale-Ross Distl Seag Dom Elect Inland Gor Int-Cty G Int Nickel Int Util Intl Util p Intpr PL int Stl P Inv Grp A James Stl Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey € Labatt Lafarge A Laura Sec tau Fin Lau F2.00 Lau F é63w Levy B pr LobCo A LobCo B Loeb M MB PR Magnm Maher p M Leaf MI Revenue P Romfield Rothman Royal Bnk St Maurice Salada Sayvette Scot M pr Secur Cap Sheil Can Shell | pr Shell lw Shopper Ct Silknit Simpsons Slater Stl Sogemine Steel Can Suptest od Thom N P TorDm Bk Tower T Fin A Tr Can Pt Trans. Mt Turnbull Un Carbid Un Gas UGas Bopr U Corp A Vic G Tr Wainwr Walk GW Weldwod Well Fin te West Ind Westc'st Westeei W Pacific Wstn 4a p Wstn 6 pr Woodwd A Yrk Knit A Zenith FOREIGN TRADING Agnico Mill. City Multi-M Place ited Rock Die, Tool Firm Has New Owner | t. (CP)--Taylor! Die and Tool Manufacturing Co. and its wholly-owned sub- sidiary, Taylor Electric Manu-} Ltd., | has been sold toa 8c arborough- based firm, LONDON, facturing Thursday. Co. $49% $384 $15% $94 165 $1034 $6 $13 $14% 440 $74 $152 $367 $16% $26\% $244 $19% 342% $994 83 25 $149 25 324 50 100 100 600 805 750 1100 2408 100 200 250 '260 50 50 160 1000 125 246 300 275 220 1477 100 110 240 70 200 100 400 2160 430 262 300 700 1368 900 100 210 200 225 225 295 250 250 225 300 0 $1042 10414 104'4 210 200 25 $39% $25'2 $292 $17% $15' $5 $9 si $162 $53 $14% 39% $1812 $18' 345 $104 104 $3012 30% $322 32% $8312 83% $62 $14% 14% 147 | $292 29% 2 165 $1994 $104 $10% $15% $27%-- 27% $28% 28% $! 9 $164 1614 $31%4 300 $31 $33 $15 $16 $114 $8214 319% $8% $154 $51% Siva $32 $10%4 $14\a 14% $26% $12% 605 $12%4 $45\2 $13¥a $284 $75% $26% $212 $17 $91 $24% $62 210 Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 200 300 100 3) 700 300 On it was announced 7 ; | New owners are Crouse-Hinds | of Canada of airport traffic Co. Yurers lighting, | industrial elec tr C. F. Graham is president. | 655 was No purchase price} Ltd., ical and outdoor] control, and I figure the process will ;ment in Oshawa for many years.| take about five years." Beloved by all who knew her,| 3. Cal-Arts. ,{the deceased was active inlawn| A project that has long been + " bowling, alley bowling and cur-| close to Disney's heart is the ling circles in Oshawa. | California Institute of the Arts. 7 %,| Besides her husband she is|Combining existing schools of survivel by a sister, Mrs. Edith| art and music, it will some day --\ Hargraves, of Meaford. She|constitute a college to develop was predeceased by a sister,|talent for all fields or artistic Mrs. Donald Doran (Cora) and | endeavor. ..a brother, Edward Silver. The Disneys have donated 40 The funeral service will bejacres of their Golden Oak held at the Ferguson Funeral] ranch, just north of the Los An- Home, Meaford, at 2 p.m. April|geles city limits. The rolling +% 2. Interment will be in Lake- hills, which have been used for 4+ y%\view Cemetery, Meaford. film locations, GREENWOOD RACEWAY : THURSDAY, MARCH 31 5 Wa 2 FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse;?-Omodean, Waddell 3.90 2.70 7% 17%4 1%} $1,000 (8) Libby's Time, Bissonette 3, 15' 15%2-- Ve|2-Sporty Tag, Findley 6.20 3.80 2.80) Alse Started: Cosey Way, Mistie W 5%, 5% \4Faze Mon, Crowe 20.20 9.10|Sage Valley, ONF--H' angall Amanda, 18% 18% -- 1%4|8-Ringo Star, Adams 7.10| and ONF--Speedy Batti 13% 13%a-- | Also Started: Oakle Bars, . Fission,| ONF--Accident, did not *sinish. 