a ania ined : "Tenet | oe ' Laer -- PROGRESS THROUGH PLANNING In a changing world, a city, a company's, or an individual's future hinges on plare- ning today to meet the future needs and desires of the people tomorrow. It be- hooves us all to look ahead to meet new opportunities and challenges. Manufacturers Of .. . @ HOT WOUND COIL SPRINGS @ EXTRUDED AND MOULDED PLASTICS @ AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS SPRINGS @ TORSION BARS @ AUTOMOTIVE BUMPERS "BUY CANADIAN" Advancing with Oshawa's Growth Since In the year 1864, The Ontario Stee! Products Co, Ltd. established their first factory near Gan- anoque, where they engaged in the manufac- ture of carriage springs and axles. Since that time the company has continued to expand and eventually this expansion took shape in the erection of new factories at Chatham, Oshawa and Milton. Today the Ontario Steel Products Company Limited produces the bulk of chassis springs for the automotive industry of Canada. 1921 Its service to the motoring public and to the citizens of Oshawa and district has been great through its production of springs, bumpers and other essential parts used in the automotive in- dustry. The motto of the Ontario Steel Products Company Limited is to keep one step ahead of the times and as new and better manufacturing ways appear they will be the FIRST to adopt them, ONE of OSHAWA'S OLDEST and MOST PROGRESSIVE INDUSTRIES We of the Ontario Steel Products Co. Ltd. are proud to be a part of Oshawa and are happy indeed to extend con- gratulations on this 41st Anniversary as a city! ! our motto is through Office and Plant: Ritson Reed North, Oshawa -- Head Office, Toronte Plants at Oshawe, Gananoque, Chatham, Milton and Lacolle, Quebee company limited OSHAWA, ONTARIO i Sh ion td ty i's ihn ain iba i i hb sain '2 A Bo