SS: 5S En IE OO TED AES SP ore er BOA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Merch 1966 Top $7,000,0 By LLOYD BOLAHOOD President Oshawa and District Real Estate Board In 1965 The Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board sold Four Hundred and Fifty (450) properties through their Mul- tiple Listing Service, showing a total volume in sales of over Seven Million ($7,000,000) Dol- lars. I feel every indication that the present economic 'boom in) Canada is going to continue this year. There are no real signs of deterioration. The worse we could expect would be a mo- mentary slowing down before another period of large expan- sion. The right money situation , i : that is here. In my opinion it'business of buying, selling, will not last the year out. |renting, exchanging and man- NHA's new interest rate will|@8ing real estate, and loaning boost the anticipated starts in| money thereon. new housing as the investors) D. To demonstrate to the gen-| will provide more NHA funds|¢ral public that this Board is| at the increased rates. making a determined effort to Re-Sale property will be a help the Oshawa and District scarce item and older homes /2rea share in the development will not be in supply to meet of Ontario by the study of as-!| the demand. People will not,sessments and taxation, by ad- move because the choice of new/ vocating favorable legislation accommodations is too narrow | affecting real estate, and by en- so they: become content with! couraging investors to invest in what they have through neces- | this area. thee sity. People would move if they| E. To expect, and insist, that could find something better at|{he members will, in transact- the right price. About forty |ng real estate, maintain the (40) per cent of the home own- high standard of conduct as ex- ers have lived in the same(Pressed in the Code of Ethics dwelling five (5) years or more, |of the Ontario Associations of Our job is to encourage fam-|Real Estate Boards. ilies to improve their standards| F. To establish and standard- | of housing. jize the Real Estate business in| The Oshawa and District Real/a-manner that will create and Estate Board was formed in| retain confidence and respect 1954 with six (6) offices and a| G. To elevate the standard of ,total of seventeen (17) board the real estate profession by | members. education and united co-op-| 1965 has seen the Oshawa and eration. oe Binet Sy | istrict Real Estate Board ex-| H. To promote the jracing and Burman drove ajpand to forty-four (44) offices "Realtor" and impress stock model one mile in 59 sec-|with a total of two hundred and ,of Newcastle, to the west boun-j Gary Ul Uie yiliage Gs 2 acmclne. The objects of this Board are as follows: A. To unite those engaged in the real estate business in the Oshawa and District area and to demonstrate that the mem- bers of this Board wish to exert an influence upon matters per- taining to the real estate busi- ness which will be beneficial to the area. B. To encourage individual | ownership of homes and busi- nesses. H C. To promote and enforce; fair dealings and to encourage goodwill, fellowship and a spirit of co-operation among. the members of the Board in the A RAE LLOYD BOLAHOOD OF ODREB term upon SIGN PACT all that the |, the general public onds, ififteen (215) board members in ithe real estate field. HISTORY RECALLED The Oshawa and District Real automobile in Canada. Always closely associated|Estate Board covers 4 = with leaders of the motor carfrom the north shore © e LEADERSHIP PLAN jindustry, R. §. McLaughlin was|Ontario to the north boundary Oshawa-built cars in 1909 con-|elected a director of GM _ in/of the village of Port Perry, to tinued to maintain leadership iniU.S.A. in 1910. the east boundary of the Village McLaughlin Company, in 1907) signed 15-year contract for sole manufacturing rights of Buick/ term implies I. To unite the real estate brokers, dealers and owners of Ontario for the purpose of exerting effectively a combined | influence upon matters pertain- | ing 'Realtors Sales 00 its wise utilization and widely allqnnatad qumerchin denend the survival and growth of free in- stitutions and of our civilization. The- Realtor is the instrumen- | tality through which the land | resources of the nation reaches | its highest use and through land ownership attains its wid-/| est distribution. He is the crea-' tor of homes, a builder of cities, | a developer of industries and productive farms. K. Such functions impose obligations beyond those of or- dinary commerce; they impose grave social responsibility and a patriotic duty to which the} Realtor should dedicate himself, | and for which he should be dili- gent in preparing himself. The | Realtor, therefore, is zealous to maintain and improve the standards of his calling and ;shares with his fellow-realtors a common responsibility for its | integrity and honor. REALTOR'S PLEDGE L. To protect the individual right of real estate ownership and to widen the opportunity to enjoy it To be honorable and honest in all dealings; To seek better to represent my clients by building my knowledge and competence; To act fairly towards all in the spirit of the Golden Rule; To serve my community well, and through it my country; To observe the Realtor's Code of Ethics and conform my con- duct to its lofty ideals. NEW BYLAW A proposed bylaw governing minimum standards for hous- ing in Oshawa was proposed several months ago and has been submitted by the City Health Dept. to City Council and the Provincial government or consideration. FRONT SEAT One of the developments of the year 1920 was the adjust-) able front seat to and affecting real estate.|patented at General Motors of invented and J. Under all is the land. Upon! Canada. WATCH FOR THIS SIGN! When You see a truck going by with this sign on its door you know someone is re- ceiving fast prompt T.V. Antenna Service BY OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY 17. ANTENNAS AND T.V. ANTENNA TOWERS BUILT BY OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. ARE MANUFACTURED RIGHT HERE IN OSHAWA. When you buy a T.V. Antenna or Tower from Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. you know you are buying top quality Oshawa Workmanship. RECEIVE THE BEST' T.V. RECEPTION WITH A T.V, ANTENNA AND TOWER BUILT AND SOLD BY OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY t1. TAUNTON ROAD EAST T.V. ANTENNA SALE & SERVICE CALL 723-8131 (Just East of Ritson Road) ANY OLD STORE! Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED supply depot for progressive Independents IGA Stores are carefully selected for membership on the basis of Character -- Integrity -- And Community Spirit -- plus -- IGA Store Owners must pledge maintenance of National High Standards of Quality -- Cleanliness and Low Pricing. 4 @ IGA - THE LARGEST CHAIN OF INDEPENDENT FOOD MERCHANTS IN THE WORLD * @ TABLERITE QUALITY MEATS Only Canada's Finest Red or Blue Brand Beef is good enough to bear the IGA Tablerite Label, You Can Count On QUALITY at IGA Your IGA Food Store offers the widest selection of Nationally Advertised Canned and Packaged Foods. Rushed to your IGA Store daily, to ensure you of the freshest Local and Imported Produce. _ @ LOW, LOW PRICES z At IGA you'll find Low Everyday Prices on all items Day after Day after Day. * uN COURTEOUS SERVICE Each IGA Store Owner is a Member of the Community, a Neighbour, and a friend. : : PRESENTER cree @ THE IGA TAPE PLAN Your Cash Register Tapes are Redeemable for Free Gifts or EATON Merch- ( b A WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A OU y LITTLE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT | 7 STORES IN THE OSHAWA AREA TO SERVE YOU! | MOTOR CITY IGA COLLEGE HILL IGA Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa Cubert St., Oshawa DYL'S IGA BECKSTEAD IGA 166 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshawa Courtice, Ontario BILSKY IGA BRAEMOR IGA 120 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa Stevenson Rd. N. at LANSDOWNE IGA Annapolis St., Oshawa Lansdowne Shopping Centre aera ARES