164 1642 + Ve|DQ--Black Beads, Armbro Frosty, and roy RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). disqualified and/ $1, 524 52\2 |Sly Frost. placed éth for a lapped on break at | pny Marie, Gilmour 21.80 5.70 4.50 1 10! 6 13 14% 14% 440 440 Me 1% 152 15¥2 32 7% 1634 16% 26% 26% 24a 24.2 19% 195% + Vo 42% 42% + Ve 99 82 149 39% % +1 Purse 6% 10% 160 (Pace). punneue Purse 4% 14% -- %|DQ--Finished Sth, 2 9% 18 18% the wire. | S-Josedale Royal Pal, Walker 2.50 2.50 182 18%2-- or ag" MeKtilop, Filion 3.60 104% + Vel SECOND RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace).|. Also Started: Mr. are €, Dictator 302 -- Ye|Purse $800 (8). |Plck, and Miss Fly Ball. aM: vy| 2Dilly, Bob, Findley 10,10 4.00 2.80] BXACTOR, 4 AMD & PAID 944.90 « a+ ais. , McKin! 90 2.60] Ga alaimbro (Guy. Mckinley ---3-90 3 00|_ SEVENTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace). Also Started: Mountain. Rebel, Royal |Pecse 81.0 Pa Mack Brady, Miss Carolene Ann, Alber-| % + Ye'mac Grattan, and Bachelor Scott. | Spencers ride bags re] 79 fe) . N AID Mo oa DAILY DOUBLE, 2 AND 2, P. $29.90. Started: Scotland's en. Mon- pa 7 | tem George, Irene Macduff, Junior "+ % on RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse) and Success Stormy. ve + Ve " 4, | 1+Edgewood Hal, Larush 6.20 3.70 = aie " "4\3-Fiashlight F, Wellwood 5.60 | ie eae ai. io 165 * 19 |?-Patolyn K, Mehlenbacher | 4-Galen's Boy, Curran 4.9 3.00 2.60 19% | Also Started: Gordon Lee, pLady G, 6.10 fh 10¥% Pick, Ellen M Lee, and Dawn. T-Henrletta el Findley 10% Ve Also Started: Sonnie Jim Abbe, Pe 15 | FOURTH RACE 1 Mile (Pace).|ant Way, Sandy Demon, Robert Mc -- vp! 5-Wilmington Belle, Fillon 8.00 6.00 5.90|/ Gregor, and Ben Carey. 70% + % rie) First, Geisel Jr. 16.60 7.00 2-Oral Hi, Gilmour 4.40 ae RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). sai |. Alse Started: Sparky den, Amber|$ (8) 30% 31\%4 + %| Meadow, Star Dust Wick, Mystery Queen trees Pick, Coke 2.0 3.10 2.30 295 30 + 5 |and DNF--Grattan Hal G 3-Lechianna, Hayes 5.4 2.90 3) (3). %| DNF--Pulied up, did ai finish. 4Ann Barmin, Findley 2.30 2 3 | | Also Started: Poplar Lady, Hal Bald~ 15\e 15% | FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse iia Century Fallout, Prize Valley, and eee: | $800 (8). Dandy Sandy. 14% WN" 1-Perfect Time, Hayes 2.20 2.70 2.40' Attendance $73. Total Pool $334,907. 3% 10% FORT ERIE ENTRIES 19% 19% + sd CLEAR AND @00D 10% 485 485 +8 |!n the Tub, Dittfach 117 King. Jive, Gomez 4 9 9 + | Roguish Princess, No Boy 117 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Clainy. 26% 26% 124 12% + 8 8 j Twin Kiss, No Boy 117 150 150 +10 |Zacata, No Boy 117 Ing ($3000), four-year-olds. One mile and> 70 yards (6). 8%, 8% 54 15% 51 322 600 605 ey FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden Royel Paul, Dittfach 117 4 124+ Ve iwoy ear old fillies, foaled In Canada. 2| Paris Fashions, Brownell XXX96 5¥e 452 + S| Furlongs (18). |Snow Water, Gordon 109 132 13% Bella Regina, No Boy 117 Black Treasure; at mW 234 28+ i) Third Rule, No Boy 117 754 75% + %a|Sunday Cruz, No Boy 11 7 Macorina, Lopez 111 41. -- 1 |Ruling Crown, Barroby 117 | Mark Left, No Boy 116 Speedy Redbird, Steve ue | Freedoms Hope, No Boy 116 Winsom-& Satter; Ha Pegaso-2nd, Harris 11.6 %|Dalton's Pamela, Sitreeclaae x12 |Gun Artist, No Boy ie |Edashara, No Boy 117 | Ramsay 2nd, Wer: Yve| Also Eligible: Challie Moon, No Boy | EXACTO! SETTINE) }117; Run Around Sue, No Boy 117; Shree,| | Potts 117; Right Page, Gomez 117; Mon- 5 jessa, Fitzsimmons 117; Off the Broom, | Armstrong 7. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow- 'ances, three-year-olds, foaled In Canada. |5 Furlongs (8). Harry Hughes, No Boy 117 Ever Onward, Gomez 120 Wabush, Leblanc 120 | Blue Chimes, Walsh uy |Cover Night, Si 17 | Royal Encounter, aula Xx19 |Renssik, Steve X10; Man in Flight, No. Boy 117 | SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- ing ($3,000), four-year-olds and up. 5 Fur- longs (18). | Select Sin, No Boy 107 Flipping Floyd, Walsh 113 | Magic Fleet, Werry X106 5 |Peaches Reward, Ferro X108 Falsun, Potts 114 - %/Aged Dust, No Boy 113 ve| Mad Charge, No Boy 113 House Boy, Werry X11] y,| Rock Age, Cuthbertson X117 {Boers Line, Teeter X108 |Doc Jal, E. Lopez 119 "Tri ple Alliance, Inouye 116 Also Eligible: Balacomba, Dittfach 116; |Half Light, Cuthbertson X111; Free View,| Chop Olis, Kornblum XX113 ¢ |Anderson 'XXX101; Smart Flyer, Korn-|H@r-Dan, Walsh 120 10 |blum X106; French Twist, Simpson 111; ae omar sine a et win Bae See Ne |sweet Trouble, Johnstone 117 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,600. "The Billy Kelly', allowances, three-year-olds, | toaled in Canada (Division of 6th). 5 Fur- longs (8). | Sultan's Treat, Brownell XXX102 Cleotus, Bradfield XXX105 | Linebacker, Dittfach 120 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maiden| two-year-olds. 2 Furlongs (13), | Nimble, Inouye A-120 | Traffic Swirl, No Boy A-120 | Reichstadt, Dittfach 120 |Music Circle, Gomez 120 Rillow, Leblanc 120 |Lila A., Walsh 117 | Princess Selket, No Boy 120 Sensationally, No Boy 120 Mahmoud's Star, No Boy 120 | Face Maker, No Boy 120 | Dulzura, Lopez B-120 | Distelite, No Boy 117 Also Eligible: Galante, Lopez B-120. --16 |A--Kinrara Stable and J M Martin entry +10 | BA Lopez entry --45 | +25 26 21% 28 7 7 91 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- jing ($3000), four-year-olds and up (Divi- |sion of 2nd). 5 Furlongs (18) |Comby, No 08 Nacuba, Nedeau 119 | Eddie Shack, Brownell XXX107 | Teny's Count, No Boy 113 Bordeau Bar, No Boy 113 Cantidad 2nd, Harris 111 Love Quest, No Boy 114 Kilkarry, Harrison 111 Marathon Runner, Werry X108 Artista, Armstrong 111 Our Interview, Fitzsimmons 119 Mineral Wealth, No Boy 113 Also Eligible: Gandio, No Boy 116; Steve C., Cuthbertson X114; Ambiguity, Dittfach 108; Valecrest Lady, Bradfield XXX107; Peter Picker, Parker X108; Humber Broom, Cy aah Mk POST TIME 2 P.M. X--S5 Ibs AAC; XX--7 Ibs AAC; XXX--10 Ibs AAC 2414 62 210 24\a 6a 2710 1,650,000, 165 165 25 310. 255 655 255 655 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, Ciaim- ing ($4000), three-year-olds. 5 Furlongs 1 (9). | Royal Staff, Walsh 116 Pay Now, Armstrong 111 | Kalate Out, Werry X11} Major Roberts, Barroby 111 RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH $5.00 PER DAY so wuteace cn 725-65 of London, MILEAGE CHARGE RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa announced | manufac-| and equipment. | i

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